Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Jan 15, 2017


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter 52

"Good morning sir. How may I help you ?" Pamela asked. "My name is Keith and I am here to see Chris." Keith said. "Sure Mr. Keith. Mr. Hamrick is expecting you." Pamela said. About that time Bob walked into the office. "Hey buddy. How are you ?" Bob asked. "Hey Bob." Keith said. "Sirs Mr. Hamrick is expecting you. Go right in." Pamela instructed. "Oh we are expecting one more in about thirty minutes." Keith said. Bob looked at Keith with a puzzled look. Once in Chris' office and settled the men began to discuss what they had secretly discussed among each other for the past couple of days. They were there to discuss Kyle and how they could help. "You know guys this meeting may cause a divorce before I ever get him to say I do." Chris said. "I know that Lee is very careful about everything he does but we need to do something instead of waiting on dreams to guide us." Bob said.

"Well I have seen a lot being a cop and I saw a man that was on the edge. Yes he is strong and holding on but how long could anyone hang on. I don't want to wait until he falls off the edge and then try to pick up the pieces." Keith said. "Who was it you were talking about that would be here soon ?" Bob asked. "Ronnie." Keith said. "Oh shit." Chris said. "Hear me out. I have gotten to know Ronnie fairly well. If we want to know how to help we have to find out what his deal is in all this." Keith said. "You have a point." Bob said. "Bob, Do you handle gay divorces before the ceremony. My ass is toast." Chris said.

Pamela brought Ronnie into the office when he arrived. The men said all their hellos. "What's up guys ?" Ronnie asked with concern. "Well we have a doctor, a lawyer, an architect and a cop in here now. Maybe we can get to the bottom of this." Keith said. "Bottom of what ?" Ronnie asked. Chris began to explain the situation at the house the other night when Ronnie had arrived. He had not mentioned Kyle's name nor any part of his story. "I felt a tension that night but I was hoping it wasn't because I came by." Ronnie said. "Well it was but it wasn't you or anything you did. At least we don't think." Bob said. "Why would this guy freak that I showed up ?" Ronnie asked. Chris pulled out his phone and began to scan through some pictures he had. There was a picture of Kyle with the rest of the men in the living room. "Look at this and tell me if you recognize anyone special. " Chris said as he handed the phone to Ronnie. Ronnie looked at the picture and suddenly. "OH SHIT...That's Kyle. FUCK where is he ?" Ronnie said. "Slow down a second. We have to know how you know him. " Bob said. Ronnie pulled out his phone. "Shit I need to call James." Ronnie said. Keith reached over and took the phone from Ronnie's hand. "Not yet Doc. You explain and we tell you who you can call." Keith said.

Ronnie began to explain how he had met Kyle. He told the men that he was the one that had given Kyle permission to sit with James. The partner showed no interest in his recovery and not knowing if James was able to know what was going on around him he felt that Kyle was the best bet to try to bring James back. He told the men that he envied the love and the care that Kyle showed towards James. He also admitted that he was the one that allowed James to be taken home but with the firm understanding that Kyle would be the one to take care of him. James' partner agreed so he was released. Ronnie also admitted that on his home visits to check on James that it was always Kyle there and never the partner. " I wanted to hire him at the hospital. He kept the nursing staff on their toes and working like a well oiled machine when it came to James." Ronnie said. "Where is he ? Is he alright ? James has been searching for him for over a year." Ronnie said.

"Slow down. He is as fine as he will allow us to keep him at this point." Chris said. "I need to know why James was looking for him." Chris said. "He needs to find him." Ronnie said. "Not good enough." Keith said. "Before we tell you anything or even allow you to tell James we need to know what James' plans are if he found Kyle." Bob said. "I don't really know but he gave me his number last week and asked me to help find him." Ronnie said. "Well Kyle has been through enough due to James so until I know more I am sorry. I can't give you that information." Chris said. "James needs to know and let them work things out." Ronnie said. Ronnie reached back towards Keith to get his phone. "Not yet." Keith said.

