Malcolm and Josh

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 29, 2023


Malcolm draped his arm over Josh's shoulders as they walked back to Josh's apartment. "You mind?" Malcolm asked, and pulled Josh a little closer, as if to suggest if Josh did mind, he wasn't moving.

"Nope." Josh answered. "If I shivered it's because, well, I don't do this."

"Walk with guys?" Malcolm was pulling his leg, and Josh snorted. "I THINK you know what I'm talking about." Malcolm stopped, held Josh's arms to his side and said "Well," before he kissed Josh hard. Josh responded by opening his lips and giving a very soft moan.

"You're purring," Malcolm smiled. "You're actually purring." Josh looked at him. "I'm doing more than purring. Please, can we go to my place before, well, I cum on the city street." Malcolm gave Josh a big smile. "Now THAT is something I'd pay to see, but ok." He moved his hand down to Josh's ass. Josh gave him a look. "You're not making this any easier, you know?" "I could always just go back to the car and let you be," was Malcolm's response. "DON'T YOU DARE, BITCH" Josh grabbed Malcolm's hand from his ass and started pulling him to the building. "You're not touching that again until we get naked."

Josh's apartment had two rooms, plus his kitchen and bathroom. It was an efficiency type place, and as he looked around, Malcolm thought "this isn't going to do." Still, he praised the décor, and the furniture and then he wrapped his arms around Josh from behind. His tongue slid up and down Josh's left ear and he whispered, "I may not let you go." Josh squirmed and answered, "I'm pretty hard to hold onto," even as he began to enjoy Malcolm's tongue. "Squirming isn't gonna do you any good, Josh boy. I've been fantasizing about having you squirming underneath me all fucking night." He nibbled Josh's ear and got a moan in response.

"Fantasize about squirming under ME?" Josh asked, as Malcolm tightened his embrace.

"Not for a second. Did you?" Josh moaned "Can you let me go so I can get undressed?"

"How about I undress you?" Malcolm asked, and Josh shook his head. "Listen, cowboy, there are a few things I know how to do really well, and one of those is to undress in a way that pleases men, so not to be rude: let me do something I'm better at than you are." Malcolm was glad Josh didn't say what he thought he would, which was "let me do my job." Instead, he smiled. "Ok. How about you undress us both if you're so good at it." He saw the sparkle in Josh's eye. "Let's start with that sweater. Get your hands up." Josh pulled the sweater off Malcolm and folded it carefully. Then he opened Malcolm's shirt, button by button, slowly. He ran his hands over Malcolm's torso. "GOD. You're better toned than I thought you'd be." He looked at Malcolm's face and asked, "May I?" before he began licking Malcolm's pecs. Malcolm put his hands behind Josh's head. "I may not let you stop." Josh giggled for a minute. "There's better stuff coming, handsome. But I need to get back to work." He skillfully opened Malcolm's slacks and slid them down before he hooked a finger through his briefs. He looked at Malcolm with a wicked grin. "Let me unwrap my present," and pulled down those, too. Malcolm's cock stood out in front of him: rigid and bright pink. He saw Josh get on his knees.

"JOSH DON'T. DON'T. OH, SHIT.... FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK." Malcolm would learn, later, about Josh's notoriety as a cock sucker. He was feeling it first. Josh stopped sucking for a minute. "Didn't you tell me you don't fuck on the first date?" That was true. Malcolm had told Josh that right after he told him he was 39. "I could make an exception."

"Fuck my face, stud. Fuck it hard. Make me swallow. Make me drain every drop. Let me keep something time." Then he went down on Malcolm and got the loudest moan out of his "date." "OH FUCK you are so good at that." Josh just slurped. He reached down to his own hard-on. He knew enough about men to know that he wasn't going to get blown that night, but he thought Malcolm would probably see to it that he had an orgasm. He kept his hands away and just kept sucking.

"DAMN YOU TO HELL JOSH I'M GONNA SHOOT." Josh coyly pulled back so that only Malcolm's cock head was in his mouth. He circled his hand around as much of Malcolm's shaft as he could, and as the juice shot out of Malcolm, he rolled his tongue around the tip of his cock to get every bit of it. Josh smiled when Malcolm stopped thrusting.

"Like it?" Malcolm laughed. "As if you don't know the answer to that. Now let me see your strip show." Josh could almost always get his clients harder when he stripped. He didn't dance or do anything like that, but he had a very good sense of timing. He was also fast enough to get out of reach when one of them tried to grab him. Not tonight though. He got his shirt buttons opened and in the second he looked down to make sure he had his buckle opened, Malcolm grabbed him. They tumbled down on the bed and tussled for just a bit before Malcolm was on top of Josh. He pinned Josh's wrists down and Josh looked at him. "If you had any idea how HOT it makes me when I can't move my arms." Malcolm smiled. "Good to know. Now, does my big, tall sunflower wanna have his cock jerked off?" Josh faked a sigh of boredom.

