Manhattan Doms

By Locked Cub

Published on Jul 1, 2021


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This story takes place in 2016, approximately three months after the conclusion of "Southern Chastity". While the previous story does not have to be read to understand and enjoy this text, I encourage you to read it if you are interested in understanding more about the character of John who is referenced here.

Manhattan Doms - A Southern Chastity Novella - Part 3

Friday morning, Drew was on Bart's cock first thing and had a belly full of cum within ten minutes. When Bart went to clean up, Wes wanted a blow job too, so Drew moved over and pulled a load out of him next. He was still suckling on Wes's softening cock and tasting the last bits of cum when Bart came back into the room from the bathroom.

"Best get going, babe, we have a lot to do today," Bart said as he went to grab his clothes.

"I know," Wes said. "Just coming down from my orgasm. Gave me a head rush."

Wes looked down at Drew and ran his hand over the boy's face and beard.

"Get up and face me, boy," Wes said.

Drew got to his feet and Wes reached out and adjusted the boy's cage and pulled his balls down. He then grabbed onto Drew's waist and looked up at him.

"We are very thankful to have you in our lives," Wes said. "Give your master a kiss."

Drew smiled and leaned down and Wes opened his mouth and let his tongue push into Drew's and the two exchanged an embrace for a moment. Drew closed his eyes and felt his nub start to swell. He met his master's tongue and Wes tasted his load in the boy's mouth. Wes laughed and pulled back.

"I guess I forgot how much I cum," Wes said with a smile.

"It's always tasty, though," Drew replied.

Wes reached out and squeezed Drew's nub that was fully swollen and then slapped his ass lightly.

"I'm sure you'll have enough cock in your ass today to help drain that," Wes said as he got up from the bed. "You better get in there to tend to Bart and breakfast. I will be in shortly after my shower."

"Yes, Sir!" Drew replied as he turned to leave.

Drew came into the kitchen and Bart was just sitting down at the table. Drew brought over his breakfast, which he had already prepared, and went to work on Wes's smoothie next.

"No showers this weekend, boy," Bart said. "I want you good and scent-marked by Sunday."

"I understand, Sir," Drew replied as he blended the fruit and milk on the counter.

"When you have picked up Stephen and James and have them back at the apartment, I want you to text me and let me know," Bart said. "You can entertain them till we come home. We will eat here tonight. I will let you choose what the dinner will be."

"No problem, Sir," Drew replied. "I already have some ideas in mind."

"Good boy," Bart replied.

Wes walked in a few minutes later after he had dried off, but there was still some moisture clinging to his chest hair that was glistening in the morning light. He leaned over and kissed Bart and then sat down. Drew brought over his drink and the two men chatted.

"Are you still getting off at your normal time, babe?" Wes asked.

"Yes," Bart replied. "I tried to take some time off, but it's just really busy right now."

"Oh, I get it," Wes said. "I'm in the same boat."

"Are the sheets clean for the pull-out bed on the sofa?" Bart asked as he looked over at Drew.

"They are, Sir," Drew replied. "I figured I would wait to get the bed ready till later this evening."

"Sounds good, boy," Bart said.

The two men finished their breakfast and then turned to get dressed as Drew cleared the table and washed the dishes. After they were ready, they slipped on their shoes and bid farewell to their sub and left for the day.

Drew grabbed his cereal and sat down to eat and pulled out his phone to text Chip and ask when he wanted to come over. Drew knew he had to be over at the airport by 2 pm, so he wanted to leave after lunch to have plenty of time to hail a ride and get over there. His phone chimed a short time later and he looked down to see it was Chip.

"Good morning!" Drew said, picking it up.

"Morning," Chip replied. "So, is it ok for me to come with you all tonight?"

"Absolutely," Drew said. "Master Bart just requested you come over early and help entertain his guests. Are you still up for that?"

"Sure thing," Chip replied. "I talked to David and he encouraged me to come over and spend some time with you all since I have not left the house except to run errands for him for a while. What time do you want me over?"

"Up to you," Drew replied. "I have to do a little cleaning around here, but then I head over after lunch to pick up the guys."

"How about I come over when you get back from the airport?" Chip asked.

"Sounds like a plan," Drew said. "I'll let you know when we are on the way back here."

"Ok," Chip said. "See you later today."

Drew set his phone down and went to clean his bowl and then he went into the bathroom and wet a washcloth and put a little soap in it to run over his pits and groin and cage. Once he dried off, he put on his black jock that really supported and showed his cage off, as well as framed his ass, and then went into the kitchen to bake some brownies and cookies for the men to have over the weekend.