"Did you know that Kyle lost everything that he had and spent every penny to his name just to keep James going ?" Keith asked. The other men looked at him as if he was not suppose to tell Kyle's story. "Look if we are going to move forward in any way we can't wait for Kyle to be strong enough to tell Ronnie himself. " Keith said. "Agreed." Bob said. "Well Bob start getting those papers ready. I am going to need them." Chris said. Since Chris heard the complete story first hand he began to explain beginning with Lee's connection with his grandmother and his dreams. He explained about the night that they found Kyle and the tense moments it took to even get Kyle to speak to them. He went on to tell Kyle's story of selling everything that he owned and draining his accounts just to pay James' bills. He even added that the partner brought some of his and his new lover's bills for Kyle to pay.

Ronnie sat there in shock. He knew that things had not gone well between Kyle and James' partner but he had no clue how bad it was. Chris continued his story and admitted to Ronnie that Kyle had been living on the streets of Atlanta and until they found him it was under a bridge. "But he owned his home and a business." Ronnie said. "Yes and he sold it all to pay James' bills." Keith said. "James has hired a private detective. He figured that Kyle may have even been on the west coast by now." Ronnie said. "Well you see now why we couldn't just let you call this James guy." Keith said. "Yeah if we allowed that and James found Kyle just to tell him thanks and be subjected to the partner again we would all be single tomorrow." Bob said. "I am afraid I will be anyway." Chris said. "James found out too late that his partner had not paid all those bills. When he found out what happened from other friends he kicked his partner out." Ronnie said. "Well we couldn't take that chance." Keith said. "James has called Kyle's sister twice a week for a year hoping that she may have heard from him." Ronnie said. "Well I don't feel sorry for him. Kyle admitted he had cell phone service for either two or three weeks after the partner kicked him out and James never called." Chris said. "I didn't know that." Ronnie said.

The men sat quietly for a moment letting everything that Ronnie had just learned soak in. "Here. Now you can have your phone back." Keith said as he handed it to Ronnie. "Thanks and thank you." Ronnie said. "Why the second one ?" Bob asked. "Thank you for telling me what happened and then thank you for stopping me from making that call and making things much worse." Ronnie said. "Well when you call James I hope that you think about what you say first." Chris said. "Don't worry. James wont get a call from me until we can figure out how to handle this and not send Kyle over the edge." Ronnie said. "I am so relieved to hear you say that." Bob said. "Well without the explanation I would have royally fucked this all up. I figured he had just moved on with his life and James couldn't find him." Ronnie said. "He has moved on. Moved on to maybe two meals a week and had been living under a bridge. He even admitted that he collected enough money once to take a bus to James' neighborhood and hid behind a dumpster and watched him come and go from work one day to make sure he was fine." Chris said.

Ronnie looked down at his lap and at his phone trying to fight back tears. He handed the phone back to Keith. "You hold that for another minute." Ronnie said. "Why ?" Keith asked. "Because I think that James is a super guy but after hearing this it takes all I have not to call and curse him out and hang up on him." Ronnie said. "Why would you do that ?" Bob asked. "Because he allowed his partner to do this to his life and Kyle's " Ronnie said. "Dangerous ground buddy. Lee has been dreaming about you to." Keith said. "Do what ?" Ronnie said. "KEITH." Chris said. "Hey shoot me. This man needs to see his own situation and how closely it applies. And if you say its complicated one more time I swear to God I will deck you right in the face." Keith said. Bob and Chris both looked at Keith not knowing exactly what he meant. "Well guys suck it up. We all are leaving here now and going to talk to Lee. You can write the papers up on the way giving him everything I have." Chris said. "Not sure I want to go." Bob said. "To late buddy." Keith laughed.

Lee was concerned when all the men walked in the house at the same time. "Hey guys. Can I get you all something to drink ?" Lee asked. Seeing the concern on Lee's face Chris walked over and hugged Lee tightly. "Forgive me baby and please remember that I love you more than life itself." Chris whispered. "Alright you are scaring me. Someone better speak and do it quick." Lee said pushing Chris away. "Its not bad buddy. At least I don't think so." Keith said. "Let me be the judge of that. Start talking guys." Lee said. The men all sat in the living room and Lee sat on the edge of the couch. Chris was concerned that he had not taken his usual spot next to him. Ronnie began by telling the story of his friend James. Chris could see Lee getting more and more tense as the story went on. Keith admitted that he was the one that had started Kyle's story and that they all felt they needed to help if they could by getting to the bottom of what caused Kyle to freak out that night.

