March Stephenson

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Sep 18, 2024


Chapter 70 March Stephenson Maxieplus. I wiped our son down and dressed him in some fresh clothes, then he said goodbye to his friends. He grabbed a couple of toys and started for the front door. "Excuse me, baby haven't you forgotten someone?" "No daddy." "Hank?" He started giggling then ran for the back door. March smiled as he let him out and I watched as he grabbed 'Hank' and dragged him up to the front. "I will tell dad to take a couple of weeks off Nicky. If I get busy I can call him in." "I think he will appreciate the time March, he's got a business to organise." "How long do you think he has?" "I reckon a month or two, there's nothing wrong with the old school house it's just the amenities that have to be brought up to standard. I had better get onto that family company first, and before they are legally leased." "Will it be easy?" "I know I will need dad's solicitor and probably the titles to the land and properties." "I have them in the bank." "You have a safety deposit box?" "Yes Nicky, keep up." He parked outside the garage and I hauled my son and all his things out and placed them in the gym. I left him to decide which one he was taking across the road. I checked the showers and toilets out and I knew someone had been there because there was a used towel. I got some washing together and started the machine then it was time for coffee. I took Mase and 'Hank' across the road and sat in the morning sunshine. March and dad came over they were talking about him taking a few weeks off. "March, when Mark finishes up at the supermarket he will have a list of things to do for me. I have been onto Tom he's going to do a deep clean in a few weeks and Ron has my ideas for the renovations." "Good, so take a couple of weeks off or just go do your thing and call in occasionally." "The only thing I have to do is get stock, there won't be a truckload at first just the bare essentials, we can order more when it takes off." "And will it?" I asked. "I am confident it will son, and when the other businesses open it will soar." "May, have you done anything yet?" "Just the cleaning and I found an old-fashioned ice cream and sweet supplier. The rest I already have on hand." "Did you order breakfast?" "Yes March it's on its way." A smiling mum came out with a tray of breakfast burgers and coffee. She sat with us and it was then I asked dad about companies. "Use Martin, he will tell you what he needs to set it all up. You will need him to register it, and he will probably need the titles. The only problem I see is that they will have March's name on them, not yours or Mason's." "Is it a big job?" "No, and yes. I am not sure, but the marriage certificate and adoption papers should be enough to register it in the three names. But talk to Martin." "Thanks dad, I will ring him sometime today." "What's that all about Nicky?" May wanted to know what we are up to. "We thought we would start a company and place all March's holding under the one roof, that way he will save on company tax and be able to lease some land to the hotel and Supermarket to create more parking spaces." She glared at her brother and said. "I see and what about our land?" "It stays with just us two." March sat up straight and reached for another burger. "I did offer to sell it to you," "I don't like to take it." "I would like you to buy it, that way it clears everything up for me. We have decided to create a company with the cafes and the wellness centres. Me selling that land to you will clear up a headache." "Are you sure?" "Very sure March, it will make things go a lot easier and I will never need or use it anyway." He held his hand out and she shook it. "Two million." "What!" "It's prime property March, and it's worth that in today's climate." "I will get it valued dear sister, then we can talk." "You do that and I will have the money in cash thank you." "Nicky she's picking on me again." He moaned. "May, leave your brother alone." I smiled at her. "Sorry Nicky." "That's better." "Martin will have to do the conveyancing for that sale before he sets up the company," Dad said. "I will get onto it now." May grinned. "I will come with you." March's grin was bigger. "March it is prime land but it won't cost you a fortune, let's leave it to the agent they know their prices." "I will still come with you." He doesn't trust his sister. She went to find the title and I looked at my husband. "Are you okay with this March?" "Yes Nicky, it's time we got it all sorted out. I have locked May in for far too long now. I know she doesn't hold the memories I do and she only went shares with it for me." "Then it's all good then." "Yes Nicky more than good." "Now I have some more news," Mum said. "What's she done now?" I asked. "She's taking the council to task, she wants more time to fix the house." "Then she will have it. I am well overthinking and hearing about her. I doubt she will be a threat to us