Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Apr 23, 2017


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter 73

In Georgia you never know what the weather will do. One day it may not get above freezing and the next may seem like a warm spring day. Fortunately it was a bright sunny day and the temperature was fairly warm for January. Lee was up preparing some of the dishes for the day. Cody and Alex were at the table eating breakfast. Chris came down the hall in just a pair of shorts with a small bundle in each arm. "I heard them starting to fuss so I snuck in and got them so Bob and Paul could sleep." Chris said. "Now that is a handsome sight." Lee said. "Oh no baby. You can get the shirtless with the shorts anytime you want but the two bundles go home with their dads." Chris laughed. "Well Its still hot." Lee laughed.

"I am guessing they are hungry. Do you know what Paul does ?" Chris asked. Alex took a big bite of his toast and hoped down from the table. He walked to the refrigerator and opened it. Removing two bottles he walked to the microwave and placed both bottles inside. "Three O Pop" Alex said. "Three O ?" Lee asked. "Yeah Pop everyone knows you mash three zero and then they eat." Alex said as if everyone should know that. Once the microwave beeped Alex took the bottles to Chris. This one is for Leyton and this one is for Addyson." Alex said and walked back to his seat and picked up his toast. "How did you get so smart stinker ?" Chris asked.

"Well Papa if you watched Unca Paul like I do then you would know." Alex said and then smiled. "Yeah Papa. Remember Alex watches everything." Lee laughed. Chris walked up to Lee and lightly maneuvered so he could lightly kiss Lee's cheek. "Are you up to this today babe. I know you didn't sleep at all last night." Chris said. "It was bad but I am alright. Here give me one of those. I don't think you have enough hands to feed both." Brian said. "I got it. Hand me Leyton. He is not as easy to feed. " Bob said coming around the corner yawning and scratching his chest. "I was hoping you guys would sleep late." Chris said. "Oh I did compared to normal. Paul is still asleep." Bob said taking Leyton and one of the bottles. "Wrong bottle Unca Bob." Alex spoke up with a mouth full of egg and toast. "You are right little man. What would I do without you ?" Bob laughed.

"Alright sex machine. I need to get up and figure out what you have here to fix for us to carry to Lee's. " Brian said as Keith was spooned to his back and holding him tight. "Taken care of." Keith said. "What do you mean? " Brian asked. "I volunteered to bring plates, cups, napkins, silverware, drinks and chips. They are all in the laundry room." Keith whispered. "You sneaky thing." Brian whispered. "Hey I knew we would be at the fund raiser last night and then have to drive here. I wanted to make sure I had enough time to get me some New Years nookie." Keith laughed. "Oh you want some nookie huh ?" Brian said.

"Well I am a little built up form earlier in the week. You know I had to go stag for a few days." Keith laughed. "Poor baby is backing up huh ?" Brian laughed. "Well we need to see what we can do about that I guess. I can't have my babies balls hurting all day from being to full." Brian laughed. "Mmmm I like the sounds of your method of home nursing." Keith said as he slid his now hard cock up and down the crack of Brian's ass. "Down fella. It will be a few minutes. " Brian laughed as he got out of bed and headed to the master bath. While laying in bed dreaming of what he is about to do Keith had a cold chill run over his body. For a second it rocked him to his core. This even caused his cock to go to semi hard. "What the hell was that all about ?" Keith thought.

Brian finished what he needed to and stood looking in the mirror. "I am so lucky. I don't see it in the mirror but that man out there loves me and his cock twitches every time he sees me." Brian thought as he smiled into the mirror. Returning to the bedroom the bed was empty. "Where the hell is he ?" Brian thought. Brian stood in the bay window in the master bedroom watching the sun rise over the back of their yard. He felt Keith's body heat before he felt the arms wrap around him. "I thought you had changed your mind." Brian whispered. "Never sexy. I just went and started the coffee pot." Keith said. Keith moved in so that his body had almost full contact with Brian's. With his arms wrapped around Brian and his chin on Brian's should, Keith began to rock and sway as if they were doing a slow dance.