"Well I guess you have called this James and told him where Kyle is then." Lee said in a very firm tone. "No I haven't. And I wont call him until I know that we can handle this without him getting hurt." Ronnie said. "So I guess you guys don't trust me." Lee said firmly. "Yes baby we do. The thing is that you have to trust us." Chris said. "Don't blame Chris. He and Bob had no idea that Ronnie was coming to our little meeting. That was all me." Keith said. "Meeting?" Lee questioned. "Look Lee we all wanted to help Kyle. I understand that you have your own way of working but you can't do it all alone. You need to trust us that we had Kyle's best interests at heart when we did this." Bob said. "I wish you had told me that you were going to meet to discuss this." Lee said. "And what would you have said ?" Chris asked. "Careful there. You and I will discuss this after everyone leaves." Lee said.

"Told you I would need those papers." Chris said as he looked down towards the floor, "Don't be mad at him. I am the one that made the calls. Had you rather I had not included Chris ?" Keith asked. Lee just looked at Keith as if he could kill him. "Sorry Lee but if I had told you about this you would have pulled that damn army or something out to stop this from happening and we would be no closer to an answer." Keith said. "You know he is right." Bob said. "Lee I am a cop. I see things similar to this every day. I saw a man that was on the edge of falling off. If something is not done quick he may run into either Ronnie or James on the street and we wont be there to help." Keith said. "You do have a point." Lee said. "Now can we discuss a rational approach to all of this ?" Ronnie asked.

All of the men sat quietly for a moment. "Well I need to know more. And I need a promise from each of you that you will not go all macho and think you can fix this on your own. Kyle is very fragile and if you push it we may not be able to get him back." Lee said. "Oh don't worry. Alex has taught me that lesson." Chris said. "Well I assure you that I will not say a word to James until we have all agreed that it will not harm Kyle." Ronnie said. "I can assure you of one thing. Kyle will not meet James to talk unless some of us are present. I will not allow him to be just thrown in and see what the outcome is." Lee said. "Baby please. None of us would do that." Chris said. "Just clearing this air up front." Lee said.

"What is James' status right now ?" Lee asked. "He is single. He kicked the partner out. He hired a private investigator to find Kyle." Ronnie said. "Well I just have dreams. Anyone have any suggestions ?" Lee said with a sign of defeat. Chris got up and went and pulled Lee to his normal spot on couch and put his arm around him. Chris lightly kissed Lee on the cheek. "I love you baby. Please know that." Chris said. Lee just lightly squeezed Chris' leg and turned his attention back to the other men. Chris hoped he could take that as a sign of acceptance. "Well we are having the early Thanksgiving dinner at our house next weekend. Can we make that a controlled situation and get James to come ?" Keith asked. "I need to talk to James and find out what his intensions are for Kyle if he finds him before I will agree to that." Ronnie said. "Thank you." Lee said. "For what ?" Ronnie asked. "With everything you are going through you have the compassion to think of Kyle first." Lee said. "Going through ?" Ronnie asked. He looked at Bob and he folded his hands and lay his head on them as if to signal Ronnie that if he could remember he was told that he too was in Lee's dreams. Lee had not realized what he had said.

"Well since you are home early for the day I am going to check on Kyle. So when the boys wake up they are yours." Lee said. "And you. (Lee turned to Ronnie) If you try to follow me to find out where he is I guarantee I will know it and I guarantee you will regret it." Lee said. "Anything else I can do baby ?" Chris asked. "I will say one last thing. You guys are doing the planning here. If it back fires on you or Kyle gets hurt out of this then you will deal with me. You think my Mom is scary ? You fuck this up and I guaran - fuckin' - tee you that you will know what fear really is." Lee said.

Lee left without a kiss which really had Chris worried. "Keith. If you fuck this up for me and Lee leaves my first phone call will be to Mrs. Ruth. The next to your boss." Chris said. "Chill Bro. Lee will be fine. " Keith said. "Do you guys know something I don't ?" Ronnie asked. "Lee doesn't make idol threats and I think you have seen enough to know that he has the ass to back his threats up." Bob said. Chris got up and walked to the window and watched as Lee backed out of the garage. Lee looked up into the window and Chris blew him a kiss. Lee blew one back but still had not smiled. Chris turned around and headed back to the living room. "Here is the deal guys. No one does anything in Kyle's situation unless they talk to me first." Chris said. "Chris buddy. Chill out a little." Keith said. "No Keith you chill the fuck out. Brian is still speaking to you. I didn't step up into your house and fuck your life up so you owe me this. " Chris said. "For more reasons than that I agree with Chris." Bob said.