anymore." "After all my hard work you are going to let her get away with it?" March looked at me. "March, you have done a lot on my behalf. I am over her and she's so far away I doubt she will interfere again. When she applies for the extension I will send her a card saying she can thank you for it." "I don't know Nicky, perhaps we should just deny it." "I will do what you decide councillor," I smirked. "Thanks mum, I kind of feel sorry for her now. She will be left with nothing but at least this way she has a roof over her head." March said. "If it doesn't fall in on her." She laughed. I went back to hang the washing out and big arms pulled me into him, he kissed my neck and thanked me. "Why?" "I don't like hating people. I hate Matt and I hate his mother for what she made you do with Mason, but I don't like the feelings. I think you should give her the go-ahead, and if there's any more shenanigans we will deal with it then." "March, she bought the fight almost to our doorstep, but I don't think she's a threat to us anymore. Let's just let her do it and ignore her, if she involves herself in our lives again we will deal with it as it comes. My only worry is when Matt gets out of jail he may move up here with her." I turned around and placed my arms over his shoulders the whispered. "I don't want you to hate anyone March, let's move on." He kissed me deeply and then he went to answer a phone call. I had almost started to move towards the shed, but that could come later. I rang Martin when I got back, he was very helpful and will get the ball rolling. He needed a few things but the rest he could get off various legal sites and when May and March's land is finalised he can add that to our company. In the end, it sounded easy and we will have something in the mail to sign within the week. March walked with Mason up to the estate agent's office, he said she knew what the property was worth and that she would ring May and talk to her. Some things just fall into place, they agreed on a price at lunchtime and the deal was struck. May was happy it had to be done, and March sat back and smiled at her. "That was easy." "I told you ages ago I would sell my half to you." "And I told you to build a garage, and has that happened yet?" She giggled. The Stephenson children are very happy today, and so was I because I got to drive my new car around the block again, a group of kids turned up wanting a ride, including Lily. March and I did that job for them, there was no way he would pass up an opportunity to drive it. "When we go to Faiths I had better take the truck out for a run." "Cool, have you rang her?" "Not yet." "I will ring today, we can go tomorrow maybe." I grinned. There are days, as I said, that just fall into place and lives that change overnight. March Stephenson is a brainiac, sometimes I think he's so brainy he gets confused. If I can ease that confusion then I would gladly do it for him, and I now know that everyone in his town would do the same. The ideas are up there in his head but getting it done is a hurdle for him. In case people hadn't realised he's kind-hearted, loving, and generous, more to his friends and even more with Mason and me. I rang Faith and she was over the moon we would be paying a visit to the farm, I told her Mason wants to pick out a horse. I got such a dressing down she even made me blush. Our meeting in the shed happened not long after the call, then March manoeuvred his truck out of the garage and will drive it home so it's ready for our trip tomorrow. Mason talked to his little cars but he didn't get the urge to drive them. Mark called in to see dad, and he had given a week's notice in at his job. He and dad sat outside the cafe to nut out some chores he had for him to do. My son slept and Sunny lay quietly watching him. When we got in I made a list of things to do and things I had done, and then I will tick them when they are finalised. March couldn't stop looking at me, he was pretending to read his phone but I knew he was getting in some sneaky pics. Did I deserve to be loved this much, I don't know, but I did know I sure as hell loved him, maybe more than he loved me. My laptop beeped and I got a message from Martin. 'All set, I want you and March to make an appointment to come in soon.' I told him I would ring his secretary tomorrow. "Martin wants to see us March, to sign stuff." "That quick?" "Yes, that quick maybe we can try and book the hotel for New Year's Eve." "It may be a bit late for that, and I would much rather spend it here with you. Mason will be asleep anyway." "Good, then we can see out the old year watching it on TV." "Aren't you going to cook?" "May's pies okay with you?" "Of course." I got up and walked over to turn the oven on then got the pies out of the fridge. Mason was excited he was going to the farm today, he packed just about everything he got for Christmas but I told him three items. He started to go red but March grabbed him and explained that the horses and chooks would