Marine Home on Leave

By Randall Rumper

Published on Apr 22, 2008


Warning! This story is sexually explicit, if you are not of legal age to read such or are offended by this type of writing do not read any further. To contact the author cut and paste making appropriate corrections and E-mail: bn2rumpranger "at" yahoo "dot" com

Marine Home on Leave

By Randall Rumper

Chapter 10: Busted

After the torrid little tryst in the cab of Ronny's truck we had gotten dressed and cleaned up. We had no sooner dressed and cleaned the seat of the truck than a car sped down the country road. A quick glimpse told me it was a local sheriff's cruiser.

"Wonder where he's goin in such a hurry?" I asked Ronny.

"Who knows," Ronny replied.

I watched the dust dissipate and no sooner had it settled than the cloud appeared again, returning in our direction. Within a few seconds the big Ford cruiser swung into the property, kicking up gravel and dust. The patrol car came to a stop in a cloud of dust and a deputy wearing sunglasses jumped out of the cruiser with his hand on the gun in its holster.

"Turn around and raise your hands!" The deputy commanded.

"For what," I responded.

"I said turn around and put your hands in the air!" The deputy commanded again.

Ronny and I complied, raising our hands.

"Put your hands behind your head and interlock your fingers," The deputy demanded.

Once again Ronny and I compiled with the deputy's orders. The deputy stepped behind me taking hold of one hand putting the cuffs on my wrist; then he grasped the other hand, brought it down behind my back and cuffed both hands together. He repeated the process with Ronny. Once we were both cuffed he spoke into his radio handset attached to his uniform requesting backup.

The deputy asked, "What're you boys doin out here?"

I started to respond when Ronny spoke up, "Sir, my name is Private First Class Ronald J. Driver United States Marine Corps, and this is my best friend Greg Smith a civilian. My father owns Driver's Auto Repair in town. We just stopped out here to enjoy the beauty of the afternoon."

"Enjoy the beauty of the afternoon. What's that some type faggot code? You boys fags?" The deputy questioned.

"No." Ronny responded, "I ain't got but a few more days to enjoy days like this."

"Why's that, you dyin from that fag disease AIDS?" The deputy questioned.

"No, I'm home on leave."

"You got any ID boy?" The deputy asked Ronny.

"Yes Sir, my military ID card and driver's license are in my wallet in my pocket," Ronny responded, "I'm home on leave

"What about you boy?" The deputy asked directing the question to me as he took Ronny's wallet out of his pocket.

"Nope," I replied.

"You know I can arrest you for not having any ID on your person boy."

I didn't respond. I knew it was useless.

"Boy, did you hear me?"

"Yes, and I said no I don't have any ID on my person," I responded in a mocking manner.

"So, we got us is a somewhat polite responsible Marine and a faggoty scum sucking smart ass shit head with no ID trespassin out here this afternoon."

I kept my mouth shut, knowing whatever I said wasn't going to make any difference. I'd just wait till we got to the sheriff's station where I'd try to straighten things out.

The deputy spoke into his handset again requesting wants and warrants as well as AWOL alert for Ronny. Once he finished giving the dispatcher the information he turned his attention back to us. "So, you boys out here doin some dope." A statement more than a question.

"No Sir," Ronny responded, "We don't do that."

"Well what the hell are you two doin?" The deputy asked again as he walked around facing us, "Ain't no girls out here with ya, so what's up."

"Just the two of us enjoying the afternoon taking some pictures, no dope and no girls," I responded.

"Sure looks suspicious to me," The deputy said.

He began walking around looking on the ground and into the truck. Thankfully both doors were open and the cab had aired out from the scent of all the raw sex.

"You boys don't mind me searching the vehicle do you?"

"The truck is mine," Ronny said, "go ahead and search there's no dope in there.

The deputy began searching the vehicle, looking under the seat, behind the seat and in the glove compartment.

"Who's camera in the glove box," the deputy asked as he pulled the disposable camera from the dash compartment.

"Mine," I responded.

"So, if I confiscate it and develop the photos in this thing anything gonna be incriminating?"

"Not that I know of," I replied.

"Sure I ain't gonna find pictures of the pot garden out in this area?"

"I didn't know there was a pot garden out here," I said.

"Boy you tryin to be a smart ass with me. Everyone knows there's pot growing down the road by the creek."

I didn't respond. I knew there were rumors, but I'd never checked them out.

"If there ain't no pics of pot growin maybe there's pics of you all having sex with underage females in this here camera," The deputy stated.

Again, neither of us responded. The deputy moved in front of us and was about to light into us when another vehicle pulled up parking behind the first car. I heard the door shut and the new deputy's crunching footsteps in the gravel walking towards us.

"Hello Ron, or is it Sergeant now?" The second deputy asked.

Ronny and I recognized the voice immediately. The voice belonged to the second in command in the sheriff's office and he was also the football coach for the high school.

"Take the cuffs off these boys," the senior deputy demanded.

"But sir, I need to call a tow truck to have this vehicle towed in so we can do a thorough search of it for drugs," The first deputy said.

"No need, I know both these lads. Besides, the tow truck would come from Ronny's dad's shop," The other man said.

The younger deputy begrudgingly unshackled us and handed Ronny back his ID and wallet. I was relieved because there was a package of condoms in my pocket as well as the last packet of Surgilube. Those items might've been hard to explain.

The County Undersheriff told us to carry on and have a good day. He and the young deputy walked towards their cars. The Undersheriff got into his SUV and backed out. The deputy got into his car and sped away in a cloud of dust.

"Come on let's get the fuck outa here," I said.

Ronny and I got into the pickup and departed the isolated rural area, heading towards town. Neither of us spoke during the trip back to town. We both knew we were lucky when the Undersheriff responded to the deputy's backup call. He'd been our get-out-of-jail-free card, but the next time might not so easy.

I listen to my reader's critics and suggestions, hope you all enjoyed another chapter.

Current Stories on Nifty

Currently, I have two stories actively running on Nifty under two pen names: Cock Snob, Marine Home on Leave.

The following is a list of stories posted under pen name Randall Rumper to Nifty since spring of 2006:

Marine Home on Leave Gay/Military (ongoing);

Weekend Pass in a Texas Town Gay/Military (on going);

The First Time I was Digitally Diddled Bi/College (on going);

Anal Awakening Gay/Adult Friends My longest running series on Nifty with 20 Chapters, last post 09/11/07 (ongoing, but on hiatus);

College Brothers Gay/Military last post 20/07/07 (in limbo, until I can resurrect the file);

Latch Key Kids Turn a Profit Gay/High School last post 01/16/08 (discontinued);

Two Cocks for Christmas Gay/Encounters 12/06 (discontinued);

Envious of Extra Inches Gay/High School (discontinued);

Tails of Rump Rangers Gay/Military last post 19/04/06 (discontinued).

Stories under the pen name Richard (Dick) Lickerish:

Cock Snob Gay/College (ongoing);

Smell of War Scent of Sex Gay/Military last post 20/07/06 (discontinued).

I truly appreciate my readers letting me know that my stories are being read, and I am grateful to all who take the time and correspond with me, just be patient for a reply.


Next: Chapter 8: Marine Home on Leave 11 14

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