Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Mar 26, 2017


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter 68

The men waited until all the guests had left for the day except for Keith and Brian. One of the security men came to the house to collect the gifts. "I know that you are working on this but I am tired of this now. I will not allow anyone to upset my family and threaten them this way. Do you understand me ?" Lee spoke. "Yes sir. We have been able to get some surveillance footage that we are waiting on . Hopefully this will give us a clear picture of the person or persons." the man said. "I would like to see the footage too." Keith said. "The Holidays slowed the process down but we should have the footage in a day or two." the man said.

"The idle threats, if they are idle, do not concern me. But when my children and Josh are affected then its time for it to stop." Lee said. "I am with Lee. I could care less about the threats as long as the kids are not affected. I can see by this point that I will have to get use to threats and a few dangers being in this family but I will not stand for the boys to be affected." Chris said. The man assured the group that they were working as hard as possible to put an end to this. The problem seemed to be that this person was either a pro or had inside information. "We have double checked all of our men. We are in the process of double checking anyone else concerned including the Sheriff." the man said. "Do you really think its him?" Keith asked. "I seriously doubt it but at this point we are not eliminating anyone until our investigation is complete." the man added. "You said two days. On day three if you do not have this handled you will be replaced. Do I make myself VERY clear ?" Lee said. "Yes sir. If we can not find out who it is in that amount of time we will resign." the man said. "Don't make me hold you to that." Lee said as he got up and left the room.

Keith and Josh arrived home late to find a gift at the front door with Josh's name on it. Fear rushed through Keith and Brian. "Hey guys. The wife and I were not sure when you would be back so we put Josh's Christmas gift on the steps." came a voice from the darkness. Recognizing the neighbors voice Keith calmed quickly. "Let us put these things inside and if you don't mind we will bring Josh over and let him open it in front of you and your wife." Brian said. "That's not necessary but me and the wife would appreciate it. " the man said. "Give us five minutes and we will be over." Keith said.

Once inside the door both men almost collapsed into each others arms. After the events of earlier they were afraid it was another bad gift. A few minutes later a shy Josh stood at the neighbor's door with his two dads holding his still wrapped gift. "Please come in." a small lady said as she opened the door. "Thank You. We wanted Josh to open his gift in your presence. I hope you don't mind." Brian said. "Not at all. Thank You for thinking of us." the older man said. Once seated they told Josh to open his gift. Inside he found three walkie talkies. Josh looked at the older man as if looking for a clue as to what the gift was.

"Josh these are walkie talkies similar to what your Dad wears at work. There are three. If you leave one here and give one to your dads then you can call me or them anytime you need to when you are in the yard." the elderly man said. Josh pulled the box to his lap and smiled. Keith took the box and opened it handing the three devices to Josh. Keith realized how expensive the set was. "You should not have spent that much on Josh." Keith said. "We were happy too. We have no children or grand children and have done quite well for ourselves. We can't take it with us. Besides there is a reason for them." the older man said.

Taking the queue from her husband the lady asked Josh if he would like some cookies and milk. Josh grinned and turned to look at Keith and Brian. "Go ahead son. No more than two cookies though. Daddy and I will be right here so you stay at the table and eat. We promise we wont leave. " Keith said. Josh stood up and took the ladies hand and followed her into the kitchen. "I am not sure what you two have going on but I hope this will help. " the man said. "What do you mean ?" Brian asked. "Well I thought for the first couple of weeks that James Bond had moved in next door." the man laughed. "We are so sorry if any of the current issues have caused you concern." Brian said.

"Oh no. My wife and I appreciate how fast those black SUV's show up next door." the man said. "We have had a few threats. Also some against Josh. We are trying to get to the bottom of this." Keith said. "Maybe I can help in another way too. I have surveillance cameras all over my property. I can also see part of yours." he said. "Um. Part of ours ?" Brian said and blushed. "Yes son. But I never realized how much until the bar b q. I had them come and readjust the cameras after that. I never meant to be nosey. I just needed to feel safe. The last people that lived there never came out of the house so I never realized how much it covered." he said. By this point Keith and Brian were both blushing. "Sorry for the exhibition show." Brian said.

