Making Me Their Little Bitch

By Raphael Adurra

Published on Apr 1, 2022


This story was previously published in the High School section but has been edited for the Authoritarian section, where it works better. With my American reader's help, the text was shortened, some characters disappeared, and aspects of D/s were reinforced. Also, my English has improved. Readers of the original story should notice the new material.

Chapters will be published weekly.

This is a work of fiction, set in the 70s, and with sex scenes between men. This and all other chapters of this story are the copyright of the author.

Please consider donating to Nifty.


Paco made me feel more relaxed than Nico did. To me, he seemed friendlier. I thought about this when I realized that I was naked and smiling on the couch next to him in my living room. Yes, even though he had virtually forced me to swallow his huge cock and I could still taste his cum, I was smiling.

He noticed my general ease with him. His hand lightly touched my buttocks and he whispered, "Hey Leo, what about this? Wouldn't you like to feel my cock in your tight hole?"

"Holy shit, Paco. You just..." I started to say, amazed. He had just cum and was already thinking about going at it again.

"I can't forget what I saw in the forest," he said, as he licked my ear.

"Paco, don't even think about it. I don't want to do it, " I went on.

"Ok," he said, letting go of me.

He stood up and headed towards the small bar that divided the living room and the dining room. He seemed in no hurry to leave. Did he know that my mother seldom came home in the afternoon and that we still had a few hours to kill?

He looked at the alcohol bottles and said, "Let's drink."

"I don't think my mom would like it."

"Just a few sips. She won't even notice. "

"I don't think we should do that," I said again.

"Don't be so uptight, Leo."

"I don't drink alcohol," I said.

"But you've already tried it," he said.

"How do you know that?"

"It makes no difference."

"I've had it twice or three times at parties," I admitted. "Those were parties where everyone needs to have a drink, you know that. But I didn't like the taste."

"I don't like the taste either," he said. "When I drink whisky, I mix it with soda. That's my favorite drink at parties. And yours?"

"I don't have any."

"I think you do. Let me guess. Is it rum and coke? A Cuba Libre?"

Wow. How did he guess that? That was the only mixed drink I had ever tried and liked. My friend Paulo taught me to drink it. I had drunk it at a few parties.

"You're right," I said. "I like Cuba Libre, but I avoid it. My mom says I'm still too young for adult drinks."

"Let's enjoy having the house to ourselves, Leo. You deserve it. Go get the sodas."

Minutes later, we were back on the couch, each with a glass in hand, and Paco proposing one toast after another. To having a house for ourselves. To summer. To Nico. To Paulo.

Wait. To Paulo? Did he know my friend Paulo? How? Also, what was he planning? Did he want to get me drunk? Why was he being so friendly?

I needed to think about what was going on more carefully. I tied the towel around my waist, went to the bathroom, and then, to my room. I got rid of the towel and put on something else. Paco didn't seem to be ashamed of walking around naked, I think he even liked it, but I didn't feel at ease.

My mind was confused, running from one thought to another. Why was I embarrassed about showing off my body? I was only naked in front of others in situations where it was inevitable. My friend Paulo was the one who brought this to my attention. He advised me not to be ashamed about my body. He told me that I should be proud of my ass, and laughed uproariously. It only made it worse.

When I opened the drawer to choose something to wear, the first thing that caught my attention was my red speedo. Yeah, the one my mom said had become too small for me, the one Paulo said I should wear more often.

I quickly put it on and returned to the living room. I found Paco dancing, shamelessly naked, glass in hand, to the sound of Stevie Wonder. He had hit `play' on the stereo and played the cassette already inside. Did he like the beat? It seemed so. He swayed slightly in a sensual way. His dick, even soft, was enthralling.

"Cheers!" He said the instant he saw me tucked into my tight speedo. "Babe, I prefer you without clothes, but this little thing... It's sick! It makes your ass look even hotter."

I pretended to ignore what he said, took my glass, and sat on the sofa. That big boy, naked and with his schlong shaking in front of me, was a splendid image. Sometimes, seeming unaware of his gestures, he would bring both hands to his groin and pull the whole package up, balls and cock. In others, he just stroked and gave the shaft a few tugs, keeping it half-awake.

