Mark Changed Me Forever

By Louis DePasquale

Published on May 11, 2003


Mark Changed Me Forever Pt. 3 By: Louis Charles DePasquale

This is a true story. I haven't even changed the names. I you want me to write down more of what happened drop me an email at

I suppose I need to do the usual disclaimer. This story is about two consenting adults having gay sex, if you are under age, don't want to read about it, or there is a law against it in your area then don't read it.

I hold the copyrights to this story. It may be posted freely to free story sites without permission. It may not however be posted on any sight that charges a fee including sites that use and adult verification service.

I should give you all a heads up and let you know that there isn't much sex in this part. Part will be full of sex.

Mark Changed Me Forever Pt. 3

I wasn't sure what to do or if I should say something, sucking Mark's dick was one thing but there was no way I wanted to be sucking Jason's dick. I don't think Jason knew what he wanted. He had come to my room not really believing Mark when he told him that I sucked his dick, and now here I was on my knees and he was being asked if he wanted a blow job from a fag. He sort of sputtered a few times and Mark looked at him with a smile and said well if you are too much of a pussy to handle a blow job then let's go and get something to eat.

That was all it took Mark had questioned his man hood and in front of a fag, Jason pulled his zipper down so fast it ripped. His dick was out and in front of my mouth before I knew what I wanted to do. Well open you mouth faggot and suck my dick Jason said with a sneer. As I hesitated he yelled out come on you fucking fag I don't have all night. Seeing my discomfort Mark leaned down and whispered in my ear, suck him off for me and I will make it worth while for you. That was all it took I opened my mouth and let Jason's dick in. I know that we all fantasize about college football players and how incredible their dicks are as well as how great they much be in bed. Well they don't all fit the bill. Not only was Jason's dick small, maybe 4-1/2 inches hard but he stroked it in my mouth like 5 times before he shot his load. It didn't even taste good. I spit it out on the floor. As they were leaving my room Mark looked back at me smiled and said I will see you later faggot.

As I got some paper towels to clean up the mess, I was more confused then ever. I mean I had to admit to myself that I enjoyed sucking on Mark's dick even more I enjoyed the taste of his cum. With Jason on the other hand sucking his cock was terrible I hated every minute of it. I went over to the dinning hall and grabbed a burger and fries. I was so lost in my own thoughts that I didn't even realize that someone had sat down in the chair across from mine. I looked up and saw it was Jimmy. He was the guy I had seen on the way to take his shower this morning. He seemed like an ok guy, a little to nerdy for my taste. He was someone I would say hi to but not someone I would hangout with.

I was really surprised that he sat down with me and asked him what's up? He said not much. Then he got this really strange look in his eyes, you know like kids get on the playground when they have a secret that no one else knows. I know all about your new talents he said with a bit of a smirk in his voice. I started getting worried and told him I had no idea what he was talking about. As he got up and started to walk away, he told me that if I wanted him to keep quiet then I should be at his room at 2 in the morning. Walking back home I played the conversation back in my mind, I figured he really didn't know anything and was just fishing but that I should probably show up at his room just to be on the safe side.

When I got home I started in on some research I was doing on the Barbary Pirates for a class project. I got so into my research I lost track of time. A knock at the door broke me out of the trance I had been in. I looked at the clock and it was 11pm, damn I had lost five hours. I opened the door and there stood Mark. All he was wearing was a pair of loose fitting running shorts, no shirt, no shoes, and he probably wanted to be serviced. He held up a bottle of cheap wine and sort of pushed his way past me into the room. I closed my door not sure what was going on. He didn't really say anything as he looked around the room for a place to sit seeing only my desk chair he sat down on my bed and scooted himself up so his back was against my pillow.

He looked at me smiled patted, the bed next to him and said come on have a seat. As I sat down on the bed as far away from him as I could get, he unscrewed to cap on the wine bottle (like I said it was cheap wine), he took a swig and passed me the bottle. I just held on to it for a minute, looked at him and said you know I am straight. He just looked at me and said drink some wine. I took a gulp of the wine it was a bit on the bitter side but the strong taste helped me keep my bearings. As I handed Mark back the bottle of wine he slid over closer to me. Our arms were touching. We sat there in silence just passing the wine bottle back and forth. The whole time I could feel his arm against mine. I could see his pecs defined from all the working out he did with his large nipples hard and erect. The treasure trail that led down to his 6 pack abs and lower. I could feel my dick getting hard in my pants, I tried to will it down but my will failed me. I needed to break the ice to say something before I went insane.

I looked at him and repeated myself; you know that I am straight. He simply looked at me looked at my hard dick and said; really. I went back to just sitting there kind of deflated. Mark drained the last of the wine and then did something that completely shocked me. He reached over and put his lips on mine and started to kiss me. I was in shock; I didn't know what to do. I had never kissed or been kissed by a man before. I instinctively kissed him back. I could feel his tounge brushing against my lips clearly trying to get in. I opened my mouth as he pushed his tongue inside. I was awash with sensations I had never felt before. My head felt like it was going to explode and my heart jumped up into my chest. I mean I had kissed plenty of girls over the years but none of them made me feel like this. I felt like I had snorted a couple of lines of coke.

After a couple of minutes he broke the kiss, smiled at me, went over to the window and closed the blinds, turned on the desk lamp and turned out the overhead light in the room. The only light was from the low glow of the desk lamp. I was confused and had no idea what was going on or what I should do. As he climbed back into the bed with me his lips found mine again and we had another earth shattering kiss. I tried to put my tongue into his mouth but he immediately clamped down on my tongue with his teeth. He pulled away, looked down at me and said we should get a couple of things straight. I'm not the faggot, you are. I'm just a horny guy into between girlfriends who is getting some relief. You on the other hand get a hard on every time I enter a room. You are obviously into sex with guys. Hell for all intents and purposes you're my bitch. Do you understand me?

I know I should have been upset. I mean I am no man's bitch, but to be honest all I wanted was his tongue back in my throat. I would worry about what all this meant in the morning, right now I just wanted to ride this train and see where it was heading. So I just looked up at him and said I understand no problems here. Good I am glad to hear that cause I just talked to Anthony and he isn't coming back until Monday night, which gives us all night for you to prove to me just how much my bitch you really are.

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