Marine Home on Leave

By Randall Rumper

Published on Jan 5, 2010


Warning! This story is sexually explicit, if you are not of legal age to read such or are offended by this type of erotic writing do not read any further. Part II of the story may sound familiar to some readers as I wrote an earlier story about a care giver. This part of the story will focus on the Marine's rehabilitation and his caregiver.

I want to thank my readers of this storyline and all the compliments on my writing, but most of all to my readers who stuck with me and have enjoyed reading the story MHOL. As you have read to this point Ronny has been wounded and is on his way home. Part II is the beginning of a new era to the story. Although Gary and Brandon as well as some of the other characters will remain an integral part of the new storyline Part II will focus on Ronny's recovery and rehabilitation and Ronny's care giver.

To contact the author cut and paste making appropriate corrections and E-mail: bn2rumpranger "at" yahoo "dot" com Subject line: Marine Home on Leave.

Marine Home on Leave By Randall Rumper

Part II Ronny's Care Giver

Chapter 43: Ronny Meets His Care Giver

Jason Cox worked as an internship at a regional VA hospital four afternoons a week. He was enrolled in a nursing program at the local college. When Jason graduated from high school he entered college under a program to become a nurse. He would do his first two years at the local college to save money taking General Education courses and getting practical exercise as nurse's aid before transferring to the state university to complete a four year program where he'd receive his Bachelors of Science degree in Nursing. Once the degree program was complete he would then take licensing exams to become a Registered Nurse.

His practical nursing duties at the VA facility were in preparation for him to become a licensed RN. Although his duties at the hospital were mundane in nature as a nurse's aid the work provided hands on experience working with patients in different stages of recovery. Provide spending money, but moreover the job gave Jason a sense of accomplishment and purpose in life.

The college freshman was on his way to the canteen at the VA facility for a bite to eat before starting his Monday afternoon shift; however, before going through the line to order his food he stopped to browse the bulletin board. There on the bulletin board Jason noticed a handwritten help wanted notice. The white piece of paper was requesting a person with some expertise in basic care giving to help care for a wounded Afghanistan war veteran. The note described duties: Wanted a part-time person to help provide Aid and Attendance, assisting with therapy, appointments, preparing light meals and providing personal hygiene. The last two lines dealt with certain job criteria. The words Provide Companionship had been capitalized and underlined as well as individual must be Compassionate, Dependable Punctual and Have Own Transportation.

Jason tore off one of the little two by one inch tags at the bottom of the notice with an area code and phone number printed on it. He put it in his wallet and would call later after he got off work. At the time little did Jason know how the phone number would affect his life. The young intern continued through the food line at the canteen. He paid for his food and found a table where he could eat, forgetting about the tab of paper he'd stuffed into his wallet for the time being.

For the rest of his shift he went about the routine duties assigned him by the hospital nursing staff, caring for recovering veterans. When he got home that night he tossed his backpack on the bed in his room. He emptied the pockets of his pants, throwing his wallet on top of the dresser; it was at that time he remembered the piece of paper he had tucked into it with the phone number printed thereon and decided to respond, inquiring about the job.

A female voice answered the phone. Jason told the women on the other end that he had seen the notice for a part-time care giver on the bulletin board at the VA hospital. The two chatted for a few moments before Jason began explaining the types of duties he normally preformed at the VA. Mrs. Driver explained what she expected, and then the she asked Jason if he could come by Thursday evening after work for a personal interview.

Ronny's mother needed a person who could work a few hours a week from Friday to Sunday providing aid and attendance as well as respite care. Jason assured the woman that he felt he could handle the job. She told Jason she would be expecting him at eight sharp to meet the family one-on-one. Jason agreed and hung up the phone.

A little before eight Thursday evening Jason rang the doorbell. An attractive woman in her forties answered the door with a big smile. She was immediately impressed with Jason welcoming him into her house. Jason appeared to be at least six feet three or four inches with a muscular physique. She knew from what she was seeing that Jason was big enough to handle her son comfortably without any assistance.

Mrs. Driver and Jason walked into the spacious living room of her home and began introducing him to the family. She asked, "Jason, would you care for a cup of coffee or tea before we get down to business?"

"Coffee will be fine ma'am."

Mother Driver departed for the kitchen to get Jason's coffee. Mr. Driver began engaging Jason in small talk as Brandon, Janie and I sat quietly observing. Mrs. Driver returned with Jason's cup of coffee placing it on the coffee table in front of him before interviewing him while Mr. Driver continued asking a few questions. After a few sips of his coffee it was time to discuss the job; discussing Jason duties, hours, and pay. For Jason it sounded like a cake job as well as time and place where he could study when not looking after the patient. Mrs. Driver said that her son was recovering in the Navy and would be transferred to the VA hospital where he worked in a week or so.

Mother Driver invited Jason to follow her into the downstairs bedroom to see how it was equipped. The family had spared no expense equipping the room with everything needed to speed up Ronny's recovery. As the two walked off together Brandon blurted out softly, "He's a Big'Un!"

"Yep," I replied,

Janie all starry-eyed exclaimed, "Oooh, what a hunk!"

I whispered to Brandon, "Did you see the feet on that Dude?"

"Yeah," Brandon whispered back giggling a little saying, "I wonder if the dick is the same size as the feet?"

