Marine Daddy Mark

By Eden AI

Published on Jan 12, 2009


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'Marine Daddy Mark 02' {eden_ai} ( M MM anal bd con exhib rom sm spank voy bear cbt cheat fist hirs _humil rough safe slow toys va ) [2!4-6]

-----Please email your feedback to

-----Thanks to Charlie for helping as my editor. Thanks to those that have resoponded and my appologies for taking so long on the second section.

-----This story is fantasy and involves mature themes.

----- Note:

Chapter title's are now followed by the name of the character who is narrating (Adam narrated the first three chapters.)

Ch 4 Pain Grants Pleasure - Adam

It was now just after eleven in the evening. Mark and I had finnished watching the football game. The T.V. and the house lights were turned off after the game. I hadn't knoticed who was playing my attantion was fixed on Johnson's muffled cries. We sat in silence listening to his muffled pleadings, beging Mark to stop the crop machin. Mark sat in silece, naked on couch. About twentie minues after the game was over the tapping of the machen suddenly stoped.

"Ok, boy." Mark said grabing the back of my neck. "Stay here and don't touch the bitch." Mark ordered "I've got to get a room ready."

The door to the basment closed as Mark finnished. I was guessing Mark had meant the basement. There kneeling next to the sofa I could just make out Johnson just a few feet infront of me. I couldn't really see him but I could still hear his wimpering. The initail pain and adrenalin was waring off, giving way to the pain of Johnson's swallen sack. Against Mark's direction, I decided to check on Johnson.

First placing my ear against the door, Mark was talking but I couln't make anything out. There would be a few moments before he finnished so I moved over to Johnson. Placing my hand on his back I could feel his body shivering. The drill instructors body covered in a layer of sweat, every muscle shimered in the dim light. Curling over the Marine I huged his broad sholders, his cold body felt like ice against my chest. We stayed kneeled together for several minutes. My hands slid down from Johnson's shoulders and travled his equaly icy chest. Rubbing back and forth I russled the hair on Johnson's pecs. With two fingers I started to masage his niples untill they felt warm to the toutch. We had just enough time together for Johnson to stop shivering before I heard Mark assending the stairs.

Sliding across the floor so I wouldn't be noticed I moved back to my position by the sofa. Mark slamed open the door open its handle busting a hole in the dry wall. There was a look of earger proud excitment on his face. Mark had gone down stairs naked and came back from the basment looking ready for Folsom Street Fair. His exposed uperbody clad in a leather harness an "x" acros his chest and back. Mark was also wearing Marine Corpse desert trousers and boots. The trousers button up fly lay open exposing a budgling leather pouch. The knowledge that this was or had been my Senior Drill Instructor felt both weird and exciting to me.

"You ready for the rest of your punishment boy?" Mark growled at Johnson.

Johnson tried to give a response to Mark's question but it was only a mumble through his gag. Mark laughed at the Marine's attempet, walking behind him Mark studied Johnson's sack.

With the light from the basement I could see the result of crop 400 hits. Johnson's ball sack had become engorged to nearly four times it's typical size. The Marine's scrotum strined full at the size of a soft ball. Johnson's genitals had turned a violet red from the amount of blood traped there. The soldiers sack would remain this way as the chain confining him also wrapped around the bass of his cock and balls.

Mark kneelt down behind the Marine, his hands cuping Johnson's engorged balloon balls. The Senior Drill instructor then took two fingers and taped the green belt's balls. Johnson screemed so load that even through the gag I thought a neighbors would hear.

"You like that boy?" Mark whispered in Johnson's ear, fondling the Marines balls.

"Woof--Woof!" Johnson replied.

A huge grin came across Mark's face. His hand released Johnson's bloated manhood.

"That's a good boy." Mark said rustling Johnson's buzz cut. "Maybe we will think before we say something about our Senior Drill Instructor in front of the platoon next time?"

Mark then removed the chain that had been suffocating Johnson's balls. Johnson rolled over on his back spreading his legs to let the blood circulation out of his sack. Mark didn't stop him but continued to free Johnson by removing the chain from his shackles. Johnson lay spread out on the cold tile entryway, quietly whimpering as he composed himself. Mark leaned over Johnson looking down into the Marine's big brown eyes.

"Would you like to be able to breath better?" Mark asked twisting Johnson's nipples.

"Woof!" Johnson replied grimacing.

Mark untied the socks then removed Johnson's pissed stained underwear from the Marine's mouth. Johnson took in a shaky gasp of air. Mark stood up, leaning against the front door watching his Drill Instructor recoop. After a few moments Johnson was breathing regularly again and Mark just stood there watching and waiting.