After cleaning the bathroom and lunch, Drew got dressed and headed down to the street to grab a ride out to the airport. It was not as warm as it was yesterday, but it was still nice and sunny. It took about forty-five minutes to get there, but when he was dropped off, he noticed he had plenty of time to get inside. He had brought a white poster with him that he had written Stephen's and James's names on and he stood near the baggage claim to await their arrival.

About twenty minutes later, he saw a man wave at him and come over to where he was standing. He was a shorter, Hispanic man who had a nice belly on him. Behind him was a taller, darker man that had a bald head and a thick beard and was smiling.

"Are you Wes and Bart's boy?" the shorter man asked.

"I am, Sir," Drew replied. "My name is Drew."

"Good to meet you, Drew," the shorter man said as he held out his hand. "My name is James and this hunk of a man behind me is my hubby, Stephen."

Stephen laughed and shook Drew's hand. "Good to meet you, boy."

"Likewise," Drew said. "Do you have any checked luggage?"

"Just one bag," James replied. "It should be here soon."

Drew helped them locate where the baggage claim carousel was and once they found their bag, Drew carried it for them.

"Come with me, Sirs," Drew said. "I will hail a car to take you into the city."

"Excellent," Stephen said, as they both followed Drew outside.

Drew sat between the two men in the backseat of the car as they rode back downtown. It was a tight squeeze, but it gave him a chance to meet them for the first time. Drew had heard about the two for several years. Bart and Wes had flown out twice to see them in Denver, but this was their first trip to New York.

"So, what is this Urban Bear like?" James asked.

"It's pretty cool," Drew replied. "It is mainly dance parties in the evening or hanging out on Christopher Street, but they also have a street fair on Sunday in the Meatpacking District. There are usually a lot of people and lots of eye candy."

"Well, I have to say that I think you are some nice eye candy," Stephen said as his big hand ran over Drew's lap and squeezed his leg.

Drew smiled. "Thank you, Sir. My friend Chip will also be coming over this afternoon to help me entertain you till my masters get home."

"Is this friend a sub, too?" James asked.

"He is, Sir," Drew replied.

"Now, that is what I call hospitality," Stephen replied with his deep voice.

Drew had texted Chip to let him know they were on the way into the city and Drew saw him waiting outside the building when they pulled up.

"Hey Drew," Chip said as everyone piled out of the car.

"Hey Chip," Drew replied. "Let me grab the luggage from the back of the car and we can head up."

Drew grabbed the bag and introduced the guests to Chip and then they all headed inside to grab an elevator up. Once they got to the correct floor and walked into the apartment, Drew took his clothes off except for his jock and folded them neatly next to the door. Chip did the same but stripped down completely naked.

Chip was about 25 years old and slim, with a buzzed head and a short red beard. He was pretty hairy from the waist down, but just had some light blonde and red fur in the middle of his chest. He was not in chastity like Drew, but the head of his cock barely poked out above his large balls that were surrounded by some red hair.

"I will say it again," Stephen said as he turned to look at the two subs near the door, "damn nice eye candy."

Chip blushed. "Thank you, Sir!"

"Why don't you come over here to the couch, Chip," Stephen said.

Chip followed him over to the living room and James grabbed a pill bottle out of his bag.

"Do you have something I can drink, boy?"

"Sure, Sir," Drew replied. "I have bottled water, soda, and various alcoholic drinks."

"Water is fine for now," James replied.

Drew grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge and handed it to James so he could take his pill and then he sat down at the kitchen table. Drew looked over and saw that Stephen had pulled his pants down and was sitting on the sofa with Chip bobbing up and down on his very large cock. James started to unbuckle his pants and looked over at Drew.

"How about you take care of me," James said. "It's been a long flight."

"Happy to, Sir," Drew replied.

"And take off the jock if you don't mind," James said. "I want to see everything."

Drew smiled and slipped off his jock and tossed it to the side of the room. James smiled when he saw the small cage that encased the boy's nub and as Drew neared him, he reached out and grabbed it.

"I do love the look of a small cage on a boy," James said. "Ok, on your knees now."

Drew got down in front of James while the man undid his pants and pulled them down. Drew saw his thick, uncut cock pop out of his underwear and a bead of precum form at the tip. Drew grinned and went right for it and sucked the nectar off before pulling James's cock into his mouth. The blood continued to fill the shaft of James's cock and Drew was amazed at the girth. He had it down his throat when it finished swelling and he coughed and choked and had to back off.

