March Stephenson

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Jan 2, 2024


Chapter 33

March Stephenson


In the morning bubs was having a sleep in. March stayed with him and I went to put coffee on and to make toast. I looked out the back door and then I sat in the morning sun. March arrived with a sleepy bub, and just like that, my day begins. He made coffee and I changed Mase, he will need a bath this morning. I placed him on the porch with a piece of toast and sat down again, he smiled at me then went back to his thinking. I opened my iPad and looked at the local page. Cory hasn't said another word but he sure did rile up a lot of locals, I assumed schoolmates from their language. I looked at March he sighed.

"It will get better March."

"When? he's already taken over our fun time. I like sleeping with you Nicky. I sleep better cuddled up to you. But now he is in the way, when do we put him in his room?"

"When we think he's ready March, he is still a baby he doesn't know how much he affects us."

"I know but I still don't like it." He's gone and done it now, he's down in the dumps again and it is only early in the day. I don't have the answers but I am sure Julie or Sally would, their babies are the same age.

"I will ask around March, but I would much rather him being in with us for now. We will have to keep an eye on him because he may want to go walkabout during the night." Now I'm adding to his woes.

"Am I being mean Nicky?"

"Not at all March, we just have to ask around to see what the others are doing."

"Can you do that, I don't want to talk about our sex life with anyone."

"I will ask, more toast?"

"Yes please." He then got up to do it and kissed me on his way through.

I looked at our son and thought, this isn't going to get any better, I am at a loss for a plan B, but it won't be too far away. I always find something, but for now, all we have is the shed and at night when he goes to sleep.

I bathed him, powdered and kissed him, then I dressed him in his traveling suit and shoved a dummy in his mouth. We both readied ourselves, and I managed a morning suck in the shower. I had placed some cars in the bathroom because he is always locked in with us when we shower, it wasn't so bad March liked it. I still prefer the full-body contact at night though. At work, I checked everything and threw some washing on. I looked at my laptop and sure enough, Pete had been let out of jail. Tom said he will bring him up here for a weekend soon and they are making big plans for their new business.

I told him about Hank and James and said I was happy they decided to forgo the farm until they get their lives together. I also told him not to come on the weekend and continued about mum's roasts from Monday to Friday.

May arrived looking for a cuddle and Mase was happy to go play with her.

March and dad were hard at it, they got to work on those cars as soon as they arrived, which was early. These they can drive if they are super careful. I went across the road for coffee, my son was playing with May's hair and he thought it was a great joke when she yelled.


I said good morning to the ladies, they were all set up for the day. Faith followed me out and sat with her coffee, she wants to talk.

"Now as you know the boys have jobs, they are fruit picking somewhere in South Australia. Jimmy said he has never been happier and has found his new freedom quite liberating. I still miss them but I understand this has to be done."

"Hank will look after him Faith, you have no worries about that. Fruit picking is a hard job for very little money, the backpackers usually do that work when they are here."

"Yes, but they have placed Hank in a supervisor's position so he gets a little more cash. Jimmy has money if they ever run out."

"Then it's all done then, don't worry Faith they will come back." I had the feeling they would do a round trip of our big island and then settle back here.

She worded me up on John's new venture and it seems like she has the children more than ever. She is picking them up from school every day and keeping them until dinner time, she did say she was loving the new timetable. Rose winked at me when she came out and May refused flatly to hand Mason over, she had missed him. I looked across the road and March had poked his head out, I felt him looking at me and I also felt I had let him down by bringing Mason into our lives, now I feel guilty for even thinking about it.

I had the opportunity after a couple of hours contemplating the problem, to talk to March. He poked his head in and said.

"Morning tea."

"In a minute March, come here I want to talk."

He pulled a chair up and said.

"What's up?"

"March I have been thinking about our problem, and doing some research online. He should be in his room by now, it's just that we got him later in his short life we didn't think it was wise to leave him on his own. He doesn't interfere in our nightly ritual, he also doesn't fuss us in the shower or the hot tub and shed. The only time he does command our attention is at the river. I think we should go there early then come back for Mason after it's done."

"And at night time?"

"March he's our son, he's also good to cuddle if he escapes his bed."

"Okay, then you think I am being selfish?"

