Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Nov 23, 2016


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to Go " Chapter 38

"Mmmmm" Ronnie moaned as he stretched. "I haven't slept that good in years." he thought. He reached over to touch Wayne but found an empty space. Ronnie got up still naked and began to search the house. In the kitchen he found the coffee made and a note resting on the coffee maker. Looking out the window Ronnie realized that Wayne's vehicle was gone. "How did he get out without me hearing him ?" Ronnie thought. The warm and relaxed feeling began to fade as he realized that Wayne was gone. Preparing a cup of coffee Ronnie went and sat at the breakfast table with the note in his hand.

Hey Sweetie (Ronnie)

Thank You so much for allowing me to spend the night. I hope that you were able to get some restful sleep. I am sorry that I left before you woke up but I just couldn't take the awkward good bye. As always it was extremely great to see you.

I know that you are going through some tough times. I love you with all my heart and soul just as I have for the last six years. I am here for you if you need me and I think you know that. I would stop the world and make it turn backwards for you if it were within my power. Please believe that. It hurts me so bad to see you hurt and deal with the stress but I can't fix it.

I know you said your partner has claimed he would hurt himself if you left him. The thing that you have to realize is that it is not your responsibility. You have no fear for your heart and soul for eternity. You and I both know that he is using that to keep you. He needs to grow up. He is over fifty years old.

As I said I would stop the world for you but I have to let you go. We are grown men. Hopefully one day you will decide that life is worth living and being happy. It hurts me too bad to lay there and hold you but know that I can't have you. I will love you with every ounce of my being until the day I die but I can't stand in limbo wondering if something will change. Its not fair to either of us. I feel like sometimes you console yourself by telling yourself that Wayne is out there and he "really" loves me. "If I can ever get out of this he will be there." I can't be that crutch.

You seem to have a light switch. One day you are loving and caring and the next day you are cold. I spend most of my time trying to figure out what I did right or wrong. I can't do that anymore. For six years I have been able to tell by emails or calls when your partner paid rent (sex). It is sad to me that once or twice a month he spreads his legs and that gives you hope that things will get better. Your situation is very sad but you are the only one that can do anything about it.

I am not asking you to make a decision. You have already made that. This is not a letter for you to choose. You have already chosen. This letter is to let you know that I love you unconditionally but I can no longer be that light bulb that you switch on and off at your convenience. Realize this though. There is someone out here that loves you unconditionally but has to let you go. That will never change and I am not mad. I just can't keep up the game. I am too old for games and I have to be myself. I can't be a "challenge" like all gay men want. I am a simple man. I think you realize I don't use the "L" word lightly like most do. When I say it I mean it. I don't use it to get what I want. I hope your life is a good one. I hope that you find peace in the situation that you are in. You know if you need anything I will still be just a call away but I do have to step back.

I Love you. And always will. Wayne. XOXO

"Here are my favorite men." Ms. Gladys said as Bob and Paul came into the maternity waiting area. "And there is my straight crush." Bob said as he walked over and hugged Gladys. "You are the charmer." she said laughing. "Are you men ready to be fathers ?" Gladys asked. "I have been a nervous wreck." Paul said. "Honey there is no need to be nervous. You will learn quickly which cry means diaper change, which means I am hungry, the one that means my stomach hurts, and even the one that means I am just mad. The sooner you realize that when you can't stop the crying and you can just sit in the floor and cry with them the better you will be. Oh and boys please don't keep the pediatrician on speed dial. Keep that number for the important calls." Gladys said. "I think we both have Lee's number memorized." Bob said. "Good number to have. He raised four by himself you know." Gladys said. "Yeah he wont give the full story on what happened but I know he had a rough few years." Paul said. "Well he will probably never tell you the full story. I have known him for years and have only been able to get bits and pieces." she said. "Well I am sure I will burn his phone up." Paul said. "Well I don't think you could get any better then. Breanna, his niece even told me that he saved her many times." Gladys said.

About the time Gladys finished the doctor walked into the waiting room. Gladys introduced both Bob and Paul to the doctor. "The babies and the mother are fine. We have monitored them all night and the babies seem fine and not stressed. Their size, age and development is the reason I decided to do the "c" section now. I had rather do it now than wait and possibly have any of the three go into distress." the doctor said. "Thank You doctor. We trust your decision." Bob said. "The nurse will be in shortly and escort you to your room. Once the babies are delivered, checked, weighed and cleaned they will be brought directly to your room." The doctor said. "How long will we need to stay here ?" Paul asked. "If all goes well we would like for the babies to stay here overnight so that we can monitor them. We like to make sure they eat and that they have a bowel movement. If all goes well you will be leaving here tomorrow. The mother will have to stay for a couple of days but the babies can leave if all is well." The doctor added. "Tomorrow?" Paul gasped. "If you are more comfortable with another day then that can be arranged." The doctor said. "We live in Georgia. How long before we can take them home ?" Bob asked. "They will spend most of their time sleeping. As long as you stop a couple of times and take them out of the car seat for about thirty minutes I see no reason they can't go home tomorrow." said the doctor. "We will just play that by ear." Bob said. "Any other questions ? Its time for me to go make you fathers." the doctor said.

