Married Boy Submits

By Justin Davidson

Published on Sep 29, 2005


Thoughts from yesterday's adventure flooded my mind. It was impossible to work. I sat at my desk, staring at my screen. I pictured Master standing over me thinking about how to use me next. And I pictured myself in all those positions from yesterday and remembered the pain and pleasure vividly. I had fantasized about bondage and servitude for years, and now finally I was experiencing it. My cock was rock hard.

The ring of the phone almost made me jump out of my skin as I came back to the real world and reached for the receiver. "Yes, this is Jason."

"You have a package at the front desk Jason." the receptionist informed me.

"OK, be right out." I got up to go to the front desk, adjusting my raging hard cock so it wasn't so obvious. When I got to the front desk, the receptionist smiled and pointed to the package on the ledge next to her. "Thanks Jen." I picked it up and checked the label - it was a couriered package so all it had on it was my name, company, and address. I took it back to my office and sat down while grabbing the scissors to slice the tape. I opened the first two flaps and there was a piece of paper covering the other two flaps that said - "Better close your door first Boy."

I froze, my heart jumped. It was from Master. I had not expected contact today. My cock raged again. I quickly closed my office door and returned to the box. I popped open the other two flaps and started taking things out. The box contained a cell phone, an envelope, another smaller box, and another letter. I picked up the letter. "Boy, as discussed before we departed company last night, you have pleased me and I look forward to continuing your training. I will make you the best slave ever. Inside this box are several things for you. First, the cell phone. You will keep it on, charged and with you at all times. We will use that phone to contact each other. Second, open the small box and put on what is inside. You will wear this for the rest of the day and you will have it on at all times unless the situation is one where your wife can see it. You will definately have it on when you report for your next meeting. Finally, the envelope has some momentos from last night - a gift for you so you have a reminder of your new role in life. DOn't worry, there are no copies. I will call you at 4pm - do NOT miss the call."

I put the paper down and grabbed the envelope first. I was afraid to see what was inside. There were 10 pictures inside, all graphically documenting my servitude. The angle looked like it was from where the dresser was - Master must of had a digital camera with him that he used by remote to take these. I felt sick to my stomach and excited at the same time. I hope there were no other copies. Flipping through them excited me though - seeing me in those positions, seeing Masters naked form, god it was hot.

Finally, I opened the box and recognized the contents immediately. A CB-3000. I recognized the male chastity device from some web surfing I had done. I could only imagine what wearing something like this would be like. I got it out quickly as my cock was already getting hard. I dropped my pants and slipped the device on and locked it - instantly realizing that there was no key in the box. By now, my cock was already straining against its new confines and pain was setting in. I slipped my pants back on and went back to work.

At 4pm the cell phone rang and I jumped to answer it. "Hello Sir!"

"Hello boy. Have you obeyed your Master today boy?"

I was shaking. "Yes Sir."

"And you are locked in?"

"Yes Sir."

"Excellent boy. That means you have to see me tonight since I know you can't go home wearing your new friend."

I had not thought of that. I couldn't risk my wife seeing or feeling the chastisty device and tonight we had dinner plans. Master's control was already more than I was prepared for. "Yes Sir" was all I could say.

"Good boy. Now, i can get out a little early so let's meet at 5pm at the little Italian place around the corner from you. You'll need the food. Be there at 5 or every minute past will result in 10 minutes of punishment."

"Yes Sir." And the phone disconnected.

I hurried to finish my day and called my wife to cancel our plans. She surprisingly was OK with it and I told her I might be home late due to a big deal I'm working on. She said she would go to a girlfriend's or shop and didn't seem to mind that I'd be home late.

I got to the restaurant at 4:58 and Master was at the bar. Amazingly, my cock stirred when I saw him. The place was otherwise empty. Master said "Hello Boy" out loud and that embarassed me but it didn't seem to catch anyone's attention.

We sat down for dinner and Master ordered for me. When the food came, he told me that I was allowed to feed myself here since we were close to your office and knew I'd be afraid of anyone coming in to see me being fed by Master. My god, i thought, would he really feed me in public?

After dinner, or rather when Master told me we were done, Master said he wanted to run and get a haircut real quick - said he had a meeting tomorrow that he wanted to look good for. I didn't think much of it although I'd rather be somewhere serving him. We took a cab to a place across town. When we went in, the boy behind the counter said "Hello Sir, welcome back. What can we do for you today?"

"Hello, I need a touch up." Then Master looked at me and said, "You need one too." It wasn't a question.

I said "Yes, I guess so." He was right, I needed a cut since I haven't had one in about a month.

"OK, me first." He went over to the second chair and the gentleman greeted him, obviously knowing him. Master's cut only lasted a minutes as the barber quickly used a razor and a quick snip here and there with scissors. When he was done, Master got up and I went to sit down. Master stuck his hand on my chest and pushed me back slightly. "No boy, someone else will handle you. Follow me."

We turned and started towards the back of the store and entered a room that was private. There was a chair there but it didn't look like a normal barber chair. Master turned and waited until another boy entered and closed the door. "OK boy Strip!"

