Marine Home on Leave

By Randall Rumper

Published on May 29, 2009


Warning! This story is sexually explicit, if you are not of legal age to read such or are offended by this type of writing do not read any further. To contact the author cut and paste making appropriate corrections and E-mail: bn2rumpranger "at" yahoo "dot" com Subject line: Marine Home on Leave.

Marine Home on Leave By Randall Rumper

Chapter 32: Back to Work

My over the road trucker friend Bill was on the road again and out of my life. For over twenty-four hours layover, most of it spent with me in my bed while his truck was being repaired, the two of us managed to fuck and suck each other sore. I know that my asshole was tender to touch and my cockhead was a little sensitive too. With Bill's truck repaired and out of the shop we had breakfast together. The first real solid food we'd consumed during that period.

Before departing Bill told me, "I'll be thankful for the air ride suspension on the truck as well as my new air ride seat in the cab. Sure is gonna make the next few hundred miles much more comfortable on my ass."

"Yeah, I'm a little sore this morning too," I replied.

"You know Gary if I didn't have the long haul trucking job I'd feel comfortable settling down with you domestically. I think we'd make ideal companions as well as lovers."

"Bill you're a great guy and equally great lover, and if things don't work out between Ronny and me I might just take you up on the offer. Maybe even your co-driver."

After breakfast Bill picked up the load he was promised at the terminal. As we said our good-byes before Bill headed west I knew he and I would in all probability never hookup sexually again. My heart was with Ronny at least until he returned from overseas. I was bonded to him. He was my first true lover. The question was would my Marine feel the same about me when he returned.

Communication between me and Ronny had been off of late. What Bill and I had was a fling; besides, he was a little too old for me. I knew realistically that both my last two affairs were too old for me, but I was a horny teenager who wanted to experience it all in short order.

I really needed to get back to the younger crowd, cultivating younger partners more age appropriate as sexual partners. I was still having fantasies about Brandon, but never felt comfortable seeking him out, mainly because he was Ronny's younger brother.

After I'd bid Bill farewell and was walking back to the truck my cell phone went off. Mr. Driver was on the other end telling me I'd been rehired to get my ass back to work ASAP. Also, he'd just gotten word that Ronny was coming home on R and R leave from Afghanistan. I couldn't wait for my Marine lover to return. I was overjoyed as I disconnected my cell phone, and then drove straight to the shop.

Back at the repair shop everyone greeted me warmly, welcoming me back to work. I couldn't believe all the vehicles parked around the shop awaiting repairs. Mr. Driver told me that with the sour economy and tight credit people were opting to have their vehicles repaired instead of trading them in.

As I walked outside into the tow yard Sheldon slapped his big paw on my shoulder saying, "Glad to have ya back kid. Guess what you're on call tonight. And I need your help along with Brandon's pullin preventative maintenance on the big rigs today."

Damn, that was quick. I noticed that Brandon was out in the yard working with Sheldon and from what I could see they'd become rather chummy. Brandon rushed up to me saying, "Guess what?" Shaking my hand to welcome me back, "Sheldon has been taking me on some big rig tows since you've been off. He even let me drive a couple times."

"Yeah, Sheldon is a good teacher all right," I replied looking over at Sheldon skeptically.

I secretly hoped that Sheldon hadn't been taking advantage of Ronny's younger brother. He was just eighteen. Far too young for Sheldon I thought to myself; besides, he was more inline for someone my age. At almost twenty I was much better suited as a sexual mentor than the old troll Sheldon.

I wondered whether Sheldon was teaching Brandon more than tow truck duties. I'd never known Brandon to have a steady girlfriend. Now, hearing that he and Sheldon were buds was a little unnerving. I knew what Sheldon was capable of. I didn't want to see him take advantage of sweet innocent Brandon and then kick him to the curb after fucking him. Besides, I'd had designs on Brandon's ass for a long time, just never felt I could act on them.

Ty had told me at our first meeting that the three of them fooled around sexually, but that might have been teenage sexual experimentation. Now that Brandon was out of school and over eighteen I was free to pursue him if I chose.

Brandon approached me at lunch time asking, "You want to go to lunch Gary?"

"What about you and Sheldon?" I questioned almost as if I were a jealous lover.

"Sheldon and me don't do lunch."

"I noticed that you and Sheldon were kind of chummy."

"Dad just wants me to get the hang of big rig towing, that's all," Brandon replied, "While you were gone I was drivin your tow truck. He's been teaching me towing stuff the past few weeks."

"Cool. So, when's Ronny comin home," I asked as we departed for lunch.

"Not really sure and he wasn't sure when he talked to dad," Brandon answered.

As we ate I looked across at Brandon and finally knew what was different about him. I asked, "So, when did you grow the mustache and little soul patch?"

