Marcus Summer Twist

By Scott Scott

Published on Jul 20, 2006


To save you time reading, the usual disclaimers in chapters 1-17 still apply.

I always welcome feedback on the story and you can email at ...

I want to thank Jon, my proofreader, again for all his time and help in editing this story. Thanks Jon. I also want to thank Jeff Hunter, Artor from Mexico, Paul in Aus., and Lee(School of Nursing) for some extra pointers. Thanks Guys!!

One of the readers, CJ, has a yahoo group that he started for general stories comments but a lot of it has been about Marcus Summer Twist. I thought I try something different, a bit of twist you could say, and on that site in the photo sections I have started adding pictures of the characters and some "action photos" by chapter. It is not complete but still in progress. Remember these are pics not of people I know, just a very close representation of the characters. The site is at:

Enjoy the story and the photo section!!!

Chapter 18: The lights on!!

I stood there in the hall looking at the door that just shut behind Doc and Lidda. I was feeling a bit sorry for the guy but then I wasn't. He was the one that is withholding his feelings about something and it's driving him nuts.

Shane walked up next to me and said, "What did he talk to you about?"

"I actually really don't know, he seems coherent but his thoughts are in left and right field. I also got the feeling he was trying to blackmail me about what we did in the spa."

"He what?"

"Walk with me; I don't want the others to know just right now."

We walked down a hall away from the ER and I noticed several small research and development labs, a computer lab and Doc's offices.

I continued, "He said something about how your folks wouldn't take too well to me if Alex and Susan had walked in on us since the door wasn't locked."

Shane's face was turning red, he turned to look at the wall, clinched his fist and he asked himself, "That little rat bastard, what the hell does he think he's doing?" I don't think he meant to say that outloud but I thought I would offer some advice.

"I think he is just really confused and angry about something. Remember what Sarah told us about her brother. You did say this has been building for a few months."

"Yea, a good 6 months at least but he is more irritated about the time you arrived. What could that mean?"

I didn't realize Sarah walked up behind us along with Eric and Spencer.

Sarah said, "I been overhearing what you two are talking about. You may have not noticed but I think he is in love with you, Marcus."

All four us just looked stunned at her.

Both Shane and I muttered, "Ppphhhhhhtttt, no way!"

Shane shaking his head asked, "Sarah, you think my brother, Sam, is gay?" He obviously acted like he never thought Sam could be gay. I noticed Spencer and Eric give each other a glance.

Sarah realized she may have said too much and replied, "I didn't say gay, but he and Marcus shared an event together that was very emotional. He may still be dealing with that emotion."

I then added, "He has only known me for a matter of a few weeks, no one can grow that big a crush on someone that fast."

Eric surprised me by saying, "Why not? Many people prejudge before even talking to someone, just by looking at them. We say things like, he looks stupid or she is too this or that."

"Then why does he look like he has been beaten up?"

"Most likely, whatever his addiction is has taken a toll. He is dealing with that and a lot of overwhelming emotions. I remember when my brother broke down. When we finally got to see him, he was calm and relaxed but talked oddly, then just like someone flipped a switch, his rage returned." She described exactly how Sam acted in that room.

Spencer asked, "Marcus, how do you feel about Sam?"

"He confuses the shit out of me. I don't know how to take him; he can get on my last nerve a lot."

Doc walked behind us and looked at me and Shane. He said, "I need to talk to you two in my office now."

We walked a few doors down and into Doc's office. He closed the door and said, "What happened tonight in the spa?"

I never been in this office. He had a normal size office which looked very comfy but high tech. Instead of having separate windows, the entire outside wall was one floor to ceiling window which had those same voice activated shades as I had in my room. He had an oversized coffee table with several executive chairs surrounding it and each chair had a laptop easily accessible to the side. Another wall was covered with bookcases and the wall that we entered through was filled with family photos on one side of the door and diplomas and a collection of pictures of doc with other famous doctors on the other side.

Shane said, "He almost drowned."

Doc looked confused and said, "Sam didn't look wet to me."

Shane replied, "No, I meant Marcus."

"I'm confused, what happened?"

I told him about the dream, going to the spa and the pain in my leg.

Shane told him of the events from the time he found me but skipped details about us playing. Even thinking about that made my dick stir while standing there next to him.

