Manson of My Dreams

By Randy Seigel

Published on Aug 13, 1999


Hey everybody! Here it is part 7 of Man(son) of my Dreams. And there is actually some sex in this one. My editor loved that part. Poor girl has never edited gay sex before. But she learned quick. Thanks sweetie. Well hope you guys enjoy this part. E-mail me at with any comments. Flames will be replied to accordingly. For anyone who wants more of the non-boy band related stories, check out KoRnS big day out. Toodles!

Disclaimer: This is a story and nothing more. It in now way implies that Marilyn Manson, MW Gacy, or John 5, or anyone else mentioned in the story are really gay. It also is not following any real time with his tour or his real life marriage to Rose McGowan, so like I said before we are pretending. So lets click our heels three times and read on.

Man(son) of my Dreams part 7

Back in the conference room.

"Ginger what the fuck are you doing to me?" Marilyn stood up, towering over Ginger who was just sitting calmly in his chair.

"I'm not doing anything to you. If I am doing anything, it's being your friend Brian."

Marilyn turned to face him. He grabbed Ginger's shirt and looked right in his eyes. "Don't call me Brian." Marilyn let him go and sat back down.

"Fine Mr. Manson." Ginger shot back at him. Twiggy began to cough and gag, interrupting the tension between Marilyn and Ginger. John grabbed a trashcan and shoved it under Twiggy's face. He began to throw up again.

"So there's a problem with the opening act?" MW tried to get them back onto the topic at hand.

Ginger straightened his shirt and nodded. "Yeah, they split on us. So we have no opening act. Turns out that's part of what Trent's meeting today was about. They want us to tour with Trent again."

"No we can't tour with Trent. I won't fucking tour with Nine Inch Nails again!" Twiggy sat up and added his two cents before returning to his trashcan.

MW nodded. "I agree with Twiggy. We can't tour with Nine Inch Nails. It would be too messy."

John just shrugged. "I've never toured with them. You guys have. But I don't think it would be good to try another dual headlining tour. I wouldn't want the same thing happening that happened with Hole."

All the guys, except Twiggy turned to look at Marilyn. He looked down at the table and began to twist his hands together.

"I agree. We can't tour with Nine Inch Nails again. It wouldn't work at all." They all let out a sigh of relief.

"Good, now lets go over the list of names the label sent us."

In the Hallway

I found myself wandering the halls, totally lost and confused. I took a wrong turn while walking back to the living room. I had ended up in this dark hallway with no lights in it. Every time I passed a door, there was a candle next to it, but nothing to light them with. I searched my pockets and found my lighter there. I grabbed one of the candles and lit it. I was standing in front of a red door with a lock on it. Intrigued, I took out the key Marilyn gave me and opened it.

I don't know what I was expecting when I opened the door, but what I found was shocking. The room was all red, the light, the walls, the carpet, even the furniture. There were shelves lining one of the walls. I moved closer to them to try and figure out what was on them. When I saw I jumped back, almost dropping my candle. All kinds of dolls were lined up. None of them had been spared. I picked up one and looked at it. The doll's eyes had been torn out and the hair had clumps missing. The face was grotesque, all twisted and malformed. I put it back on the shelf and looked around the rest of the room. A painting was on another wall, above a red bed. I looked at the painting, a watercolor, of a two-headed man. I recognized it as one of Marilyn's. I began to feel like I was being watched and started to sweat. I backed out of the room and locked the door again.

Back in the conference room

"No, I don't want them. I don't think they would do anything for the tour." Ginger glared at MW, who was the lone holdout.

"What's wrong with Orgy?" Ginger asked him.

"I don't think it's a good idea. They are directly linked to Korn and I thought we agreed a while ago not to deal with anyone from the Korn camp."

"Yeah but Orgy is not Korn. They are a seperate band."

"Yeah a seperate band on Korn's personal label." MW shot back at Ginger.

John, Marilyn and Twiggy just sat back and watched as the other two argued.

Finally Marilyn jumped in. "Forget Orgy okay. Let me call Rob. Maybe I can convince him to tour with us. Do we all agree with that?"

Twiggy gave him a strange look. "You want to tour with the Zombie even with your past together."

