Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Nov 15, 2016


"Make mine to go" Chapter 35

Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go " Chapter 35

Firday was quite hectic. Wayne had arrived by eight thirty a.m. and Keith and Brian had arrived by nine. Lee had begun as soon as the boys breakfast was finished and Chris had left for work. "Honey I'm...uuhhh... what the hell ?" Chris said as he hit the top step coming into the kitchen. The dining room table to his right was covered with boxes of food and cases of sterling silver serving trays. The kitchen counters surprisingly were clean except for food out being prepared. The table from downstairs was set up in the office and was covered with boxes of prepared foods. Lee came around the corner and stopped for a quick kiss. "I am sticky so you don't want to hug me." Lee said. Chris was still speachless as he made his way inot the breakfast room headed to the livingroom. "HOLY SHIT." he said. Chris stood face to face with a four tear wedding cake setting on the breakfast room table. "He's good isn't he ?" Keith commented as he walked by.

About an hour later the doorbell rang. Chris greeted the delivery man at the door. "I am sorry sweetie. I forgot to pull out simething for dinner." Lee said and lowered his head. "Baby I wouldn't expect dinner and you were busy so I just ordered some take out to be delivered. Now we just have to find a place to eat." Chris laughed. Wayne dug in the pantry and found some paper plates. "I thought Keith was licking the dishes clean." Chris laughed. "Shit, Lee wont give you time to enjoy the bowl. I did get tot taste all the fillings for the wedding cake though." Keith said with a grin. "Fillings ?" Chris asked. "Hell yeah man. The bottom tear has keylime pie filling, the second is lemon mirange, the third is coconut cream and the top is strawberry cheesecake." Keith said. "Damn baby I will need weight watchers after all this." Chris said. "Oh no. Once it leaves here it doesn't come back." Lee said laughing. Dinner was finished and the plates discarded. The kitchen had been cleaned and all that was left was to frost and finish the wedding cake. "Guys I can't thank you enough for your help. If you can come over around two tomorrow and take a load of this to the aquarium I would appreciate it." Lee said to Keith and Brian. "We can still help. Its still early. " Brian said. "Well everything is finished, packed away and ready to load. All I have left is the cake and a few tray garnishes but I appreciate the offer." Lee said. "Well show me and Wayne the garnishes. I am not leaving until I see that cake finished. " Brian said laughing.

Brain and Wayne made quick work of the garnishing vegetables. Lee almost felt the hair standing up on his neck knowing that he had four men looking over his shoulder as he decided how to decorate the cake. Lee sat there for about ten minutes roatating the cake on a lazy Susan. "Guys this may take all night. You may want to go upstairs and pick a room." Chris said. "No need. I say and hour and half tops." Wayne said. "No way." Brian said. "Seen it too many times. Once he decides what he is going to do it will go real fast." Wayne commented. Lee got up and went to get his frosting. Frosting tinted and pastry bags ready Lee checked to make sure that all the forsting was smooth with no spatula marks or air bubble. They guys frowned when Lee filled a bag with black frosting. Minutes later they all stood there in awe as they saw a tuxedo cake coming together. Each layer had what looked like a collar with an opening in the front. Lee took a small spatula and curled out the edges to make it look like a shirt collar. In the opening he made a bow tie and underneath that a button so that it resembled a tuxedo coat with a black tie and black buttons. With a pastry bag with white frosting Lee made quick work of making whimsical but elegant designs on each tier. The final touch was gerber daisies and smaller mixed flowers. Since Paul had not wanted a cake topper Lee designed a tall and airy flower arrangement out of red, orange, and yellow daisies with floral greenery and smaller accent flowers. Lee placed a miniture yellow rosebud with greenery and babies breat next to each tuxedo collar so that it looked like the tuxedo's had boutineers. Each layer had arrangements with daisies. Setting back and slowly spinning the cake Lee stood and walked away for a moment. "I will come back in a minute and see what I need to do to finish it." Lee said. Chris walked up behind Lee and wrapped his arms around him. "My God baby its perfect. You don't need to touch it. I had no clue you could do that." Chris said.

