Mancunt Memoirs

By Xerxys Syxrex

Published on Sep 13, 2020


ManCunt Memoirs 01 Room Serviced

By Xerxys

Hey everyone, welcome back. I know it's been a long time coming, but this has been quite a piece of work for me. I've rewritten this several time, expanding on ideas, placing in the groundwork for following chapters and trying to get the pacing right. Although this is fantasy and things move very quickly, I still wanted it to be as believable as possible and I hope I've achieved that. I have several other stories on Nifty, most can be found searching for `xerxys' although I've gone through some now-defunct email addresses, but take a look at them if you're interested.

So, as I said, this is fantasy, but also has graphic man-on-man sex, so please make sure that it is legal for you to be reading this. Nifty is an amazing resource that allows us to explore fantasies like few other places, so please do think about donating and helping to keep this site open and free.

I wasn't sure how I'm meant to be feeling waking up on the second day of our dream vacation. Lorna was still snoring softly as I slipped from the bed, grabbed a juice from the small refrigerator and padded onto the balcony, the air pleasantly warm in the early morning, even though it was barely past six. I sat at the small table in just my underwear and sip my juice, looking out across the sea that's already infusing with tones of turquoise.

Fundamentally, not much had actually occurred that previous afternoon. Evan had done very little beyond call out Lorna's behavior and the rest he left to silence and alcohol. It hadn't taken much encouragement to have me bawling on the shoulder of a man I'd only met a couple hours earlier, then for him to simply hold me until I quickly fell asleep on his bed.

He'd held me. He'd admitted that he was gay, I'd wordlessly admitted that I was unhappy and then he'd held me. I haven't been held for years and couldn't recall ever falling asleep with someone's arms around me. That it was a man didn't mean a thing; he'd unlocked whatever door I'd been hiding that particular little bundle of putrefied emotion behind and he'd helped clean up the mess afterward, without judgement or any kind of expectation. I'd been so starved of affection without even realizing it that I would have taken it gladly from anyone.

So, where did that leave me? Sat in the Caribbean dawn, I had no idea how I'm truly feeling beyond surprisingly calm. Was my marriage done for? I wasn't at all sure about that either, but I wasn't going to start painting with absolute brush strokes just yet. All of my issues were so close to the surface that none of it was really a surprise.

As I'd explained to Evan, Lorna's behavior had grown steadily worse over the years and while a lot of that was on her, almost as great a portion of the blame was mine to take. In high school, we'd both been in this social gray zone; not quite outcasts, but floating in that void just outside the orbit of the popular kids and we'd gravitated towards each other. She'd taken the lead in almost everything and even at that age I knew deep down that I was a follower and she'd certainly realized that too. Lorna helped push me forward and back then it had been in a good way; challenging me and getting me out of my comfort zone. We'd enrolled at the same college close to our home town together and while Lorna studied business, I harnessed my natural talent for computers. We first kissed at a frat party she'd forced me along to and I don't think we ever officially said that we were together, but it was like the first of many tiny, unseen hooks. The social life I'd developed in college had been because of Lorna, who was much more outgoing and stopped me disappearing completely into the burgeoning world of computer programming, always just keeping me back from the brink of full-on nerdhood. With my classes, she'd helped me to push myself, as I would often undersell the value of my own work or even have others take credit for my participation in a project. By the last year of college, Lorna had bound me tightly to her; I owed her for a big portion of my success in college, both socially and academically.

Which is why, when Lorna confessed to me that she was pregnant as the result of a one-night stand, I don't think I had even raised my voice in anger. Of course, it had all been a drunken mistake, she'd tried to say no and so on. Her tears had soaked my T-shirt as she begged for forgiveness. Naturally, I had given it instantly and I became the Father of a son that was not mine.

I didn't think about that particular point in our history often. Mostly, because I knew there were dark depths I didn't want to explore. My passive nature had been recognized, harnessed and cultivated by Lorna from day one and how effortlessly her will shaped events around us was alarming when viewed with the clear lens of hindsight. That there were further truths hidden behind her version of events was a chill that crept up my spine sometimes. I may be meek, but I'm no fool; Lorna's one-night stand -- if, indeed, it had been just the one night -- would never have seen the light of day if she hadn't fallen pregnant.

I drained the bottle of juice as I felt myself dive into those murky depths for the first time ever. Had her overflowing remorse been truly for what she had done to me, or was it for fear of losing me and with it, the years of the subtle grooming she had already invested in me? Or worse, all just an act? I could never have thought such a thing of my wife when we were both still teenagers. Now, it seemed the more logical conclusion, especially considering how our lives had progressed from that moment.

Lorna had been my guiding star after college and I rose through the ranks in the computer world, soon moving with baby Luke to Silicone Valley where I was one of the `nerd-pack' that pioneered the infancy of the internet. At one point, I'd even had Bill Gates' personal phone number. Success and moderate wealth had found us not just because of my talent but also her direction, Lorna had angrily declared when we'd had our first ever argument, ten years ago, when I had thought about taking an offer from a fledgling rival company. I would probably be worth millions now if I'd taken the job as the firm had quickly grown to be the market leader, but of course Lorna had insisted I stay with the safe, stable option, pointing out that her firm hand had steered us in the right direction this far already. The cold hard truth of our reality hadn't stung as much as it should have, because I'd always known it. The few college friends and work colleagues I still held contact with at that point always made comments about Lorna wearing the trousers and I laughed it off. It was how we worked and we did work, I had always said.

But we didn't work anymore; I knew that much. As I heard Lorna stirring behind me, I also realized that I didn't care, either.


