Marcus Shows off his Pride

By Tracer Pupp

Published on Jul 9, 2020



The room was completely black when Liam came back to consciousness again. The first thing he felt was a cool breeze caressing his completely naked body. He moved to stretch his limbs, but realized that he could not move them more than an inch in any direction. Liam lay face down on a platform, his legs supported beneath him. A quick struggle revealed his arms were tightly bound with a harshly rough rope with hardly any give, just enough for circulation. His legs were restrained by tight leather straps at his ankles, upper calf, and thighs.

He took a deep breath. The feeling of tightness all around him and the smell of the latex padding calmed him. The straps forced his knees to bend at a ninety degree angle and he could feel his naked hole exposed to the open air.

That's not quite true actually. His hole would have been exposed to the open air were it not for the plug inside of it. It was a big one. Liam focused on the feeling of stretching inside him. It was a very big plug after all. He even tried to push it out, but found that he couldn't, only succeeding in making his hole ache a bit more. It was tethered to him somehow and wasn't going anywhere by his own power. That wasn't all. Liam could tell his hands were encased in leather bondage mitts, forcing his fingers to form a useless fist that he could not open.

Liam groaned and tested the restraints again. He tasted leather. A penis gag was secured around his head and penetrated deep into his mouth. It forced his mouth wide open and if he moved too much the leather penis reached just far enough to cause him to gag. He needed to maintain a constant effort to relax his throat. Over his eyes he felt a tightly fastened blindfold.

There was something else too. His penis felt cold against him. When he jiggled against his bonds, he could hear a padlock attached to it. A metal chastity cage. It's smaller than his usual one. The plugs got bigger as the cages got smaller, that was usually the case. Liam's penis was wanting to burst through the metal already.

All of this he realized in a moment, and a panic began to set in. He couldn't remember how he got here, and he couldn't remember where he was before here. Liam struggled against the restraints. The ropes chafed against his skin, the leather biting into his legs. Several minutes passed by before he needed to stop. His heart rate increased as well as his ragged breathing, and the gag forced him to choke twice. The room felt burning hot now, and a layer of sweat built up on his head and limbs. It tickled his sides as he felt it drip down.

"There you go slave," said a deep and familiar voice. "Just like you wanted." Liam felt a sharp pain on his bare left ass cheek as his Master spanked him at full force. He gasped in surprise, earning himself another gag reflex. Quickly the pain moved to his right cheek, then back to the left. Back and forth until he felt his ass burning red hot. He could do nothing, just struggle further with the ropes and accept the pain that was becoming slowly more and more unbearable.

Marcus looked down upon the perfection of his slave Liam and smiled. He'd just woken up 2 minutes ago and was madly struggling to be free. He shouldn't remember where he is now thanks to some not so gentle sleeping pills he took before bed. The dim red lighting of the room revealed his pale skin slick with sweat. Marcus, after spending several seconds looking, determined that his little slave needed some more color on his ass. He didn't hold back on his spanking until he heard soft whimpers coming from Liam. Marcus loved those noises. He reached down and palmed his erection as he observed his boy so vulnerable.

"Thank you, Master." The slave attempted to say through his gag. It wasn't at all recognizable speech, but Marcus had heard that moaned through his toy's gagged mouth so many times before. Liam always put in the effort.

Marcus ran dark-skinned a hand over his slave's slender and dripping body from toes to forehead, touching all parts of him and lingering in certain sensitive areas like the armpits, his well defined abs and back and his neck. He could see his slave's cock attempt to get hard in its cage, a drop of precum leaking from it. Marcus considered just locking the door and having his way with Liam alone, but that's not what this night was about. This was a night devoted to his slave. He drank up the visage of Liam's damp brown hair stuck to his forehead and the blindfold. The look of the ropes and straps biting into his soft skin. He tightened a few of them even further just to prove he could, and to show who was in charge.

Marcus, steeling himself to not molest the boy before him (quite yet), said, "You have fun. But pace yourself. You're in for a long night." There was another muffled response from the body. "Thank you Master." It was instinct for Liam at this point. Marcus took a moment to slowly attach Liam's heavy metal chain collar and lock it in place, marking him as his property. One last long and loving look at his slave, he smiled and exited the room.

Liam's cock was already in agony. Feeling his Master's hand trailing along his body and hearing what he said. A "long night"? He had ideas of what that could mean. Everything felt so erotic from the burn of his ass, to the rope tightly around his skin, and even the pain in his cock and balls.

Just then, he heard voices outside the door that had just shut. There were more than a few of them. Liam's heart began to pound in response to what was about to happen. His mind flashed images of the possibilities quick as lightning. The door opened and two sets of footsteps approached where he was squirming bound, gagged, and helpless.

