Manson of My Dreams

By Randy Seigel

Published on Jul 5, 1999


Okay disclaimer time. This story in no way implies that Marilyn Manson is gay or a nice guy. This is also my first attempt at fan-erotica, so go easy on me. I'm not a writer, I'm a buyer for a music store with too much free time and a boyfriend who works really late most nights. :-)

Man(son) of my dreams Part 1

I scowled as I began to sort through the bills on my table. I hated this time of the month because I could never seem to make the money in my bank account equal up to my bills. After a pointless fight with my bills, I picked up the phone and called my friend Marty.

"Marty, it's Mikel. I need a favor." He sighed into the phone.

"How much and how soon?"

"About $300 and as soon as possible. What have you got open for tonight? I'll even do the shit work right now." I heard him flipping through pages. I crossed my fingers that I wouldn't get stuck with a really horrible assignment, like Hanson again.

"Okay, I need another waiter for a party thrown by Rose McGowan. Or I need a bartender for Natalie Merchant's swim party at 2. Which one you want?"

"I'll take the waiting job. I'll actually make some money that way. I worked a Natalie party as a bartender before and nobody drinks. Give me the details of what's going on." Marty and I talked for another ten minutes about the party and our lives. He was one of my best friends, which was why I didn't feel too weird asking him for work. Being a writer, I often had to supplement my income whatever way I could. And Marty was the director of a cater/ party business. A celebrity would call him up, tell him what they wanted, and he would do all the work. He would throw bartending or waiter work my way when I needed it. I'd met a lot of celebrities that way, but mostly it was because they wanted another drink or something like that. I was a servant to do their bidding. I always found it odd that these people always treated us like dirt. Hell, most of them did this before they were famous. I hopped into the shower to get ready for the evening. According to Marty, Rose was throwing a party because her fiance just got back from his tour. I was supposed to be setting up with the other three waiters and the bartender at his place. Marty hadn't told me his name and I couldn't remember it. That wasn't much of a big deal. Half the time I don't know whose there when I am serving. At 2:30, I was ready to go. I grabbed my laptop and my car keys. I never go anywhere without my laptop. I've been caught too many times with inspiration and nowhere to write it down. I fought the traffic in the city and ended up in front of Marty's at 3:30. Not bad for LA in the middle of the day. Of course on a good day it's a fifteen minute drive. I locked up the car in the lot and grabbed my stuff out of it. The others were already there by the time I got upstairs. "Mikel, glad you could make it." Marty scowled at me when I walked in. I hated begging for a job and then being late. He continued going over our duties for the evening. Turns out it was a buffet job and all we were there for was as a go-between for the bartender. "Okay the five of you should get going to set up. The cooks and servers will be there at 7:30. And please don't insult these clients. Apparently these parties are wild and they pay very well for silence. Oh and Rose said not to talk to anyone unless you are spoken to first. She said some of the band members are a little crazy." I raised my hand, as was the custom during Marty's instructions. You never just opened your mouth. He'll call on you if he wants to. I was shocked he actually acknowledged my raised hand. "Okay this is probably going to sound really stupid, but who is her fiance. I can't seem to remember."

Marty and the others began to laugh. Apparently this was common knowledge and I was the only idiot who didn't know.

"Sorry buddy. As a favor to me, nobody is going to tell you. Let's say its going to be a little surprise. You know I will never let you go easily when you call me up like this."

"Thanks Marty. I'll remember that next time and take the party with the person who I recognize."

"Hey no problem buddy. But trust me you'll enjoy the surprise."

We climbed into the van crammed with anything we might need while working. Alicia, the bartender, was driving. She and I were good friends, having gotten to know each other during some very boring parties we had both been bartenders at.

"So Alicia, who is it? You know how I hate surprises."