Doc said, "I think we need to do a full exam again, make sure the cast didn't come off too early and you didn't re-injure anything. We will do that later though. I asked you two in because Sam has some anger issues with both of you. Can you explain what that could be? I think something happened in the spa that triggered this anger."

Shane turned and smacked the wall. He turned to his dad, slightly raised his voice and said, "Why do you keep coddling him? He is playing us all for pawns. He is constantly interfering in my business. I have tried to be a good big brother to him but he has got some issues."

"Son, Sam is dealing with a big issue himself. He is about to break and tell us. I can understand your frustration. Have you ever thought that he is jealous of you? You have always outdone him. He strives to be like you."

I tried to break the tension by saying, "Isn't that Alex's job, Shane's shadow?"

Doc ignored me and asked, "What feelings did you get from him when you were in there with him?"

"He is scared of you, he wanted to tell me something so I could tell you guys."

Doc looked speechless for a moment, then the emotion ran out of him again. He hung his head and said, "I failed him."

Shane responded, "You didn't; he chose a wrong path."

"Then why couldn't we have seen the signs earlier?"

I said, "You could have all the medical degrees in the world, but your love for your family can blind you. You thought your kids could do no wrong."

"Boys, what do you think I should be doing now?"

I looked at Shane who just looked at me and I blurted out, "Just tell him how you feel, truly feel about him, he may feel you don't love him as much as the rest of your family."

Doc paused a few moments before saying, "I'll go see if that will work."

We walked back down the hall to where the others had decided to sit and wait. Doc hugged me and Shane and went back into the room.

I turned to Sarah and said, "Have you ever thought that love from his dad may be the cause and not me."

Shane said, "Marcus did make a good point in there."

Sarah smirked and said, "I have been known to be wrong before, at least once."

The door to Sam's room opened and everyone except one tech came out. Lidda had a bag with Sam's clothes in it.

Doc said, "Sam asked to spend a day or two here to think about things. He also requested that another doctor examine him and he doesn't want to us around during that time."

Shane asked, "Just that simple?"

"That is what he requested." Lidda answered for Doc with a tear in her eye. "I need to get his clothes washed before he leaves also." She was fidgeting with the bag obliviously unsettled about how to help him.

Lidda asked, "Nick, what is your assessment of Sam?"

Nick replied, "He does have an addiction, to what though, that is hard to say. He isn't saying much about it. He is ashamed of something. Which most addictions have a way of doing that. He is in heavy denial and his behavior since he got here suggest some toxin in his system."

I noticed he was not comfortable telling her his thoughts of what he observed with Sam.

Doc asked Lidda "What do you want to do now?"

"We just go home and wait on Sam. I am sure you are all a bit tired, Marcus and Shane." I remembered Shane probably has been up for an entire day by now.

We arrived back at the farm late morning. Doc and Lidda hurried in to see the kids, and Shane took off to his room, looking exhausted. Spencer said something to Doc about the truck and I remembered Shadow was still in the barn. He must be hungry and thirsty. I walked to the barn and saw he had moved into the stall with Tanqueray. Both were sound asleep with Shadow nuzzled into his neck. I thought, "Some things never change."

I cleared my throat and Shadow realized I was back and started his yelping. Tanqueray on the other hand kept snoozing even though Shadows ear wrenching yelping was echoing in the barn. He squeezed his bony ass thru a slat exactly how he got in the stall and took a leap in my arms.

I was about to head back to the house when Doc met me at the door.

He said, "So that is your best friend?"

"Yeah, awesome dog, a few quirky personality traits but very lovable. He loves kids, so Alex and Susan will have a ball with him. Would it be ok with both of you if he came in the house with me, he has some anxiety issues and doesn't like being left alone?"

"I don't see a problem with that. I came out here because you wanted to talk to me yesterday about something important and private. I also wanted to talk to you about something."

"Yes I did. Is Lidda..."

"I am here, dear." Lidda walked in just at that moment.

"Go ahead, son. What do you want to talk about?"

I said, "I appreciate you letting me come back here. I didn't tell you everything that happened at home since the younger kids were in earshot." I told them the complete story of my few days at home about my parents. I then said, "My mother left me with two hundred and twenty thousand to make my life better for myself. I wanted to ask you after all you know about my family, if you could help me find a secure location to put it. I don't want my father trying to track it or coming here and causing a big scene."

