Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Dec 21, 2016


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter 47

"Hey buddy come on in. I hope traffic wasn't bad." Chris said to Wayne as he hugged his friend. "Traffic wasn't bad. It was a fairly nice drive." Wayne said. "Come on in Wayne. We planned to take the boys to Piedmont Park for a picnic and hope that you would enjoy it too." Lee called from the kitchen. "Sounds good to me. Its been years since I have been to Piedmont." Wayne said. Alex came running around the corner arms extended screaming "Unca Wayne." Bags dropped quickly to catch the flying child. Wayne was greeted with a big hug and a kiss. Cody stood in the doorway just smiling. "Yeah you are next little man." Wayne said to Cody. "I am glad you are staying tonight too." Chris said. "Well I brought clothes just in case." Wayne said. "Settled then. You are staying." Chris laughed.

"What can I do to help ?" Wayne asked. "Just help Chris get the boys ready. I have most of the food packed already." Lee said. "Hello" Lee said as he answered his cell phone. "What are you guys up to today ?" Paul asked. "Wayne just got here and we are going to take the boys to Piedmont Park to play and have a picnic." Lee said. "That sounds wonderful. I may talk Bob in to coming to the park. I have been wanting to try out the twin stroller." Paul said. "Who is that ?" Chris whispered. "Paul" Lee mouthed without speaking. "Why don't you guys come join us in the park. I don't think Wayne will mind." Chris called out loud enough for Paul to hear. "Oh we wouldn't do that." Paul said. "Look buddy. You know me well enough by now to know I have packed enough food to feed the park. Besides Chris and Wayne may need help from Bob keeping up with these two munchkins. I did the food so they have chasing children duty." Lee said laughing. "Bob we are going to Piedmont for a picnic so get dressed." Paul called out. "You sure he wants to go ?" Lee asked. "Oh he is fine. If not he will get over it. " Paul said and both men laughed. "See you there in a couple of hours then." Lee said.

"Morning sexy." Keith said as he kissed Brian's shoulder. "Mmmmm... very good morning sexy." Brain said. "What do you want to do today ?" Keith asked. "Fuck" Brian said. "I think I can handle that. What do you want to do after that ?" Keith asked. "Oh probably fuck some more." Brian said. Keith reached down and lightly ran his finger over Brian's ass. "You are a bit swollen baby. Sorry. Are you sure you are up to it again ?" Keith asked. "Baby swollen and tender makes me realize just how much more I love you." Brian said. "Really though. What do you want to do ?" Keith asked. "I told you. Fuck. What I really want to do today is put my lover in the shower and wash him off and not allow him to put on any clothes all day. That way when I want to climb on and ride I don't have to wait to get home or even remove his clothes." Brian said. "Your wish is my command sexy." Keith said.

" I still can't believe that you love me and think I am sexy." Brian whispered. "Well never doubt it and "yes"." Keith said. "Yes?" Brain asked. "Yes I plan to marry you. Yes I plan to make you the happiest man on earth every day for the rest of my life." Keith said. "As long as I can do the same for you." Brian said. "Speaking of getting married. When do you want to do this ?" Keith said. "I wanted to wait until Chris and Lee set a date. I felt sorry for Lee when Bob and Paul jumped up and got married. " Brian said. "Look baby. I have known Lee my whole life. He was happy for them. It didn't upset him. I understand you saying that but believe me he will be happy." Keith said. "You just want to jump to the honeymoon night." Brian said. "Well I plan on practicing a lot to make sure I get it right. Any objections ?" Keith asked. "As long as I am the only one you practice with." Brian laughed. "Oh well. I can change my plans then." Keith said.

