Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Dec 5, 2016


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go " Chapter 42

"Hey, What's going on ?" Lee asked as Breanna answered her cell phone. "Are you guys safe ?" She asked. "We are fine. I am freaking out though. I can't find out anything about Keith and Brian." Lee said. "We heard there was an accident and a shoot out. The only thing they would tell us was that You, Chris and the boys were not involved." Breanna said. "Well I have been speed dialing both Keith and Brian and it goes straight to voice mail." Lee said. "Hopefully they will tell us all something in a few minutes." Breanna said. "Well I am really starting to get pissed off." Lee said. "Just calm down. You know Grandma hires the best. " Breanna said. "How are she and Dean doing ?" Lee asked. "Grandma is just a little bruised up but they are going to keep her over night just to make sure. Dean is raising hell wanting to get home but he had to have a few stitches and has a couple of cracked ribs. " Breanna said.

"Is everyone else safe ?" Lee asked. "As far as I know they are." Breanna said. "What the hell is going on. Who is behind this ?" Lee asked. "We aren't sure yet. At first they thought it may have something to do with the boys but I think they have ruled that out. Apparently it is someone trying to send Grandma a message. She is steaming so I am sure we will know very soon who is behind this. " Breanna said. "Well now that I know everyone is safe I need to see what I can do to help Keith and Brian. Breanna the SUV was still sliding on its side the last time I saw it. " Lee said trying not to cry. "Lee remember. This is Keith we are talking about. He is trained in all this crap. I am sure he will be fine. You have to hold it together because ":YOU" are the one that will have to make things happen on that end. Remember that. " Breanna said. " I know that. We love you girl. Give the babies a kiss and keep all of you safe. I am sure we will be seeing you tomorrow. " Lee said as he hung up the phone. "Everyone alright baby ? " Chris asked. "Apart from Keith and Brian it seems to be. I HAVE to find out they are alright." Lee said and he broke down in Chris' arms and began to sob.

"Keith baby, please pick up the phone and talk to me. I love you baby. You are my reason for living. Please talk to me. " Brian cried into the phone. "The men had surrounded the SUV and Brian watched as two men climbed up the vehicle to try to get inside. Moments later the phone went dead. Brian began to have a panic attack. Every time he would move towards the SUV he would be stopped by the guard. "Please sir. Stay here where you are safe. Let our men do their job." he would say. Brian's phone rang. "KEITH, KEITH , baby speak to me." Brian screamed and cried at the same time. "Brian? What's wrong?. This is Wayne." Wayne said with fear in his voice. "He's in the car Wayne. They wont tell me if he is alive." Brian cried. "Holy Shit buddy. What's going on ? What can I do ?" Wayne asked. "Get me an ambulance. I need help Wayne PLEASE." Wayne said. "O.k. Wayne listen to me carefully. Keith is a strong man. He is going to be fine now you need to be strong. He was strong for you now you need to be for him. Tell the EMT's to take him to Piedmont and I will call Ronnie." Wayne said. "Thank you. You are my savior right now. " Wayne said. "You don't need my strength buddy. You have enough for you and Keith too. Let me call Ronnie and get him to the hospital and I am on my way. Stay strong buddy. Keith will be fine. " Wayne said.

