Mall Meeting

By Suzanne Wright

Published on Nov 26, 2008


This is a story of a meeting of two strangers, both adult women and their developing friendship which evolves into a sexual affair. It contains descriptions of sex between two females. If that isn't to your liking or you are underage or reading this is illegal where you live then leave and do not read it. The story is the property of the author who retains all rights and it may not be reproduced or published in any way without permission of the owner.

Mall Meeting part 5

I slept, tossed and turned, .... dreamed .... weird stuff. Like ... out by the pool ... I was naked, Felicia wasn't. We were making out a little and people were standing around watching .... watching as I undressed her .... then started kissing her bare skin, kissed her breasts and nipples as I ran my hands all over her hairless body.

I jerked myself awake, breathing heavily, I threw the covers off before I realized that I was a tad sweaty. I lay uncovered for a few minutes, cooling off and reviewing my dreams .... what I could remember of them. There were several ... I think ... disconnected but yet they seemed pieced together when I thought back on them.

I turned to look at the bedside clock. It was 2:23 in the morning. It had been a little over three hours. I was thirsty, so I got up and went carefully down the steps to the kitchen for a drink. Actually I felt as if I was back to normal. As I walked back past her bedroom I heard her making noises in her sleep. Not snoring ... not talking ... just kind of breathing sounds I guess but a little louder.

I tiptoed just through the door and she was sound asleep, lying on her side with her front toward me. In the dim light, I could see her breasts since she was only covered to the waist. I felt a little tingle as I focused on her breasts and recalled my dream.

At that moment, my brain left me. All I could think of was that I wanted to get into bed and snuggle up to her for the rest of the night.

I quietly walked to the other side of the bed, sat down slowly and laid back to rest my head on the pillow. I lifted the cover and swung my feet and legs underneath it. I pulled the cover up to my chin and just stayed like that for several minutes. Felicia didn't move a muscle or make any unusual sounds at all. I just stayed quiet and soon I fell back to sleep.

All of a sudden I was awakened by a sharp blow to my head. I yelled out in pain and felt her arm across me. Felicia was still asleep and had rolled over and whopped me with her arm, her elbow crashed against the side of my head. As I sat up and rubbed my head, she stirred a little and finally came to enough to open her eyes.

"Rita? .... what's going on? What are you doing here?" she said groggily.

"I'm not sure. I woke up thirsty, came down to get a drink and when I saw you in here I .... I don't know .... I just felt an urge to be closer to you. So I got in bed with you .... then I went back to sleep and you woke me up by poking me in the head with your elbow."

"Oh .... I'm sorry. I probably just turned over and .... "

"I'ts alright. I don't think I'm bleeding or anything," I said with a chuckle.

"Let me kiss it and make it better," she said as she moved toward me.

Her lips grazed my ear, landed on my cheek bone and then quickly found my mouth. She raised up on her elbow and increased the force of the kiss. My arm went around her neck and my lips parted asking for her tongue. She responded with a low moan and her tongue filled my mouth. That was the longest kiss I had experienced with her and it left both of us breathing hard.

"Felicia .... you are so beautiful. I just wanted to be close, .... feel our bodies touch .... your soft skin .... feel our lips together again."

"Me too. Me too. But I wanted you to lead so I didn't feel like I was pushing you into it. I am glad you came downstairs."

I gently pushed, encouraging her to lay back, then I went to her, kissing her warm mouth, pushing my tongue forward. She opened and I entered. Our tongues did battle as our lips got wet and slippery with our saliva.

I pulled back, looking into her face in the dimness of the room and said "You're driving me crazy Felicia. I never in my wildest thought I would ever initiate a kiss with another woman. I did .... and I loved doing it. Everytime we kiss .... I feel .... a little more of my inhibitions slipping away. I just .... my mind is blown away."

She pulled my face to hers and another long, hot, wet kiss ensued. I was aware of my little patch of pubic hair against her thigh and I pressed harder. When I pulled away, I rolled back to my pillow and just stared at the ceiling as I regained some composure.

I felt her hand on my arm. Then she moved it to my abdomen and just left it there, unmoving.