Brian rolled over and began to tickle and tussle with Keith. "I'll change your plans alright buddy." Brian laughed. Keith's cell phone rang. "Hello" Keith said breathless. "Hey buddy. You could have finished and then called me back." Chris laughed. "Don't worry its been a busy night. Brian has slacked up a little. He is up to two minutes now ?" Keith said. "Two minutes ?" Chris laughed. "Yeah it took about ten hours but he finally gives me two minutes to recover and get hard again or he pouts." Keith said. "KEITH." Brian screamed. "Hurry buddy. I guess that was my one minute warning." Keith laughed. "Wayne is here and Bob and Paul are meeting us at Piedmont Park for a picnic and wanted to see if you guys wanted to come." Chris said laughing. "Normally we would love too but my baby told me that he wanted to wash me good and keep me naked all day so that we wouldn't have to get home or have to worry about clothes. He could just climb on and ride anytime he wanted." Keith said. "KEITH." Brian screamed. By this time he was struggling just to keep the phone from Brian. "Sounds like my kind of day buddy. Make you a deal. You enjoy your day and then one day soon we will send you two the boys and I can have that type of day myself. " Chris said. "Sounds like a plan. We would be glad too anytime. Just remember once we start having ours you will need to return the favor. " Keith laughed. "Deal."

"Do you mind watching the boys while Lee and I take a quick shower ?" Chris asked. "Sure, take your time. This will be fun." Wayne said. "Come on babe. Lets get our shower real quick." Chris said. "Buu..." Lee started. The look from Chris meant he had a trick up his sleeves. Lee was fully aware that both he and Chris had already had their morning showers. "What are you up to mister ?" Lee asked as he enter the master bedroom. "Hearing Keith and Brian's plans for the day got me so damn hot I just had to get my hands on your body." Chris whispered. "Phone sex with Keith, huh ?" Lee laughed. "Not quite but I did make him promise to keep the boys soon so I could have the same type day he is having today." Chris said.

"Oh and what type day did Keith say he was having ?" Lee asked as he began to unbutton Chris' shirt. "All he said was that Brian wanted to wash him clean and keep him naked all day so that he could sit down and ride his dick anytime he wanted." Chris said lifting Lee's face and kissing him deeply. The shower started both men moved under the hot running water still locked in a deep kiss. Since they had both showered earlier there was no need for soap. Lee pulled away from the kiss and began to kiss his way down Chris' body. Once he had reached his prize Lee opened wide and slowly took Chris' raging cock all the way down until his nose rested in Chris' pubic hair. "Oh shit baby." Chris said as he leaned back against the shower wall. Moans were coming from deep down inside Chris as Lee attacked his cock as if it were his last meal. "Oh baby.. I .. amm... cloosee." Chris whispered. Lee began to hum a high pitched note and all Chris could do was grab Lee's head and hold on as his body vibrated while he sprayed his load deep down Lee's throat. Lee licked his way back up Chris' cock and then back up Chris' body until he reached his lips. "Better than phone sex with Keith ?" Lee whispered. "Oh baby. Keith don't even come close." Chris said.

Chris started by nibbling on Lee's neck and worked his way down to his chest. He took extra time kissing, licking and then nibbling on each nipple. This alone almost drove Lee over the edge. Chris licked his way down Lee's hairy body until he was face to face with his prize. Chris darted his tongue out touching the tip of Lee's cock and then retracting. He leaned forward and took only the mushroom of Lee's dick in his mouth. "Oh fuck baby you taste so sweet." Chris said. Chris reached his hand between Lee's legs and began to play with Lee's rosebud. He circled it with his finger and on every third trip around he would take and dart his finger in and out of Lee's ass quickly. "Oh shit baby that is too hot. I am about to explode. " Lee gasped. Chris deep throated Lee's cock a couple of times and on the third time down he quickly shoved two fingers in Lee's ass and began to finger fuck him as fast as he could. Lee came to his tip toes. "OOOoooohhhh fffuuuuccckkk..." Lee called out as he began to dump his load deep in Chris' throat. "Mmmmm. Chris said. Damn baby I can't stand it. Your cum is addictive. " Chris said as he stood and took Lee into a deep kiss. Both men came back down off their high tasting each others cum and the mixture of the two with the kiss. "Remind me to put Keith on speed dial." Lee laughed.

