Margarets Return

By Bob Black

Published on Oct 5, 2016




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-- Bob Black

On Friday morning, Jack and I arrived at Ed's house about the same time, and Ed was waiting for us with a big grin and the front door open as we walked up the sidewalk.

Hi, Bob -- Jack phoned to say you are joining us today! Great to see you again!"

Ed was at least 15 or 20 years younger than either Jack or me, trim and good looking, with a friendly, boyish face. He was about the height of both Jack and me -- around 5'7" tall. The husband of Paula, Margaret's friend and now lover, Ed enjoyed sex with men as much as with women. I had met him through my connection with Margaret, and he and I had hooked up perhaps a dozen times or more, just the two of us, but also in threesomes with my suck buddy, Denny, and in group sessions with Margaret (before she went away) and Paula. I knew that he and Paula were completely open with one another about their sexual adventures with others, that they sometimes compared notes regarding a sex partner who might be of interest to the other.

Ed handed us glasses of iced tea as Jack and I settled into easy chairs in Ed's living room. This was only the second time that Jack had met him, and I wondered if he knew about the most salient feature of Ed's anatomy: Ed's cock was unusually small, only four inches long.

The three of us chatted a few minutes as we finished our iced team.

"I wonder if Margaret and Paula are having fun?" Frank wondered.

"Oh, I suppose they are!" said Ed. "Paula was really glad to see her the other night -- she could hardly wait for today to roll around. She loves to eat pussy!"

"This is the first time Margaret has been with a woman since she and I met," Jack said, "but she tells me she loves the taste of pussy too!"

"That's hot!" I exclaimed, rubbing my cock through my pants. My cock was already beginning to get hard as I imagined Margaret and Paula in the 69 position, eating each other's hot, wet pussy, Margaret's full breasts and stiff pencil-eraser nipples contrasting with Paula's smaller fried-egg shaped breasts, with their luscious nipples.

Ed gave his own cock a rub or two, then stood and said, "Well, shall we have a little fun too?"

Jack and I -- both anticipating the man-to-man pleasure soon to come -- eagerly jumped up from our chairs and followed Ed from the living room down the hall to the master bedroom, undressing as we went. All three of us were nearly naked by the time we reached the bedroom, and I was eager to see Jack's reaction when Ed peeled off his underwear and exposed his small four-inch cock.

Sure enough, Jack's jaw dropped slightly as he got his first view of Ed's small cock, all four inches of which was already hard and erect.

Ed and I both laughed at Jack's astonished stare.

"Didn't Bob tell you about me?" Ed asked, amused.

"No, I didn't think of it," I replied before Jack could say anything. Addressing Jack directly, I added: "But I can assure you that he knows how to use his cock, even if it is a little on the short side!"

"Right!" said Ed, not the slightest bit self-conscious. "I've always said that size is so overrated!"

All three of us laughed.

In my opinion, size is so emphasized (especially in the porn culture) that the underlying message is: A real man has a giant cock and has a natural right to lord it over other men. I have always thought that was bullshit. But the Priapus theme is so strong in our culture that men with small cocks often are defensive, men with oversized cocks often ridiculing, even dominating.

My own cock is about seven and a half inches long, fully erect, which I suppose is on the upper side of "ordinary," just below where you'd say a guy is "hung." I have often been with guys smaller than me (my suck buddy, Denny, was smaller), but I have never felt superior, even when a guy has remarked something like, "That's a nice big cock!"

The first time Ed and I got together – the first time I saw his cock -- I became embarrassed when I realized he had noticed me staring. But his cheery, nonchalant attitude about his manly attribute quickly put me at ease. Now he did the same with Jack: "It's what God gave me!"

I liked Ed, and I completely agreed with his dictum that the size of a man's cock is greatly overrated. I recalled one man at an all-male suck fest whose cock was at least 10 inches long, perhaps 11, with considerably greater girth than usual. I found it difficult to suck his large cock, which was also too thick and hefty to jack off easily. Nor did that man's overly large penis ever get fully hard and erect.

In fact, that guy reminded me a bit of Johnny Wadd, the celebrated star of many X-rated films during the 1970s, the Golden Age of Porn, whose career inspired the 1997 film "Boogie Nights." Though impressively large, Johnnie Wadd's foot-long penis never seemed to get thoroughly hard either, like the cock of an ordinary man.

To wrap up the "size is overrated" discussion, I once met another man on the opposite end of the size spectrum whose cock was truly tiny -- probably less than two inches long, more like that of an immature boy than a grown man, with balls to match, the size of spring peas. He told me he had fathered two children, but I always wondered how he did that exactly. But his tiny cock did get just as hard as mine and he shot cum just like me -- and that was what mattered.

From what I knew of him so far, I thought Jack probably shared my general outlook on the matter of cock size. Jack was standing next to me that morning, and I noticed that his seven-inch cock was sticking straight up, hard and erect. I had thoroughly enjoyed sucking his cock just three days earlier, and of course I had also thoroughly enjoyed sucking Ed's four-inch cock on a number of occasions in the past.

In truth, Ed's small cock offered an extra, premium benefit for me.

As an older man, I often read "cumming-of-age" porn about young boys in the time of discovery. These stories bring me back to that wonderful time in my own life -- the first time I got a hard-on, the first time I jacked off, the first time I saw another guy's cock, the first time I made out with a girl, the first time I saw her tits, felt them with my own hands.