"A little, and I feel the same but it's not Mason that has to change, it's us."

"I love you Nicky, and I want to be with you forever, I suppose we had better settle down then."

"Or take the tent with us." I wiggled my eyebrows.

"It takes time to set up."

"You are looking for excuses husband, we go to the baby shop and buy one that can be set up instantly, shove some toys in it and he can play in there until you finish. we will also move his cot to the other bedroom some nights just to get him used to it. I read babies sleep better when they are alone."

"We will try that then, can I go and eat now?" He grinned because he has some leftovers today.

May took bub while March warmed up his food, I wasn't hungry so I just had coffee. When he came out he had two plates, one for his sister who almost kissed his feet when she saw it, Bubs was quickly passed to me.

"Don't go too far away Nicky, I haven't finished with him yet." She giggled and so did March.

When the ladies came into the gym I did ask for their expertise, they almost fell over laughing.

"Your call Nicky, if he's interfering with your sleep put him in his room, mine was in there four months after she was born," Julie said.

"So was mine I like my quiet time with my husband," Sally confirmed what she said.

"So I'm a bit behind then?"

"Yes Nicky, but that is understandable. Being a parent is hard, you never let go but sometimes it's the right thing to do. I always listen in the night and sometimes I even get up to watch her. Do it slowly make a fuss out of his new bedroom, try every other night to start with he may surprise you and sleep longer, and only bring him into your bed if he's unsettled. And a night light always helps."

"I will add that to my list."

"What list?"

"We have to buy a small tent for the clearing, we don't want him running off on us."

"Oh," Sally said then she opened her eyes wider and screamed laughing.

"Oh! I get it now."

"Good idea Nicky, get onto it today," Julie smiled.

They went back to their exercising and I played with bub for a while then I asked them to watch him. I went to talk to March and he agreed with my plan B. I then walked up to the baby shop and bought the items we needed plus some new toys.

To be realistic, March's big problem only takes five minutes to fix, so much drama.

"Now coach, I have psyched them out so no problem at school, what do you want me to do today?"

"Fifteen minutes walking and the same rowing, I think the wheelchair is taking care of your arms, did you drink any tea today?"

"Yes, heaps, good afternoon losers." He yelled at the guys in the gym. I cracked up and walked him over to the machine.

"Now slowly does it, we may up the speed next week let's wait and see."

He leaned in and whispered.

"Their muscles will slow them down Nicky, but I will psyche them out anyway. And don't think I am doing this for me, I'm doing it for you too." He winked.

"How do you figure that?"

"You win I win, yes, I won't be able to run, maybe I might walk across the finish line, but you are the best runner I have seen around here and I want you to win."

"I'm sure I'm not the fastest runner in town Cory."

"You are because I know these things. Your only opposition is Mick Jones, he goes to my school but he won't last the distance. You are a long-distance runner, again, I know these things."

"Okay hop up on here and start, less talk more exercise, and thank you."

He winked. I then got onto the rowing machine and did fifteen minutes myself.

That machine is almost opposite March's door window, and I knew he was watching me. My legs were stretched to the limit but when I pulled back my knees were wide open giving him a great show of my jock. When the walking was done I placed him on the rower, I watched his back and legs and told him to straighten his shoulders up and pull from his elbows, not once did I see him wince or moan. Bubs was happily playing in his pool and March poked his head in.

"Are you ready for a coffee?" I looked at my watch and said.

"Not yet March, we still have a half hour to go."

"Okay." He placed his sad face on and went about his business.

"Right young man up on the bench."

He looked me up and down and said.

"We have a deal, no touching, otherwise I will tell March Stephenson and he can sort you out." I laughed and I hoped he didn't go on about it, but I have plenty of witnesses.

"Completely professional Cory, if you want the other stuff you will have to wait a few years."

"I know, I'm just having a lend of you."

"I know, but can you tone it down people will talk." I laughed again.

I grabbed March and he and Cory with bub headed across the road.

I ordered two coffees and a milkshake for Cory, Rose hummed as she did that job for us.

Faith wasn't there she had gone to pick the kids up from school and then onto her farm duties.

"How are you feeling?"

"Good March, Nicky sure does a fine massage." I blushed.

"The ones he gives me are a lot better." March smiled.