"Well, I guess that'd be okay since you're clearly not hard enough to fuck me." Malcolm smiled and gave him a look. "Now who's fault is that?" Josh laughed and squirmed. "I dunno. I mean, you're ten years older than me so I shoulda expected it.

"FIVE YEARS YOU BITCH" Malcolm forced his chin onto Josh's neck and scraped back and forth.


"Why not, superstud? Someone find a sensitive place on you?" Josh didn't answer and Malcolm asked "Hmmm?" before he began gently scruffing that spot. Pinned down, and with a hot spot being worked, Josh squirmed even more. "He CAN'T be turning me on this much, this fast," he thought to himself, before he felt Malcolm's tongue at his lips again. "Open up, stud. Open up." When Josh did, Malcolm shoved down his tongue and then massaged Josh's crotch with his knee.

Josh was trying to beg Malcolm to let him up so he could free his cock, but Malcolm's tongue gagged him. From the look on his face, Josh could tell that Malcolm knew what he was doing. Even as Josh's hips began to buck, Malcolm kept him pinned down on the bed. His tongue smothered Josh's cries as he began to shoot. His pants and speedos were getting very wet and very sticky.

"I really don't want to let you up, Josh." Malcolm looked down at the handsome man who had just cum. "I want you underneath me, oh, for about forever."

"Can you stay the night?" Josh asked. "I really, really, REALLY want you to stay Malcolm. I mean that." Malcolm didn't know that Josh rarely did escorting from his own apartment, and when he did, no one stayed over. Other than Josh himself, another man hadn't slept in his bed for years, and certainly not since he had moved into this apartment.

"You couldn't get me out of here if you tried," Malcolm answered. "But next time, and I hope there's a next time, Josh, we're staying at MY place. If for no other reason than," he smiled. "I'll keep your arms tied down and my hands free so I can probe for more of your spots." He grinned. "Unless you want to tell me about them." Josh smiled back. "Think of it as a treasure hunt."

Josh rarely had clients at his place, and he never did an overnight with one, so Malcolm was the first man he had slept with there from the time he had moved in. He curled into Malcolm and slept like a baby -- something that didn't happen often. Malcolm was a light sleeper: he was up, frequently, at 5, never later than 6, and he often woke during the night. He did that night, and looked at Josh: his long legs, his wild mane of blond hair, his silly smile and thought "you ARE a sunflower." He laughed to himself and thought "God knows how many seeds are in you too" as he pulled the man closer. "How am I going to make this work?" was another thought he had before he fell back asleep again. When he finally woke at his usual time, he thought about trying to get up and make breakfast. He decided not to, because Josh was so cute lying there, sleeping peacefully, and Malcolm really did NOT know his way around his own kitchen, let alone a strange one. Instead, he cuddled with Josh, thinking about what he would do to him if this went forward.

Malcolm remembered that Josh had told him he set the alarm for 7:15. He reached over and turned it off: He was going to wake up Josh HIS way, and at about 7, he began running his finger back and forth along the cleft between Josh's butt cheeks. He started lightly, and moved in, a bit deeper. As he continued, Josh began to moan in his sleep. The moans got louder. Malcolm ran his tongue over one of Josh's nipples, and Josh woke with a start.

"WHAT TIME IS IT? GEEZ, I SLEPT THROUGH THE ALARM. I'LL BE LATE FOR WORK. FUCK!" Malcolm laughed and squeezed the back of Josh's neck.

"It's 7:15, babe. I shut off the alarm because I wanted to wake you, MY way." He pointed to Josh's cock. "Looks like you like mine better than the alarm." Josh kissed him: "I wish I could stay here, Malcolm. I can't. My start time is 8:30 and I've got this pretty synched."

"No, no, I understand. I'm gonna get up and get out of your way unless you'd like me to drive you to work." Josh looked at him. "You'd do that for me?" Malcolm gave Josh a quizzical look and a smile. "Of course I would. "

"That might be the sweetest thing anyone ever offered to me, Malcolm. I'd much appreciate it. It's probably going to save me at least fifteen minutes so," he rolled on his back and tugged Malcolm. "How about pretending I'm asleep and needing to wake me?"

