Marty to Misty

By Marty Sprouse

Published on Sep 18, 2004


As I left you last, I was at the mall, only my first time dressed completely, if you don't count the Halloween party, and I was out in public at a mall.

I was scared to death at the mall, but I made it back to Janice's without a problem. To be honest, no one ever seemed to notice. Maybe they were jus to busy to notice. At any rate, I was thankful I made it home.

When we got home, I showered, and changed into my normal male clothes. Cheryl and I then headed back to our place. We talked a lot on the way home. To make a long story short, I agreed it was a survivable experience and was not to bad, and Cheryl agreed I looked hot as Misty and she really enjoyed making love to my smooth body and wouldn't mind my keeping it that way.

Over the next couple of weeks, not too much happened, until Thanksgiving weekend. We had made plans to visit my family in Virginia for the holiday, and so we packed up our car and drove the normal 8 hour trip in about 9-1/2 hours, due to heavy traffic to central Virginia. We had a great visit, and a great Thanksgiving dinner with my family.

Of course the day after Turkey Day, Cheryl had to hit the malls for a shopping experience with my sister Lisa. I spent some time hanging out with some old friends. On that particular Friday morning as we were getting dressed though, Cheryl made what I thought was an innocent comment.

She said, "I really love your smooth body and you are getting stubble. Would you mind shaving your body for me today? If you do I will be sure to make it up to you tonight!" with that she left to go shopping with my sister.

Of course, I complied. I shaved my arms, legs, and even my underarms. I then went about my business for the day.

When Cheryl came home she had a lot of packages and she showed me more clothes, shoes and Christmas gifts than I thought she could buy. But, since she made a good salary and we could afford it I didn't worry too much.

The rest of the weekend was great. The love making on Friday and Saturday night was great as well. Cheryl really seemed to go wild, she played and teased me constantly and was beside herself with joy that I had shaved for her. A small price to pay for this kind of attention, or so I thought, but I soon found out there are always consequences.

Finally, Sunday morning rolled around. I wanted to beat the traffic, but my parents insisted we stay and go to church with them, and so we did. The service started around 11:00, and of course you know how the Baptists are, they go on and on and on. After church my father insisted we go out to lunch. By the time we got home, it was nearly 2:00 PM; I knew the drive home was going to be long and hard. On getting back to the house, I helped my father pack his car up as he and my mother were taking my sister back to college in the Washington DC area, and we finally finished that around 3:00. I was hot, sweaty, and tired. I drank a large 20 oz bottle of some soft drink and started to cool down.

Cheryl suggested my parents and Lisa go ahead and leave and I could shower and then we would head out on our way. We all agreed and said our good-byes. As my parents drove off, Cheryl gave me a hug and a kiss and said I had better get in the shower, as we had a long drive ahead of us. I agreed with her, and so we walked in the house. I carried our suitcases out to the car, and so everything was packed in the car, except for the clothes I was changing into, and the clothes I had on. Cheryl had already changed and was ready to go. She was wearing a nice pair of tight fitting jeans, a cashmere sweater and was looking hot.

I undressed and was about to get in the shower, when Cheryl suggested that she would go get the car filled up with gas while I changed and then we would not have to waste any time once we started on our way. I agreed that would be a nice time saver. With that I gave her a hug and a kiss and headed to the shower. She also said she would take my dirty clothes and put them in the car. I said OK, and closed the door to the bathroom and got in the shower.

One of my habits is I always take long showers. That was to be my undoing. As I showered, Cheryl not only took my dirty clothes, but also my clean clothes. In place of them she left an outfit, with a note to me. She then headed out to get the gas.

The note read:

"Misty -- Here is a little outfit, I would love you to wear on our drive home. I know you will do it, as you have no choice; I have all of your clothes in the car. Give me a call on my cell phone when you are ready and I will come and pick you up. Of course I will wait in the car, so you will have to walk out to the car and let me get a good look at you. -- Love you a great deal, Cheryl"

As I finished my shower and walked into the bedroom to get dressed I found my surprise. Needless to say, I was shocked. The outfit she had left me consisted of a little cream colored long sleeved turtleneck top, a black jumper that was about 3-1/2" above the top of my knees, panties, bra, breast enhancer, cream tights, and a pair of black shoes with a 3-1/2" stacked heels. She had also left me a nice assortment of make-up, and some nice long artificial nails, and a little black purse, with just some money and my driver's license in it. I was in complete shock, horror and amazement.

Over our time together I had helped Cheryl do other's make-up on occasion and so I had a bit of an idea on how to apply make-up, but had never done my own. I guess now was as good a time as any to learn. I struggled through the process of the make-up, and was in the process of putting on my tights when the phone rang. I could see by caller ID that it was Cheryl, so I answered the telephone.

