Marine Home on Leave

By Randall Rumper

Published on Mar 13, 2008


Warning! This story is sexually explicit, if you are not of legal age to read such or are offended by this type of writing do not read any further. To contact the author cut and paste making appropriate corrections and E-mail: bn2rumpranger "at" yahoo "dot" com

Marine Home on Leave

By Randall Rumper

Chapter 7: Showering With My Marine

My morning shower finished I dressed and made my way downstairs to see what was for breakfast. When Mrs. Driver saw me enter the kitchen we exchanged morning pleasantries before she poured me a tall glass of orange juice and a steaming hot cup of coffee. Once that was done she put the waffle batter on the iron. Janie exited the kitchen with a wave and good morning as Brandon finished his OJ, waved good-bye and bounded out the door.

Mrs. Driver asked, "Is his majesty out of bed yet?"

"Nope, still sleeping when I left the room."

"Well, I not going to be a short order cook all morning," Mrs. Driver said as she put my plate down in front of me and then walked over to the stairs where she yelled up to her oldest son, "Ronny, get up now or you don't get any breakfast."

I thought I heard him mutter a reply. In a matter of minutes Ronny was downstairs sitting at the kitchen table across from me. Ronny's mother poured a big glass of freshly squeezed OJ and put it in front of him, then put waffle batter on the iron for his breakfast. As I gazed across the table at my Marine visions of Ronny and Brandon showering with me danced in my head again. Ronny played with my bare foot with his out of sight beneath the table as we ate our waffles and linked sausages. There was a special glow about him that morning.

Mrs. Driver cleared the kitchen counter, put the waffle iron away, collected our plates and warmed our coffees before briefing us on what she had planned for the day. As Ronny and I dallied drinking our coffee mother Driver informed us that she and Janie were going to meet her husband at the shop; they were going shopping in another town about a hundred miles away, and wouldn't be home until late afternoon. She also told us that Brandon wouldn't be home from his wrestling tournament until late afternoon or early evening, depending on how he placed.

"Okay mom," Ronny said, "were just gonna hang around the house and chill for the rest of the morning; then take off in the afternoon, so we might be gone when you get back."

"Turn off the coffee maker, rinse the pot out, put the coffee cups in the dishwasher and then turn it on after you're finished in here."

After delivering her edict for the morning Mrs. Driver disappeared into the master bedroom to get ready for her shopping trip. Once she vanished Ronny looked across the table at me with a big shit-eating grin on his face.

"What?" I immediately questioned.

"You know what," Ronny said, still with that big smile.

"I hope you won't forget it."

"Never," Ronny said, "but maybe after mom leaves you can refresh my memory."

My cock jumped to attention and my asshole quivered with twinges of anticipation thinking about Ronny's seven inch schlong sliding in and out of my well-lubricated bunghole. I didn't understand what it was about a nice cock gliding back and forth in my anal cavity that captivated me; however, I knew after only two times of Ronny boring out my bunghole with his carbide drill bit that I was disposed to many more dicks up my ass in my lifetime. There was something so very stimulating about the feeling of a well-lubricated hot prong sliding in and out of my poopchute. Like my nipples and the head of my cock I'd discovered that my asshole was another source of great erotic pleasure.

As I sat across from Ronny my bunghole still burned and itched a little from the previous night of fucking. I could feel it throbbing. I didn't know whether the fire in my ass and palpable pulse in my bottom that morning was real or perceived. I'd read that after being deflowered it was not uncommon to experience post burning, pain or itching in the rectal area. Although the after feelings I was experiencing were a little annoying the pleasure had been well worth it.

Mrs. Driver broke my train of thought as she returned to the kitchen saying, "You boys have a good day and don't get into any trouble."

"We won't," both of us replied in unison.

After Ronny's mother and Janie left the house he said, "How long should we wait?"

"Till she clears the driveway," I replied with a big grin.

Ronny's mom had no sooner backed the car out of the driveway than we were up from the table putting our coffee cups in the dishwasher. Ronny turned it on and turned off the coffee maker. We both bounded upstairs two steps at a time me in trail. Once in the bedroom we shed our clothing with lightening speed. I grabbed Ronny and kissed him hard on the lips, forcing my tongue into his awaiting mouth. We fell onto his bed and continued making out, all the while grinding our hard cocks into each other's groins.