So it began. Trying to work with Josh's schedule frustrated Malcolm mightily: one of Josh's nicknames was "slut of the city," and it seemed to be true: he was booked, solidly, weeks in advance. He could only see Malcolm on Sundays, and that wasn't enough for Malcolm. He took what he could get, however. For their second date, he drove up, picked up Josh and took him to his place. Josh looked around the apartment, which was about 3 times the size of his own, gawking, until Malcolm slipped an arm under Josh's elbow, and then his other elbow, pulling his arms behind him. "Bedroom's that way. Now." They began spending Sunday at Malcolm's place and, on their fourth date, Malcolm looked at Josh as they were making out. "I can't wait anymore. I want you." Josh looked at him and whispered, "Fuck me, stud." That was the first time Josh could remember taking dick without getting paid for it since his college years. He was glad he was experienced: Malcolm was well hung, and while he wasn't a professional, he knew how to work Josh's ass to stimulate him like he hadn't been stimulated in a long time.

"Breed me, Malcolm. Breed me. Shoot in me. Mark me. Please." Malcolm had no intention of pulling out anyway, so he just pushed Josh's legs up higher and blasted a load of jizz into him. When he was done, he smiled and looked at Josh. "We're gonna have to talk, Josh." Josh had an idea of what the talk would be about, and just shook his head before he added "I know."

They were at dinner after their fifth "date" when Malcolm began the first "conversation" about their future. "Josh, I want you to stop escorting. I want one cock in you, and that's mine." Josh took a swallow of water and wrestled with his thoughts. He began to speak "Malcolm, I know that's what you want but, most of my income comes from that. My day job is near minimum wage. I can't afford to stop." Malcolm had done some thinking about this, and, with his connections, he had some information that he really shouldn't have had. He asked Josh: "how many months are left on your lease?" Josh didn't understand why Malcolm asked the question, but he answered, "three months." "GOOD." Malcolm thought. "He's not lying to me."

"I want you to move in with me, Josh. I don't need the rent. You've seen the size of the apartment, and there's plenty of room for another guy. But you have to give up the escorting. Don't renew the lease and move in with me."

Josh realized that Malcolm was giving him 3 months to decide. He could take the "appointment" software down, finish up with his clients, and move in.

"You're going to want something from me, Malcolm. I know that." Malcolm smiled. "You're going to have to give up any thoughts of being versatile, Josh. I LOVE topping you. I love when I get to dominate you and I want to do more of both." Josh thought about that and collected his thoughts. It was true that Malcolm was a superb top, and when they did some roleplays where he dominated Josh, Josh found he had a submissive streak he didn't know about until Malcolm. Was he willing to give up being "vers" to become Malcolm's bottom and maybe his sub?

"Malcolm, do I have to decide now?" Malcolm's answer was "No, but soon." Josh tried to lighten things by asking "If I move in, do I have to start calling you Sir?" Malcolm was very serious when he answered, "Not right away, but at some point, yes." Josh felt a "ping" in his balls. "Two weeks, Malcolm. Just give me two weeks to think about it." Malcolm smiled. "I can wait that long. "He stretched back in his chair. "Know what I realized tonight, sunflower boy?"

"I can't even imagine," Josh laughed. "I realized I want to take you from behind. Doggie style. Remember that for next time."

"Hey, it's Josh. Can I take YOU out to dinner tonight? And can I stay over. Gimme a call, stud." Malcolm listened to the message and checked his calendar: it WAS Friday. Josh had told him that Fridays were one of his busiest nights, and he usually saw two clients, sometimes three. Malcolm's immediate thought was that something was wrong, and when he called Josh back the first thing out of his mouth was the question: "Is everything alright?" Josh was trying to play it cool. "Yeah, everything's fine. Why did you ask?" "Well, I was surprised by your call." "Can't I invite myself to my boyfriend's place, and ask him to dinner? Geez." Neither of them could see each other's faces, but if they could, it would have been clear that they were both enjoying the game. "Well, sure, Josh. Yes to both, but."

"No buts. Come and get me, and I'll give you directions to the restaurant." He paused. "It's the only chance I'll ever get to tell you what to do. Oh, and, by the way, you still want to take me doggie style?" The mild arousal resulting from hearing Josh's resonant baritone had just turned into a full-fledged woody.

"Damn right. But before dinner." Josh put a hand on his own cock and whispered: "Wear leather gloves. If you can get something, so can I. I wanna be hand gagged."

"MMMMPH." Josh was naked underneath Malcolm. He smelled the rich fragrance of the leather glove covering his mouth and felt the gentle but firm nibbling on his earlobe. Possibly, Malcolm was harder than he was, but he wasn't sure. He didn't expect the ten minutes of rimming and ass eating he had gotten when Malcolm led him to bed. Nor had he expected the gentle slapping of his balls, or Malcolm's finger gently running up and down his "taint." "I should have gagged you before I started this. Remind me next time." Josh was panting from hyperventilating. Malcolm had him so ready, and so desperate, he managed to get out "FUCK ME YOU ANIMAL." Malcolm snickered. "Soon, you'll be using SIR instead of you animal, but yeah, I'm gonna FUCK you. I'm gonna fuck you harder than you've ever been fucked before. Roll over." Josh was about to say, "yes sir," but he didn't want to fall into that dynamic quite yet. He rolled over and saw the gloves on the side table. "Let me slide these on. Nothing's too good for my bottom." The gloves were supple, black, and fit Malcolm, well, like a glove. One of his hands went over Josh's mouth, and the other one went down to his balls, twisting them gently.