He seemed happy. I liked that. I also enjoyed having a boy from my school, a bigger, older boy, a bit of a bad boy, dancing and having fun in my company. However, I also was worried. Everything was moving too quickly. Could Paco be taking advantage of me? He seemed like a kind, laid-back person, but I knew he still thought of me as a bitch or "the summer star", as I overheard him tell Nico.

"Come on, babe. Come dance with your man," he said, interrupting my ramblings.

"I don't know how," I replied.

"Don't lie. I already saw you dancing."

"Really? When?"

He stopped short for a second and replied, "I don't remember. Come on."

It all got weirder and weirder. He'd seen me dancing and drinking before, he seemed to know my friend Paulo, and he had a familiarity with my home. How?

"Come on, babe," he insisted, pulling at me.

I was starting to feel a little tipsy. He hugged me from behind and led me in the dancing. The pervert danced well. I liked feeling his warm body against mine and his fingers stroking my chest, belly, and nipples. He pressed into me further, making me feel his cock. It hardened with the friction.

When it was pointing up, he turned me around and hugged me again. I wasn't expecting that. His hardon on my belly. Thick. Hard. Huge. Threatening? Yes! Hot and delicious? That too. Was I becoming a cock addict? The little bitch that Nico talked about?

He pulled my head to his chest and ran his hand down my back, to the waistband of my speedo. The suit was so small that the top of my ass crevice was left uncovered by the material. And it was right there that the smartass lodged his finger.

The music was different now. Marvin Gaye? The balance was great, a mix of jazz and soul music. I couldn't tell if Paco was paying attention to the music. His entire interest seemed to be on my ass. Suddenly, he grabbed it, one cheek in each hand, and pulled me toward him. His hardon rubbed vigorously against my belly.

He probed under the speedo and began to caress my rounded ass. Soon, he was exploring its narrow valley till he found my hole and gently poked it. I let out a slight moan and began to gyrate slowly.

I pretended to be playing with him, and I occasionally laughed, but the truth was that I wanted to feel his touch more deeply. The more he touched me, the more I desired it. It was as though I was in a daze.

As soon as he started pushing, however, I came out of my trance, contracted my ass muscles, and said, "I don't want to."

"Why not?" he asked me.

I was not sure about the answer. The first thing that occurred to me was that I still hadn't fully recovered from the number Nico had done on my ass two days ago. His deflowering of me had been harsh. I was no longer in pain, but I was afraid to feel that again, especially since Paco's cock was thicker.

But was that the only reason? No. If it was just its girth, I could ask Paco to be careful. I liked my first time, even if it did hurt, and I was horny and crazy to try it with another man, but I couldn't. Why? Maybe, it was still too soon. Maybe, I needed more time to find out what I wanted. Maybe I was afraid of Paco. Maybe, I thought my ass belonged to Nico. Now that was crazy!

Paco offered me a few more sips, and asked me, "Are you afraid? My cock isn't that thick. Maybe a little more than Nico's, but I promise to go slow."

He spat a little bit on his fingers, smeared the tips over my ass crack, moistened me, and pressed in, saying, "I'll make you really wet, babe."

He had no idea how frightening his thick dick could seem to a fourteen year old boy like me.

When his fingertip entered my hole a little bit, my response was, "Stop, it! I don't want to!"

I spoke in a voice shaking with fear, anxiety, and lust. I still hadn't come, I reminded myself.

He buried his face in my neck, brushing his lips over its most sensitive spots and kissing me there. That motherfucker would do anything to achieve his goal.

"Paco, listen, I'm still a little sore," I said, almost begging him not to continue.

"I'm going to be careful, babe. Don't worry, you'll love it," he answered.

"Paco, don't make me do something I don't want to do," I said.

This time he heard me. He stopped and stood still, without letting me go. After a few seconds, he turned me once more with my back to him, hugged me tightly, and with my feet off the ground, led me to the wall.

I felt trapped.

"Okay, Leo. I'll not force you to do anything. Trust me," he said. "Put your hands on the wall."

He pushed my swimwear down.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I asked, leaning my head on his shoulder.

