Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Jul 3, 2017


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter 82

"I do" rang through Lee's thoughts. As he walked into the motel room. "Baby I can't believe we finally did it." Chris whispered. "Baby I hope you are not upset that we snuck away to do this. There has been so much talk about our wedding. Others have postponed theirs because they didn't want to over shadow ours. I just want you. I didn't want all the fan fair. I just wanted to hear that sexy voice of your sad I do." Lee said as he turned to kiss Chris.

"Sweetheart I wanted whatever you wanted. I was afraid that the big wedding everyone wanted us to have would have stressed you out so bad you would not even remember it. " Chris said. "Baby I could never be too stressed to stand and look into my lover's, now my husband's, eyes when he said those words." Lee said. "Well you know there will be a few pissed off people." Chris laughed. "Well your family and my family were there. That's all I cared about." Lee said. "I am glad that the boys agreed to stay with my parents." Chris said. "I am too. I was so glad they were able to come." Lee said. "Baby I am sorry that we aren't taking a honeymoon right now." Chris said. "Honeymoon ? Babe I have been living my honeymoon from the day we met. A trip somewhere will not change that." Lee said. "Well my love. I think its time for Papa to get a real kiss from his new husband." Chris said as he took Lee in his arms and leaned in for a kiss.

"Yeah we need to plan something special. They don't know that we know." Brian said. "I had rather not wait until the July fourth party to do it. I know that is only a few weeks out." Paul said. "Well you know we can have a cookout or party here." Brian said. "That will be great. I guess they thought they could slip off and no one would know. " Paul laughed. " I think we have all gotten too close as a group to hide something like this." Brian laughed.

The two began to plan a cookout and pool party for the group. "I guess you need to talk to Keith about the date and the party then." Paul said. "Oh he wont care. He knows what side his bread is buttered on." Brian laughed. "Sounds like he is getting trained just like Bob." Paul laughed. "Well I am going to text Lee. I will pretend I don't know what is going on. Breanna told me the wedding was at two so its over." Brian said. "You may interrupt their consummation of their vows." Paul said. "Serve them right for trying to keep such a big secret." Brian laughed. "I like the way you think." Paul laughed. Brian typed out a quick text message to Lee. Within a couple of minutes the reply came back. "Just let us know what to bring." Lee answered. "Alright. They will be here. We just need to let everyone know what's going on but tell them to keep it a secret." Paul said.

Keith was back in his hometown dealing with the Sheriff. Ben's trial was coming up and he wanted to make sure that the Sheriff and the prosecutor had all the information they needed. "I think we have everything bud. Don't worry about the trial." the Sheriff said. "I am going to make sure he does not walk out of that court room a free man or ever for that fact." Keith said. "I don't think there is any chance of that. The Grand Jury indicted him on over fifteen counts including attempted murder and cruelty to a minor." the Sheriff said.

"Well my family went through hell. I want to make sure this son of a bitch never causes another issue for us. " Keith said. "How are things going ?" the Sheriff asked. "They are going great. Josh is all little boy and its like nothing ever happened. The new baby is due in just a few weeks. So it really feels great." Keith said. "Glad to hear it buddy. You deserve every minute of happiness." the Sheriff said. "Well its suppose to be a secret but Chris and Lee are in Vermont today getting married. They didn't think anyone would find out." Keith laughed. "When are you and Brian getting married ?" the Sheriff asked. "We already have. We got married last month but didn't tell anybody. We took Josh with us and flew to Pennsylvania and got married. We made a vow to be married before the baby was born." Keith said.

"Well congratulations. You should have said something. I need to get you a wedding gift." the Sheriff said. "Thanks but we don't need anything. Hell I need to sneak some things out of the house now and get rid of them but I am afraid Brian will miss them." Keith laughed. The sheriff reached into his wallet and handed Keith a one hundred dollar bill. "At least take him out to a nice dinner on me." the Sheriff said. "You keep that and just make sure that bastard goes to prison is the best wedding gift you could give us." Keith said. "Done deal but take the money anyway." the Sheriff said.