"Oh son don't worry. When I had a body I use to hang around outside here naked. But those years are gone. Besides I had the cameras moved so that I can only see my side of the fence line. One camera though does show almost up to your garage door and two more show the driveway. I can have those removed if you would like. " he said. "Oh no. Please don't. It makes me feel better. It seems that someone has found ours and can evade them." Keith said. "That's why I thought I could help. They may know about yours but they don't know about mine." the man said and smiled. "Have you seen anything ?" Keith asked. "Follow me and let me show you my system and I have a disk for you to give to the James Bond folks." the man said. Keith followed the man to his study and Brian went to the kitchen to check on the elderly lady and Josh.

Once in the study Keith was amazed at the set up the man had. It was not a home system it was a commercial one. The man showed Keith all the cameras and the area that they covered. The cameras were also high definition and in full color. "I have to be honest with you Keith. I really enjoyed the bar b q. I hate to admit I was a perv. and don't get me wrong. I love my wife and our sex life was always great. But if I ever watched porn it was always gay porn. I hope you don't think less of me." he said. "Not at all. Besides I don't mind being watched." Keith laughed.

"Well I realized when I viewed the tape that I needed to move the cameras. It was not fair." the man said. "Are these adjustable from inside ?" Keith asked. "Yes you can pan and zoom." the man said. "Do you mind ?" Keith asked as he pointed to the controls. "Be my guest." the man said. Keith sat at the controls and repositioned cameras to cover all they were before and then some more area. He took and isolated one camera to a separate disc on its own. Keith also redesigned the screen so that no one would realize one camera was missing from the screen. The older man could not keep up so he had no clue what was being done. "Now set here and look at the cameras.

"You do know what you are doing. This is much better than the security company." the man said. "Did you realize one was missing ?" Keith asked. "No. Which one ?" the man asked. "The one that was aimed at the fence by the pool." Keith said. "Oh I understand. " the man said. "Oh no. Push that button there." Keith said. The man pushed the button and it gave him a clear view of the backyard, pool and bar b q area. The man just looked at Keith as if to question. "This camera has its own separate recorder now. This is our little secret. I think its hot plus since Josh will be in the yard alone sometimes I will feel much better if I know that someone else can see him." Keith said.

"Well I will erase any nudity I see." the man said. "Why ? That's why I put it on a separate recorder. Your own private library. Plus I activated the motion sensor on it so it doesn't record when there is no one around." Keith said. "You are a special man. I hope you don't mind." he said. "If I had minded I would not have set the camera up for you. Just remember its our secret. " Keith said. " I hope you guys stay for a long time." he said. "We are planning to make an offer on the house after the first of the year. We want to buy it and raise our family here." Keith said. "If mother and I can help let me know. I would be glad to finance it for you if you really want to stay." he said. "We couldn't ask you to do that. We can get the money." Keith said. "I bet I can give you a better interest rate. Just discuss it with Brian please." the man said. "Mother and I are not getting any younger. We are not looking for someone to take care of us but having great neighbors is worth it to us." he said.

Back in the living room Josh was anxious to try out his new gift. The elderly lady came into the room with a box full of nail polish. "Josh. Which button and color do you want to call my house ?" she asked. Josh dug through the box and came out with a purple. The lady took all three and marked that button with purple. "Now which color do you want for your dads ?" she asked. Josh dug through the box again and pulled out a bright orange color. Once the walkie talkies were marked the older man put batteries in each one. Josh went into the kitchen and after some help from Brian was able to teach Josh how to call, talk , and listen. Once back in the living room Josh went and sat between the elderly couple on the couch. "I love my present. Thank you. I promise I wont call too much." Josh said. "Baby anytime you want to talk and especially if you need help you call anytime." the lady said.

"We figured with things going the way they had for the last few weeks that this was one way we could help plus give Josh a toy to boot." the man said. "You don't know how much that means to us." Brian said. "The main unit you will have. It also has a GPS for the other two units." the man said. Realizing that their neighbors who were almost strangers cared enough about their son to do this brought tears to Brain's eyes. "Josh would you like to come stay with us some nights for your Dads to go out to eat ?" the lady said. "Can I daddy ? I like it here ?" Josh smiled. "We will see son. One night I will take Daddy Brian out to eat and see if you want to stay." Keith said.

"I will I promise. And I will be good." Josh said. "Please don't get upset if he wont stay. He would not even stay with his friend Alex today for us to go get Brian's new car." Keith said. "Brian told us as much as he knew about Josh's past so we will let him do everything on his own time table." the man said. Minutes later Keith, Brian and Josh were back home. "Can I tell them goodnight ?" Josh asked holding up his walkie talkie. "You can sweetie but make it quick and be sure to say thank you for the walkie talkie and the cookies and milk." Keith said. Josh was thrilled when the couple answered the other end. The conversation was quick but he remembered all the thank yous.