After breakfast, we were heading out of the restaurant and Lorna turned towards reception. She quickly swatted away my questions as she strode up to the desk, where our receptionist from yesterday, Cliff, greeted us warmly. Hardly giving him chance to finish saying good morning, Lorna launched into a tirade about the state of our suite, that it was dirty and the linen wasn't clean, that she'd found hairs in the sink and a dead insect under the bed. I couldn't believe it, none of what she was saying was true! She then complained about the balcony overlooking the staff area, making a big fuss over the smell of cigarette smoke and the noise, both of which were massive exaggerations. I simply stood there, stunned and appalled as she laid into the poor man, who didn't once falter with his kind apologies. Once Lorna had finished, Cliff simply smiled that same, friendly smile. "I cannot apologize enough that our room doesn't meet your standards. Please, take these two vouchers for the spa as a small token of apology. One moment, please." Cliff deftly hit a few keys and checked something on the computer. "I'm afraid we have no other Premium Suites available currently. However, I would be happy to upgrade you to our Empress Suite." "Really?!" I blurted out before even realizing I was going to say it. Lorna was suddenly as sweet as sugar as she thanked Cliff, praising his professionalism and his customer service. Cliff said that a staff member would be up in half an hour to help move our things to the new suite. Lorna gushed with thanks, then steered me away. "Goodness, Frank, what was that outburst for?" "My outburst? There was nothing wrong with our suite, it was perfect. You just lied to that man." "Oh, calm down, everybody does it, but I never expected an upgrade. So, I think it was well worth it." Lorna was virtually purring as we went up to the room and packed our things, ready for the move. When she was done, she waved one of the free spa vouchers triumphantly as she declared another day of pampering and that she would leave me to handle moving everything over to the new room. I simply let her go, despite the annoyance at how she simply left me to take care of everything. Finishing up the packing, I couldn't believe the stunt she'd just pulled downstairs; I felt horrified that she'd spoken to Cliff like that when he'd been nothing but courteous and friendly. A few minutes later, there was a soft knock on the door and when I opened it, was surprised to see Cliff stood there, filling the doorway. Without the wide reception desk between us, I now realized how much taller than me he was, my neck craning upwards. "Oh, Cliff! Is, uh, is everything alright?" I had the wild thought that he had known that Lorna was lying, that we weren't getting the upgrade, but instead betting thrown out. The imposing man instead gave another of those winning smiles. "Sir, I wanted to come and once again offer my sincerest apologies, as well as be the one to help move you to your new suite. May I come in?" I opened the door wider and stepped to one side. Cliff rolled in a large brass luggage cart, brushing past me. I closed the door and went to the suitcases. "Please, allow me." Cliff hefted the cases onto the cart as though they weighed nothing and I couldn't help but see how his arm muscles bulged and stretched the sleeves of his polo shirt to their very limit. His muscles were impressive and I wished I had even a little muscle on my own skinny frame. "Listen, I just wanted to apologize for the way Lorna spoke to you. She was in a bad mood and all, but she shouldn't have taken it out on you. I also wanted to thank you for the upgrade, it's very generous of you." "Think nothing of it, sir, I would have been angry if I had experienced such a lapse in customer service. Your wife is a very strong-willed woman, she knows how to get what she wants. I can respect that." With the cart loaded, we exited the suite. I let Cliff lead the way as he rolls the loaded cart down the corridor to the very end. He uses a key card and shows me into our new suite. A good deal larger and certainly even more luxurious than the one we'd just left; I couldn't believe it. Lorna had tricked him into giving us this room and I felt terrible. I fumbled for my wallet and grabbed a fifty, jabbering my thanks as I pressed it into his large palm. "There really is no need, sir. But thank you, nonetheless." He pockets the note and immediately starts unloading the cart. I can do nothing but stand there watching. "It's the least I could do, for this wonderful room. Thank you so much once again." "Not at all. If there's anything else I can do to help, please just let me know. I man the reception desk until three each afternoon. As soon as I return downstairs, I will update your key cards, so no need for you to do anything else. Enjoy the rest of your day," he said cheerfully as he wheeled the cart out and left me alone. The room was spectacular and Lorna was going to be extremely happy with the results of her deception. Normally, I would have started unpacking our things again and have everything ready for Lorna. Instead, I left the cases where they were and left, decided to go for a walk in the grounds, my head still a whirl of thoughts. My mind was slowly ticking over everything, retracing our steps through the world together ever since high school, taking out stored memories, dusting them off and holding them up to the light for the first time ever. I couldn't help but feel a slender thread of revulsion working its way through my heart now that I'd shrugged off the smothering layer of apathy I'd never even realized I'd been carrying. Lorna's actions had been efficient and calculated, of that there was almost no doubt. Her angry declarations of how she'd directed us in the right direction held a deeper, more sinister truth; that she had recognized some kind of opportunity in me and then broken me like a horse, saddled me up and had me transport her into a bright future where she could live an easy life. Was I supposed to feel angry? Fly into a rage and abandon Lorna here, flying off to reclaim my life? The only anger I felt was at myself, to be honest. I knew I was meek and passive, but to allow myself to be so utterly controlled and used without even fully realizing it? I felt stupid and powerless and alone. I wandered, slowly and aimlessly, almost not seeing the beautiful flowers and lush planting surrounding me. A hummingbird darted around a bush just in front of me, startling me and pulling me out of my thoughts and I stopped to watch as it zipped from one flower to the next. "-up to room 207, at three?" I started as I recognized the room number, then placed Evan's voice. Suddenly interested, I moved closer, the hummingbird zipping away. "Yes, but it may be a little after, as I need to clock out. But you must not say anything, yes? I could lose my job." "I won't tell a soul. Your job is safe. I'm looking forward to seeing you, Omar." I heard the distinct sound of a kiss. With their tryst organized, either one of them could have found me snooping, so I straightened up and continued, walking around the bush as though nothing had happened. Omar, a tall slender black man wearing the familiar white polo shirt of the resort had started to walk in my direction, but froze as he saw me. His eyes filled with a wild and hunted look, but I simply gave him a smile and wished him good morning. He returned the greeting in a mumble as he rushed past me. Evan simply stared with raised eyebrows, surprised but calm. "Oh! Hi there, Frank. Uh, how are you?" "Evan, I'm good, thanks." The conversation shrivelled and died. I had no idea what to say to him and clearly, he was also at a loss for words. Yesterday's encounter and the things I had finally come to realize were too fresh and small-talk wasn't even considered. He'd rammed a big stick into the middle of the hornet's nest that was my life and obviously knew what would happen after. In fact, thinking about it right then and there, I suddenly felt a spike of anger at how anyone could have the gall to go in and fuck up somebody's life the way he had. The lack of emotion I was feeling towards Lorna right then was in stark contrast to the blaze of fury that billowed through me at that moment. It was unreasonable and more than likely I was simply redirected my anger at my wife to this man who I hardly knew, but right then I didn't care. I knew his story, the parallels it held to my own, but nevertheless right then I suddenly felt as if I could have punched him. Not that I'd ever punched anyone in my life before. "By the look on your face, Frank, I'm not exactly the person you most wanted to see right now." "Well, you've unleashed a fucking shitstorm and I have no idea how this is going to end, but you must have known that when you decided to blow my life apart. Lorna isn't aware that anything has changed, which is how I'd like it to stay." "Why would I tell Lorna anything? But look, none of this is my fault. All I did was show you the shitty situation you're stuck in. I know you're angry now, but if somebody had been able to help get me out from beneath the bastard I was trapped under years ago, I would have seen it as a blessing." "So, I should be grateful? You see a kindred spirit to your own shitty situation and thought let's ruin his holiday, his marriage and his life all in one go,' is that it?" "Jesus, cut the drama, Frank. If you're having a tough ride right now, it's because you've finally woken up to what was right in front of you and you can finally start living your life. If there had been nothing wrong in your crappy little world, then you would have told me to fuck off yesterday and carried on blissfully." Evan's own face was now red with a flush of anger and his words blasted through the core of me, the truth of them undeniable. But that didn't help make me any calmer. How dare he shake the foundations of my entire life then be in the right! "Acting like you're some kind of saving grace, but here you are at eleven in the damn morning picking up hotel staff for a quick fuck!" "And I am going to enjoy that quick fuck immensely! Maybe you should give it a try, it's about time you realized you need --" Evan abruptly stopped and I realized just how loud our argument had become. The silence was thick with the anger both of us had suddenly released, Evan's last few words still filling the air around us, the atmosphere electric, like just before a major storm in the middle of Summer. "You think I'm gay?" Evan's hands went up, suddenly the anger draining from him as he realized the doorway that he'd just walked us through. "Look, I don't know what's going on with you, I never meant to imply anything. Jesus, I took my own situation and pushed it onto you and I'm sorry if I missed the mark. I... I'd better go." Evan stepped around me and scurried off, his sudden yielding somehow angering me even more. I stood, alone in the gardens, the buzzing of insects and call of birds filling the air as the anger drained from me, leaving a hollowness behind. I wasn't just confused, I was bewildered, utterly blindsided and adrift within my own swirling head. I sat down on a stone bench nearby and time just slipped past as I tried to grapple all of the thoughts within me. It wasn't the first time that somebody had implied that I might be gay. I was slight of build with reserved tendencies and an obviously overbearing wife. Before, whenever this had occurred, I'd always just laughed it off, or Lorna had made some quip and we'd moved on. But with the murky waters of my stifled memories already muddied with doubt and newfound realizations, even more forgotten moments from my past drifted into the light for the first time in years. I thought back to high school, to one of the few sleepovers I'd ever gone to, with my friend Kyle. He'd kissed me and I hadn't stopped him. We'd never talked about it after the fact, but just a couple weeks later Lorna had come into my life, captivating me and we'd been inseparable from the first day. Back then it had been a different dynamic; we'd been more like friends. I'd told her about what had happened with Kyle and afterwards, I'd just seemed to stop hanging out with him and we lost contact really quickly. I remember how my opinion of him had pulled a full 180; the kiss hadn't initially disturbed me, in fact I'd been kind of excited talking to Lorna about it, but shortly afterwards my feelings had changed. On the rare occasions before now I'd thought back to those times, I'd always assumed it was just that, as a heterosexual man, the natural thing was to distance myself from him. But had that been Lorna, driving us apart and drawing me away from him? If so, what did that say about me? If Lorna had seen such a threat in Kyle to do something like that, then she thought that I could have fallen for him instead. If they were deliberate, all of Lorna's manipulations were aggressive and calculated. I didn't know for sure, but this felt right. My God, I thought as I sat there: Lorna not only dominated me for my entire adult life, but she had even gone so far as to skew my own sexuality, dragging me into her life and crushing any of my own feelings. I still remember the kiss with Kyle. I'd liked it. I went to the pool bar and ordered a rum and coke. I drained it in minutes, then ordered another. Drinking certainly wasn't going to help any, but right then I didn't care. I felt furious with myself, for being so weak that I could be so utterly taken advantage of. Was I gay? Bi? I had no idea, but I knew that I wasn't what Lorna had wanted me to be all these years. I thought of all the times I'd look at other men, telling myself it was just innocent comparison, or maybe just envy at their more developed bodies. I thought of Cliff's arms, stretching the sleeves of his white polo shirt as he'd handled our heavy cases with ease; the bulge of his chest. It felt wrong to allow myself to explore these thoughts, but I couldn't deny that I liked it. I sipped on a third rum and coke, already buzzed. My mind meandered through past memories, things I'd either not noticed or intentionally stifled. Sex with Lorna had always been more of a chore than anything, which was why I was happy to let our sex life slide into oblivion, telling myself I just wasn't a sexual person. The little porn I did look at tended to involve a guy, rather than just pictures of women. Lesbian porn had never done anything for me. Pushing aside the rest of my third drink, I stood up, feeling myself sway a little. I gingerly navigated my way out from in front of the chair and walked purposefully towards reception, and the elevators. As usual, Cliff is manning his post, that broad chest with his large nipples framed either side by those big, dark arms. He looked up and gave me that big, sexy smile. Because it was sexy; I just never allowed myself to notice before. "Hi, Cliff! Been meaning to say, I like your arms. Like, I really like your arms." The rum was definitely talking for me, but it felt good to give the compliment, rather than just compare my own small physique to somebody else's. Cliff's smile didn't falter. In fact, my compliment seemed to make it even brighter. "Thank you, sir. Is everything okay?" "It will be, Cliff. See you around!" I said cheerfully as I made my way to the elevators. A minute later, there I was outside of room 207 again. I knocked and waited, almost giving up, but just as I was about to turn away, the door opened. Evan was stood in a white bathrobe, just out of the shower and his look of surprise clearly indicated that I wasn't who he expected to see. Then I remembered his meeting in the gardens and looked at my watch. Quarter to three. "Shit, I forgot you were uh... busy soon. Look, could I come in for a minute?" Again, like the previous day, Evan stood to one side silently as I entered. This time, I knew what I wanted to say, but even with the alcohol, my mouth felt parched and I couldn't even swallow at that moment as my mind couldn't even form the words. I just stood there, my eyes filling with tears. Goddammit, all I seemed to do whenever I got into this room was start blubbering, I thought wildly, which made me give a hoarse bark of mirthless laughter even as the first sob left me. It was a bizarre sound and Evan looked like he was unsure whether to comfort me or run out the door, but as the first tear tumbled down my cheek, it somehow released the words and feelings trapped in my chest. "I'm gay, Evan. You were right. Fuck, you've been nothing but right, goddammit. I'm fucking gay and Lorna fucking knew and all this time she's played me like a damn fiddle and if you knew then who else fucking knew and has everyone just been laughing at me behind my back because I'm the last one to find the fuck out?" I stood there, shaking with emotion, the tears stopped as frustration rushed through me and seemed to radiate off me in waves. Evan looked more likely than ever to run out the door. "So, yeah. Like I said, you were right. You seem to know everything about me, even more than I know apparently. So, tell me, what do I do now, if you know so much? Jesus, I should be thanking you, but right now I feel like I could hit you, but everything is such a mess and I know it isn't your fault, but-" Evan hugged me, wrapping me tightly in his arms, still saying nothing. I suppose there wasn't much he could say, so he crushed me in a bearhug as I returned his embrace just as fiercely. "No one's laughing at you, Frank," Evan says finally. "I was in such a similar situation that something just resonated, I guess. Everything came to the surface so easily; you probably weren't far off figuring it all out for yourself. As for what you do now, I genuinely have no idea. It doesn't help that you're in a different country, but maybe you can use the time to figure out your next moves. Maybe even... even start to figure out the gay part a bit, too." Without giving me time to think or react, Evan pressed his lips to mine. Just a kiss, held for a moment, but I make no move to resist. "I don't know exactly what you're going to be looking for while you're here. Hell, you probably don't either, but I think we are probably too like-minded for me to be of much help." "What do you mean?" "Sexually is what I mean. Look, I'm not saying you need to go out and have sex right away, but a lot of guys, when they figure this stuff out, they tend to want to test their new boundaries, even go a little wild." "Make up for lost time, you mean? It's still a little early for that, I'd say." "Sure, but it happens a lot. Plus, I can't say that I didn't find you attractive when we chatted on the minibus, but we're both from situations where we happily adopted a submissive role for a long time. I'm a bottom, Frank, 100% passive sexually and I have a feeling that you would need someone more active to help you figure things out." "I haven't even thought that far ahead yet, but I guess it makes sense. I just have a lot of thinking to do over the next few days. But anyway, it's almost three and I know that you're expecting company. You moved pretty fast on that one, we only arrived yesterday." "Well, it wasn't all one-sided. Bajan men can be quite forthcoming, plus they know that many tourists come here for more than just the beaches and sunshine. The men have a big reputation," Evan said with a salacious wink. At that moment, I had no idea what to do with this piece of information, so I made my exit and promised that I'd see him again soon. I wandered back towards the elevator, then rode up to our new suite. The craziness of the day, coupled with the drinks I'd had a little earlier just made me want to lie down. I had just started dozing softly when a firm knock on the door woke me. I wondered if it was Evan, but when I opened the door, there stood Cliff once again. The size difference between us, not just in height, really was bordering on absurd. "I am just finishing my shift and wanted to check that everything was in order with your new suite, sir," Cliff said with a smile and for the first time I could recognize how deep and rich his voice was. In my head, I kept hearing Evan repeating the words big reputation' over and over and without even thinking, my eyes glanced downwards. I'm stunned by the sight of Cliff's crotch; it's clear he isn't wearing underwear because down one leg of his beige pants is the outline of his dick, pressing against the pale fabric! I looked back up, mouth agape and in Cliff's eyes I could suddenly read the desire and hunger. "May I come in?" he asked, his voice low, the words rumbling softly in the air. Everything was moving so fast! Less than half an hour before I'd come out to Evan, acknowledging a truth not even I'd realized until that very morning. I'd said I needed to do a lot of thinking, but I'm suddenly confronted by Cliff. Almost in a trance, I take a step to the side and Cliff steps inside, closing the door behind him. The air almost crackled with electricity, but again, I'm lost for words. Plus, my eyes can't seem to stay in any one place but Cliff's crotch for more than a moment. The men have a big reputation. Evan's words repeated in time to the bounding throb of blood in my ears. "Hang on, did... did Evan send you?" The idea wasn't completely unfeasible, but Cliff's deep, rolling laughter lets me know it wasn't true. "No, your friend is currently getting to know my colleague Omar better. You met in the gardens earlier, I understand. I'm here simply because I would like to get to know you better. I was not sure how open to such an offer you would be, but your comment as you came up to your room made me confident that I would not be incorrect." He rested on of his large, dark hands gently over the outline of his soft penis, and I watched, transfixed as his long, thick index finger gently stroked up and down along its length. It was almost an unconscious action, but the invitation was clear. Things were moving so fast! "Um, could I... would you like a drink? I'm going to grab a water." I hurried to the minibar fridge and bottles clinked as I fumbled for a water. "No, I'm fine. But you are far more nervous than I had expected. Is everything alright? Your wife, I have made sure that she will be looked after in our spa until the early evening at least. Even if she decides to leave early, we will be notified." I was a little taken aback by not only how blithely and openly he proposed I cheat on my wife, but at the level of thought that had gone into this encounter. Funny thing though, Lorna was the last thing on my mind. I was just not sure if I had the balls to actually take such a huge step. Figuratively and literally. "Cliff, I... this is really new for me. Like, literally just today. Evan helped me realize some things, but this is all... all so new." A thick, heavy eyebrow jerked upwards, but his warm smile reappeared, like the sun emerging from behind clouds. "I understand. But I can assure you, what we will do here will be like nothing you have ever known." He hadn't even acknowledged my unspoken plea to stop, as there was clearly no doubt in his mind that this would play out as he intended it to. He possessed a calm authority that came in every resonant word, every movement he made and my whole character responded to it instinctively. Without another word, Cliff opened the fly of his pants and hauled out his soft dick. Against the beige fabric, the dangling length of flesh with the wrinkled hood of his uncut foreskin looked almost jet black, its size intimidating, even in this flaccid state. I must have looked like a deer caught in headlights, not moving a muscle, my eyes fixed on the obsidian member Cliff had presented me so casually. Already, I could see it had begun to lengthen, reaching downwards with each soft pulse of his languid heartbeat. "Frank, I have had sex with many men. Many have been experienced and eager, like Evan, but some timid and inexperienced, like yourself. Ultimately, they have all wanted the same thing that I want; the pleasure we can give each other, to exchange and amplify that pleasure again and again, over and over." My body relaxed as he spoke, his tone almost hypnotic, washing over me. My eyes stayed fixed on his growing member, but the alarm was leaving me with every smooth word. "Many men have been nervous, even afraid of what I wish to give them; they believe they cannot take it, that it will overwhelm or damage them. But they all have taken me and while none of them have been broken, many have found it changed them in some small way." I'm transfixed by his alarmingly eloquent words, held firmly in his orbit now, beholden to his wants and desires. Reality shifts beneath my feet as we cross the event horizon of whatever is happening to me right now; time somehow slips its gears and suddenly lurches forward. Cliff takes his burgeoning cock into his hand, its thickening length even spilling over the end of his large palm. With his thumb, he wraps it around the fleshy shaft and pulls back. His foreskin rolls back, exposing a bulbous pink head that contrasts with the dark skin of his shaft. He holds it there, an invitation underpinned with expectation. I take a step forward, then another, then fall to my knees, letting the bottle of water roll away from me as I reach out for it and Cliff's hand retreats, leaving his cock now half-hard, pointing towards me but curving downwards beneath its own increasing weight. His hand swiftly opens his belt and fly and he pushes his pants down a way, thick dark thighs with short wiry hairs, a crotch of much denser hair, just as curly, along with a heavy ballsac just as oversized as the cock I am about to feel for the first time. I shudder as my fingers slide around the heavy, thick rod of hard flesh, but not in revulsion. To actually touch it, I could become truly aware of its size. My hand seems tiny compared to it, my fingers curled around the big shaft but can't come close to meeting. He is already as thick as a can of beer and at least as long, but only halfway there, still a little supple within my grasp. The potency of what I'm holding in front of me, Cliff's entire body radiating self-assured confidence conquers me. In front of my face, Cliff's growing cock throbs and a bead of precum surges from the fat round pink head and it's as though someone has thrown a breaker switch within me. With a piteous whimper of need, I lunge forward and greedily shove the oozing head into my mouth. The moan that comes from me is unlike any I've ever heard. This is all I want.

