Making Me Happy

By Me truly

Published on Jan 7, 2009


Hi again. This is a fictional story that involves gay sex. If you can't or don't want to read this for any reason, then don't. I won't be offended. Just to let you know, this story may seem a little slow. My intention is to really build a good base for Ryan, the main character. I really want to hear what everyone thinks, so if you'd like to write, send me one at Also if you want to use this story for anything, just ask me. Thanks! Enjoy...

<^>vVv<^>v<^>v<^>v<^>v<^>vVv<^> Chapter Three: What makes a man?

If you've ever wondered what it's like to be in love, I'm the wrong person to ask. If you want to know what it's like to be in lust, then ask away.

I was in my family's tv room, watching some movie with my friends Jackie and Chris, and my new girlfriend, the charming and beautiful Claire. Claire was the perfect description of a girl. She was slender, blond, and she had a face that would melt your heart. Her intense blue eyes always seemed to glimmer with mirth. She had a light bounce to her step that made you want to get up and dance with her. She was intelligent without being presumptuous, and her touch made me shiver every time. The only thing about her was that she was a bit too tall. I'm a little touchy about my height, and she stood a good inch or so taller than me. Oh, and being with her made me kind of miserable.

I knew she really liked me. She had been my friend since freshman year of high school. She definitely knew how to please me (several late night sessions had left me swimming in a sea of delicious delirium). My parents loved her. She was willing to hang out with me even when I was wallowing in self pity and depression. But even with all that I just knew she wasn't right for me. She just wasn't......I shut myself up and pushed the thought deep into the back of my mind.

Of course I was happy with her.

"Oh shit!" Chris's yell made me jump a little. I looked at the screen and saw a scared looking girl being surrounded by a horde of bloody, kill-thirsty zombies. Claire squeezed my hand. She laughed at my jump, but she was squeezing tightly enough to tell me that the scene was pretty intense for her. I love these kinds of movies, not least because they made your date hang onto you really tightly.

"Take off it's fuckin' head!" yelled Chris as the onscreen heroine took charge of the situation with a rusty pipe. I had met Chris in school last year through Jackie's boyfriend, Tommy Hedger. Chris was a nice enough guy, but a little too rowdy for me to want see him on a regular basis. I could definitely see why he and Tommy were friends. Speaking of whom...

"Jackie, when's your boyfriend coming?" I asked. Apparently I'd said it too quietly because she didn't respond, so I asked again, saying 'dumbshit boyfriend' instead.

"Huh?" she said, turning to me. "Oh, I dunno, he said he might work late, but I thought he'd get here by now." Her eyes drifted back to the movie. I was going to ask something else, but then thought 'fuck it'. I liked Jackie, but I was never really on a level with her where we had long conversations. She seemed more interested in gossip and flirting than anything else. If she didn't have dark hair, I would have thought her a stereotypical blond. For a moment I imagined her sitting with Tommy. Then I pictured-wait... Never mind what I pictured! uh....ok.... I shook my head and turned back to the movie.

When it was over, Jackie and Chris got ready to leave. Claire, who had given Jackie a ride to my house, offered to drive her back, but her tone didn't sound very convincing. Jackie politely refused and asked Chris instead. When they thought I wasn't looking, Claire and Jackie exchanged a conspiratory look. Now what were those girls up to? Turns out, I wouldn't have to wait long to find out.

As soon as Jackie had left with Chris, Claire led me up to the second floor, where my room was. A good omen if I may say. And I may. Now, the last few weeks Claire had been leading me on some interesting physical adventures. She was an aggressive girl with a lot of advice as to how I could better my bed skills. As a result, I wasn't quite as quick to respond as I had been. Now, if you were to go between my legs, I wouldn't spring an immediate boner. Well, not most of the time. I was also able to maintain an erection for a longer time without coming. I was truly grateful to Claire for that. It's something I'd been pretty self-conscious about my whole life. At least since I was 13 anyway.