Ronnie and Wayne had driven back to Ronnie's in Atlanta. There were a couple of small gifts that they had left there for each other since they were not going to have much alone time until after Christmas. The gifts were open and they snuggled on the couch in front of the fireplace. "Did you have a good Christmas baby ?" Ronnie asked. "Yes I did. Even though there were some anxious moments it was the best Christmas I have ever had. " Wayne whispered. "Why would you say that ?" Ronnie asked. "Because you were there. That's all I needed." Wayne whispered.

"Did you have a good Christmas ?" Wayne asked. "I really did. I have to admit I was very nervous about being around both families but you seemed to be the rock that held it all together even though you seemed scared too." Ronnie said. "You being there made it easy." Wayne said. "I have been a fool." Ronnie said. "Well you wised up. I think." Wayne laughed. "I wised up and opened my eyes to see what was right in front of me." Ronnie said. "On that note you rest I will be right back." Wayne said. Ronnie watched with almost dreamy eyes as his lover got up and walked away. Just watching Wayne's ass cheeks move inside the runners shorts made Ronnie's groin twitch.

About ten minutes later Ronnie heard a call from downstairs. "Baby I need your help for just a minute." Wayne called out. "Coming." Ronnie called out. "Yes you will be cuming shortly." Wayne laughed to himself. "Where are you ?" Ronnie called out. "In the den." Wayne said. Ronnie turned the corner and stopped in his tracks. In front of him was Wayne on the floor nestled in a bean bag chair. The chair was arranged so that Wayne almost had his head on the floor and his ass as high in the air as he could get with his legs in the air. "Holy shit. Merry fucking Christmas to me." Ronnie said as he slowly walked towards his lover.

Slowly going to his knees Ronnie began to lightly run his hands over Wayne's ass and lightly teasing the rosebud. "I wondered why you wanted a bean bag chair for Christmas. " Ronnie whispered. "Well its time to put this gift to work." Wayne whispered. Ronnie leaned over and lightly licked his prize. The rosebud twitched as if it were inviting him in with every touch of the tongue. "You know how I love late night snacks." Ronnie said as he entered Wayne with his tongue.

Wayne's body began to thrash as Ronnie rimmed him like it was his last meal. After a few minutes realizing that he had gotten Wayne to relax and loosen some he reached over and picked up the bottle of lube. With all of the excitement Ronnie had not realized he still had his running shorts on. He knew that his cock was straining even more than usual but never considered the shorts. It was almost comical watching Ronnie roll on the floor trying to free his enraged cock from the band of his shorts and get them off. Applying lube to both his raging cock and Wayne's ass Ronnie moved to his knees. Placing the mushroom head at the entrance he watched as the head slowly entered Wayne and sank out of sight.

"That is so fucking hot it is insane." Ronnie whispered. Holding still for a minute or two for Wayne to adjust Ronnie watched his long hard shaft slowly sink inside his lover's ass. Once he was all the way in he could hear the moans coming from Wayne. Leaning over and passionately kissing Wayne. "I am inside you baby. All the way. I fucking watched my dick slide deep inside you. " Ronnie whispered. "I feel it baby. My babies cock is home safe and warm where it belongs. " Wayne whispered. This was a new position for Ronnie. He was in a doggie style position on his hands and knees while his lover was in a missionary position with his arms and legs wrapped around him. "Damn I like this bean bag." Ronnie whispered. "We are just getting started." Wayne whispered. Ronnie began an alternating pace of slowly moving in and out of Wayne and then power fucking him even removing his cock completely and then easily gliding back in on the down stroke.

Wayne's body was wiggling and going crazy. Ronnie pushed himself in balls deep and leaned over and kissed Wayne. "Get on your stomach baby." Ronnie whispered. Removing his cock quickly causing a loud noise Ronnie moved back so Wayne could reposition himself. Balling the bean bag up and wrapping his arms around it put Wayne in a doggie style position but was resting completely on the chair. Ronnie moved up and once again watched the mushroom head slowly sink inside his lover. "Shit this is hot." Ronnie whispered. Running his hands slowly up Wayne's hairy back while his pistoned in and out of his lover Ronnie lay his body down resting his hairy chest and Wayne's back.