He rubbed his hardon on my buttocks and whispered, "Your pussy is so fucking hot, Leo. What I wanted most now was to pound my cock into this tight hole and fuck you until you begged me to fuck you even more. I wanted to fill you with my jizz."


"Yeah! I know you don't want it now, but you can do something else for me."

"What? Do you want me to suck you again?"


"So, what?"

He spat on his hand, spread it on the inside of my thighs and the head of his cock, and told me to support my hands on the wall. "Hold your legs together, tight," he said.

I did it. He stuck his cock between my thighs and started rubbing it, always insisting on keeping them together.

Fuck! He was having a good time with my thighs! And it was delicious! The heat, stiffness, and ferocity of that cock moving between my thighs gave me a thrill I'd never imagined. Perhaps it wouldn't have worked with a smaller or thinner cock, but in the case of Paco's thick and large dick, it was perfect.

He was so in control of everything, and seemingly so skilled, that I thought he had already done this with someone else. A girl? Another boy?

After a few minutes he picked up speed and said, "Fuck! That's it! Squeeze your man's cock, bitch. Feel it!"

He was really enjoying it, I thought, focusing my attention on the work of keeping my thighs together and squeezing his cock. I could feel his foreskin sliding, both coming and going.

When the speed increased, his dick took on new directions. Sometimes it would go up a bit and hit my perineum and balls. That was thrilling! Other times, it escaped and slid higher, advanced through the middle of my buttocks, and touched the rim of my asshole, kissing it.

I complained, afraid that he would penetrate me. Paco offered a perfunctory excuse and shoved it back into the middle of my glistening thighs.

Minutes later, he started doing something different. Every time his dick escaped to the middle of my buttocks, he spat and spread the moisture into my hole with the burning tip of his cock, and sometimes with his fingers.

He abruptly let go of me, grabbed his shorts and looked through his pockets for something. He held the small metal can that I had previously seen in Nico's palm. I knew it had petroleum jelly in it.

He got back to work. While his cock was moving between my thighs again, he started putting some of that goo inside my hole. "You can't imagine how tasty your ass looks, babe," he said.

When he stuck his finger in deeper, almost to the end, I warned him not to go any further.

"Yeah, Leo, I know," he replied, withdrawing his finger too slowly. "Chill out."

I lowered my head and turned my torso. I wanted to see his cock. It was awesome to see its fucking head, red, wet, and angry, appearing and disappearing, coming and going, engorged by the friction with my thighs.

He hugged me tightly, and again lifted me off the floor and dragged me over to the sofa.

"Lie down," he ordered.

Soon I was on the edge of the couch, lying on my back, legs spread and raised, with him in the middle of them. I didn't even really understand how he did it. My mind wasn't working well with the alcohol buzz.

"What a nice pussy, babe," he said.

He spat a few more times at the center of my split legs and pushed them further forward, bringing my knees closer to my head.

I cautioned him once more, "I don't want you to shove it in."

"I know, babe," he said, nonchalantly.

In the next instant, he was rubbing his cock up and down my valley, spreading his spit even more, but it wasn't just spit. His tool was leaving more streaks of precum.

With each press of his dick, his cockhead kissed my ass lips.

Sometimes Paco would raise his head to see my reactions. My lust must have been stamped into the gleam of my eyes, on my parted lips, my fast breathing, and on my hard cock dripping precum onto my belly.

Paco's finger returned to action, pressing into my ass. Every time he sank it a little bit more, twisted it, and widened me. When he replaced his finger with the head of his cockhead and was threatening to penetrate, I raised my head to protest, but, before I could say anything, he removed it and apologized with a barely sincere smile.

I fell silent again. He leaned over my body, and I felt more vulnerable than ever. His cock and my hole were aligned. He could penetrate all at once if he wanted to. It didn't take long for him to force the entrance door again, and once again, retreat.

"Oops," he said this time.

He would repeat that expression several times in the next few minutes and each time push it in more.

I couldn't deny it! The touch of his cockhead on my ring felt so good. However, when his dick sank a little deeper, I screamed out, "Ow! Ow! Wait!"