"I started the moustache after graduation and the soul patch a few weeks ago. Cool don't ya think," Brandon said pulling on the small patch of black hair on his bottom lip.

Brandon and I continued taking lunch together after I returned to work. We also began hanging out more and more after my return. I sensed he might be covertly flirting with me during this time, but wasn't sure. He hadn't paid that much attention to me before I was laid off. I was just playing along enjoying his companionship.

Chapter 33: Surprises

As the days waned I was becoming more concerned not hearing from Ronny. I was hopeful that he was still coming home on leave. I'd had dinner with the Driver's on occasion since returning to work, and asked about the number one son. No one had heard anything from him; no letters, phone calls or e-mails.

No one seemed to be too worried because he'd gone weeks without communication before. The following day at work Branson approached me asking, "You want to come over tonight for a cook out. Nothing special, just burgers, beans and beer."

"Sure, what time?"

"About six. We can shoot the shit, fart and piss," Brandon said laughingly.

"Cool, see ya then," I replied chuckling at his weak humors remark.

I figured this was just an innocent invitation for dinner. I showed up and no one was home except Brandon. I asked, "So, where is everyone?"

"The family left earlier to visit our aunt in North Carolina and probably would not be back until the next morning. Burgers and beans are on the grill. Here have a cold one," Brandon said before I sat down at the table on the patio.


"I bet you'll be excited to see Ronny when he gets home, huh?"

"Yeah, I sure I've missed him," I replied, "Has anyone heard from him lately?"


"I hope he's okay."

"Yeah, me too," Brandon replied, "Bet you'll probably be glad to see him in a different way than us."

"How's that," I answered.

"You know, you two have kind of a special relationship goin on."

"Yeah, were best buds," I replied, "If that's special?"

"You know what I mean Gary. You guys have had sex together," Brandon said.

Busted, I sat there in shock by Brandon's revelation, "Who told you that shit?" I asked.

I was wondering whether Ty or Lee might have leaked information to Brandon about our little sexual trysts.

"No one. I've had my suspicions about you and Ronny for a few years. Then for sure the night you two were doin shit in Ronny's truck in the back bay of the shop. My friend and I stopped in to use the restroom that night and you guys were all over each other. The windows in the truck were all fogged up, but I could see what was goin on. You two were howlin and screehin goin on like two people fucking the shit outa each other."

Damn, Ronny's younger brother knew all along, but never said a word.

"You guys took my parking spot. Zackary and me been using that same spot weeks before havin sex. It was safer than any other spot," Brandon came clean.

"Wow! All this time you knew. Does Ronny know?"

"No. He'd kill me if he knew I'd spied on you guys."

"So...," I didn't get to finish my question when Brandon interrupted me.

"Gary, I'm gay. I've known since junior high school. I've had feelings for you since forever and wanted to have sex with you since forever. But my queer ass brother beat me to you first. Now there it is out in the open you know how I feel about you. Do you want to spend the night with me?"

"What about Ronny?" I asked more than a little shocked.

"What about him," Brandon replied.

"Will he ever know? What if he finds out?"

"Not unless you tell him. `Cause I sure as hell ain't gonna tell him."

"Me neither."

"Let's finish our food and have another beer before we go up to my room," Brandon said.

I couldn't believe the kid I'd had the hots for was openly gay and had wanted me all the time. This could become very messy with Ronny coming home in few weeks I thought to myself.

"So, who all knows your gay?" I asked.

Brandon came around the table standing behind me he put his hands on my shoulders saying, "Only a few close friends. I don't want the whole world knowin. What about you?"


Brandon sparked up what appeared to be a self rolled cigarette taking a long drag off it then offering me a hit. "Sorry, I can't, you know, I'm taking that towing certification test in a few weeks."

"Oh, okay. Me and Zac only use this shit for some out of sight sex, dude."

"Maybe after the test, but tonight I'll have to go for it clean."

Brandon stood behind me finishing the joint rubbing my shoulders and neck. After the joint was finished he bent down kissing my ear and then my neck. I felt his hand run down the front of my shirt where his finger tips found my nipples. "My my these little nubs are hard. I wonder if what's in your pants is hard."

"Oh yeah."

"Am I going to get to feel it up my ass tonight?" Brandon whispered.

"If I get yours up my ass," I replied.

"So, you're a versatile dude too."

"Oh yeah."

"Come on let's go upstairs," Brandon suggested.

I got up following Brandon into the house and up the stairs. Once we got into the bedroom Brandon spun me around pushing me down on the bed. He fell on top of me smothering me with his soft warm mouth. I could feel his moustache and the soul patch as well as hard cock pressing against my pubic mound. As his mouth opened our tongues began dueling. I was on top of the world. Finally, I my dreams and fantasies were going to come true in a few moments.

Next: Chapter 20

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