Malcolm and Josh

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 14, 2023


So, it was about a week and a half after Josh moved into Malcolm's apartment. Josh had lived with roommates before, but he had never lived with a lover/boyfriend (he wasn't sure what to call Malcolm. Malcolm called Josh his "boy," which wrankled Josh, but Malcolm had made clear, very early on, that he'd have to learn to like it or at least get used to it. It was the third night after Josh had moved in. He was learning that Malcolm was horny all the time. That night, after they had eaten dinner, and Josh was getting up to do the dishes, Malcolm wrapped an arm around his middle: Malcolm clearly had other ideas. He made an animal growl, and began dragging Josh off to the bedroom -- a REAL bedroom, something that Josh did not have in his studio.

"GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!" came out of Malcolm's mouth, as he subdued Josh on the bed, trapping his wrists at the side of his head. Josh had only struggled a little bit because, well, Malcolm knew his way around the bedroom, and their sex, so far, had been what Cory would have called "celestial."

Malcolm had a "thing" about proper dressing at the dinner table, so Josh had changed out of one of his work tank tops (it was summer: in the winter he'd switch to flannel) into one of the few dress shirts he had. He was smiling and pretending to fight.

"LET ME GO, YOU BEAST! YOU HORRIBLE BEAST!" That was when Malcolm said it: "I'm not a beast, Josh. I'm just a horny guy who wants his boy's ass. You gonna give it to me?" "Boy" didn't resonate with Josh at first, and he answered "I don't give my ass to anyone, stud. You're gonna have to take it." He saw the big smile across Malcolm's face as he said, "suits me fine," before he started unbuttoning Josh's shirt. "Boy, you're lucky I don't just rip this the hell off of you. Pasta always makes me horny."

"EVERYTHING makes you horny," Josh answered, before he began to moan in pleasure. Malcolm was nibbling at his ear, and he had lowered his shirtless body down so that his fur rubbed Josh's nipple. "Nothing makes me hornier than my boy. Kiss me, sweetie. Kiss me GOOD" Both of them were superb kissers, and Josh opened his mouth to take Malcolm's tongue, but only after Malcolm had planted several slow, sweet kisses on Josh's lips, and had run his tongue around them. "Do I need to nibble on your chin, boy?" He asked. That's when "boy" hit Josh.

"I thought you wanted a man, not a boy." Malcolm smiled. "I do want a man. But men aren't expected to always be obedient. Boys are. And that's what I want from you Josh. Obedience. Now, open your mouth, boy. Take your Man's tongue." Josh was so horny that he didn't fight, and he didn't argue: he just opened it and let Malcolm take possession of his mouth. Occasionally he'd push back on Malcolm's hands, as if he wanted to break away, but Malcolm held him down fast.

"You're gonna have to get a LOT stronger to have any chance at that Joshy. A LOT stronger," was how Malcolm reacted, until he moved his mouth back to Josh's ear. He began very lightly scruffing that part of Josh's body, and then whispered: "who wants cock?" Josh closed his eyes and thought about the drillings he had already gotten from Malcolm. "I do. I want cock."

"Any cock?"

"No, I want yours, Malcolm." Then, Josh swallowed hard and moaned "Please fuck your boy, Malcolm. Please take your boy's ass." Both of them knew what had happened in that moment, as Josh surrendered a bit of power to Malcolm.

"You sure you want it? You sure you want this cock?" Malcolm had switched positions, and he spoke before he began chewing on Josh's nipple.

