Mark and Mike

By E C

Published on Jun 10, 2014


Hey guys! Comments, suggestions and questions can be emailed to me at

I'd like thank Jim for editing this part. Thank you Jim!


"No, you don't love me Mark. You care for me. I care for you. What we had was lust, plain sex. I'm sorry." Morgan said kissing Mark on the lips and left

Mark stayed in his place and started to cry. His boyfriend had broken up with him. Mike came up from behind him still naked and said, "Finally, we can be together Mark. My plan worked."

Mark turned to Mike and said "What, what do you mean, plan?"

Mike smiled "My plan to win you back from Morgan so we could embark on our adventures and relationship."

"What do you mean, Mike?" Mark said confused

"I made you think that I was confused about being gay. I saw how you looked at Morgan the first day of class, your goo-goo eyes drooling over Morgan. And then I got drunk and you fucked me. And then I acted that I was straight. I knew you and I knew that you would go to Morgan and talk to him and come up with a plan. I've known you, Mark for three months and I know how you think. I figured out your plan after Morgan fell down purposefully." Mike said happily

"What! I can't believe you. I- I - you knew all along. W-why not tell you were gay the day after. I would have saved the time and not have dated Morgan." Mark said confused

"I knew you would run to him. It was fun watching you go to Morgan's dorm. Oh God knows what you were doing with them. I wanted you to deserve me and now we can date." Mike

"I still don't get it. You're fucked up man." Mark said

"I love you, Mark." Mike said leaning in and kissing Mark

Mark pulled back and pushed Mike.

"You fool, you fucker. How could you? How could you? I'm in love with Morgan now and not you. Fuck you. Go to fucking hell." Mark yelled

Mark left the hallway and went to his room and got dressed and left. Mike just smirked when Mark left. Mark was pissed. 'How could Mike do this to him? That fucker! He tried to toy with me' Mark thought. Mark went to Morgan's dorm. Morgan answered. Morgan was wearing blue shorts and a white tank top.

"Look Mark, we shouldn't date anymore." Morgan said

"Mor-gan." Mark cried

Morgan hugged Mark and asked him what happened. It took fifteen minutes for Mark to stop crying. He explained what Mike told him to Morgan. Morgan was shocked to discover Mike's plan. He comforted Mark.

Mark asked to stay at Morgan's dorm. Morgan said yes. Morgan texted Annalise to come and she came. When Mark told her what happened, she freaked and was mad that Mike toyed with her feelings. She cried and then went and confronted Mike. She came back an hour later pissed off. She told Mark and Morgan that she punched Mike in the face. He apparently became mad and picked up a vodka bottle hitting him with it. Mark laughed when she told them that but remembered what Mike did to him and he wanted to kill him. Mike had betrayed him. Annalise's feelings was crushed and she went to Morgan's kitchen and started drinking beer. Mark joined in. By the end of the day, Mark and Annalise became drunk and Morgan nursed them back to health.

The next day was worse. Annalise went to her classes but Mark didn't. He didn't want to see Mike's face. He hated him for what he did to him. He kept drinking and drinking. Morgan and his roommate hid the alcohol from Mark. Mark was sad and depressed and still couldn't believe that Mike did all of that so he could deserve him. Mark stayed at Morgan's dorm and thought of the sex he had with Mike and Morgan. They were both good in bed. He saw Mike at the orientation and Morgan in the biology class. He had sex with Mike first. He was first attracted to Mike. He shared a room with Mike. Everything pointed to Mike. Maybe he was meant to be with Mike and not with Morgan. Maybe Morgan was right, he was right for Mike and not for him. Mark started to wonder. He loved Morgan and yet after what he did to him; Mark still loved Mike. It was no easy situation for him. Mark waited until Morgan came to the dorm and discussed what should he do. Morgan encouraged him to be with Mike and explicitly told him that he would be friends with him. Mark was happy and went to his dorm.

Mark had not seen Mike in two days. He saw him when he opened the door and quickly embraced Mike. Mike reciprocated the embrace and kissed even further. Mike had not shaved yet, therefore Mark prickled by Mike's beard. Mark loved that feel. He purposely rubbed his nose on Mike's chin and neck so he could feel the prickle of Mark's beard. Mike shut the door and locked and kept on kissing Mark.

"I hate you so much that I love you Mike." Mark gasped taking Mike's shirt off

"I love you too babe!" Mike said taking Mark's shirt off.

Mark and Mike kept on kissing and touching each other until they reached Mark's room. They began French kissing. Mark's tongue sucked on Mike's and both of the shuddered. Mike dropped to his knees and ferociously stripped Mark from his jeans and boxers. Mark gasped at how Mike had done this, like a pro, Mark thought. Mike took Mark's hardened cock and licked and sucked it. Mark moaned and gasped in pleasure. Mike kept sucking him for a good five minutes when Mark came. Mike ate all of Mark's cum. Mark enjoyed that part the most. Mike kissed Mark; exchanging the cum between the two for three minutes. Finally they ate it and kept on kissing. Mark was tired as he had not slept in two days so he quickly fell asleep. Mike lay beside him naked and slept with him. Mark felt the warmth of Mike's body on him and loved it. He couldn't believe that Morgan was right. But he felt bad for Morgan. Mark slept on dreaming of happy dreams.

Mark woke up in the morning realizing that he had sex with Mike yesterday and that for the past three days he was pissed off. How quickly did he forgive Mike? Mark didn't know but he couldn't be happier than he was right now.

Edson Chiller

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