"Rita .... would you .... uh .... be offended if I touch you .... your body .... different places ...."

"No .... I don't think so. Will you kiss me while you .... "

I didn't get to finish .... she slid her hand across my abdomen and rolled me toward her .... her mouth covered mine .... our tongues met .... and I felt her hand on my butt cheek as she pulled us tightly together. Then she relaxed her grip and trailed her fingertips up my side to my breast. When I felt her rubbing lightly on it, I also felt that tingle again. It tingled through my pelvis and emerged through my pussy lips. I put my hand down there and found that it wasn't just a tingle that emerged .... it was also a bit of wetness from inside me. Made me wonder if the same had happened to her.

Her fingers found my nipple and massaged it as the kissing continued and I became aware that my hand, the one with the wet fingers, was on her ribcage just below her breast. I didn't remember putting it there. I pushed up to her soft breast and when I squeezed, I thought she was going to suck my tongue out of my head.

Without stopping our breast massaging, the kiss ended and she said "I can feel your wetness on my leg .... that excites me."

"I felt it too .... with my hand .... "

"Let me feel it? " she whispered as she started pushing her hand down that direction.

I relaxed and moved my hips to make more room .... then I felt her fingers on my lips, which I knew were puffy and wet. I moaned as she smeared her fingers in my wetness.

"Are you wet like that too?" I asked softly.

"Yessss .... you made me wet too. Touch me there? feel my wet spot? "

"I .... can't .... I want to .... but ...."

Her wet hand took hold of my wrist .... she led my hand down and over her thigh .... then my fingers touched her soft wet labia. She let go and I lightly rubbed around as she moaned and moved her legs around and then I felt her hand moving over my pussy again.

I watched as she brought her hand to her nose and drew in my aroma as she inhaled. Following her lead, I pulled my hand back and up to my face where I inhaled her heady scent. It was not like I hadn't smelled my own before. Natural curiousity led me to that a few years ago. But when she licked her fingers, I watched as she cleaned them with her tongue and a look of pleasure beamed from her face .... I knew I was going to lick my fingers too. Never before had I tasted vaginal secretions, not even my own, but I knew it was going to happen.

My mind was in a fog as I slowly brought my hand to my lips, her aroma was still penetrating my nose, my tongue slid between my lips and touched a wet finger. I pulled my finger over my tongue to lap up the sticky juice before I stuck two fingers in my mouth and just sucked on them like a cock.

I felt more liquid emerging from inside me as her taste spread around inside my mouth.

"Touch me .... feel me ... wet ... " I mumbled around my fingers.

Her hand went between my thighs and she rubbed me, extending one finger between my lips as she slid her hand up and down. I felt her fingers penetrating me as she worked to get into a position where I could reach her. She was on her knees beside me with her head pointed toward my feet. I reached up between her spread thighs and found her dripping, wet slit. I rubbed along it with my fingers and eased my middle finger into her bringing a moan from her throat.

The sensation of her penetrating fingers brought a moan from me as I raised my hips and she pushed in deeper with what felt like two fingers. As I did that I felt her rock backward a little on her knees which caused my finger to penetrate deeper between her lips.

We both began to finger fuck each other vigorously and our ragged breathing noises coupled with our moans served to push us higher and higher until I erupted with a long, loud guttural moan as my orgasm exploded inside me and I felt 'gallons' of liquid rushing to spill out over her hand. A few seconds later I felt Felicia's hips swing into a rotating grinding motion as she fucked herself on my finger and knuckles. Her grunts were loud and raspy as she shook all over with orgasmic convulsions. Soon her legs straightened and her hips went down, trapping my hand beneath her against the bed. We laid like that for a while as we regained our breathing and kept our fingers inside each other.

My hand was soaked and juices had run down my wrist. I had felt my own run out and down to the sheet underneath me. The smell of sex was in the air, unmistakably, so recognizable.

Finally I had enough air to speak and I said "So is this the sort of thing you and ..... she .... did with each other?"

Softly she said, "Yes it is. But I don't remember it actually feeling this good. It's been a long time but I don't think my memory is that bad. That was one super orgasm."

