Making a Friend

By chris dalton

Published on Jan 28, 2004



So I tricked him to get inside of that ass, he's just so damn pretty. Besides, he's already gotten his, cumming inside of me while making those crazy whimpers.

We're on the job site see, outdoor work in mid-July and the air is fire hot every single blessed day. My divorce went through a decade ago & I've never been attracted to guys. But this boy, he must be 20, is just utterly beautiful. All day long, watching him without his shirt and in those shorts. His name is Tony. Side by side doing our jobs, sweating like mules and we're always quiet, what's the use of yammering while works to be done?

You get to know a guy even when things are quiet. Lazy men stand out, they don't last long. Liars, well liars get the shit beat out of 'em & they don't last long either. This kid did it right. Always on time, never made a mistake, did his stuff and didn't bother a soul. So as I said, I got to watching him closely. And it wasn't that he had a 15 inch long dick or abs like a god. He just had a pretty, small framed body. Slender, you know? Kinda blonde, with brown eyes and a look which said "don't fuck with me."

At night I'd come home exhausted, as usual, but after a while I started masturbating before bed to thoughts of him. I don't know why, I just did. And later I started surfing the net for pictures of guys, well, of guys doing it. I got excited seeing them together, moving in and out of each other in the short online films. Started fingering myself deep inside just as I would cum. Anybody reading this knows what I'm talking about. But somehow me alone wasn't enough.

Anyhow, I got to thinking, maybe this guy Tony would let me do him like the men in the pictures. And suddenly I couldn't stop thinking about all kinds of stuff. How he tasted, which made me taste myself. How he looked when all aroused. Whether he'd kill me if I tried to poke him up the ass. That worried me for a long while, how to get a guy to do something like that without pissing him off.

But what I needed was stronger than my common sense, so I started talking to Tony after work. Brief things. Nothing things. "Come have a beer, I'm buying" is the one that got him. And we drank one Friday night, drank till 2am. And damnit that boy starts to jabber, I thought he'd never stop. He is single and alone in the world, just doing this job so he can hop on his cycle and go somewhere else. Had a girlfriend once, but she left him. And yada yada yada. He drinks way more than me, I make sure his glass gets filled three times for every one of mine.

At 2 the bar closes & we walk out all chummy, too damn drunk (well him, not me) to drive. So I slide him into my car and drive to my trailer. We fumble in singing a song & I lock the door. Immediately I put another beer into his hand. He sloshes the damn thing all over me but gets most of it down.

"Goddamnit Tony, go to bed, sleep it off ", I say, and he staggers where my finger is pointing, towards the bedroom. I sit down for a little while, listen to him undressing, hear the bed squeak. "So he's drunk, big deal", I think to myself, "He's gonna fight anything I do and then there will be hell to pay." But my dick won't listen. I get undressed quickly, my mind made up. I grab the things I need, a bottle of lube, a condom (but I decide against that later, I want to feel him, not just be in him), and another beer, this one for me.

He was sprawled naked, face down on the bed. "Well this is too fuckin' easy" I think & take a long drink of my beer. I turn out the lights and climb onto the bed beside him. His back, I stroke his back lightly. Tony doesn't move. I lean in to smell his skin, he's very soft, very young. I rub a little harder and he groans drunkenly. Hell, I could be some whore or his mother even, he is out. So I roll him over. Comatose, the guy is freakin comatose. I feel him head to toe and only get a reaction while playing with his soft cock. Now I just know the guy will smash me or go nuts, but he is really really drunk. Instead, I feel his dick grow hard and I go down on him, put him in my mouth. All of this is new to me you gotta remember and I'm lost in lust. Damn he tastes good and the feel of a hard cock on my teeth and tongue, sweet Jesus..........

He starts groaning and stroking the back of my head. But what shocks me is when he calls me Wendy! Damn boy thinks I'm a girl! So I suck him and slurp him for a second when he grabs me roughly, pushes me on my back.

