Manhattan Doms

By Locked Cub

Published on Jun 23, 2021


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This story takes place in 2016, approximately three months after the conclusion of "Southern Chastity". While the previous story does not have to be read to understand and enjoy this text, I encourage you to read it if you are interested in understanding more about the character of John who is referenced here.

Manhattan Doms - A Southern Chastity Novella - Part 1

Drew awoke as he normally did at 5:30 am and stretched. His hand ran down his chest and over his fur as he scratched his belly before reaching his caged cock, or his 'nub' as he called it. Even after agreeing to be placed in permanent chastity three years ago, his body still tried to send blood down into the tissues of his shaft in a vain attempt at a morning erection. The cage was small enough that it only could contain his head, so his nub had swollen and was pressing between the bars and his body had forced the cage forward and put some pressure on his balls. He pulled on his testicles and adjusted the cage and then sat up cross-legged on the floor of the closet, where his sleeping mat was placed.

It was still dark, but the lights from the buildings and streets of Manhattan beyond the curtains covering the large windows on the far wall of the room gave a dull glow to the environment. Drew's masters were fast asleep and he watched their bedspread move as their chests rose and fell. Faint sounds of cars could be heard from the street below along with light snoring from Bart, who was on the side of the bed nearest to him. Drew watched them both for a moment. He loved them dearly and had never regretted the decision of becoming their boy.

Drew was originally from Orlando, Florida. He had moved to Atlanta in 2012 right after graduating from college. He landed an entry-level position with a law firm downtown as a paralegal and quickly made a name for himself as a dependable employee. The main lawyer he worked with was named John and Drew had lusted after him secretly from the first day he met him. John exuded dominant energy and pushed all of Drew's sub buttons.

John stood about five foot eleven inches (1.7 m) tall and weighed about 250 pounds (113 kg). He worked out regularly and had a broad chest and thick arms, though he still had a belly that showed under his suit. He had dark hair with a trimmed beard and deep hazel eyes and when he spoke, his voice was commanding. The day that Drew had been called into John's office late that summer was burned into his memory.

"You sent for me, Sir?" Drew asked.

"Come in and close the door, boy," John replied.

John often called Drew 'boy' and he felt his cock twitch every time he heard himself referred to in that manner. Drew closed the door behind him and walked over in front of the desk where John had been working on some paperwork. John looked up at him and smiled.

"How do you enjoy working here, boy?"

"I like it, Sir," Drew replied. "I've learned a lot from you in the few months I have been here."

"You are a fast study," John replied. "We all have been pleased with how quickly you turn around the work we give you. You also dive into every task and give it your full attention. That dedication has not gone unnoticed."

"Thank you, Sir!" Drew replied.

"I've also noticed you checking me out any chance you get," John replied as he leaned back in his chair looking at Drew.

Drew was mortified. Had he been that transparent? He did not want to offend the man. The last thing he wanted to do was get in trouble with the HR Department.

"Don't be shy, boy," John continued. "It is quite alright. I am gay as well. But I'm sure pretty much anyone could read you like a book. In fact, Jim next door has commented he thought he had seen you drooling on a few occasions."

Drew shuffled his feet and looked down, embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, Sir," Drew replied. "I know it is not professional and I will not let it happen again."

"I am not admonishing you, boy," John said with a smile. "I'm flattered you find me attractive. Am I correct that you have a submissive streak in you?"

"Yes, Sir," Drew replied sheepishly.

"Speak up, boy," John replied. "This is a private conversation between us. No one else can hear you."

"Yes, Sir!" Drew said louder as he looked up at John.

John was smiling and looking right at him. Drew's eyes momentarily dropped to John's crotch and noticed his large package under his pants. He caught himself and looked back up, but the deed was done. John reached down and groped his cock under his pants.

"You like what you see, boy?" John asked.

"Yes, Sir," Drew replied as he watched John fondle his crotch and put on a little show for the boy.

"Lock the door behind you and come over here," John replied.

Drew hesitated for a moment, but then turned around and turned the lock on the deadbolt to the door and walked around the desk. John moved forward in his chair and ran his hands over Drew's crotch and felt his hard cock underneath.

"As I expected," John replied as he looked up at Drew. "You looked like you were pretty turned on there, boy."

Drew's legs were shaking. He could hardly believe this hot man before him was rubbing him. He could feel the precum building inside his cock and knew it would be making a mess in his pants in no time. John smiled, leaned back, and started to undo his belt. Drew held his breath as he watched him unzip his fly and pull back the fabric to reveal a large bulge in the white underwear John had on underneath. John rubbed his shaft and looked straight into Drew's eyes. Drew knew what to do next.