Lee had not even made it out of the driveway before he had hit the dash control on his SUV and placed a three way call to both Paul and Brian to let them know what happened. "Look guys. I don't know what they are up to but if they screw Kyle over trying to be the "he-men" and fix things then they better be ready to duck." Lee said. "We are with you on that. " Paul said. "Guys I may need to apologize. I have a feeling that this was Keith's doings." Brian said. "Why would you say that ?" Lee said. "Something just smells like this had Keith all over it." Brian said. "Well the only thing I really need you two to do at this point is to reinforce the fact that they better not screw this up and mess up Kyle's life any more than it already is." Lee said. "I will call Mr. Bob right now." Paul said. "Just wait until he gets home. I just left them all at my house discussing how they are going to get their asses out of my cross hairs." Lee said. "Where are you headed now ?" Brian asked. "I am headed to see if I can find Kyle. I just need to know he is alright." Lee said. "You need me to go with you or watch the boys ?" Brian asked. "No the boys are with Chris and I figure if I show up with a group it may freak him out. " Lee said. "Good point." Paul said. "Alright guys just promise you will help me keep this from going sideways." Lee said.

"Excuse me sir. Can you give me directions ?" Lee said through the passenger window of his SUV. "Hey Lee. What are you up to ?" Kyle said. "Hop in." Lee said. Kyle got in the passenger side and Lee pulled out and headed down the street. Lee pulled into a convenience store. "Want something to drink?" he asked. "No thanks. I am fine." Kyle said. Lee returned from the store with a bag in his hand. He pulled out a bottle of water and handed the bag to Kyle. In it was a sandwich, a bag of chips. two packs of crackers, and two bottles of juice. "Lee I told you I was fine." Kyle said. "I know buddy. I am pissed off at Chris and needed to go shopping. He will appreciate that I spent this instead of going to a mall or a furniture store. " Lee laughed. "Please don't be mad at him. I am sure he didn't mean it." Kyle said. "Oh I am not really mad at him that much. I was but he needs to sweat it a little." Lee said.

"Lee, games played on people is what got me where I am right now. I didn't play a game. They did but I paid the price so please be careful. I can see that you two love each other and playing games can put you in the same situation love wise that I am." Kyle said. "Don't worry buddy. I think Chris learned his lesson today. I will let him off the hook when I get back home." Lee said. "Brian wanted me to invite you to an early Thanksgiving dinner at his and Keith's house next Saturday. " Lee said. "Tell him thanks but I can't afford to bring anything." Kyle said. "Don't worry about that he wouldn't let me and Chris bring anything either." Lee said. "Are you alright ? You had a rough night the other night." Lee said. "I am fine. I am sorry I messed your night up." Kyle said. "You didn't mess up anything." Lee said. "I tell you what. Let Chris come pick you up on Saturday at five p.m. like last time and you and I can demand they let us clean up the kitchen." Lee said. "I can do that." Kyle said. Lee carried Kyle closer to the Salvation Army and let him out. "See you Saturday buddy." Lee said as he pulled away.

Bob entered the house and called out for Paul. He got no answer so he headed to the babies room. "Hey baby. How was your day ?" Bob said. "Apparently not as interesting as yours." Paul said. Still not turning to look at Bob. "Are you alright ?" Bob asked. "I don't know. Am I ?" Paul said. "You must have talked to Lee." Bob said. "Yep. Had to find out from Lee instead of the man that promised no secrets." Paul said. "Babe its not like that." Bob said. "Um was this a secret ?" Paul asked. "Well yes but..." Bob said. "Well then it is what it is then. Plain and simple. Oh by the way your plate is in the oven. I am not hungry." Paul said as he walked past Bob and headed to the master bedroom. "Baby all we were trying to do was help." Bob said. "Were you in the conversation the other night when we said we would all help Kyle together and we would talk things out. ?" Paul asked. "You know I was." Bob said. "Apparently not." Paul said "Baby please tell me you aren't mad." Bob said. "I am not mad. I am disappointed. I will tell you this. If this back fires and Kyle gets hurt any worse then we will have a different conversation." Paul said. " I promise it wont. " Chris said.