Hunger and inexperience battle as I suck and slobber on Cliff's cock, tasting the salty precum, the thing already jamming against the back of my throat, but it isn't enough. With a strangled gurgle, I push forward, tears springing from my eyes as white spots dance in my vision. I hear Cliff groan above the pounding of my own heartbeat in my ears as my gullet opens wide and the swollen head plunges deep inside. My throat is stretched like a balloon to make room for this invasion, but I'm a man possessed and I can't get enough. Like a seabird devouring an eel in one go, I am greedily guzzling down my prize. Inch after obsidian inch. I can't breathe, tears are streaming from my eyes and my throat is burning from this sudden assault, but all at once there are no more inches left; my nose presses hard against Cliff's curly, wiry crotch hair for just a moment, then I'm dragging myself off his length, cross-eyed and marveling as his dark shaft just keeps pulling from my throat, seemingly without end. My nostrils flare and eyes bulge, more tears cascading down my cheeks as the flared ridge of his fat pink head pops through the ravaged ring of my throat-hole and I can finally breathe again. Cliff drags that big head from my mouth with a slick squelch and great fat ribbons of bubbly mucus dangle from it, hanging between the blunt tip and my slack lips. There is an expectant silence in the plush suite. I take a ragged breath, breaking the silence, the air cool against my raw throat. I look up at Cliff's dick, now fully hard, impossibly long and thick, still with a pronounced downward curve. The black skin glistens with my saliva and mucus, wrapped with fat veins. I can't believe that I had just inhaled it all like some professional whore. The need I'd felt had threatened to overpower me, driving me onwards. I gave a light laugh that Cliff echoed.