I went week in the knees. No, certainly he didn't mean me to get naked here, in front of the other boy. But Master's stare was all I needed to see. I looked at the other boy, he just stared at me, almost emotionless.

"Boy, you better be butt ass naked in one minute or you will suffer greatly."

I stripped as fast as I could and finished by standing there with my hands over my cock area Master reached down and unlocked the CB3000 and my cock sprang to life. Master grabbed my hand and yanked me into the chair. I started to adjust myself but Master barked, "Sit still boy!" He then knodded to the other boy, who walked to my chair.

The first thing that cought me by surprise was the collar that snapped around my neck. I tried to move but it held me tight against the chair. Then, as I panicked, the boy strapped my arms onto the armrests in about four places each side. He then put a strap around my chest which pulled my body tight against the backrest. Then, to my horror, after doing the same to my legs, the boy clicked something and the legs snapped apart, leaving me with my legs spread. I started to say something.

"Boy, you better keep your mouth shut unless I tell you to talk or else I'll have to gag you as well."

I snapped shut but still looked panicked.

"OK, standard cock and balls. We'll double check his ass when you finish."

The boy went to work on my dangling cock. It was not your normal shave. Yes, he at one point used a razor, but there were several different cream applications, several of which burned. Several times I got hard but neither Master or boy seemed to notice. I was leaking precum and I suspected the boy was handlilng me in a way that would excite me on purpose.

When done, the boy asked Master if he was pleased and Master took a closer look. "Yes, looks good. Now, why don't you give the slut a little treat."

The boy immediately dropped to his knees and starting sucking my cock. It was amazing. Better than any woman ever. I was moaning loudly.

"You may cum boy whenever you wish." It did not take long. I came and the boy slurped up every last drop. I slumped in the chair.

"Good boy. Both of you! Now, let's check the ass." I was so happy to get out of the chair but I quickly realized that this was not to happen. The boy clicked a few things under the chair and it flipped back, then I felt the butt pad I was sitting on unhook and drop. My ass was now fully exposed. "Better do that too boy."

All I could think of was how I would explain this to my wife if she saw it. The boy went to work again using razors and cremes and soon Master was inspecting it. "Excellent. OK, go ahead boy, get your "tip."

Oh fuck, I thought. I knew what was coming and the boy didn't wait. I heard him drop his pants and then felt him spread something on my ass crack. Suddenly, he rammed his cock into me and I screamed. Master yelled at me. "Shut the fuck up. THis isn't for you. It's the boys tip, let him enjoy it."

I clamped my mouth shut but was moaning through closed lips which Master didn't seem to mind. The boy finished by shooting his load in me and then yanked out. He went over to the counter, cleaned up, and pulled his pants back up. "Thank you Sir. Very generous tip Sir. You have a nice boy there Sir."

"Glad you enjoyed it. Now, let's take a look at him." Master and boy looked me over like I was a piece of meat. Master seemed pensive. " needs something else."

"It?!" I thought.

"I know. Underarms. Do them now." He stepped back and I panicked. My underarms? Surely Master wasn't going to make such an obvious change. He promised. Master must have read my thoughts. "Shut up boy. You're lucky I don't take it all. I know what I'm doing. Now keep your mouth shut. I remained quiet and sat while the boy did something to the chair that flipped my strapped in arms up and away from my body, exposing my underarms. He started to shave them, first with clippers, then razors and creams. The burn was worse. I cried, not from the burn, but for my manhood which was being stripped from me.

Master inspected the work. "It should totally shaved but I'll let him keep a little for now." My chest was heaving.

"Now get this cum bucket cleaned up for me so I can go and use him myself."

I couldn't see what the boy was doing but I suddenly felt something being jammed into my ass. What the fuck? Then I heard a pumping noise and I felt whatever it was in my ass growing larger. Then I felt the water rush in....he was administering an enema. In no time at all, I could feel my stomach stretching and the pain was getting so bad I was sweating.


"I said keep quiet boy. Looks like i'm going to have to gag you tonight, you seem a bit noisy."

The boy flipped the chair forward and I was back upright but my butt wasn't supported anymore - just the leg straps keeping me attached to this evil chair. The hose ran out of my ass. "OK, I'm going to take this out, hold the water in until I'm out of the way."

"That's an order boy." Master added.

The boy released the air plug and started to yank the plug. I squeezed to hold in and knew immediately I wouldn't last long. The boy got the plug out with a "plop" and he said "release." I let go and the fluid drained from my ass. I'm assuming there was some type of drain or bucket but I could not move me head enough to see.

This process was repeated three more times and then Master declared this should be enough. I was dizzy from all the stimulus.

"Anything else Sir? I can still take care of the rest in no time if you'd like."

I panicked and looked at Master like a dear in headlights.

"No, that's OK, this boy still has "an image" to uphold so we'll let him keep what's left of his hair for now."

I slumped and wondered what "for now" really meant. Scared and horny, that's what I felt. I was released from the chair and I stood up. My insides actually felt amazing. Master told me to get dressed and he left with the boy - I met them up front a minute later while Master was paying. I saw several hundred dollar bills being passed over the counter and knew that what just happened was not cheap. He looked at me and said, "Yes, you will repay me." I wondered if he met with money or some other form of payment.