"Honey I can't believe that we are doing this." Wayne said. "Are you getting cold feet on me ?" Ronnie asked as they pulled up to the bed and breakfast in Vermont. "Not at all. I am so happy. I will be even happier about eleven thirty tomorrow." Wayne said. "Well I plan to be pretty happy tonight. I plan to have lots of hot and wild sex tonight as my last night as a single man." Ronnie said leaning over to kiss Wayne. "Well you aren't suppose to see me after midnight." Wayne laughed. "That alright. I can tear that sweet ass up a few times before midnight and be asleep by then." Ronnie laughed.

"I can't believe that we have come this far in less than a year. If you had told me a year ago I would be here with you right now I would have told you that you had lost your mind." Wayne said. "Baby I was a fool and I know it. I wish I had not wasted those years but I plan to make up for them." Ronnie said. "Baby you have nothing to make up for. Just promise me we will be as happy in twenty years as we are today." Wayne said. "Happier baby. Now let me get my husband to be in our room and get a little taste of what I have to look forward too before dinner." Ronnie whispered. "You get the key. I'll get the bags." Wayne whispered as he leaned over and kissed Ronnie.

"I would like to propose a toast. To Uncle Chris and Lee. May you have many years of happiness together. Anyone that looks in your eyes when you are together could never doubt how much in love with each other you are. May that sparkle live in your eyes for the rest of your lives." Dean said. "I will have to say in the beginning we were a little reserved. The more we have gotten to know Lee we could have not asked for a better son in law or a better match for our son Chris. We wish you all the happiness in the world. And by the way you have to bring our great grandchildren to visit more often too." Chris' dad said.

"Well I can finally call you Uncle Chris for real now. You are in now so you can't get away." Breanna laughed. "Yeah I guess you are stuck with me now." Chris laughed. The food arrived at the table and everyone enjoyed their meal. There was lots of laughter watching the four children eat. Cody would feed himself and then reach over to the next high chair and try to feed Shasta. Mrs. Ruth had been quiet until the desserts and coffee were delivered.

"I want to thank you Chris for bringing so much joy and happiness to both my son and my family. I had worried for years that Lee would be all alone. I can rest now knowing that he has someone that loves him as much as he loves them. " she said. "What about me Memaw ? I love you too." Alex spoke up from his ice cream. "Me too." Kolt called out. "I love all four of my great grandbabies." she said smiling at the four dirty faces. "I know you said you didn't want a wedding gift but I know you are not taking a honeymoon until later. I want to pay for your honeymoon." Mrs. Ruth said. "We have discussed it with Mrs. Ruth. We want to pay for other expenses like meals and such." Chris' Mom spoke up. "You guys don't need to do that. I want to pull out all the stops and spoil my husband rotten on our honeymoon." Chris said. "You can still do that but just let us pay for it." Chris' dad said.

The group sat and talked for a while. Alex and Kolt were staying with Chris' parents in their room and Cody and Shasta were staying with Breanna and Dean. As the group hugged and headed for the exit Lee stopped Chris and pointed to a table in the corner. "I'll be damned." Chris whispered. "We will catch you guys at breakfast." Chris told the group. Walking over to the table Chris and Lee both stopped just before getting there. "Look what we have here." Chris said.

"Shit. Hey guys. What are you doing here ?" Ronnie said. "Apparently the same as you two." Lee laughed. "We're just eating." Wayne said. "Well is this the pre wedding dinner or the reception dinner ?" Chris asked. "Well I need to ask you the same thing. " Ronnie laughed. "We got married this afternoon." Chris said. "Well you sneaky sons a bitches." Wayne laughed. "Look whos talking." Lee laughed. "Well Congratulations." Wayne said and stood to hug both Chris and Lee's necks. "So are you headed off on your honeymoon ?" Ronnie asked. "No we are headed home tomorrow. With the new house and the motel renovations we are waiting until the fall." Chris said.