"Frank, I have never seen anyone do what you just did. At least, nobody without substantial experience. You are very gifted." I lean forward, already eager to repeat the experience, but Cliff gently but firmly cups my face in his huge hand, chuckling as he kisses me, amused by my enthusiasm. "Frank, to try and do that again now that I am fully hard would likely cause you great pain, as well as damage. I would never want that, no matter how good it felt." He kissed me again, hard, still holding my face in his hand, pulling back to look me dead in the eyes. "No, now I will fuck you." It is a statement, an absolute, with no room for discussion. Cliff's hand around my face gently pulls me upward and by the time I am standing, we are kissing passionately again, his hands sliding around my body, pulling me tight to him. I've never kissed anyone like this, so completely surrendering myself to them. My face cranes upwards to meet his, soft lips covering mine, our tongues writhing against each other. He begins to undress me and I follow his lead, until we are both stood naked and I take a moment to appreciate the man stood before me. He is handsome. It feels so strange, yet so correct, to term him like that. Previously, I had hidden behind excuses to be able to look at other men, but it felt good to be able to openly take in his masculinity, while he seems quite happy to let me do so.

Cliff is not classically muscular; there is a softness to his shape but that he is a powerful man is undeniable. His skin is the dark black-brown like many of the Bajan men I have seen so far since arriving. His face is clean-shaven, with a wide, thick-lipped mouth that easily pulls upwards into a warm smile, like the one he is wearing now. His body has a light dusting of hair across his chest and stomach, which forms into a trail that flows down to surround his magnificent ebony cock, still fully hard, now jutting upwards at a fairly low angle as it extends from his crotch, but arcing downwards, as though its own weight is too heavy, and forms almost a perfect arch, culminating in a shockingly pink, bulbous head, his foreskin gathered behind the flared ridge.

I can't stand not to be touching him any longer and I step up to him, his arms enveloping me as we begin to kiss again, this time with unbridled enthusiasm. The hot, hard rod of ebony cock is pressed between us, against my stomach and I'm undulating against it, feeling Cliff thrust against me. Cliff has already told me plainly where this is going and all of my inhibitions have been scoured away and I cannot wait for this.