I raised my head to insist he take it out, but I gave up when I saw his look. His eyes shone with lust and power. He was determined. He kept it inside me for a few seconds, long enough for me to feel its strength and pulse while getting used to its caliber.

He took it out, but this time he didn't apologize or say 'oops' either. Seconds later he returned. I screamed when I felt its whole head lodged inside me.

"Ohhh! Wait, Paco. Stop it," I said, feeling like I was being torn. However, I didn't continue. Once again, he paralyzed me with that look, that mixture of lust, power, arrogance, but also inquiry. Without speaking, his look asked me if he should continue or not.

Even though my face was tight with pain, I didn't say anything to frustrate his advance. He was a real man, and his horniness was so evident in every nerve and muscle in his body that I felt I shouldn't constrain him. He took it out and jabbed it in again, deeper.

"Owww!" I screamed when I felt a sharp pain that was at the limit of the bearable. I also squeezed my glutes, to expel his cock, but Paco was already waiting for that. He pushed in harder.

After a few seconds into this contest of wills, we stopped and faced each other, both panting, and me with my heart in my mouth. Still saying nothing, he asked me with his eyes whether I was going to continue to resist or let him in.

I was confused. I wanted him to stop, and I didn't want him to. I was in a lot of pain, but the pleasure was immense. I feared that he was using me, but the feeling of being used by a man pleased me. I had to decide!

He flexed his cock inside me and, bringing his mouth closer to mine, said, "I told you, you would love my cock inside your pussy. I'm right, aren't I? You're in love, bitch."

The question triggered a whirlwind of thoughts in my head. As a man, I couldn't admit that I liked having a dick up my ass. Again, as had already happened with Nico, I thought that there was nothing worse for a man than to be penetrated by another man's dick. It was the stripping away of your manhood. I had already been screwed by Nico, it was true, but I could still claim that it was just out of curiosity, a teenage sexual experience. Now, however, if I let Paco continue, I would be admitting that I liked having a cock buried in my ass.

"I knew it, faggot! Once you took the dickhead, I knew you wouldn't want to stop," he insisted, flexing his dick.

Saying nothing and feeling a certain amount of defeat, I hung onto his neck with both hands and lifted my ass.

"Do you want me to fuck you, bitch?" He asked, smirking.

"Yes, I want you to fuck me, Paco."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I want it!"

"Am I forcing you to do something?" he questioned slowly, as if he didn't want to leave any doubt as to what he was asking.

"Fuck me, please!" I answered.

He lined up his cock and deliberately pushed into me. He did it looking down at me and allowing me to feel every inch of his penetration till his balls landed on my buttocks.

Despite his care, however, the pain was excruciating. I felt like I was being ripped from the inside, and I had to control myself not to howl in pain and push at his chest. He ignored the agony plastered on my face and kept me in place the entire time, forcing my anus to spread open and adjust to the intrusion. Tears were streaming down the corners of my eyes and I was having trouble breathing. It was like my lungs were being compressed.

Based on his moans, Paco seemed to be at the gates of paradise. He was fascinated by the wet ass that squeezed his shaft and struggled to expel it. When he thought I wouldn't fight anymore, he looked at my face, and said "What a fucking pussy, babe!"

He seemed so horny, so masculine, that I didn't complain about the pain. Why? Was this what I wanted, or not? Yes, I wanted this hung guy that I barely knew. I wanted to be dominated and fucked.

Paco made me cross my legs around his hips, took half his dick out of my hole, and slowly slid it back in. The pain increased. I groaned and tried to relax. He started to move.

"Feel my big cock fucking you, bitch," he said, watching the pain in my face.

The ache faded after he got into a rhythm. The first, timid waves of pleasure swept over my body. I could feel his big and thick cock moving inside me, and my anus expanding and shrinking to accommodate its girth.

From there, everything accelerated. Paco started to pound all the way down to the balls. It didn't take long for his cock to hit that secret spot that made me even crazier. I grabbed his neck and lifted my ass higher.

"Oh, fuck, yeah, faggot. Keep doing that," he encouraged me. "Give it all to me!"

And there I was, again making my ass do the work, again impaling myself on a big dick, my second dick.