"Wendy I love you so much, God I need you" he slurs. He tells me how much he loves me a dozen times, all the while trying to mount me, his dick pushing against my balls. I don't say a thing. With my left hand I reach for the lube and squeeze a bunch out, smear my ass and his cock, just tons of freakin lube. He likes that, starts muttering love talk again. I pull him toward me, into me, then whisper (so as not to sound too much like a guy) "easy, go slow", and he laughs a little saying "sure baby, slow and easy."

Yea, he goes slow. I grab him, hold him a little when it hurts, then let him push in inch by inch. I caress him over and over. He says my hands are a little rough, but that doesn't stop my fingers. He gets in finally and just sits there for a second, then by God starts slamming in and out of me, I thought he was ripping me apart! "Take it bitch!" he mutters and the only thing I can do is jack my own cock to make the pain go away. I splash him with a lot of cum that night, working my own dick over and over. After a little while the burn in my ass feels so wild that I get lost in the lovemaking. Nobody can tell what assfucking feels like man, you gotta be there. It's like sunrise and the whole world is on fire.

Tony has this weird little whimper, sounds like a hum but really high pitched. He'd hum a while then ram me deep. He'd hum some more and stop to stroke my chest and nipples. All this time I feel his penis inside, so soft, but so hard, and it becomes like a piece of me. Then he trembles, down there, in his dick. He shakes and whimpers and the cream just gushes into my guts, over and over. Oh God how he lays upon me then, kissing and loving me.

In a voice he knows I say "God, you make me crazy Tony, shit you feel good!", and Tony just freezes. No sound, not even breathing is in that room. He rolls out of me and starts to cry a little. Twenty years old is still just a boy you know, and he had done something which sobered him up completely, turned him into a kid again. Instinct keeps kicking in with me though and I lean down to his penis in the dark room, and began licking him clean. He doesn't do a damn thing, just some funny breathing and a sigh. His dick is semi- hard still & I ease a finger down to his asshole. He clamps his legs tight though, so I play on them for a little while. And then he opens up.

"Everything is gone man, I'm a fuckin queer" he cries.

"Tony, its ok, everything is ok" I gurgle back, my mouth full of cock and cum, my finger easing into his hole. "You're hard, that means you like this, you want this man, and I'm glad you did it to me."

He sits up a little on his elbows.

"I did this to you?"

"Yeah Tony, we got drunk & you wanted to make love. I wasn't sure, but you made me, you made me feel so good. Look on your chest, I've cum on you till its cream everywhere."

And he listens to me. And he stops saying anything. And I start to suck his cock again. But not for long. I don't want him to get all thoughtful and get up to leave. So I quickly lube his ass (where my finger has finally pushed in about an inch) as he puts up a minor protest. "No man, this is wrong, this is sick and we can't..........." So I climb on top of him quickly and begin kissing his lips and cheeks. He doesn't respond, so I whisper "Thank you Tony, thank you for making me feel you. Let me in, let me make you feel good." He gasps once and kisses me back a little, then a lot, and then his dick seems to get even harder, and he spreads his legs.

"This is gonna hurt for just a minute baby" I say.

No words, like on the job all is quiet, but he's breathing fast. I put my cockhead just into the lips of his ass, god we are sloppy with lube and cum. I begin to push a little & tell him to masturbate while I feel inside. He makes a couple of sounds, I don't know what they mean, but when I get halfway into heaven, he splashes warm cum all over us while making those little whimpers. And as he does, I push hard & fast, all the way in, enough to make him squeal. Then we just lay there kissing. He squirms a little, tells me it hurts. I rub his cheek and say "Yeah baby, just wait a minute, everything will loosen up." A long silent pause and then Tony whispers, "God I came crazy hard with you in me, what was that?" I kiss him deeply and began to thrust. "Ow, ow!" gives way to grunts. "Work your cock baby, work it" I moan back. And that man never went soft I think, his dick just stood there loving the feel of every touch, bubbling over with white sticky sugar.

Sure, I came inside my beautiful man. I had seduced him, taken him to places I'd never been either. Later, much later, I told him what really happened. But that night, as I coaxed him half willing, half unwillling, back inside of me, I only said "You bastard, you seduced me.........fuck me again man, fuck and love me again Tony."

That talk, that crazy talk and my cock pressed against him, well, he didn't resist anymore. Ever.

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