Manson of My Dreams

By Randy Seigel

Published on Jul 28, 1999


Man(son) of my Dreams Part 5

---Okay part 5 is here. Hope you guys like it. Disclaimer time: This in no one implies that Marilyn Manson, MW Gacy, or John 5 of the band Marilyn Manson are gay or even nice guys to be around. It's just a story! So relax!

I slammed my hand on the wheel. I hate traffic. I put the car in park. I wasn't going to be moving anytime soon. I grabbed my phone out of my bag and called Marty.

"Hello? Martin Bowlings speaking."

"Marty, I need a favor?"

"How much and how soon?"

"Not money this time. A phone number."

"Mikel, I can't do that. You know I can't do that."

"Please my future happiness depends on this phone number. I'm supposed to meet someone in 10 minutes and I am stuck in a huge traffic jam. Please please please Marty."

"Okay Mikel, but if you ever tell anyone I did this for you, I'll kill you."

"When Rose gave you a contact number, was it her's or her boyfriend's house?"

"Neither. It was her managements."

"Dammit! I need to get Marilyn Manson's home number."

"I can still help, just hold on while I check my files. We did another party at the address before. A Twiggy Ramirez. Don't they live together. So how was the party last night? And who are you meeting at Manson's that will help your future happiness. None of the band members are gay from what I've heard."

"I'll tell you all about it later. We'll have lunch tomorrow okay. I just need the number quickly."

"All right, all right. Keep your pants on."

Marty gave me the number he had listed for Twiggy Ramirez. I said goodbye quickly and dialed the new number. The phone rang as I crossed my fingers.


"Can I talk to Marilyn please?"

"This is an unlisted number. How did you get this?"

"Please can I talk to him? This is Mikel Vasquez. I'm supposed to be meeting him in 10 minutes."

"Oh hey Mikel. It's Trent. I'll go get him. Hold on."

I heard Trent scream at the top of his lungs: 'Hey Rev phone!'

"One moment. He's in the kitchen. He'll grab the extension in there."

I heard a click and someone said 'I got it'. Trent hung up.

"Hello, this is the Reverand Manson."

His voice sounded so cold. I almost hung up. I swallowed and decided to act silly.

"Reverand Manson? I thought I was allowed to call you Marilyn."



"How did you get my number? Not that I'm complaining mind you. I just don't remember giving it to you."

"A friend who did some work for Twiggy had it."

"Your still coming today right?"

He sounded nervous and worried.

"Of course Marilyn. I just wanted to tell you I am stuck in traffic and I'm going to be a little late."

"Thanks for calling. I'll put off throwing the food on the stove until you get here then."

"Yes, we're moving. So your cooking? I didn't know you could cook."

"There's alot you don't know about me. I'm a very good cook actually. But I'll suprise you with what I am cooking for you."

"Hey I was promised macaroni and hot dogs. Don't tell me you lied."

"I'll save that for the second date. Right now I am trying to impress you."

"You don't have to impress me. I'd rather just get to know you. The real you. I've seen Marilyn Manson the musician. Do I get to see Marilyn Manson the person?"

"Aww...Mikel. Of coure you can. Where are you at?"

I told him where I was at that moment. We had started moving, albeit slowly, but we were moving.

"Okay at the next street make a right."


"Just trust me. I'll have you here in about ten minutes."

We stayed on the phone, talking in between him giving me directions. I had to admit that he was a very pleasant person to talk to. I wasn't expecting that really. I had heard so many bad things about him, that even after how nice he had been to me last night, I still had my doubts. As I talked to him, I chastized myself for even thinking that way.

"There you go. Do you see my house now?"

"Yup, I recognize this place."

We talked as I parked my car.

"So should I just walk right in?"

"If you do, my attack Trent Reznor will hurt you."

"Oh really."

"Yes, really."

He laughed his pleasant soft laugh again. I shivered at the sound of it.

"So I'm standing outside your door."

"And I'm standing inside my door."