"Don't drag me into your dirty talk, aunty Rose said you do that all the time." Now it was time for March to blush.

"Behave Cory, how are you feeling?"

"Good, my trainer is tops, he knows stuff. I have more movement in my back and hips, my legs are nearly back to being normal."

"But you could feel them anyway Cory, I saw you walk the other day."

"Quiet, Rosie will tell mum."

When Rose came out with the coffee she smiled at him and asked him what was he having for dinner.

"Probably some spaghetti out of a can aunty Rose." He dropped his head.

"I have some pies put aside for you and mum, don't forget to pick them up before you leave." His face lit up and he said thank you. Rose winked at me, she knows he is a scammer.

"One day soon I think we will go to the footy oval and have a bit of a run around it."

"You're the boss, I might not be able to do the whole lap but I will try to do some of it."

"I just want to see where you are in all this Cory, we do what you can."

Dad arrived and sat to have his coffee and he asked Cory all the relevant questions, he was polite and to the point.

"Your son is fixing me up nicely Mr. Wilson. Any thought about sponsoring me in the run?" I cracked up, I also loved this kid he's going places.

The collection was made and he ended up with a load of cash he then handed it to me and asked me to look after it for him, he will only spend it on some frivolous item kids always buy.

When we went back to the gym I placed a tin on the desk and a sign to explain it was for Corey's run, donations appreciated.

March had been jumping up and down, the day had been hot for him so I grabbed Mase and we headed for the clearing. With one shake the small tent opened up and I threw some toys in it. He was distracted by this new game and giggled his way through another play while March dropped his overalls.

"Better now?"

"Much better, thank you."

Our boy didn't want to get out of the tent when we had finished so we got into the water and watched the opening. Eventually, he came looking and we were ready to take him for his swim.

"That went well, Nicky."

"It did, let's hope he learns to play before a swim in the future."

"I love you."

"I love you back." What can I say my plan B worked just fine.

"Pete's out, and they will be coming up here for a stay soon."

"Are they staying with us?"

"Probably at mum's March, but we will have them over for lunch or something."

"Whats Pete like, I mean is he like Tom?"

"No March, opposite to Tom, if Tom was the crystal glass Pete would be the beer stein. Chalk and cheese those two, Pete is much more robust and a little overweight."

"I see, so he doesn't run?"

"No March, he's more of a lounge lizard."

"Good." I have already told him I like him the best, and us three didn't play even when we discovered we were all gay, we were friends like brothers.

"What are we having for dinner Nicky?"

"Roast March, I got some from mum for us."

"What do we do about Mason's room?"

"We had better start decorating it, I hadn't even thought about it until now."

"What do you want to do?"

"We can leave the big bed in it and maybe paint it a nice blue maybe put some animals on the wall and a few cars."

"I can get Barry to paint it and do the animals."

"Barry as in gym painting Barry?"

"He does everything to do with painting around here."

"Can you talk to him then, tell him we want a little boys room done."

"I will my beautiful man."

"Thank you."

"Nicky do you think you will win the fun run?"

"I don't know March, I don't see anyone else out running in the morning, but I only got two ways to go."

"They run at the oval or around the school grounds mostly."

"I had better go and size up the competition then."

"I don't think you will have anything to worry about."

"Good." I wanted to win for Cory's sake not mine, he can have the vouchers, which he has probably planned to do. I chuckled to myself and said to March.

"Let's go home the waters turning cold."

We packed up the toys and the tent, then headed for the tub.

The food was placed in the oven, March stripped down and I gasped once again. He had bent over the couch and was tickling Mason, my lord what a magnificent ass he has got.

The tub was welcomed, the temperature had been turned down and it was

just right. He swished Mase around then he sat and started his evening kisses.

After we showered we placed Mase on the couch to watch TV then went to his new bedroom and made a plan. We pushed the big bed up against a wall then Mase's cot can be slotted in beside it. Curtains, we need little boy curtains for this room and maybe a nice lampshade, the night light was tested and everything was okay, now for some of Barry's artistry and we should be right.

March sat at the table and I placed his meal in front of him.


Mason was now in his high chair and banging it with his spoon, I guess he is hungry, like his dad.

"How far along are you with the cars?"