be waiting for a play, and he won't have time for his toys. "Okay, daddy." I harrumphed. The truck was heaven to ride in, he was very careful not to kick up any stones and unlike my mini, he drove very soberly. Hank was there to meet us once more, my baby was so excited he ran into the barn. He was placed on the mare's back and talked his head off to her. Hank was telling me the renovations were nearly completed, and they were very happy with them. Tom has been busy with work and Christmas was magic. Jimmy's new boyfriend is a joy and Faith and Ethan both liked him. So I caught up on all the news before I even got to speak to Faith. The chooks were next and Mason screamed out Faith's name and she came out the back door of the farmhouse. "Good to see you again." I hugged her and she hugged Mase and March. "How did your Christmas go?' "Excellent Nicky, now come on baby let's see if there are any eggs." She opened the large coop and they found five eggs. 'The girls are being good to us today." Then Mase was telling her he got some eggs too. They chatted for a while then she carried him inside. He was sat on the kitchen bench and she boiled one up and made his toast. He prattled on and on about his animals and toys and she agreed with him all the way. Ethan came in and took one look then headed for the bathroom to wash his hands. Nothing has changed out here, Hank followed and March was deciding whether to or not. "I believe Jimmy's new boyfriend is nice." "Yes Nicky, he's a lovely boy and after he relaxed he became one of the family. Jimmy is very smitten with him that's a big plus." "Sounds like it may last then." "I think it will, he was telling Ethan about the new supercrops they were studying." "It won't work here," March said. "You had better tell my husband that, he thinks it was a good idea." "The weather isn't good for that sort of farming up here. The soil isn't rich enough and he would have to dump loads of fertiliser into it to even get a half-decent crop." "Have you studied it March?" Ethan had been listening. "Yes, before when I ran it I looked at it all and decided the old way is the best way for this farm. If it's money you want, start growing more flowers and vegetables. The supercrops will destroy this place." "Okay, then Hank start reading up on it all." "Why me?" "Because I said so that's why. If March is telling us it won't work then we have to look into it thoroughly." "I'm too busy." "Busy with Tom's bum I think." "Ethan Wagner there will be no such talk at my table if you please," Faith yelled. She then sat Mase in a high chair and he started on his boiled egg. "Just look at a map where all the super crops are situated, you will see they aren't around her that's for sure." "Ok March we will heed your words and Hank will look into it." He winked at me. "So how was your Christmas?" "Wonderful Nicky, the only family missing was you all." "We had a nice time Faith, and you had a crowd." "One or thirty Nicky, it doesn't matter to me." "Well, maybe next year." "New Years Eve?" She lifted her eyebrows. "Mason will be asleep, we thought about going into the city for the night but because it's only us two we will be watching it on TV." "You could come here, the boys are going to light a bonfire." "We will think about it then." She got up and started taking food out of her oven, the smell was wonderful, and I was hungry. The meat was falling off the bone when Ethan carved it up and I could see another night with stomach pains coming up for March. "I will be coming into town soon, so book me in for a joy ride please." "Anytime you want it my friend, the local kids are taking advantage of it at the moment." I smiled. "I thought Tom was selling his business." "He was, but the money's too good to pass up, so he's decided to continue for another year," Hank said. "And now to my most important question councillor?" She looked at me. "I got roped into it, my husband feels I would do well on it. The next election will tell him i'm not that good at it." "I think you will do well Nicky, and I for one will vote for you." She smiled. "Well, I will give it ago and i'm already loaded up with ideas but not all mine." I looked at a blushing March. "Hank has something to ask you," Ethan said. "What's that Ethan?" Hank looked surprised. "He wants to ask you about resealing the road outside the veggie barn. It's become a hazard of late." "I'm sure if it is it will be on the repair list Hank. But we just drove up it and it seemed fine to me." "Mother, an extra potato for councillor Nicky please." "It won't work Ethan, I am not open to bribes." I smiled at him. "Behave yourself, and eat your lunch." Faith chided him. I guess I have to expect everyone to want something done around the town, but I do know that Ethan was joking and trying to get Hank into trouble. March moaned, and I nearly moaned with him the food was delicious and our scones for afternoon tea were almost ignored, but we did get a lot of takeaway. When I was helping Faith to clean up I talked to her about the council and how I was nervous being on it, but she reassured me that with Brenda in charge, I wouldn't have any problems. We said our goodbyes and I took a tired boy and husband home, he had one eye open watching me drive his beloved truck. The unfortunate thing about the truck is it's a column shift, and the next day my arm ached a bit from changing gears. That tells me I had better do some weights I have muscles that don't get used too often, and as we all know. If you don't use it, you lose it. March took Mason and they both were sound asleep on our bed within minutes when we got in. I stacked the fridge and checked my phone. Of course, the first item on the local page was from Ethan. 