"Oh my god, this is incredible," I moan breathlessly. In response, Cliff sweeps me in his arms and I wrap my legs around his waist. I feel the crack of my ass nestle against the thickness of his solid shaft, then I'm being laid down onto the oversized bed.

"Turn over," He instructs gently and I comply immediately, laying on my stomach, naked. I once again shudder as his large hands begin to caress my thighs, slowly spreading my legs further apart as his hands move upwards. By the time he is kneading the cheeks of my ass, my legs are splayed wide. "I knew this would happen from the moment you stood in front of my desk yesterday. You are small and lean and I will enjoy taking my time to prepare you for my manhood." Cliff's head had moved ever closer to my ass, his words now tickling the light fuzz of blond hair on my cheeks. Then, his tongue was on my ass, lapping over the sensitive hole. I'd never felt anything like it! My fingers clutched at the soft sheets as Cliff licked me up and down, then swirled his tongue in ever tightening circles around my asshole. He pulled back and moved up the bed. With a meaty slap, he let his huge, hard cock fall against my ass, the head resting somewhere up near the small of my back, the weight of it pressing into the spread cleft between my cheeks, the shaft gently rubbing up and down so it grazed my hole. I stiffened, anxious that Cliff had grown impatient, but he quickly reassured me. "Don't worry, it will be a while before I will have you ready to take all of me. Fuck, it looks amazing, my black manhood against your pale skin, knowing that I will soon be inside you." He thrust a little more and I could clearly feel the ridge of one of his fat veins rubbing directly over my puckering hole. It felt amazing, as well. "You really have never done this before, have you? Until today, you had no idea what you were capable of?" he said, almost marveling at it.

"No. I'm... I guess I'm a virgin, in that respect."

"But you move and react as though you have done this your entire life. I have only taken the virginity of three other men, but none of them like you. None of them were able to follow me completely, to give themselves up and allow me to take them over completely whilst we are together, but I know you will be different. I will fuck you and your body will give everything to me even as every fiber of your body takes its own pleasure and gives back to me a hundred times what I give to you." I sigh as Cliff traces gentle kisses down my back, lower and lower, pulling his dick from on top of me and replacing it with his lips, French kissing my ass, his strong fingers digging into my cheeks as he pulls them wide apart, his tongue pressing forwards and penetrating me for the first time. I can't help but give a breathless pant as I feel him enter me. My hips buck involuntarily upwards from the bed as I thrust up to meet him and I'm lost to the movement of his tongue and lips on my ass, his thick tongue lapping across me, then pushing inside me, again and again. I have never been such a singular focus of anybody's attentions and I lose myself to it gladly.

Cliff draws back, panting as he rolls me over, stalks up the bed like a predatory animal and we slam together, kissing deeply. I am so much shorter than the dark, beefy man I'm almost buried beneath that his thick, hard cock rests between my thighs. I part my legs and the weight of it pulls it down between them, I can feel that it's slick with his juice, the big head easily sliding into my ass crack, urging against my hole. I'm in a frenzy, thrusting down against the huge, solid knob of flesh shoved between my cheeks, but once again, Cliff takes my face in his hands.

"You want me to fuck you, don't you, Frank?" Instinctively, I know I am not being asked for my permission. He has laid out in such a grave yet articulate assertion of what is to happen that there is no other outcome. But so far, only my body has spoken for me. Cliff wants me to acknowledge my need for this to happen, to fully embrace what is about to occur. This man is helping me unlock every deep and hidden part of me that has lain in the shadows for years, knowing just what I need to hear and say and feel. The connection I feel for this man that I barely even know is unreal and I have never felt safer or more appreciated. He has walked me to the cliff-edge of my true self and I gladly throw myself into the unknown.

"I need you to fuck me, Cliff. I've never needed anything so much, please. Please fuck me, I can't wait any longer!" To hear the words streaming from me, to hear such raw emotion in my voice is jarring, but I feel a great wave of relief blow through me as I allow my mind, body and voice to unify for the first time ever in their desires. Cliff plunges into my mouth and we kiss once more, his mouth still wet and hot from where he had just been French kissing my ass in the exact same way.

"We are almost there, Frank. if I was to try and fuck you now, I would cause you much pain. I will not lie to you, I have a large dick and no matter what, the first time I enter you will hurt, but to try and do this right now would be selfish and cruel. I can hear and feel the need that is filling you to bursting, just as you can feel my own. I must prepare you more, because once I begin, I will not be able to stop; already, I must fight to keep myself from plowing you right here, but this would almost ruin you. Instead, we will take our time. Finally, I will take your sweet, small ass and make it mine.

"I will turn it into a man-cunt."

The words rumble from him, almost ominous, like a slap to the face and I even hear myself gasp and fall perfectly still, almost unable to process the words he is saying. It's the last thing I expect to hear him say. I never use language like that, it sounded so obscene, to refer to my ass -- to me -- like that. Cliff's smile is warm and kind and I can see in his eyes that my reaction is no surprise to him.

"You look shocked, but you shouldn't be. You are just not used to thinking of your body in these terms. This is not about making you less of a man, but turning you and your body into the person you so clearly desire to be; to give somebody else you power, to relinquish such a fundamental part of yourself, is one of the most powerful acts anybody can perform and I feel that you already understand this. You have led a life where somebody has made you think this is not the case, but all it took was the slightest of nudges for you to understand the truth. Your body is leading you and it wants to experience everything that I have to give you, including your new man-cunt. Within minutes of me entering this room, you had swallowed my entire manhood to its root, as hungry as a starving child, as though you had been waiting for this for years. Look at you now, still hungering for me to thrust deep into you, to sate your burning need right even though you know it would cause you incredible pain and harm." He's right; already, my hips are once again undulating, grinding me against the big black cock sliding exquisitely against my ass. "You don't just want me inside you, you need every last inch of me, as hungrily as you took me in your mouth. I could see this in you, even before you could. Your ass will open up to me and you will almost drown in the pleasure I give you, just as I take that same pleasure from you. I will transform your ass as I fuck you and finally, you will take back control and be the one to fill your new man-cunt with my seed."

Cliff lifts his hips, dragging his hard shaft from between my legs and letting it fall heavily onto my stomach, then lowers himself back down onto me, his considerable weight pushing me into the soft bed. My own hard cock presses and rubs against his much larger member, the feeling incredible as we resume our intense kissing, but already I miss his long, thick cock burrowing between my thighs, seeking out my ass.

"I'm going to give you what you never knew you always wanted: a man-cunt. Just a little longer and your ass will take me like your throat did, but this will not be one hurried greedy plunge; I will give it to you slowly, your ass will make love to my manhood, but even before I am fully inside you and my weight has pinned you to this bed, you will already feel yourself changing. Your ass will become your man-cunt and with it you will pull from me every last drop of pleasure."


His words thunder into me, the intensity of them and the conviction that girds every one as strong as iron somehow giving me strength.


He has described explicitly how this will proceed and with almost every sentence, he pushes that word further into my consciousness.


I feel the truth of that word starting to crystallize within my mind, that this will be exactly how he has described it.


By the time this is over, I will possess a man-cunt full of his seed.


The shock of hearing such a vulgar word used to describe what this huge black man will do to me has quickly faded, replaced by something else entirely. The ferocity that I already desire this is breathtaking.

