Making Snowmen

By Hosed Dude

Published on May 23, 2006


This is a story that will deal with acts of homosexuality between consenting men. If this is illegal with your age or location, please do not read further. Also, this is not going to be just a one of jerk story, and this chapter contains no sex, but don't worry, there will be lots of it and soon. Enjoy!


I had found the ad in the back of a snowboarding mag. "It's not just a Job, it's an adventure" the bold letters exclaimed. "Crystal Mountain Ski Resort, Now Hiring for the Winter Season. Jobs Include Guest Services, Maintenance, Instruction and more. High Pay, Room provided." And then in big bold letters "FREE SKIING and SNOWBOARDING FOR STAFF." I called the number and found out that they were an isolated resort in the middle of nowhere Alaska. Having just graduated from college and my English degree leading me right back into the bookstore I'd been working at for three years, I jumped at the opportunity.

So the first week of November, I found myself standing on a small airfield outside of Anchorage, with about 7 other guys, 3 of which were college guys like me, the other four a few years older, and much more bundled up, obviously having a bit more experience with the trip than us younger guys. We were all waiting for the plane that would take us to the mountain. As I leaned against a wall, pulling my arms inside my parka, trying to get warmed up, one of the older guys approached me.

"First time, huh?" He reached his arm out to me, and I slipped my hand under the tail of my coat to shake his hand. "I'm James, that's Mark, Foster, and Liam," he said pointing to the other three older guys. "We've all been working at Crystal for four years now, so if you need any help or anything... ask one of us. We're all a pretty friendly bunch. And your name is?"

"Steve," I told him. "I thought there'd be more of us," I said looking at the small turnout of people.

"Well, there's a few folks who live at Crystal year round, or at least somewhere within a three hour drive, but as far as the seasonal help, there's not much needed. Crystal is so isolated that it makes for a pretty expensive vacation. The lodge only houses about five sets of guests at a time, but damn do they pay big for it. It's the thrill of a mountain whose powder is hardly touched. "

"Plus the rich folks like to feel like it's dangerous, being all alone in the wilderness. Nevermind that we have a five-star chef, three Jacuzzis, and pretty much any alcoholic beverage ever invented," the guy who James identified as Mark said, stepping into the conversation.

"Yep, roughing it, the most luxurious way you can," James added. After he said that, we were all approached by the pilot who informed us the plane was fueled up and ready to go, so we all loaded our stuff into the cargo hold. Mark informed me that usually one of us would be on hand here to load the guests baggage in for them, and also to provide drink service on their way to the mountain, but that such perks weren't so easily bestowed upon the hired help. Still, it was a free flight on a very nice private jet.

As we got on the plane, the heat was on enough for us to not need to be so bundled up,so we all took our coats off and piled them up on the empty seats. It was the first time I got a really good look at everyone since on the ground we had all been so covered up. I wasn't in the habit of checking guys out, but I was aware that James and Mark were both pretty good looking guys. James especially, he had sort of a shaggy haircut, no facial hair, and a pretty athletic build. Once we got on the plane, the older guys sort of grouped together, catching up on what the others had done, and who the others had done, in the past year. Foster, who was from Australia, was talking about a pair of sisters he'd had a threesome with after giving them a snorkeling lesson, and I turned towards the other new guys.

Jason, Kyle, and Ryan were their names. Jason and Kyle knew each other, they had come together, from Seattle. Ryan was from Ohio, and had also recently graduated with an English major. He and I got to talking pretty fast and realized we had a lot in common, we both loved the same movies and music, and both of us admitted we had a massive crush on Mandy Moore. Again, not in the habit of checking out guys, but I knew a few girls at home who would have found him adorable. He wore thick black glasses and had the appearance of someone who had just sort of grown out of the Emo thing, but still maintained a little bit of its presence. Jason and Kyle were a little shaggier, both of them had small tufts of facial hair and haircuts that went down to their necks. They were pretty similar to most guys I see out on the slopes back home. Jason said they had gone to the same high school but different colleges, and when Kyle showed him the same ad I'd seen and announced he needed a break, Jason was along for the ride.

