Making Me Happy

By Me truly

Published on Jul 21, 2009


Hey! This is my attempt at writing some kind of love story. Just a warning though, this is a story about sex/love between boys. If you can't or don't want to read this for any reason, then don't. I won't be offended. This is a work of fiction. I'd love feedback, so if you have any, just send it to tothinktrue@gmail. Other than that just remember that this is my story; if you want to use it, ask me first. Enjoy!

Chapter Five: Mistakes and Love

Thinking back, it's pretty clear I wasn't in the right frame of mind to do what I did that night. It was a few weeks into my senior year of highschool, the first and only year I'd share with my little brother, Kyle. The events that led up to that night began with him.

Kyle was nervous about starting, but not too much. He had me and my friends to look out for him, as well as several kids on his swim team who were sophomores and juniors. It didn't take him very long to make friends. Cute friends.

So I guess I have this thing for the guy I buy my pot from. He's got blond hair and grey eyes, and this cool voice I can't even describe. Plus he gives me free weed. Can't not love him, right? I mean, I'm supposed to sell it to my friends and give most of the profit back to this guy, but more often then not I end up paying for it myself and smoking it. So I guess it's not free per say, but cheap. Especially considering the eye candy I get paid with. Oh Charlie. I love his name, his hair, his eyes, his voice, his body, and his weed. Too bad he's not gay. I don't think...

Anyway, my senior year started out kind of crappy because of a few things. One, I was always thinking about this guy. Two, I had nobody to talk about it with. Somehow, no one knew I was gay. Weird, I thought. Three, most of my friends from the summer didn't talk to me cause they thought I was some kind of psycho.

My "friend" Claire had told them all that I beat her up, which was only sort of true. What really happened...well...I don't want to get into it now. Maybe some other time. The point is, my year didn't really start off with the bang you'd hope senior year would bring.

Kyle, on the other hand, was having a great time. He was now in the big boy's school. He already had an in being the only kid his age on the JV swim team (he was really good!) And I made sure he was well taken care of where I could. Kyle was cute and popular. The girls were gaga over him, and the guys wanted to be him. Well, I imagine some of the guys were gaga too, but they were more discrete. Freshman aren't usually comfortable with their sexuality. Hell, I was a senior and I still wasn't.

In particular, Kyle's friend Andy struck me as being on the soft side. Kyle brought him over after school a few times, and invited him to come watch him swim when Kyle had meets. Andy always sat with my parents and me and cheered Kyle and the guys on with gusto. Most of the time I would watch him from the corner of my eye. I mean, he was pretty cute himself. He had longish brown hair which swept over his eyes a little bit, in the way that boys all seemed to have nowadays. He had brown eyes and pale skin. His lips were very red. In short, he could have been described as mousy. He certainly wasn't the most self confident kid I'd ever met, but I guess I wasn't either.

For all that, I thought he was very attractive. And the way he'd stare at my brother told me that he wasn't after the girls.

One night, Kyle had some of his friends sleep over. Although my parents certainly don't "allow" underage drinking, they do say that if it's going to happen, be safe with it; no one drive home. Funny, I know in my situation they would have just said I couldn't have a party at all, but hey, younger brothers right? I knew a few of the kids who were there. Most of them were from his team; Max a sophomore, Adrien a junior, Craig another sophomore. Andy was there too. I had been out most of the day getting high with Charlie. Apparently my parents assumed I wasn't coming home-which was stupid, cause I always did.

I went into the house at about quarter of two. I passed the den, seeing several snoring forms knocked out on the floor. I went upstairs. I could hear my brother giggling to whichever friend was sharing his bedroom as I walked by. I went into my room and stripped. I decided to look at some porn and jack off. I had found a site and one of the boys on it reminded me of Charlie. Huge turn on, let me tell you, haha.

I pulled up the site and started rubbing myself. The young model on the screen was named "Jeremy." Probably a fake name, but then, it's porn, who cares?

"Hey Jeremy," I said softly, "I'll fuck you right in the ass. You know you'll take it!" I beat myself into euphoria, letting the pleasant feelings ride throughout my being. "Jeremy" looked out at me seductively, a small smile and a huge cock fueling my heat. After a few minutes, I exploded. It didn't take long, being with Charlie all day made me want to put my dick in anything warm. I guess my hand did nicely most of the time. With a sigh I wiped up my mess and tossed it. Then I was ready for sleep.

I pulled back the covers to my bed and slid in. What surprised me was when I bumped into something. It was soft, warm, and named Andy.