"YES! YES! I NEED YOUR COCK! I NEED IT." Malcolm looked down at Josh, he was smiling. "I can't believe my luck in stepping into that bar that night." He unbuttoned Josh's jeans, slid them down over his bare feet, and then pulled off his briefs. "Lay there. Don't move. I love seeing your body. So fuzzy, so creamy, and knowing: it's all MINE." Malcolm had said similar things before: about Josh being HIS, and it surprised him that he got so excited by hearing that. Yeah, guys had said that to him in his roleplays when he worked "the job," but Malcolm meant it. It wasn't hard for Josh to push up his legs, cross them at his ankles behind Malcolm, and take the drilling that was about to begin. He liked that Malcolm hadn't asked him if it was ok for him to cum inside Josh: he just did it. Once Josh felt any part of Malcolm's cock he simply melted. If Malcolm had asked him to crawl on hot coals, he probably would. Right now, though, Malcolm was just talking dirty to him: calling him a fucking cock pig, an insatiable bottom, a hot piece of ass. He never used a word like "whore when he was fucking Josh, and Josh appreciated that tremendously. OF COURSE Malcolm knew about Josh's past, but he never brought it up. Josh remembered back to one guy who had hurt him deeply: he had tried to have a relationship with a man before Malcolm, and the guy made it very clear one night that he was dissatisfied with the sex: "I mean, I picked up a fucking whore because I thought there'd be more imagination. Or do I have to PAY for imaginative sex?" Josh was ashamed to think that he had stayed: the guy had a good cock -- not as good as Malcolm's but good. He was more ashamed that he saw the man three more times, and that the guy would yell "TAKE IT YOU TWO BUCK WHORE. TAKE IT LIKE THE BITCH WHORE YOU ARE." Malcolm didn't seem to consider Josh's past at all relevant to what they were doing.

Malcolm's dining table told a story, so to speak: it could seat 12, comfortably. He liked to entertain, and Josh recognized some serious equipment in the kitchen. He also had a busy social schedule -- there was a wall calendar as well as his electronic calendar that kept track of everything -- and his job took him on a lot of short trips. He had told Josh that early the next week, they'd be going to an event for some charity Josh had never heard of. When he told him, Josh had responded "Well, sure, but what if I had plans?" Malcolm looked at him and smiled. "You don't understand, do you Josh? I'M your plans from now on. I expect you to be with me at every single one of my engagements, unless it's one where dates are not appropriate. The one that's coming up, is." He paused. "And it's likely that some of the guys will be bringing escorts with them. I just want you to know so you're not surprised or embarrassed. And probably at least one of them will hit on you." He looked at Josh over his glasses. "I presume I don't have to remind you that you'll be there with me, and I'll expect you to act accordingly."

Again, it was more than a bit paternal: Malcolm had spoken to him the way some of the teachers at Boarding School had spoken to him, but again, that streak of authoritarianism set off some kind of cascade in Josh that made him just want to beg Malcolm to fuck his face, or his ass, or to just let him know: Malcolm was the Top, Josh was the bottom, and that was the end of the discussion.

"I understand," Josh said to him. "Don't worry: I know how to behave. I think I know the party. I went a few years ago as the date of some gray haired guy with a moustache." Malcolm laughed. "German accent?" Now Josh laughed: "Na, ja." "Yeah, that's Siggy. Bit moustache "and tiny cock," they said together, dissolving in laughter. Malcolm got the "look" in his eye when Josh was laughing. "You know, you have such a fucking sexy laugh. It makes me want to just THROW YOU ON THE GROUND AND TICKLE THE SHIT OUT OF YOU." Josh couldn't move fast enough and he began to squeal as Malcolm's fingers dug into his ribs and pits. "You want me to stop, joshy?"

"YES!!!!! YES!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA. AAAAAAAAAACCCCCAK'. "Well, you know the magic words." Malcolm kept on tickling Josh until he got out. "PLEASE. FUCK ME. DON'T TICKLE ME. FUCK ME." Malcolm stopped and said, "on your belly." Josh rolled over, and Malcolm took him from behind, right on the carpet.

"I guess I'll see you at the charity function," Cory and Josh were having a quick lunch together, and Cory brought it up. "YES! How did you know," was Josh's reply. Cory smiled. "Malcolm ALWAYS goes, doll. So does Dr. Greg, one of my regulars. He always takes me: says that it's good for the other guys to be jealous of his `sweet arm candy.'" Josh laughed. "Mal hasn't said that to me yet, but I bet it's what he's thinking." Cory stopped eating and looked at Josh.

"He lets you call him MAL?" "No, no. In fact, he insists on Malcolm. I'm just using it here with you." Cory's face took on a serious expression. "I don't think you should get used to that, Josh. If he told you to call him Malcolm, you'd better not ever slip. I'm serious, Josh. I heard from other guys that his word is the LAW. "He grinned. "I assume you two are still at the `fucking like rabbits' stage." Josh's cheeks colored.