"Mine too, Felicia .... mine too. I remember having a few orgasms with men and an uncountable number with myself. None of them classify as orgasms after what just happened. I claim that to be my first REAL orgasm. It was wonderful."

We moved to be alongside each other and turned to kiss. The fire had subsided and the kiss was very tender and meaningful. Soft and sensuous .... and .... even after what we had just done .... I found it stimulating.

"So did you progress beyond what we just did?" I asked.

"Not really. We did acquire a vibrator and a dildo that we experimented with but .... I am pretty sure you are inquiring about any .... oral activity ..... and that answer is a resounding NO. We had both expressed a desire to try it .... but it just never happened. Then we split and .... you are my only female partner since then. So .... yes .... I have tasted the nectar but I have never tasted it directly from the flower."

"That's a lot more info than I expected .... but .... enlightening. Obviously, I am inexperienced in these activities .... but I must admit .... it was so much more than I expected in terms of stimulation and in satisfaction. I don't know that I have ever been .... that far ..... over the edge."

"Rita .... you and I are going to learn a lot together. At least I hope we learn it together." as she pushed her knee between my legs and I allowed it all the room necessary.

"We will. Together. But I have to tell you .... I don't believe I am ready for that next step just yet. I hope that doesn't dismay you .... I did say YET. "

"I caught that and it made me feel all warm inside. I guess I am going to have to shop for a couple of vibes and dildos, huh?"

"We can discuss that later. Right now .... I would like to have a long, soft kiss, with maybe a little body touching and then get back to sleep. It isn't even daylight yet you know?"

She giggled and said "I know."

We kissed and did some breast exporations on each other and then we each said "Good night," and closed our eyes as we lay in each others arms.

Sometime later I awoke to the smell of coffee. Felicia was gone and I was alone in her bed. The memories of a few hours before flitted through my mind and I felt a trickle of something .... oozing out onto my inner thigh as I lay on my side looking at the doorway.

She came back, still nude, got into bed and we snuggled together under the cover.

"Oooohh .... you're so warm," she said, "I got a little chilled while I was getting the coffee going. Warm me up Baby."

We locked lips and pushed our bare bodies together as we each grabbed the others posterior and pulled us tight together. We shared a long kiss as we squirmed against each other.

I broke away and said "I think maybe we should go see about that coffee. What do you think?"

"Party pooper. I guess we should. Better get our robes on though," then she snickered, "what a pair we are. The Wild Girl and you , Miss Practical."

I hit her butt with my palm as she exited the bed and it actually landed harder than I intended, with a loud SMACK.

"OUCH!!! .... you're gonna pay for that one Girl," as she jumped back on the bed and I got out on the other side, grabbed my robe and fled the room but I never got the robe on.

She caught me by the sofa and pushed me onto it on my belly. Before I realized what was going on, she pinned me with her upper body against my back and started smacking my ass cheeks with her open hand. Three or four on one and then the same on the other one. It stung and hurt a little but I couldn't believe the positive sensation it was having on me. I was tingling all over and instant heat seared me from the inside.

"Well, Miss School Marm, how did you like that?"

A huge smile went across my face and I said "It hurt .... it felt good .... good hurt. I can't believe I am going to say this .... that really turned me on .... do it again. Spank me."

Felicia starting alternating her open handed blows, now and then delivering two or three before going back to the other cheek. After maybe a half minute I put my hands on my butt and said "Enough .... oh my god Felicia .... that's awesome. I never knew.... have you ever been spanked like that?"

"Never. Did it really turn you on Rita?"

"Oh god yeah .... I had to stop you .... I thought I was going to have another orgasm."

"REALLY?" then she laughed and said "if I had known you were that close I wouldn't have stopped."

I just glared at her.

With a serious look, she said, "Do it to me. I have to know how it feels. OK?"

We quickly traded places, after a long juicy kiss of course. I was quite hot and needed a diversion, like whacking her ass with my hand, to let me calm down. At least I thought that's what I needed.

I started smacking her on the ass and she squirmed a little as she said "Harder. Make it sting like I did."