"Should we hang up the phones?"

The door opened and he shook his head, stepping outside at the same time.

"No, I think this phone thing makes conversation so much easier."

He put the phone down and held out his hand. I grabbed it and he pulled me to him in a hug. His arms circled my waist and he brought his lips to mine. I opened my mouth slightly, pulling him into me at the same time. His lips sent chills down my spine. We continued kissing for what seemed like an eternity when I heard someone clearing their throat behind us.

" Don't you think it would be a good idea to do that inside instead of outside?"

Trent looked at us with a sheepish grin on his face. We pulled apart slightly, Marilyn still holding onto my hand tightly.

"Maybe your right Rez. I don't know if you two met last night or not. Mikel Vasquez, Trent Reznor. Now shake and be done with it. Your introduced."

"You know Rev you were always great with introductions. It's nice to meet you Mikel. This scary bastard hasn't stopped talking about you since he threw Twiggy in the pool this morning."

"It's nice to meet you too Mr. Reznor. I'm a big fan of your music."

Both Trent and Marilyn started to laugh. I dropped my hand and looked at the ground. They stopped when they saw they had hurt my feelings. Marilyn pulled me into a hug.

"We didn't mean to laugh, but no one ever calls Trent 'Mr. Reznor'. He's either Trent or Rez to his friends."

"Oh, I'm sorry...Trent."

"That's better Mikel. Now I hate to meet and run, but Robin and I need to meet for lunch. Album stuff and all that shit. See you tonight Rev."

He gave Marilyn a peck on the cheek and shut the door behind him. Marilyn grabbed my bag and put it aside.

"Shit, what do you have in that thing?"

"My laptop. I never leave home without it. I'm a writer. You never know when inspiration will hit."

"Come here Mikel."

We began to embrace again, this time hugging each other closely and just enjoying the feeling of the other person. He let go of me and looked at me.

"God you are sexy Mikel."

I began to blush. I looked down at the floor again. He reached over and lifted my head by placing a finger on my jaw.

"Don't do that. Smile that cute smile of yours and say 'thank you' when someone pays you a compliment. Don't go all psycho and submissive on them."

"Sorry habit."

"Well I will have to break you of that one."

He took my hand and led me into the kitchen.

"I still have to finish cooking, but I want you in here with me. If that's okay."

"I can't think of any other place I would rather be."

Marilyn smiled at me and began to grate some cheese.

"So what are you cooking me today?"

"I'm making a pasta salad with cold chicken in it and some fresh baked bread. Dessert is blueberry pie."

"Wow. I wasn't expecting that. I'll have to treat you to one of my famous breakfasts in return."

"Only if I get to sleep over the night before."

"That's the only way anyone gets my famous breakfast."

We talked for a bit about nothing really. I pitched in with the cooking, even though Marilyn was much better in the kitchen then I am. We carried the food into the dining room and sat down. He opened a bottle of wine and poured me a glass.

"To new friends and a new future."

"Cheers Marilyn."

"Cheers Mikel."

It turned out that both of us were more interested in eating then talking, so we spent the meal staring at each other. When we were finished, I helped him clear the table.

"Just leave the dishes. I'll do them later. Let's go swimming."

"Oh my gosh. I forgot my suit. I can't believe I did that."

"Mikel, I guess I didn't tell you the pool rules did I?" Marilyn gave me an evil look.

"Nope." I shook my head. "No swimsuits allowed in my pool. Twiggy and I made up that rule a long time ago." He gave me a quick kiss and slapped my ass. "Come on Mikel. Strip."

He took my hand and led me out the back door to the patio. Once outside, he began to unzip his shirt and pulled it over his head. I watched as he pulled it over his head, revealing the pale white body I had seen before, but never up close and personal. I couldn't help myself any longer. I walked over to him and pulled him to me, kissing him passionatly, running my hands over his back and chest. He gasped as we both came up for air.