"The party you have reached is not available. At the tone please leave you name and number." Ronnie's voice mail had answered. "Ronnie this is Wayne. Call me ASAP." Wayne hung up and thought to himself . "If he is with his partner it may take a while for him to call." Picking his phone back up Wayne sent a text to Ronnie. "Call me 911....911." Ronnie's phone went off signaling a text message. He had been in the living room at home sitting across the room from his partner and didn't want to have to explain talking to Ronnie. He lifted the phone and his heart almost stopped. "Hey what's wrong ? Are you alright ?" Ronnie asked as Wayne answered the phone. "Its not me. It's Keith. They still have not cut him out of the vehicle. Brian is standing on the side of the street and has no idea if Keith is even still alive. I told them to have them carry him to Piedmont. " Wayne said. "O.k. If you talk to Wayne again tell him I am on my way." Ronnie said. "What happened ?" Ronnie asked. "I really don't know. I know that Lee, Chris and the boys were being escorted home by Lee's security people and someone tried to run them off the road thinking it was Lee but it was Keith driving his truck." Wayne said. " Lee's security ? What are you talking about ?" Ronnie asked. "Long story. I will tell you sometime but please just get to the hospital. I will be there as soon as I can." Wayne said. "I am headed out now. And baby. Please be careful." Ronnie said. "What was that all about ?" the partner asked. "I have an emergency at the hospital I have to go. " Ronnie said. "What about me ? What about my dinner ?" the partner protested. "Eat a fucking sandwich for all I care." Ronnie said as he headed out the door. "I want be talked to this way in my house." the partner called from the door. "Good this is my house. Yours is across town. Go to yours and I want talk to you that way." Ronnie shouted as he shut his car door and started the ignition.

"I am going to the hospital." Lee stood and announced. "Sir we can't let you leave. " the security officer said. "CAN'T. We will just see about that." Lee said. He opened his phone and pressed a code. "Yes sir, how can we help you?" the voice on the other end said. "This is Lee and I am leaving here going to the hospital even if I have to fucking walk." Lee said. "Sir for your safety I am asking you to stay home and let us call you with reports." the voice said. "I have tried that and have been treated like shit. I am going to the hospital. If you have to call out the Army fucking national guard you do what you have to do." Lee said. "Sir your and your families safety is our first concern. " the voice said. "Well let me just put it this way. You have two minutes to have me in a vehicle headed to the hospital or my next call will be to replace you and your entire company. Do you UNDERSTAND me ?" Lee said.

"Yes sir. Give me a couple of minutes and I will work out something." the voice said. "Know this. If I call you back because I am not on my way to the hospital it will be to tell you that you and your company are fired. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME ?" Lee shouted as he held the phone away from his ear. "Sir please calm down." the security guard in the house said to Lee. He looked over at Chris as if looking for help. "Hell no buddy. I wouldn't get in the middle of this for all the money in the world and he loves me. If you don't do what he says then you will also have me to deal with." Chris said. Moments later the guards phone rang. "Yes sir. Piedmont. Any further instructions ? " the guard asked. "Mr. Lee your escort will be here within five minutes." he said. "I guess someone finally understands me." Lee said huffing out of the room.

Chris followed Lee into the bedroom and walked up behind him and wrapped his arms around him. "You alright baby ?" Chris asked. "No one is taking me serious. I told you once that I would move heaven and earth and turn hell inside out if I needed for you and the boys. If that escort is not here in three and a half minutes, close your eyes and ears because you will see a small dose of exactly what I am talking about. " Lee said. "I believe you baby but please calm down. You know I love you, don't you ?" Chris said. "I love you too baby. Please don't take anything I say out of line personally. I just have to pull this side out sometimes to get my point across. " Lee said. "Just remember I love you with all my heart and soul." Chris said. A lite tap on the door. "Sir your escort has arrived." the officer said. "Go baby. I will stay here with the boys." Chris said. "Sir I have three children and the female security officer has two. Your boys are asleep and if you feel safe leaving them here we can take care of them while you go with Mr. Lee." the officer said.

"Babe, I feel lost. We need to be doing something. " Paul said to Bob. "I don't know what we can do. All we can so is wait for news." Bob said. Paul had brought Leyton into the living room and was trying to feed him. Leyton was crying and not eating which caused Paul to begin to cry. "Sir if you don't mind let me try to get the little fella to eat." the security officer said. Reaching out and taking Leyton from Paul the baby almost immediately stopped crying and as soon as the bottle was in his mouth he began to eat. "See my son doesn't even like me." Paul cried. "No sir that's not it. Hold your hands out. " the officer said. Paul held his hands out and could barely do so they were shaking so bad. "See sir. This baby senses when you are nervous, scared or upset. The only way he knows to react is cry because it scares him too. " the officer said. "How do you know so much about babies ?" Bob asked. "Have a couple of my own at home. My little girl is only three weeks old." the officer said. "So gruff straight men loves babies too ?" Paul said laughing. "Who said I was straight ?" the officer laughed. "Sorry." Paul said.

