Marine Bottom Sub

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 22, 2023


"HEY. LET ME THE FUCK GO!!!" Ed started screaming as soon as Joel left the room. Joel tried to read but ed was screaming more than a newborn. He sighed, put down his book, and went into the bedroom. Now, the screaming changed to almost crying. "Please Sir. Please let me go. " Joel ran his hand over ed's belly "Well ed, for me to let you go, I have to hear two words "I submit" or 'I surrender." Ed didn't say anything. He just turned away and sniffled. "Now edmundo. You're taking up so much of my study time that I HAVE to get some of this done. So, either you're gonna stop screaming, or I'm gonna have to find the right gag for you. Want the gag?" "No Sir. I'll stop. I promise." Joel laughed. "Too bad. Gagging you woulda been fun. But it's better because it's dangerous since I won't be in here. " He smiled. "Ok, then we're set. You struggle all you want, make all the noise you want, but no screaming. " He looked at his watch. "I'll be in here in 45 minutes for 15 minutes of play. Of course, if you change your mind, just yell out "I submit." When ed said nothing, Joel left. He sat down and picked up his book, and thought. "How long is it gonna be? I bet about four hours. "

After the first 45 minute break, he went in. Ed's body was covered with sweat, and he looked very distressed. Joel pulled up a chair. "Aw, my little soldier boy looks really, REALLY in bad shape." "I'm thirsty Sir." "Yeah, you would be. Want some water?" "Yes sir. Please." Joel disappeared for a minute, and came back with water in a sippy cup. "Drink slow eddie babe. Don't want any messy reflux. And let's review. Now, after you finish your drink, I'm gonna play with you. Fifteen minutes. I'll even set a timer. And that's how it's gonna work. Every hour, at the last 15 minutes, I'll come in and do something... FUN with you. Ok?" "Please let me go Sir." Ed ignored him. "Now let's just LOOK at that HUGE penis up there. Geez, it never looked that big when I took it out of the cage. Ed ran his finger down the back of ed's cock. "OH GOD SIR. Please don't do that.." His hips began to buck. "Why is that eddie? You gotta shoot?" "Yes sir. I need to. I REALLY need to. PLEASE" Joel slowed down the stroking, but kept doing it. "What did I tell you?" Ed was near tears. "That I wasn't gonna shoot until I surrendered." "EXACTLY. You ready to surrender?" Ed didn't answer, and Joel laughed. "Well, it wasn't a no." He stopped the edging, and then made his way to ed's feet. "Five more minutes on the clock, and here I am with a little wheelie.... " He tucked ed's feet under his arm and started running the wheel over ed's soles. "NO. NO. Hahahahahahaha. PLEASE STOP. PLEASE." "Only 3 more minutes edmundo. You can handle this. " "I CAN'T PLEASE. STOP. Joel dug between his toes, and then licked them. He sneered. "Now gimme a kiss, stud. " When ed moved his face away, Joel smacked his balls. "Ok, ok. " Joel shoved his tongue into ed's mouth. Ed didn't think it was possible, but he felt his cock get just a little harder. The alarm went off. "Ok, edmundo. I'm gonna go back to constitutional law. I'll be back in 45 minutes. Now, I think you'll need a bathroom break then. "SOONER SIR." "Oh, you don't want that, eddie babe. Cause if you do, first of all, you're gonna be lying in it until I get in here and move you to YOUR bed. Then... you're gonna be washing laundry all day tomorrow, probably in your marine hooker outfit. Want that?" "No Sir." "Then exhibit a little self control, studmuffin. I'll untie you in 45 . Promise. last thing I want is a wet bed. Only onewho sprays on MY bed, is me..." Ed moaned as Joel was walking out. In an hour, he had done nothing but chafe his wrists. He was still hard. His feet were raw. What would Joel have for him in the next hour?