Ch 5 My Boys - Mark

Staring at Johnson's naked body I would have loved to blow my wad all over that Marine. Then I reminded myself that couldn't give him that kind of attention until after his punishment. Then I remembered Adam still kneeling by the couch watching us.

"I nearly forgot you were here boy." I said.

Truth was I had been imagining the scene that was about to unfold with Johnson all night. His punnishment was reasonably well planed out but Adam playing was unexpected. The talk we had sort of just happend and now here he was waiting for my attention.

Leaving Johnson I walked over to him kneeling patiently. His thin frame seemed particularly small kneeling down in the dim room. Adam was 5'10" and 150 pounds, his body covered in a thin layer of brown hair. Adam was a bear cub starter kit. Compared to Johnson, Gonzales, and me he seemed frail like a doll. That however couldn't be further from the truth as he came from a wrestling family, played water polo in high school, and did join the Marine Corps. Even if he didn't get far.

Standing in front of Adam I pushed my bulge into his face. Adam leaned in a started licking my leather package. Again I had to fight off the urges to fuck him right there. I pushed Adam head away from my cock, his big brown eye's looked up at me. Adam's mouth open begging to be filled by my seed again.

"Well boy I was going to wait until we got to the bar but I think I'll feed you now." I said pulling my half hard dick out and pressing its head against the boy's tounge. The boy tried to close his mouth to suck me but I stopped him. "Ah..ah..ah, not cream boy. Now open up so I can fill you." I ordered.

Adam opened his mouth wide and I let let my blader go I poured my hot piss in Adam's throat. I could see the moment of shock in the boy's eyes but he swallowed anyway. From my vantage point I could see his throat open and close as he gulped down my piss. It was making me hard seeing him like this, I'd never messed around with recruits not even former ones. Not able to recall how many beers I'd had I found I couldn't seem to stop pissing. The feeling of the rush of flud inside my now rock had dick made me braced myself against the boy. Watching the clock I pissed into Adam's mouth for the next minute and a half. Flexing out the last few squirts the boy sucked my dick clean.

"Fuck boy you know just what to do don't you." I said slapping his face playfully as I pulled my dick from his lips with a pop.

Adam's most attractive feature was being prim and proper in public but in private he was a sexual creature. I'd met some of his family and it was definitely the Portorican side that held this gene. The problem was Adam knew this about himself. He didn't trust others to be in control of him. That was until tonight, things still needed to go slow, but it appeared I'd convinced him to trust me.

Looking at the clock it was still early but I decided that if I didn't take them to the bar now. Rather than loose control myself and finish off both of the boys myself.

"STAY!" I ordered pointing to both Johnson and Adam.

Then I ran back down stairs and grabbed two latex hoods and two beers. Returning up stairs they handn't moved.

"On your feet both of you!" I ordered Opening the bottles of beer I handed one to them both. "Drink boys!" I told them and they complied quickly gulping down the liquid. "Here is what will happen! I need to break in both of you boys, so we're going on a field trip. Out front now!"

Ch 06 The Field Trip - Johnson

Mark didn't tell us were we were going but I knew it was Sinister. When Mark opened the door the cold night's air against my exposed sack nearly knocked me over.

"Move boy!" Mark ordered.

Being pushed forward by Mark I went out onto the porch then down the steps toward the car. Through the latex I could make out basic shapes well enough and staggered over to Mark's hard top Jeep. Adam was shoved up against me and we both fell against the Jeep door.

"In the back hatch!" Mark shouted.

Adam and I moved quickly to the back were Mark pushed us into the Jeep like luggage. Mark closing the hatch, moving to the diver's seat, and starting the Jeep.

"You boys don't talk or touch each other got it!" Mark ordered.

"Yes Sir!" We both replied.

Technically there was no possible way for us not to be touching. In fact we barely fit in the space and rolled into each other. Adam didn't need to say anything his face showed that he knew where we were going. Somehow, even though I knew I'd have it harder, I felt for him. We locked eyes for just a second and then I felt Adam shift folding himself even smaller so I had room. Apparently the weirdness from this afternoon was gone.

It was maybe a fifteen minute ride to the bar, the Jeep was silent the whole way. Then there was the sound of the gravel parking lot ground beneath us and the car came to a stop. Mark got out of the car and was immediately met by someone. My figuring was that Mark had spent the time in the basement calling everyone he knew. Two fuckboys, one being a Marine Drill Instructor, would probably bring in the masses. That thought in mind I could here two more cars pull up as Mark was talking. Loud greetings and footsteps, six people in one car, and two coming from the other. It was definitely going to be a full house tonight.