"No need. I am straight but my brother in law and his partner are my best friends. Every time my wife gets mad at me I tell him and her that I married the wrong sibling. " which made all the men laugh. The officer stood and handed Leyton back to Paul while he was still eating. "See little man your daddy is much calmer." the officer said. "I don't get to hold my own while my brother in law and brother in law are there. They have been trying to adopt for years but I am sure you two know how long it took you. Being a gay couple and all I mean." the officer said. "Yep took us six weeks." Paul said. "Those babies can't be six weeks old. I was informed two days." the officer said. "Oh they are. But from the time we decided to adopt it only took six weeks." Bob said. The officer sat there puzzled. "Well my brother in law lives in Charleston, South Carolina and they have spent many thousands of dollars and over seven years and are no closer." the officer said.

"You need to talk to Lee." Paul said. "We are not allowed to speak to clients except for business matters. Plus I don't think I want to see him for a few weeks." the officer said. "Why is that ?" Bob asked. "Well sir since you are his lawyer I guess I can speak freely. I got a call a few minutes ago that Mr. Lee had threatened the whole company. It only took my boss about two minutes to decide to do as Mr. Lee said. " the officer said. "What was his issue ?" Paul asked. "He wanted to go to the hospital and was told no. BIG mistake." the officer said. "If he is anything like his mother I bet that was the wrong answer." Bob said. "To be honest sir. We are all more afraid of Mr. Lee and his niece than we are his mother. She comes right out the gate strong and you know where you stand. Those two can blow up like dynamite and its too late." the officer said. " I can't see Lee doing that. " Paul laughed. "Oh I can." Bob said. "Well you may not be able to talk to Lee on your brother in laws behalf but I can. So give him my number and have him call me." Paul said. "Thank you sir. Any help you could give but be great." the officer said. "How long have they been together ?" Bob asked. "We just went to Charleston for their twentieth anniversary. They have been together since high school. " the officer said. "Wow that's awesome." Paul said. "Yeah Mrs. Gladys will love them." Bob laughed.

Brian sat beside the truck crying. All he could see were sparks flying from Lee's SUV as the firemen cut away the vehicle to get Keith out. The accident was on Ronnie's way to the hospital. Not knowing this was the accident that Keith was in he was getting anxious trying to get around the accident to the hospital. As he sat in traffic he looked to his right and saw a young man setting on the ground with his hands on his head. As he watched the young man Brian raised his head and it only took a moment for Ronnie to realize who it was. He threw his car in park and jumped out and ran to Brian. The security guard stepped up. "Sir get back in your vehicle." he said. "BRIAN" Ronnie called out. Brian looked up and suddenly felt some relief. He jumped and ran to Ronnie. Ronnie immediately had him sit on the ground. "Get me an EMT." Ronnie shouted. "No. They need to help Keith." Brian cried. "Just sit still. You have a bad gash on your head." Ronnie said. "No, no its not me Keith needs you. " Brian cried. "I am here Brian. As soon as they free Keith I will be right there." Ronnie said. "Keith can't leave me." Brian cried. "Let me go check and I will get some bandages for your head." Ronnie said and ran towards the over turned SUV. It seemed like an eternity before Ronnie returned. He began to try to clean the cut on Brian's head. "No, no Ronnie.. Just Keith." Brian cried. "They almost have him out. I am going to ride in the ambulance with him." Ronnie said. "He's still alive?" Brian asked. "Yes buddy. He is in bad shape but he is still alive." Ronnie said. The words had not even cleared Ronnie's lips before Brian passed out. "Please God help me to help Keith. I can't let them or Wayne down." Ronnie thought.