Both of them looked at each other for a moment with tears in their eyes. I took it as they were in their mode of communication. Finally Lidda nodded at him. Doc said, "We welcomed you to stay as long as you wanted with us. You are a part of our family now. We have our own resources also and can make sure your father never shows his selfish demented ass around here. We will help you with your money. We will make a call or two and get something set up tomorrow hopefully. What plans have you made for it, if I may ask?"

"You guys are awesome. I already planned on college tuition, so that would take a chunk of it, other than that, just save and use it as needed." I started yawing.

"You've got it all so together young man.

Doc sarcastically muttered, "Wish it would rub off on someone else."

"What was that dear?" Lidda quickly asked in a harsh tone.

I, the master of subject changes, asked after I sensed the tension, "So you wanted to talk to me about something also?"

"That can wait. You need to be examed after your experience in the spa. Let's go to my office."

Lidda added, "You should go get some rest after he does that, and Shadow can't come in the house until he has had a bath after spending time out here." Lidda hugged me.

I heard Lidda call for Alex to help her with a new fun chore as Doc and I walked away.

We took the side door into the house and his office was already set up for me to get on the table. I slipped off my clothes as he instructed and covered myself with a towel. He had a cool gizmo that was a mini portable x-ray and used it on my ankle and wrist. He had another gadget that he sat on my chest and was able to take a scan of my lungs to measure any irregularities. I decided I would put on my shorts and t-shirt while he looked over the scans since I was heading to bed after this.

He said, "No water in the lungs, lucky guy again. However, you need to wear that splint for at least the next two weeks at all times and use a crutch to keep as much weight off it as possible."

"Can I use the spa still to swim?"

"With supervision and the harness system. Now go get some rest."

As I was heading to my room. Sarah was in the living room watching TV with the kids. She whispered something to them and Susan and Alex looked back at me and waved wildly. Alex looked a bit wet. Sarah casually got up and strolled into the kitchen when she saw me.

She asked "So you gonna live?"

"For now, I think. I need to get some sleep. Once I get up, you wanna go"

She heard the word shop and interjected quickly, "Does the beach have sand and surf? We were suppose to go when we at home but one thing lead to another."

I said, "I know. I have a feeling that it might happen again. Now, you can tell me a bedtime story if you wanna, like you use to," as I headed for the bedroom.

She followed me in and helped me into bed.

She said, "Once upon a time, Marcus got up in the middle of the night after some bad dream and thumped around the house to the back door to some outdoor spa where he had a good time with one of the sexiest men in ...."

"AAAh I was?"

"I heard you thumping around in here and clunking thru the kitchen this morning."

"Ummm, wow. Why didn't you save me from drowning then if you knew what happening?"

"I know all, I knew he would show up and save you."

"Surrreeee you did." I grinned wildly at her.

"Spill it or I will flurbbert you, the way you hate it." She tried to roll me over and pull my shorts down.

"OK OK... geeeshh. Ill give you the short version. Just lay down here next to me." I started with the story and I think we both gradually fell asleep at the same time.

Eric and Spencer let everyone out of the truck. They asked Doc if they could use his truck for a few hours to help Paige haul the last of her junk away and then do some general cleanup at their house before reconstruction begins.

Doc told them yeah, as long as they could remove the stump behind the spa.

They drove around to the stump. Eric was obviously playful and while Spencer had bent over to check the stump. Eric yanked on his underwear and took off running. Spencer stood up with a pained look on his face and yelled, "You fucker, I'll get you for that." He took off after him. Spencer caught him and they both fell to the ground behind the barn in the lush shaded grass. Eric grinned wickedly at Spencer. Spencer said, "You're such a horn dog." They were about to kiss when they heard a dog yelping in the barn. They stood up and looked in the crevice when they saw Marcus.

Eric whispered to Spencer, "Dam, that kid needs a good fucking."

Spencer said, "Only if I'm screwing you while you do it."

They saw Marcus turn to leave and then Doc and Lidda entered.

They overheard the entire conversation. The entire time they stood there, Spencer was behind Eric with his arms around him. Both of them had tears streaming down their faces after hearing how horrible his last few days at home were with his father.

