Marty to Misty

By Marty Sprouse

Published on Sep 4, 2004


Here is my story, and yes it has all happened to me, I hope you enjoy reading my tale. Feel free to write me at


Marty to Misty -- An expected Event, Part 1

This is a true story of how my life has changed over the past few years. I am now 28, and so this should serve to tell the world great things can happen at a young age.

Let me tell you about the young lady I began dating about 5 years ago, Cheryl. She is a wonderful young gal just one year younger than me. I was shocked when I first started dating her after I finished college and returned back to my hometown, the Columbia, SC area.

I didn't know her in high school, but through a friend met her at a local club. As we talked at our first meeting I found her to be quite an enjoyable person. What was even more exciting for me was she told me she had had a crush on me in high school, which I never had a clew of. She is very attractive and really outgoing, with a great body. She is not petite, but is in great shape from continuing to work out to control her weight; she only weighs about 130, and is 5' 6" tall. Cheryl is in the cosmetic sales field, and supervises the sales for a major manufacturer for a part of South Carolina.

At any rate, we dated for about 2 years before we decided we should get married. The marriage took another year to plan; after all you have to have the "perfect southern wedding." It was perfect, an outdoor wedding on a spring Saturday afternoon with the sun shining and all the spring flowers blooming. That brings us to 2 years ago.

The first year of marriage was wonderful, I am in sales and work out of my home almost exclusively, and am also a part-time musician. Because of the combination of the two careers, I am able to do pretty much as I want. I had let my hair grow since the wedding and so it was just about shoulder length when Halloween of 2003 rolled around. We were both going to a Halloween party at a friend's home on Saturday, October 25, 2003. Neither of could decide what costumes to wear, and so we decided we would each buy the other persons costume for them, and make it a surprise for each of us.

Cheryl volunteered us to help Janice and James, or as we refer to them as J and J, get their house ready for the party. About noon we headed over to J & J's and began the chore of decorating. Of course you had all of the usual last minute shores, running to get ice, beer, etc. So James and I were kept pretty busy running errands and helping with the decorations.

The party was to begin about 8:00, so around 6:30 PM we decided we should all start getting ready. I must admit, I was already feeling good after a few to many drinks so early in the day, but that is what parties are for.

Cheryl and I headed to the bedroom where our clothes were laying, and Cheryl said I should jump in the shower first, and she would join me. This was always a fun time for us, so I immediately agreed and ran down the hall to the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around me. As I was standing in the shower I saw the curtain begin to slide back. Cheryl had a little devilish grin on her face, looked at me and said I needed to turn the shower off for a minute. I did as I was told. She then handed me a large bottle of a hair remover cream and told me to put the cream on my legs and arms, and she would take care of my back. Of course I inquired why. Cheryl explained it would help with the look of my outfit, so I agreed. As I rubbed the cream on my legs and arms, Cheryl rubbed some on my back and chest areas. It was a very strange feeling and I was not very comfortable with it, but I went along, as Cheryl was always good about putting parties together, and I trusted her. After the required wait for the cream to work, we turned the shower back on and watched my hair go down the drain.

Now, I should tell you I am only 5' 7" and very lean. I work out with Cheryl often and have kept a very lean body. Since I am a natural blond, what little body hair I have is rather fine and light.

After our shower, we dried, wrapped a towel around ourselves and headed to our bedroom to get dressed. It was an unusual sensation I would not have expected, in having no body hair and feeling the towel against my smooth skin. Once in out bedroom, I decided to give Cheryl her outfit first, one of a witch, how appropriate. I had the little black dress, with some fishnet stockings and a pair of black stiletto heels. I know she would look good at it, and since she always had tons of make-up with her, I knew she could make herself up to look just perfect.

Cheryl looked at her outfit and said she could live with it, and could play the part, so I was glad about that. She then said, she was sure I could play my part in my outfit to. She then handed me a large bag from one of the local malls, and I was shocked when I looked in the bag. Inside was a "little" cheerleader's outfit. I asked if she was "kidding" me.

Cheryl responded "NO." She went on to say that I would look great, she had everything I needed. Some molded breast enhancers, bra, panties that matched the outfit, even a pair of sneakers that were color coordinated to match the outfit. I was almost speechless.

Cheryl then said, "Don't worry, by the time I done with your hair and make-up you won't even recognize you."

