Making Scotty Cum

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Dec 11, 2008


"Awww, feels so good just...all...feels so damn good...!" huffed Scotty.

I did my best to mumble a grunt of agreement as I alternated swabbing his taut scrotum with my tongue, and gently sucking each of his balls in turn.

We were entangled on his bed, naked and pawing each other as we enjoyed the rare opportunity to be alone in the house so that our play could be more relaxed and drawn out than was our norm, and I for one was seizing the moment as I eagerly tasted, touched, and/or kissed every tiny spot of Scotty's amazing body. Our good fortune on this day was the result of a small series of events that was anchored in the fact that his baseball team had a rare Saturday morning game scheduled earlier today, and his required attendance had resulted in his being excused from a planned family trip to visit the recently injured Grandmother in a distant city. The remainder of his family had stayed with the original visit plan out of concern for the aging Grand parent, reasoning that there would be many more baseball games to come in the season, and Scotty, clever lad that he is, had humbly agreed with his Mothers reasoning. For my part, I had quietly assured the parents that I would assume responsibility for transporting Scotty to and from the game, and that offer had seemed to provide the small measure of comfort that Scotty's Mom needed to feel that her boy would be looked out for, at least to some extent. Oh boy...if she had any clue as to just how carefully her baby boy was currently being looked after, she would doubtless become a medical patient herself.

I reached for Scotty's hard boyhood then, gliding my fist along its length several times before slipping it into my mouth. I bobbed up and down, drooling my saliva over the rigid stalk as my fingers toyed with his balls, and he bucked his narrow hips slowly, matching my rhythm as he sighed noisily, and muttered,

" you have any idea at all how good you are at this...?"

I pulled off his cock long enough to glance up at him, and nod my head as I grinned wickedly, and replied,

"Course I'm good at it Dufus...I'm good at it because I really, really love doing it...!"

He giggled sweetly, and added,

"You know, I actually believe that too...I think you really do like it...!"

Diving back onto his tasty meat, I took it deep, sensing the knob-like head of his cock bumping the back of my throat, and I backed off slightly as I resumed my sucking, being sure to swipe my tongue over his slick knob on every upstroke. Scotty grunted with pleasure, his hips bucking as his balled fists bumped at the mattress. I had been working him over for nearly an hour now, ever since he finished his post-game shower and dared to walk back into his bedroom fully naked, and obviously making an attempt to induce me to some sort of unnatural act. maybe took me 1.3 seconds to cave into his nasty little ploy. I am not, after all, a pushover.

In any event, after all this attention my boy was definitely in what might be described as a heightened state of sexual arousal, and, as I swiped up another offering of his sweet tasting precum, I let his pulsing boyhood fall back onto his heaving abdomen, and went back to sucking his tight little nuts. His huffing and groaning told me that he was totally into what I was doing, and as I mouthed his balls I was again struck with a compelling desire to again try exploring that special little secret that lay a bit south of my current location. The last time I had ventured close to Scotty's little wrinkled treasure he had, at first, seemed receptive, if slightly unnerved that I would demonstrate any interest in such a forbidden spot on his anatomy, and I had managed to sample just enough of the compelling wonder of the spot to make me all the more eager to explore it further. My growing curiosity had even driven me to the internet where I had poured over a number of goggle hits on the subject of anal stimulation, and even anal intercourse, and for whatever reason I had found it a subject of much more than passing interest. I had even read of a thing known as anal orgasm, and my studies had enlightened me to the powers of the male prostate, a gland that had, according to numerous bloggers and credentialed medical experts found online, been given very short shrift indeed in our high school sex ed classes. If one were to accept the expert testimony offered repeatedly on the web, then the little walnut that all of us males have snugly tucked away just inside our rectum is a veritable power house of mind blowing pleasure when properly stimulated, such as in conjunction with an ardently administered blow job, for instance.