"So, guys," Mark said loudly, calling all the attention from then plane towards him. "Which of the newbies do you think will be the first to make Snowmen?"

"Don't be a dick, Mark," Foster said.

"Who's being a dick, man?" Mark replied. "It's not like they're not going to. Everyone does it, every year."

"And you're usually the first one," Liam said, laughing.

"Well, if we're all going to do it eventually, why waste time?" Mark said. "It's fun."

"Well if you're still singing that tune tonight, I might take you up on it," Liam replied.

"What are you talking about?" Ryan asked. I wasn't sure I wanted to know.

"Don't worry, you'll find out," James said. "Until then it's just bullshit from these guys."

"Welcome to Crystal Mountain!" The pilot announced over the PA system, interrupting talk of snowmen. The four older guys didn't budge from their seats, but the rest of us all ran to the windows to look out. It was smaller than I'd expected, basically a big lodge, which must have contained all the services for the guests under one room. The mountain was beautiful though. Just from our plane we could see some of the most amazing slopes I'd ever laid eyes on, completely uncut from crowds.

"See over there?" I heard a voice from behind me say, it was James, he had come up behind me and placed his arm on my shoulder, pointing with his finger. "That's the helipad. There are some spots on the mountain the ski lifts don't go to. The Staff is only allowed one helicopter run a season. We usually take it in the last week, sort of as a last hurrah. It's amazing, you ever done a jump run?"

"No," I said, already eagerly anticipating that last week. "But I can't wait to try it."

"Trust me," James said, "you're in for a lot of new experiences up here." He slid his arm back across my shoulder, and I could have sworn I felt him rest his hand on it for a second, and we made extra long eye contact before he broke it off and returned to his seat, motioning for the rest of us to do the same, buckling in for landing.

There was a small runway that stretched out in front of the lodge and once we were safely on the ground, the older boys immediately grabbed all of their own stuff, not needing to be instructed by anyone. We followed suit, and just did as the veterans did. That seemed to be the smartest way to go.

I had expected it to be a little more formal than it was. In my head I had pictured an orientation meeting with all of us getting assigned jobs but instead James and his friends led us all to a wing of the Lodge building reserved for the staff. They led us to a hallway that had a series of dorm-room sized bedrooms, each complete with a single bed and private toilet and sink, but Liam informed us that the showers were shared down the hall. Something about making it easier to do the hot water all in one place.

"It gets really hot in the showers, sometimes," Mark said. Foster elbowed him in the ribs.

James took unofficial charge of explaining the laws of the land to us newbies, leading all of us into one of the dorms. He told us that none of us were assigned specific jobs, but instead we would be trained in how to take care of the most basic needs of the guests and be assigned shifts in which we were on-call to service them, things like bringing them fresh towels, cleaning their rooms, or delivering food to them from the resort's private chef. He told us that eventually we might be considered for the rotation in the ski or snowboard instruction classes if we proved out proficiency during the course of the winter, but that most of the guests here already knew their way around a slope so classes were rare anyway.

"You guys hit the jackpot, to be honest," James said, "The work is very easy, the money is great and all of your food is free. The four of us have been coming here since we were in college and it's a fucking blast up here. There are only two things to remember: first, the guests are gold. Most of these people are pretty laid back, here for the slopes just like us, but once in a while we get some real arrogant fucks that we just want to tell to piss off. But we DO NOT. Get it? The reason the rest of us can live the sweet life up here is cause these people pay the Mountain tons for it. If you are the reason that a guest leaves and takes his money with them, you will be out of here, on the same flight. Guests are gold, that's rule one."

"Rule number two is that under no circumstances, NO circumstances, are you allowed to fuck one of the guests. These rich daddies don't want anyone stealing their daughter's virtue, or reaping the benefits of the plastic surgery they banked on their trophy wife. As laid back as the Mountain is, if you are caught having sex with a guest, You will be fired. And here's the rub. If you are fired for violation of rule number two, you don't get a flight home."