"What the Hell?" I jumped out of bed and flicked my light on. A beautiful boy stared up at me. A drunk boy. A young boy. A boy who was far too young. My heart began to beat really hard. He had obviously seen what I was doing. He must have. I wasn't exactly being discrete!

"Hey Ryan," he slurred. He must have been pretty deep into the alcohol. How had they even gotten any?

"Uh, hey Andy, sorry, I didn't know you were there. I guess I'll go downstairs." I was very aware of being naked, so I grabbed my boxers and started to pull them on.

"It's ok," Andy said, blurring the words. "I don't care, you can jerk off as much as you want." I froze, boxers halfway up.

"You saw me?" My heart beat even harder. The fear of being caught invaded my whole body. I felt mini shakes coming on.

"Don't worry, Ryan, I won't tell anyone. Sometimes I do it too." He began to giggle furiously. His cute little face becoming redder and redder.

"Uh, I'm gonna go now. Ok?" I finished pulling my boxers up and turned to leave. With a speed I didn't think possible for a kid as drunk as he was, Andy leaped up and crossed in front of me.

"No Ryan! Don't go." He looked down and frowned. "I need to talk to someone, ok?"

"Ok..." I said, noticing that he had a kind of spicy smell. Weird thought, but it was true. "What's up Andy?"

"Well, it's just, I never met anyone else who liked boys..." He said quietly. Astonishment about his admission mixed with the horror of his accusation. Well...I guess it wasn't an accusation so much as the obvious truth. My face must have been frightful, because he quickly added "I heard you talking to Jeremy." I was mortified, but Andy just grinned. "You know, sometimes I talk to em too. Really gets you into it you know?" He took a step towards me and I took a step back. "Sometimes you just need a little extra, right?" Another step forward, another step back.

"Yeah uh, I guess so."

"Come on Ry, you know." He took another step forward and I stepped back once more, knowing that I couldn't retreat anymore. Instead I sat down on the edge of my bed and looked up at him. From this vantage point it was very hard to ignore erection the boy sported. It had to be six inches and the thickness of half my wrist! Oh jesus, I measured...

Andy stepped close, bringing his member dangerously close to my face. It pressed against the blue fabric of his briefs. Stop thinking about it! I forced myself to look up at his face. He sported a crooked grin. His chest was perfect, smooth. He was skinny, lacking the build of his swimmer buddies, but he was no less beautiful. The bones in his ribs were almost visible. His stomach pulsed with his breath. I could see his heartbeat radiating throughout his chest.

"Listen, we can talk tomorrow, I need to sleep," I mumbled, shooting my eyes back up again.

"Sure, ok." Andy, the beautiful thirteen year old boy turned and gave me a view of his perfect bubble of an ass. My cock was tenting my boxers wickedly. He clicked off the light and stumbled out of the room still naked. I heard him enter the bathroom outside my bedroom. My throat tight, I turned away from the door and shut my eyes. Not long later I heard the toilet flush and the bathroom light click off. Then my door opened again.

"Hey Ryan..." I could hear the question in his voice. "Would it be ok if I shared your room? I mean, I don't really wanna go with your brother, and the guys downstairs can be a little...rough. Sometimes I think they know about me." My head swam at the thought, but I answered: "Yeah, I guess so." Before I could offer to get out the air mattress from my closet, I felt the blankets get lifted away from me and the weight of my bed shift as Andy slid in behind me. I kept my back to him, hoping he would get the message, but let's face it, he was trashed. He snuggled into my back, his body shockingly cold. I felt him press his crotch into my back, his boner softer, but still there. He ground into me a little. I moaned and my own erection was suddenly at full mast again.

Andy's arm slid around my waist as he humped my back. His hand traced circles around my nipples which themselves were becoming very hard. He was breathing very heavily into my neck. He was probably a full foot shorter than me, so when he began to slide himself towards my feet, I thought I knew what he was doing. His humping turned more feverish as his stiff cock met with my clothed ass. His hand was now at my stomach, exploring its way down. He ran his soft fingers along my abs and belly button, making me gasp a little. When he hit the top of my boxers, he stopped. The motion behind me stopped and I could feel his heart beating into my back. His breaths were short and shaky. Do it, I willed, ashamed of myself. He's too damn young! Then again, this is his idea.

His fingers played along my boxer's waist, not quite dipping in, but idling around the entrance. He slipped a finger in, then pulled it out like he'd been burnt, then did it again. This whole process probably took five minutes, but it seemed to last forever. Finally, his hand stopped. Holy shit, what was I letting this kid do!? I thought. Was this my first experience with gay sex? ...Was I going to allow this? My mind raced as I considered the implications. My chest practically pounded with the beat of my blood. I felt his tiny arm around me and his soft body pushing into me from behind. It took me a moment before I realized that Andy had passed into a rhythmical breathing cycle. The alcohol had finally knocked him out. I let out a sigh of relief. Then I followed it with a sigh of regret.