As we continued to make out I secretly questioned whether Ronny would ever want me to take him anally. I couldn't believe that Ronny the big bad ass Marine was allowing me to kiss him; furthermore, he was kissing me back passionately. I wondered if both of us wanted the same things; did we want each other, or was it a one way street. I knew that I wanted more of Ronny's big cock up my ass, and I wanted him up in there bareback. I knew Ronny was disease free so a condom wasn't needed. I wanted to feel his unsheathed hard hot poker inside me, and then experience him pumping huge loads of warm cum into my rectal cavity. I wanted to feel his warm semen leak out of my gaping asshole after withdrawing his withering wang from my well-fucked ass.

As our bodies undulated on the bed, we began to sweat and our breathing became more rapid. I could feel Ronny's hard cock touching mine. The feeling of our dicks rubbing together was so sensuous. Our hands were all over each other's bodies feeling, touching and stimulating different parts as we frotted. We held onto and squeezed each other buns. We broke our kiss and began kissing all over each other's faces, necks and shoulders. As I kissed Ronny's neck he whispered into my ear that he wanted to fuck me again. I whispered back that I wanted him inside me, but first I wanted to eat out his asshole.

"You want to do what?" Ronny questioned somewhat astonished by my request.

"I want to give you a rim job," I said.

"You mean you want to fuck my ass with your tongue?" Ronny queried.

"Yes, if you want me to. If not just tell me."

"Oh Hell Yes, I want it!" Ronny exclaimed. "I guess you surprise me with your knowledge. By the way where did you learn about all this kinky sexual stuff?"

"Don't worry about it. I'll tell you later." I said getting up.

I got up off my Marine and pulled him to his feet, leading him into the bathroom. As we prepared to shower I explained in detail what was about to happen and told him that cleanliness was uppermost to me when it came to eating another guy's ass out. I also explained that bathing was great foreplay. Ronny tempered the shower water and then we both stepped into the tub. We didn't bother pulling the shower curtain. As the warm shower water sprayed on our bodies we soaped each other up, paying special attention to our buttock and crotches. As we washed each other I rubbed up and down Ronny's ass crack with my fingers.

Every time my finger grazed Ronny's red eye he would jump. So, slowly and methodically I snaked my forefinger into Ronny virgin asshole. Once I broke the seal and penetrated Ronny sphincter he jumped and squealed. With my finger inside Ronny he began tightening his asshole around my digit. As my Marine squealed with joy I turned him around facing me and got onto my knees. I took his proud prong into my mouth while I inserted my longer middle finger into his ass to clean him out and locate his joy button. My finger wriggled around inside his rectal cavity until I found Ronny's prostate. As soon as I touched it my Marine gasp and I could taste precum. I continued to clean his asshole up in preparation to tongue fuck him and he continued whimpering with wanton desire.

Once I felt that I had his anal cavity fully prepped I withdrew my finger. I reached up retrieving the flexible shower spray head to rinse all the soap out of Ronny's asshole. With all the soap washed away I turn the shower pressure down and had Ronny put his hands on the back of the shower surround. I had him bend forward at the waist while I positioned myself behind him on my knees. His ass cheeks were ample, smooth and well-toned. His asshole was hairless. I spread Ronny's butt cheeks further apart to get my first view of his pulsing pucker.

I closed my eyes and let my tongue slowly explore Ronny's ass crack. After a few skillfully strokes of my tongue I found Ronny's hot quivering asshole. The first light touches of my tongue produced jerks and squeals of delight from my Marine. I continued tenderly flicking the wrinkled pucker with the tip of my tongue. His ass was hot as a Fourth of July firecracker, and throbbing with each beat of Ronny powerful heart. As the tip of my tongue pushed into his pucker he worked his sphincter, expanding and contracting as if he was trying to suck my tongue deep inside him.

After a few minutes of tongue fucking my Marine I decided to change positions. I turned my body around so my head was between Ronny's legs. Once I was in the new position I reached up to grab hold of his seven inch saber. I pulled the shaft down, so I could tantalize the glans with my tongue. I worked Ronny's cockhead with my tongue tasting the precum and listening to my Marine moan and whimper with glee. The more I licked and sucked on Ronny's cockhead the more moans came from him and more precum flowed. Then after one more swallow of his schlong I returned to my Marine's asshole where I tongue fucked him again with ferocity.

Once I had rimmed Ronny I stood up behind him rubbing the pronounced head of my powerful prong against his freshly eaten pucker. Then I leaned forward with the full length of my cock wedged in his ass crack. I reached around and began playing with his hard nipples. Oh My God, he kept tightening his buttock on my cock. I thought for sure he was ready to swallow my cock up his ass and blow a load.

As I continued grinding my cock into his backside and playing with his rock hard nipples Ronny moaned and whimpered, "Yes! Yes, please fuck me sir!"