"Have I told you this morning how much I love you and appreciate you ?" Brian whispered. "Nope and I feel neglected." Keith laughed in a whisper. "Well I need to fix that. I guess I need to prove it to you." Brian whispered. Keith removed his arms from around Brian and began to rub his hand down Brian's back and lightly kissing the part that he had just rubbed. Moving down to his knees Keith licked his lips as he parted Brian's ass cheeks. Blowing puffs of warm air on Brian's rosebud made it twitch and Brian moan. "Breakfast. Served on a silver platter." Keith whispered. Leaning forward he began to lick around the outer edge of Brian's ass. Reaching under Brian's spread legs and pulling his cock backwards Keith began to lick from the tip of Brian's cock up to the rosebud and lightly enter Brian's ass with his tongue. "Baby please. It wont take much." Brian whispered. Keith then pushed his tongue in as hard and fast as he could. "Uuuughhhhh..." Brian moaned as he arched his back. Finally removing his tongue. "Does my baby like that ?" Keith whispered. "Baby if the amount I have leaked all over your leg and the floor doesn't answer that question I don't think words will." Brian said. "Hehehe." Keith said.

Keith began to move back up Brian's back as he inserted two fingers into Brian's ass. Once he was standing again he took one hand and pulled Brian's face around so that they could kiss. With Keith being taller it made this maneuver easier. Once the kiss started getting intense Keith added a third finger and began to power fuck Brian with his fingers. Brian was on his tip toes and trying to moan, breath and kiss at the same time. "Baby please I am so close." Brian whispered. "So my baby likes this huh ?" Keith whispered. "Too much more and your baby will be finished before you even start." Brian said. "Oh is that so ?" Keith whispered as he moved his other hand down and grasp Brian's raging cock. Speeding his finger assault into Brian's ass was all it took. Brain leaned hard against Keith's chest.

"FFFFuuuuuuuucccckkkkkkk." he almost shouted as he began to shoot his load on the floor and the cushions on the bay window. "Stay right here. I need lube." Keith said. "No baby. Just spit and shove. I have to have you inside me now." Brain said as he reached back and held Keith's leg to keep him from moving Keith spit in his hand and rubbed it on Brian's rosebud. Brian was still trying to catch his breath from his orgasm. Keith was getting frustrated that he could not spit quick enough. Reaching down and collecting some of Brian's cum from the floor and the cushion he rapidly lubed his cock and pressed it against the entrance to Brian's ass.

Keith pushed slightly and with some force was able to breach the entrance to Brian's ass. "OH FUCK baby don't tell me you got even bigger." Brian called out. "Baby did that hurt?" Keith said with concern. "No baby." Brian said as he forced himself back on Keith's cock until he was fully impaled. "Fuck that hurt." Brian thought. Keith began to rock again as if they were in a slow dance. Feeling Brian finally loosen his grip on his cock Keith began to slowly move in and out of his lover. Keith began to quicken his strokes inside Brian. "Uh,,,Uh,,,hhhmmmm,,," were the constant moans coming from deep inside Brian. Keith wrapped his hands around Brian's waist and began to lower both men towards the floor.

Still keeping his cock inside Brian and pushing in to the hilt occasionally on the way down had Brian feel like he was almost falling. As Keith landed on his knees he pulled Brian down as far on his raging cock as he could get it. "Hold on baby. I have you. I will always have you." Keith whispered. Keith began to rapidly fuck up into Brian and as he felt Brian's ass ring tighten around his cock he knew that his lover was about to shoot his second load. The thought of making his lover shoot twice and the second time without even touching himself brought Keith over the edge. Keith began very fast and short jabs into Brian's ass with his cock almost having Brian setting in his lap. As Brian's muscles began to tighten so did Keith's. With the first shot of Brian's second orgasm the pressure on Keith's cock took him over the edge.