Having seen what Cheryl was able to do with make-up, I agreed, not that I had much choice. She immediately began by working on my hair. She used some rollers, and took what seemed like an eternity to fix my hair. She then started on my make-up. She worked away like a wizard doing her magic. It was now nearly 8:00 pm, and she began her own make-up. That did not take her any time at all. It was now time to dress. We both got in our outfits, and I was feeling very uncomfortable. Cheryl then opened the closet door, and on the back side of the door was a full length mirror. She took me by the hand and led me to the front of the mirror. There I stood, I couldn't believe it, I didn't recognize myself, and I actually looked somewhat attractive.

It was now time for the moment of truth, as we walked down the stairs to where Janice and James were waiting for us. They both let out a big scream of amazement. Neither one could believe how I looked.

Finally Janice spoke by saying, "You look so good, you could go anywhere as a girl and no one would have a clue you weren't a girl, you need a new name."

James then commented, "If I saw you and didn't know who you were, I'd be checking you out."

Janice then spoke again and said, "For tonight, your name is Misty." It was then that Misty was born.

I have to tell you I was very uncomfortable and didn't think I could make it through the night. Fortunately, I was able to drink without regards to driving as we were spending the night, so I managed to get a buzz on pretty quick, which helped me make it. Everyone at the party was amazed, and said I looked wonderful, and couldn't believe their eyes. I wasn't sure if I should be happy about looking so good as a girl, or if I should have been upset. At any rate we made it through the night.

As we crawled into bed and got close to each other Cheryl got very romantic. Let's just say the lovemaking was wonderful. Cheryl commented how great it was making love to my smooth skin; it was like making love to another woman.

I commented it was a different feeling, not having any hair to interrupt the softness of her body, and it was exciting feeling her smooth body next to me. We then fell asleep.

We awakened around 9:00 AM. Needless to say I had a bit of a hangover. I threw on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt, and headed to the kitchen for some coffee. Everyone else was already up. James had gone to work for the day, and Janice and Cheryl were sitting relaxing. I poured some coffee and sat at the table with them.

We chatted for just a bit when Janice asked how I felt being clean shaven. I explained the strange feeling I was experiencing and felt really different sitting there with hairless legs and arms.

We chatted some more, when we started talking about going out to get something to eat. We agreed the three of would go to a local chain restaurant for a little Sunday morning breakfast.

Cheryl then said something that really shocked me. She said, "I think we should go as three girls rather than a guy and two girls."

I said, "No damm way am I going out like a girl!"

Janice then said she bet I would, and I of course disagreed with her. She said OK, and got up from the table.

As she left Cheryl and I talked and I said I wasn't going out like a girl because that wasn't for me. Inside I was wondering about the possibility of going out and not being noticed.

In a few moments I head the garage door going up, and didn't pay much attention to it. In just a moment Janice returned to the kitchen carrying the Sunday morning newspaper. Janice then said, "Well we three girls are going out, because I just put all of Marty's clothes in the trunk of my car, so he either goes out as Misty, or goes home naked because I also locked the door to our bedroom so he can't get into James's clothes."

I didn't know what to say. I think I said a few words I'd rather not type here, but it looked like I was going out as Misty, even though I didn't know what I was going to wear.

Cheryl and Janice both went and showered and got ready as I sat there pondering what was about to happen. In about 30 minutes, Cheryl called me to the bathroom. She told me to shower and shave and then meet her in Janice's bedroom. She also said there was a robe on the bathroom door for me.

I went into the bathroom and showered and dried and reached for the robe, I was shocked, it was a little short silky robe of Janice's, but I slipped it on. I shaved and walked into Janice's room where I found the two girls waiting for me.

Janice was a bit larger than Cheryl and so she said she was sure she had something I could wear. Understand both Cheryl and Janice are wearing little skirts ant tops, with high heeled sandals.

Cheryl then handed me a pair of her panties to pt on, she said they would be a little tight, but that was OK as it would help hide my "manhood." The next thing I knew I was handed a pair of pantyhose to put on, I was really embarrassed but struggled through getting into a pair of pantyhose after causing some great laughter at my expense. Next I was handed a little pink dress, I resisted but finally agreed to wear the dress. Finally Janice handed me a pair of low heels to wear, but they were much too tight. After trying two or three pair of shoes it came down to either a pair of sandals or a pair of 3" heels. I finally agreed to the 3" heels; even though I was sure I would fall and kill myself in them.

Finally we headed out the door to go to the restaurant. We ate lunch and started home without my being detected. The girls then decided they wanted to go to the mall. I pleaded not to go, but I was in the back seat along for the ride. So here I was at a local mall on a Sunday afternoon wearing high heels, in a short little pink dress, it doesn't get much worse than this, or so I thought.

But more about what came next later.


Next: Chapter 2

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