My dreams that night were intense. Andy and I were locked in a battle of flesh. His lips and teeth sought my mouth voraciously. His hands, impossibly large clamped on to my hips and pulled us together in an embrace I couldn't have escaped even if I'd wanted to. Of course I didn't. We ground into each other, our cocks throbbing against each other with the full ecstasy of two boys' bodies tightly clenched together. His cock was impossibly huge. It spread up from our crotch and pushed between our stomachs, warm and fleshy. He writhed back and forth, his smooth face showing the pleasure of utter abandon. His humping grew more frantic as he fucked my stomach. I bent down and took the cock head into my mouth. It was thick and perfect- hard as steel, yet soft and smooth. As I sucked him I almost felt as though it was me who was getting sucked. I knew he was close to cumming, because I was coming close myself. I swallowed more of him, more than he should have, deeper into my throat than I thought possible. I felt him swelling, ready to release his seed. I sucked harder and harder until suddenly his cum was filling my mouth, pouring out in wave after wave. I could feel the warm wetness of it spreading down my stomach and covering my crotch. My own cock jerked and I came. Hard.

I jerked awake, just as my boxers filled with my semen. Shit! Andy's arm was still tightly wrapped around my waist. My whole body spasmed as I shot several loads. I could feel it spreading throughout my crotch area, making me slimy and sticky. Shit, I need to clean up! As I peeled away from Andy, I felt the warm wetness on my back also. Does that mean he did it too? Still facing away from him, I slipped my hand in between us to find out. His smooth, flat stomach seemed wet, but not slimy. I searched lower, letting my fingertips slide past his navel till they grazed the top of his briefs. I paused for a moment, holding my breath. Trying not to think about it I lowered my hand til it cupped his crotch. Definitely warm and wet...but there was a lot of it. FUCK! I realized with dawning horror that Andy must have peed my bed. The smell of it hit me suddenly and I coughed hard.

I guess I woke Andy because he stirred, then groaned as he felt my hand on his balls. He pressed into it for a second then froze.

"Shit!" He leaped out of bed, covered in his own urine. I turned to look at him, rolling onto the large patch of pee covering most of my bed. I couldn't help but notice how Andy's briefs had become translucent with pee. The outline of his cock was all the more apparent.

"Oh no!" Andy shook with fright. "I-I'm so sorry! I can't believe- Oh my God!" He wouldn't look at me, just back and forth between his own piss soaked undies and the large puddle on my sheets. "I can't, I mean, I didn't mean to! I just-" he stammered. He was so cute, I had to smile.

"Look, don't worry. It's ok dude. It happens to me all the time." Not true, but I usually didn't get fucking smashed at my friend's house. "Let me get you a clean pair of underwear." Andy's face burned bright red with shame.

"I can't believe this happened," he moaned.

"Really dude, it's alright." I climbed out of bed, trying to hide the mess in my own underwear. I slunk over to my dresser and pulled out a couple pairs of boxers. I tossed one of them over to him. "Sorry, I don't wear briefs. I hope boxers are ok." The poor kid's face turned an even brighter red. Hm...maybe that wasn't the greatest thing to say, but whatever; at least I wasn't yelling at him. I turned to pull off my boxers. No point being shy around Andy at the moment. He was to mortified to think anything of it, and there was no way I was going out into the hallway with the mess in my pants. I guess Andy was thinking the exact same thing.

" you think I can change in here? I don't wanna go out there..."

"Yeah, of course. I won't turn around." Not that I hadn't already seen pretty much everything. Those tight little briefs didn't leave much to the imagination. I forced my mind onto other things. I couldn't tent up again. Not now. Instead I peeled off my boxers and used them to wipe up the cum. Then I pulled on the new pair and reached for some pants. As I pulled them up I heard Andy mumble something.

"What?" I said turning halfway towards him. I could see him in my peripherals. The boxers looked huge on him.

"Could you hand me my clothes?" He pointed between my legs. I looked down and saw that I was standing on them. And I had dropped my cummy boxers onto his shirt. I winced a little as I picked them off then gathered the clothes. I forgot myself as he finished dressing, staring openly. He squeezed into his skinny jeans, adjusting his bulge as he did so. Fuck, I'd never really apreciated the emo look til now. He shirt was striped black and white. It clung to his frame, showing off his tight body hotly. STOP IT! I turned away, furious at myself.