"Rob and I are cool. We were just in it for the sex. Besides he's with that dancer of his. You know the one who dances naked onstage. But he did tour with Korn last year on the Family Values tour."

Ginger nodded. "If you can get Rob go for it. I think he'd be great to tour with despite the Korn connection. I'd have someone to play Nintendo with." Twiggy grinned happily.

Everyone readily agreed to trying to add Rob Zombie to the tour. Ginger picked up one phone and called the label while Marilyn dialed Rob on the other.

We are not going to tour with Nine Inch Nails. Tell Trent we are sorry, but it's not best for us. Right now Mr. Manson is on another line with our first choice. Nope none of the names you gave us were agreed upon. We are going outside Nothing and talking to Rob Zombie.

Hey Rob, what's up man? It's Marilyn. Same old same old here. Hey what are you doing for the next few months? You and guys up for some more fun and antics? How about joining us on tour? Our opening act pulled out and your name was the only one we could agree upon. Fucking A, you will great! Okay, I got your word on that right. We'll have our people get in touch with your people with details. I owe you big man. Thanks.

Yes, Rob Zombie agreed. Now it's up to you guys to finish all the details with his people. Call us when you have the paperwork.

In front of the Playroom door

I finally found something I recognized. It was the playroom, where Marilyn had locked Rose yesterday. Despite what I found in the other rooms I had looked in, I wanted to see the playroom. So far I had found the red room, the white room, and the blue room. The white room was the scariest by far. There was nothing in it but a pure white rug in the middle of the floor. You couldn't tell where you were or how to get out. There were no windows and the door was practically invisible.

I read the warning on the playroom door before opening it: 'Twiggy's playroom. All other's beware." I decided to go for it. It couldn't be worse then the other rooms. I flipped on the light and began to laugh. An old worn couch was in the middle of the room. Sitting in front of it was a TV and a VCR. Scattered around were videogames and movies. On the wall were posters of Kiss, David Bowie, and Alice Cooper. I walked over to the couch and sat down. I sunk in and picked up a controller. So Twiggy played Nintendo. I turned on the TV and pressed play on the game. Turns out Twiggy was in the middle of a game of Zelda for N64. I turned it back off and looked at some of the movies. He had good taste. The first three I picked up were 'Doom Generation', 'Velvet Goldmine', and 'Clerks.' I looked at my watch and realized I had to go check my mail soon. I got up and left the playroom. I locked the door behind me and headed down the hall.

Back in the conference room

"So Rev, how did you manage to convince Rob to tour with us? I thought he was done for a while."

"Got me. All I did was ask." They began to laugh.

Twiggy pulled out a joint from somewhere. "Care to celebrate gentlemen?"

MW clapped his hands in glee. "Light it up my good man."

John looked at him with dismay. "Just one little joint okay baby. I promise I won't do anymore today."

John nodded and got up. He went to the fridge and pulled out an orange juice. He sniffed the bottle and took a small sip. "Twiggy, have you done anything to this yet?"

Twiggy shook his head. "Here you go Pogo." He passed the joint to MW who took a drag and passed it to Marilyn. "Nah, I'll pass." He handed it to Ginger who took it readily.

"Is this because of Mikel?" Twiggy looked at him with his eyes narrowed.

"No, I just don't want any right now." Marilyn said unconvincingly.

"I don't believe you for one minute. Since when have you ever changed anything about your drug habits for anyone your dating. You didn't even do that when you were with Kevin."

"I don't know Twiggy. I'm not sure what I feel right now. I don't want to screw this up though. This one is special. I told you that earlier. And I did slow down when I was with Kevin thank you very much."

The other guys just watched the two of them. John moved behind MW and put his arms around him.

In the living room

I was reading my mail, well skimming it really. It was mostly junk, a couple important e-mails. One from my mother and another from my cousin Maria. My mom's e-mail was the usual. Telling me how things were at home. She also told me more about the shower and the details. They weren't having it at the house in Houston, instead it was going to be at the house in Avalon NJ. I sighed out loud. I didn't want to travel to Jersey. Going back to Houston was bad enough. I guess they were having so many people they needed to use the biggest house. But why not use the one in Seattle. That was by far the biggest. Oh well. She told me again that I needed to bring a date and not to worry about anyone coming. They had all been told to be good towards me and my date. She also let me know how Allison was doing. I needed to call to talk to her anyway, so I was glad to find out she was going to be home for a few days.