"Be careful there, boy," James said as he smiled.

Drew went back at the man's cock and licked down the shaft and pulled the man's balls into his mouth. They were large and he could taste the sweat and smell his scent as his nose buried itself in James's bush. Drew breathed deeply and then moved back up the shaft to tackle the head again.

While Drew was getting started, Chip was already working hard on Stephen's large cock. It was massive and he tried to get as much as he could down his throat, but it was a useless attempt. Stephen grabbed Chip's head and attempted to face-fuck him but was only able to get about half of his cock down the boy's throat before he coughed.

"Turn around and bend over this coffee table," Stephen said.

Chip got up and bent over and Stephen moved forward to bury his face in the ass in front of him. His tongue went right for Chip's hole and the boy moaned loudly as it penetrated him. His small cock started to stiffen and before long was at its full length of about four inches (10 cm) and was starting to drip precum.

"Oh fuck, Sir!" Chip groaned as Stephen spat on his hole and continued to invade it with his tongue.

Chip's legs started to shake and he braced himself on the table. It had been several months since David fucked him last and he had mostly been giving his husband blowjobs. Chip was enjoying the stimulation and a bead of precum dripped down to form a rope that extended onto the table below. Chip closed his eyes and continued to moan.

Stephen continued to spit on Chip's hole and then placed his thumb on the entrance and pushed it in. Chip moaned even louder as it moved deeply inside him.

"You have a tight ass, boy," Stephen said.

"It's ready for your cock, though, Sir!" Chip replied.

"Prove it," Stephen said as he pulled his finger out and sat back.

Chip smiled and stood up and grabbed the lube that was on the table. He placed some on his hand and brought it back to his ass and started to work it into his hole. He then turned around and grabbed Stephen's rock-hard member and pointed it at his ass. He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths and then pushed back and felt the large head pop into his hole.

"Fuck!" Chip said loudly as he started to back down slowly.

Stephen watched as the red-headed boy sat down on his cock. Its long, dark length disappeared into the pale, hairy white ass a bit at a time. He reached up and grabbed Chip's waist and helped guide him downward.

"Fucking tight ass," Stephen said as he groaned from the sensation.

Chip kept moving down until he felt himself bottom out on the cock. It felt as though it was going to poke into his stomach and he caught his breath before starting to move up and down on it. Waves of energy shot through his ass immediately and he could not help but groan loudly.

"Damn, your cock is nice, Sir!" Chip said.

"That's a boy," Stephen replied. "Ride that dick!"

Drew heard the two fucking as he continued to suck on James's thick meat. He had started to roll the large testicles around in his hand as he worked the shaft and James had leaned back and closed his eyes and was moaning slightly. Spurt after spurt of precum was forming at the head and Drew was swallowing it all. It had a sweet taste to it and Drew was savoring every drop.

Drew grabbed James's cock with one hand and then started to move his head down and tilt it side to side. He varied his suction and let his tongue move around the shaft as he bobbed up and down. He then deep-throated him as much as he could and took in his scent as he brought his nose into James's crotch.

"Fuck!" James groaned loudly.

Drew felt his cock pulse in his hand and ropes of cum started pouring out. The first volley took Drew by surprise and some of it shot on his beard before he was able to get his mouth back on it, but he let the rest collect in his mouth and then he swallowed it. He licked under the foreskin of James and nibbled on it. The sensation was too much and James curled his toes and pulled back from Drew.

"Woah there, boy," James said with a grin as his cock continued to pulse its last bits of cum. "I'm really sensitive after I orgasm."

Drew smiled and gently licked the shaft and nursed the last bits of cum from James's cock. James took a deep breath and rubbed Drew's head.

Chip, meanwhile, had been moved and bent over the couch. Stephen was fucking him deeply and the couch was groaning from the thrusts. Drew looked over and saw that Chip's eyes were wide and he was groaning as the large cock impaled him. The smack of Stephen's cock could be heard across the room, along with a sliding sound caused by the lube. Stephen was biting his lower lip and held firmly onto the boy's waist as he pounded quickly.

The head of Stephen's cock was grinding across Chip's prostate every time he pulled out and pushed in and it was too much for the boy to handle anymore.

"Fuck!" Chip screamed as his small cock erupted cum onto the cushion of the couch.

His ass involuntary squeezed as his orgasm continued and Stephen was sent near the edge.

"You ready, boy?" Stephen asked.

"Fill me deep, Sir!" Chip replied between gasps of air.