"Well I wasn't expecting that, but it is much appreciated." He lifted my arms and pulled my shirt off my body. His hands roamed freely over my tanned chest. I sucked in air as his hand brushed my left nipple. I unzipped his pants and let them fall to the ground. He stepped out of them, standing only in his boxers. I kissed him again and slipped my hands into the waistband of his boxers, pushing them down. I purposly brushed up against his stiffening cock, causing him to moan. He kneeled down and began to untie my shoes. He lifted my feet one at a time, pulling of my shoe and then my sock. He stood back up and kissed me again. His hands unzipped my pants and pushed them past my hips. I stood totally still, enjoying the familiar feeling of someone else undressing me.

Soon we were both totally naked and kissing by the pool. Our hard cocks were pressed up between us, but we both ignored that and pulled apart. "Last one in is a straight man!" Marilyn ran and jumped in the pool. I laughed as I watched him. I took off after him and landed in the pool a second later. He had already come up for air when I had jumped in. I used that to my advantage and grabbed his legs underwater and pulled him to me. We wrestled for a bit underwater until we both needed to come up for air. We swam to the side of the pool.

"So I guess I'm a straight man. I never would've guessed." I joked with him. "Would a straight man do this?" I dove underwater and took his hard cock in my mouth for just a moment, running my tongue and lips around the head. I surfaced again and just smiled at him. "No I don't think a straight man would do that at all." Marilyn pulled me to him and began to kiss me again. We lost ourselves in the kiss, grinding our bodies together.

We pulled away from each other, ever so slightly. I began to kiss his neck lightly. He began to moan as I made my way down his neck to his chest. "Wait Mikel." I pulled back, suprised but concerned at the same time.

"What is it honey?" We both kept our arms and legs wrapped around each other. "I've never said this before when I have had someone in my arms and been this turned on, but I want to wait. I'm really falling for you and I don't want to screw it up by having sex so quickly. You mean too much to me." He watched my face, frightened of my reaction. I smiled at him with tears in my eyes.

"You are so beautiful. I'll wait for you forever." I kissed him again, gently this time, allowing time for our lips to explore each others lips. I ran my tongue along his lower lip. He opened his mouth slightly allowing my tongue to slowly make it's way into his mouth. I tasted and explored his mouth as he waited patiently for his turn, enjoying the emotion I was expressing with my mouth.

We pulled away from each other and began to swim again. He swam over to a little box by the side of the pool. I watched as he opened it up and pulled a joint out. He turned towards me. "Twiggy's pool stash. Want some?" I crossed my arms and shook my head. "No thanks. I don't like drugs very much." He shrugged his shoulders. "Suit yourself, but you should know that drugs are a big part of me. I like them." "Fine Marilyn." I dove back under the water and swam around for a bit, doing some thinking.

What was I getting myself into? I hate drugs and I have very little respect for anyone who does use them. His drug use was a topic he had never shied away from. It was public knowledge that he used alot.

I surfaced again and turned to him, expecting to see him smoking the joint he had pulled out. Instead he was just smoking a regular cigarette. "I'm sorry Mikel." "I forgive you, but I won't come over until you put that thing out too." He gave me an annoyed look, but put it out all the same. I swam over to him and wrapped my arms around his body. We hugged for sometime, just holding on to each other. I tried to stiffle a yawn, but Marilyn saw.

"Are you tired?" He asked with concern. "A little. It's almost time for my afternoon nap." "Well let's go take one okay." I nodded and we jumped out of the pool. He tossed me a towel and I wrapped it around myself. We grabbed our clothes and headed for his bedroom. The clothes and towels got dropped on the floor. I climbed into his bed after him and wrapped myself around his body. We held each other tightly and drifted off to sleep.

----Okay it's done. And no sex. I lied. Sorry. I'm not perfect. Trent and Marilyn? When will that question be answered? Hmmm...possible the next section. And a re-appearance of an ex will make things a little hairy for Mikel and Marilyn. Keep on reading! Send all comments to I promise I will answer them all.

Next: Chapter 5

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