Drew got down on his knees and moved in between John's legs and brought his face into John's crotch. He stuck out his tongue and licked the cloth that was barely containing the man's meat. John smiled as he watched the boy go for his bone like a dog in heat. He reached down and pulled his waistband free, and his thick, hard cock sprung out and slapped Drew in the face.

Drew brought his tongue down to John's root and licked up his entire shaft, pausing to taste a bead of precum that had formed at the tip of his cock. John groaned at the sensation and watched as Drew held his balls in one hand and then gently grasped his cock and guided it into the boy's mouth. Drew sucked on John's head and went down on him slowly.

"That's a boy," John replied. "Worship that cock."

Drew closed his eyes and took John's rock-hard cock into his throat. He knew how to control his gag reflex and it was not long before his nose was deep in John's crotch, taking in his scent. John reached down and held the boy's head on him until he could hold his breath no longer and gagged and pulled up.

"My balls need draining badly, boy," John said in a deep, gravelly voice. "Let's see how good a job you can do."

"Yes, Sir!" Drew replied as he went back down on him.

Drew felt the large testicles resting in his hands. He massaged them as he continued to work John's thick shaft. He felt his dick straining in his pants and the wetness building as his precum soaked through his underwear. He closed his eyes and tried not to think about it. He wanted to focus only on pleasing the hot man in front of him.

He stroked the lower part of John's shaft as he moved up and down on the head and used his tongue to swirl around and suck on the juices forming at the tip. He deep-throated the man and felt as John's cock went into the back of his mouth, making his neck bulge. John, for his part, leaned back and enjoyed the sensation. He had wondered if the boy had some skill and he was not disappointed.

After about five minutes, Drew started to feel some movement in John's balls and he knew he had to be close. He started to work John's shaft more and he saw John lean back and start to tense up. John reached down and grabbed Drew's head and forced him down just as his cock erupted, shooting a large stream of cum straight down the boy's throat. Drew was able to take most of it but coughed and some started to shoot up through his nose.

As soon as John released the boy's head, Drew pulled back and was able to catch his breath and take a few more pulses of cum that flooded his mouth. He swirled the cum around with his tongue and tasted John before swallowing. He then used his tongue to rub the sensitive head of John's cock, which made the man jump and smile as he looked down at the boy. Drew met his glance.

"Nice job, boy," John replied.

He reached down and rubbed under Drew's nose and through his mustache, where some of his load had ended up after moving through Drew's sinuses. Drew smiled and backed off of John's cock and stayed kneeling in front of him. John pulled his cock back into his pants and zipped them up and looked at him.

"You can rise now, boy," John said.

Drew got up and as he did so, he noticed that he had a large wet spot on the front of his pants. He rubbed it, but he knew this was not going away anytime soon.

"I think you might be a good candidate for a position I need to fill," John said.

Drew looked back at John as the man grabbed a pen and wrote down an address and time on the back of one of his business cards and handed it to the boy.

"Meet me tonight after work at that place and time," John replied. "We can talk more then."

"Yes, Sir!" Drew said.

Drew grabbed the paperwork he had brought into John's office and brought it down over his crotch to hide his spot and left the office to head to the bathroom. When he got inside, he went to the stall at the end of the room and pulled down his pants. Precum had soaked his underwear and his cock was covered in it. He sat down on the toilet and started to stroke his dick, which got hard again immediately. Thinking of what he had just done and still smelling the musk of John in his beard, he furiously jacked off and within a minute was shooting ropes of cum through the air and down onto the floor below him.

Drew collapsed back on the toilet and tried to catch his breath. Cum was running down his hand and covered the floor and he thought it was probably one of the largest loads he had ever shot. He smiled and licked his hand clean and looked forward to his meeting later.

The location he was told to be at was a nice restaurant on the west side of Atlanta. As he entered, he saw John sitting down at a table and beckoning him over. When Drew sat down, John had already ordered for them and they started to talk about Drew's interests and experiences in the city. Later, the topics turned to Drew's kinks. Drew found himself telling John things that he had never confided in anyone before. They discussed his deep desire to be subordinate to a dominant man. How he craved being under the firm hand of a superior and how he wanted to learn more about the BDSM scene. They discussed his hard limits and what he fantasized about. By the end of the dinner, John knew about every one of Drew's innermost desires and secrets.

Drew had a tinge of fear that he had gone too far with someone he worked with, but John listened in a non-condescending way. He helped the boy open up about things he had only thought about to himself and he felt comfortable with the man. So, when John told him that he trained subordinate boys and asked Drew if he was interested in training under him, Drew did not hesitate to respond and agreed to it that evening.