He heard them talking behind him but couldn't understand most of it because of the pounding in his ears. He heard bits and pieces of it. "Fuck yes." "He's ours for an hour." "Fucking slut." Liam gasped as the massive plug in his ass was beginning the process of being pulled out. He felt hands on his sweating body. He cried out into his gag as the largest part of the plug passed and came out. Hands rubbed every inch of his body. They circled from his back, to his sides, underneath him to pinch at his nipples, in his armpits, over his caged cock and balls. They kept talking and threw the plug to the ground with a thud. He felt empty and incredibly horny for these faceless men. Precum dripped from his cock cage and swung onto his shaking inner thighs.

A strong set of large hands grabbed his still burning asscheeks and spread them apart, exposing the boy's aching hole. He felt a breath and then a tongue swirling around the hole briefly before it entered his channel. Liam's eyes rolled back into his head at the sudden pleasure of his hole being rimmed. Then, at his face something was being pulled. The penis gag was pulled from his mouth, but there was no relief. Still in his mouth was an open ring gag that held it open. Drool spilled out of Liam's mouth onto his chin and chest.

Seconds later a hot and hard cock was being slapped around Liam's face. The slit leaked fluid that clung to the boy's face. The cock circled around the ring in Liam's mouth and he could faintly taste precum. Scents of the man's musk intoxicated him and he stuck his tongue out to catch the flavor. The man's cock was shoved past the ring and all the way down the boy's throat. Luckily, his Master had trained him extensively to accommodate large cocks in his throat. The man above him gasped in pleasure as the boy tongued him, then began to fuck the pretty face.

Behind the slave boy, the other man had finished his rimjob and was ready to fuck the boy hard. He spat on Liam's hole and began to press against the tight ring. With hardly any trouble at all, the man pushed past it and bottomed out into the boy. The boy groaned as his hole was so unceremoniously filled. It was a thick cock. Certainly thick enough to be uncomfortable, but the boy liked it. Liam felt the man behind him lean forward, his hard chest resting on his back, and nibble at his neck as he began an honest fucking. Even with all his training with his Sir, Liam couldn't help but to grunt each time the cock reached its deepest point. The man in front of him moaned at the vibration around his cock.

Rough hands grip the slave's face to hold it steady. This angle was perfect for reaching the man's large cock directly down the boy's throat. Though Liam was a top notch cocksucker, when the cock was buried in his mouth, his pubes resting against Liam's nose and left it there, seconds crawling by until it was uncomfortable he began to struggle. After a minute, Liam's lungs ached but he could do nothing to stop the torment. The man's strong grip held the boy's head perfectly still. The slave's body was dripping sweat and became increasingly red around the one and a half minute mark when the man released him and let him breathe. He gasped for a few seconds before the man shoved back in and began it all over again. The man above him laughed.

His oral torment continued while the man fucking his ass began to pound it savagely. With a cock lodge firmly down his throat, the slave felt the man behind him fire off a load of cum down his hole as he moaned the whole while directly into the slave's ear. Liam moaned, begging for air that did not come. Only after he was seeing stars did the cock leave his mouth and he gasped for air and said, "Thank you sir for your load," muffled by his gag.

The man laughed and roughly pulled out from Liam's hole as he exited the room and said, " There's more where that came from boy." The boy felt butterflies in his stomach as the cock was shoved back in his mouth, rock hard and leaking heavily. This time the man fucked his face and within seconds Liam could feel a thick load of cum being deposited on his tongue. With the gag holding the boys mouth wide open he said, "Clean me off." Liam happily obliged lapping at the softening cock with his tongue. The second man left the room and then there was silence once more.

A shiver ran over Liam's body. He could feel the cum leaking from his ass, and taste the load on his tongue. His cock strained against his chastity cage and wished he could just reach down and stroke it. He could cum in seconds if he could just.... He strained against the heavy straps and rope to no avail. Liam jumped as the door swung open again. Footsteps approached but this time it was far more than 2 sets. 5? 6? 10? He couldn't tell. All he could tell was that he felt more exposed than ever.

In no time at all, a rock hard cock was inserted into his mouth, even larger than the last. It began to fuck him gently, enjoying the soft tongue and tissue massage. The boy's ass was slapped around again, reigniting the fire there, and then mounted again by a new dick. The man behind him moaned deeply as he shoved home and out over again. Disembodied hands began to touch him everywhere while the assault on his holes continued. They paid extra close attention to his nipples, cock cage, and his ticklish feet. Two men began sucking on each of his nipples between harsh pinching and biting. Two more assaulted his sensitive feet, licking between the toes and tickling his soles, creating a wonderfully erotic feeling. His exposed balls beneath his locked cock were first licked and then a vibrator was attached to the metal cage, set to low.