"Two are done Nicky, we can take our time with them I have some local cars in tomorrow so they will set us back a bit."

Mase didn't want any more food, he had a bit, but I suspect May fed a lot to him at lunchtime. I put him on the floor to play but he managed to get to the tv and sat to watch it. March's chair had moved over next to mine and when I sat down again his leg was rubbing up against mine.

"That's better."

"Faith wants us at the farm on Saturday Nicky, Ethan has some work for me to do."

"Saturday it is then, it will be good to see him."

"Yes, I guess the weekday visits are a thing of the past now she is a working girl."

"It will be good for her March, she needs to grow a little also."

"I need to grow a little too Nicky." He grinned.

"I will help you with that later on. Do we start with Mason tonight or wait until the room is finished?"

"Let us wait until it is ready then he will have something to occupy himself with."

"Now Nicky I want to talk to you about something."

"Yes March."


"What about Cory?"

"I don't want you to get too involved with his life Nicky, doing the run is good, and doing the exercises is also good. But please don't involve yourself in a career that may or may not develop."

"I haven't thought that far March, but if he wants to continue with his running, I can help."

"In the gym maybe at the footy oval, but no heading off to the city for big runs or athletic meetings."

"I get your drift March, that's something I will only do with our son if he decides he wants to be an athlete."

"Good, so we understand each other then?"

"Loud and clear March, if he wants to carry on to the Olympics then he will need someone a lot better than me to train him."

"Have you anyone in mind?"

"Yes the government, he can go to their sports facilities in Canberra and get the best trainers in the land."

"Do you know anything about it?"

"I was once asked to go there for a seminar but I declined."


"I discovered men March, it was around the time I was taking more notice of them and what they were carrying around in their shorts."

I didn't tell him that at fifteen I had a boyfriend at school I would have done anything for him, one of those things was to give up my career as a runner. As it happened he moved on to someone else, and I was left high and dry. I get the feeling March is trying to hold me closer to him and under our circumstances, I will comply gladly.

"I will get some information for him but Lena will miss him, I doubt she will go there, but that will be a few years in the future March, in the meantime if he's good enough I can get Tom to supervise any runs in the city. But if he does some I wouldn't mind being there. Now how is your training going, want to come to the oval and have a run with us soon?"

"No thank you, I am always at my peak."

"Maybe a run around the farm on Saturday then."

"Maybe." He grinned.

I cleared the table while he talked to Barry on the phone out on the back porch.

I sat with our son and he was showing me how he does kissing, he is getting very good at it.

"He wants us to take the big bed and side tables out of the room, they may get damaged with the paint."

"Okay, where do we put it?"

"On the porch." He laughed.

"That's doable March, I still have the plastic coverings in the garage."

So I just get the porch cleaned up and now we put more stuff on it, that's the country for you.

My night was awesome, I can never get enough of March Stephenson he is so good at all this stuff, he had me twisted every which way. I almost screamed when he bit the back of my neck.

"Just to remind you what you will be missing if you take on another job."

"You will cut me off?"

"Maybe. I'm still thinking about it." I giggled, bubs stirred so we shut up, cuddled up, and went to sleep.

"When is Barry going to start March?" I asked him in the morning.

"Soon Nicky, he wants to paint it a very light sky blue then do some planes and animals along with some cars on it. I told him he should do a forest with animals then we could hang some planes from the ceiling or something like that. Any thoughts Nicky?"

"No, I haven't got that far yet, just a wall color which sounds about right. I think I will leave it up to the both of you it all sounds brilliant."

"Okay, I will get Rose to make up some little kid curtains and maybe a bed cover to match them."

"You are in the wrong business husband, you should have been an interior decorator."

"I know things about things Nickolas Stephenson, I am a man of many talents." He smiled.

"You certainly are March Stephenson." I leaned in and gave him a Nicky smacker of a kiss.

The boy started not long after he was fed, he couldn't tell us what was wrong he only pointed to the closed door to the hallway. March opened it and he wobbled towards the bedroom, of course his dummy, we had forgotten to get it. I dipped it in a tad of honey then popped it in his now smiling gob.

He hit the table leg then the chair then the back of the sofa and finally settled in to watch some more tv, hopefully, his balance will improve.