This time, he does not even need to say anything as I feel him move; I roll back onto my stomach, then feel his strong hands as they grip my hips and slide me down the bed, until my legs slide off the end. He places my legs apart but not uncomfortably wide and like this I have never felt more exposed or vulnerable, but I'm aware that there is a strange sense of power here, just as he had said; that as much as I want what Cliff is about to do to me, this is a two-way exchange and I hold the reigns to his desires. This revelation electrifies me as much as Cliff's tongue once again exploring deep into my asshole, making me groan long and loud into the bed's coverlet the angle allowing Cliff even deeper access inside the warmth of my ass. I look to the side and the mirrored doors of my wardrobe frame us perfectly: me, bent at a perfect 90-degree angle off the end of the bed with Cliff knelt between my spread legs, his head buried deep between my ass cheeks. I take in this lewd tableau, feeling his thick tongue swirling and thrusting into me and my hips thrusting back to meet him.

I feel him pull his face from my ass and where his tongue had just been, there's now a new kind of pressure against my hole; more solid and forceful and it slides inside of me without resistance. His finger is a very different feeling to the soft probing of his tongue and I tense my hole around it briefly, testing its presence inside of me, somehow knowing that this is the first of at least several as he prepares me. For the first time, the actual physical significance of what is happening fully hits me; I can feel his lone digit inside of me and the intrusion, whilst painless, is still very definite. His cock is much bigger than his finger by several orders of magnitude and he'll be fucking me with it soon enough. My ass now clamps around his finger as a shiver of dread passes through me. That it has taken this long for any kind of apprehension to even cross my mind almost makes me laugh, but at that moment, Cliff's tongue finds my ass once more, joining his finger as they now both vie for space within me and this new sensation makes me drop my face back into the soft fabric and moan. My moan gets louder as he begins gently stroking his finger back and forth inside of me and after a short while of this, I feel his tongue managing to begin to press its way inside as well.

After several minutes, he pulls back from my ass once again and I know what's coming. The pressure of a second finger replaces his tongue at my hole and I feel the ring of muscle slide over its tip. It continues inwards to join the first and I can't help but let out a gasping whimper of pleasure as I feel the sensation of my asshole stretching properly for the first time. I thrust back a little and at the same time push back with my core muscles, as if I were on the toilet. Both fingers are now not just inside of me to their very base, but it is as though my ass is pulling them in and trying to grab for more. I clench once more and the feeling is amazing. Behind me, Cliff gives a rumbling groan of appreciation.

"As I said before, it is as though you have done this your whole life; your body knows exactly what to do, Frank." He once again returns to kissing and licking my ass, even as his two fingers begin to gently slide in and out of me.

I have no idea how much time he takes, feasting on my asshole as though it is the center of his entire universe whilst stretching my asshole in preparation for his member. A third finger, then eventually a fourth join the first two and the entire time I am in awe not only of my body's ability to take what Cliff is giving me, but at how this incredible sensation of stretching and expanding never seems to cease, but in fact build up. With each finger, I'm pushing back with my muscles and I can feel myself bodily envelop his finger even as he presses it inside of me, whilst tightening around his digits makes my asshole sing with some kind of feeling of tautness that I can't even find a word for.

I am lost to a sexual voracity I've never known before and again and again, I beg Cliff to fuck me, telling him how much I want his seed inside me, declaring my need for him to turn my ass into a man-cunt with his big black cock. His four thick, dark fingers now thrust in and out of me in long strokes as Cliff spits a thick glob of spit directly at my hole, then dives back at it, his tongue lunging inside of me as his fingers once more bottom out.

By now, Cliff has been making animalistic noises as he eats my ass for a while, but they have been getting louder and more forceful. I'm astonished at the self-control he is able to exercise, even as I beg him over and over to finally fuck me, but eventually he can hold himself back no longer. With a final, almost savage thrust of his tongue coupled with a rumbling growl of pure lust, he pulls his fingers from my ass and stands up.

Grabbing me at my waist, he lifts me easily, heaving me up and thrusting me forward onto the bed. He doesn't release his hold on me as he clambers up behind me, pressing me bodily into the mattress as the considerable weight of his huge, hard cock thumps down onto my ass-cheek.

I can hardly breathe with the anticipation I'm feeling as I look over into those large mirrors and see Cliff gently but deliberately reposition himself, raising his entire body above mine, as though he is about to perform push-ups. Looking down at his heavy black cock where it now points straight down at my ass, his muscles tense as he shifts to supporting himself with just one arm as he reaches down and grabs the thick shaft, gently sliding it into place. My ass-cheeks part as his big, slimy head presses forward and I feel my asshole kissing the blunt knob of flesh. I can only imagine the thick precum that must be not only smeared over it but also pouring from the tip, helping to lubricate its entry. I spread my legs as wide as I am able to and thrust up at him. He reacts to my movement and releases his dick, planting both hands firmly to either side of my head as his hips push downwards, driving his huge, black manhood into me.

Instinctively, I push out with my core muscles, as I did every time Cliff fed my ass another finger, but this time it's unlike anything that has gone before. Too, too late, I'm realizing that, apart from whatever precum was coating his cockhead and spit still coating my crack, this is happening completely without lube.

But my ass feels as though it is reaching up to engulf him, whilst simultaneously I am being stretching beyond anything I've ever felt before, my hole hauled wide open as the entire head shoves into me and a jarring cacophony of pain overwhelms me. White stars burst in my vision even as I screw my eyes shut, tears spilling from their corners as every sensation is blasted from me, leaving only pain as I give a long, piteous howl. Sweat suddenly springs from my brow and I'm panting like a dog as Cliff holds himself perfectly still, my ass muscles clamping spasmodically around the massive girth of his shaft as my body tries to eject or accommodate this invasion, but nothing is helping.

"Fuck! Oh, god, it fucking HURTS!" I yelp breathlessly as sharp bolts of searing pain course outwards from my ass, beyond anything I could have anticipated. Pressing my face into the coverlet, I grunt through gritted teeth as I wait for another spasm to pass, then once again push out, against Cliff's cock. The pain certainly doesn't stop, but changes somehow. The needles of pain come less frequently and every time my hole clamps around his girth, the pain lessens and that strange feeling of tautness begins to sing throughout my ass, ever louder. My breathing begins to return to normal and once again, I push out against him. This time, Cliff pulls back just a little and as my hole relaxes back, it tugs against the flared ridge at the base of Cliff's cock head, sending a jolt of pleasure through the dimming pain. Cliff then rocks his hips forward slightly and I feel that big round head push into me a short way, the pain now receding and just a feeling of incredible fullness left behind.

"You truly are gifted like few other men, Frank," Cliff croons softly. It has taken probably at least five minutes, but even I understand that what I have just achieved is truly fucking phenomenal. I can't help but let out a chuckle, that sounds more like a whimper as I look over at the mirror. His arms are thick pillars of muscle supporting his weight with seemingly no effort, Cliff holds himself above me and between us, his thick pillar of black meat is now connecting him to me. Our eyes lock in the reflection and as I give another whimpering chuckle at the incredible sight, Cliff smiles and sinks just a little deeper into me. A shard of pain sizzles through my hole, but this time, I clench it tightly and the pain is somehow squeezed into that delicious singing feeling.

"Oh, fuck," mutters Cliff as I feel his cock throb and swell within me. I can imagine that big head, pumping a glob of his precum into my ass, helping grease the way for the rest of his monster to fill me. I push upwards, both from my hips and with my ass muscles, as Cliff suddenly pulls himself upright, making me gasp as the big head shifts position within me. I look over to see Cliff now straddling me, just below the curve of my ass. From his crotch his thick dark manhood surges forward, arcing sharply downwards where it plunges into my ass. I squirm my hips as I explore this new angle, whilst Cliff takes his time applying mouthfuls of saliva to the obscene length of shaft that's still not yet inside me, making it glisten like it had done when he'd just dragged it from my throat. His fingers brush the taut band of my ass muscles, so tight around his amazing girth, making me moan and my hole clench, which in turn makes him throb and swell again, but this time there is no pain and my long groan of contentment reflects this.