"Well we get married at eleven tomorrow and then we fly out at two for a short honeymoon in Key West. I plan to clear my schedule later in the year and take two or three weeks for the real one." Ronnie said. "Well I have a new job so I may not be able to leave but for a week." Wayne said. "Oh no. You are taking a month. That will give you a week to be able to walk again once you get back." Chris laughed. "I can't do that." Wayne said. "Your bosses just spoke. You guys eat. Would you care to join us for a drink in about an hour ? " Lee asked. "You guys probably have an interesting night planned." Ronnie laughed. "We will start that after we make sure all the kids are asleep." Chris said. "Yeah we don't want over stressed grandparents." Lee laughed. The group agreed to meet at a small bar around nine.

"Well hello you two. How are you guys today ?" Kyle said as Bernie and Mark came into the restaurant. "We are great. We are finally getting some tenants and everything is going great." Bernie said. "Grab you a plate." Kyle said. "No thanks. We can buy food now so we eat at home. Bernie is here to work with the legal group on VA stuff for a couple of hours and I tagged along to make myself useful." Mark said. "Oh in two weeks we are giving a party for Chris and Lee. They got married today. They think no one knows but we found out. It is going to be at Keith and Brian's but the reason is going to be a secret. Paul called wanting you guys number so he could invite you." Kyle said.

"Are you sure about that ?" Mark asked. "More than sure. You guys are part of the family. Why would you not be invited ?" Kyle asked. "We would not be hurt if we were not invited." Bernie said. "Do you not want to go ?" Kyle asked. "No we would love too. We just don't want to be invited just to keep from hurting our feelings." Bernie said. "That's crazy. You know you have already been invited to the July fourth party too. None of it was out of pity or to spare your feelings. Everyone loves you guys. " Kyle said. "As long as we can bring some food." Mark said. "Well you can discuss that with Brian and Paul. Now you help me get these dishes squared away and Bernie you go get these Veterans what they are owed." Kyle said.

The kids were asleep and Chris and Lee set out for the short walk to the bar. "This feels so perfect." Chris said. "What baby ?" Lee said. "Walking down the side walk. You arm wrapped around mine and us holding hands. Headed to have a celebratory drink with a couple of friends. Its just so perfect." Chris said. "I hope you don't mind having a drink with them. I hated not to suggest something." Lee said. "Nope baby. I am glad you suggested it. I have a life time to play in that sweet ass of yours. Besides the night will still be young." Chris said and kissed Lee on the cheek.

"Well I plan to keep my husband happy." Lee said. "Say that again." Chris said. "That I plan to make you happy ?" Lee asked. "No the husband part." Chris smiled. "Well husband, I plan to make you very happy form many years." Lee said. "Husband. I like that." Chris smiled. "Well I have certain plans for my husband tonight when I get him back to the room." Lee whispered. "Hmm. One shot each and we are off." Chris laughed. "Oh no baby. My husband has to be tortured and sit and wonder what his husband has in store for him when he gets him back to the honeymoon suite." Lee whispered. "Damn. Now my curiosity will drive me nuts. " Chris said. "That's part of the plan." Lee laughed.

The guys sat on the patio enjoying their drinks and chatting. "Its funny that we ended up here on the same weekend." Ronnie said. "Well buddy you remind me of my anniversary and I will remind you of yours." Chris laughed. "Personally I want to thank you two. If it had not been for you two meeting, Ronnie and I would probably not be here today." Wayne said. "It was none of our doings." Chris said. "I beg to differ with you. If you two had not met, Keith and Brian would not have. Then I would have not met them. Thus meeting you I found out Wayne had taken off. So yes we owe tomorrow to you." Ronnie said

"Well I don't look at it that way but if you don't mind Chris and I would be honored if you allowed us to attend." Lee said. "We would love that wouldn't we babe ?" Wayne asked. "Since you are hear I would be insulted if you didn't." Ronnie laughed. "We would be honored too. You have to tell us where though." Chris laughed. They finished their drinks and headed back to their bed and breakfast. "You know after Ronnie's explanation it really is a small world I guess." Chris said. "Well husband of mine I plan to rock your world shortly." Lee whispered. "Why are we walking so slow then ? " Chris laughed.