"What?" asked Ryan

"Rich daddy ain't gonna want you on the same plane as his baby, newbie," Mark said. "and damned if the resort is gonna pay for the fuel for your private jet flight home."

"Then what do we do to get home?" Kyle asked.

"Closest town with a bus terminal is about a half a day's walk from here," said Liam. "Or about two hours if you can convince someone here to take you on of the snow machines. Course convincing them is the hard part."

"They can't make us walk that far on our own," Jason said.

"No, but they can refuse to let you partake in the privileges contained as an employee of Crystal Mountain," Foster chimed in, "Like the bed, and the food. Soon you'll decide to walk on your own."

"How about none of us fucks a guest and it won't be an issue for anyone," I said.

"Smart man here," James said pointing to me. "Anyway guys, there's nothing else we need to go over tonight, it's been a long day of traveling for all of us, so let's all get unpacked, get settled in, and we'll grab some dinner."

With that we all sort of scattered like little kids in a vacation home, picking out our bedrooms even though they were all the same. Out of an unspoken respect we let the returning guys have first pick of rooms and then the rest of us grabbed some from the remainders. After I got done getting my stuff unpacked, I headed out into the hallway towards the room I'd seen Ryan choose. Down the hall Liam had come out of his room and knocked on another bedroom door. I saw Mark open the door, and laugh for a second before allowing his friend in, shutting the door behind them.

Ryan had brought a deck of cards with him so we spent the rest of the hour playing War and talking about movies some more. Because we had already admitted our mutual crush on Mandy Moore we confided our guilty pleasures in some of her less manly movies, like Walk to Remember and Chasing Liberty. Who were we kidding, Mandy Moore has never made a movie that could be considered "manly." He had brought his laptop computer and he showed me a folder of pictures of her he'd found on the internet. None of them were nudes, cause she'd never pose for them, but there were some hot magazine shots in there anyway. He showed me some shots of her laying on the floor in some lingerie and I could feel my cock start to stir. I adjusted myself in my pants, hoping Ryan didn't see the tent I was starting to pitch.

James came and knocked on the door to tell us it was dinnertime, so Ryan folded down his screen and we headed out the door, meeting the other guys in the hallway. I shifted my erection as I stood. James and his friends led all of us through the main lounge of the lodge. We had entered through the staff entrance so we hadn't seen how nice it was coming in. It felt more like something out of a rat pack movie than a ski lodge. It had a grand piano in one corner and there was a full service bar on the other side of the room, cut into the wall with elegant mirroring behind it. James said that some of us would have to work as bartenders when we were on call.

"Don't worry if you don't know how to make certain drinks, the guests get off on explaining it, makes them feel elite," Mark said.

James showed us the back hallway that we would have to use to get around the lounge when it was occupied by guests. And that led us into the kitchen, which was a decent size considering the small volume of people who it would feed. The guys explained that the guests coming in are given a menu when they book their trip and the ingredients for their meals are flown in on the same plane they arrive in.

Foster cooked us all a bunch of hamburgers and fries, which may have been the best I've ever had. James explained to us that each of them had specific jobs within the resort because they'd been here so long, Foster was the cook, Liam was a massage therapist, and Mark was a personal trainer. James was in charge of the skiing and boarding, and general guest services, or in other words making sure we newbies did our jobs. James explained that for the most part the eight of us would be the only ones at the mountain aside from guests, though occasionally the higher-ups would show up to make sure things ran smoothly.

We spent the rest of dinner talking about our favorite snowboarding stories. Not surprisingly, James and his crew mostly talked about the runs here on Crystal Mountain, where as the rest of us all had less impressive tales about runs back home. The nice thing was that everyone seemed to get along pretty well. I supposed that had to be the case if they kept coming back here together year after year to spend months with a group of other guys. After dinner we were all feeling tired from the long day, so we headed off to bed.