As we hit the top of the stairs Claire pulled off her shirt. Then she undid her bra and let it fall to the ground. Thank God my parents weren't home! I watched her naked back and followed her down the hallway. She looked back over her shoulder, letting me see her face in profile. Wavy blond hair curtained her cheeks and cascaded over her shoulders. She had a petite nose, just small enough to be too small for some, but perfect for me. Her lips were slender, like her waist and they pulled back in a sexy smile. God I * loved* her smile*.* If I could have had sex with just her smile I would have....Although I guess in a way I had done that before. Hehehe...

Thinking about what she was about to do, and watching her perfect, bubble ass trounce through my house brought a flush to my face. I could feel the heat rising all the way to my ears. My heart beat a little faster. I wanted to run up and take her from behind right there. However....I'm sort of....submissive. Well...yeah, ok. She was definitely the dominant one. And despite all of our 'activities', we had never gotten to that step. Although I had become familiar with the taste of her entire body. Except her ass which was just...I don't know, out of bounds I guess.

Suddenly she turned around, giving me a full view of her chest. Nice. I couldn't help licking my lips.

"Ryan. Come here." Like a faithful little puppy, I did what she said.

"Take off your shirt." Done in seconds.

"Drop your pants." Well...ok!

"Kiss me." Usually she just pulled me in for that, so I was a little surprised. I did what she demanded. She was very forceful, biting my lower lip kind of hard. Maybe too much. I tried to protest, but her tongue was in my mouth. At this point my dick was trying desperately to push out of my boxers. It found resistance against her leg, which she pushed into me as hard as she could. It hurt my balls a little and I had to jump back.

"God, relax!" I yelped. She just smiled that alluring smile. I think I must be retarded, because when she turned to walk into my room, I followed. Claire's hands slid down to my waist, which sadly, was almost as skinny as hers. She pulled me into her for another kiss. I gasped as my dick was pushed into my balls by her close proximity. Now, I'm all for pleasure; not so much for pain. Claire was usually aggressive, but this was a lot even for her. She closed the door behind us and locked it. I took the opportunity to speak.

"Slow down, babe! What's gotten into you?" Claire whipped around with a frightening look on her face.

"You haven't! So I guess I need to take matters into my own hands." Her scowl melted into a smile, making my heart beat faster, but not with desire. Then she took matters into her own hands. My cock throbbed in my boxers. I was confused. My body was obviously ready for her, but I was...I was actually afraid!

"Well we could go slow you know. There's nothing wrong with taking a nice pace," I said quickly. My words tumbled over each other.

"A nice pace," she said, "involves you fucking me. Now how about it?" I really must be stupid, because I didn't resist as she led me to my bed and pushed me backwards onto it.

"Close your eyes." Against my judgment, I did. Her hot breath fell suddenly on my chest. I jumped when something warm and wet landed on my nipple. I figured out it was her tongue when a second later, she bit me. Hard. I knew she liked to nibble, but this was intense. She wasn't usually this violent.

"Jesus, Claire! would you calm down!?" I was getting angry now. She was being waaaaay too rough for me. My eyes popped open as she pulled down my underwear. My cock sprang up. It was quite possibly harder than it's ever been. The fucker seemed to be enjoying this more than Claire! 'Traitor,' I thought furiously at it. It had never obeyed my thoughts and now it seemed it was going to get me raped.

Did I really like this? Confusion mixed with eroticism as Claire swallowed my entire shaft. Her head moved up and down and I could tell I was loosing tons of precum into her mouth. Ok, I liked this. She moaned around my massive hard on. She had given me plenty of blowjobs before, but this was a Blowjob!

For a minute I forgot my inhibitions and closed my eyes again. I'm not sure how Claire managed this, but she took her mouth off me for a secondbefore I felt something weird at the tip of my dick. I opened my eyes again to see her rolling a condom down my shaft. Did she open it at the same time she was sucking me off? I had a moment to be impressed before she ordered me to close my eyes again. And I did. The sensation through the protective layer was muted, but I felt something hot and heavy slide over my dick. I didn't have to look to know I was losing my virginity.