Back in the room Chris had a bottle of champagne chilling. Lee excused himself to the bathroom for a few minutes. Coming out he invited Chris to come and join him in the shower. The two men lovingly lathered each other up and lightly rinsed and then washed again in between long kisses. At one point Chris turned Lee towards him under the spray. As he leaned over to kiss his new husband he reached around and parted Lee's ass cheeks. As they kissed Chris alternated between hands pushing a finger from his right hand into Lee's ass and pulling out and replacing it with a finger from his left hand. Chris began to slowly turn Lee around while their lips were still locked. "Not yet baby. I told you I had a surprise." Lee whispered. Chris just moaned in disappointment and turned Lee back around to face him. The water was starting to chill as they exited the shower. Taking turns drying each other off the headed into the bedroom.

"Come here my husband. " Chris whispered. "Not yet husband. I told you I had a surprise." Lee said. The honeymoon suite had a circular staircase that went up to what some would call a widows walk. Coming back down the steps. "Bring the champagne. " Lee said and slapped his naked ass cheek. "You don't have to tell Papa twice." Chris laughed and grabbed the chilled bottle and two glasses. As he reached the top of the stairs he was amazed. "How did you do all of this ?" Chris asked. "I made sure it was part of the deal when I made the reservations." Lee smiled.

As Chris looked around he saw different sized throw pillows all over the floor. There were all different sized candles lite and placed all around the area. There was a small tray of fruit, cheese, and crackers. Chris smiled as he looked at his new naked husband laid out on the pillows. "I see somebody likes what they see." Lee smiled looking at Chris' growing cock. Chris got down on his knees and placed the glasses down. Popping the cork on the champagne he poured the two glasses. "I popped this cork baby. In a few minutes I am going to let you pop mine." Chris whispered. Handing a glass to Lee, Chris lay down on his side looking at Lee. Propped on one arm he leaned over and kissed Lee lightly on the lips. "To us baby." Chris said as they both sipped their champagne.

Chris moved over and began to kiss Lee. Moving ever so slowly he ended up hovering over his husband. His body was between Lee's legs at this point and the two lover's raging cocks seemed to be kissing just as the two men were. "Fuck your husband. Please." Lee whispered. "Gladly husband. I plan on making my husbands man pussy very happy for many years." Chris whispered. Reaching his hand around Lee's ass cheek Chris placed a finger on the entrance to Lee's ass. As his finger entered Lee almost came off the floor. "AAAAaaahhhhhhhhh" Lee moaned. "You alright baby ?" Chris whispered. "It has never been that sensitive. But in a good way. Don't stop." Lee purred.

Chris had known from the beginning that when he kissed or when he finger fucked Lee that he would leak pre cum. Lee's body was shaking by this point and for the first time Chris watched almost a steady stream of pre cum not leak but flow from Lee's cock. "Damn baby. This is amazing." Chris said as he moved down and took Lee's cock in his mouth. There was no need to coax more pre cum because Lee was producing it to the point it was hard for Chris to keep up. "Baby stop please. I am about to cum." Lee whispered.

"Shit I can't. Baby you have always been sweet but shit this is like pure sugar." Chris said. Chris pulled back up so that he could kiss Lee and let him taste the sugar he had collected. "Baby I swear if you don't fuck me now I am going to find a broom or something." Lee said in desperation. "Damn. I need to buy champagne every night." Chris whispered. "Baby its not the champagne. Just your smell and your touch is driving me insane. I almost feel drunk. I have to have you inside me. PLEASE!!!. " Lee said with tears forming in his eyes. "Damn baby. Alright. Calm down please." Chris whispered.