I let my tongue slid behind his tight little pouch, and I pushed it up into the firm flesh there in that small area between his balls and his little hole, and I held my breath, certain that I would be rebuffed as I had been the last time I ventured south like this. Surprising me, Scotty not only did not object, but he actually made a loud gasping sound, and lifted his legs some, a move that not only greatly improved my access to his treasure, it also sent me a signal that he too was at least curious about what I might be up to. Actually, I wasn't all that sure myself exactly what it was I had planned to do back here, but hey, I hadn't burned all that midnight oil surfing the web for nothing, so I just kept on going, licking along his smooth skin until my tongue actually slid into the warm crease of his pretty butt. That generated another loud gasp from Scotty-boy, so I dug in a bit more firmly, and before I was fully aware of what I was doing, I was actually lapping at his tight little pucker, and I might add, liking it...a lot!

It was as though I had touched his little wrinkle with something hot the way he reacted, his entire body going suddenly very tense as he made this really strange groaning noise, and before I had the whole scenario fully clear in my mind, he shifted suddenly, and began thrusting that pretty little butt back at my probing tongue. Trying to match his thrusts seemed like the proper move, so I did that, adding more pressure to my tongue, and in another second I was actually penetrating his tight little ring, digging my tongue inside him as far as I could make it go. I couldn't believe how tight, and how strong his grip on my tongue was, and I was pleasantly surprised that the only real sense of taste or aroma that registered was faintly of soap, an after affect of his recent shower, I assumed. I'm not sure what else I was expecting, but what I was getting was perfectly fine with me, and I continued to stab at his tender little opening until my jaw got so tight I was afraid it might actually lock up. Reluctantly, I withdrew, pulling back as I untangled from his splayed lower limbs and scooted into a sitting position facing a rather flushed and clearly astonished Scotty. I made a big production of running my tongue over my lips and smacking them, which drew a "ewwww" expression from Scotty who then giggled, and told me,

"Jeez Dude...what the fuck...? really are a perv, you know...what made you want to do that...lick my...uh...?"

I chuckled, reaching for his rock hard and oozing dick, and as I stroked it back and forth, I answered,

"Just something I have been doing some research's called anal stimulation actually, but if you prefer to think of it as my licking your asshole, I'm cool with that...what did you think?"

He shook his head, obviously finding it difficult to digest how he could possibly have known me for so long and so well while not really knowing me at all. Even I had to admit that I had definitely been behaving far out of character of late, and it was high time, too, I decided. He watched me work his erection for a minute or so while he thought about my question, and then he gave me a little shrug, and said,

"'s actually a pretty weird thing to do...but...oh hell, I liked how it felt...pretty awesome actually...and who knew...?...and what do you mean by "research" people actually become experts on stuff like...butt holes...?"

I laughed again, and then filled him in on the highly surprising number of subject matter experts that could be found via a Google search, and then went on to share a few of the pearls of wisdom that I had managed to glean from them. He seemed quite intrigued with my rendition of the possible pleasures of the Prostate so I pressed the issue a bit, giving him quite a lot of somewhat clinical detail regarding the heightened pleasures of experiencing prostate massage in conjunction with penile stimulation, and then boiled all the clinical bullshit down to a rather guttural description of the supposedly mind-bending orgasms that were reputed to be the result of said activity, and then, I flat out asked him if he was up for giving it a try.

The whole world loves an adventurous boy and Scotty's enthusiastic reaction to my proposal would have made the world proud indeed. You would have thought that the bottle genie had just granted him three wishes based on his nearly rabid acquiescence to the suggestion, and before you could say anal stimulation three time quickly, we had searched for and retrieved a nearly full bottle of Johnson's Baby Oil from his Mom's bathroom, and a large and fluffy towel from the linen closet, and then we had the fair and highly aroused young Scotty flat on his back on his bed, the towel strategically placed to prevent his bed linens from perennially smelling like a diaper changing station. All of my late night reading had consistently stressed the importance of liberal lubricant usage when pursing such activity as we were about to undertake, and I really didn't believe they were referring to Baby Oil, but hey, necessity is the motherhood of invention, right?