The park was perfect. It was a beautiful fall day. The weather was amazing and I am not sure which of the five kids had the most fun. When I refer to kids I mean Alex, Cody, Chris, Bob and Wayne. Alex ran, screamed and giggled for a full three hours. Cody just ran. He didn't care if he was part of the group or not. I enjoy people watching and there is no better place in Atlanta than Piedmont Park. "I can't wait until we can run around with Leyton and Addyson like that." Paul said as he and I sat under a shade tree watching the kids play. Yes kids, even the grown ones. "Don't worry buddy once they take their first steps you will wish for the days that a stroller would keep them in place. " Lee said. "I know. There have been some tough times especially with two but I have loved every minute of it. I am so grateful to you. " Paul said. "Look buddy. I just knew who to call. You and Bob did the rest so its all you. Not me." Lee said. "Well you know that Keith and Brian will be hunting that number pretty soon too probably. " Paul said. "I know. I want to be there when Mrs. Gladys meets Keith." Lee laughed. "Yeah I would buy a ticket to that one." Paul said. "Oh she will love him to death. She will just have to make him do it her way instead of his. " Lee laughed.

" I hate to bring up a bad subject but Chris told me the dreams were getting worse." Paul said. "It just gets so frustrating because I have no clue which way to go." Lee said. "Well remember if you do figure it out and you need Bob's help all you have to do is ask." Paul said. "And have to explain myself to him. No thanks." Lee laughed. "Well don't be mad but he knows." Paul said. "Oh shit. Now I have a lawyer that thinks I am a fruit loop." Lee said. "No buddy he doesn't. I am sorry but we don't keep secrets and when we started talking about mine and Chris' talk with your Mom I couldn't be honest with him without telling." Paul said. "Well he was bound to find out since you and Chris know. It just gives me more time to prove to him I am not insane." Lee said. "Lee he thinks its neat. Just like me. We both love you too much to ever think you are crazy. Well except right now. See what your man just did ? " Paul laughed. "You spoke too soon. Look at your babies' daddy." Lee laughed. "What's Brian's phrase. Can't take him out in public." Paul said as both men laughed. "But seriously Bob doesn't think its nuts. He believes in this stuff just never has known anyone that could do it." Paul said. "Well he still doesn't. Like I told Chris. My Grandmother died when I was eight and never explained how I am suppose to read this crap. It really gets frustrating." Lee said. "Well can you cut it off or block it out ?" Paul asked. "In a cemetery." Lee said. "A what?" Paul asked. "If it really gets bad all I have to do is enter a cemetery. The Indian spirit world will not desecrate sacred ground." Lee said. "Damn." Paul answered.

Chris left to take the boys to Pamela's. We had invited Wayne to Atlanta to take him out to a nice dinner partially as a thank you for all he did for us. Plus it was a way to get him out of the house. "Where are we going ?" Wayne asked. "There is a nice little place that Chris and I go to a lot. Its not real fancy or expensive but the food is out of this world. That is unless you had rather go somewhere else." Lee said. "Oh no I don't care. Just wondered if I was dressed alright." Wayne said. "Jeans and Polo are how I plan to travel." Lee said. "Sounds perfect." Wayne said.

Chris returned and the men loaded into Chris' SUV. Its a little smaller and no car seats. Chris gave Wayne and Lee a tour of the architecture of downtown Atlanta . He pointed out some of the unique sky scraper designs that he had either designed or helped to design. Each building at night seemed to make its own statement and each seemed to be designed to out show the one next to it. They turned onto Peachtree Street headed towards their destination. Each block Chris drove Lee's chest seemed to get tighter and was become difficult to breath. They had traveled about four blocks. "STOP. Stop the truck." Lee shouted. Chris was stunned. What's wrong ?" Chris asked. "Stop the fucking truck." Lee shouted. Lee was desperately trying to get the seatbelt undone. Before Chris could completely stop, Lee had the door open and jumped out. "Oh shit." Chris gasped. "I got him. You park." Wayne said and jumped out to follow Lee. Lee slowly walked down the street as if he were hunting a clue or trying to pick up a scent. "What going on Lee ?" Wayne asked. "He is here Wayne. He is close." Lee said. About that time Chris came running down the side walk. "He said he is here." Wayne said. "Who is here ?" he asked. "Damn. His dreams. The guy must be close. Hell I don't know. He scared the shit out of me." Chris said. Lee walked along the block slowly not wanting to miss anything. The further down he went the more the image faded. The group crossed the street and started back towards where it all began but on the other side of the street. Lee looked closely at everyone he met and especially the homeless and panhandlers.

