Marcus Summer Twist

By Scott Scott

Published on Sep 11, 2006


To save you time reading, the usual disclaimers in chapters 1-20 stil apply.

I always welcome feedback on the story and you can email at ...

I want to welcome a new addition to the creative efforts of the story, Thanks Paul for your time and effort editing this story.

One of the readers, CJ, has a yahoo group that he started for general stories comments but a lot of it has been about Marcus Summer Twist. I thought I try something different, a bit of twist you could say, and on that site in the photo sections I have started adding pictures of the characters and some "action photos" by chapter. It is not complete but still in progress. Remember these are pics not of people I know, just a very close representation of the characters. The site is at:

Enjoy the story and the photo section!!!

WARNING: Just to let you know up front, this chapter contains scenes that could cause laughter.

Chapter 21: What is that?

Spencer said, "Jeff and Nick are going to meet us at a boat dock just ahead. Those places have a shower so people can rinse off, and they can check you out."

Spencer turned into the parking lot of the boat dock and we found Nick and Jeff waiting for us.

They got out of the car with some bags. Nick said, "You guys hungry?"

We tore into the food and drinks they brought us, quickly scarfing it all down while Spencer and Nick took flashlights to look around.

Jeff commented, "EEWww eee!!! You guys smell like something you find in the marshes."

"You ought to try sharing a vehicle with them. I thought I was going to pass out." Eric added, throwing his arm around me.

"Yeah, right! Whatever! I thought that was you letting off some fart bombs." I elbowed him playfully.

Shane said, "We can't 'tom foolerly' around too long, we've got to catch up with Sam."

Spencer and Nick weren't gone long. When they returned they told us there were several showers down around the corner.

Shane and I headed quickly to the showers with Justin in tow.

We found four shower stalls and stripped our clothes off.

I turned the water on and it just dripped mud. Shane's shower rumbled but nothing came out. I tried the next one and I couldn't even turn the knob as it was rusted.

Justin's shower worked well. He laughed when he knew we couldn't get ours to function.

Shane said, "Hurry it up bub, then Nick needs to take a look at you while we clean up here."

"I am fine, just sore and tender in some areas."

I could tell Justin was having trouble moving, being sore as he was, but let him finish what he was doing.

Once he was done, Shane gave him the light to make his way back to the others.

He said, "How can you see what you're doing?"

"I am a woodsman by heart, I can see well enough by the moonlight."

"You're weird." Justin said and made his way back to the others.

Shane looked at me and said, "Go ahead, you next."

"No, you go."

"I insist you go now."

"I thought if you went now, then you can create strategy with Nick and Spence while I'm showering."

He replied, "I can do that in the car, now get in there." He gently shoved me by the ass.

I said, "We can share it, if you want, and get done quicker? You wash my back, I get yours. I know we are still a bit erect but we can overlook that." It just dawned on me as I said that, I could get some serious play time with him.

"Good idea, let's hurry up."

The stall was only big enough for one big person but we squeezed in together, his back facing me. My dick was still feeling the effects of the drugs but when I put my hands on his tight firm slippery back and started washing him off, it decided it wanted to explore.

Shane said, "I sure hope that wild beaste isn't back already?"

My heart racing I blurted out, "Um, it never quite left." Then thought to myself, "Dammit, I wanted to say it wants to buck around in your yard for a while, yyyeeehaawww!!!"

I tried to make it seem I was washing his back and ass in a hurried manner but I was keeping track of how every part of him felt, especially between his ass cheeks. OH my gosh, what a feeling.

Shane said, "Ok, switch!" Since we were wet and slippery turning around in the cramped stall was fun to do with him.

He said, "You need to put your arms up on this ledge" Which I did without a squabble.

His hands roamed around on my front and back. It seemed he was doing the same thing I was doing to him. I also felt his cock gently sliding back and forth when he moved from the small of my back to my ass.

He then turned me around and surprised the crap out of me. He grabbed me in a tight hug, and for the first time since I known him, I thought I heard him sniffle. I hugged him back.