"Well, as a matter of fact, we are." Cory continued: "Josh, don't ever tell him you're not in the mood. If Malcolm is horny, you HAVE to take his cock because, if you refuse, well, I know you like it a little rough, but he can get VERY rough." Now Cory blushed. "Has he tied you up yet?" Josh shook his head. "He keeps saying he's going to, but he hasn't yet." "Well, it helps that you're into that because Malcolm's pretty known for all the bondage games he plays. Just be careful Josh, I know you're street smart, but if you like this guy, you better be ready to -- how do I say this -- do anything he wants."

Josh looked away, pensive: "He HAS said, once or twice, that at some point I'll have to start calling him Sir, and that when the time is right, he'll make me submit and he'll become my Dom, but, well, nothing like that yet."

"It's been a few weeks, love. It'll happen soon, I'm sure."

When he got back to work, Josh gave it some thought. He had seen some behavior from Malcolm that went beyond the tops he had slept with: there had been one time when what Josh wore to dinner didn't please Malcolm, and he made him change. When Josh had tried to argue, Malcolm put up a hand and said "Get changed, NOW." Being called "my boy," or just "boy" or "sunflower boy" was another one. He had no idea how soon Malcolm was going to escalate the domination. He found out that night. Josh usually got home before Malcolm did, and he had changed into a shirt that Malcolm liked, and had put on a pair of faded jeans that fit him snugly. Malcolm usually came home horny, and Josh was in the mood that night too. He squeezed his ass cheeks together in anticipation of Malcolm coming home, spreading them, and pounding him hard. He heard the door open, then slam shut. Malcolm was standing there, his tie loosened, briefcase in one hand, a package in the other.

"Welcome home, sweetie," Josh came up to Malcolm, who smiled, put his arm around Josh's waist, and pulled him closer. "You look positively edible tonight, Josh. But the one who's going to do the eating is you. Knees." Josh's face showed his disappointment: he really wanted to feel Malcolm's cock in his ass. Malcolm saw Josh's face. "Problem with that boy?" Josh gulped. "Well, no, but I just wanted" and Malcolm cut him off. "What you WANTED was to please your top man, isn't it, boy?" Malcolm's eyes had a flash of fire in them Josh hadn't seen before. It scared him, but it also aroused him. He didn't even think about it when he answered "Yes, Sir." Malcolm smiled. "I'm glad we didn't have to have an argument about that. So, why are you still on your feet?" He unzipped his pants. "Yes, Sir," Josh answered and dropped to his knees. "Sorry I'm slow, Sir. My jeans are, well, tight."

"Good. They should be. Show off your ass well. I may have to tap that tonight."

"Yes, Sir, "Josh answered, trying to be meek about it. His tongue encircled Malcolm's cock. He LOVED Malcolm's cock, and sucking it wasn't a problem except for how swollen it was, but he wanted something else."

"MMMMM. Make some of those sounds you make, boy." Josh couldn't answer "yes, Sir," but he bobbed his head in assent, as he put his skills to work. He moaned while he took more and more of Malcolm's shaft, occasionally whispering something like "That's right, Sir. Fuck your boy's face," before he slid all the way down Malcolm's cock.

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH YES. That is SO good, boy." He squeezed the back of Josh's neck and held his head while his whole cock slipped down Josh's throat. "I have been thinking about you the WHOLE fucking afternoon. My sunflower boy. MMMMMMMMM." Malcolm began to rock, back and forth, which Josh knew was a sign he was getting close. He didn't ask: he knew Malcolm expected him to swallow each and every drop and, as Malcolm thrust one more time, and the semen flowed down his throat, Josh did take every last bit of it. When he was finished, Josh looked up at Malcolm, who was smiling. "My sunflower sucks me the way a sunflower sucks up the sunshine. Only mine is much better looking. Get undressed. I think you may deserve a reward for that." He winked. "Unless, of course, you don't want me to get you off."