Lee slowed and stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and looked at a shadow in the corner of the doorway of a closed shop. He stood there as if watching an outdoor 3D movie as the figures he had seen for so long danced around the crouching man. Lee moved forward and squatted. Chris moved quickly to grab Lee but Wayne stopped him. "He has to do this his way." Wayne whispered. "Hello kind sir. My name is Lee." Lee said softly. "I have nothing to give you. They took it all last night.:" he said. "Sir I am not here to take anything from you. I hope I am here to help." Lee said. "You seem to be a kind man. It's not safe to approach homeless people on the street. You can get hurt really bad that way." the man said.

"I appreciate your concern but I have only approached you." Lee said. "Lee you seem to be a very upstanding man but I don't need your charity." the man said. "I haven't offered you charity. It may sound crazy but I feel like I was sent to find you. " Lee said. "I am sorry Lee. Even though I am gay I don't turn tricks. " the man said. "Oh no you misunderstand. This big oath beside me is my fiancee Chris. We only play with each other." Lee said. The ragged man looked up for the first time to make sure that Lee had a Chris with him. This man beside my fiancee is a friend of ours Wayne. He came to town for us to carry him to dinner." Lee said. "You are a fine looking group of men. Nice to meet you. My name is Kyle. Enjoy your dinner. It is a beautiful night. " he said. "I would be honored if you joined us." Lee said.

"I knew this was coming." Kyle said. "What was coming ?" Lee asked. By this time Chris' heart was about to pound out of his chest. He had pulled his phone out ready to hit the panic button on it that would bring the security army running. "Did Lee's Mom tell you that he was an expert at reading people ?" Wayne whispered. "Yes but..." Chris tried. "But nothing. It is one tired and hungry man against three so chill and leave Lee alone." Wayne said. "I don't accept charity. You see I have no cup to try to panhandle. I make my own way." Kyle said. The traffic on the sidewalk was fairly busy and Lee sat Indian style on the sidewalk in front of the man. Chris moved to one side and Wayne on the other to deflect the foot traffic. "I am not offering charity. I don't need to do this to make me sleep easier. I don't need to prove anything to my God or anyone else for that matter. What I am offering is not charity." Lee said. "Why would you want to have dinner with me ?" Kyle asked.

Lee sat for a minute trying to decide how to approach this. He had gone through too much and lost too much sleep to just walk away. "Can I be honest with you ?" Lee asked. "Honesty is the best policy." Kyle said. "First I know that you use to have a good life. You had family and friends that were always close. You had someone that you either risked everything or spent everything you had on for some reason." Lee said. "Who sent you ?' Kyle asked. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." Lee said. "Well when I stepped onto the street I was debt free so if they think I have more to give go back and tell them to fuck themselves." Kyle said. "It's nothing like that. If that had been the case I would have told them to find you their fucking self." Lee said. That statement brought them man out of his shell a little more. The men standing saw the change. "Told you." Wayne whispered.

