Marty to Misty

By Marty Sprouse

Published on Oct 23, 2004


I guess it is time for another little update, as Cheryl wants me to keep everyone informed about what is going on with me/us.

As I left you last we had returned home from Thanksgiving and had a great threesome with Janice. Over the next few weeks we were very busy with the holiday season and everyone working and going out socially. Fortunately for me, I was pretty much able to live as Marty. The only thing I was asked to do as Misty was to keep all of my body hair gone. It was a simple little task for me, and the rewards in the bedroom made it worthwhile.

As Christmas approached the plans were made for us to visit family in Florida, on the gulf coast. We piled into the car on the morning of December 23rd early enough to make it to Cheryl's parents by mid-afternoon. We spent that day and the next getting ready for the big day. When Christmas Eve arrived we all went to church. As we got dressed to go, Cheryl handed me a little red lacy thong to wear. I can assure you it did not come from the men's department. She assured me no one would know and it would make her feel good. I agreed and wore it out that evening.

Christmas Day was pretty typical and we enjoyed the day, as we did the day after Christmas. On Saturday morning we piled back into the car and headed home. Cheryl had made plans for us to go out to dinner that evening with Janice and James and so we got an early start. We got home about 2:00 PM and took a little nap, which I needed as did Cheryl. We woke up about 5:00 PM and Cheryl said we needed to get dressed as we were going to pick Janice and James up at their place.

Cheryl got into a nice pair of black leather pants, white long-haired cashmere sweater, and a pair of 4" black heels. I was wearing a nice sweater and slacks. When we arrived at Janice and James's house we parked and went in. Of course we had a couple of gifts for them, and so we went in bearing gifts. They of course shared some gifts with us as well. We chatted a bit and had a drink. Cheryl was in the bedroom getting ready when she called for James to come to her, nothing unusual, until they reappeared. When they walked in they were both carrying a large stack of boxes, all wrapped in pink paper and marked:

"To Misty from Santa"

My mouth dropped open and I must have turned very red as I could feel myself getting warm. Cheryl then commented how the three of them so enjoyed Halloween with Misty they thought she should have some gifts as well. With that I began to open the boxes. I was shocked at what I found. There was a complete make-up kit, a pair of black boots with 3 ¾" heels, a pair of black patent pumps with a 4" heel and a little black ankle strap, a coupe of skirts and sweaters, and even a nice business suit.

After I was done unwrapping the gifts, I declared it was time for dinner, and they all agreed. The only thing was they all wanted Misty to go out to dinner and not Marty. I protested, but lost the argument. So Marty was lead away to the bedroom and reappeared as Misty wearing a Pink sweater, a little black skirt with a slit up the left front and about 4" above the top of her knees. She was also wearing a pair of smoke sheer-to-waist panty hose covered by a pair of fishnet stockings, and the 4" black patent pumps. Janice had her camera waiting and insisted on taking a few pictures.

As we went to dinner it was decided we would go in two cars, the "guys" in one car and the girls in another. So I walked toward James's car, where he opened the door for me, just like a lady. We all went to a nice restaurant where they had valet parking, so here I was crawling out of a car in a short skirt with someone looking straight at me. I survived the experience and we walked into the restaurant and Cheryl and Janice were a little behind us. When we walked in James told the young lady in charge of seating that we needed a table for 2.

I looked at James, and said, "What about Cheryl and Janice, aren't they coming?" He said no, there was a change of plans and they would meet up with us later. We were led to our table, and in about five minutes I saw Cheryl and Janice come in, they also go a table for two. I looked at the menu as did James. When the server came to take our order, James ordered for us both, he was treating me like a real lady, it was very strange. We had dinner and desert and James recommended I use the restroom before we left as we had a little drive before we got to out party spot. I said OK, besides I really needed to go to the bathroom. As I stood up, I knew it was going to be very interesting walking to the "ladies room" in 4" heels and being watched by every guy in the place. As I walked in to the ladies room, I found it empty, much to my delight. As I was relieving myself, I suddenly hear some voices. I began to panic, and then I recognized one of them as being Janice. They chatted a bit, and I finished my business and exited the toilet. I then washed my hands, and Janice commented, ".I really like your outfit."

I simply said thanks and left the ladies room. As I walked back toward the table James stood up to meet me and took my hand and gave me a little kiss on the lips, just like he would have a date. I was humiliated and shocked; I had never kissed another man.

We then walked to the front door and waited for our car. The place was very busy and it was very cold and the wind was blowing, my legs were getting very cold. James had had a few drinks and he was very relaxed at me being his "girlfriend" for the evening. He was holding my hand and giving me gentle little kisses as others watched. When our car arrived he helped me in and we drove off. I sat silent in the car.

Finally James spoke. He said, "I hope you aren't mad, but I wanted to make you feel like a woman, and for everyone to think you were a woman."

I answered that I wasn't upset, but it was rather confusing and a little overwhelming. With that we headed to a gay and lesbian club where I thought we would meet up with Cheryl and Janice. When we got there we went and found a place for the four of us, and spent the remainder of the evening dancing and getting pretty drunk.

When we left, Cheryl and I got in our car and headed home for a night of fun and frolic.

The next day we talked about how the evening had gone and Cheryl made this statement, "I thought you looked beautiful and any guy would have died to be with you. I hope that in the future Misty and Cheryl can have some fun times together in clubs."

So all was well, at least until Valentine's Day.

Next: Chapter 4

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