"Eeewww." Papa, you stink." Alex said as they sat at the breakfast table. "That's not me you smell. You are the stinker remember." Chris said with a laugh. "Well somebody does. Is it you Pop ?" Alex said laughing. Cody sat there as if nothing was going on playing in his grits and eggs. (Yes men this is the south. So grits are for breakfast.) "I think that stink pot is the one we smell. He is the only one that seems to be happy." Chris laughed. Lee got up and checked Cody. "Yep this is where its coming from. I'll be back in a minute." Lee said as he took Cody out of the high chair and headed for the bedroom. "Papa, will you be my daddy ?" Alex asked. "Baby I will be anything you want me to be. Why do you ask ?" Chris asked. "Unca Dean is Kolt's daddy and I want a daddy." Alex said. "I would be proud to be yours and Cody's daddy." Chris said. "What about Pop ?" Alex asked. "What about Pop buddy ?" Chris asked. "Do you really love Pop ?" Alex asked. "Yes I do buddy. I hope you do too." Chris said. "I do. I want Pop to be my daddy too but I wanted to make sure you loved him first." Alex said. "I do love him buddy and neither of us are going anywhere. You are stuck with both of us." Chris said. "Promise ?" Ales asked. "Yes baby I promise." Chris said. "Wow I have two daddies now." Alex whispered to himself with a smile.

"Are you nervous baby ?" Keith asked as they headed down the interstate for the extradition hearing. " A little. What if they turn them loose ?" Brian said. "I don't think Lee's family will let that happen even if it were possible." Keith laughed. "I hope your right. I just don't care to ever see either of them again." Brian said. "Well you will have to see them a couple of times but remember they can't get to you." Keith said. "I know. I just want to put the whole thing behind me." Brian said. "Do you trust me ?" Keith asked. "You know I do." Brian said. "Well trust me when I say that they nor no one else will ever hurt you again." Keith said. "What if you aren't around ?" Brian asked. "You plan on replacing me already ?" Keith asked. "No but you may decide I am too much work or too needy and leave." Brian said. "Baby I love you just the way you are and pray daily that you will need me for the rest of your life. I hope after the trials that you can relax a little more and realize that you are worthy of loving. " Keith said as he lifted Brian's hand and kissed it. As they pulled into the parking space at the Sheriff's office Keith could feel the grip on his hand tighten as Brian realized he may have to see his two attackers for the first time. Keith turned in his seat still holding Brian's hand. "Look at me baby. I am right here. No one is going to hurt you. I will die before that happens." Keith said. "You better not. I don't have keys to your truck." Brian said with a laugh.

Once inside the Sherriff's office Brian met many of Keith's co workers. They all ragged Keith about finally finding someone to make him settle down. Once inside the Sherriff's private office both Keith and Brian took a seat across from the Sherriff's desk. The Sherriff entered the office. "You must be Brian. I am honored to meet the man that brought this guy to his knees." the Sherriff said. "Nice to meet you too but he didn't need me." Brian said. "Oh believe me buddy I have known this guy his whole life. It takes a strong man to bring him in line." the Sherriff added. "Well all I had to do was give him my driver's license." Brian said. "Ssshhh.. You will ruin my reputation." Keith laughed. "Well I am happy for both of you. Especially Keith. He is a great guy and I have seen a sparkle in his eye that I have never seen before and I want to thank you for it. " the Sheriff said. "Well I think its mutual." Brian said as Keith reached across and took Brian's hand. "I want to thank you personally though." Brian added. "For what young man?" the Sherriff asked. "For not giving Keith a hard time on his job about being gay and having a boyfriend. " Brian said.

"We may be a small town and in the south but I dare any of my people or anyone in the public to harass my employees and Keith is no different. Oh he will get ragged about being in love but they better not about him being gay. If so they will answer to me and it wont be pretty." the Sherriff said. "I just wanted to thank you in person." Brian said. "The hearing is about to start. You don't have to be in the same room but I need you to read your statement. I will swear you in and have you swear to the truth of it. You will have to be behind a glass so that they can see you. Its sad but the law still states the accused has the right to face their accuser. They can't get to you nor even hear you. Are you alright with that ?" the Sherriff asked. "Can Keith be with me ?" Brian asked. "Keith and I both will be there." the Sherriff added. "Lets get this over with then." Brian said.