"You may think I am crazy, insane, off my rocker or just fucking stupid. But I would really love to, better yet I would be honored if you would share your story. And no I am not a writer or reporter. I don't have the imagination or the vocabulary." Lee said laughing. "You don't want to hear my tale of woes. Besides its my cross to bare." Kyle said. "Remember friend even Jesus had help carrying his cross. " Lee said. He saw a tear come to the mans eyes. Lee was really surprised. The man was fairly clean to be on the street and had no strong odor. "Will you join us for dinner ?" Lee asked. "I am not a charity case." Kyle said. "Kyle will you answer me a question honestly ?" Chris asked. Lee tensed up thinking Chris was about to ruin everything. "As honest as I can." Kyle said. "When was the last time you sat down with friends and had a full meal ?" Chris asked. "A full meal probably three months. With friends. Sometime last year. But I am fine. Thanks anyway." Kyle said. "When is your Birthday ?" Wayne asked. "December, why ?" Kyle asked. "Well I wont be here in December so this isn't charity. Its and early Birthday dinner." Wayne said. "You guys don't give up do you ?" Kyle said. "You have no idea how hard headed my fiancee is. I just say yes honey." Chris laughed. "As if." Lee said. "Make you a deal. We will tell you our story over dinner and if you think its freaky enough then you can grace us with yours." Lee said. "I need a good story tonight." Kyle said. Lee stood and reached out his hand towards the man. "Come on buddy. We have a Birthday to celebrate." Lee said.

The four men headed to the next block to their favorite restaurant. As they entered the door the host, who was a very flamboyant retired drag queen, greeted them. "Hello Mr. Lee. Party of three ?" he asked. "No party of four." Lee said. "Oh you are expecting another guest ?" he asked. "No. Count with me. Me one, Chris two, Wayne three, Kyle four. See four." Lee said. "I am sorry. We don't serve trash here." he said. "I would hope not. I pay good money for this food." Chris said. "No sexy. I mean him. We don't serve trash here." he said as he admired his new manicure. "He is my guest and you will serve him. " Lee said. "Not tonight honey. Sorry." the man said. "This was a bad idea. Thank you for the offer." Kyle said and headed out the door. Lee never took his eyes off the host that was bringing his blood to a boil but reached his hand back and snapped his finger as if to tell Chris and Wayne "you better not let him get away." Wayne took off out the door and as Chris moved closer Lee pushed him back as if "you better go too if you know what's good for you." Chris took off down the street and caught up with Wayne who was desperately trying to get Kyle to stop. Chris finally got in front of the man and wrapped him in a tender bear hug and just let Kyle melt.

"Let me tell you something you old dried up drag fag. I am the customer and you don't tell me who you "WANT" to serve and who you don't." Lee said. "Chill honey. I got rid of the trash for you. Now its a party of three. By the window or in the back?" he said. "I wouldn't eat here if I was the guest of honor you dizzy bitch." Lee said. By this time there was almost fire coming from his eyes and he could feel the steam riding from the collar of his shirt. "And secondly I have never understood why Charles shames his establishment by having trash like you at the door." Lee said. "I bring a flair too it." he said. "You bring a disgrace to it." Lee said. "Hello Lee. Is there a problem ?" Charles asked . He had seen Lee from across the room and as he approached he could see that Lee was beyond agitated. "Yeah this fucking "has been" you have here refused to seat me and my friends." Lee said.

"We have empty tables." Charles said. "Not for one of his friends. we don't " he said. "Don't worry. You will never have to worry about seating me, any of my friends, or anyone that asks how the food and service is here ever again." Lee said as he started for the door. "Wait Lee I will be glad to seat you." Charles said as he followed Lee to the door. "I will never spend another penny here Charles. Good luck." Lee said as he exited. Charles turned around with rage in his eyes. "What the fuck was that all about ?" Charles asked. "They had a piece of white trash. A homeless guy with them." he whispered. "I don't give a damn if he brings a pig in here dipped in cow shit you seat him. " Charles said. "And have someone see me seating someone like that. I have my reputation you know." he said. "Do you know who the fuck he is ?" Charles asked. "Some nobody that comes here sometimes." he said. "He owns the fucking building you idiot." Charles said. "Him, No way." the guy said. "Yes way and since he loves the food he has dropped the rent increase for the last two years." Charles said. "He can't be all that." he said. "He is. But you aren't. Dixie come here please. Would you like the hostess job ?" Charles asked. "Yes sir." she said. "Good you start right now." Charles said. "That's my job." he said. "No you wash dishes. " Charles said. "These hands don't dishes." he said. "Then those hands don't endorse a paycheck from here." Charles said. "Now let me go see if I can fix this fuck up." Charles said as he went out the door.

Next: Chapter 48

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