Then I could hear footsteps come up to the back of the Jeep, they were wearing cowboy boots. The hatch opened Adam and I shot a glance at each other.

"Follow me!" The bouncer ordered.

With that Adam and I got out of the Jeep, greeted immediately by the cat calls of our adoring public. The Bouncer led us up to the bar, there was a fucking line of admission. "Pour choice of words," I thought to myself. This bar was free to get into usually but I guess we deserved a cover fee. Then Mark appeared coming out of the front door apparently having made his deal.

"Stop looking around!" Mark shouted slapping me across the face, this got a roar of approval.

Mark pulled me into the bar, the bouncer tugging Adam. The main room was a long wood bar on one side with stools and four booths on the other, this led through an open door way to what was essentially the bathroom. Two sinks at either end, a row of open stalls, and a wall of four urinals where there were once eight. This room then led to a shower room connected to a changing room that lead back into the bathroom.


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We were both yanked into the changing room, essentially an empty cement room with a drain and metal bench in the middle. On the way in we had only passed the bar tender. I'd say it was around 9:30 so no one would really be out yet anyhow.

"Boy!" Mark shouted, snapping me to reality. "Lay down on your back!"

Mark motioned to the metal bench and I laid down. The metal was freezing cold against my naked skin and made me realized how cold I was. Still I tried not to show any sign of discomfort, the bastards. Mark then pulled on both of my arms putting them above my head so my shackles were by the bar holding up the bench. Mark chained me to the bar and to make sure I didn't move continued the chain over my shoulders then around my wast.

"Wait here boy!" Mark said. There was some rustling as apparently Mark made Adam sit up.

"Sit here boy and drink any man I tell you to!" Mark ordered from just outside of my peripheral view.

That settled that question. Then Mark returned to me, straddling my dick his hands rubbing my hairy chest. Mark's body moved up and down grinding his covered ass on my man meat. Mark hands then traveled up to my face lifting my laytex hood over my mouth and nose. Mark kissed me and we made out for a couple of moments.

"Time for you next punishment boy." Mark whispered in my ear. "You had two twenties in your pocket so two groups of twenty guys are going to come and fuck you." As Mark finished this his tounge pushed all the way into my mouth. This made me have to swallow our spit to stop from gagging. Then Mark's tongue retreated. "Think you can take it boy?"

"Yes, Sir!" I sounded off. Knowing that was what he wanted to hear even if I wasn't' sure.

"You ever been gang raped before Boy?" Mark asked.

"No, S-ir!" I replied my voice cracked;dam it.

Mark leaned back far enough for me to see him smile.

"We will just have to pace you boy." Mark said laughing to himself.

Mark now slid down between my legs, lifting my feet up to better expose my ass hole. Then for the first time in my life I felt a tounge touch my anus. Before I could catch myself I let out a moan as Mark's tounge tried to push inside of me. Mark's spiting, slurping, and lapping at my butt hole made my whole body electric. Then his tongue slipped just inside of me. Then it withdrew and two fingers with what felt like crisco were shove in my hole. Grunting to bear the presure I tried to control myself.

"Boy you're about to be a bitch to forty guys plus me. I suggest you let yourself enjoy this while you can. Let that inner whore boy take over." Mark said his fingers working the lube inside me.

Marks pushing against my sphincter wall actually made me lose a form of consciousness. All I could feel, all I could see were his fingers inside of me. The room's lights, my arms, and the cold all faded away.

Just as my first ring had done, my second ring opened for Mark's passage. Mark's fingers starting to make fine circles inside me. Mark moved his fingers around the walls of my shoot until I gasped. I've heard of an A-Spot before but never thought about it, I knew that Mark had found mine. There was the slightly horrifying realization that Mark was masturbating me via my man pussy and I liked it. Clenching my jaw I tried not to let out any audible moans for the hungry wolves. This was futile when Mark's other hand started pumping my shaft, putting my legs on his shoulders. A minute of this and I was moaning openly to Mark's fingers truly fucking me. My hips lost control of themselves helping Mark's fingers masturbate me. Mark even leaned over and sucked on my abdomen, it wasn't long until I was ready to burst.

"Cum for daddy boy!" Mark ordered.

"Oh God!" I moaned, Mark's hand now fucking me furiously I couldn't take it. My hips thrust up and I shot a huge load all over myself. Laying there Mark pumped every bead of jiz from my dick. Then Mark sucked all my cum into his mouth, it felt so good I trembled as if electrically shocked. Mark spit my jiz on out on my ass hole pushing it in with his fingers. God I was in ecstasy.

"Now you're ready Boy!" Mark announced. "Let them in!"

Next: Chapter 3

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