Joel went back to his books. He did have a plan for this, and so far, it was going well. He had the battery dildo, and the gag, ready for the next phase. He snickered: he couldn't remember the last time he had enjoyed himself so much. Breaking a sub was something he had done before, but breaking someone like ed, was new. Ed wasn't a genius, but he wasn't dumb. If he were resisting, it meant he either thought he had a way out (which was not something he thought ed had in mind), or he was resisting because he enjoyed the challenge (more likely). Moving beyond that, Joel had a sense that he was tapping into some feelings ed had never given "voice" to. He'd play this in the third hour. And beyond. The 45 minute alarm went off, and Joel heard a groan from ed, as he walked to the bedroom , his toys in his hand. "Hey stud! How're you doing?" "I have to pee Sir. BAD." Ed smiled. "I get that. " He began untying the bed restraints. "Get in there, get that piss outta you and then get back here. No games, no diddling, NADA. We clear?" ed fairly whispered "Yes sir." Joel smiled. He knew ed wouldn't try anything. He had moved a chair in front of the door anyway, just in case. While ed was peeing, he got ready. ed came back and moved to lie back down on the bed. "Nope. Not this time ed. We're gonna start with something else." Ed didn't ask, he didn't say anything, he just took the position: he spread his legs slightly, put his hand behind his back, and looked down at the floor. His hard cock stuck out in front of him. "Know what ed? Thinking about you in here, all tied up and helpless, at my mercy, it's been making me really, REALLY horny. " Joel moved behind ed. He grabbed his wrists and began tying them. "Now sit down, and open your mouth." "What're you gonna do Sir?" "WHATEVER THE FUCK I WANT. NOW SIT DOWN" ed saw the ring gag. He knew what that meant. "No Sir. Please OWWWWW." He screamed as ed smacked his balls, and when he did, Joel slammed in the gag. He tied it behind ed's head. "Now, you're gonna gimme one of your great blow jobs edboi. You're gonna justify why I want you for my slave." Joel dropped his pants and his cock, now familiar to ed, popped out. "Yeah, I'm gonna get off and you're not. That's because I'm in charge, and you're not." The ring gag gave ed no choice, and Joel slid his cock into his mouth. "Move that tongue around you marine cock sucker. Show me how good your tongue is. FUCK YES" ed didn't fight it. He knew what Joel liked in a blow job, and he gave it to him. As Joel pushed his cock back and forth, he bumped - intentionally or inadvertently? - his knee into ed's crotch. ed was so overstimulated already that the shock waves went right to his pleasure center. He fought to suppress them. "GOOD studmuffin. This is REALLY proper slave behavior. Denying yourself while your Dom... dumps. his... LOAD.." ed felt the streams of cum go down his throat. He couldn't stop it, and Joel ripped out the gag, quickly, and ordered him to swallow. Beaten, ed, did. "Now, we're gonna put you back on the bed, soldier boy. I go a new game for you." "Please Sir, can I shoot first?" "I didn't hear the words." ed said nothing, and Joel retied his wrists. This time, he pushed ed's legs apart. "Know those butt plugs you wear during the day sometimes? The ones that give you so much pleasure that you won't admit to?" ed blushed at that last question. "Well, this is a battery powered one. And it's... oh, I'd say three inches longer than the ones you're used to. The size of an average cock." He grinned. "But a little smaller than mine. " Joel had lubricated it before he came into the bedroom, and now he slid it into ed. "How's that feel , marine boy?" "Big Sir. Not as big as you, but big." "Ha ha ha. But I can't do this." He turned on the battery switch at its lowest frequency. He saw ed wince and his hips buck. "MMMM. My soldier boy likes how that feels. " Joel saw ed's mouth open, as if he were a fish gasping for breath. He thought he saw him mutter 'fuck' too. He moved the switch to the second level. "OH SHIT! ed yelled.MMMMMMMMMM." Joel found himself getting hard again. "I have a longer one. You want me to go in further?" "No Sir. No. OOOOOOOOH." Joel pondered whether or not to use the highest frequency, and decided to wait. He left it on for five minutes, before he pulled it out. "How'd that feel edmundo?" Ed didn't answer for a minute and then a slight sound came out of his mouth. "great Sir." "Heh heh. I knew you'd like that. So.... This is what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna put it back in ya, at the lowest level . It has about half an hour of juice before I gotta recharge it. Then you'll have about fifteen minutes of just feeling a nice, hard tool in your ass. " He smiled. "Unless you're ready to submit." ed shook his head. "No Sir." Joel tossled ed's hair. "Too bad. Blue ball is no joke." He turned on the vibrator, and left the room.