The one part of the deal that Drew was unsure about was chastity. This was something John said he required of all the boys that trained under him. John assured Drew that he would help him ease into the kink and that he felt the boy would come to like it. So, a few weeks later, in September of 2012, Drew found himself naked at John's house in his basement dungeon. He was kneeling on the floor with a newly installed red-and-black chainmail collar locked around his neck with a silver tag that read 'Boy Drew / CHASTITY SUB / Sir John, Trainer'. A metal chastity cage had also been put on him, encasing what he was told to refer to as his 'nub'.

Kneeling beside Drew were two other boys that John was training. They would be Drew's sub brothers and over a year, John would teach Drew the proper way to please a dominant. They would explore impact play, electro-play, boot blacking, watersports, and a variety of other BDSM-related kinks. Drew would take to the routine quickly and find himself falling deeper and deeper into the role of a subordinate.

John had thrown several parties at his house during the time of Drew's training. Drew and his fellow sub brothers had run the events in addition to being the party favors for the guests. Drew took all manner of cock and learned to anticipate the needs of other men. He had truly impressed John with his attitude and mindset, so when two of John's old friends visited Atlanta, John made sure that his best sub was to be their primary plaything.

Bart and Wes had known John for almost fifteen years. When they met, they were living in the same apartment complex and were part of the local leather community. A mutual friend, an old guard man, hung out with them regularly and taught them the proper way to treat men and boys and they had taken the lessons to heart as they became dominants themselves. They were not cruel, but they were firm and demanded excellence and dedication from the boys they were with.

Both Bart and Wes were built. They worked out regularly, but still maintained a belly from their nights drinking beer. Wes had dark hair that was cropped short and a medium beard that was dense and wavy. His beard had started to go gray and it matched the salt-and-pepper-colored fur that had started to develop on his chest. Bart had dark hair, too. He kept his head shaved and other than a few stray white hairs on his chest, he did not appear to be pushing fifty years old.

The two men lived in New York now and they had made plans to stay with John for the weekend and make use of his sub trainees. The first time Drew met them was the Saturday morning after they had arrived. John had told Drew to get there around 4 am and to be ready to serve both of them with any request they might have of him. Drew had crept up the staircase of John's house that morning using the moonlight coming in the windows to find his way to their bedroom. As he entered, he saw the two men sleeping in bed and he knelt by the wall and waited to be called upon.

Bart was the first to awake around 6 am and Drew immediately came to his bedside when the man called out.

"You there, boy?" Bart asked.

"I am here, Sir," Drew had replied in a soft tone to avoid waking the other man.

"Come over here," Bart said as he rubbed his eyes and sat up on the side of the bed.

Drew came over and knelt in front of him. He was amazed at how attractive the dominant man appeared. Drew saw some of his features from what little moonlight was coming in from the window and the light from the digital clock beside the bed.

"You a piss drinker boy?" Bart asked.

"I am, Sir," Drew replied.

"Open up then," Bart said as he placed his cock in Drew's mouth and started to let his bladder empty.

Drinking piss was not something that Drew exactly enjoyed, but he also had learned to master it recently in preparation for their arrival. As he felt the stale, warm liquid go down his throat, he closed his eyes and concentrated to make sure not a drop was wasted. When the stream slowed and stopped, Bart reached down and rubbed his head.

"You're a good boy," Bart said.

"Thank you, Sir!" Drew replied.

Bart laid back down and slept a few more hours. Wes was the next to wake up and he demanded a blow job from Drew and while he was doing so, Bart came behind him and fucked his ass. By the end of the day, Drew had been fucked five times and had endeared himself to the men to such a degree that they expressed interest in bringing him up to New York for a visit.

By August of 2013, Drew had been up to their apartment in Manhattan several times and the two men approached him with the offer to collar him and bring him into their home. He would be responsible for maintaining the house, chores such as laundry and grocery shopping, and cooking. In return, he could live rent-free with them and be their boy. Drew accepted the moment they offered and moved up with them the following month after he had graduated from John's program.

In the first few months, Drew had to get used to putting the needs of Bart and Wes first. He did not have a private room. He had been provided with a space on the floor in the large walk-in closet of the two men's bedroom. A soft mat was provided for him with some blankets for warmth. He was either naked or in jockstraps at home, but he had clothes for when he needed to leave the apartment on errands. Space was at a premium in Manhattan and the opportunity to serve two men he found very attractive while also living near Columbus Circle, in the heart of the city, not far from Central Park, made up for any inconvenience he might have experienced.