Cliff reaches forward, gripping my shoulders with his big hands. As he leans forward, his huge cock is forced ever deeper into my ass, inches of thick, dark monster cock driven inexorably forward. This time, there is nothing close to pain, just the incredible sensation of so much cock filling me, but suddenly, I am kind of winded by a sensation that is not quite pain, but not pleasure, coupled with a sense of resistance. He obviously feels it too, as he immediately halts, but gingerly tries again. The pressure deep inside of me builds to an uncomfortable level and he once more backs off.

"Don't worry, there's a bend in most guys, I'm pretty deep in you now and as it's your first time, it can take a while to work through it. I know a trick, but you need to trust me."

"Will it hurt as much as when it first went in?" I ask him, sincerely concerned about that level of pain again. He still isn't all the way in, this is my first ever time and so far, I've taken two-thirds of one huge Bajan cock with nothing but spit and precum. I was damned if I was going to give up without a fight.

"It should just be that resistance you're feeling, but we need to find the way to get past it."

"Okay, what do I do?"

"Just let me move you into position," he said calmly. Cliff lifts himself back up to a straddling position, but as he does so, pulls my right leg up towards my chest. He goes slowly, making sure that he stays buried within my ass. At this point, I'm actually enjoying the shift of positions, feeling his dick moving and twisting inside me. "To help get through the bend, we'll need to kind of just move around until we can find the right spot, but let me know if it's too much. Sometimes it can take a while, we can keep trying. Once I'm through, it should be fine. Okay?"

I nod and grunt my readiness, now laid on the bed and grabbing my right knee close to my chest. This has raised that hip upwards, whilst Cliff now gently starts to lower himself forward again, his angle of approach now more to the left. His arms thrum with effort to either side of me as he goes painstakingly slow, the pressure building in tiny increments, but he doesn't back off. My brow knots together as this resistance within me intensifies and I can feel the sweat on my brow once again. Cliff rolls his hips slowly, which feels a little good beneath the steadily growing discomfort and I try to gyrate my hips, but still there is nothing but resistance and discomfort.

I actually hear myself give out a small groan of pain, almost ready to stop him as I rock further onto my side and feel myself suddenly give way to him. The abrupt lack of resistance sends his big, thick cock plunging into my ass. I let go of my knee, straightening up in an instant as Cliff crashes into me bodily and white stars once more burst in my eyes. I cry out, a long howl that is more animal than human as I feel his hips slam against my ass and his balls pound against mine.

"Fuck, Frank! Are you alright? Have I hurt you?" His voice is flooded with alarm, but it barely registers as I continue howling at the top of my lungs. This, however, is a roar of triumph, of sheer pleasure as I am finally filled with every last inch of his huge black manhood. Cliff grunts softly as he nuzzles and kisses the back of my neck, his arms curling around me, hugging me to him, still not completely sure whether I am injured at all, but regardless, his hips begin gently gyrating, his body unable to resist, digging the thick, dark dick around inside me.

"Oh my god! I'm okay. No, I'm so much more than okay! This is incredible! I can't believe it, Cliff; you're so fucking deep inside me and I love it." I am lost to the incredible sensations, my ass stretched so incredibly wide around the thick base of his shaft, his wiry pubic bush lightly scratching my ass cheeks, his big round head lodged somewhere deep within me my guts. I clench once more and I'm blown away as what feels like a thick steel pillar bucks within me, swelling and reaching even further into me. Already, his rhythm is starting to intensify, his big hands now grasping my hips as his strokes grow faster and longer as his animal need takes over.

"I was so worried I'd hurt you, but once again you just demonstrate your capabilities. Fuck, that was just like... like... `Brugga-lax!' and I thought I'd hurt you." I can hear that he is slipping more into his natural accent, plus it's strange to hear him using the Bajan dialect, but I take it as a compliment; that he is finally unleashing whatever beast is clearly behind that mild-mannered exterior. "I got to fuck me this ass for a long time. Fuck! I can't be believin' you didn't beg for lube. But just a few licks of spit, so raw! It is how I most love to fuck a man, but I ain't never before been able to do it to a man who ain't never been fucked. Nngh!" He lets out a primal grunt as he firmly rams into me, his hands now holding me down into the mattress as he begins to find his rhythm. Yesterday, allowing someone to do this to me, to give them absolute control over such a forceful physical situation would have never seemed possible, but right now I am consumed by my need for this.

Cliff reaches for my head, turning it to the side as he leans into me and we kiss, his dick pulsing with need as he continues to thrust into me, my ass massaging its length as I repeatedly squeeze in time with his strokes, silently implored him to fuck me. He gives a long, guttural groan that builds to a snarling growl of pleasure as he shoves hard into me, holding himself there.

"Cha! Gonna fuck yuh now," Cliff states bluntly, his Bajan accent now thick, his deep voice dripping with lust. Whatever we had been doing up to this point, fucking had clearly not been it.

Cliff heaves himself up, once more assuming the push-up position from earlier, dragging his dick from my ass. Just as it's about to pull free, he slams back down, every last inch now driven into my ass. His body becomes a machine as he pounds me with a ferocity that his behavior up to now could never have suggested. I can only hang on for dear life as he maintains his savage assault on my ass, making me moan like a bitch whilst above me, he is grunting and growling like a feral animal and all the while, the rhythmic slap of skin against skin as his balls slam down with each thrust and his crotch strikes against my buttocks. Our reflection shows a man possessed, his thick black shaft like a giant piston frantically plunging into my ass to the very depths, thrusting me into the soft mattress again and again. His black skin shines all over with sweat and I feel the first of many drops fall onto my back as he slams into me relentlessly.

I can only marvel at Cliff's endurance as I am thoroughly ravaged by his huge, hard cock for what feels like an eternity. He begins to slow, but only a little, still maintaining a vigorous pace, but now I am also able to really enjoy our fucking and take a more active role in it, thrusting upwards and clenching to meet his downward strokes. But as I clench my ass, I can feel that something has indeed changed, my ass no longer feels like a taut ring of muscle, something softer and more supple, still able to squeeze Cliff's member, embracing it tightly, but the sensations are deeper, more intense, somehow more profound. I can feel the friction of his skin and the thick veins that wrap around his meaty shaft as they slide into me, my ass hypersensitive, making me moan low and long as I press my face into the mattress and allow the feelings to wash over me, squeezing my ass over and over, caressing Cliff's cock as it continues to pummel me. Cliff leans down, kissing the back of my neck and whispering into my ear, telling me how good I'm making him feel.

I reach back and pull my cheeks apart for him, then slide my fingers into my crack and gently contact my ass. As I do so, crackles of electricity surge through my body and I give a low moan. My fingers quickly return and I take a moment to feel the wet, thick, iron-hard shaft of Cliff's cock repeatedly thrusting fully inside of me. With every upward stroke, pulling from me, my asshole is dragged upwards, as if reluctant to let it go, but as my fingers continue to delicately probe, I realize that this is no longer an ass. Even with the wide girth of Cliff's black cock stretching me, these are now puffy lips like a greedy mouth encircling his shaft, soft and wet but also firm as they squeeze his length.

We must have been fucking for well over half an hour by now and Cliff has not only fulfilled his promises to me, but he's gone so much further. He has been as gentle and kind as a lover, before uncaging his inner animal, becoming an almost inexhaustible fucking machine that has not stopped once since he began. I would never have thought myself capable of enduring the fucking he has delivered, but even now, I can feel that I want more, that my thirst for Cliff's huge, hard Bajan Manhood is near unquenchable. I thrust my head into the mattress, letting out another loud groan of pleasure and a wide smile spreads over my face, my fingers continuing to caress both his plunging cock and what had been my ass.

Because now, it is a man-cunt.