Chris placed his palm under Lee's cock to collect the pre cum. First he rubbed it around Lee's ass ring and then inserted a little inside. "Calm down baby. I am getting there." Chris said as Lee moaned deeply and tried to push all of Chris' fingers inside him. Collecting a little more pre cum Chris lubed his cock well. His body twitched as he did realizing his cock had never been this sensitive before. Lost in thought of the sensation Chris was brought back to the task at hand when Lee shouted. "Where is that fucking broom ?" "Papa is going to take care of that for you right now." Chris whispered as he placed the enraged mushroom head of his cock at the entrance to Lee's ass.

He leaned over and kissed Lee as he pressed forward. When the head popped through Lee's ring Chris almost bit Lee's lip. "FFFUUUCCKKKK" Chris growled. Lee could barely breath. "Damn baby you have always been tight but fuck. It feels like I am molding your ass again just to fit my cock." Chris said. With every inch Chris pushed in the electricity shooting through his body was almost more than he could take. Lee had an almost continuous low deep moan as every inch sank deeper and deeper. Once Chris was balls deep he lay his head beside Lee's and tried to catch his breath. Both men realized that neither were moving but Chris' cock would flex inside Lee which caused a shock wave to run through Lee's body and Chris felt like Lee's love canal was moving and fucking his cock for him.

Slowly moving to pull his cock out it felt that Lee's insides caved in around him to hold him in. Forcing his way back in neither man could breath. The electricity and passion flowing through the two bodies almost made them feel as though they had molded into one body. "Fuck baby. I am not going to last." Chris whimpered. "Fuck me baby. I am yours. All yours." Lee whispered. On Chris' fourth stroke in he held Lee tight. "FFFFffffuuuuuuuccckkkkkkkk.........GGGrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" Lee screamed as his cock flared and began to spasm. The first shot forced its way between their two bodies all the way to Lee's nipples. The vice grip on Chris' cock had him on edge to the point that he was about to pray that he finally be able to release his seed so he could have some relief. Chris dug in with his toes and even lifted Lee's ass up with his cock trying to get release.

His breathing stopped. The veins in his neck bulged larger than ever and his face was blood red. Chris' hips finally began to convulse with quick deep jabs. He could feel his orgasm happening but it was the third jab that finally found the first release of his seed. Still unable to breath until the fourth shot had made it through the tip of his cock. "UUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.......aaaaaawwwwwww... .ssssshhhhiiiiiiitttttttttttt ttttttt .... " Chris growled as the last two shots were even more intense than the first ones. Collapsing on top of Lee Chris' cock was still continuously flexing inside Lee causing Lee to grab Chris' body tight aa a second small orgasm racked his body.

When both men were able to speak. "Damn baby. I don't know what that was but it was beyond amazing." Chris whispered. "Baby I have no idea what just happened but I have never felt that in my life." Lee said. "You aren't hurt are you ?" Chris asked. "No baby. I have never been so relaxed and fulfilled in my life." Lee whispered. Chris began to move but the electricity was still there. His still raging cock was too sensitive for him to move. Every move he made caused another moan from deep inside of Lee. Pulling

Lee tighter and forcing his cock as deep inside Lee as possible Chris began to dose off. Lee being completely exhausted was now adjusted to Chris' body weight on top of him and began to dose himself. As Lee lightly slept a figure appeared to him. It was his grandmother. This time Lee was too relaxed and in complete nervana to be nervous. "I approve my son. You and Chris will have a long and happy life." she said. "But what was that just then. Is something wrong ?" Lee asked. "No my son. Sex before marriage can be good but God and the heavens reserved the full joy of it for couples that commit to each other and commit their marriage to God. Then he releases the full joys upon you. You and Chris have started a new journey as far as your sex life. This is a gift from us in the heavens. Do not take it for granted." she said as she disappeared. "I love you baby." Lee whispered from his sleep. Chris still asleep sensed the words apparently as he kissed the nap of Lee's neck. Both men were in a peaceful sleep. Chris' cock still hard and planted deep inside his husband and Lee with one arm across Chris' back and the other resting on his husband's hairy ass cheek.