Ronnie leaned over and began to kiss Wayne's neck. He bit lightly which caused Wayne's body to shake. On the downward stroke of his huge cock Wayne's body began to shake. "UUuuuuugggghhh.... ooohhhhhh.. ...uuuuuhhhhh.. ...ssshhhhhiiiiiiittttttttt....... " Wayne began to scream. Ronnie began a fast and furious fuck as Wayne dumped his load onto the sheet covering the bean bag chair. The vice like clamp on Ronnie's cock took him over the edge. Wrapping his arms under Wayne's shoulders and raising to his tip toes. Ronnie bit into Wayne's neck and groaned.. "Ffffffffuuuuuuucccccckkkkkkk.........oohhhhh hhheeeellllll..... .uuuuuuuummmmmm.. ..gggggrrrrrrrr." were the sounds coming from Ronnie as his toes trembled and his cock flexed dumping what felt like the biggest load of his life inside Wayne. "Baby I can feel every shot inside me." Wayne whispered which seemed to cause Ronnie to dump even more inside him.

Ronnie trembled as he lowered himself back to his knees with his cock still buried deep inside Wayne. For once his cock felt even harder still inside Wayne and not softening at all. Every flex inside Wayne caused moans from Wayne and Ronnie's body to tremble. Trying to catch his breath Ronnie kissed Wayne on the neck. "Damn baby I never thought about a bean bag. I just thought you sat in them." Ronnie said between gasps of breath. "Oh you can set in them?" Wayne laughed. "Baby I think this is the best furniture investment I have ever made. And the cheapest. Remind me in the morning to order a few more. " Ronnie said. "Why would you need more ?" Wayne asked. "I need replacements so when we wear this one out. " Ronnie laughed and flexed his still hard cock inside Wayne. "Mmmm. I will clear out a place to store them tomorrow. You think one truck load will be enough." Wayne laughed.

James and Kyle lay trying to regain their breath. James still buried deep inside Kyle with his lovers arms and legs wrapped around him. The men could feel the seed that James had just planted deep in Kyle begin to leak out on the towel under Kyle. "I love you so much baby." James said. "I love you too James. More than you could ever realize." Kyle whispered. James began to move as if he were going to pull out of Kyle. "No baby. Not yet. This is going to be a busy week and we may not have many of these moments for a couple of weeks. I want to enjoy every second of it." Kyle whispered. "Are you ready for this week ?" James asked. "Almost. I think everything is in line." Kyle said. "Well you know if I can help all you have to do is ask." James said and kissed Kyle again. "I love this." Kyle said. "What is that baby?" James said lightly kissing Kyle's neck. "I love the fact that you are comfortable talking to me about things like this with your dick still hard and inside me." Kyle whispered. "Baby my dick is happy and at home. We can talk about anything you want." James whispered.

Lee lay on the chase in the bedroom looking out across the yard from the moonlight. The feel of a warm hand on his shoulder and then a warm naked body laying down behind him made his world make more sense. "Are you alright baby ?" Chris whispered as he wrapped his arms around Lee. "I am not sure to be honest." Lee said. "What's wrong ?" Chris asked as he nuzzled his goatee into Lee's neck. "Its these dreams. They are so dark baby they are scaring me." Lee said. "Dark in what way ?" Chris asked. "I see everyone there including myself and there is some altercation. Then things go black around certain ones. Its as if someone dies. I have never dreamed like this before so I don't understand. " Lee said.

Chris felt a tear roll down Lee's cheek. "Baby we are in this together. I refuse to let anything happen to either you or the boys. Keith text tonight and said he had a surveillance dvd from his neighbor that he is giving the guys tomorrow. Hopefully we will know something then. " Chris said. "I just want this to be over." Lee said. "Baby it will be. It will be soon I am sure of it." Chris said. Lee turned in the chase and wrapped his arms around Chris laying his head on Chris' massive chest. "Are you sorry you ever met me ? Its seems its been nothing but drama." Lee whispered.

Chris moved and took his hands and placed them on both sides of Lee's face. "Baby I would not be any other place. I don't think it was drama a couple of hours ago when you were screaming my name while I was emptying my nuts inside you." Chris said. "Well it hasn't all been drama I guess." Lee said. "No baby it has not. For all the time that we have been together the drama has taken very little time out of it all. I have never regretted meeting you and as I told you. If you are leaving you have to make room for three more. We are going with you." Chris said.

"I love you so much." Lee said as he lay his head back on Chris' chest. "Ditto baby." Chris whispered. Chris could feel Lee's breath begin to calm as he seemed to slip off to sleep. Looking out the window into the moon light. "He needs your help Grandma. Please help me to help him. I love your grandson with all my heart. I need your help. It hurts me to see him hurt." Chris thought as he lightly rubbed Lee's back and let him sleep.