'A new road surface coming up.' 'In your dreams.' I commented. I looked in on my precious family then sat on the sofa and promptly went to sleep. March woke me up by fiddling in my shorts, Mason was playing in his room so I let my man do all the fiddling he wanted. "Ron's going to start tomorrow." "How do you know?" "He sent me a message to start cleaning out the garage, he will be around in the morning." "I see, so we had better get it done then." "Aww." "Tonight baby, no time for sex now." I went to splash my face and then we both went to the garage to try and clean it up. He stacked his illegal cartons into the truck then put the canopy back on to hide it all. My car was parked in the driveway and his new truck was on the lawn. Tools and odds and sods were returned to their places in drawers and on hooks, it took us the best part of two hours to get it all done. "Can you follow me up to the garage, I had better get the truck settled." Another half hour then it was time for his dinner. He had one of the roasts, I made Mason up a small bowl of veggies and gravy then I watched the news. "Nicky, can you sit with me?" "Sure March, what's up?" "Nothing, I just like to look at you when I'm eating." I lifted my leg and my bundle dropped to the side, he groaned. "Tonight, remember?" "Oh yes, tonight." 'It's urgent you read all about council procedure Nicky before the next meeting.' Brenda messaged me. I sent back one saying I was onto it. I did see a procedure page in the notes I had received, so I sat with my family and read it. 'Read the bit about graft' 'He was joking.' 'I know, but read it anyway.' I think Brenda has too much time on her hands. I locked up and March was waiting for me in bed. He spread his legs wanting his good night suck, then he went to sleep on me. I hadn't even licked my lips. I checked in on Mason and then turned the lights out, I will catch him in the shower in the morning. Ron was early, I could hear banging coming from the garage so I went outside to greet him. "Good morning Ron, you're early today." "Good morning Nick, I just wanted to get a start on this, it won't take long to extend, I will have to get a concreter in to do the floor but I will let you know in plenty of time." "Good, has Tom's renos been finished?" "Tomorrow, and it's all done, and welcome to the council." "Thanks Ron, I got roped into it by you know who." "He was begged, blackmailed, offered gifts to join but resisted all our attempts." "Sounds just like him, he can do more by not being on it I believe." "We all listen to him, he's got the clearest head in the area. When Brenda mentioned you we all said yes, because we know you will run anything important by March first." "Why?" "Why what?" "Why does he have so much clout with the council?" "School Nicky, if we ever had a problem we ran to March for advice. He had the brains and temperament to quell any of our fears or expectations, we looked up to him. He does the same thing now without interfering in council business directly." "I see, so he gets a say without even attending a meeting." "He gets the second last say, we have no idea what we are doing sometimes. The complaints and requests are a daily occurrence, we all have our unique talents but March's opinion is the one we like the best." "So who has the last say?" "Brenda, she rules." "Sure she does, coffee?" He laughed. "Yes please." I went back inside and March was up and ready to go help him. Mason was looking expectantly at him but he told him it was too dirty and he should feed his animals and look for some eggs. He was happy to do that and moved to the back door. "I will come with you baby, hang on for a mini." I made Ron's coffee and handed it to March to take to him then I opened the back door. Mase rushed out then carefully went down the stairs, he kissed both, 'Snowman' and 'Hank' then he greeted 'Sheep' as I waited at the coop for him to return. I didn't want him to collect any eggs because he might break them, so when he came back we entered and I felt around and found two eggs. I was surprised, and I knew March hadn't placed them there these were real eggs. He jumped up and down and I told him he could have one for breakfast. He then ran around in circles as I locked up the coop and thanked the hens. I