The couple woke early in the night and had another round of mind blowing sex. After that point they had made their way back to the bed. Chris woke to Lee smiling at him and running his fingers over his cheek. "Morning husband." Lee whispered. Chris leaned forward and gave Lee a deep good morning kiss. "Damn baby. That was the hottest love making I have ever had in my life." Chris smiled and said. Lee told Chris about his dream where his grandmother explained the difference in the sex. "Damn baby. We should have gotten married the first night. If its going to be like this from now on you are going to have to hide that sweet tight ass of yours from me. I wont even want to go to work." Chris said.

Chris got up and headed to the shower while Lee packed. Once Chris was done Lee went in for his shower. Chris reached out and touched Lee's arm to pull him in for a kiss. "Damn baby this is going to be a long and difficult day." Chris laughed. "I know." Lee laughed. Lee had looked down and saw that just as Chris touched him that his cock sprang to hard immediately. Chris also noticed that just his touch had caused a long strand of pre cum that reached from Lee's cock all the way to his foot. Both men laughed and Lee headed for the shower. "Thank you Grandma. I promise I will use your gift well and I will never hurt your grandson." Chris whispered.

Breakfast was an event. Everyone had gathered and Cody and Alex both talked at once about spending the night with Chris' parents. Both Mr. and Mrs. Hamrick seemed that they could not be happier. Cody was setting in Mrs. Hamrick's lap eating breakfast off her plate. "I hate that we have to leave so early but we need to get moving so we don't miss our flight." Mr. Hamrick said. As they all said their goodbyes Mrs. Hamrick leaned over and whispered in Lee's ear. "At first I was worried about you and my son. Now I could not be happier. I hope you both are as happy in twenty years as you seem to be today. And don't worry about Linda. Her issues are hers. I hope that does not stop you from visiting us." she said. "Linda and Chris' issues are there's not mine. And no that will not stop us from visiting." Lee said. "We love you guys. We will see you in a few weeks." Mr. Hamrick said as they got in their rental car.

Lee and Chris explained to the group about running into Ronnie and Wayne the night before. Everyone agreed that they would be honored to go to the wedding. As they entered the chapel they met Wayne at the door. He had tears in his eyes knowing that everyone wanted to attend. "This could not be more special." Wayne said. "Just wait until tonight and then tell me nothing else could." Lee laughed. Everyone took their seats.

As Ronnie and Wayne approached the minister they were joined by two small boys. Alex and Josh had escaped and were standing beside Ronnie and Wayne. Chris and Lee were trying to get their attention to no avail. As the minister began each man reached out and pulled one of the boys to their side. "We lost that one." Dean whispered. Ronnie leaned over and whispered in the ministers ear. The minister nodded and stepped back. "I would like to start off by asking permission of master Alex and master Josh to marry their uncle's Ronnie and Wayne." the minister said. The two boys smiled and nodded yes holding even tighter to each man. "With that being confirmed we may proceed." the minister laughed. The service was short but sweet. Everyone there could not mistake the love that each man had for the other. Outside the chapel everyone said their goodbyes as they all had flight departures that day. "Congratulations buddy. Make sure you get plenty of rest and drink your juice. You are going to need it tonight. " Chris said to Ronnie. "Oh I am sure I will." Ronnie laughed. "Oh no buddy. You have no clue. Ask me about it once you get home. All I can say is since you are married. Hold on buddy. Its damn sure a wild ride." Chris laughed.

Next: Chapter 83

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