She laughed and shook her head. Knowing I wasn't going to get the answer from her, I gave up. I didn't know the others that well. I pulled out my laptop and decided to review some of the recent work I had done. I stuck my headphones on and listened to a CD I had with me. It was Tori and usually she relaxes me a lot, but today I wasn't in the mood for her. I wanted something angry and loud. I sighed wishing I had some Nine Inch Nails or even some Manson. I took my headphones off and looked around. I was really bored and the writing was going nowhere.

"Hey Alicia, how long until we get there?"

"About another hour. Why Mikel?"

"I was just going to log on. Check some mail you know."


I grabbed my cell phone and hooked it into my modem. I turned it on and dialed up my server. I was quickly connected and logged onto AOL. I don't know why I chose AOL. Frankly, I think it really sucks for online service. My ex still paid for all this stuff, so for now I was stuck with his choices.

Once I was on, my buddy list popped up and it was my ex Paul. <Hey Mikel, how are you?> <Did you need money?> <Yeah, I called Marty. I'm on my way to a party now.> <Mikel, you know you can ask me. I'll give you money no strings attached.>

I sighed, knowing I had made the wrong move telling him I was doing a job for Marty. <It's cool Paul. I kind of like earning my own money every once in a while.> <Oh, so now you think me giving you money is the easy way out.> <That's not what I meant Paul.> <I know Paul. I'm sorry.>

Even as I apologized, I got angrier at him. Paul and I broke up six months ago and he constantly likes to remind me that he was paying for my lifestyle. We had been together for so long, that he felt like it was a divorce and ended up offering to pay my expenses and give me some spending money. Plus he supported my writing wholeheartedly even after the break-up, so he wanted me to concentrate on that as much as possible. <Let's not argue Paul. Tell me how things are with you and Kalen. How is he?> <Things are fine with me and Kalen. Actually, he and I have been discussing the living situation recently. He wants me to come live with him.>

Yes I was bitter, but I had promised to be good. I did like Kalen actually. And boy was this guy loaded. He was a stock market boy. Bought Microsoft in the early 80's. And did it again when he bought AOL when it first came out. <So what about you Mikel. Are you seeing anyone?>

Was I seeing anyone? Just my hand quite often. I don't date because I don't like people very much. Besides since Paul and I broke it off, I hadn't really found anyone special enough to even go out on a date with. <Mikel, I know some great guys who would love you. Let me fix you up.> <Paul that's okay. I don't need my ex-boyfriend to find me dates.> <Who is it?>

I was still jealous of his business that's for sure. I like to know who he is wheeling and dealing with. <Mikel, you know I can't tell you that. What if it gets out?> <Fine Paul. I understand. You know I wouldn't out any of your clients anyway.> <Mikel, it's Ricky Martin, okay. I'll call you later. We'll do lunch.>

I leaned back and sighed. The guy next to me looked over.

"Guy trouble?"

"Ex trouble. He's such a pain sometimes."

Alicia decided to jump into this conversation. She knew Paul was supporting me still and didn't like when I talked bad about him.

"Charlie, don't listen to him. His ex is actually a great guy. He still pays for him to write full-time. Unlike the rest of us, Mikel here only works when he runs really low."

"Alicia, you don't know the half of it. He can be a real jerk. It was his decision to give me money and pay for stuff, not mine. He holds that over me all the time to get me to do what he wants. So he's not mister nice guy."

Charlie just smiled at me and turned to talk to the other woman next to him. It was Sara and she and I don't get along much anyway. I just decided to ignore them all and continued to surf online. I had gotten two e-mails from my mother saying that I didn't call enough and she missed me. Also my sister was having another baby and I better be there for the party she was throwing. And I had better bring a date to this one. My mother was a trip that's for sure. But now I had to find a date.

Man(son) of my Dreams part 2

Alicia turned into a long driveway and drove up to the door. I disconnected and packed everything away. We all hopped out.

"Mikel, will you knock on the door while the rest of us start unloading? You are good at talking to the customers."

I walked up to the door and knocked. The door was thrown open and a man looked at me. He looked vaguely familiar. Short blond hair, deep-set eyes, and a penetrating gaze.