Maria's e-mail was asking to borrow the car again. Jose was leaving town for a few days on business and taking their car with him. She had an important meeting with some prospective clients and needed a car. She promised up and down that she would take good care of it. I knew she would, which is why I didn't mind loaning it to her.

I closed my e-mail and heading to my website. I had just uploaded some more stuff yesterday and I needed to check on it. As usual everything was fine. I surfed on over to my sister Pam's page to see how she was doing. I read a bit about how the pregnancy was going and her job. I dropped her a quick line telling her I love her and I'd see her soon. I followed her link to my parents page. Their's was partially about work and also personal. I checked out some of the newest pictures of them. I also hopped over to their page for Allison. She was fifteen now and looked beautiful. She was going to be a heart-breaker. She looked just like her mother. I had lost track of time while looking at pictures of Allison.

"Hey beautiful, what are you doing?" I felt Marilyn's arms around me. I quickly closed my browser window and turned towards him.

"Nothing really. Just checking out some of my family's webpages. Keeping up on stuff you know." He sat next to me.

"Your whole family has webpages?" I nodded. "We are all scattered all over the world, so my parents came up with the idea to have webpages. We all update at least once a day. It has really helped alot with keeping in touch."

"Can I see some?" "I guess so. Whose do you want to see?" "You chose."

I logged back on and pulled up my Aunt Joey's page. Joey was in Venezula right now and she had alot of pictures up of the area she lived in. Using her links, I surfed over to my cousin Pedro and his wife Tina's page. From there I went to Aunt Rebecca's page. Marilyn was enthralled with my family. I took him around to my extended family for awhile.

"Why won't you go to your immediate family's pages." I knew he was going to ask that question.

"I'd rather have you meet them in person. So how about it?" "What?"

I closed my laptop. "My sister Pam is expecting twins soon and my mother is throwing a huge shower/birthday party for her in a few weeks. Will you go with me? I have to bring a date and I can't think of anyone I would want with me more then you."

I crossed my fingers as he thought about it. "Okay, I'll go with you. Where is it?"

"Avalon, New Jersey."

"What?!" "My parents have a huge house down there. I guess since it's the summer they thought the beach house would be a good idea."

Marilyn sighed deeply and nodded. "I guess that's why. I thought they lived closer that's all. I still will go with you."

"Great!" I hugged him tightly to me. "Thank you so much Marilyn. This means alot to me."

He hugged me back, but he felt faraway to me. I pulled back and looked at him. He gave me a half-hearted smile.

"So your meetings over?" He nodded. "The guys are in the conference room getting stoned, well except for John that is."

"I noticed that last night. He didn't do anything or drink any alcohol either. What's up with that?"

"John doesn't drink and very, very rarely does any drugs. I think I've seen him smoke pot twice in the years I've known him and he's never done anything harder. He's a very good influence on MW, who if let to run free would be just like Twiggy is, maybe worse."

"What about you? Does anyone curb your drinking or drugging?"

Marilyn shook his head. "Not anymore. The band members did for a bit after Anthony, but I learned my lesson there. If I am doing something, I don't overdo it. I still miss being able to dose myself into oblivion. I loved not feeling anything. My drug habit was picking up again while I was with Rose, but that was also because she did alot herself."

I nodded, still not feeling good about this. I wanted to know the full extent of his drug habit.

"How often do you take drugs now?"

He narrowed his eyes at me. "I can see where this is going Mikel and I don't want to go there. This is still my life, even though I want you to be a part of it from now on."

"Really? You want me to be a part of your life?" I was kind of suprised. I figured he wasn't really serious about this. I decided to drop the drug issue for now and focus on what he had just said.

Marilyn took my hand in his. "Your a very special person Mikel and I would like to be able to say that you are my boyfriend. So can I say that? Will you be mine?"