We continued talking about the potential caregiver waiting for the two to return. The big entertainment room in the Driver home had been converted into a fully functional state-of-the-art orthopedic hospital recovery and rehabilitation room, so Mrs. Driver was taking her time showing the room to Jason. Jason was immediately awe struck by the way the room had been equipped and laid out. Jason thought to himself, the Drivers had spared no money when it came to Ronny's recovery room. After a short tour of the room that would be home for the recovering Marine veteran the two returned to the living room.

"What do you all think of Jason?" Mrs. Driver asked the family.

Everyone smiled and gave Jason unanimous thumbs up. Mrs. Driver then went about discussing wages and a few benefits that went with the job. Jason was tentatively hired and would become part of the extended family, if he passed muster with Ronny when they met at the hospital in a few days.

"I'd like for you to accompany me to the hospital after my son arrives if possible to meet him before we seal the deal." Mrs. Driver requested.

"Certainly," Jason replied.

The two exchanged cell phone numbers to stay in touch.

When Mrs. Driver found out the day Ronny was to arrive at the hospital she called Jason to begin setting up an appointment date to meet her son. The day of the meeting the two met in the main lobby of the hospital. Jason was early as usual. He was engaging in conversation with one of the nursing supervisor when Mrs. Driver arrived.

"Mrs. Driver this is one of my supervisors, Jane Pearson. Jane this is Mrs. Driver, Corporal Ronny Driver's mother," Jason said introducing the two.

"Mrs. Driver, let me assure you that you've made an excellent choice considering Jason for the job to help with your son's recovery," Nurse Pearson said, bolstering Jason hiring.

"Yes, I think he will do a fine job. Now comes the hard part, meeting Ronny and convincing him that he'll need a person to help him, especially with personal hygiene chores."

"Good luck with that on," Jane said, "Military men are sometimes hard to accept another person helping in that area, so I think I'll accompany you all if you don't mind. Maybe my presence will help."

"Thank you," Mrs. Driver replied.

The three got on the elevator to go up to Ronny's room. On the ride up in the elevator the nursing supervisor briefed Jason as to Corporal Driver's injuries, describing the broken bones, burns and lacerations. She assured Mrs. Driver and Jason with all the proper care Ronny should return to a relatively stable individual after a few months of care and rehabilitation.

Once in the room the nurse brought up the lighting in Ronny's room. The light revealed what appeared to be a young man covered by a white sheet sleeping lightly. The upper half of Ronny's body was in a cast from his neck to mid torso. His arms were sticking straight out supported by braces standing out at an angle from his body, only his fingers were visible.

There where machines monitoring vital signs as well as IV bags hanging off stands with plastic tubes disappearing beneath the white sheet that was drawn up over Ronny's legs to the bottom of the cast. His right leg was elevated. From what Jason could see the Marine in the bed appeared to be around his age, maybe a year or two older.

"Corporal, this is Jason Cox," The nursing supervisor said introducing the two.

"He's the young man I told you about that will be assisting us with your recovery and rehab, if you approve," Ronny's mother said.

"Hello Corporal," Jason said cheerfully, "I guess we'll be seeing a lot of each other in the next weeks if you agree with your mother's choice about hiring me."

"Hello Jason," Ronny said sleepily, "I'd shake hands, but as you can see I'm not up to it yet. By the way knock off the Corporal shit, Ronny is fine."

Jason reached out tenderly taking hold of Ronny's fingers on his right hand that were protruding from the cast and said, "I look forward to keeping you company and helping you recover, Corporal."

"I just want you to know I sure hate to be an imposition. I'm sure you have better things to do with your life than feed me and wipe my ass."

"Ronny!" Mrs. Driver exclaimed, admonishing her son for his crude language.

"It's the truth, Mom. He needs to know what he's getting himself in for," Ronny replied.

"For a war hero who was wounded in action serving our country it would be my honor and pleasure to feed you and wipe your ass until you get back on your feet, Marine."

The one thing Jason had learned working in the VA hospital was to give wounded, recovering veteran's compassion and respect. Jason focused on Ronny's body lying in the adjustable hospital bed; the braces on each side of the body cast supporting his outstretched broken arms. He looked so innocent and vulnerable lying there.

"Jason, are you sure you really want to spend your weekends playing nurse maid to me?"

"Yes," Jason said with a big smile, "Yes I do, it would be an honor to help a hero get back on his feet."

Ronny looked into Jason's eyes; their eyes locked together in a karmic bond. Ronny knew immediately that he wanted Jason to be his part-time care giver and companion. "Mom, he's the one. Jason is the one. I want you to hire him now!"

"Okay son."

There was kismet bond between the two. Some would call it chemistry; whatever it was, the two boys took to each other immediately, and would share the next weeks and months together as a team. Ronny, who had been in somewhat of a depressed state since the helicopter crash which left him with the injuries, felt a new sense of renaissance. In the few minutes since meeting Jason, Ronny appeared more vibrant than ever since returning to the United States from the hospital in Germany.

As the two explored each other's eyes they were secretly looking into the other's soul while Mrs. Driver and the nursing supervisor stepped back to see how the two were interacting. Both felt that Ronny and Jason had established an immediate special connection. When Jason touched Ronny's finger tips he felt a phantom charge of electricity surge through his body as well as the twinge of arousal in his underwear.

[Okay my readers this is the new twist to the storyline. What do you think?]

Next: Chapter 29

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