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" came out of Josh when Malcolm started the twisting. "Like that, butt boy?" he asked. Another "mmmmmph" with a shake of the head `yes' came out of Josh. "How about this?" Josh felt Malcolm's cockhead at his ass. He pushed back and heard Malcolm laugh. "Patience, bottom, patience. I like a power bottom, but a pushy one? Not so much." "mmmmmmmmmmmph", this time, the moan was high pitched and long. Josh felt Malcolm's dick entering his ass. They hadn't fucked enough for Malcolm to have found his prostate yet, but he was coming close.

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" came out of Josh as Malcolm hit it this time. "Bingo" was what Malcolm whispered as he pushed in just a little bit further, and began a slow, rhythmic sliding back and forth.

"Now that I know the spot, I'm gonna hit it every single time, Josh. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME." He continued to pound Josh's ass. "I'm gonna take my hand away, sunflower, because I know there's something else you like, and I need my hands for it." When he could speak, Josh said in a low, desperate voice: "OH GOD, that feels so good. OH SHIT" He felt Malcolm grab his wrists and pin his arms behind him as he plunged in, hard. "You DID say you like your arms pinned, didn't you, studmuffin?"

"Yes sir," and it was out. Inadvertently. At the "Sir," Malcolm contracted his glutes and Josh felt the sting as even more of Malcolm's cock got into him. He was right: Josh had never been fucked this hard before. "Contract those glutes, bottom. Squeeze. Make me cum. Make me cum with that whore ass of yours." "Yes sir," Josh answered. He couldn't help himself. He was getting into the feeling of being dominated in a way he never had before. Malcolm was pumping his ass harder and faster. Harder and faster. Then he screamed and the jizz that filled Josh was hot, thick, and voluminous. "OH YEAH TOP MAN DADDY. FUCK YOUR BLOND BOY. FUCK HIM. FUCK HIM GOOD." Josh squeezed his glutes to get as much out of Malcolm as possible, and when the thrusts stopped, he felt Malcolm collapse on him. "Whoever said you were versatile must've meant you get fucked on your back and your belly. GOD you were good, sweetie." He nibbled Josh's ear some more as Josh asked, "would it be alright if I came, Malcolm?" He had gotten his equilibrium back. He wanted to say "Sir," but he also wanted Malcolm to work for it. "Let me jerk you with my glove." Josh smiled: it was as if Malcolm had read his mind. He flipped Josh over and pinned his wrists down with one of his arms and used his other hand to start slowly working on Josh's cock. As Josh got harder, and harder, Malcolm whispered "Next time, I'll remember the wrist cuffs." Josh's hips bucked and then he shot a load that made him laugh. "I'm fucking Old Faithful," he laughed, just before Malcolm shoved his tongue down his throat.

"So, I'm serious. Did you get a series of cancellations?" Malcolm asked as they sat down at the bistro Josh had chosen. Clearly, he had eaten here before, and spoke to the staff in French. That's how Malcolm found himself eating garlicky snails, even though the thought of them made him queasy. "You'll pay for this, cupcake," he said to Josh, who laughed. "I was hoping you'd say that. But to answer your question, I'M the one who cancelled. I cancelled tomorrow too because I want to spend the whole weekend with you. And I want to find space in your place for where my stuff's gonna go." Malcolm let a snail fall out of his mouth. "I did NOT expect that, Josh." "Ha ha. I'm filled with surprises. And right now, I'm probably partially filled with your cum." Malcolm looked around to see if anyone had heard that. It didn't look that way. He grinned. "And you're gonna be filled with it a LOT this weekend. So you decided that you'd move in with me?" "Yup," Josh said and smiled, curling his foot around Malcolm's ankle. "You giving up your wanton ways? Gonna let me make you an honest homo?" "HA. All I'll say is I'm closing operations and sending my clients elsewhere." Malcolm grabbed Josh's hand. "You just gave me a birthday, Christmas and Valentine's Day present at one time, Joshy." He paused. "You remember what I said?" "Just call me bottom boy Josh, Top Man Malcolm. Now finish up your dinner because I think you may be entitled to a blow job before we go to sleep."

Next: Chapter 4

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