Brian stood there looking at the cake with his mouth open. Keith walked up Brian and wrapped his arms around him. As he lay his head on Keith's shoulder he said. "After seeing this he is going to make ours too." Keith said. "Ours too ?" Brian thought. Seeing the two couples standing there wrapped in their embraces Wayne got up and began to clean the table. The only thoughts going through his head was that the one that he wanted to do the same with was only four or five miles away but he knew that it would never happen. Busying himself with the clean up to stop the tears from forming in his eyes Wayne left the men standing looking at the cake. "I will get all that Wayne. You have done enough." Lee said. "I got it. Plus if I leave it you will decide to try to do something else to the cake. Its done and its perfect. " Wayne said. Lee's speaking brought Brian and Keith out of their transe and Keith began to help. Lee knew of Wayne's situation and realized that Chirs' embrace had brought out tendor feelings in Wayne. "Baby I love you holding me but I think between the cake and seeing how much we love each other is upsetting Wayne." Lee whispered. "Why would we upset Wayne ?" Chris asked. "Its nothing to do with either of us but after this is all over I will explain Wayne's situation to you." Lee said. "O.k baby. " Chris said as he squeezed Lee's ass cheek, kissed him on the neck and moved away. "O.k. stink pot and stinker. Bath time." Chris said as he went to the living room to collect the boys. Lee stood and looked at the cake and wished he had decorated it totally different. He had to leave that thought alone. Lee had made almost five hundred wedding cakes over the years and had never been happy with one.

Saturday hit like a whirlwind. Chris had delivered the boys to Pamela's niece and Keith and Brian had arrived and loaded their vehicle. By the time Chris returned, Wayne's SUV was filled also. The only vehicle left to load was Chris and Lee's. Once the last was loaded Lee instructed the men as to which order the vehicles were to be unloaded. "Damn this is going to be crazy." Brian said. "Not if you listen to Lee. It will go as smooth as clock work if you follow his directions." Wayne said. Two hours later the aquarium was set up and all the deliveries made. The only thing left was to place food trays out that needed to stay refrigerated until closer to time. The aquarium had offered a small room for the group to change in.

Chris and Lee changed first so that Lee could get back out and make sure the florist finished correctly. Wayne elected to go last. He sat in the dressing room quietly fighting back the tears. "Why in the hell do you do this to yourself Wayne ?" he thought. Out in the foyer Bob and Paul had arrived. Keith and Brian had cut them off to keep them from entering the reception room. "I want to see what it looks like." Paul said. "The florist has about five more minutes of clean up and Lee doesn't want you to see it until its finished." Keith said. Paul looked at Bob and pouted. "Be patient Paul. I will tell you this. You can tell Lee knows his stuff. The room is absolutely amazing and the food even more so. " Brian said. "Yeah when Lee had his catering business he was the most sought after caterer in our area." Keith said.

Wayne joined the group. He had met with Lee and the servers so he would be able to help Lee keep the food flowing. Keith introduced Wayne to both Bob and Paul . "This is our friend that came up to help Lee." Keith said. "How can we ever thank you for all your help. " Bob said. "Yes, how much do we owe you ?" Paul asked. "Lee has been a great friend for many years and has done a lot for me. You don't owe me anything. Well just one thing. Live your life full of love and happiness and break the stereo type of the gay partnerships and marriage. That in itself is over payment and a bonus for me." Wayne said. "Well you are going to have to start coming to some of our dinner parties and outings." Bob said. "Besides we need someone else that knows Keith to help keep him in line. " Paul laughed. "Oh I think Brian has that under control." Wayne laughed. "Hey guys I'm not that bad." Keith laughed.

Chris and Lee came out one of the side doors and joined the group. "We can't thank you enough for what you have done." Bob said. "Don't thank me yet. I don't know that you will like it." Lee said. "Well if they aren't amazed at this shit then they need their heads examined." Keith said. Brian lightly punched Keith in the side. "Sorry guys. He is still in training." Brian said which got a good laugh from all including Wayne. "Alright guys. Close your eyes and we will lead you in. I know its corny but indulge us for a minute." Chris said. Chris and Brian helped Bob and Paul while Lee and Keith opened the doors. "Alright guys you can open your eyes now." Chris said.

