Marcus and Kyle

By moc.loa@NOCIsvNOCI

Published on Oct 30, 2004


A Shift in the Universe Christian Mitchell Copyright 2004


The following morning we ate at the breakfast buffet downstairs in the hotel. The five of us talked and laughed until we decided that it was time to explore New York City. We walked down to Forty-second Street to experience our first train ride on the subway system. Since we were going to Union Square we took the N train. It was interesting to be crowded into the car with such a diverse crowd of people. In general, you had to be in a very public and popular location in Los Angeles to be able to experience a wide diversity similar to what we encountered on the subway.

One of the things that amazed me about the Union Square Park was the fact that the squirrels did not seem to be scared of people. If you called out to them they would run right up to you to investigate whether you had food or not. It was like we were walking through a petting zoo. A squirrel actually started to crawl up Paul's leg, which was hilarious because he started to freak out. Once we stopped laughing at him he explained that he thought the squirrel could give him rabies.

We continued to walk down Broadway. There were plenty of stores to explore and lots of people to observe. They rushed by us; content to accomplish whatever task they had to fulfill. I discovered that New Yorkers were not nearly as rude as people claimed that they were. When we asked someone a question they seemed pretty happy to help us with directions or suggestions.

As we continued to walk Kyle and I pretty much focused on being in each other's company. The others stared and commented on every pretty girl that crossed our path.

Eventually it was time to eat lunch. We ate in a small Italian restaurant in Little Italy. Then we rushed to the East Village to obtain our fake IDs.

The guy lived on Seventh Street and Avenue A. The neighborhood seemed somewhat dirty and run-down but not dangerous in any manner to be aware of.

Jonathan buzzed the front door to let us in and we climbed a set of old wooden stairs to the third floor. The yellow paint seemed to be melting off the walls. There was the faint scent of urine, but it was difficult to decipher if it was some animal or human piss that greeted our noses. Music could be heard in some of the apartments and we also overheard a man and woman in the midst of an argument.

Once we arrived at the apartment the door suddenly opened and a very pretty blonde woman stepped out into the hallway. It would not have been a surprise to learn that she was a model because she was so beautiful. Tyler and Jordan looked at her with their mouths hanging open. Paul tried his best to get her attention by smiling and saying hello. She politely addressed him then waved good-bye to whoever she had been talking to in the apartment.

Suddenly Jonathan appeared and ushered us into the apartment. He quickly closed the door and told a guy to go into the other room.

Jonathan looked like he hadn't shaved or showered in two days. His blue T-shirt was kind of thin and faded. There was a hole on the shoulder where it met the collar. A small portion of a tattoo could be seen on Jonathan's exposed skin.

"So, which one of you is Jordan?"

"Me," Jordan answered and extended his hand.

Jonathan pulled him into an embrace and slapped him on the back. "Man, I can't believe you're Michael's little brother!"

"That would be me, but I'm not so little anymore," Jordan smiled.

"That's for damn sure. You look like a football player," Jonathan replied and motioned for us to follow him. "We need to get to it, because I have to leave soon."

"That's fine," Jordan responded. "We don't want to hold you up."

"I'm also giving you a deal," Jonathan smiled with a nod of his head. "Normally I charge forty dollars, but I'll give you each a card for twenty-five."

"Thanks," we replied.

The room we had entered was quite messy with papers and various sized boxes scattered about. There was a small desk in one corner and a long narrow table against one wall.

Jonathan pointed at me. "You. Go stand over there against the wall."

I did as instructed and he grabbed a camera from a shelf. "Just look at me and smile."

One by one we had our picture taken. We waited for Jonathan to adhere the photo to the identification card. Then he laminated the cards and used a pair of scissors to cut off the excess plastic from the edges. The entire process consumed less than five minutes of time.

"Okay, they're ready," he announced. He handed us our IDs and explained," all of you live in New York City now. Make sure you know your address, just in case the guy at the door gives you a hard time. And I kept your ages around twenty-two. You should have no problem getting into the bars."

I glanced at my ID card and admired the counterfeit authenticity. I was somewhat upset by the fact that I looked better in the photo than my real California Driver's License. I gave mine to Paul and we all exchanged cards so we could appreciate Jonathan's good work.

"My advice is that you don't keep the fake one with your real one," Jonathan suggested. "You don't want to be a fucking idiot and give the doorman the wrong one. So keep them separate."

We each paid Jonathan the twenty-five dollars he had quoted us. As we were about to leave he asked if we needed anything else.

"No, we just needed the cards," Jordan smiled.

"Well, if you need anything else, here's your chance. I have ecstasy, coke and weed."

The five of us nervously glanced at each other.

"No, thanks. We're all set," Jordan replied.

"Alright," the guy shrugged. "But you know where to come. Call me first though."

We said good-bye and left the apartment. As soon as the door slammed shut Paul stopped walking.

"No one wants anything from this guy?"

"What, you mean drugs?" I asked.

"Well, we're in New York to have a good time. I don't really want anything. But if anyone is too embarrassed to say anything we should just take care of it now."

"I don't think drugs would be the smartest idea in a strange city," Tyler replied.

"Well, not the coke and ecstasy," Jordan said. "But we can get some pot, if you want. We've all smoked that before. And it's pretty harmless. Right?"

"Do you guys wanna get high?" Kyle questioned.

Paul and Tyler shrugged their shoulders as Jordan's smile widened.

He turned toward me. "What about you?"

"Ah, I don't care," I replied. "If anyone wants to buy some, then go ahead. I don't know if I'll actually smoke any or not, but I won't be upset with anyone if they want to."