We had coffee at the cafe March had breakfast, a bacon and egg roll, specially made for him with double the ingredients. Mum was her happy self as she took Mason for some cuddles, Faith hasn't arrived yet but she had her veggies out and I was very tempted, but grabbed a salad roll instead.

Rose took bub and sat with her coffee with us.

"Now what type of curtains do you want?" She was looking at me but I thumbed her attention over to March.

"Ask my interior designer Rose."

He paused and put his roll down.

"He doesn't need block out ones because the sun doesn't come in his window."

"So just little kids ones with something on it then?"

"Can you get with Barry and nut it out with him?"

"I can do that March, leave it to Aunty Rose."

"Also can you make him a cover and pillowcase to match?" March asked.


Now I know why my home looks so nice, it's all March's doing.

"Good morning May, your early."

"I have stuff to do Nicky, Rose." She snapped her fingers.

"I haven't finished yet missy." Rose is still gathering up her cuddles.

"I will wait." She sat and stared at Rose until she passed the boy over.

"March I have had a letter from Aunty Betty, I want you to read it at some stage. She's doing it tough and wants to know if she can come live with us."

"No," March said flat out.

"Why not, she can have my place?"

"You know why." He wasn't going to elaborate.

"I don't March, you have to tell me."

"She's not coming here. I will put in some money to get her a place in a retirement village but she doesn't come within ten feet of this town."

"That's a bit harsh brother, is there something I am missing here?"

He got up and kissed me, then he went to work, I looked at May and said.

"Who is Aunty Betty?" I knew March had family but I have never met any of them except May.

"Mum's older sister, she lives in the city. I have no idea why he's so against her coming here. I do know they didn't get along like were bosom buddies, but his attitude is a bit much. She's not very well and wants to be with her family that's all."

"Perhaps he thinks you both will be taking on someone that's going to command all your attention with her health issues."

"Maybe, but I don't think that is it Nicky, she's always been a bit self-opinionated but nothing to warrant his anger. Maybe I will offer her my home he will get over it."

"Maybe you had better not. March doesn't act like this without a valid reason."

She slumped.

"Your right, some things got him all riled up."

"Leave it to me May, I will talk to him."

"Thank you Nicky. I am at a loss what to think."

I made sure she was going to supervise Mase then I walked across the road to check the gym, then to talk to March. The guys and girls were pumping away, and I deemed everything was okay. I walked into the workshop, said good morning to dad and then looked for March, he was sitting in the back seat of an old car.

"Are you checking out the comfort aspect?"

"No Nicky, just wanted to be alone."

"Okay, when you're ready to talk I will be in the gym."

"No Nicky, I wanted to be alone but you are always welcome to sit with me."

"Move over handsome." I slid into the back seat, it was comfortable, these old cars were made for comfort. I kissed his beautiful lips and said.

"Now you can tell me."

"I don't know where to start Nicky, but firstly you can never tell May, promise me."

"I promise, it must have been pretty bad for you not to give her a reason."

"It was, she can't know what I am telling you, it will destroy her."

"So if you don't want to please don't tell me, I will tell May that you just don't get along with Aunty Betty."

He looked at me and his red eyes appeared.

"No. March please don't do this to yourself. I am listening and I feel the pain coming from you, keep it to yourself then."

He sniffled and started to kiss me.

"You are the only real truth I can depend on Nicky, you are so good to me I love you so very much."

"I feel the same March, we are as one and I am here for you."

"When mum was sick Aunty Betty came to nurse her, I didn't want her there because I wanted to do that. It was my and May's responsibility to make sure mum was comfortable. Mum and she weren't the best of siblings and Betty acted like it was her duty to see to mum."

"I know it was a bad time for everyone March, so she didn't help?"

"She destroyed my life Nicky, she laughed in my face and then she destroyed me."

"What did she do?"

"May isn't my twin sister." I was silenced with those words, my heart broke for him, and May. I started forming a few tears, but then I found the courage to ask him.

"How do you know?"


"She told you?"

"No, I overheard a conversation she was having with mum. Mum was so upset I could hear it in her voice, she was begging Betty not to say anything.

I nearly opened the door to tell her to get out and off the farm, but that's when I heard.

"You need to tell her. she's only that half-wit's half-sister. not his twin."

"I take it you are the half-wit?"