boiled the water and then made some toast for him and Sunny. March came back and Mase told him about the eggs, he was looking for something to eat again so off I went to cook something for him. "How is it going?" "Good Nicky, I think I will stay home to help." "Okay, but you know dad won't be working today." "I know, I was hoping you might do the gas for me, and if anyone wants to see me you could ring." "I have your other offsider to consult." "Who?" "Mason, he knows all about oil." He laughed. I dished up his food then I walked out to see Ron. "Do you want any breakfast Ron?" "No thanks Nick, do you want a loft installed?" "That would be great, all that stuff March bought can be stored in it." "I had the same problem, I bought a shed to place it all in." "I believe there's enough contraband around this town to open an electrical shop." "Probably, it was cheap." "Well I'm off to work, I think March is staying home so I will talk to you later." "Be good, if he gets in my way I will tell him to go see you." "You do that." "I wiped Mason down and by the time he said his goodbyes to his mates we were ready for our day. I kissed my man goodbye then settled our son into my car. "Oil?" "Yes oil today, you do daddy's job." "Good." He's bored because his play school has closed for the holiday season, and he won't go back until the new year. Rose was on board today and looking very happy, she was telling me that Lily was hounding Mark to buy her a mini, she has plans to turn it into a fairy house. I asked how her Christmas lunch went and she told me it's the same every year, wonderful. "I have to make an announcement soon, the presents for the new bubs are filling my home up." "So you don't need anything then?" "Not a thing Nicky, I have stacks of stuff, new and used." "Good, and work?" "Finishing next week, I will get Tom to add you and Mary to his clients list." "I'm happy with that, just look after yourselves." "I will. Mind you the pavement outside my house needs to be done, it's becoming a hazard." "Keep dreaming Rose, it looked all right to me when I was last there." "They could do my driveway while they are at it." "Get it done yourself, stones don't cost that much." "Have you seen May this morning?" Change the subject. "She's in your shed, didn't March tell you?" "No, but that would explain why he wanted to stay home today." "He would be waiting for you to wake up to the fact you can't use the shed." She giggled. "Ron's there doing the garage." "Only until after lunch, then he's coming to finish off my bathroom." "I see, I might just ring him and tell him I have a headache." "He will want you to go home so he can nurse you." "I had better go after lunch and take him something." "You do that." She smirked. I found out later he had organised Brian (Brenda's son) to do the gym and the gas. I had a breakfast roll and mum said dad was in the city talking to potential suppliers. She was going to lock up early, there was no one around so I ordered two lunches to take home. I then went back to the gym, I poked my head into the shed and four women and a beautiful pink baby looked at me. "Have you come to help?" "No way, I have things to do." I smiled. "Has he rang you?" "Not yet but I have organised his lunch." They were busy so I went back to my desk and surfed the internet. Christmas is a wonderful time of the year but it does get a bit dull between it and the new year. I watched the clock and my baby ride 'Hank' around the gym. No customers today and very little petrol was dispensed, the phone call came in around noon, and he was bored. I went and picked up our lunches and bundled my cargo into the car then drove home as soon as Brian arrived. No Ron, and I could see straight through the garage, they had demolished the back wall and started on the framing. He grabbed the food and I sat at the table, he's eager today and with only his shorts on I could see a little fruity also. Mason had the TV on and I know he will go to sleep soon. "How was work?" "Four fill ups thats it. May is in the shed doing her tea, and the streets are quiet." "What are we going to do New Year's eve?" "Stay home as we planned." "So mums not doing anything?" "She and dad are going to have a quiet night." "Ok, then we will have one too." "I hate this time of year, not much to do. I like being busy." "You are busy." "Not really." "You are helping Ron, and your son is almost asleep and I have the biggest boner in my shorts you need to take care of." "Eat up Nicky." He grinned. "Is this how you planned it all to go today?" "Yes." I cleared the table and checked that Mase was asleep all the while March was hanging off me following me around. We ended up in bed, and the fun afternoon started with a movie. Ron turned up the next day and so did two cars that needed a service. Next year I will make March close down and have a holiday. We are back on track because apart from the fun we had yesterday afternoon we also had a replay late at night, and first thing this