Both Bob and Paul stood there amazed as they looked around the room. The back drop to the room was one of the glass walls to the aquarium. There was greenery with small flowers that draped the bottom of the aquarium. The tables had light blue clothes covered with a white half cloth that accented the aquarium water. Tables were placed around the room with different levels of food. No dish was sitting table level. Each dish had its own height and focal point. The garnish on the trays also matched the flowers on the tables and in the aquarium window. Bob and Paul both spotted the wedding cake at the same time. It sat on a table by itself and had a water fountain sitting on the table beside it adorned with the same daisies as on the cake.

Paul could not speak. Bob's eyes looked as though they were about to pop out of his head. As Lee looked at Paul all he could see were tears streaming down his cheeks. "Oh my God Paul I am so sorry. I thought this was what we discussed. I just tweaked it a little. I'm sorry." Lee said as tears began to form in his eyes. Paul almost leaped at Lee grabbing him and hugging him as he burst into real tears. "It is amazing Lee. I could have never dreamed this. I owe you so much for this. I don't know what to say." Paul said. While Paul was talking Bob walked over and hugged Lee at the same time. "I don't know how you did this Lee. Its beyond perfect." Bob said. Sensing the mood needed to change Brian stepped up and said. "Hell guys this will go down as the social event of the year in the gay community. I can't wait to see some of those queens faces when they get here." "He's still in training too." Keith laughed. "Babe we are going to have to sell my new truck to pay for this." Paul said. "Oh no. Your friends donated enough to pay for the room, the food, the florist and the chairs and table rental. Well all but about $200.00 but Wayne paid that as a wedding gift. So this is all paid for." Bob said. "Something half this nice for my company costs over $100,000.00. " Paul said. "Well the caterers donated their services as a wedding gift." Keith said. "Thank You guys so much. And thank you Wayne. You don't even know us. Well not yet anyway. " Paul said. "Well just remember what I said you owed me." Wayne said and smiled. "A hundred thousand. Damn Lee I need to take you home and let you type up a bill. " Chris laughed.

The guests began to arrive. Everyone was amazed at the decorations, the food and the service. A couple of short announcements and everyone began to mingle. Wayne felt totally lost in the crowd and as usual stayed to himself. Brian was busy introducing Keith to the people that he knew as did Chris with Lee. Bob and Paul were getting rave reviews along with congratulations on their marriage. There was a good mix of gay and straight couples including both Bob and Paul's families. If there was a mix up or mess up it was well covered from any guests or the wedding couple. It seemed to move as smooth as silk. "This is fucking amazing. I could have never pulled this off." Brian whispered to Keith. "Wayne told us to follow Lee's directions and it would all run smooth." Keith said.

"Stop stressing. Surely there will be people here that I know." Ronnie thought as he got out of his car in the parking deck. "I wonder if they will realize I am not here ?" he thought as he stood beside his car. As he stood there and tried to think of a good excuse his phone buzzed. "Do we need to call your service ?" was a text from Brian. Ronnie hit the screen on his phone. "In the parking lot now." was his reply. Ronnie made his way to the area of the aquarium the reception was in. Luckily Ronnie met a few people that he knew as he entered the room. As he looked around he thought to himself. "Damn this is nice. I am glad I am alone. If my partner had come he would want me to do something even nicer for his birthday so he wouldn't be out done. " Ronnie thought. "Hey Doc, thought we were going to have to come find you. " Keith said as he walked up and gave Ronnie a hug. "Yeah he has been stressing all day that you would chicken out." Brian laughed. They led Ronnie over and introduced him to Bob and Paul. Bob and Ronnie both realized that their paths had crossed a couple of times at different events in Atlanta over the years. They then found Chris and Lee and introduced them also.