"Can I help you with something?"

"Yes, my name is Mikel Vasquez. I'm looking for a Miss McGowan. We are her servers for this evening."

The man just looked at me and walked away. Confused, I just stood there. He turned to look at me. With a disgusted look, he motioned me to follow. He lead me to the living room and pointed to the couch. I took that to mean he wanted me to sit, so I did. He sat next to me and picked up a phone.

"I'll call you back."

"She told you not to talk to any of us because we're crazy right?"


"Rose does that all the time. Doesn't approve of us really, but she has to put up with us. Wait here. I'll go get her."

He walked out, leaving me very confused. A few moments later, he came back in, followed by a beautiful, young woman. I stood up and introduced myself. "Hello, I'm Mikel Vasquez. Are you Rose McGowan?" "Yes I am. Where are the rest of you? Did M.W. leave them standing outside?" She gave him a look and he just smiled back. I followed her this time, passing M.W. who muttered bitch' under his breath. I grinned slightly when I heard and he saw. He nodded his head and winked at me. I wondered what he meant by that. As we walked back outside, I realized who he was. It wasn't until she said MW' did I realize that he was Madonna Wayne Gacy. So that means her fiance is Marilyn Manson! When we reached everyone else, I pulled Alicia aside.

"It's Marilyn Manson! Why did Marty want to surprise me like that?"

"Because he knew you were a fan. He wanted to make it special."

It was rather uneventful setting up for the party. Rose pointed us to where we were setting up and let us be. M.W. occasionally came out to say hi, but he was pretty distant and couldn't keep his mind on the conversation. When we were done, Rose said we could chill in the living room. So the five of us sat around talking. I remembered quickly why I didn't like Sara and soon excused myself to go to the bathroom. It was really odd to walk around this house. Despite the fact that the whole band and Rose was here, not to mention the five of us, it seemed uninhabited. The bathroom was empty and I shut the door behind me. Like many of the other rooms, it was all white. The place was so cold and unfeeling. I got a chill just pissing there. I felt like I was being watched. All of a sudden the door flung open. I kind of yelped and shoved my dick back into my pants. The person who interrupted me said sorry quickly and backed out. I didn't even see him. I quickly finished and washed my hands. I opened the door and the person who interrupted was still there. He was squatting by the door with his head down and his hair pulled back. He looked up when I opened the door. He put his hand out. I was already getting used to this from M.W. and extended my hand as well. I pulled him up and he stood up. That was when I realized it was Marilyn Manson.

"Hey, I'm really sorry about walking in on you and everything. I don't usually do stuff like that."

"It's okay man. I was just startled. No harm done."

"Your one of the waiters aren't you. I'm Marilyn. This supposed to be a surprise party and everything. That's why she has me sequestered in my room, but Twiggy's bad at keeping secrets. I really gotta piss okay. Wait here. I want to talk to you."

He ran into the bathroom and shut the door. I stood there like an idiot, dumbfounded at what was going on. And then I realized I was hard as a rock from just touching his hand. These goddamn uniforms don't hide anything either. He opened the door and grabbed my arm.

"Come on follow me. Want to meet everyone? What's your name anyway?"

"I'm Mikel. It's an honor to meet you Mr. Manson."

He stopped and started to laugh. He got up really close to my face and stared in my eyes, hypnotizing me.

"Don't call me Mr. Manson. No one calls me Mr. Manson unless I don't like them and tell them to. I like you a lot. You can call me Marilyn."

He grabbed my hand and squeezed it in his. I gave him a confused look when he did that. I looked down at my hand in his and just shrugged. I'm not going to argue when one of my idols decides he wants to hold my hand. I let him lead me to the other end of the house. We made small talk about nothing really. He was really easy to talk to and was quite friendly. This kind of threw me. I'd always heard that he was very close-mouthed and intimidating. Most people are scared of him. It was actually suprisingly easy to forget he was Marilyn Manson as he walked next to me without any strange clothes, make-up, or his trademark contacts.