Lee and Chris arrived at the Emergency room as the ambulance pulled into the Emergency bay. Another black SUV matching the one Lee and Chris were in pulled in right behind it. Two security officers opened the door and helped Brian out of the SUV. Lee's heart stopped when he saw all the blood on Brian's shirt. Another officer walked up and handed a set of keys to Brian. "Thank you for all your help." Brian said. Lee ran to Brian. "Are you alright buddy ?" Lee asked Brian broke down. All he could say with a very horse voice. "Keith." Brian cried. "Where is he ?" Lee asked. "Ronnie rode with him in the ambulance." Brian said. "So he is o.k. ?" Lee asked. "Ronnie said he is alive but its not good. I can't loose him Lee." Brian cried. "Listen buddy. We have to be strong for him. If it is within his power I know he wouldn't leave you here. Trust me." Chris said. "I am so sorry Brian. This had nothing to do with you or Keith. I am so sorry you got dragged into this. " Lee cried. "Get him in here. We need to fix that cut." Ronnie called from the Emergency Room door. "You fix Keith. I will be fine." Brian called back. "We have him in the trama room. As soon as I get the tests run I will be back in there. For now you get in there and let us see about your head. " Ronnie demanded.

Once in the Emergency room Brian was taken into a cubical. Ronnie examined his head and instructed another doctor to clean the wound again and stitch it while he went to see if Keith's x rays were finished. Brian reached up and took Ronnie's hand as he walked by. "Save him please. I can't live without him." Brian pleaded. "I will do everything in my power to return Keith to you even better than before." Ronnie said. "I just want my Keith back. I don't need him better I need him alive." Brian began to cry again. A few minutes later Brian returned to the waiting area that all the men had gathered. Ronnie came to the door. "Guys, we have Keith stable. He has a severe concussion and is unconscious. I am sending him upstairs for a MRI to see if there is any other damage. He was bleeding from his nose and ears but I hope that it is not from the brain trama. Brian I will let you see him but only for a minute. I need to get him upstairs. He should be conscious by now but we have to find out why he is not responding." Ronnie said.

Wayne had arrived and was standing with Lee. "I need to at least see him and see he is breathing." Lee said. "Sir you have to stay here. That area is not secure." an officer grabbed Lee's arm to stop him. Lee turned to the officer. "Gather around officers." Lee said. The officer let go of Lee but he grabbed him and held him almost face to face. "Lets get one damn thing straight right now. You do not and will not EVER.. TELL.. ME.. NO.. AGAIN.... G O T IT ? I write the fucking check and I pay your fucking salary. You DO NOT tell me NO. FUCKING GOT IT THIS TIME ?" Lee shouted. "And the next one of you that dares just grab me I promise as God as my witness I will make it my mission to FUCK YOUR LIFE UP. G O T IT ?" Lee shouted. There was silence and no one spoke. "I said FUCKING GOT IT ?" Lee shouted again.

There were multiple "Yes sirs." from the officers. The shouting had brought Ronnie to the waiting room to see what was going on. He scanned the room and saw Wayne there. As he started in the room Wayne shook his head "no" to Ronnie as to signal him to leave this alone. "Now I am going to check on my friend. Any objections ? Speak now or forever hold your DAMN peace. But if you speak be prepared for it to be your last words." Lee said. Chris stood frozen. He had never seen such rage in Lee's eyes. As Lee walked out of the room he turned towards Chris and winked at him and blew him a kiss. "What the fuck was all that ? Remind me not to piss him off." Chris thought. Keith's boss the Sheriff was in the room during the conversation. He walked up to the security officer and put his hand on his shoulder. "Son. The next time you are working with a client do yourself a favor and read the profile. Once you read it. Start over and read it again. It may save your job. I have seen guys fired for a lot less. Just a warning." the sheriff said as he walked into the hall to wait on Lee's report.