I barely had the words out of my mouth when Jordan quickly turned around and knocked on Jonathan's door.

Since it was Thursday night we decided to cruise the bars in Times Square. It took us some time to get dressed because we had to debate what to wear. Finally the group decided that we should look nice, but not too dressy. If we were stylish enough to blend in then hopefully someone would tell us about the places we should check out during the weekend.

We traveled to a bar around the corner from the hotel. To our surprise there wasn't anyone carding at the door so we waltzed right in. Tyler led us to the bar and ordered five beers. The bartender glanced at us then pointed at Paul. "I need to see your ID please."

Once we had our beers we walked calmly and casually to the glass wall that provided a view of Times Square.

Jordan raised his bottle of Corona into the air. "Here's to us and having a good time in New York City."

When we each had consumed two beers we decided to go to another bar located on the same block. The doorman asked to see our identification then he waved us through the door.

We were excited that we were actually bar hopping and drinking alcohol. Paul decided that we needed to celebrate by ordering shots.

I don't know what it was, but it burned on the way down.

"Damn!" Tyler exclaimed. "That's some potent shit."

"I'm starting to get a buzz from the beer," I whispered to Kyle. "Once the shot kicks in I'll be on my way to a definite state of intoxication."

Jordan had started talking to two girls. Then Tyler, Paul and he put forth their best effort to charm the ladies. Soon there was another round of shots.

"Lemon shot," Paul announced as he handed me the glass. "Sugar is on the rim and here's your lemon."

Shortly after two o'clock in the morning we decided that it was time to return to the hotel. The girls clung onto Jordan and Tyler and followed us back to our rooms. When we walked into my hotel room I noticed that Jordan wasn't with us. Then he appeared in the doorway with a bottle of vodka and the bag of marijuana.

"Oh, shit," I said. "Here we go."

"That's right, buddy," he grinned. "Live it up."

The two girls shouted their approval and sat on one of the beds. The blonde one reached into her purse and pulled out a packet of rolling papers to give to Jordan.

Paul retrieved orange juice from the mini-refrigerator. Within minutes we each had a cocktail in our hands. We toasted the night and gulped the concoction Jordan had prepared for us.

I nearly spit it out. "Man, you'd never make it as a bartender."

Jordan shrugged his shoulders and sat down next to the dark haired girl. When he held up the bag of pot her eyes widened with delight. He did his best to roll the joint as if he had done it countless times in the past. Then he lit the end and inhaled deeply.

"Here Rachel," he muttered.

The joint was passed around the room. Once it reached me I decided to pass. "Not yet. I have to let my buzz wear off a little bit."

There were groans of protest as I handed it to Kyle. He puffed on it then gave it to Paul. Soon after Paul inhaled he crossed the room and knelt down in front of me. He grabbed my face and pulled my mouth towards his. Then he exhaled the smoke directly into my mouth.

I waited several seconds before I exhaled. "Thanks," I coughed.

Paul slapped me on the shoulder then kissed my forehead. "Good boy."

It was not long before the laughter kicked in. Jordan seemed to be acting like an idiot for some reason. Whatever he said or did made me laugh. This caused Kyle and Paul to laugh at me. The two girls hardly giggled much at all. Both of them looked as if they were about to fall asleep within minutes of each other.

It was nearly four o'clock in the morning when Tyler and Jordan took the two girls to the room next door. Paul was lying on the bed and eating a bag of M&Ms.

Kyle was tired so we got undressed and got into bed. I turned off the lamp next to the bed as Paul walked to the bathroom. I heard him pissing into the toilet. Then he turned the faucet on. A few minutes later he emerged from the bathroom naked and he had his jeans in hand. He tossed them to the floor and got into the other bed.

"Do you think Paul's going to fall asleep soon?" Kyle asked with a whisper.

"He looked like he was about to pass out," I replied.

"Good," he smiled. "I wanna have sex."

I chuckled then nudged him in the ribs. "Did the weed make you horny?"

"No," he answered. "You did."

Kyle and I started kissing. Several minutes later Kyle disappeared beneath the comforter. Soon I felt his mouth on my cock. It quickly became fully erect. Kyle started to lick my stomach and worked his way up to my nipples. He sucked on them for a couple minutes then he resurfaced. As he kissed me aggressively he pushed my legs so that they bent at the knee and rested against my chest.

"I love you," he whispered.

I moaned in response. "I love you more."

Kyle started kissing and sucking my neck. "God, I love being with you."

"Yeah? Tell me why."

"I love you for being you," he whispered as he continued to kiss my neck.

"I love your body. I love your mind. I love you heart."

I arched my back and tilted my head back.

Kyle grabbed my dick. "I love your cock. I love to feel it inside me."

I glanced toward the other bed and saw the distinct image of Paul stroking his dick in the dark. "Paul's masturbating. I think he's watching us."

"Good," Kyle panted. "Let him enjoy the show."

"Are you sure?"

Kyle pushed the comforter down so that our bodies were more exposed. Then he reached into the drawer of the nightstand. Soon he had a couple condoms and a bottle of lube in his hand. "When I'm done fucking you I want you to fuck me."

"Yeah," I gasped as I felt Kyle press his cock against my ass.

Kyle put the condom on and lubed his dick and my ass. He gently pushed the head of his cock into my ass. As he began to thrust into me I placed my hands on his shoulders and glanced in Paul's direction.

He was still masturbating but I couldn't tell if he was watching us or not.

Next: Chapter 19

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