I asked, "Are you alright?"

"...Very worried about Sam, I hope he doesn't do anything he will regret later."

"I know you are. We all have to live with our actions. You will not always be there to pull him from the fire. He got himself into this situation without your help so he seems to be trying to find a way out of it. I think it's awesome how you want to be so helpful all the time, even if you don't know the other person."

"Thanks, I forget sometimes that he is his own person. I think you're totally awesome as well. With everything that you been through, you still charge on. Hey, you were going to find him yourself, weren't you?"

"Well, I was going to take Sarah and then call you on the way."

"You are amazing. I hope this won't offend you but I think you know I probably wanted to do this a while back...."

As luck would have it, Spencer and Nick popped out of nowhere, shone flashlights in our faces and said, "What is taking you two so long? Let's move it."

We jumped from the suddenness that they appeared and both of us fell onto the decking. I landed on top of him.

Shane smiled and said, "Thanks for using me to take the blow of the fall, that's not going to leave any marks." Then he whispered in my ear. "That beaste of yours is poking me in the stomach. It sure likes exploring me doesn't it? "

"Hey no problem, I'm still in recovery. The beaste always explores. So is this what you wanted to do a minute ago?"

I gave him a peck on both cheeks.

Spence came around the shower stall and said, "You two stop playing around, we need to get going." And threw us our clothes.

We got up and put on our clothes. As we started walking back to the truck with Spencer and Nick in front leading the way, Shane looked at me and said, "This is it."

He gave me a quick kiss on the lips. I smiled back at him.

We got back in the vehicles and took off. Luckily, Nick offered to take Justin.

Eric said, "Lidda called while you two were .. um...showering. Paula and Nicole showed up at the house for you Shane. They wondered why you didn't show up for your dates?"

"OHH crap man, they came to the house!! What did mom do?"

My stomach churned, thinking the worst here now. He just kissed me, while he had two other dates planned for tonight with two women. Damn it, I remembered him and Paige making out at the falls too. I told myself to not get drawn in.

"She said they wrote a note and left in a huff."

"Great, they weren't supposed to meet like that."

I bluntly said, "I think I need a nap, wake me when we get to Wild Indians Casino."

"Marcus, you feeling ok, you just sounded sarcastic."

"Tired and frustrated, I'll get over it."

My mind raced about everything that happened, trying to recollect the time loss at Corals house. I still have that naked movie image and a blur after that. I must have really spaced out because a moment later Eric was shaking me.

I asked, "WHAT?"

"We are here?"

Still dazed from my spacing out, I asked, "Where?"

"Wild Indians Casino ring a bell? Duuhhh...."

Spencer parked and we all ran into the building.

Shane went directly to security and told them a semi true story of what was happening

Officer Williams asked Shane to describe Sam and this Coral. Shane gave an ok sketch detail of Sam and less than Coral.

I chimed in, "Sam's hair is more bleach blond and not at long as he said. His eyes are more a dark blue sky." I went on to describe and sketch him in more in detail than Shane offered. I heard Eric whisper to Spencer, "See what I mean." I glanced over at him questioningly and he just winked at me with a smile. Spencer then said, "OH here is a picture of him, in case that is more helpful than an almost likeness sketch."

Officer Williams glanced at both and said, "Son, you have a keen eye for detail about people. Your sketch is almost an exact match to the picture. How many art classes have you taken?"

"Just art intro 101."

The officer looked at me weirdly then asked me more about Coral. I said, "Shane got it about right, those long black legs are about the most I recollect."

The officer said, "So we have got two people who may or may not be exactly here, who may or may not be looking for each other because one is likely to be upset with the other. HMMMM, sounds like our typical may/dec husband and wife after getting lost on a long trip. Yep, happens everyday around here."

Shane asked, "How about we borrow one of your radios and take service halls so we can do a quick search ourselves?"

"Well of course Son, I might as well allow you into the surveillance room to watch all the videos of the inner workings of this casino as well. Hey how about if I let you have all the keys to the place too? " as he developed a scowl on his face.