As the sensations piled on, and the fucking in his ass and mouth became more intense, Liam could feel himself getting closer and closer to orgasm, despite the tiny cage. He began to squirm as the need slowly rose and then peaked to a boiling point. He was on fire everywhere. As he had been taught to always do, he asked, "Please sir, may I cum?" past the cock lodged in his mouth. Somehow, the message still got through and the vibrator was turned off, and the sensations lessened for a short while. The cocks attacking his holes however did not slow. They continued using the boy's body until bringing themselves off inside him.

Liam had time for one deep breath before his ass and mouth were filled again. The vibrator was switched on again, starting the long trek back to the slave's undeserved orgasm. Somewhere in the middle of that journey of pleasure and discomfort, the cock in his mouth shot its load over Liam's blindfolded face. Moments later, he felt a stream of hot piss wetting his shoulders and back, along with laughter above. It traveled over his body and the boy moaned. A new cock replaced the last down his throat. He felt so degraded and dirty, less than human. More streams were added to the first, washing away the sweat. The fucking continued, music blared around him, he could smell alcohol on the men's breath. He was the centerpiece of a party.

Marcus stayed to the back of the large room, merely watching. He didn't want Liam to hear his voice too much or it might take him out of the scene. But wow was it hard not to join him. Watching his boy getting fucked, bred, pissed on, and abused by strangers. Marcus could feel precum soaking his underwear from his perpetually hard cock in his pants. It was hard to stay focused with conversation with the other doms at his private party. He'd already been invited to 3 similar slave-gangbang parties planned in the future. He tried his best to appear attentive, but always kept an eye on his Liam. He moved his hand from unconsciously rubbing his cock for the thirtieth time to his drink to take a sip.

Load after load was pumped into Liam. He was covered in cum, could feel it dripping off of him and between his legs and down his chin. It felt like hours. Every time Liam felt himself close to cumming he would ask permission, and every time he was denied. He longed to just cheat and cum, but he knew the consequences were always too severe to be worth it. Two last loads were shot in his mouth and ass, and the hands and cocks were removed from the boy's molested, sweating and tired body. He panted heavily as he listened around him. He couldn't hear any of the men leaving. They were still around, chatting and laughing. He could hear seats being pulled up and the men sitting down.

Movement in front of him caught his attention. "Not a word," was warned above him by an unknown voice. The ring gag holding his mouth gaping was removed gently. Liam opened and closed his mouth slowly, the man above helped to massage the stiffness from his jaw. The rip of duct tape above him made him jump and it was wrapped around his mouth and head several times, gagging him again. He was thankful for a less painful gag, and laid his head down in front of him.

More movement behind indicated this wasn't over. A dildo head was placed against his well lubricated hole. A button was pressed and the sound of machinery roared. The dildo was attached to a fucking machine and was now deep fucking his ass. Liam winced, his hole was very painful and irritated, but the dildo and machine did not care. The vibrator on the boy's cock cage was turned on to the highest setting. Liam moaned and struggled getting closer. "You may now cum as much as you like in your cock cage, slave. Neither machine will be stopped until all of your guests have left." It was another stranger's voice.

With that a chuckle surrounded him as the sadists all laughed at his predicament. The vibrations and pounding of his asshole took him to the edge in seconds. Liam screamed and every muscle in his body seized. His cock and balls were in agony getting so hard in the confines of the small cage, but still the pleasure won out. With a final grunt, the slave shot his load. It erupted out of the cage onto his thighs and the platform. The bliss of the orgasm lasted an entire minute and a new pulse of cum shot out with each stroke of the dildo slamming past his prostate. Wiped out, Liam collapsed into his bondage, but the vibrator and dildo did not stop. The sensations were amplified tenfold in post orgasm torture. Fingers covered in cum, his own cum, rubbed it over his face and under his nose to smell. Despite himself, Liam's cock stayed hard in its cage. He moaned and screamed and jerked at the continual assault of his cock and ass. Each of his reactions brought a round of laughter to the group of men. They were enjoying this quite a lot. The minutes stretched on and Liam eventually succumbed again to the vibrator, dribbling out a pathetic load. There was no pleasure in this orgasm, just fear that the sensations won't end.

He could hear the room beginning to empty at last. It had felt like so long. The boy came once more, very painfully. Liam let out a pathetic grunt but his body remained slack. After the few drops were rubbed onto his face, the machines finally stopped. The dildo was removed. Even still, his cock remained hard as Liam lost consciousness.