"Ooooohhhhhhhh shhhhhiiiiiiiiiiittttt...... ffuuuucckkk bbbbaaabbyyy." Keith called out as his body vibrated as he began to empty his load deep inside Brian. Keith wrapped his arms tight around Brian and Brian's arms tight around Keith's as they tried to catch their breath. "Alright baby. Don't you laugh if you see me walking funny today. You did it." Brian laughed. Keith could feel his freshly planted seed running out around his semi hard cock. "Get the shower warm and I will be right back with coffee." Keith whispered as his flaccid cock finally fell from his lovers ass. Both men stood with their knees and legs both still weak. As he headed down the hall Keith looked down to see the glisten still on his cock from the mixture of both his and Brian's cum.

"Oh my. Hey little man. When did you get up ?" Keith said to Josh. Josh had gotten a glass and the orange juice out of the refrigerator and was in the middle of the kitchen floor trying to pour some into his glass. "Here buddy. Let me get that. You want some cereal ?" Keith asked . Still blushing knowing that he was standing in front of his son naked with still wet cum on his cock. "Why didn't you wake me or Daddy ?" Keith asked. "You were awake but when I looked in the door you and Daddy were having too much fun wrestling in front of the window. I am a big boy. I could get my juice and let you wrestle." Josh said. "Oh shit." Keith thought. "Who won ?" Josh asked.

"Baby we were play wrestling so we both won." Keith said. "Good." Josh commented. "Will you be alright while Daddy Brain and I get a shower ? " Keith asked. Josh just shook his head yes as he began to shovel cereal in like he was starving. Keith stopped at the television and turned on cartoons. Once back in the master bath. "What took so long ?" Brian asked. "Well our son caught us "wrestling" in front of the window this morning. He was trying to pour himself some juice." Keith laughed. "Oh shit." Brian exclaimed. "We just need to remember we are parents and the doors have locks. " Keith laughed.

Everyone had arrived at Lee and Chris' for the cookout. It was planned for early in the day so that everyone could head to the homes they needed to and not be too late. Breanna and Dean were also there with the kids. "Last night was amazing." Paul said as he talked in the kitchen with Brian, Lee, Wayne, Breanna and Kyle. "I was shocked." Kyle said. "Well the last report I got last night is that before the end of next week you will have collected at least a million dollars." Lee said. "Ronnie and his friends had hoped for as close to one hundred thousand as they could get." Wayne said. "Sounds like they well exceeded that and then some." Breanna said.

"I know that we have no worries about staying open for a while with that type money." Kyle said. "I am just glad that it is all working out. It wouldn't be so without you Kyle." Lee said. "Alright we have some hungry men and kids scattered all over the property. Lets get this done. Chris, Bob and Dean are manning the grill." Lee said. "I want to thank you guys. I know that at first you were afraid of how Dean and I would receive you guys. Dean has never been happier. He feels like he has a large group of wonderful friends and them being gay means nothing to him." Breanna said. "Well you have a super husband." Paul said. "Yeah and he is not bad to look at. I see why you married him. " Bob said as he walked into the kitchen. "Alright fellas. Rule number one. You all have you own men so keep your hands off my man's junk." Breanna laughed. Bob stopped in his tracks wondering if he had offended Breanna. "Don't worry Breanna. He couldn't afford the child support if he decided to step out. " Paul laughed. "Yeah Dean is in the same boat." Breanna laughed.

"Are you excited about the new job ?" Chris asked as Keith took a break from the kids and came to the grill. "I haven't had a lot of time to think about it but yes I am excited. I want to thank you for giving me the opportunity." Keith said speaking to both Dean and Chris. "Don't look at us. We just married into it. We do what we are told. " Dean said laughing. "Its not that bad." Keith laughed. "Well Breanna is Memaw's granddaughter remember." Dean said. "Yep and Lee is her son. Now they will be your bosses. I stress the word bosses." Chris laughed. "Oh I can handle that. Mrs. Ruth loves me." Keith smiled. "Oh she loves me too but I don't dare cross her." Dean said laughing.