Eric turned towards Spencer, put his hands gently on his scratched face, "You are the best friend and lover anyone could ask for. Do you realize how much I love you?"

Spencer smiled, embraced Eric and said, "You are my everything also; we have a good life together. I look forward to spending as much time with you as Tom and Lidda have been married. 18 years and still counting."

They went back to work getting the stump and finished helping Paige with the last of her rubbish. They had made a couple trips to their house over the past few weeks to pick up some clothes and miscellaneous items that weren't damaged by the storm. The house was a total loss

They decided to load the truck once with limbs and things to get ready for rebuilding. They filled the truck and took off for the landfill a couple of miles down the road which had been designated for all this rubbish. Once they got back to their house, Eric thought it would be fun to shower, then go for a run. They found their skimpy running shorts and both decided to head to the natural whirlpool they found a week ago while hiking. Apparently it was formed after the storm. It was nicely hidden from anyone driving along the road. It was early evening by the time they got to it.

They got in and sat quietly, relaxing from the day's work. Eric slowly slid his foot up to Spencer's crotch and said, "This water must have some type of hormone to get your dick completely hard."

Spencer was totally relaxed with head leaned back, eyes closed, enjoying the foot massage on his dick.

He said,"Yep, I think it's full of sex minerals, it's got me thinking your ass needs a good pounding."

"I was wondering why I felt like I was sitting on a hammer."

"I'll show you a hammer." He slid around and put his arm around Eric.

Eric said, "Watch this, this is called the jackhammer" He slid under water and took Spencer's dick in his mouth and sucked it from base to head as fast as he could until he ran out of breath and slid back up next to Spencer.

"HHmmmmm, wow that was some show 'n' tell. I'll show you the plunger hammer." He rolled over on top of Eric and slowly stood up until his cock was at the tip of Eric's lips. Eric let Spencer's dick slide into his mouth and Spencer leaned forward pressing his stomach to Eric's forehead while his dick slid down Eric's throat with ease. He pumped in and out a few times and sat back down next to Eric.

"I like the plunger hammer, it fits nicely."

They shared a long passionate kiss while each fondled the other's body. Spencer was slowly sliding his fingers to Eric's ass and had gotten two fingers inserted when they heard a couple of animal growls and hooves stomping. They stopped, looked at each other and jumped out of the natural whirlpool and ran with there shorts until they got to the road and put them on.

They were at slow jog and playfully teasing each other, each with noticeable hard-ons. That's when they heard a vehicle approaching from around the corner.

*** I must have been in a light sleep because I got the feeling of someone watching me. I had that feeling before when Susan would sit and watch me during my first visit here.

I heard Sarah breathing next to me, so I knew it wasn't her.

I quickly opened my eyes to see Susan's face staring right into mine. She fell back from the sudden surprise of me looking at her and then started giggling.

I groggily said, "How can I help you little miss?"

She kept giggling and replied, "I heard you and Sarah are going shopping?"

Sarah immediately sat up from her sleep looking around and said, "I heard shopping."

I asked; without looking at the clock, "What time is it?"

Both of them giggling said, "It is time for ...... SHOPPING!!!!!"

I rolled my eyes and asked once again, "What time is it?"

They just giggled more and rubbed there hands together.

I looked over at the clock and it was 430pm. I said, "Yea we have a couple hours."

By the time I sat up, Sarah was ready and so was Susan.

I tried to hurry up since both of them were pacing and chattering in girl talk.

I asked Susan, "Did you ask your parents if you could go?"

She held up a small pink purse. "I'm always prepared. They said I could go as long as you like the company."

We walked out to the back porch and found Doc and Lidda returning from the waterfall in some funky '60s swimgear acting like a couple teenagers. They tried to regain composure when they saw us staring at them. I thought to myself, "That's odd, the swim shorts are dry but the rest of them are dripping wet, hmmm."

"Susan said she already asked you if she could go with us. Are you ready to lose your girl to a shopaholic?"

They laughed and said, "Who? Sarah?" They laughed more and said, "Susan may be small but she can shop. You two be easy on him."

"We are going shopping for him!!"

We hopped in the truck with Sarah driving. I said, "Do you know ...."