Claire was tight. For a moment she lay on top of me. The feeling of her soft skin rubbing against my stomach and the weight of her breasts on my pecs was almost more fantastic than the electricity in my buried dick. Then, slowly at first, she began to glide up and down. Nope, my dick felt better. Definitely better. Even through the condom I was shuddering with good vibrations.

"You better not come yet, you fucker!" Claire said into my ear.

"You better slow the fuck down then!" I responded, barely holding back. And if I was the fucker, why wasn't I on top? I was about to say this when she bit my shoulder. Really, really hard.

"FUCK!" I screamed.

"Is that enough distraction?" she said coyly. And for fuck's sake, it worked! I still felt like I wanted to burst though. I couldn't help whimper a bit like the bitch I was letting myself become. Ok, the bitch I absolutely was. It was humiliating and exhilarating. When my moans got too loud she bit me again.

"IF YOU FUCKIN DO THAT ONE MORE TIME!" I warned, but it worked to bring me back from the edge of orgasm. I didn't realize pain was so useful. Her pussy wasn't as tight now, and she started pounding me harder. It actually hurt the base of my cock a little, and my nuts were squished beyond hope. I don't think Claire was ready, but I was. With a scream that surprised us both, I flooded the condom with so much sperm I could feel it gushing down the sides of my erection. Claire pumped me for a minute or two more, but it was a losing battle. With the buildup gone, all I could feel now were the tender spots where she had bitten me. After another minute, she finally pulled off me and gave me a disappointed look.

"All that work for nothing...couldn't you have waited a little longer?" she said snidely. I was pissed.

"You fuckin bitch! I should fuckin kill you! why the fuck did you bite me like that!?"

"I thought you were a man. I thought you could take it. I didn't know you were gonna such a little faggot about it." Her words were cold.

I could have fingered her, or tongued her or done something to finish her off. She was looking at me like she thought I would. Instead I punched her in the face. I swear to God I didn't mean to. I was angrier than I'd ever been. Who the fuck was she to act like that!? Her beautiful blue eyes widened with shock.

"Shit, Claire! I'm sorry! I'm so so so so sorry! I didn't mean to!" For an eternal second she said nothing. Then she smiled. That crazy bitch actually fucking smiled. The smile I had loved was twisted in this weird evil smirk. Not a devilish grin, but THE devil's grin. I shuddered.

"At least you have a little self respect," she said quietly. She got off the bed and stood there. Then she grabbed her panties from where she'd tossed them. She pulled them on, revealing a soaking wet spot in the crotch. She pulled on her pants and walked over to my door, opened it and paused. When she looked back I could see a fat lip was swelling, marring her perfect face.

What the fuck did I do? Why the fuck did I hit her? Her look was icy. Without a word she walked out into the hall. I listened as she grabbed her shirt and bra, presumably putting them on. Her footfall was heavy going down the stairs. I could actually hear her walking through my house because my senses were on high alert. The front door opened and slammed shut again, mirroring my thudding heart. Her car door opened, closed, and her tires squealed away from my house. I listened until the sound had completely faded away. Until I was sure the high pitched ringing I heard was only in my head. I didn't move.

Eventually I got up and pulled the slimy condom off my limp dick. There was a shit load of cum in it. I threw it away and took a hot shower, barely able to suppress the shudders racking my body. I went down to the tv room and restarted the gruesome horror movie. When my mother got home later, I had no idea how much time had passed. I was staring at the blue screen, the film having ended at some time before, though I hardly noticed. She took one look at me and ran over, wrapping me in a warm hug. I didn't notice the tears streaming down my face. I was numb. Mom said nothing; just held me as I broke down and sobbed.

I had finally lost my virginity. Something dad could be proud of. I was a man. A real big fucking man. I hated myself.

Okaaay, so I sorta ended on a down note there, huh? Well, sometimes life just shits on you. Anyway I hope that was entertaining enough for you to want me to continue, because I'm going to. Also, I'd like to remind you that this story is fictional, so don't get all depressed on me now, ok? That's Ryan's job! As always comments and such should go to I'm eager to see what you guys think, so please, if you have any inclination at all, write me! Ok, well, have a good night. The next installment will happen soon.

Next: Chapter 4

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