Cheryl asked, "So how is Misty doing?"

I responded, "Misty is doing OK, but Marty is not so happy."

Cheryl responded, "She was sorry Marty was upset, but he would be happy tonight, she promised, because she had a great surprise for him when he got home."

She then added that she wasn't going to tell me the surprise, no matter how much I asked. She asked how I was doing in getting dressed and I explained I had finished my make-up, and had the bra, breast enhancers and panties on and how all I had to do was put on the tights and jumper and I would be ready to go, if I could walk in the shoes she had left me. I went on to explain I had no idea what to do with my hair.

Cheryl then said, I should just brush it out really straight, and then pull it back in a little pony tail. Since my hair was long, I agreed I could do that.

She said "Good, I will be back at the house in about five minutes, and would call me when she got to the house."

I finished getting dressed and looked in the mirror. Considering everything, I looked pretty good. I was still very nervous, and without thinking, had another big drink of water.

The phone then rang; it was Cheryl telling me she was there. I said OK, and I would be out. As I walked out the front door of the house I grew up in as Misty I suddenly became terrified, what if a neighbor saw me? But I really had no choice. I looked, and Misty had not pulled in the driveway as I expected, instead she was parked out in the street. I had to walk down the driveway to the car. As I opened the car door to get in I saw Cheryl with a big smile on her face. She commented, "Baby, you look hot! You might be the best looking babe in the car."

I made some smart ass comment and got in the car. With that she drove off. We weren't on the road for 15 minutes, when I suddenly realized I was going to have to go to the bathroom soon. I told Cheryl that, and she said, no problem we would stop at the rest stop which was about 10 minutes away.

I began to wonder to myself, `What am I going to do; I can't go into the men's room." I suddenly said, "How in the hell am I going to go to the bathroom, I can't use the men's room or the ladies room?"

Cheryl responded, "Don't worry, just follow my lead in the ladies room and you will be fine, no one will ever know." I wasn't so sure.

At any rate, the anxiety of it all made me need to go to the bathroom even more. Soon we pulled into the rest stop. You can imagine the traffic on this Sunday following Thanksgiving, so we were going to have a long walk from the car to the bathroom. It was rather cold, the wind was blowing, and I had only my jumper on, no jacket. I got to experience the cold air on my legs, a new and different feeling.

Rather than bore you, let's just say we had a long drive home, with a lot of stops for drinks, snacks, gas, and bathroom breaks, as Cheryl insisted that I keep drinking water the entire trip, or she would not let me have my surprise. She had made such a big deal of the surprise; I had to keep drinking the water. I should note that every time we would stop, Cheryl would also have me redo my lipstick, said I had to stay looking hot for my surprise.

We finally arrived home about 2:30 AM. As we arrived home, I was very happy as I now knew why so many women don't like panty hose, and my feet were tired from being in the unusual twisted position of being in heels for 11 hours. What women go through to look good is amazing. As we got to the house, Cheryl said she would go into the bedroom and get my surprise ready, and I could unload the car to give her time, and to just leave everything in living room. Once I had everything unpacked I should knock on the bedroom door to make sure she was ready, she would tell me if it was alright to come in. With that she went in the house empty handed.

I did as I was told; it was a different feeling carrying suitcases in 3-1/2" heels. It took me about 5 minutes to unload everything and I knocked on the bedroom door. I then heard Cheryl's voice, say, "Come on in Misty"

I opened the door and as I looked in and saw the view in front of me, my mouth must have dropped wide open, and then there was the flash of a camera.

There in front of me stood, Cheryl and Janice dressed identically, a little black bra barely holding in their breasts, panties, garter belt, black hose, and 5" heels. After a moment, Cheryl came over and said she and Janice thought they would share the bed with Misty for a nice threesome.

I have to tell you, the experience and fears of the day were worth what I was about to experience. The love making was awesome; both girls were all over me. As we were deep into the foreplay, I suddenly noticed that Janice was also caressing Cheryl's breasts, which gave me a shock, and I suddenly stopped.

I said, "What the hell are you doing?"

Cheryl then responded, "Don't worry baby, your still mine and I am yours, but Janice and I have been lovers since high school. It is no big thing."

Well, I thought it was a big thing, but since we were in the heat of the moment, I resumed the love making. We finally concluded our experience about 4:30 AM, and fell asleep, around 6:00 AM the alarm went off... I knew it was going to be a long day. Cheryl, Janice and I looked at each other, hugged and laughed and scrambled to get our day going. As Cheryl was about to head out, she asked if I was OK with everything, I said I didn't know, but I thought so.

As she headed out to work, Cheryl responded, "Good, I wanted to tell you about this a long time ago, but never seemed to be able too."

I thought, I had experienced it all, but was I ever wrong...

Next: Chapter 3

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