"Yes, you feel it, don't you? Your new, beautiful man-cunt." Cliff's voice is brimming with satisfaction, the Bajan accent once again faded but I can hear that he's also becoming breathless, his relentless fucking finally wearing him down.

In one smooth motion, he pulls out from me completely, making me yelp with surprise at the unexpected and sudden removal. Oh, how empty I suddenly feel! He has been fucking me for so long that now, without him deep inside me, it is as though an actual part of me has been torn away. My fingers grope at my new man-cunt, and I can easily feel how wide it now gapes, my fingers delving inside whilst my thick, wet cunt-lips bloom outwards.

Cliff's strong hands suddenly cover mine, pulling them free as he pushes his face into my crack, his big, thick lips pressing against my new ones, his strong tongue now sliding effortlessly inside of me. With his mouth, he is now making love to the new man-cunt he has created; I feel him sucking on my big, puffy lips, almost as if I am being pulled into his mouth as his tongue continues to lap at the hyper-sensitive folds of my insides. With an almost thick, wet slurp, he finally pulls away. My fingers cannot help but go back to feel that his kissing and sucking have made my man-cunt truly blossom, great billowing cunt-lips now kissing upwards.

"You were made to be fucked and I cannot believe any man will be able to resist such a talented and beautiful man-cunt, Frank." He rolls over, dropping onto the bed beside me on his back. His strong arms reach under my armpits and he pulls me over onto him, kissing furiously, my mouth filling not only with his tongue, but the taste of my man-cunt and his precum as well. Caressing my face in one big paw, he fixes me with his gaze. "Come, Frank, show me how well you can use your new man-cunt, because I know you can. Show me how you fuck yourself on my Manhood. Make me cum for your man-cunt. Make me fill you up with my Seed."

Cliff's hands gently stroke my body as I kneel astride him. Reaching back, my hand barely closes around the girth of his solid length of dark cock, slick with my cunt-juice and his precum. I heft it upwards, aiming it at myself as I sink onto its full length, squirming as I feel it pulse within me. Cliff's eyes close and his pink tongue laps at his smiling lips, a perfect image of pleasure. I take just a little longer to enjoy every last inch impaling my insides before I pull my legs out from beneath me, now squatting above my big Bajan lover. With my hands against his broad chest, drenched with sweat from his own fucking, I now take my turn. Cliff's hands gently stroke my legs as I begin my ride. He is giving me complete control of how much I want, but I want everything. I quickly build up a rhythm that echoes Cliff's initial, furious pace he'd maintained for the longest time. The room is filled with the rapid slap of my ass against his groin, my breathless moans of ecstasy and Cliff's rumbling groans of satisfaction.

Not possessing Cliff's superior reserves of strength, I knew I would be unable to continue for as long as he had, but looking down at Cliff's face, I saw that I wouldn't need to. His eyes were screwed shut, his bottom lip trapped beneath his teeth and his hands were now balled into fists at his side. Short, growling moans were escaping him and beneath my hands, his chest began to heave faster and deeper. Spurred on, I find reserves of energy within me, pummeling myself on the entire length of his Manhood as I squeeze it for dear life, willing his Seed into my man-cunt.

I see the exact moment his climax comes crashing over him like a tsunami. His head snaps back, his back arches and he gives a strangled cry that comes from his very core. His hands clamp onto my thighs and he slams me down onto him, our bodies crashing together and impaling me fully onto his throbbing member as his cry turns into a bellowing roar of triumph.

His huge black cock is bucking like a wild beast. I give my own cry of triumph as I feel the entire shaft suddenly pulse even bigger, the massive head so deep within me swelling and the first huge torrent of cum blasting impossibly deep into my guts. Cliff's face is that of an animal, snarling and growling, his eyes full of fire as he looks me dead in the eye and slams his hips upwards in time with his cumming, again and again, unloading his Seed in spectacular fashion into my greedy man-cunt.

Eventually, Cliff's colossal orgasm subsides. He really didn't hold back and I can feel what must be one hell of a huge load inside me. My big Bajan lover begins to laugh, even as he lays there panting and still coming down from his orgasm. I allow myself to fall forward onto his wide chest and we lay there, sweaty, panting, Cliff's dick still inside me but beginning to soften. His arms wrap around me and he holds me tightly.

"Frank, you have no idea how good that was." I smile at his words, more compliments than I've ever received before. I turn my head, nuzzling into the side of his thick neck, kissing the warm, dark skin, tasting his sweat on my tongue. He turns his head and we're kissing once more, now with a gentle tenderness that electrifies me. "However, I have to go and you need to get ready for your wife's arrival. I don't think we have very long. Come, get the shower running." He lifts me easily from on top of him and sets me down by the bed as he swings himself over the edge. His big, black hands hold me in place for a moment as he looks into my face, his warm, sexy smile playing over his thick lips. "How are you feeling?" I want to say like I'd just been run over by a truck, but I kind of intuit that isn't what he means.

"Good. No, incredible. This has all happened really fast, but I think this is the person I should have been all along. But hell, if it had worked out differently, I would likely never have come here and never met you, Cliff." I lean down and kiss him quickly, not wanting to draw out the moment. I'm under no illusions that, as intimate as it had been and as loving and gentle as he had treated me, this is little more than a holiday fling. "I'd better get in that shower. I think my man-cunt is starting to lose the fight against all of that cum." To hear myself talk like this, so brazenly, is bizarre in the extreme, but I had spent the past hour and half saying and doing far worse. Plus, it was true, I could already feel warm wetness on my upper thighs.

"I'll be right there, I just need to let housekeeping know that they can come up in a few minutes." Even as I struggle to hold onto the gut-load of Seed Cliff flooded me with, I turn around as I reach the bathroom doorway. There is no mistake, this room has seen one hell of a fucking. I know that it probably stinks of sweat and sex as well, even though my senses have long since dulled to the odors. Cliff grabs up the telephone and I catch him jovially chatting to someone, his voice suddenly slipping back into his Bajan dialect. He has everything figured out, which is just as well. The digital clock set into the mirror says that it is 17:18.

My god, Cliff has been here for over two hours and we have been having sex for almost all of that time!

I run the shower, but quickly sit on the toilet, pushing out gingerly, not knowing what to expect. The inelegant evacuation of Cliff's load isn't quite it, but having been fucked by that huge black Manhood for likely over an hour, I'm quite relieved that the rest of my insides don't leave with it.

In the shower, I start to wash myself, suddenly feeling the effects of being on the receiving end of a marathon hour-long fuck. My fingers can't help go back down and feel behind me. It isn't as puffy or loose as before, but there is no doubt about it.

I now have a man-cunt. And I couldn't be happier.

Not having seen him walk in through all the steam, Cliff's hands rub gently over my back as he kisses my neck.

"Your wife will be leaving the spa no earlier than 6 o'clock and housekeeping will have the room spotless long before then. I would suggest going and getting something to eat, maybe a drink. This has been... demanding for you, I'm sure," he says softly as his hands slide downward, his fingers reaching and probing until he also finds my man-cunt. "You like it, don't you?" He states, more than asks, as a thick finger slides easily inside of me. I moan into the stream of hot water.

"Fuck yes. Cliff, thank you. I could never have imagined..." I can't even think of how to finish that sentence. Cliff is a highly intelligent man, he has expertly guided me far deeper down this rabbit-hole than I thought I could ever go, all in the space of a couple of hours. He knows exactly what I am thinking.

So, I simply turn around, facing the big Bajan man with his warm smile and huge dark cock and we finish soaping each other in silence.

End of Chapter 01

A bit of an abrupt ending, but after a fuck like that, not many other places to go, right? I have at least the next two chapters sketched out, but these things can take a while, so be patient! I really hope you enjoyed it and would love to hear your feedback. Just find me at the email address at the top of the page. Xerxys

Next: Chapter 3

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