I'm not going to bore you with the intricate details of the first two weeks on the mountain. In short, we spent the first few days going through the various places in which we'd have to work and getting trained on the various jobs. There was everything from helping Foster serve the food to cleaning all the guests' equipment after runs on the mountain, and we would all have to take turns riding in the jet to Anchorage and serving drinks to the guests on their way to the mountain.

But like they had said, nothing seemed like it would really be that difficult to do and the environment was consistently laid back. All four older guys were more than willing to show us the ropes, though Mark kept asking us if we'd made snowmen yet, and the other guys would call him a dick when we asked what that meant.

Our first guests arrived in the second week, the husband was an oil man from texas in his fifties and with him was his early twenties trophy wife complete with huge fake tits and blonde hair, and also his 17 year old son whom all of us were convinced was probably also nailing the wife but couldn't be certain.

Like I said, the work was easy, which remained true because the family were pretty cool and not demanding, but what was getting harder and harder was imagining spending until the end of march without getting laid. I'd gone that long plenty of times back at home but it wasn't so officially declared. There's a difference between just going a certain amount of time not having sex, and actually thinking about the fact that you know you can't for so long. Plus who was to say I'd get any when I got back home? The less I tried to think about sex the more, and it always seemed to happen when Trophy Wife would be around. I constantly had to shift myself to hide an erection in her presence.

Hanging out in Ryan's room wasn't making things any easier. He and I had started to watch movies together on a pretty regular basis. If the other guys showed up it was something more action based, like Gone in Sixty Seconds or Die Hard, but the nights when it was just him and I we'd watch one of his Mandy movies. Again, the more I tried not to think about sex during these times the more I did and I often sat with a pillow over my lap.

It was the end of week two when I finally snapped. My job that day had been to provide the guests with fresh towels and make fruit smoothies for them while they were in the Jacuzzi. Trophy Wife had been sitting with Stepson for a little while but I think his own bit of sexual tension got the best of him because he got up and left, revealing a tent pole of his own as he dried off with the towel I handed him and headed for his room. I must have been really horny because the sight of his erection made me get a little hard myself.

After he left, Trophy Wife gave me a wink and untied the top of her bathing suit, tossing it across the room. She sat for a while in the hot tub, pretending as if she was unaware that I was watching her but of course I could occasionally see her glance my way. She moaned seductively in the bubbling waters and fingered her nipples, which were floating a little bit up and down with the jets. She continued doing this type of thing for several minutes as I just watched until eventually she got bored and hopped out of the tub. As I handed her a towel she just looked me in the eye and whispered "We've come here the past three years. I know you'll get fired if you fuck me," and then looked me up and down before adding "Too bad."

And there I was an hour later in Ryan's room, he has just popped in Chasing Liberty and we were watching the opening credits for a rumored nipple-slip when the frustration of the day finally came pouring out of me and I declared out of nowhere that I was horny as hell.

"What did you say?" Ryan asked me

"I said, I can't stop thinking about anything but sex," I said.

"Thank god!" he said, pausing the movie. "Me too! I have been thinking about it nonstop ever since James told us we couldn't fuck the guests."

I told him the story about the Trophy Wife in the hot tub and he told me she'd done basically the same thing to him, making him serve her drinks in the Lounge while wearing only her nightie.

"I jerked off twice afterwards and I'm still feeling horny as hell," he said.

"Twice? I did it three times after the hot tub thing today," I said. "It's not doing any good at this point. I need to get some penetration or something or I'm going to go all The Shining or something."

"Yeah," he said and turned the movie back on. We watched it for a little while until it got to the point where Mandy's character finally has sex with her secret service agent in Germany. At this point Ryan paused the movie again. "Hey Steve?"

"Yeah man?"

"How badly do you want to get laid?" he said.

"Well I'm starting to consider if that half day's walk is so bad after all," I replied.

"What if there was another option?" He asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Like what if there was a way you could have sex with someone without getting fired?"

"It'd be great. But who would this magic person be?" I asked. He paused again. And rolled over on the bed, looking me right in the eyes.


Hope you guys like it so far. I plan to continue this series so please email me with any feedback.

Next: Chapter 2

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