"RIGHT AWAY, SIR!" Josh started to run to the bedroom, and Malcolm said "NO. Get undressed right here. Right now. In front of me." Another "yes, Sir," followed, and Josh shucked his clothes. His penis was rigid, out front of him. He felt Malcolm's hand around it, and moaned. "Let's go, boy. About time to introduce you to a little...kink." Josh gulped. Cory had been right.

"On your back." After Josh got into position, he saw Malcolm produce a pair of handcuffs. "Get your arms over your head." Josh heard the cuff lock on one wrist, and then felt Malcolm slip the set through the bed frame, before he locked Josh's other wrist. "Someone told me he liked it when he couldn't move his arms. Was that you, Joshy?" Malcolm had already started edging Josh.


"Well, I think you look a helluva sexy with your arms restrained so, I think it's gonna become a part of things." He stopped stroking Josh for a minute. DAMN. I should've waited. Should've got you like this and then pushed your legs in the air. Tomorrow. "He had his thumb pushed onto Josh's hole, and his hand was stroking slowly. "I don't know why some guys shave their boys. I LOVE yours. Like my furry man pussy." He squeezed Josh's cock and asked, "Who's my man pussy?" Josh hesitated. Then Malcolm squeezed harder.

"I am, Sir. I'm your manpussy."

"That's right. And I'm your topman, boy. Don't forget that." Malcolm began stroking Josh faster, and Josh moaned more and more. He had done a lot of edging scenes as an escort, but no one had ever edged him as expertly as Malcolm did. He seemed to "feel" Josh pushing his hips up before Josh knew he was doing it, and he stopped, each and every time. Josh's desperation became more and more intense.


"Heh, heh. You'll do that anyway but sure, let's get you finished. Let's get you finished so I can show you your present." He stroked Josh faster and Josh's hips started moving faster, too. When Josh realized he couldn't touch himself, it only made things hotter for him. "OH GOD. OH GOD MALCOLM, I'M GONNA SHOOT. AIIIIIIIIIIIEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEE." Josh stopped counting after his twelfth pulse.

"Someone's gonna need a shower. And some mouthwash before dinner." Malcolm bent down and kissed Josh. "I think that if I asked you to submit right now, you would, wouldn't you?" Josh smiled. "No, Sir."

"OH, this is gonna be fun! You know you will, Josh." "No, Sir, I don't." Now Josh was smiling and giving sass. "You know that kind of attitude can get you tickled really, REALLY hard. But it could also get you fucked real hard, because that attitude is turning me on.

"Good," was all Josh thought, because he still wanted cock up his ass. He felt the cuffs come off his wrists. You get cleaned up, and then, I want you to try on your present."

Josh found three shirts on the bed when he came out: all button downs, classic ones in the style Malcolm wore, except Malcolm ALWAYS wore white and blue. These were yellow, pink, and lavender. "You're gonna wear one of them to the charity function, Josh." Josh looked up. "But I thought, I thought you were wearing your dark blue suit and a white shirt."

"You remember right, Josh. But you're not. You're not wearing a jacket or a tie either." Josh looked at him. "But, but Malcolm, I'll look like, well, an escort." Malcolm smiled. "No, you won't. Trust me. Anyone there who knows what an escort is -- including the guys who bring escorts -- is going to know right away, you're not an escort. I'll make sure of that." Josh wasn't convinced. Suddenly, the thought of being at a high society event where he would be seeing his buddy Cory no longer appealed to him.

"Josh, this isn't for negotiation. This is what I want. Now try them on. Put on khakis, too. I'll get a pair that hugs your ass better than the ones you have." Josh's shoulders slumped, as he tried each combination on.

"Oh, YES. The lavender. Most definitely. MOST definitely. Let me show you why, boy." Malcolm had gotten dressed again, and he opened his trousers to show Josh: he was hard again. "Now, perk up that attitude, boy. We're gonna save the lavender one until the event because whatever you wear tonight is getting REAL messy after dinner. Pink. Pink and khaki. He walked right up to Josh and put his arms around him, his hands moving down to Josh's ass. "If you wanna show attitude, that's fine with me, studboy. I'll just treat it as a challenge. But let me tell you: I don't like to lose, and I almost never do." His lips met Josh's and as they kissed, Josh was thinking that losing to this man might not be so bad.

Next: Chapter 5

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