My head was spinning. It had been a crazy 24 hours. First I find out that the party I am working is for Marilyn Manson. Then he walks in on me in the bathroom and befriends me. I get introduced to the guys and find out MW, John 5, and Marilyn Manson are gay. As if that wasn't enough, he asks me out. I find out that my ex-boyfriend has left me more money then I have seen in years. I almost have sex with Marilyn Manson and end up sleeping in his bed with him. I learn he not only knows my work but loves it. I helped Marilyn rouse Twiggy after he snorted heroin and now, Marilyn Manson says he wants to be my boyfriend! Could I be having a more surreal day? If this is a dream, I might as well continue on and say yes.

"Yes Marilyn. I would love to be yours and have you be mine."

I pulled him to me and kissed him softly on the lips. He licked my lower lip with his tongue, tracing my mouth. I grabbed his tongue with my lips and sucked on it. He began to explore my mouth as soon as I let go. He ran his tongue along the roof of my mouth, tickling me lightly. He sucked on my lip feverishly. I could feel his rising passion as the kiss began to become more frantic. I returned the kiss with just as much passion, wanting to taste as much of him as possible. My hands began to run along his back, pulling him closer to me. His arms encircled my waist and he lifted me up, still kissing me. I pulled back slightly to look into his eyes. They stared back at me with no fear or questioning, just happiness. I wrapped my arms around my neck and laid my head on his shoulder. I had never had anyone carry me to bed before and I wanted to savor this moment.

It was slow getting there because we stopped to kiss so often. I opened the door and he kicked it all the way open. We slammed the door behind us and he carried me into the bedroom. Marilyn laid me down on the bed and climbed on top of me. He kissed me deeply.

He lifted my arms up and pulled off my shirt. It was tossed somewhere in the room. Marilyn reached into the bedside table and pulled out a pair of handcuffs.

"Care to have a little fun?" He shook them at me with a grin on his face. I smiled back which was all the encouragement he needed. He pulled my arms above my head and snapped the handcuffs around my wrist. Then he took a length of rope and tied it to the handcuffs and his headboard. This was not the first time I had been handcuffed and tied up, so I knew what to expect. He began to work on my nipples, alternating between sucking and biting. Each time his teeth closed around my erect nipple, I jumped slightly.

He began to work his way down my stomach, kissing me lightly and scraping his teeth against the skin. I squirmed as he made his way down to my cock, which he still hadn't released from my pants. He reached down and squeezed my cock.

"Hmmm...getting a little tight in there?" He undid the top button of my pants and kissed the bare skin he exposed. He unzipped the zipper slowly, kissing the skin underneath. He slid my pants down my hips and tossed them on the ground. He ran his fingers down the inside of my thighs. He giggled at the reaction as my cock visibly jumped. He had found one of my 'spots'. He leaned over and planted soft kisses on my inner thighs. I began to moan at the feeling. I didn't want this to end. I could feel his breath on my balls as he moved closer to them.

Marilyn stopped what he was doing and looked up at me. I had my eyes closed and was not watching him. He stared at my face for a moment and then looked back down. He took my cock in his hand, standing it straight up. He placed a kiss on the tip, causing me to jump slightly. He began to lick up and down the sides of my cock like it was a popsicle. He took the head into his mouth and sucked softly. He moved down my cock slowly, increasing the suction as he went. Before I knew it, he had swallowed my entire cock down his hungry throat.

I was lost in extreme pleasure. I had never gotten a blowjob like this. He was working me into a frenzy faster then I wanted. And Marilyn still had his clothes on!

He pulled off my cock, letting it fall from his mouth. He pulled his shirt off, exposing his beautiful body. The boxers were next. He stood over me, naked stroking his cock. He climbed back on the bed and straddled my chest. He began to feed me his cock in short strokes, each time sending more of him into my mouth. He never forced himself down my throat, always going slowly so I could adjust to his size and thickness.

Marilyn reached forward and untied my arms. I reached over and began to stroke his chest, working my way down to his cock. I grasped it tightly, stroking it while he leaned over and kissed me.

"Mikel, I want you in me." Marilyn whispered in my ear. I kissed him softly. "Anything you want baby."