He heard ed moaning for about 15 minutes, and then all he could hear was the slight whirr of the vibrator. He chuckled. That toy usually pushed guys who didn't even think they were ready, to cum. What was it gonna do to that hunky ex marine he had tied up? His cock was so hard... Joel expected to hear the sounds of an orgasm at any minute and he didn't. He thought about going in to check, but decided not to. Of course, there WAS the possibility that ed had gotten out of the restraints, and was waiting for him, but the university's beds were so old and squeaky, he'd have heard that. No, he'd let it go. In fact, out of pure exhaustion, ed had fallen asleep. The vibrator "stimulated" his dreams. He dreamed of the first day that Joel had beaten him, defeated him in hand to hand, and had taken his ass. Ed was competitive, no question about it, and he had thought, and still did, that he could take Joel. But somehow, Joel ALWAYS had the upper hand. He seemed to have a sense for finding ed's weaknesses, and also, for the spots that drove him sexually crazy. He dreamed, and realized that he had never had an orgasm with Polly the way he had with Joel. Polly just didn't seem to be all that interested, and he recalled once when she sighed and said "just get on with it." He THOUGHT he was a good sex partner, but Polly had always seemed bored. Not Joel. Joel was always horny, but more than that: when Joel fucked him, he seemed to get more and more excited as ed moaned, or squirmed, or begged. He hadn't gotten that from Polly. And unlike Polly, Joel couldn't seem to get enough of him. But... a sub? Essentially Joel's woman? "HEY SLEEPY HEAD. TIME TO WAKE UP." Joel was gently smacking ed's face to wake him. "Oh. Geez. When the vibrator stopped, I..." "Didja miss my big cock in ya, eddie?" Joel laughed as ed turned away from him. "You know, it IS going back in ya, just not quite yet. But now... Hmmmm. What shall we do now?" ed was going to say "how about letting me go?" but he knew that was not going to happen. "How's this guy doing?" Joel began sliding his hand, ever so slowly, up and down ed's cock and ed began to moan. "No Sir. Please don't do that. PLEASE." "Why not sweetcakes? Making you more eager to do what I want?" ed's answer was "yes," but he wasn't going to say it. "So, you know what we haven't used yet today? The tit clamps." "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" screamed ed. He knew he couldn't take those. Not now. "Oh, ok. I'll move them to a tighter setting, ha ha." Joel pulled them out of his pocket. He ran the metal clips over ed's nips. "You ready sweetcakes." "No Sir. NO. NO NO. " Joel said nothing. He had a feeling. And he just rolled the clamps over ed's nips, without opening them. ed was so focused on that, he didn't feel Joel's thumb on his prostate at first. Then Joel pushed and, reflexively, ed pushed back. His head rolled back and forth, and he squirmed like a fish on a line. Joel had conquered him. He knew it. "I SUBMIT. I SUBMIT SIR. I SURRENDER. YOU WON. YOU WIN. I SUBMIT." After he yelled it, ed couldn't believe he had. But he did. And it felt good. It felt especially good because ed pushed his thumb while he tightened his grip on ed's cock, and the pent up jizz just poured out. "OH MY GOD. OH SHIT SIR. OH SHIT. OH GOD. THAT WAS.. FUCK. THAT WAS THE BEST ONE.OH. OH. " Ed began to cry. Joel thought about it for a minute, then he untied him and got on top of ed. ed grabbed him , holding him tight. His tears became sobs. Joel whispered. "It's ok eddie baby, it's ok. Know what? Any man who submits - who becomes a sub - always wanted to, regardless of his past. " He ran his tongue over ed's ear. Then he whispered. "What was your favorite part of Westerns when you grew up? Was it cowboys kicking the shit out of Indians?" "No Sir." "The romance with the women?" "No Sir." Joel chuckled. "It was when the cowboys got captured and tortured." "OH GOD, YES SIR." He looked at ed. "You'd be HOT in a cowboy outfit. I could get into capturing you and torturing you. Ha ha ha." He pushed ed's hands down on the bed. "You know you belong to me now, ed." "Yes sir. I do. You're my Dom. I do what you say." "Kiss me bitch stud." He locked lips with ed, and took his mouth with his tongue, going as deep as he could, before he pulled out, and ran his tongue over ed's sweaty body. "No more fighting me stud. No more bullshit from you." "None Sir. Never." "We're gonna go out and celebrate this change big guy. It's about time you got introduced to the life." ed gulped. He was officially "gay " now. Not just gay, but a gay sub. He was Joel's sub. He was getting used to being his bottom, but what did this mean? He saw Joel come back with the cock cage, a butt plug, and some clean clothes. "I think you're gonna have to get showered boi. Then we'll get you ready. We're going out tonight. "

Next: Chapter 9

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