At long last, after the last guest filed out Marcus approached his once again unconscious boy. As gently as possible, he removed first the duct tape around his mouth, hand mitts, blindfold, collar, and chastity cage. Then even gentler still he slowly untied the ropes around Liam's wrists. His hands were cold, but not unhealthily so. Taking care to not overexert any muscles he moved Liam's arms in front of his face, massaging them to get blood flow back to normal. There were deep rope imprints that would certainly leave marks for the next week. Next off came the leg straps. At this point Liam stirred, took a deep intake of breath and opened his eyes looking directly into his Master's eyes. He smiled weakly, but couldn't manage to say anything at the moment. Words didn't need to be spoken though, Marcus understood it all from the look in his eyes. Liam felt a hand stroking his damp hair, soothing him, and closed his eyes.

As slowly as possible Marcus lifted his sub from the fuck bench cradling him in his strong arms like a child. All manner of bodily fluids clung between them as they walked to the bathroom looking into each other's eyes silently, but Marcus didn't mind. Once there, Liam was placed into their rather large bathtub and rinsed off most of the cum, and sweat with a gentle pour from the shower nozzle and a warm washcloth in the most grimey areas. Marcus ran the bath and stripped himself, hardly taking an eye off of Liam. He felt so proud. He'd never had the privilege of owning a sub that could endure so much. Once naked, Marcus entered the tub and lay down. Liam immediately laid his head on his Master's dark chest and closed his eyes. Words were not needed here, they could wait for tomorrow. The Master held his boy close to him as the bath filled up with warm water.

It only took a minute for Liam to begin nodding off and relaxing his muscles. They stayed soaking for a while. Marcus couldn't help his cock's reaction to rubbing against Liam's tight abs. He tried to think of something else, to look at the ceiling, but all he could recall was the sight of his boy being used and abused, pissed on, bred, face fucked, cumming in his cock cage. Fuck. Every few minutes Liam would moan and reach for Marcus' cock to play with. He let it happen. It was torturous, watching all of that and not cumming after, and now this.

With a mischievous grin, Liam sunk under the water to give his Master a lazy blowjob. Fuck that feels so good. As his boy came up for air, Marcus grabbed Liam's head and pulled him in for a kiss. "Not right now, silly boy. You need rest." Marcus said, knowing it was the truth. This was followed by a weak little moan, but he did not disobey. Chuckling, Marcus stood from the bath and supported Liam to the mirror and told him, "Brush, and then rinse with mouthwash. Then dry off and head to bed, naked of course. I'll meet you there shortly." Liam nodded in response and set off.

Marcus walked off humming to himself, and his hard cock pointing the way before him. He poured a large glass of water, and considered bringing up a snack, but decided against it. He's probably ingested enough cum, anything more might make him sick, Marcus chuckled to himself. Better make that two large glasses of water though. He realized he forgot to hydrate Liam as he woke before the scene began and wanted to kick himself. "Fucked up again." He wasn't careful enough. He shouldn't be making these mistakes.

He rushed back upstairs faster than he intended, but he couldn't help himself. When he made it back to the bedroom Liam was there cuddled up in the blankets with his eyes closed. Unbelievably cute. You wouldn't suspect what a whore he could be on sight. Marcus placed one glass of water on a nightstand and said, "No sleeping until you drink all of this one," he handed Liam the glass, "and there's plenty more if you want it."

Liam groaned at the request to drink it all, but happily began, clearly thirsty. Marcus winced and felt shame, but it went unnoticed by Liam. With a sigh, Marcus stood up and walked back to the play room. He would clean it all tomorrow, but he grabbed one item off the floor. After another trip to the bathroom to brush his own teeth, Marcus approached Liam with the item he just cleaned off. At his master's footsteps Liam woke, just barely. He felt a tug on his cock and balls and startled. Marcus was smiling up from between his legs placing the tiny metal cage back on his cock. "You know the rules."

Liam groaned again, but couldn't summon the energy to complain. With a click the shining cage locked on, securing the slave's manhood as long as his master pleased. Liam's every-day casual collar was locked on next. With that Marcus hit the lights and finally went to bed. Liam's back found Marcus' chest and Marcus' arms found their way around his boy, holding him close. Again, he couldn't help his body's reaction to his hot slave. His cock got hard against Liam's ass. Liam let out a groan as if he wanted to take it now, but of course Marcus couldn't allow that. He needed his rest.

"Tomorrow, love," Marcus said smiling and tickled lightly at his boy's sides. He wiggled a bit, laughing, then fell asleep instantly, exhausted.

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