And so we began anew, starting things off with me once more bringing the dear boy to the near melt-down point by a skillful application of my recently honed oral skills, and when he was once more panting and wheezing with horniness, I reached for the very fragrant, but none the less slippery as hell oil, and liberally anointed my fingers with the stuff. A last minute brain flash caused me to push a pillow under Scotty's pert little butt, and he added to this his own touch of bending his legs, and spreading them widely, and the combined results of both maneuvers resulted in his pretty little butt, and the pink little treasure it concealed, in a very accessible position. It was my turn to utter a loud gasp as I relished my first clear view of his tiny little opening, and my mouth actually flooded with saliva as I recalled touching that very special place with my tongue such a short while ago. I extended a slightly trembling hand, and ran my oil coated fingers over the tight little ridges of muscle that protected his core, and he jumped, a loud gasp bursting from his chest as I rubbed back and forth, spreading the slick oil. I reached for his erection with my other hand, and resumed stroking him as I gently pressed against his hole, letting him get used to the contact there, and he relaxed then, a deep sigh expelling from him as closed his eyes.

This was pretty much uncharted territory for both of us, and the more I studied his tiny pucker the more I worried about actually hurting him when I tried to enter him. Remembering all of the cautions I had read about sufficient lube, a upended the oil bottle and drizzled about a quart of the stuff over his opening and my fingers, and then I began pressing a fingertip firmly into his tight ring as I tried to distract him by rubbing the highly sensitive head of his cock with my other hand which was nearly as oily as the one that probed his back side. He shuddered some, and I saw him clench his teeth as I pressed into him, adding steady pressure, and when my finger suddenly slid past the resistance and moved inside him past the first knuckle, he groaned as his inner muscles flexed, trying to expel me. I held still, and after a minute or so, he relaxed again, his tight sheath seeming to soften around my finger, so I began slowly moving it in and out. Scotty kept up a cadence of soft grunts and moans, as his body grew more accustomed to my internal presence I felt his muscles gripping tightly on my finger, almost seeming to pull it deeper into him.

His cock was as hard as a nail, and his precum was flowing like a water fall, and I worked my finger around inside him, finally finding the small firm lump I was searching for. I slid my finger across it, and Scotty bucked strongly, his butt coming off the pillow as his muscles snapped tightly on my finger, and I knew that I had found his little hot button, and that he had reacted much as the documentation had suggested that he would. His eyes popped open wide, and his lush mouth formed an oval of surprise, and he panted some as he uttered,

" that some more Robby...that felt amazing...!"

Still working his drooling boyhood in my fist, I ran my finger back and forth, pressing firmly into the little nub of nerves inside him on each pass, and in no time he was bucking and huffing like he was in some kind of seizure. His hips bucked up and down, and his cock pulsed in my grip, and his mouth actually hung open and slack, a dribble of saliva running from the corner as I found my rhythm, stroking his oozing cock as I rubbed his tender little sweet spot. I had seem him reach his limit enough times by now that I easily saw the signals of his impending eruption, so I stepped up my pace on both his cock and his gland, and in another few seconds his hips bucked sharply upward as he let out a yelp that ought to have brought the neighbors running, and I quickly pressed firmly down on his gland while at the same time I furiously pumped his shaft, and when his cock erupted I could hardly believe the result. A long thick streamer of jizz shot from his little slit, arching high above him before landing with an audible splat across his heaving chest, coating his right nipple and trailing nearly down to his navel. The second and third spurts were equal in both force and volume, and they too ended up as thick streamers painted over his slim torso, and the ensuing eruptions didn't surrender much in terms of volume either. Finally, he stopped jetting like a 50 cal. machine gun, and his continuing output reduced to weaker dribbles that drizzled down over my fingers, finally ending altogether as Scotty sagged back against the mattress exhausted, and panting like a sprint runner post race. I was mightily impressed, and just a little bit shocked at the massive eruption of semen he had produced, and I sat back just kind of staring at his cream streaked body. How, I wondered, does a nearly skinny little runt like this manage to produce more cum that I had ever seen in one serving, and then it hit me that all those pontificating professor types on the internet apparently knew of what they pontificated with regard to the male prostate being highly value-additive to the typical male orgasm, and the associated expelling of sweet, creamy boy-honey.

Okay then... so I got it, and I definitely elevated my level of respect for online bloggers, but it suddenly seemed like a total waste, all that impressive young load just lying there cooling on my boy's smooth body, so I stopped the intellectual analysis, and bent down to lap it all up as Scotty writhed and squealed beneath me, his fists raining gentle blows on my back as he giggled, and can you believe it...?...he kept calling me a pervert!

(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 6

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