Ten minutes later after a few objections by their attorney the judge hit the gavel on the desk. "Both are remanded to the County of Fulton in the State of Georgia to face further pending charges at their earliest convenience." the judge said. Brian stared through the glass at the two men that had beaten him in the parking deck. As they stared back at Brian, Keith saw the tension and leaned over and kissed Brian on the cheek. He then turned and winked at both men staring back which did nothing but enrage both of them. As they both began to protest. "Deputy, subdue the inmates. Once your trial is completed in Fulton County you will be returned here to face drug trafficking charges. This hearing is dismissed." the Judge said.

The doorbell rang at Lee and Chris' house. Answering the door Lee was greeted by a strong hug from Brian. Keith stood behind Brian and mouthed the word "hearing". so that Lee understood. "Hey you guys come on in." Chris called out. Alex ran and grabbed Brian's leg and began chatting non stop. As Keith started towards the couch to greet Chris he was met by Cody. "UP". said Cody. Keith reached down and lifted Cody without missing a step headed towards Chris. The two men and baby had a quick hug and Cody was pushing Chris away as if to say "Go away Keith is mine." Both men laughed and Cody lay his head on Keith's shoulder. "Did everything go well ?" Chris asked. "Yep now its up to Fulton county." Keith said. "What do you guys have planned for the rest of the day ?" Lee asked. "Well that's why we are here. We need a distraction. We were wondering if you would loan us these two rug rats for the afternoon. We wanted to go by and check on Wayne and then we wanted to take the boys to the wildlife reserve." Keith said. "Are you sure you need this much distraction ?" Chris asked. "Can't think of any better distraction." Brian said as he held Alex and Keith held Cody.

"Do you want to go with Keith and Brian ?" Chris asked Alex. " Can I ? I promise to be good." Alex said with excitement. "If Pop says its alright I have no problem." Chris said. "Pop ?" Alex asked. "You and Brian come with me and lets get Cody's diaper bag and also you a change of clothes just in case." Lee said. The two men and Alex headed to his bedroom. After loading the diaper bag with clothes and essentials Brian grabbed the diaper bag. "I will meet you in the living room in a couple of minutes." Lee said. A free afternoon with his lover Lee hurried to the bathroom to prepare himself so that he would not have to wait. Back in the living room the men sat and talked waiting on Lee's return. None really knew the reason for Lee's absence but Brian had an idea. Once Lee returned the men stood each with a child in their arms. "Oh I forgot. We need car seats." Keith said. "Here just take my vehicle." Chris said as he handed the keys to Keith. "Are you sure ?" Keith asked. "Its full of gas and full of car seats so yes I am sure." Chris laughed. "Has anyone heard from Bob and Paul yet ?" Brian asked. "Bob called earlier and said they were at the hospital and had met with the doctor. So it could be any minute now." Chris said.

As Keith and Brian got a quick course in the correct way to buckle a car seat both Chris and Lee's cell phones rang. "It's Bob" Chris said. "It's Paul." Lee said. Both men answered the phone and congratulated the men on the other end. The first words from Bob. "Its a Boy." he said. "The first words from Paul. "Its a girl." he said. The twins had been delivered and they had one of each. "We haven't seen them yet but the nurse said they would bring them in here in about ten minutes. I am so excited." Paul said. "Now is when life begins buddy." Lee said. "I know, I know and I am so excited." Paul said. "Call later after you have gotten to know your new family members." Lee said. "I need to call Keith and Brian." Paul said. "They are right here. I will tell them for you." Lee said. "Thank you for everything." Paul said. "I will remind you of that statement when you have had only a couple hours of sleep over a three or four day period." Lee laughed. "Oh believe me no matter what, that thank you will never change." Paul said. "Enjoy my friend. You will love every minute of it." Lee said as they ended the call. "They ended up with a boy and a girl." Lee told Brian and Keith. Keith looked over and saw a tear in Brian's eyes. "Those tears will be for us one day." Keith thought.