Chris pulled out his phone and called Breanna. "Hey Uncle Chris." she said. "Hey sweetie. How is everyone there ?" Chris asked. "Dean is still pissed off. They are making him stay overnight. I had to set him straight over the phone. He's alright now though. He will be sore. Grandma is beside herself. She is out for blood. Other than that things are normal here. Any word on Keith or Brian ?" Breanna asked. "We are at the Emergency room now. Brian has an ugly gash on his head but Keith is not doing too good apparently. They can't get him to wake up." Chris said. "How did you get to the Emergency room ? Never mind. I already know." Breanna laughed. "Remind me to never piss your Uncle off." Chris said. "Oh hell sounds like he let some of his uglies hang out." Breanna said. "Some ? I hope that is the worst it could get." Chris said. "Is the hospital still standing ?" Breanna asked. "Yeah." Chris said. "Well then he didn't let all his uglies hang out." Breanna laughed.

"What did Grandma feed these boys growing up ?" Chris laughed. "Spine, backbone and power. And the means to use it effectively. I think my Dad was allergic to it but Uncle Lee sure wasn't. That was a gift to him from both Grandma and Papa." Breanna laughed. "Sorry I missed that one." she added. "Well it may not be over yet. I am worried though. He was holding his chest when he went to check on Keith. I think he is having a panic attack. " Chris said. "Don't worry about him. He can handle that. One question though ?" Breanna said. "Sure." Chris said. "When he had his little tantrum did he have a tear running down his face ?" she asked. "Not that I saw, why ? He winked at me as he walked out the door." Chris said. "Oh hell that was not a tantrum then. If he ever starts and you see a tear run down his cheek the best thing for you and everyone else to so is run yourself." Breanna said. "I can't see having to run from Lee." Chris said. "Don't say I didn't warn you then. " Breanna laughed. "Well I will let Lee know about Dean and his Mom. Kiss the kids and we love you guys." Chris said. "We love you too. And don't worry about Lee. As long his conversation was not directed towards you then you are safe. He wont take it out on you. Now the ones he did they are on very thin ice but you are safe. " Breanna said.

"I just heard about Dean and Mrs. Ruth. How are they ?" Wayne asked. "They will be alright. Breanna said that Mrs. Ruth was fuming." Chris said. "I am sure she is." Wayne said. "Sounds like you got a short lesson on Lee from Breanna. I wasn't ease dropping I promise." Wayne said. "Yeah I guess. That didn't worry you ? " Chris asked. "Nope. I was watching. Now if he had pulled out that cell phone or his check book I would have snuck out quickly. My face would not be one etched into his memory at that moment." Wayne said. "Check book ? Lee doesn't have a lot of money. " Chris said. "Maybe not in the balance in his book but I guarantee you that not a single bank he deals with would dare bounce a check for any amount he wrote. That's where they inflict pain. They use the power of the pen." Wayne said. "I told Breanna to remind me to never piss him off." Chris laughed. "Oh don't worry buddy. I don't think you could. Excuse me. I need to speak to Ronnie." Wayne said as he touched Chris on the shoulder and headed down the hall to catch Ronnie.

"Hey baby. I am glad you made it here safe. " Ronnie said as he reached out to touch Wayne. "I just wanted to thank you for answering my text." Wayne said. "Forgive me. I should have answered your call." Ronnie said. "I understand why you didn't but I couldn't wait for you to get a chance that's why I text you." Wayne said. "Well I should answer anytime you call. I am sorry." Ronnie said. "Don't worry. I wont call unless its an emergency." Ronnie said. "Don't say that." Ronnie said. "I know I could but those days are over. If I call it will be important. " Wayne said. "Please don't say that. You call me anytime you feel like it and I will answer." Ronnie said. "Look. Right now it is what it is. So I wont be calling. Now is not the time for this. Go take care of Keith." Wayne said as he leaned up and kissed Ronnie on the cheek and headed back to the waiting room.

Next: Chapter 43

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