"Hello men. How is the food coming ?" came a ladies voice as she came around the corner of the house. "See you called her up Dean." Keith whispered. "The ribs and chicken are almost done and as soon as your grandson in law gets the burgers and hotdogs for the kids so we can cook them we will be ready on our end." Chris said. "Oh throw me under the bus would you." Dean laughed as he headed to the house to get the meat. Stopping to hug Mrs. Ruth on his way. Entering the kitchen Dean walked towards the refrigerator. "Shape up folks. The boss lady is here." Dean laughed. Not having to ask they could hear small children's voices screaming "MEMAW" across the yard.

"Hey buddy. How are things going with you and Kyle ?" Ronnie asked as the child watching ended with the rush to Memaw. "Going good. I will just be glad when he can slow down a little. But I have known him for years and he always goes full blast." James said. "Yeah he seems to have lots of determination." Ronnie said. "Are things good with you and Wayne ?" James asked. "So far so good. I asked him to marry me." Ronnie said. "I want to marry Kyle but I think he is having to get settled with the trust issues. I understand though." James said. "Well our little buddy Josh is the one that took care of mine. Well the first part anyway." Ronnie said. "How is that ?" James asked. "He wanted me to go to Wal Mart and buy me and Wayne a "marry". " Ronnie laughed. "Wal Mart ?" James asked. "Hey he said they had lots of toys so they should have a marry too." Ronnie said. "Smart kid. I may have to go to Wal Mart and surprise Kyle with a marry." James laughed.

"Are you and Kyle thinking about kids ?" Ronnie asked. "NO. We agreed if the urge hit us that we had plenty we could borrow for a couple of hours." James laughed. "We decided the same thing. If Wayne wanted kids I would not argue but thank goodness he doesn't." Ronnie said. "Yeah I saw Brian earlier. I had to wonder the way he is walking if he gave birth this morning." James laughed. "Hell if I had to take that monster Keith has up my ass I would never walk again." Ronnie laughed. "Is he that big ?" James asked. "Well think of the biggest and longest guy you have seen in porn and add length and girth." Ronnie said. "Damn. Glad I don't have something like that to deal with." James laughed. "Well I have been expecting Brian to show up asking for anal reconstructive surgery." Ronnie laughed. James laughed and shook his head.

The lunch went well. It is standard in the south to have ribs, collard greens, and black eyed peas along with other assorted items. The men seemed miserable from eating too much. They all sat and chatted while the children napped. "Are you ready for your new job ?" Dean asked Keith. "I am just ready to get this current issue taken care of so we can all relax and enjoy days like this." Keith said. "Oh you will get it handled. How is the new house ?" Dean asked. "We love it. Now we should be able to make an offer on it to buy it. You and Bree need to come and visit." Keith said. "Well thank you. I am sure that would be a fun visit." Dean said.

Across the room others chatted about nothing in particular. "Rest buddy. After apparently what happened this morning you need the rest." Lee said to Brian. "What do you mean ?" Brian asked. "Hey its me, Lee. I am a total bottom. I can recognized someone that just got the fucking of their life. " Lee laughed. "Well I am trying to cover it up." Brian laughed and blushed. "Don't worry buddy. I plan to feel your pain later tonight. Well not quite your pain. Thank goodness Chris isn't that big." Lee laughed. "Yeah my hat is off to you buddy. If Bob was that big he would have to live in another house." Paul laughed. Kyle walked up and sat beside Lee while he fed one of the babies. "Thank you guys for inviting us. This has been an amazing two days. This is what I had hoped my life to be. " Kyle said. "Here finish filling this one while I check on the others and you may change your mind." Lee said as he handed the baby to Kyle.

Luckily it was a nice day outside. Alex, Cody, Kolt, Shasta and Josh all woke about the same time. All five headed outside with different grown ups in tow. Mrs. Ruth was in heaven because she had Addyson who had fallen asleep in her arms. Alex, Kolt and Josh were in the backyard with Keith, Ronnie, James and Wayne. Lee stood in the kitchen window and wondered who was having more fun. The children or the grown ups. Chris walked up behind Lee and wrapped his arms around him. "Where are you love ?" Chris whispered. "Just watching the kids and grown kids. I wonder who is watching out for whom. I love this life sweetheart. Thank You for giving it to me." Lee whispered. "No my love. We did this together. I could not be happier myself. Well I will be when we start planning our wedding." Chris laughed.