Morning came too early. Lee sat at the table in the breakfast room with a cup of coffee when Cody came bounding into the room. "These boys are so different. Cody is a morning person and Alex is far from it. " Lee thought to himself. "Up pzzz" Cody said trying to pull his way up Lee's leg. Lee picked the toddler up and Cody automatically wrapped his arms tight around Lee's neck. "Good Morning little stinker. I love you too." Lee laughed.

Moments later Alex came into the room still rubbing his eyes and climbed up on the other leg. He wrapped his arm around Lee's back and lay his head on Lee's bare chest. Moving his other hand to rub his nose quickly. "Good morning little man. Did you sleep good ?" Lee asked. "Your hair tickles my nose Pop." Alex whispered. "I am sorry buddy. I didn't put on a shirt. Do you want me to go get one ?" Lee whispered. "NO" Alex said as he tightened his grip on Lee as if he were frightened. "What's wrong baby ?" Lee asked. By this time Chris had entered the room and was standing beside Lee's chair. "Grandma told me that you and Cody and Josh and Unca Keith needed me a whole lots right now." Alex said.

"Baby we always need you a whole lot." Lee said kissing the young boy on his head. "I know but Grandma said this was special. She even said she talked to Cody about it too." Alex said still yawning. Seeing the fear come over Lee, Chris lay his hand on his shoulder and leaned over and kissed him on the head. "Remember baby. No one will hurt us. I love you." Chris whispered. Chris' attempt was futile to remove Cody from around Lee's neck. The more he tried the tighter the toddler held on. " I guess I need to give this up before he chokes you." Chris whispered. "Just pull up a chair real close. Let them know that you are here too baby." Lee whispered.

After about five minutes Cody loosened his grip and moved so that he was setting on both Lee's leg and Chris'. "What did Grandma say ?" Chris asked. "She said that there was trouble coming and that I needed to be strong. She said that Pop and Cody and Josh and Unca Keith would need me to be strong for them." Alex said. "Did she say what the trouble was ?" Chris asked. "No Papa. I don't like trouble." Alex said. "I know baby. But you know that me and Papa are always here and we will protect you." Lee said. "I know Pop but I think this time I am suppose to protect you and Cody." Alex said.

"Don't worry little man. You and I will protect Pop and Cody together. " Chris said. "Josh and Unca Keith too ?" Alex asked. "Sure buddy I will help you protect them all." Chris said with concern in his voice. "I love you Papa." Alex said. Lee looked at Chris with concern on his face. "Don't worry baby. Whatever this is I got this. You trust me ?" Chris said. Lee's smile let Chris know that some of the concern had just left Lee. "What the fuck is going on ? What is going to happen ?" raced through Chris' mind.

"HELP PLEASE.....ARE YOU THERE.....PLEASE I NEED YOU." came screams over the older couples walkie talkie. The elderly lady had grabbed the walkie talkie "JOSH let go of the button." she tried to call into the walkie talkie. "FATHER... Josh is in trouble. Get next door." she called out. Remembering what Brian had told him Josh finally let go of the button. "Josh. Father is on his way. Look for him at the back door and open it only for him." she said. She watched from the window as her husband made his way across the drive and to the back door. Josh unlocked the door and stood back crying uncontrollably and pointing down the hall. The elderly man took the walkie talkie from Josh. "I am in mother. I need you to come and get Josh." he said and dropped the walkie talkie and ran down the hall.

The elderly lady had made it in the back door and had gotten on her knees and wrapped her arms around Josh. Josh still stood stiff as a board crying uncontrollably pointing down the hall. The elderly man came quickly back to the breakfast room. "Its Brian. Get my phone, wallet and keys. I need to get him to the Emergency room. " the man said. "Do I need to call and ambulance ?" she asked. "No time. Just take Josh and I will meet you at the car with Brian. You may want to stay here with him so he will be more comfortable after we leave. See if you can find out how to call Keith." he said. "Josh. Do you know how to get in touch with Daddy Keith ?" she asked. Josh ran to the master bedroom and returned with Brian's cell phone. The lady looked at the smart phone and shook her head. Josh took the phone, turned it on and pulled up Keith's number. "Sweetheart I need you to show me how to use my television remote control much less one of these phones.." she said softly.

Next: Chapter 69

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