"I already got it mapped out."

Susan added, "I got the list." I looked back at her in the back seat and she had that pink purse opened and had pulled out a notebook.

We spent the next few hours speeding around the local shopping centers. I found a new laptop, cellphone, and an assortment of new clothes from socks, undies, jeans, shorts and shirts and, while the girls weren't looking, different types of lubes. We had to stop at Dairy Queen and get cookie dough blizzards but I had to get Reese's Pieces added in also.

It was getting dark by the time we pulled onto the main road to the farm to find Eric and Spencer jogging. Both of them drenched and wore rather skimpy shorts that showed some nice tight ass and no shirts. I thought to myself, "Why would brothers wear those running? Who cares, I got a nice view of both of them."

We pulled up along side them and I said, "Who jogs this late in the evening?"

Eric looked a bit flushed but said, "This is just a short warm down from the afternoon of brush removal."

I said, "You both look like your burning up, you should get in and we will get you to the house." I couldn't help but stare at there wet glistening bodies and those shorts didn't cover up much except a bit of butt crack and their manly goods loosely swaying in them. I couldn't help but notice each of them carried a nice package.

Susan opened her window laughing and said, "Is that what you mean by butt cracks kills, Uncle Eric!!"

"Ohhh how funny, short cake. You remembered!!"

"Come on guys, get in, you can't run yourselves to death."

Spencer said, "Open the rear door and we'll get in the back, we don't want to sweat all over your leather seats. Would you mind stopping by the house first before going back to Thomas's? We need to get our bags."

We pulled into the drive and to my surprise Nick and Jeff were visiting. They emerged from the half destroyed garage in only scrub pants and looking greasy. I was thoroughly impressed how good they looked. Even my own cock was throbbing.

Jeff popped his head in my window and said in his sexy aussie accent, "Hey mates, what d'ya doing here?" I noticed his accent is more pronounced away from work. I also got a whiff of his nice manly aroma being just a few inches from me. I tried to adjust my growing pulsing cock subtly but Susan quickly drew attention.

Susan being the jokester said, "CRACK KILLS...." but Eric was quick to reach over the seat and had his hand on her mouth.

Sarah had been giggling the whole time while driving, knowing I was turned on by the near naked men and soon as Susan blurted that out, she broke out into laughter.

Nick moved in close to Jeff said, "Is the pretty young lady being a wisehiemer again?"

Susan just shook her head still muttering something behind Eric's hand.

I said, "What are you guys doing here?"

Jeff replied, "We reckoned we'd be neighborly and help Spencer get his hottub working. We are installing a new motor that is solar powered."

I asked, "Wow that is cool, so when can we use it?"

Nick smiled at Jeff and said, "As soon as Jeff reads directions properly. I don't know how he ever follows doctor's instructions with his reading skills" Nick stirred him.

Jeff put his hands on his slim hips and said, "Brat! What a lot of drivel! Besides, I don't read them... I just make everything up as I go." Jeff said with a cheeky grin.

Eric asked, "Sooo is the motor working?"

Nick held up two fingers and made a pinching motion and replied, "Almost, we are better at fixing people than mechanicals."

We told them what was up and where we were heading.

Jeff said, "Sheba! We are going home soon, but WE are having Sunday roast." Pointing to us all, and then turned to Sarah, "Hey love! You reckon you'll be here for it?"

"No I don't think so, I was planning on heading back tomorrow"

Spencer said, "You three can head back to Doc's and we can get a ride back with these two once we finish with that motor."

"Ok see you back there."

We headed back to Doc's and as we were leaving Spencer's place I just happened to look back in the mirror and saw them all hugging each other. I said quietly to Sarah, "They sure are friendly around here aren't they?"

"Definitely friendly" she replied.

We walked into the house with everything we had bought and found the rest of the family all in the living room passed out watching a movie.

I decided to just goto bed and sleep. I was beat.

******** I got up after the longest sleep I have had in the past few weeks. I checked the clock and I figured I was out for a good 8 hours. It was still early morning. I was sure this family wouldn't be up and ready go yet.

I was so used to being at home that I walked out to the kitchen in only my new Joe Boxers with a slight woody. I was rubbing my eyes but I stopped in my tracks when I had the distinct feeling of being stared at. I slowly took my hands out of my eyes and cringed at the four people staring at me from the kitchen table. I then heard Doc snickering then Lidda then the other two strangers.