"So Mikel, are you married?"

"Nope, never found the right person. It's also not really legal for me to marry anyway."

He looked at me and laughed again. He had a nice laugh, soft and musical.

"I thought you were gay, but I wasn't sure. I guess that's why I liked you right away. Come on. The guys are in my room."

He opened a door that said `Entrance to hell' on it and led me inside. There were four guys sitting around discussing chords. M.W. had ended up here at some point and was humming a complicated chord for Ginger who writing down notes as fast as M.W. hummed them. Twiggy was discussing the finer points of bass playing with John 5, the guitarist for the tour.

"Hey guys. I want you to meet someone. This is Mikel. He's one of Rosie's boys here to serve us tonight. Hey speaking of boys, where'd Trent go?"

"He's in the can Marilyn. Where'd you lose Rose and pick up the kid?"

Twiggy and Ginger laughed. Apparently none of them were that fond of Rose.

"Did you know that she told them not to talk to us again. Told them we were crazy and everything. That's starting to piss me off and you know how easily I get pissed off."

M.W. complained loudly. John gave him a quick kiss to shut him up. It served it's purpose and M.W. put his arm around John.

"Sorry honey. I'll be good."

He kissed him back and settled into him. Twiggy and Ginger looked at me to see my response when that happened. Marilyn came to my rescue.

"That's the reason John is our guitarist on tour. Madonna didn't want to leave him behind. Oh Twiggy, Ginger relax. He's family too."

When he said that, I began to wonder exactly how many of them were gay and why there were never rumours about these guys. I was really wondering about Marilyn. Most people don't use the term family unless they are family as well. Was he gay?

"I'm going to go take Mikel back and fetch Rose from the play room. I kind of locked her in and she's probably pissed off."

"It was nice to meet you Mikel. We'll probably see you later ok."

I waved good-bye to them and followed Marilyn out. He grabbed my hand again, having dropped it when we were with the other guys.

"And to answer your unspoken question: yes I am. It's not common knowledge though. That's where Rose comes in. Being gay isn't good for the anti-christ, glam image thing I kind of have going on."

I just looked at him, not knowing what to say or do. He took care of that, leaning in and kissing me softly on the lips.

"So can you speak now?"

Marilyn's hand squeezed mine and we kept walking. I was dumbfounded at this. He had actually kissed me and I hadn't kissed him back. What was I thinking???

"Mikel, before I go let Rose out and deliver you to your friends, can I ask you something?"

"Sure Marilyn. Anything."

"What are you doing tomorrow?"

My mind automatically went to my datebook and saw a huge nothing scheduled for tomorrow. I looked at him and smiled.

"Nothing really."

He smiled back.

"Great. Want to go swimming? Say around 11:30. We'll have lunch. I'll make my famous macaroni and hot dogs. Twiggy and I live on `em."

He kept running on nervously and stopped, avoiding my eyes as he waited for an answer. I figured what the hell and went for it. I grabbed his chin and pulled him towards me and kissed him, running my tongue in his mouth tasting him. We broke apart and he just smiled at me like a kid.

"Is that a yes?"

"Of course it's a yes Marilyn."

We just walked in silence then, holding hands tightly until he came to a door labled `Play Room'. I could hear banging on the door and a woman's voice screaming.

"Brian Warner you let me out right now! I'm going to call your father!"

"This is kinda where I left Rose. So this is where I leave you for now. I'm sure I will see you tonight. And of course tomorrow."

He kissed me lightly and pointed where I should go. I quickly found myself in the living room looking a little lost.

"Geez Mikel, guess you really had to go. Or else you got kidnapped by Mr. Manson and locked in his torture chamber."

I laughed nervously and grabbed my laptop. I had to write this down in my journal. I almost don't even believe it.

---So what do you think??? Will Mikel and Manson get together? Or is he being led on? Find out as soon as I write the next one. Send any comments or suggestions to me Flames will be ignored.

Next: Chapter 2

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