"Tomorrow I promise." Lee said and turned and kissed Chris on the cheek. "Where is Cody ?" Chris asked. "Breanna took Cody and Shasta out the front door." Lee said. Dean walked up behind the group. :"Get a room guys." Dean laughed. "Why ? We have a whole house." Chris laughed. "Well I want to thank you guys. I think this is the best New Years cook out I have ever been too." Dean said. "Oh you think this is good. Just wait until the fourth of July." Chris laughed. About that time Lee's, Dean's, Chris', and Keith's cell phone blasted with an all familiar tune. "Oh shit its Bree." Dean said.

"Hey. What brings you out here on a holiday ?" Breanna said to the man as he stepped from the car. "You and your family think you are so fucking special." he said. "You have been drinking. I think you had better leave. What ever it is can wait until you sober up." Breanna said. "Stay the fuck out of this." he said. The man reached down and picked up Cody. Turning Cody so that he was facing away from the man he pulled a gun from his belt and placed it to Cody's head. "PUT HIM DOWN." Breanna screamed as she punched the panic button on her phone. "I told you to stay the fuck out of this. Time your Uncle felt the pain he dishes out." he said. Breanna quickly picked up Shasta and was trying to figure out how to free Cody from the man. Also she tried to figure out how to get the gun from Cody's head without anyone getting shot.

When the phones all sounded the alarm Dean ran to the front window as Lee headed to the front door. Throwing the door open he saw the man standing in the yard with a gun to Cody's head. "No fucking hell you don't." Lee said just loud enough for the group in the house to see. "What has happened ?" Mrs. Ruth asked. "Paul keep Memaw inside please." Dean called out. Lee shut the door and opened the closet door beside it. One quick punch of a code and false door opened. The wall was lined with all types of guns and ammunition. "Holy fuck." Chris whispered. Lee grabbed a 44 magnum with a laser scope and slapped the clip in it. Opening the door he stepped out with the gun aimed directly at the man.

"Baby please you may hit Cody." Chris said. "Leave him alone. Lee and Breanna are both High Master marksman." Dean whispered. "Do what ?" Chris said. "Just don't interrupt him please." Dean pleaded. About the time Lee stepped out the front door Keith came running around the side of the house. Quickly drawing his gun he looked at the man with shock. "What the fuck are you doing Ben ?" Keith said. "It has to be this way." Ben said. About that time Brian appeared from the other side of the house. "Ah there's the faggot now. You are next mother fucker. Think you can take my man from me. Not if you are dead." Ben said. "Leave him out of this." Keith shouted. "He and that unwanted brat you have is the problem. Once they are gone we can live our life happily. I am doing this for you Keith." Ben said. "Put Cody down. He has nothing to do with this." Keith said as he slowly moved towards Ben. "NO. Lee has to pay. He thinks he is untouchable. This will get his ass." Ben said. "Just get in my car and as soon as I have cleaned this mess up we can leave." Ben said to Keith.

"PUT MY DAMN CHILD DOWN" Lee shouted. "You think you are so fucking grand. You think no one can hurt you. Well you should have stayed out when I told you too." Ben said. "PUT MY FUCKING CHILD DOWN YOU PEACE OF SHIT." Lee shouted. "Oh you think you scare me with a gun in your hand. I am trained at shooting. You don't scare me." Ben growled. "You don't put my child down and then your gun and you will see just how familiar me and this gun are. " Lee said. "Always threatening. " Ben said as he began to twist the gun in Cody's temple. Cody had begun to cry and try to break loose. At his age he had no idea of what the danger was. He just wanted down. "Please don't hurt my child." Chris said. "You should have taken control of that faggot of yours and we wouldn't be here. See Lee the whole thing is your fault." Ben said. Mrs. Ruth put Addyson on a pallet and headed for the door. "Mrs. Ruth. Dean asked me to keep you inside the house." Paul said as he watched from the window. "Paul sweetheart. Are you planning on trying to stop me ?" she asked. "No mam." he said. "I thought not." she said.