Keith entered the house and could not find Brian. Looking out the kitchen window he saw Brian setting in one of the lounge chairs. "Hey baby how was your day ?" Keith said as he headed out to where Brian was. Brian just looked at Keith and then looked back to his coffee cup. "No welcome home kiss for your super cop." Keith said. "Set down Keith . We need to talk." Brian said. "What's wrong baby ?" Keith asked. "What did you do today ? And think very carefully before you answer." Brian said. "Shit. Lee called." Keith said. "Why ? Should Lee not call me ?" Brian said. "Well we told him that nothing would happen to Kyle." Keith said. "You still didn't answer my question " Brian said. "What do you mean baby. " Keith said. "You really don't know. Lee should not have had to call me. You should have told me what you were doing." Brian said. "But baby I just wanted to help." Keith said. "And you couldn't include me in your plan." Brian said. "You would have tried to stop me." Keith said. "Maybe. Maybe not. Its all according to what your plan was." Brian said.

"Baby I saw a man on the edge and I had to do something." Keith said. "Did you think of what could happen if things had gone different ?" Brian asked. "But they didn't." Keith said. "I realize that. But did you know that going into this ?" Brian asked. "Baby it will be fine." Keith said. "And you know this for a fact ?" Brian said. "Well we will make sure." Keith said. "We ?" Brian asked. "Yes baby. We are a team." Keith said. "You don't get it do you ? A team is a joint effort. Not one going out to save the world single handed." Keith said. "Please listen to me. You see the world in black and white. Right and wrong. There are a lot of grey areas in peoples lives. Take Lee for example. I could not imagine having to try to even keep up with all the grey areas in his life. Kyle is the same. His world is in no way close to being in black and white." Brian said.

"Lee's is different. His involves lots of money and crap." Keith said. "Grey is grey baby. Yes Lee's life involves money and power. Kyle's life involves living day to day on the street. Did you not hear his story ? Did you not see how broken he was but still holding it together ?" Brian asked. "Yes but when he finds out what I did today then he will be alright." Keith said. "You don't know that baby. Neither of us know if we were told the complete story by either side. There may be even more there that was even more painful. Did you stop to think of that ? " Brian asked. "No I didn't." Keith said. "Baby just do me a favor and remember that everyone you deal with is not a suspect and there is only black and white." Brian said. "I see your point. I am sorry." Keith said. "Just don't shut me out again." Brian said. "Are we alright ? " Keith said with a tear in his eye. "We are fine. I still love you. I just lost a little trust today. That's all." Brain said. "Baby please. I will fix that too." Keith said. "Well I am sure you have a couple of guys that aren't too happy with you right now. I bet Chris and Bob aren't enjoying the cold shoulder at home." Brian laughed.

When Lee returned home he went in to check on the boys. "Hey baby. Did you find Kyle ?" Chris asked. "Yes." Lee said. "Baby please don't be mad at me." Chris said. "I'm not mad. I just thought you trusted me is all." Lee said. "I do baby. I do." Chris said. "A secret meeting and a secret plan shows that you don't trust me. I knew mentioning those dreams would screw things up." Lee said and picked up Cody. "Come on stink pot. You need a dry hinnie." Lee said and headed upstairs. The evening went smooth but quiet. Later in bed Chris had spooned up to Lee's back. "Do you forgive me baby. This is killing me." Chris said. "There is really nothing to forgive. I told you that there were some very dark things in my latest dreams. I wanted to try to know more so that no one got hurt. I guess that's out now." Lee said.

"Baby we just wanted to help. This whole thing has been your burden and we thought we could help." Chris said. " I can understand why you did. It just hurt that you didn't trust me at least to tell me." Lee said. "I promise no more secrets. I told Bob three or four times that he needed to write out the divorce papers I would need and I would sign them before I ever got to sign the marriage license." Chris said. " Baby please tell me we are alright. " Chris added. "We are fine. I just hope that you learn one day to trust me." Lee said. Chris knew he couldn't argue so he just pulled Lee tight and held him close until he felt his lover fall asleep.

Next: Chapter 53

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