"Hhmmm. No kids for the afternoon. I guess I just need to clean house then." Lee said with a laugh. "Oh no baby the house can wait. Daddy has wanted you in his arms and his cock in that sweet ass of yours for two days." Chris said. "Oh so Daddy has felt a little neglected huh ?" Lee laughed. "Not for long." Chris said as he walked up and took Lee into his arms. Chris pulled Lee's t-shirt over his head and then with his thumbs in the waist band he slid Lee's shorts down to his ankles. Chris got on his knees in front of Lee. "Can you get dessert after breakfast ?" Chris whispered. "Usually that's after another meal." Lee said. "Well Daddy wants his early." Chris said as he opened his mouth and sucked Lee's growing cock head into his mouth. Just being that close to Chris had already made Lee begin to leak precum. Chis removed his mouth and took a couple of fingers and collected some of the dripping fluid. He reached around and as he inserted a finger into Lee's twitching ass he opened his mouth and took Lee's cock into his mouth balls deep. "UUUUhhhhhhh." was the moan that came from deep inside Lee. "Now your baby is feeling a little deprived too so one isn't going to be enough." Lee whispered. "Daddy plans to give his baby exactly what he wants and needs. And no once will not be enough." Chris whispered in a flirty voice.

Lee pulled Chris to his feet and pulled his shirt over his head. He slowly lowered Chris' shorts causing the cloth to strain against Chris' already hard dick. Lee began kissing Chris' neck and worked his way down. "Ah dessert." Lee whispered as he began to slowly lick and then lightly chew on each of Chris' nipples. He worked his way further down paying special attention to Chris' hairy belly button. Arriving at his prize Lee lightly licked the head of Chris' cock. "Gggrrr." Chris moaned. Lee began slowly taking Chris' cock into his mouth. Each stroke down taking more and more. "Chris had leaned over and balanced himself with one hand on Lee's shoulder and with the other he re entered Lee's ass with two fingers this time. "This is killing me." Chris said pulling Lee to his feet. Chris turned Lee around and aimed him towards the bedroom. Inserting two fingers back inside Lee he walked Lee towards the bedroom. "Daddy needs that hot ass and those hot lips. REAL bad." Chris whispered. Pushing Lee onto the bed face down Chris reached into the night stand and grabbed the lube. "Not too much baby. I want the full affect." Lee whispered. Applying a small amount of lube to both his raging cock and Lee's ass Chris leaned over Lee's back and turned his head so that he could Kiss Lee. As his tongue started to enter Lee's mouth Chris had positioned himself so that his cock could enter Lee's ass. In one smooth but slow motion Chris entered Lee's ass and didn't stop until his balls rested in the cheeks of Lee's ass. Lee's body trembled from all the intensity. "Oh fuck baby. This was worth the wait." Chris whispered.

Chris still on his feet pulled Lee back up so that his back was leaning against his chest. "Oh baby just feeling your body breath against mine with my dick deep inside you is heaven. " Chris whispered. "Having your arms wrapped around me and your beautiful dick inside me is heaven." Lee whispered. Chris held his arms around Lee and he began to pull his cock in and out of Lee's ass. Fucking Lee from behind and being able to tweak Lee's hard nipples was a major turn on for Chris. Chris would bend his knees slightly and then push full force into Lee's ass bringing him to his tip toes which always brought a loud moan from Lee. "My baby like that ?" Chris growled. "Baby likes everything Daddy does to him." Lee whispered. The intensity and excitement was too much for both men. Chris began a fast and furious fuck holding Lee tight. Lee pressed the back of his head into Chris' shoulder and arched his back and on his tip toes began to shot his load across the bed. "Oh fuck baby that is so amazing. I have never cum without being touched but I wouldn't swap this sweet ass for anything. I want you to feel.... each...shot... of... my ... cummm. as I cream.... this ....sweet.. ass..." Chris said as he could only talk between each shot that he unloaded deep inside of Lee. "Oh I feel it baby... every drop." Lee whispered. "Well my baby needs even more." Chris said as he kissed Lee's neck.

Chris pulled out suddenly causing a loud popping sound and a slurp as Lee's ass tried to hold in all of Chris' seed. Chris turned Lee around and lay him on his back. He slid Lee further up in the bed and moved between Lee's legs. Lee Lifted his legs giving Chris full access. "Daddy needs to plug that hole and keep his seed in there. I think my baby needs a little more to go with that. " Chris whispered as his still hard cock entered Lee's ass one more time. "Uuuhhh..... Ooohh..." Lee moaned. "Now Daddy is going to really make love to his baby and make him happy." Chris whispered as he lowered his body onto Lee's and began to kiss him deeply. Lee's legs and arms seemed to automatically warp around Chris and pull him in even tighter. "Life can't be better. My lover's tongue down my throat, his hands all over my body and his huge cock buried deep inside me using his own cum as lube." Lee thought.

Next: Chapter 39

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