I said, "Shane, I think you just crossed the line."

Officer Williams said, "You may want to listen to your friend there and make yourself scarce now, before I come to the conclusion that you boys may have had a bit too much bar action since it is 3 am. Or we take a trip to the downstairs detaining room before you cause any other disruptions."

Eric and Spencer grabbed Shane's arm and we casually walked back outside, until the officer stopped watching us.

"That guy didn't want to help. We need to split up and find him faster that way" Shane explained as Nick, Jeff and Justin pulled in next to us.

Spence asked, "What took you guys so long?"

Jeff replied, "Umm, Justin must have ate too fast at once. He about ruined the stang."

Jeff was looking at Shane who was really fidgety, with an obvious scowl on his face. Jeff asked, "Shane. Are your pants too tight or something? You look like your about to jump out of them."

Eric bent down to the window and told them of what just happened. Shane said, "We need to split up in twos and search for him."

"Where would he most likely be at this time in the morning?"

"He obviously found something that led him here."

I said, "If you remember, that old lady had a pamphlet that Sam had dropped, so he must have found it when he arrived and gotten something off it."

"What did she say exactly?"

"Bums and vagrants, sinners and wild Indians she repeated several times. Now what if you took the southern slang out of the context? What would it sound like more?"

"Sounds like some type of over the top show...."

"Does the resort have a show theater or bar like that?"

"Three bars, but you would think the shows are over this late."

Two women came strolling by at that moment, giggling and bumping into each other. I noticed they had a few drinks by the way they were acting. They said, "You boys sure could be in that Chippendales and Diva show they are having tonight."

"What show? Where?"

"It started at 1 of course, once those divas showed up we be gone out of there. It's out back in the private club. Gosh you act if is if you never been here. Now show us those naked boddddieess." They said as they googled at Jeff and Nick.

Jeff smirkly smiled and replied, "Not tonight dears, maybe tomorrow."

Jeff quickly walked into the lobby and looked like he was getting directions

I asked, "Wouldn't Sam's truck be here, if he was here?"

Spence replied, "No, Tom said the truck was still there, he found another way to leave. Besides this is a big parking lot, and as you can see quite full. If you want to search for a his vehicle, be my guest."

Jeff returned with maps of the resort and said, "These maps of the resort should help us out."

Nick said, "We should split up in twos and take different routes so we don't miss him. I'll go with Marcus, Eric and Jeff with Justin and Spence with Shane. That way if we meet that Coral diva one of you will know it."

I noticed Justin was looking a little pale and fidgety. He said, "Why do I need 2 others with me?"

Nick said, "So you don't get lost or go off on your own and get in more trouble."

Jeff squeezed Nick's hand and said, "Good plan, lets go guys."

Nick and I decided to take the inside route since I wasn't on a security officer's check list.

During our quick walk, he asked, "I haven't gotten to take a good look at you, how are you feeling? Any recurring headaches, aches or pains?"

"Ill let you know in the morning, I feel like a bad hangover."

We made our way to a hallway with an employee only entrance door at the end, which the map showed as a continuing hallway.

We were about to turn back when the door opened and a man in an outlandish outfit was about to walk into the hall.

He said, "I didn't see you two in the show, if your late you can take this hall back to the dressing room. Damn, we missed the two best ones out of the whole group." He held the door open for us to enter.

Nick and I glanced at each other and took off into the hall, with the announcer following us giving us directions.

We came to another set of doors and could hear a lot of noise behind it.

I opened the door and walked into a backstage dressing room. I gasped at the view I was getting with all the half naked men and others in the room.

Nick bumped into me when I suddenly stopped. I could hear him mutter, "Dammm"

He said, "Why did you stop?"

I pointed to the corner of the room and said, "Ummm, I can not believe who I am seeing over there, LOOK!!!"

I know, I that it for now!!! Well yes, until the next chapter.

Chapter 22 will be out in the near future with the continuing adventure and secrets revealed !!!

Next: Chapter 22

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