Mall Meeting

By Suzanne Wright

Published on Nov 22, 2008


This is a story of a meeting of two strangers, both adult women and their developing friendship which evolves into a sexual affair. It contains descriptions of sex between two femaless. If that isn't to your liking or you are underage or reading this is illegal where you live then leave and do not read it. The story is the property of the author who retains all rights and it may not be reproduced or published in any way without permission of the owner.

Mall Meeting Part 1

Let me start by introducing myself. I am Rita, 25 years old, single, a third grade school teacher. Of average size and buid I am five feet five inches, about 120 pounds, dark brown shoulder length, slightly curly hair and brown eyes. Not ugly but not a raving beauty either although I do think I look more attractive with my contact lenses now instead of glasses. I have never been married and had no boyfriends as such, but dated through high school and college. Actually few friends at all but I am not a virgin although my sexual escapades are very few in number and not particularly memorable. I was pretty much of an introvert and about as antisocial as they come. But since graduating college and landing a teaching job, my attitudes seem to be changing. Gatherings in the teacher's lounge, meetings and the like have forced me to open up and I am liking it.

So now you know a little about me. Thrilling huh? That's what most thought when they first met me but I have matured somewhat and am a teeny bit more outgoing now.

It was a Saturday afternoon. I was at the mall doing some shopping but not much buying. The clothing store I was in was pretty upscale and I was looking and dreaming of how sexy I would look in some of those expensive dresses and gowns. I was admiring a red spaghetti strap job, slinky and short with sequins all over, imagining myself in it and drawing the attention of admiring men and women. As I was in my reverie, I sensed that someone had moved up behind me. Then I heard a voice saying "Annie, where in the world have you been? It's been so long, I can't believe you finally came back home." I turned to see who this mistaken person was and came face to face, about six inches apart, with a quite attractive woman just a bit taller than I. Her blonde hair, pixie face with a few freckles, smiling lips and sparkling blue eyes were all I could see she was so close. Her arms went around my shoulders and she kissed me full on the mouth. My folded up arms were trapped between our bodies and I struggled to push her back but her grip was tight and I could hardly even breathe as she continued the kiss and her tongue poked at my closed lips. Finally she pulled back and relaxed but didn't let go completely. I gasped at her "What do you think you are doing? I'm not your 'Annie'. My name is Rita and I don't know who you are either." "Oh come on. You're still the biggest jokester on the planet, just like you were in high school, Annie. What have you been up to since ...." I raised my voice a few decibels and said "I am NOT Annie. Now leave me be or I will yell for help." She backed up a step and said "You're not Annie Bowes? You ... you gotta be her. You look just like her and I know she doesn't have a twin sister." "Sorry, but no, I am not her and I am not her twin sister. You are totally mistaken." "Then I am sorry too and I apologize for what I did. Please forgive me for that." "OK, I will overlook it but I would advise you to not be so rash and sure of yourself in the future. Not everyone is as lenient as I have been." "Sorry," she mumbled as she turned and walked away. I watched and saw that she was quite well dressed. A black sheath adorned her body. It looked expensive and maybe tailormade. It stopped just above her knees and clung to her shapely legs which were covered with very shiny, skin tone hose. Her heels, at least three inches, helped her calf muscles to ripple and her hips to sway as she walked. Then I thought 'those heels .... she isn't as tall as she seemed.' Then it hit me and my mind reeled. What am I doing staring at her from behind like some lothario on the street corner? With my hand still holding onto the red dress, a young salesgirl approached and asked "May I help you find something? Are you looking for a fitting room?" "Uh .... no ... thank you. I don't think I need one. I may be back later though." "That's fine. Thank you for shopping with us," she said with a cute toothy smile. I went out into the mall and by a fountain, found a bench to sit on and gather my thoughts . 