morning. I talked to Ron he wants to get the framing done today and then the concreting. No parking in the garage for a few days after that. March couldn't help him today he has to wait for the two cars to come in they will keep him busy. Dad was there when we arrived, he was sitting in the office making notes. March said he had work today and dad offered to help. It was a no-go from March, he said dad had too much to do. "Nicky, do you think you could suggest to the council that the zebra crossing be placed in front of the hardware shop?" "Why dad?" "Easy access son, folks will see my store first." "I can suggest it but you do know May is on the council also." "I will talk to her then." He snickered. I will ignore that and no I think the crossing should go outside May's new shop, kids will head for her business first they don't need hammers. He followed us across the road and May greeted us as I picked little Rosie up. "Did you get it all done?" "Yes Nicky, I'm all stocked up again and orders have been sent out." "Did Dr Mike get some more?" "Yes, his order had doubled." "He must be selling it like crazy." "He is, his patients love it." "Now I have one road to be resurfaced, one driveway to be stoned and the zebra crossing is to be placed across from the hardware shop." "The crossing is to be placed just over there in front of my new shop, it's a safety issue. No resurfacing any roads and Rose can do her driveway.' She laughed as dad started to protest. "Dad it's a safety issue, the crossing will be too close to the roundabout and it will confuse the traffic." "Dad and Nicky, May's right if you watch the kids they always cross at that spot, they can see the traffic better," March said. "Okay, March we place it where May wants it." "Good, now what's for breakfast?" "Order me a roll when you go in March." "Give my niece to me Nicky." I reluctantly handed the little pink cherub over then went to order the burgers. Mason was hungry and he wanted a small sausage roll, so I grabbed that and then chopped it up, he almost dumped half a bottle of tomato sauce on it, and then he played with it. "Don't fall for any complaints Nicky, otherwise you will be running around all over town trying to fix them." "I won't May, I will refer to you if I get any, at the moment people are just testing my resolve." "Well the roundabout and crossing are priorities and much needed, and I believe March has solved the parking problem at the school. The next big project will be beautifying the main street, plants, pavers and overhead lighting. It takes time Nicky." "Why is the council so broke May?" "The other towns get priority, because they are bigger more revenue is paid and we use whatever is collected in rates for those outer towns. This town is small so it's a small budget." "Okay then we had better raise some money." "We can, but what we have to do here is small and it will be done eventually. We don't want to change the town too much just spruce it up a little and make it safer. Is that right dear brother?" She looked at a listening March Stephenson. "Yes sister, the less change the better, keep it all real." I understood and I know March doesn't want to change his town too much, he likes it the way it is. "So dad, have you found suppliers yet?" "Yes May, all in hand. I have hired Debbie she's very happy to be working here and she is a volume of information. She said she would do me a copy of the stock that sells the most at her current job, then I can concentrate on those items first." "Good, you should get March to do your shop first." "I will leave that up to Nicky." "More work? bloody hell March when am I going to have time to myself?" "When you're with me." His lips curved into a slight smile. "You don't have to force me to do that." "Just keeping it real Nicky," I must ask him what he meant, but not now, Brenda is arriving. "Hi guys, beautiful day." She took Rosie off March and cuddled her. "Quick meeting Nicky and Rose, do we let Annie off the leash?" "Yes," I said. "Yes." May looked at March. "Yes, but make sure Nudge, Ron, and Joel are busy. No one from this town will help her." "Good, because she's sent a solicitors letter and I would like to avoid a court case. Hopefully, the house will fall apart before she even starts on it." "Is that all we have for today?" I asked. "Yes, just wanted to get that out of the way, good choice councillors." "What are you doing for New Year's eve?" "Just the boys and us, we will light up the backyard and let off some small fireworks, nothing that can start a fire or frighten little ones." "We had better get some sparklers from Jack," I said. "That's a good idea, what are you doing May?" "Rose is babysitting and we are going up the mountain to watch the city ones." "Rose is babysitting?" March lifted his eyebrows. "That's if you and Nicky don't want to do it." "We will look after our niece, and you can stay the night." Great there goes my night on the sofa.

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