The next one was loud, then I began to alternate from one cheek to the other and varied my rhythm. Felicia began to yelp and groan with each delivery and her hips rose to meet my hand as she anticipated the next blow. Smacking her ass was exciting me again too.

Red splotches covered her nearly white cheeks and soon she covered up with her hands as I had done.

She rolled onto her back and held out her arms to me. I went to her and we kissed, passionately and wet with lots of tongue action.

Finally, she opened her eyes, pushed me back and said "Fuck me Rita. Fuck me hard like we did last night. I need it bad."

My hand seemed on automatic, controlled only by her voice as she whispered to me what she wanted me to do next.

My hand found her sopping wet pussy lips and I pushed two fingers inside her while my mouth kissed along her chest as it searched for her hard nipple. She humped my hand as she held my wrist and used my hand like a huge dildo. In a very short time she was in the throes of a wild orgasm and I helped her ride it out with my hands and mouth.

I laid my chest against hers as she entered the recovery stage. Her heart was pounding hard and I could feel it beating against my chest. She moved just enough to reach one hand to my crotch and she started running her fingers through my little patch of dark hair above my slit.

"Oooohh ... god ... that feels good," I hissed as I moved my hips against her hand.

When I looked at her face, she had a strange look I hadn't see before. Just kind of wide eyed and spacey. Then she moved to get up but kept her hand on my wet pussy.

"Don't move," she said.

Getting down on the floor with me, she laid down on her back and pushed herself until her head was between my knees and she was looking up at my wet lips as her fingers slid into me and I was facing her feet.

"What are you doing?" I said in a husky voice.

"I'm going to do it, Rita. I can't stand not knowing any longer. I have to .... I want to .... I need it. I need you."

My mind was getting even foggier. I lowered my upper body to lay on top of her which brought my face very close to her bare pussy which was still oozing liquid. The intoxicating aroma of her penetrated my nose and took over my brain. I knew what I was going to do .... just as I knew what she was going to do. I felt like it was out of my control. She was shifting around and moving my hips with her hands. That kind of brought me back to reality for a few seconds.

"Wait Felicia. Don't do anything yet. Listen to me."

"What," she said as she kissed the inside of my thigh.

"If you're going to do this .... then so am I. The first time for both of us but neither of us should get to go first."

"Ok, Ok. What?"

"Get your knees up and give me lots of room. I am going to count to three and on three we will each dive into the other's pussy and get our first real taste of another woman, and the first feel of another woman's tongue on us at the same time. Agree?"

"Start counting .... or I am gonna go first."

"One .... two .... two and a half .... " she smacked my ass with her hand, "threeeeeee," I said as I stuck out my tongue and lowered my face to her pouty lips.

As I got my first direct taste of her, I felt her lips and tongue as they made contact with me. Her hands held my hips as she pressed her lips and tongue against me and her tongue pushed its way between my outer lips. My mouth was all wet from her juices and I began licking all over her. The more I licked the more I wanted. I was on a roll and my mission was just beginning. She suddenly stopped and just held me without licking or anything.

"Whats wrong?" I managed to get out while I kept going.

"Nothing, I just wanted to concentrate a few seconds on the great feelings I am having."

I moved off of her and she protested but I said "Get on the sofa, I am going to do you and let you get the full enjoyment."

"But you ...."

I stopped her and helped her to the sofa. Then I crawled close and she put one foot on the sofa and the other over my shoulder to give me the access I wanted.

I was in a driven state, saying "If I don't do this now, .... I may never," as I put my face into her wet pussy for the second time.

I licked and sucked her lips, tongued her and even nibbled at her lips a little as she humped and writhed beneath me.

Her hands went just above her slit and pulled the skin up and to the sides uncovering that magical button for me. Like a single large pea, it sat and waited for my touch. I licked up and over it and back down as she squirmed and moaned loudly. Soon I was back to her clit again and flicking it with my tongue as I pushed my fingers into her love channel. Sucking away on her clit and finger fucking her quickly brought her to another orgasm as evidenced by her loud scream and the following moans, groans and guttural noises as her body rocked with me while she experienced several after shocks as I continued until she said "no more .... no more.."