"Ben what are you doing with my grandson ?" Mrs. Ruth's voice rang out as she stepped out from behind Chris. "You all think you are so fucking special and you can run everyone's lives. Well your son brought this on himself. Now you will all feel the hurt that you have dished out all over this county for years." Ben said. "Ben you have been drinking. I think we need to discuss this when you are sober." she said. "Shut the fuck up old woman. You are nothing but a pain in my ass." Ben said. "See your Daddy and Grandma have made your little life short. Blame them." Ben said to Cody. "I told you to put my fucking child down. I am not going to say it again." Lee said. "Demands, demands. I want to watch you at this ones funeral." Ben said.

Alex and Josh had come around the side of the house along with the men that had stayed in the back to watch. them. "Oh fuck." Kyle said as he started towards Ben. "What are you doing ?" James said grabbing Kyle. "I owe them my life James. It may be time to repay that debt." Kyle said pulling away from James. Wayne was on his cell phone talking to the Sheriff. Moments later a convoy of black SUV's pulled up and surrounded the group. "We have this now." one man said. "I will deal with you later and believe me I will." Mrs. Ruth said. "What have I or my family ever done to you Ben ?" she asked. "You think you rule this fucking town and we are all suppose to jump." Ben said. "I have never asked you to jump for anything." she said. " I hate bitches like you. Have a little money and think you rule the world around you." Ben said and pointed the gun towards her.

Chris went to step in front of her. "Stay back. I am eighty two years old. If I have to take a bullet for my family I will gladly do it so stay out of my way." she said as she walked a little closer to Ben. About that time a deputies car came flying down the road with its siren blaring. "Finally, Back up." Ben said. The deputy stepped out his car and drew his gun. Seeing Ben there with a gun and also Lee and Keith with guns drawn. "Alright what the hell is going on here." he called out. "Glad you are here buddy. I may not get all the targets I need your help." Ben said. "What the hell are you talking about ?" the deputy asked. "Time to clean this county up buddy." Ben said.

Tensions got stronger and Wayne stepped back in and took a rifle from the gun safe. Loading it he returned to the porch. "Its about ten against one Ben. You need to put Cody down and lay that gun down." Wayne called out. "We always knew you were a little on the light side Wayne. Stay out of this." Ben said. "I can't Ben." Wayne answered. "ENOUGH. " Ben shouted. "First you and then that little unwanted bastard standing over there. Sorry your daddy will not want you in his new life. You have to die too. " Ben shouted. "Put my cousin Cody down." Josh said as he stepped up and puffed his chest out. Alex stepped beside him and puffed his chest out too. "Yes. Put my Cody down." Alex shouted. "Bold little mother fuckers aren't you. Remember Lee. This is all your fault. " Ben said as he ground the gun to Cody's head. As if in unison Alex and Josh charged towards Ben. Ronnie and James tried drastically to grab them. "ALEX......JOSH!!!! " came screams... "POW.........POW...POW...POW.... POW"

"MOTHER !!!... Hurry. Isn't that Brian's new car and I think that one is Lee's." the elderly man said. "BREAKING NEWS." Just into Fox news Atlanta. Just south of Atlanta today a New Years cookout has turned tragic. As you can see from our News chopper there are still people down on the ground. Sources tell us that two county deputies and three civilians including one small child were injured in a shoot out. According to our sources one of the deputies attempted to kidnap a small boy from a cook out. We do know that a request for three to be life flighted to Atlanta Medical Centers has gone over the radio. It is unclear at this point if there are any fatalities and what the condition of any of the injured are. We will keep you updated and hope to have more on this breaking story at six pm." the announcer said. "Father. Do you think ?" she asked. "I don't know Mother. We will have to wait and see." he said. "Oh my God." she exclaimed as she sat beside her husband on the couch and began to lightly sob.

Next: Chapter 74

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