"Yes Nicky, she always treated me differently not like mum and dad did. I couldn't stop crying and left because I wanted to kill her so much."

"What did you do?"

"I went searching, and I found mums documents tucked away in one of her drawers. Dad is May's father but mum isn't her mum. We were born on the same day, mum and dad treated the births as having twins. My only guess is that dad's lady friend gave birth to May and she either died or didn't want her. My real guess is she didn't want her, but mum and dad did, maybe they paid her to have dad's baby I just don't know anymore."

"My god what a bloody mess, how the hell did you cope with all that. She must have hated your dad so much to even bring it up with your mum?"

"I didn't, that was when I started going downhill. I hated Betty so much I avoided her, when mum passed I waited for her to say something to May but she didn't. That's the only thing I was grateful for. I never said anything to dad and when he passed I let it all go and had my breakdown, that and the workload bought it all on. I never told anyone not even Jason, May wanted to give her some cash for all the work she did and I stopped it by not signing any withdrawals."

"Okay let us roll this back some, Mays your half-sister which is a good thing because you have that connection with her. Betty is someone you don't want May to be around because she knows too much. Your parents decided to adopt her for some unknown reason, and they did a good thing March. If your dad did have an affair, which I doubt, then you can forgive that. But he was good to your mum always. That has got to say something about their relationship doesn't it?"

"Yes Nicky, they loved each other, amongst the paperwork there was a doctor's report that said mum couldn't have any kids. I am thinking May was planned and I was their surprise."

"Where are they now?"

"I burnt them, I didn't know what to do back then, so I burned them to hide the truth I was so confused."

"March are you in there, we have to talk." I heard May's voice as she tapped on the window, she has perfect timing that woman. He put the window down and said.

"Go away May I am warning you, and do not, I repeat do not have any contact with Betty." He put the window up and started with the tears again. I cuddled him for ages, there won't be any work done today I fear.

"We have to tell her something, can you leave it to me? I have a plan B forming."

"Yes, I knew you would have an answer Nicky."

"I will tell May you overheard Betty calling you and her a couple of half-wits and not in a nice way. Will that satisfy May's curiosity?"

"I think so Nicky, but I won't have that woman anywhere near May or me anytime soon."

"Leave it to me baby. I love you so much March Stephenson."

Every day I find out more and more about the man I married, today I found out that he is the strongest person I know and it is my pleasure to be his partner. We cuddled for a further ten minutes and I talked to him softly, he has to know that nothing has changed, and even if May found out she is still his sister. I am on the side of planning May's birth, it was probably good fortune they were born on the same day and for sure it was planned and they were both loved very much.

He wiped his face and then said he had better get back to work, dad asked if everything was okay we said yes just a misunderstanding.

"Well at least you guys don't store it up, that is a good thing." He smiled at both of us. I went to check the gym, everything was running smoothly then I went to get my son. May was talking to Faith when I got there, I gave her a peck on the cheek she squeezed my hand. May had been telling her about her aunt Betty's letter and March's reaction. I don't think Faith was one to gossip but I didn't say anything until May had finished.

"He overheard her talking to your mum about her two half-wit children May, he's upset because he didn't want you to know. I think you shouldn't write back to her, or if you do, tell her there's no room at the inn and offer her a retirement village unit."

"She what?"

"She called you both a couple of half-wits, when she was nursing your mum, she got her upset May and now he's upset because he doesn't want her in his or your lives."

"Nicky, that's terrible."

"He told me that was when everything started going downhill in his life. He didn't want to send her any reward for nursing your mum, that's why he didn't sign any cheques. Please don't bring that crazy back into his life May I beg you. He's been protecting you, and himself in a way."

"I won't Nicky, poor March he took on so much back then. I won't be bringing it back, I have to apologize."

"Did she marry?" Faith asked.

"Never married Faith, always a Stewart mum's maiden name," May told her, Faith gave me a lost look then tried to cover it up by saying.

"We all have them in our families, nothing better to do than pick on the weakest."

"Exactly spot on Faith, I just think it was a terrible thing to say to your mum especially knowing how ill she was."

"Take my nephew Faith. I have to go and see March."

"Tread gently with him May," I said a little too sternly.

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Next: Chapter 34

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