I looked up to her face and her eyes were closed, her mouth was open sucking air in as she labored for oxygen. I laid my head on her abdomen and kissed her soft, sweaty skin. Her hands found my head and she entwined her fingers with my hair.

"That was .... the most .... the best .... orgasm .... I've ever had," she said in a jerky voice.

I didn't respond. I just reached for one of her hands and held it in mine. She knew what I meant. I was weak from the heady excitement of what I had just done and the fact that I brought her to a climax that way.

"You never cease to amaze me, Rita. Just when I think you are headed one way, .... you do a one-eighty. Let's go back to bed and be comfortable."

I helped her up and we both kind of supported each other as we made our way to the bedroom. Lying on our sides facing each other we kissed and explored bodies with our hands. It wasn't long until she was on her knees, kissing all over me and I wanted it. I really wanted everything she was doing. I had let go of my past inhibitions and I was ready.

I opened my eyes and our noses were almost touching as I whispered in a throaty voice, "Make me feel good."

She knelt on the floor and pulled me to lie across the bed. I offered no resistance as she spread my legs and worked her head between them and then over her shoulders. She pulled me closer to the edge and I felt her fingers on my lips, spreading them and making room for her to lick me.

Slow tantalizing licks of her tongue moved up and down my slit, perineum to clit hood and back. Over and over, pressing deeper with each movement. I felt her tongue tip poking at my entrance and she worked it inside my love canal as far as it would go. Her lips were sucking at my lips and fingers pulled at my hood until my clit was exposed and her tongue ventured to gently lick around it. The sensations was electrifying. My body jerked at that first touch and I felt on fire inside. My clit is a little larger than hers and she engulfed it with her lips and slowly massaged it as she gently sucked on it.

Her fingers entered me, first one, then two and I was humping at her hand. She pulled it back and the next thing I knew was a sharp but not intense, pain. She had to have three fingers in now I thought but her mouth on my clit drove away everthing in my mind except what her tongue and lips were doing to me.

As my body and mind succumbed to her ministrations, I was intensely aware of my emerging orgasm. The wave of heat that roared through me brought sweat from every pore on my body .... instantly. I savagely humped her face and hand as I erupted with a scream, followed by animal like grunts and moans as I peaked and then slid back down the other side. But she didn't even slow down. Relentless in her attack on my genitals, she continued to ravage my body as one hand made its way to my breast and a thumb and finger found my nipple and delivered a deliciously painful pinch that caused another surge of orgasmic pleasure inside me.

After a few more smaller waves, I was almost at the point to tell her to stop as she had done with me. Then she just stopped and held her mouth against me, not sucking, not licking, just making contact. Then I felt her shudder. She had an orgasm or her own from the pleasure she was giving me as she moaned into my flooding pussy.

Getting up on the bed beside me, she leaned to kiss me and we sloppily kissed and sucked tongues until we had to break for some air.

"You're unbelievable Felicia. I've never felt so sexually satisfied .... ever. The bliss I feel is just over the top."

Smiling, she replied, "I know exactly what you're saying. I felt the same way just a short time ago out there on the sofa."

We hugged and held each other in the afterglow. Not speaking, not kissing, just enjoying the closeness of each other as we pressed our sweaty, smelly and sticky bodies together.

I raised up on my elbow and said "Felicia?" with a questioning tone.

"Yeah, what?"

"Don't forget we have a dinner date on Wednesday, and it is my turn to plan, right?"

"Yep, it is."

"Bring your PJs, 'cause you're spending the night at my place," I whispered to her.

That comment brought our lips together again as she pulled my face to hers and we both knew many satisfying, enjoyable nights and weekends were in our futures.

====================================================================================== I hope you enjoyed my story. I know a lot of you have written and I appreciate every email. Thank you all so very much. I choose not to continue this story since it was conceived as a 'beginning' and belaboring their sex life and lesbian love making would serve no further purpose. Comments? Complaints? Suggestions? Send them to....."Suzi" at ..........

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