Did my ears deceive me, or did my big bad Marine lover just beg me to fuck him. I whispered in his ear, "Are you sure?"

"Yes! Oh Hell yes, fuck me sir, but make it good."

I grabbed the body wash from the ledge and proceeded to lather up Ronny's asshole before he could change his mind. The special soap was a product Brandon used when he bathed that contained moisturizers; it felt very slick and sensuous. Once I had a good base of the slick soap suds going I pushed the foam into Ronny's hole. His asshole quivered and clenched sucking my finger into his tight hole. I withdrew my finger and lathered up my cock. Once I had a good head of suds going I proceeded to press the spongy head of my scepter against Ronny's awaiting anus. He gasped saying, "Fuck me."

"Tell me if it hurts and I'll stop to let you get used to it," I told my Marine.

As my cockhead popped in past the first ring Ronny gasped letting out an audible howl, begging me to stop. I reassured Ronny while we waited for him to get accustom to my cock penetrating his virgin ass that I'd had previous practice with a dildo before I took him. I reinforced that there was no shame in requesting to stop and further supported the idea that even old pros requested that their paramours stop on occasion. I had Ronny bend forward more, so I could drizzle more of body wash onto his ass crack and my dick before pushing more of my prong into him.

"Go ahead," Ronny murmured.

Slowly, I began pushing my dick further into Ronny's tender asshole, telling him to work his sphincter like he was trying to gobble my cock up, sucking it into his asshole. Ronny began expanding and contracting his sphincter muscle as if it was devouring a filet mignon. I felt the glans pop past the second ring fully into his rectal cavity. I stopped again so Ronny might get used to my hard thick shaft inside him. The hard thick shaft is where pain is truly encountered; it takes a few seconds to get used to a thick shaft in one's asshole. I didn't consider myself to be super endowed swordsman, but I had measured my dick before and it was not small. Although my cock was not as long as Ronny's dick it was a respectable six and half inches in length and a little better than six inches in circumference; furthermore, my cockhead, the coronal ring was more pronounced in girth than Ronny's.

After a few minutes of nuzzling and kissing Ronny's back, shoulders and neck I began to slowly piston my hard cock in and out of Ronny's soapy slick rectal cavity. My Marine and I were caught up in the heat of a phenomenal moment. I was fucking him and he was fucking back. An act that I thought would never happen. Both of us were moaning and squealing with pure delight. Ronny begged me to give him more of my cock. He was becoming very vocal about wanting me to fuck him faster and harder. I didn't want the session to end as we both had found a state of sexual bliss.

I didn't want either one of us to cum too quickly, so I paced myself; however, after a few more slow strokes I sensed a noise coming from the bedroom. I turned my head towards the partially opened bathroom door where I thought I saw the reflection in the mirror of a person cross the room. I looked again and dismissed the premonition chalking it up to my imagination; however, I wished we had taken the time to secure the bathroom door before engaging in our wet fuck fest. I reached around to find Ronny's cock in a semi-flaccid state; not uncommon for the person being pounded.

As I continued banging Ronny's ass I coaxed his cock back to life, stroking it as we neared climax. I stood up straight behind him, arching my back and with my hands on his buttock I gave Ronny everything I had. I could feel a tremendous explosion building on the horizon.

"I'm gonna cum any second baby," I bellowed.

"Me too," Ronny replied as he worked his sphincter muscle on the shaft of my cock as I tried to get another fraction of an inch up his ass.

I was pounding his ass with unbridled enthusiasm as Ronny kept yelling, "Fuck me sir! Fuck me! Give me every inch of that magnificent cock sir!"

"Oh yeah!" I said as I pounded every inch of my six and half inch cock up into my Marine's ass.

"Yes! Oh Yes! Fill me with your cum sir!" Ronny yelled.

"Here it comes baby!"

I was on the balls of my feet pressing my body against Ronny's. I must have delivered four or five super rounds of cum up my Marine's freshly deflowered ass as he began squirting semen on the shower surround. Ronny kept clinching his ass around my cock milking it dry. I pulled him back upright reaching around to play with his nipples with my cock still inside.

"No. Please no, they're too sensitive," Ronny replied in a totally exhausted state.

My deflating dick fell out of his ass with a farting sound. I had pounded him so hard that there was excess air up in his rectal cavity. Ronny turned around and grabbed me, kissing me hard on the mouth. He hugged me tight and whispered in my ear, "Thank you that was the best fuck of my life."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it."

"I'll never forget it, never," Ronny whispered in my ear.

"Neither will I Ronny."

I listen to my reader's critics and suggestions, hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

Next: Chapter 5

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