He was also in permanent chastity now. As he trained under John, he was locked in his chastity cage for longer and longer periods. On his graduation day, he had been given one last blowjob and orgasm from his sub brother Hunter. He still remembered when John approached him afterward and asked if he agreed to give up control of his genitals and enter into permanent chastity. He had agreed and then received the collar of his masters Wes and Bart who had attended his ceremony.

The cage now only briefly came off once a week for deep cleaning. At this time, he was always bound and blindfolded and the cage was reinstalled before they were removed. He would never see himself out of chastity again. But he had learned to orgasm from anal stimulation and Bart could be counted on to pound a load out of him on most occasions. It was a life he had not thought he would obtain, but he had no regrets.

As Drew continued to watch his two masters as they slept, he knew that Bart would be the first to awake in about thirty minutes, so he folded his blankets and got up, and picked out some clothes for Bart. He took them into the living room to iron them and hung them up. He then returned to the closet to pick out Wes's clothes and placed them beside Bart's before getting the coffee started and making it back into the bedroom as Bart started to stir.

"Good morning, Sir," Drew said as he knelt on the floor. "It's a pleasure to be of service to you today."

Bart had turned on his side facing Drew and pulled the covers off his body. He groped his balls and cracked open his eyes and looked at the boy in front of him.

"Morning boy," Bart said with a low voice.

Bart sat up and turned to place his big, hairy feet on the floor. He stretched before spreading his legs and letting his cock and balls dangle in front of Drew.

"You may suck me now," Bart replied.

Drew crawled over and put his face in Bart's crotch. He breathed in his master's scent and then used his tongue to taste the sweat of his balls before placing Bart's shaft in his mouth and working it until it started to harden. Bart reached down and held Drew's head and started to guide him back and forth, slowly at first, feeling the head of his cock reach the back of the boy's throat and enter it. He then started to face fuck him harder and Drew closed his eyes and concentrated as he was used as a tool for his master's pleasure.

Bart began to fuck Drew's face hard and even with Drew's training, he coughed as the head of the man's cock invaded his throat deeply. His skull was forced down until his nose was embedded in Bart's pubic hair before being pulled back again. Spit was starting to roll out of Drew's mouth and down Bart's cock and onto the floor. The sound of Bart's cock railing Drew's mouth was accompanied by the jingle of the collar around the boy's neck and an occasional groan as he endured the onslaught.

When Bart went over the edge, he pulled Drew's head down firmly and shot his load straight down the boy's throat. It was only then that he released his grip and Drew was able to savor the load from his master and clean Bart's cock of the remaining cum leaking from it. Bart took a deep breath as he felt his orgasm subside and looked down and patted the head of his boy.

"Good boy," Bart said with a smile.

Drew bowed his head and Bart got up and stretched.

"Rise boy," Bart said.

Drew got up from the floor and Bart raised his right hand. Drew placed his face under the man's armpit and rubbed his beard in it. He breathed deeply taking in the strong musk. It was his daily ritual to be marked with his master's scent and one of the highlights of his day. Once he was done, Bart slapped Drew's ass and went into the bathroom. Drew had already laid out a towel for him and as Bart got cleaned up, Drew went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

Drew was just laying out Bart's food and coffee when the man came into the kitchen.

"Wes is starting to wake up, boy," Bart said. "He has asked for you."

"I will go to him now, Sir," Drew replied.

Drew crossed the room and entered the bedroom and found Wes sitting up in bed, stretching. He smiled and came around the bed and got down on his knees to look up at his other master.

"Good morning, Sir!" Drew replied. "It's a pleasure to be of service to you today."

Wes smiled. "Good morning, cubby. I'm in the mood to fuck this morning. Please assume the position."

"I would be honored, Sir," Drew replied.

Drew climbed onto the bed as Wes stepped out. He got on all fours and got situated so his ass was hanging off the side of the bed. He then moved his ass downward to be at the right angle. Wes grabbed a bottle of lube on the side table and squirted some in Drew's hole and started to finger it.

Drew moaned as he felt Wes finger his ass. He placed his face between his hands and pushed it down into the bed to muffle his noises. Wes worked first one finger, then two, and then three into Drew before he coated his hard cock with the lube and placed it at the entrance to Drew's ass.

Wes pushed forward and looked down to watch his cock as it entered Drew's ass. He grabbed the boy's waist and guided him down just slightly to make it more comfortable for him to enter.

"Hands back, boy," Wes said.

Drew pulled his hands back onto his lower back and Wes grabbed them and used them to pull himself deeper into the boy's ass. He then pulled back and just before his cock popped out, he pushed back in again. Wes could take a while to achieve orgasm, especially in the morning, and Drew knew that he might be in for a ride. Wes took a deep breath and started to fuck his boy at a medium pace. As his crotch hit Drew's ass, the smacking sound echoed out and bounced off the walls.