"Do you want my cum?" He asked.

"Yes!" I responded promptly.

"Now you're talking, faggot. You made me wait, but now you are showing me the bitch you are."

He put me on all fours on the couch, came up behind, and used his knees to force my legs apart. He grabbed my waist and, without any concern for me, pushed everything back into me in one fast, violent thrust.

I cried out in pain.

"That's it! Scream, bitch!" He said.

From there, Paco became more aggressive. His thrusts were strong, deep, and painful. He used his cock as a weapon. His fingers were like claws stuck in my flesh.

I lifted my back, to reduce the violence of his attack, and he took the opportunity to bite my neck and twist my nipples. Fuck! More pain! And maybe some marks on my skin.

"Please Paco, take it easy, you're hurting me," I begged.

"Bitch, I'm not stopping now!" He responded by punching his cock harder. "I watched what Nico did to you. I know you want it this way, your man on top of you. I know you want to be used by your man, even if you won't admit it."

The pain subsided and, like a cheap whore, I lifted my ass and contracted my internal muscles to squeeze and pleasure my man.

He felt it and said, "Yeah! Your man is fucking you, he is using your asshole like a pussy, and you are loving it."

I couldn't deny a single word he was saying. I was loving that hard and thick cock inside of me. I was already at my limit. I couldn't take much more.

"Oh, Paco... Your cock... So good... Driving me crazy... I'm gonna cum!" I announced.

"That's it, bitch!" he said. "Cum with my cock in your ass. Show how much you love your man's cock. Cum, faggot!"

I couldn't resist his order. Again without my hands, I started to cum. My entire body shook, my toes twitched, and a tremendous wave of pleasure washed over my soul and flesh. Fuck! Fuck!

Paco felt the muscles in my ass twitch uncontrollably around his cock and it drove him forward. The power of his thrusts increased. Suddenly, he stopped, tightly gripped his fingers into my hips, and tensed his muscles. I felt his cock grow even more and pulse.

"Awww fuck! Ugh! I'm coming, faggot! Take my cum, Leo!" He yelled.

I could feel his cock flex and spurt, spurt after spurt, even though he had come a short time ago. He fucked me for a few more seconds after unloading everything, till he slumped, spent on my back, and we both sprawled out on the couch.

I liked feeling him on top of me, his chin on my neck, his nose nestled in my curls. His dick slowly softened, and I could enjoy its lingering pressure in my ass before it exited. Fresh semen trickled down my balls and I felt empty.

"We're going to have a good time together this summer, bitch," he joked.

"I don't know, Paco. I really don't know," I replied, feeling a little bit of burning in my ass, and beginning to regret being such a whore in front of him.

He stood up, laughing as if he didn't believe a word I'd said. I expected he'd get dressed and rush out of my house once he'd satisfied his need to fuck me. That is not, however, what he did.

He went to take a shower, and returned to help me. Together, we spent a few minutes cleaning the living room and erasing the traces of his presence. The hardest part was disguising the fucking stain I had left on my mom's couch.

Upon seeing it, Paco couldn't hide an almost childlike display of male pride. After all, he was the one who made me cum and without my hands, hadn't he?

As we said goodbye at the kitchen door, he said, "I need to ask you a favor."


"Look, I'm not gonna tell anyone what happened here. It's our secret, but if someone finds out and, for some reason, comes to talk to you ... "

"Hey, I've heard this before!" I said.

"What would you say?" He went on as if he had memorized a text. "That I forced you? Or that you wanted to be fucked?"

"What do you want me to say?"

"The truth, kid. You wanted it, didn't you?"

"Okay, Paco. I will say what you and Nico want me to say, but I would like to know why you keep going on about this."

He cut me off, switched topics and with a suddenly animated voice, "Hey, when are you going to meet us in the forest again? You haven't yet been to our hiding place on the lake. Our secret paradise."

"Paco, I think..."

"Okay. Take your time," he said, laughing again, ruffling my hair even more, and turning his back on me.

Near the gate that opened onto the street and without turning to me, he said, "The fun is just beginning, Leo. This summer is gonna be hot."

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Next: Chapter 6

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