"Here it comes!" Stephen yelled as he groaned loudly.

Chip felt Stephen's cock shove into him and deliver its load. Chip's cock sent two more pulses of cum out and he collapsed on the back of the couch. Stephen waited for a few minutes and then slowly withdrew his cock and watched as it fell from Chip's ass. The boy's hole was red and raw from the pounding and cum started to drip down and over his balls.

Chip sat back on his legs and looked down and saw his load dripping down the back of the couch. He leaned down and licked as much as he could, but he knew he would have to clean the cushions well before Drew's masters got home. He got off the couch and stood beside Stephen and caught his breath.

"Fucking hell, boy," Stephen said as he looked down. "You might not have much there, but that is an impressive load."

"I've always shot a lot," Chip replied. "I used to hit myself in the eye as a kid."

Stephen laughed and stroked his softening cock. Some residual cum was still coming out and Chip got down on his knees to suck it off before collecting his own and swallowing that as well. Stephen looked over at James, who was still sitting at the table with his soft cock being nursed by Drew.

"You get drained, baby?" Stephen asked.

"Oh, yes," James said with a smile as he held a thumbs-up. "This boy has quite the mouth on him."

Drew came off James's cock and smiled and stood. "I will have to get dinner started shortly. Would you like to rest, watch TV, or take a nap, Sirs?"

James reached down and pulled his underwear up and stood. "A nap might be nice."

"Agreed," Stephen said as he rubbed his stomach. "Where is the bathroom, first?"

"It's over in the bedroom to your right," Drew replied.

"We need to clean the couch here," Chip said, looking over at Drew, ashamed.

"Not to worry," Drew replied. "Believe me, I am used to cleaning the furniture around here."

Drew went and got some upholstery cleaner and Chip helped him get the stain out before Stephen returned. James then laid down on the couch and Stephen took the reclining chair.

"Do you want to help me get dinner ready?" Drew asked Chip.

"Sure!" Chip replied.

As the two visitors settled down to rest and recuperate, Drew and Chip went into the kitchen. Drew put his apron on and handed a spare to Chip.

"Would you like a drink?" Drew asked.

"Sure, do you have any soda?" Chip replied.

"Yup, just grab one from the bottom of the fridge," Drew said.

Drew pulled out his cookbook and started to study it. He wanted to create something he had not done in a while, but also something the men would enjoy. He had several crockpot recipes and he chose the Ginger Chicken one as the main dish. He had the vegetables to make a cabbage slaw to go with it and carrot cake for dessert.

"So, what have you decided?" Chip asked as he came behind Drew and put his arm around his shoulders.

"I think this one here," Drew said as he pointed to the image of the final dish.

"That looks tasty!" Chip replied.

"Grab me the slow cooker out of the bottom cabinet and we can get started," Drew said. "This takes several hours to cook on high."

After pulling out the equipment, Drew went to combine the chicken and spices along with some apricot jam in the cooker and got it heated up. He then turned to prep the carrot cake batter and Chip assisted him along the way. They snuck a few cookies out of the tin that Drew had made earlier for his guests and the two had a fun time discussing old times while they worked.

After everything was in the oven and cooking, Drew moved over to sit at the table and Chip followed him.

"What time are you all heading out this evening?" Chip asked.

"Oh, I think that master Bart said we would leave here about 9 pm," Drew replied. "He likes to get there early and that gives us time to get there in case there are delays. Did you bring some sexy underwear to dance in?"

"I did!" Chip replied with a smile.

Chip got up and walked over and picked up the small bag he had brought with him and placed it on the floor next to his clothes. He opened it up and pulled out some high-cut skivvies that were red with black trim.

"Those will show off your ass," Drew replied.

"And look at this!" Chip said as he turned them around.

On the back of the underwear in bold, black letters it said, 'insert here'.

Drew chuckled. "You are a brave man wearing that at a bear bar."

"Hey, at least I am guaranteed a grope," Chip replied, as he put them away and came to sit down again.

"Oh please," Drew said. "Everyone loves a ginger. Especially with a fuzzy, bubble butt."

Chip smiled. "What do you have planned to wear?"

"Probably my black Cellblock 13 jock," Drew said. "It has a zipper in the front if people want to pull my cage out and see or play with it and the straps help support my ass."

"You do have a nice ass," Chip replied, with a wink. "Thanks again for inviting me, though. It has been a long time since I got a chance to get out and have some fun."

"For sure!" Drew replied.

Next: Chapter 4

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