'This woman, a stranger, mistook me for someone else. Kissed me on the lips, with her tongue, very passionately without any encouragement from me. When she walked away, I eyed her every movement as if I was in a trance and fixated on her. Why did I do that?' Sitting, idly watching the shoppers of all ages, sizes and modes of dress as they strolled the mall, I got myself calmed a little more and mumbled to myself, "If she had been a man, as handsome as she is pretty, we might be having coffee over there in the food court by now." Then I chuckled out loud, surprising myself, and looked around to find a middle aged man sitting on the bench with me. He looked at me and smiled as he said "I talk to myself sometimes too," then he laughed out loud. I got up and walked away. Around on the other side of the fountain, out of the man's view, I stopped and looked around. Then I headed for the food court. Coffee sounded so good and I was still a bit uneasy about everything that had happened. I bought a cinnamon roll and a cappuccino, found a small empty table and sat to relax and enjoy my break. When I had finished about half the roll, I turned and looked over my shoulder to see that same woman approaching me. I started to get up and she said "Please don't go. I am not dangerous. I only want to apologize again. Please?" I sat back down and she stood about three feet away, smiling and looking quite attractive. I noticed she had a very expensive looking gold chain with a pendant that hung just at the top of her dress neckline and the upper edge of cleavage. Her hands each had two rings and one bracelet on her left wrist. All looking quite elegant. Her shorter blonde hair was coiffed in a way that curled it around her ears and I couldn't tell if she wore earrings. I smiled at her and said, "Anywhere I could get a second opinion on your being dangerous?" She laughed and replied, "Well, I think I could help you with that. Would you believe it if I brought one of my employees to vouch for me?" "Employees? You work here in the mall?" "Yes, I own Felicia's Fakes, just over there at the corner." "Oh OK. Well ..... maybe I will have to accept your credentials then," I said. "Thank you, Rita. May I sit with you?" "Oh I'm sorry, how rude of me. Yes you may, please join me." As she managed the chair and sat, I said "You will have to excuse me ...... uh ..... I guess I don't know your name ... but not being a wearer of a lot of jewelry, I have never been in your store." "Lot's of people have never been in my store," she snickered, "but it does pretty well. We sell mostly the fake diamonds, Cubic Zirconia, Moissanite and some real gold such as what I am wearing today. I am Felicia, ... Felicia Taylor." She extended her hand across the table and I laughed, "You are going to keep the table between us, are you not?" "Yes, you're safe, .... for now," she added and we both laughed. I took her hand in mine, it was soft and warm, well manicured and her frenched nails were very attractive. "Nice to meet you , Felicia, .... I am Rita Langdon." "And what line of work are you in Rita?" "I am a third grade school teacher." "Oh my .... you are a bit of a daredevil, huh?" I laughed and said "Sometimes I think that myself. They're not so bad. Boisterous but not destructive." She was looking down at the table and then raised her head and said "I see you don't wear anything to indicate that you are married." "No, I am single and not complaining," I said with a smile, then added "I see you have several pieces on but nothing that even mimics a wedding ring." "Right you are. I am single as well. An old maid at thirty one." "You may be a 'maid' but you are definitely not old, Felicia. I'm surprised some handsome sweet talker hasn't taken you off the market." "I guess I just never had the opportunity .... or the inclination, .... time has a way of escaping us doesn't it?" I nodded and smiled before I asked, "So ... Felicia .... would you like to explain a bit more about this 'Annie' you mistook me for?" "Actually ... I wouldn't like to .... but I will. She and I were super friends in high school. Joined at the hip so to speak. Graduation night, we had a huge fight over something really stupid, which split us apart. A few months ago I tracked down her address and sent her a birthday card. Encouraged her to let bygones be bygones and offered to renew our friendship if she would allow it. I never heard back from her but ... you .... you do look so much like her. The resemblance is .... eerie to me. I just let myself get carried away." "I see. I guess that is a plausible explanation .... but it doesn't explain the passionate kiss I received." "I'm sorry, Rita. I think that will have to wait a while longer. If .... if we should become friends, maybe then I will talk more about it." "OK. I understand. I don't usually open up to others on the first meeting either. Don't apologize. I totally understand." We chatted a while longer and found that we had both graduated from the same high school, six years apart. She owned a condo on the lake west of town and my apartment was only like a five minute drive away. I asked her, "By chance, .... are you a runner? I go for an early morning run most days." She shook her head slowly side to side and said "No, .... though I do swim quite a bit. The condo complex has an indoor-outdoor pool that is usable all year long. Do you swim?" I snickered and said "Well, I do know how to swim .... but I haven't done it recently and don't really have much opportunity except in summer when school is off." "Maybe some weekend you will come to visit and we can take a swim, get some sun and just relax and get more acquainted?" I smiled and answered, "That sounds nice and in the near future it is a definite possibility if our schedules don't clash." "Being the owner, I can flex my schedule at any time. Are you listed in the phone book?" "Yes. Why?" "I ..... uh ..... was just thinking .... I like you. First impression anyway. If we are going to .... maybe become friends .... I may want to call you and we could arrange to do something .... publicly ..... then move ahead slowly with our friendship." "Like .... what .... something do you have in mind?" She laughed and said "Shopping?" then said "no .... seriously, maybe a lunch, or even dinner, just to get acquainted?" "Well, ... you do seem a lot safer to be around than I originally thought, .. so maybe we could do that." Felicia took out a business card and wrote her home number on the back and handed it to me. I said "If you have another card, I will give you my number." Which she did. Felicia raised her hand and waved and I saw she was waving at another girl in the doorway of her store. "I have to go check on something in the store. Why don't you take a tour through the store before you leave the mall today? no obligation of course, just browse." "I will. Thanks." "Bye for now, .... I truly hope to see you again, Rita ..... soon." I smiled broadly and said "Bye, .... I'm sure you will." As I sat and finished my cappuccino, my mind was assessing the events of an ... interesting .... day. I had been kissed by a stranger, another woman no less, .... and thinking back on it now .... it actually was a rather enjoyable kiss but I was too shocked at the time to realize that. But then .... I had never been kissed like that by a woman before, men yes, women no. I found myself smiling about it as it replayed again in my mind. Then, later our meeting was rather inoccuous except for a brief hand holding moment. "Maybe I am reading to deeply between the lines here, .... she mistook me for an old friend .... then felt badly about her actions and just wants to smooth it over a little more," I actually whispered, talking to myself. But then, I began to wonder more about that kissing situation. Why ... even if they had been really close friends ... why would she be kissing on the lips? Wouldn't most women be giving a kiss on the cheek? Maybe they were more than just 'friends'? I know some of the college girls I knew were sleeping together and were open about it. I shook my head to clear those thoughts away. I didn't go to 'Felicia's Fakes' right away. I had a few more stops I wanted to make first and save it until last. When I finally got there, at first I just stood in the wide entry and looked around before I started looking into the display cases. A very attractive red haired girl appeared behind one case and said "May I help you find something?" "Not at this moment. My first time here and I'm just browsing." "Wonderful. Browse all you like and if you want to see something closer or try it on, I will be glad to help you. I'm Julie." "Thank you , Julie." About that time Felicia came through a door, smiled and waved to me. "I hope someone is assisting you?" she said. "Yes, Julie has offered to help me." "OK, good. Take your time. I won't bother you." I smiled and just nodded. I looked around, visiting almost every display in the store. The last one I stopped at contained a broad array of pendants and matching earrings. I slowly moved the length of the case, marvelling at the various designs and the enormity of choices. One caught my eye. The earrings were petite but had a one chain link dangle supporting the glittery stone. The gold chain was very thin and not pretentious at all and the emerald cut stone was small but gorgeous. Just the type of jewelry that matched my personality. I waved to Julie and she said "Be right with you." Felicia heard her and looked up. She came out of the office, whispered to Julie and then headed toward me. "Did you find something to want to examine more closely?" "Well, yes, but I thought Julie ..." "I told her I would take care of you .... and of course since you were first contacted by her, she would get credit for any sale." "That sounds fair. I would like to see how this chain and pendant look on me." She took the box of the case, removed the chain and pendant and stepped behind me to put it around my neck. When she reached under my hair to fasten the clasp, her fingers momentarily touched the back of my neck. I felt a tingle through my body as it seemed a small jolt of electricity passed from her fingers to the skin of my neck. I guess I shivered a little. Felicia said, "Oh, I'm sorry. Are my hands cold? I noticed .... " "No. I'm OK. I've always been a bit ticklish on my neck. It's one of my many quirks I guess," I replied. She got it fastened and handed me one earring, saying, "You do have pierced ears?" as she reached and touched my ear lobe with her finger and thumb. I think I shivered slightly again as I said, "I do," I took the bauble and deftly hooked it through my ear lobe, then put the other one in as well. She held up a mirror for me and when I saw how it all looked on me, I knew I had to have the set and I told her so. "Step over here and Julie will take care of the rest," she said as she took my hand and led me across the store. "Hope you have a good weekend Rita. See you again soon." "OK. You too. Thanks." After the transaction was made, I took my bag, along with the other things I had purchased and headed home. ----- to be continued ----- I hope you enjoyed my story. Comments? Complaints? Suggestions? Send them to....."Suzi" at ..........

Next: Chapter 2

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