We grabbed another taxi and Master took me to a little boutique hotel, not one of the chains I recognized. Again, the person behind the counter knew him and everything was handled quickly and "as usual." We went upstairs and when we got to the room door, Master turned to me and said "strip."

Terror is all I felt. I went to plead but thought better of it and resigned myself to following his orders. There were about 8 other doors on the floor - any of which could open at any minute and reveal my nakedness so I hurried. After getting naked, Master took his time opening the door and finally letting me in.

Master continued into the room and said "up on the bed, lay on your back." I did as was commanded.

"Well boy, what time do we have until tonight?"

"Sir, my wife wont get suspicious if I'm home by about 8pm Sir. Nothing firm Sir, but that should be a good time Sir."

"Hmmm, not much time, but we can work with that since I have somewhere to be at 830. Oh, and I don't think I like you calling her your wife. I think I prefer....the slut you live with. Yes, that is how you will refer to her from now on boy."

"Yes Sir." Something about that excited me.

"Good, now shut up." Master then walked over and buckled a gag around my head - this one had a ring and it was torturous on my mouth. Then he positioned me so that I was on the bed, on my back, with my head towards the bottom of the bed. "We can do something simple tonight I think."

He then reached over me and grabbed my legs and pulled them back, he roughed me up a little until I realized he wanted me to "roll" to where basically all my weight was on my neck and shoulders and my legs were brought all the way till my toes touched the bed past my head. He then took rope and wrapped it around my back, torso and legs to keep me in place. When it was clear the bed wouldn't provide enough stability for this position, he lifted me up and laid me on the floor in the same position. "Good." He then took my arms which were pinned back and against the floor and tied the wrists together and then to the leg of the bed. My ass hole was fully out and exposed and pointing straight up in the air. I was basically staring at my cock as well in this contorted position. Master reached into my folded up self and clipped clamps on my nipples. I screamed through the gag. "Good boy. Thought you'd like those Slut."

Suddenly he stood up and he began to flog me with a whip. Soft at first, but an occassional sting. I've never had this done to me and I didn't know what to expect. He worked on my ass and backs of my legs and back. Many of the hits felt nice, but several were harder and made me scream. THe pleasure and pain alternating made me mad. He then reached down between my legs and yanked my balls and cock so they were sticking out through my hte back of my legs so now his flogging was hitting them as well. I was sweating again and sometimes the ball pain was intense and unbearable.

He stopped his flogging and took position standing over my folded body and grabbing my pelvic area started to push his hard cock straight down into my gaping ass hole. I screamed through the gag. In this position, dry, and not warmed up with a plug, his cock felt like a jackhammer rippng into me. I cried and screamed for probably two minutes before the pain turned to pleasure and I began to get excited, precum dripping out.

Master pile drived me until he screamed and came into my ass. He slumped forward, arms hitting the dresser but his cock staying in. He was panting. "Nice slut. Very nice. I am going to enjoy fucking you often."

He removed his cock and walked away leaving me in this position. He came back and I heard what I now understood to be a digital camera quietly clicking away. Oh god, more pictures, I was truly his slave.

When compelted with the pictures, he released my bonds and the gag and told me to kneel. I did and he stood right in front of me and took his limp cock and pushed it into my mouth.

"Clean it. And make me cum of course."

I went to work sucking and licking his massive cock. It stayed limp for a while and I was afraid Master was going to get mad but it eventually started getting hard - right about the time my mouth and neck were beginning to cramp. My breathing was labored and I furiously worked his cock. I had a new respect for my wife's cock sucking now - it truly was a "job!"

After about 10 minutes, he grabbed my head and started to deep fuck my face again. Thrusting into my throat until I gagged and then releasing, then hammering me a few strokes and then stuffing again. Finally, after what seemed to be an eternity, he stuffed my throat and came into me as I did my best to swallow. He screamed as he used both hands to hold my face against his body.

After withdrawing, he sat on the bed. "Very good boy. You are really getting good at that."

"Thank you Sir." I ventured, hoping that I was not speaking out of turn.

"OK boy, let's get you home. Hop in the shower, clean up both, and then we'll dress and leave."

We showered and I cleaned Master's body with pride. Afterwards, we dressed and left together as Master said good night to the boy behind the counter. I caught the smile from the boy and the wink from Master. He drove me back to the office parking garage and told me to have my phone with me tomorrow. I went back up stairs, grabbed my stuff - including Master's phone - and drove home. God my ass was sore! I thought as I sat in my car speading home. When I got home at 8:30, my wife was out. I went upstairs and relaxed and went to bed at 11pm. At 11:30 "the slut I live with" came home and quietly went about getting ready for bed and crawling in with me. Without warning, she went down on me and sucked my cock until I came into her mouth. It was the best blow job she ever gave me and then she kissed me, said "good night", and went to bed.

Life was just getting better every day. I went to sleep thinking about Master and how he would have me serve him again.

To be continued....

(Comments always welcome! Thanks to the many that have already commented!!!)

Next: Chapter 7

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