For ten minutes, Wes fucked Drew without stopping. Drew had his face planted in the sheets and bit down on them as the man picked up the pace. As Wes held firmly onto Drew's back-stretched arms, he used his leverage to start to pound and get deep into the boy. Drew felt Wes fill him deeply and his nub started straining in his cage from the stimulation. It was not often that Wes hit his prostate the way Bart often did, but this morning things were lined up perfectly and he felt a sensation building in his balls. Drew turned his head so he could speak.

"Sir, does your boy have permission to drain his nub?"

"You may," Wes said with a smile as he continued to fuck.

Drew held his breath and clenched down on Wes's cock as he felt an orgasm overtake him and cum started to shoot out of his caged nub and onto the sheets below. The strong grip of Drew's ass on Wes's cock sent him over the edge too and he started to groan and grunt and then shoved his cock deep into Drew.

"Take that, boy!" Wes growled as his load filled Drew's ass.

Drew felt the pulsing of Wes's cock as it continued to drain. Wes was known for his large loads and Drew knew today's would be tough to keep inside.

"Thank you for the honor," Drew replied, as he was catching his breath and felt his nub start to shrink again.

Wes pulled out and looked down as his cock fell from Drew's hole. Cum started to leak out and Wes reached down and used his finger to rub it back in. He then bent down and kissed Drew's ass before going into the bathroom.

Drew took a few more deep breaths and then got off the bed and caught the remains of his load dripping off his cage and swallowed it. He then went into the linen closet and grabbed Wes a clean towel and hung it over the shower door before returning to the kitchen to make Wes's morning smoothie. Bart was finishing breakfast when he entered.

"Please refill my coffee, boy," Bart said.

"Yes, Sir," Drew replied as he took Bart's empty plate and cup.

Drew was still breathing heavily and Bart watched as the boy walked past him. The hair on Drew's ass was still matted with lube and cum and some was leaking down his leg. Bart smiled. Drew refilled Bart's cup and then turned to return it to him and then grabbed some fruit and milk out of the refrigerator.

"Do you have a busy day in store, Sir?" Drew asked Bart as he started to fill the blender on the counter.

"Might be," Bart replied as he looked back at his tablet and read the news. "We have a few clients coming in today that we have to give extra attention to. But at least the week is almost over."

It was Thursday and the weekend was looking to be a busy one for Drew. It was the 8th annual Urban Bear Weekend and his masters and he were planning on attending. The first event they were going to was the Underbear Party tomorrow night at Rockbar, but Saturday was going to be a full day, as they had friends in town, and Drew knew he would be expected to pleasure them as needed.

"Good morning, babe," Wes said as he came into the kitchen and bent down to kiss Bart.

"Good morning!" Bart replied. "How did you sleep?"

"Not bad," Wes replied. "I even had the energy to fuck this one today and made his nub cream."

"Impressive!" Bart said with a smile as he looked over at Drew. "I hope you thanked him for that privilege, boy."

"Yes, Sir!" Drew replied as he brought Wes his smoothie to drink.

Wes took the drink and sat down opposite Bart.

"When are Stephen and James going to get into town?" Wes asked.

"They texted me that they would be flying in tomorrow afternoon around 2 pm," Bart replied. "Drew, I need you to be at the airport to meet them and assist them in getting back to the apartment. You will carry their bags and pay for their taxi."

"Absolutely, Sir!" Drew replied as he went to grab his phone to put in a reminder. "Can you send me their flight info, Sir?"

"I'm sending it to you now, boy," Bart replied as he grabbed his phone.

After Wes and Bart finished their drinks, they continued to get dressed for work and Drew returned to the kitchen to clean up and prepare for the day.

"You may shower this morning, boy," Bart said as he finished tying his tie and came into the living room to grab his jacket. "You will need to wash the sheets to remove the stain from your nub and I also need you to pick up some things from the grocery. I will text you a list."

"Thank you, Sir!" Drew replied.

Drew was allowed to shower a few times a week, usually for good behavior, but otherwise, he used a washcloth to clean as needed. Today was going to be a full day of cleaning the apartment in addition to his chores for Bart.

Wes finished getting dressed and slipped his shoes on as Bart put on his jacket. He came over and hugged Bart and they kissed one more time before turning to ensure they had their phones and computers.

"Have a good day, boy!" Wes said as the two opened the door to leave.

"Thank you, Sirs!" Drew replied.

Next: Chapter 2

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