When I was young, my friends and I jacked off one another on several occasions -- but we never sucked one another. I was a boy in the 1950s, and back then none of us would have ever considered such a thing. Only queers sucked cocks, and none of us was queer. Even if one of us had secretly desired to suck a cock (which I seriously doubted), he wouldn't have done it because of the stigma attached to it. He would have been labeled fag, queer, homo.

Personally, I don't recall that as a boy I ever even remotely considered sucking a cock.

But now I wish that I had.

I discovered the fun of cock sucking as an adult, in my early 50s. "So this is what I've been missing!" I recall thinking almost from the very first time I sucked a cock.

After that, I often fantasized about what it might have been like if, when I was very young so long ago, I had sucked a friend's cock. Would he have sucked mine too? My buddies and I had jacked off one another on a number of occasions -- but what if we had sucked off one another too?

In my fantasy life as a mature man, with experience in such things, I found no erotica more stimulating than a cumming-of-age story about young boys sucking each other's cock. Add in a couple of girls comparing their tits and going down on one another -- and I was certain to have my hard pecker in hand, pumping vigorously as I read along!

For me, the extra premium of Ed's four-inch cock was that I could easily imagine him as one of my friends in the age of discovery. When I sucked his boy-sized cock, it was like I was sucking a buddy's cock back when we were kids.

(For accuracy, I should add that Ed's cock, though the length of a boy's, had the girth of a normal man-sized cock. Though short, his cock was not thin like a young boy's -- no one could have derided him with a pejorative such as "needle dick.")

All this reflection flashed through my consciousness in an instant as the three of us stood there naked in Ed's bedroom preparing to begin our man-to-man fun. As the three of us moved toward the king-sized bed, the thought occurred to me: I wonder if Jack has the same fantasy? I made a mental note to ask him later.

Jack lay down on the bed first, and Ed lay down next to him, bending immediately toward Jack's cock, which was hard and erect. He jacked Jack's cock a few times, then lowered his lips and licked off a dollop of precum.

All the while, Ed managed to continue to look at Jack's face -- and I recalled that he had done that with me as well. He evidently studied the facial reactions of a man whose cock he was sucking as a sort of gauge to monitor the pleasure he was giving. I found it somewhat stimulating to know he was so attentive to my pleasure while sucking my cock, and Frank evidently did as well. He moaned, "Yessss . . ."

As Ed's head began to bob up and down on Jack's rigid cock, I joined the two of them on the bed. Hovering above Ed's torso on all fours, I began to nibble and kiss his nipples. Ed had done that to me the first time we met, and I found it quite stimulating. Nipple play has never given me a thrill, but I did find it exciting when Ed licked and sucked my nipples softly. Another guy did that to me on another episode later, and I liked it then too. I decided it was something I would welcome in the future, if it wasn't overdone.

In any event, Ed always seemed to have just the right touch with me, and now I was trying to do the same for him.

Holding Ed's hard, erect cock in the fingers of my left hand, jacking him slowly but steadily, I continued nibbling down his chest and abdomen, toward his lovely boy-length cock. He was oozing precum, which I licked off with pleasure, savoring the flavor, a little salty, a little sweet.

Meanwhile, I could tell from Frank's moans and murmurs that he was feeling great pleasure from Ed's oral skills. I remembered from my previous hook-ups with Ed that he was a guy who really knew how to please a man.

I intended to please Ed too. His cock was uncircumcised, and he had a very nice fleshy foreskin, which I licked with my tongue as I bathed the rest of his cock in my warm mouth. I found his cock easy to suck, easy to deep-throat. I could feel his dick in my throat, which I knew he liked (who doesn't?).

He shifted his hips slightly, and I knew he was trying to give me access to his asshole. I was not wild about assplay, but I knew Ed liked it. With my middle finger, I massaged his anus, then slowly pushed inside him, massaging her prostate. I discovered he had lubed himself liberally before Jack and I arrived. His ass was hot on my finger, and I knew he liked what I was doing because he pushed his boyish cock even deeper into my throat.

"Oh, fuck!" I heard Jack cry as he thrust his cock a final time deep into Ed's mouth, then erupted with jets of hot cum.

Ed moaned steadily, his mouth full of Jack's deflating cock -- and now his cum. Then he too erupted, in my mouth. I thrust my finger deep in his ass at the same time and clamped my lips tightly around the base of his cock. I swallowed his cum and bathed his still rigid cock softly with my tongue. From past experience, I remembered the nature of Ed's cum on my tongue and the back of my throat -- ample, creamy, flavorful, a little salty, a little sweet.

Finally, as Ed relaxed, I withdrew his cock from my lips and my finger from his ass, then lay back on the bed. I was ready to cum myself.

Frank took my cock between his lips. I was oozing precum, and I knew that I wouldn't last long. Ed meanwhile began to lick and softly suckle my nipples, first one, then the other, as I had done to him. The sensation of two pairs of lips was electric, and I felt that tingling, vibrating feeling in my cock that signaled my approaching orgasm.

Then I was there, at the peak of pleasure.

"Arrr . . .!" I groaned as I felt my hot cum shoot straight up from the depths of my balls and spurt into Jack's hungry mouth. He swallowed my load greedily, then bathed my cock gently with his tongue and lips before releasing me.

We lay there together in the languor that follows cumming.

Finally, Ed began softly singing a line from "Camelot": "I wonder what the king is doing tonight . . ."

Jack and I laughed -- and joined him.

Next: Chapter 3

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