"I'm so sorry, Ryan, I'll help you clean it up," he said timidly, still ot meeting my eye. I chuckled.

"Don't worry, really. It's not that big a deal." If you only knew what I did to you in my dreams last night... I looked him over one more time and noticed a stain near the bottom of his shirt. Shit! It must have been cum from when my boxers landed on them. Maybe he wouldn't notice? But of course he put his hand right too it and rubbed it. He must have known what it was because he looked up at me wide eyed.

"Thanks again Ryan, I gotta go." The beautiful boy literally bolted from my room. I couldn't really blame him.

As I pulled all the bedding of my matress I noticed something on the floor. A brilliant pair of cerulean undies, still damp with Andy's piss. I picked them up. For some strange reason I had the urge to smell them. They had that strange spicey smell Andy carried, mixed with the musk of sex. I felt the inner lining and felt slime. Well, at least I wasn't the only one who came last night.

I should have been terrified of what was going to happen, but a strange thrill was buzzing through me. I put the briefs into the middle of the pile of soiled laundry and balled the whole thing up. I tossed it in a basket and brought it downstairs. I passed the den and saw Andy, Kyle, and a few of his friends, who hadn't left yet.

I hummed happily as I loaded the washer. My blanket, my sheets, the matress cover and two soiled pair of undies were thrown in as I throated a lively tune.

Later, Kyle and I sat out back, smoking a joint. Our parents had left for work, and the kids had all gone home.

"So, I heard you and Andy had a good time last night." I froze mid-puff, ice creeping though my being.

"What?" I coughed.

"That's what Adrien and Joe said. Said they went to go find Andy and they found you two wrapped up in a love ball." I choked for a minute.

"Uh, Andy was drunk last night. I guess he thought I was his girlfriend or something," I managed weakly.

"Probably," Kyle said. He just stared at me and grinned.

"Fuck off, Kyle."

"I don't need to. Andy did that for you." His grin widened. God the little bitch could be such a fucker! I took a good long hit, then passed the joint.

"You're the one he has the hots for," I said in a strained voice, letting the smoke pour out at the same time. This time it was Kyle's turn to cough.

"Did he say that?"

"He didn't have to. It's the way he stares at you. He hot for your bod." I laughed a little. Kyle's look was strange. Did he look happy? I felt torn between relief that the heat was off me for the moment, and guilt over saying something I don't think Andy would have appreciated.

But it didn't take long for the heat to come back on. When I got to school that Monday, I noticed an unusual number of eyes watching me as I passed. And a wierd hush that seemed to follow me, filled with whispers when they thought I was out of earshot. Uh oh. This can't be good. I stayed strong and silent all day. My friends quickly gave up trying to talk to me and joined with the wierd looks.

I rode it out til lunch time. I sat at a small table in the corner alone. It wasn't long before my friend Tommy walked up.

"Sup bro?" he said with a grin spread from ear to ear. "Heard you had fun this weekedn..."

"Jesus, it was nothing." Tommy just laughed.

"I'll say it was nothing. I hear you gave some freshman the ride of his life...I always knew you were soft, but I didn't know you went for jailbait." I threw a chip at him.

"Shut the fuck up man, I slept in bed with one on Kyle's drunk friends and he pissed himself. End of story."

"He PEED in your bed!? Oh man that's just fucking priceless!! Haha" I grinned at him. I felt the pressure rise a little. The thing is, despite the jock/asshole mentality Tommy seemed to partray, I don't think he'd care if I was gay and in love with a 13 year old. I still wasn't gonna tell him though.

Just then a familiar face walked up. A beautiful face.

"Hey Charlie," I said breathily, causing Tommy to turn around. "Tommy, this is my friend Charlie. Charlie, this is Tommy. He's kind of an ass, but you get used to all the stupid." Charlie just laughed and Tommy gave me a look.

"Kick your ass..." he muttered.

"Hey Ryan, I've been trying to talk to you all day," Charlie said, his eyes bright but carrying a look of doubt. He glanced down at Tommy. "Mind if we go talk for a sec?"

"Sure, let's go. Be right back, bitch," I said, slapping the back of Tommy's head as I passed.

I wasn't sure what Charlie wanted, but I wasn't ready for it, that's for sure...

What's going on? Charlie probably wants to sell some more weed to Ryan, but then why does he look so nervous? Come back for the next chapter to find out! If you'd like to reach me, do so at I like the feedback, and I'm always up for suggestions. Peace!

Next: Chapter 7

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