Wayne had made his way from the crowd into the staging area. He checked with the wait staff and tray preparers to make sure things were running smoothly. Wayne found a chair in the corner to rest for a minute and compose himself. All the couples holding hands was about too much for him to take. "That big muscled guy is looking for you." one of the waiters came and told Wayne. He had to be talking about Keith. Wayne made his way back into the reception room but stayed close to the shadows. Taking a cup of punch he moved over and began to look through the glass at the fish swimming by. "Sniff, sniff. I recognize that cologne." Wayne thought as hand landed on his shoulder. "Wayne buddy. We want you to meet a friend of ours." Keith said. As Wayne turned around his heart stopped. "Doctor Ronnie this is Wayne." Keith said. The look of fear on Wayne's face startled Brian. "Hey Wayne." Ronnie said and stepped up and hugged Wayne. "Hey baby." he whispered in Wayne's ear. Wayne's body by this time was shaking. He scanned the room looking for Ronnie's partner. While Ronnie still hugged him. "Is ?" was all Wayne could say. "No, remember he is out of town." Ronnie whispered. Wayne broke the hug and tried to compose himself. "Holy shit. Remember Wayne was in love with a guy that was in a bad relationship and Ronnie was in love with someone but was in a bad relationship ?" Brian whispered to Keith. "Yeah why ?" Keith asked. As he looked back at the two. "Holy shit." Keith said. "Now that is a perfect match in my book. Lets let them talk." Brian said. "We are going to mingle. We will catch up with you guys shortly." Brian said as he pulled Keith towards another group chatting.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming to this ?" Ronnie asked. "Because you had the weekend to yourself and I knew that if you knew I would be this close that you would either try to rearrange your schedule so we could see each other of come up with some crazy excuse as to why we couldn't." Wayne said. "Am I that bad ?" Ronnie asked. "People are looking. Go mingle. Besides I wasn't expecting to see you and if I don't remedy something very quick I will be embarrassed." Wayne said as he blushed. "I still can't believe that happens." Ronnie said. Wayne had been so in love with Ronnie that for the last four years every time he heard Ronnie's voice either in person or even over the phone he would begin to leak precum like a faucet. If he knows that he will be around Ronnie he is usually prepared but begin commando and wearing khakis would tell on him very quickly. Ronnie watched as Wayne walked off in the direction of the staging area. Lee had positioned himself so that he could watch what was happening. "Baby you stay and chat. I need to go talk to Wayne. " Brian said. "I will go with you. " Keith said. "No baby. You know Wayne to well. He needs someone not so close. Besides I need you to watch the door and make sure Ronnie doesn't sneak out." Brian said.

"Chris I need to borrow your partner here for a minute." Brian said. "Just bring him back." Chris laughed. "What's up buddy ?" Lee asked. Thinking there was an issue in the staging area Lee picked up the pace. Before they made it to where the food was staged Brain began to tell Lee of his suspicions. "Oh shit. You said Doctor Ronnie but I never put two and two together." Lee said "So Wayne is the guy that Ronnie is in love with ?" Brian asked as they moved even faster. "I don't know about that but I do know that Wayne is in love with a Dr. Ronnie that is in a bad relationship and it has almost devastated Wayne." Lee said. By the time Lee and Brian had found Wayne he had snagged an unused linen napkin and remedied his situation. Wayne stood in a corner under the edge of a dividing curtain shaking like a leaf. "Wayne buddy. Are you alright ?" Lee asked. "He's here." Wayne said as tears ran down his cheeks. "I am so sorry Wayne. He is the doctor that fixed me up and Keith and I insisted that he come. We didn't know." Brian said. "Its not your fault. You couldn't have known." Wayne said and placed a hand on Brian's shoulder.

"Hey, baby. Ronnie is asking if Wayne is alright ?" Keith whispered in Brian's ear as he walked up. Wayne heard Keith's whisper. "Alright guys. I have done this too many times before. I can handle this. Lets just hope this thing doesn't run too late." Wayne said. "Well we only have the room for another hour to hour and half." Lee said. "If you need me just say so." Brian said. "I should be a pro at this by now buddy. I can hold it together that long. But Lee I appreciate the offer but once everything is packed I am going home." Wayne said. "Are you sure you will be alright ?" Lee asked. "I have cried my way down I75 many times. Tonight will be no different." Wayne said. "Alright everyone back to the party. I will be fine." Wayne added.

Next: Chapter 36

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