I said, "I .. I . I"

Lidda said, "We understand, you're still a bit disoriented. Now go get dressed."

"Yeah, I'll " I became embarrassed and hurried back to my room. I heard Doc say, "We have some company you want to meet."

I walked back into the kitchen a few minutes later to see Doc, Lidda and two strangers I had never met.

Lidda stood, walked over to me, and put her arm around my shoulders. She said, "Marcus I want you to meet my business partners in the firm, Dee and Dirk."

Dee said, "Glad to meet you Marcus. We have heard a bit about you and seen your work out there by the ravine. Nice job."


Lidda sat back down and I took the chair next to Doc.

Dee said, "We have been discussing you young man. Both Tom and Lidda have good things to say about you and they filled us in a bit about your unfortunate series of events."

I slyly smiled and said, "Series of events may be too strong a phrase."

"Anyway, we understand you are wanting to continue your education in structural engineering. As we all have experienced in our lives, college courses are just the foundation; on the job experience is just as important. So we are offering you an internship with us."

"Sweet! That is a very generous offer, I really appreciate it."

"There's more good news. The state has approached us to design and help rebuild the destruction left by the storms last month. Your bridge design is what got their attention. We don't get the job unless we have you on board with us."

I was stunned and said, "No shit, that is way cool"

Everyone just smirked at me and Doc nudged my knee.

I realized how unprofessional I just sounded and added, "I would be very excited to help you with your new project."

Dee responded with a sly smile, "No shit, that is way cool!"

Everyone at the table burst out laughing.

Dee got her breath and said, "I like your style already Marcus. You're a breath of fresh air. I think you will fit in very well with our group. We have fun with our work."

I know I heard under all the laughter, Dirk muttered, "Hmm mmmm."

Dee then added, "Lidda will fill you in on all your questions about the rest of the firm. Dirk is here because he is also a finanancial consultant. We've been told that you need some help investing some money discreetly. Dirk is a whiz at that."

Before I could say anything, Dirk said, "No shit, man."

We laughed once again.

Dee said, "Ok, now that is all settled we will be on our way. We will see you at 9 am tomorrow for your first day Marcus."

I said, "Wow that soon!!! Awesome"

We walked them out to their car and off they went. I turned to Doc and Lidda and hugged them both.

I said, "You two are the most generous people I have ever met."

Doc said, "We have a good feeling about you, you will succeed in anything you set your mind on."

Lidda added, "We just ask, do your best, and at some point latter in your life, a stranger slips and falls and needs a hand, do what you can to help them."

"I will!"

I went back in to find Sarah but Alex said she and Susan went to the falls. He said, "When you get back in here, wanna see my room?"

I quickly changed into some swimtrunks.

I was about to head out when I noticed Lidda holding a piece of paper and shaking.

I asked, "Lidda, what is it?"

She slowly said, "I found this in Sam's pocket." She showed me the paper and it had an address written on it.

I said, "Let me go get Sarah and we will go check it out. Alex! Come talk to you mother for a moment about the movie you told me about last night."

I tried to hurry up to the falls, but that dam brace slows me down.

I turned the corner of the foot bridge and I heard Susan crying. I moved as quickly as I could up the steps. I stopped when I saw them both laying on the decking except Sarah wasn't moving and laying face down.

I asked Susan, "What happened?"

"I don't know, she was singing and then next thing she fells down."

I moved to Sarah and slowly turned her over and her face was turning blue.

"Susan, I need your dad here right now. It is faster to scream for him or run after him?"

"He could hear you screaming for him but we always have a two way radio here?" She turned to the bench and pulled out a walkie talkie and turned it on.

I pushed the button and yelled, "DOC, DOC, come in DOC, we need help up at the falls NOW!!"

I looked at Susan and asked, "Where is the other radio in the house and is it turned on?"

She was still crying and whimpered, "It goes thru the intercom in the house, he can hear it..."

I heard Doc running up the steps saying, "Just fine anywhere on the farm."

He quickly went to work on Sarah.

Guess what?? Chapter 19 is in the works!!!

Next: Chapter 19

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