Marilyn climbed off of me. He reached up and undid the handcuffs. He rubbed my wrists carefully, stroking the red marks the cuffs had made. I sat up and pulled him to me. We kissed passionatly, grinding our hard cocks together. Marilyn pulled away from me and reached back into the bedside table. He pulled out a condom and some lube.

"Are you sure about this Brian?" I stroked his back lightly. He turned to me with tears in his eyes. "You called me Brian." "That's your name isn't it?" He nodded and hugged me tightly. "No one has called me that in bed since Kevin. Even Rose called me Marilyn in bed. Thank you Mikel." I kissed him on his forehead. "Your my Brian and you always will be. You can be everyone elses Marilyn, but to me your Brian." He snuggled up to me, holding me close.

We sat that way for some time, until he looked down and saw the condom. Marilyn got a grin on his face and waved the condom. "Weren't we doing something before all this sentimental crap started?" I laughed at him and pushed him down on his bed.

This time I took control. I pinned his arms back and kissed him. I worked my way down his body fast, working him to a quick frenzy. I took his cock in my mouth and swallowed the whole thing. He bucked in my mouth at the sensation, moaning loudly. I lifted his legs and began to squeeze his ass. I came off of his cock and began to tease his hole. I darted my tongue in and out, making him moan and beg for more. I ripped the condom open and rolled it over my hard cock.

Marilyn grabbed the lube and began to massage it onto my condom-covered cock. I squirted some onto my finger and began to lube his hole. He pressed down, forcing more of my finger into his hole.

"Fuck me Mikel!" I didn't need anymore encouragement. I placed the head of my cock against his hole. I leaned over and kissed him on the lips as I pressed into his body. He gasped as my head pushed past his tight ring. Then he began to moan softly. I slowly thrust more and more of my cock into him, enjoying the soft moans and gasps coming from him. Soon my balls were resting against his lily-white ass.

Marilyn pulled me close, holding me tightly by the base of my cock. I buried my head in his shoulder, not moving, just enjoying the sensation of his ass clamping around my cock. He began to move his hips slightly, moving his trapped cock around between us. I lifted my body slightly and looked down at the beautiful man beneath me. I kissed his lips again and traced a scar on his chest. Without a word, he pulled my hand away from it. I looked into his eyes and nodded.

He hugged me close and whispered, 'thank you' into my ear. I began to make little thrusts in and out. He moaned his approval each time my cock brushed against his prostate. In no time he was moaning loudly and digging his nails into my back. I increased my thrusting, withdrawing almost all of my cock before shoving it back in. I was coming close to shooting from the incredible sensations I was recieving from my cock. His breathing was coming fast and I knew he was coming close to shooting.

"Fuck Mikel fuck me!" Marilyn was shouting as I plunged in and out of his ass. He began to shudder and clench his ass even tighter around my cock. I stopped holding back and began to shoot into his ass. He came almost immediatly, releasing his load all over his stomach and my chest. I collapsed on top of him, kissing him passionatly as we both came down off our orgasms.

"Baby that was incredible. Thank you so much." Marilyn's voice was hoarse and I turned to look at his face. There were tears in his eyes. I rolled off of him and ran my thumb across his cheeks, wiping away the tears.

"Why are you crying?" He took my hand and kissed it. "No one has made me feel special in a long time." I pulled him to me. "You are very special Brian Warner. You are a kind, sweet person on the inside despite the outer persona you have. Thank you for showing it to me. I love you Brian." It had just slipped out, but I meant it. I knew it was too soon and I had probably just scared him off, but I didn't care. I did love him and I wanted him to know that.

He pulled back and looked intently in my eyes. "Do you mean that?" I nodded, never breaking the eye contact. "I love you too Mikel."

We curled up, holding each other tightly.

"Before you drift off to sleep Brian, I have one question?"


"How old is Twiggy?"

Marilyn began to laugh. He pulled me tighter and didn't answer. We drifted off to sleep soon afterwords.

---Look sex! It finally happened. Now what will happen to Mikel and Marilyn? Will Mikel's family accept Marilyn? Will we find out who Allison is? And coming soon the return of Trent Reznor and Marilyn's ex! Stay tuned for the next episode of Man(son) of my Dreams.

Next: Chapter 7

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