Marty to Misty

By Marty Sprouse

Published on Oct 30, 2004


Well, here we go again. I promised to keep you informed of what has been happening in my life so here goes another chapter in the life of Misty.

As you recall, the weekend after Christmas Misty received some gifts and needless to say had the opportunity to wear them. Between Christmas and the middle of February there were just a couple of times when Misty got out in public. Once or twice to the mall, once to lunch at a local restaurant on a Saturday afternoon, and once to a local club. Then came Saturday, February 14th, Valentine's Day.

On this particular day Marty was up and about doing his normal thing around the house. About 3:00 PM, I was called by Cheryl to come to the bedroom. I went in and there she was, all ready to play in the bedroom. Needless to say my hormones started raging and we spent some time enjoying each other's company. It was a great afternoon playtime. When the playtime was over we both fell asleep. About 6:00 PM the telephone rang. It was Janice calling. We had made plans to go out for the evening with Janice and James to celebrate Valentine's Day. They chatted a bit and I got up and went to the bathroom. When Cheryl got off the phone she said she wanted to jump in the shower first as it would take her longer to get ready and then she would be ready to go when I got ready.

She showered and started her prep to go out. I showered, and as I showered she called out to me that she had put my clothes for the evening on the bed, that was not a good sign for Marty, but it probably was for Misty. I said OK, not knowing what was ahead.

After my shower, I wrapped a towel around myself and walked into the bedroom. I was relieved at what I saw. I saw a nice pair of men's dress slacks and a nice new sweater. What puzzled me a bit was what else was there. There on the bed beside the clothes was red nail polish, a red thong from a very well known ladies store, and a pair of black tights. I called out to Cheryl, "What am I to do with this stuff?" and held the thong, nail polish and tights up to where she could see them.

Cheryl responded, "I want you to polish you toe nails and wear the thong and tights under your clothes, just to keep you in the mood for some great fun in the bed later."

How could I argue with that, and besides it seemed pretty innocent.

About 7:15 the doorbell rang and I opened the door for Janice and James. Janice looked great as usual and James was his normal impeccable self. James by the way is about 6' 4" or so and about 220#, but in great shape.

Cheryl then came down the stairs and looked stunning. She was dressed very nice, but casual in a pair of leather pants and a charcoal grey sweater. Of course I am biased, but I think she always looks good.

James agreed to drive so we all piled into his car. We went to a nice restaurant and had a great dinner. It was nearly 9:00 PM when we finished dinner and we headed out. James was driving and I wasn't paying to much attention as I was in the back seat with Cheryl, I suddenly realized we were not heading home. James pulled into the parking lot of a local club, where we had gone when I was sometimes dressed as Misty. I didn't pay to much attention to it. James let us out near the door and said he wanted to go get some cigarettes and he would be back in a minute.

Cheryl, Janice and I went inside and found a seat. There was a good crowd, and many of the folks I had seen there before. There were also some signs up about a contest for "female impersonators and crossdressers, etc. I commented to Cheryl how I was glad I wasn't dressed as there were a number of attractive crossdressers present. She just commented how Misty looked as good as any of them.

It was a few minutes and James came back in, we had already ordered him a drink. It was then that the "Master of Ceremonies" stood up on a small stage. He explained the rules for the evening. Each contestant would be wearing a number of different outfits in a specific order, they were:

  1. Casual summer outfit for a day at the mall.

  2. Casual fall or winter outfit for a day at the mall.

  3. An outfit you could wear to work in an office/retail.

  4. Swim suit

  5. Party Dress for a night on the town

  6. Evening gown.

The MC then began to announce the participants. As he called their names they all went up on stage, some were dressed already in their summer outfit, and some were not. Suddenly, I heard my name called out. I sat there for a moment, Cheryl leaned over gave me a kiss and said "Happy Valentine's Day Baby."

I headed up toward the stage seeming really confused and I now understood why the thong, hose and nail polish. Once all the contestants were announced the rules for voting were announced. We were told we had one hour to get into a first outfit and we needed to be back ready to go at 10:30. I had no idea what was happening. Cheryl said everything was under control. There was a motel right across the street and James had rented a room for us and had taken all of my clothes into the room.

With that we walked across the street toward our temporary dressing room. I had no clue what I was going to wear.

As soon as we got into the room Cheryl and Janice began fixing my makeup. As they were about done, Janice pulled out a big blond wig. They then handed me the same dress I had worn out when we went to lunch after the Halloween party in Oct 2003. The difference is that this time they had a pair of 4" high sandals for me to wear. So off came of tights. Cheryl said it was really good of me to wear the tights as now I didn't have any marks from socks on my bare legs. My legs were bare of course, because you can't wear hose with high heeled sandals. After being quickly transformed into Misty, we walked back across the street. It was rather chilly this Valentine's night, especially with such a skimpy little outfit. We made it to the club in time and now all eyes were on me. Of course there were some rude comments from some of the male customers who had already had too much to drink.

In all there were seven participants in the contest. As we were called back to the stage one by one a photo was taken of each of us. Soon we were all standing on the stage. The MC then announced the rules for selecting the winner. He explained that in a few moments we would be asked to walk through the club for about 5 - 10 minutes so everyone could get a close-up view. Then there would be large jars placed on the bar. People in the audience were to place money in the jar of the person they thought looked best. He explained that our photo would be on the front of the jar. At the end of each showing the money would be removed before the next modeling began. The money would be counted throughout the night and the person with the most money in their jar at the end of the night would be the winner, the second most would be second place and so on. He also explained that all the money would go to the favorite charity of the winner, as there were other prizes for the winner and two runners-up.

We then were asked to walk through the club so everyone could get a good look at us. It was a bit embarrassing and humiliating as guys wanted to reach out and touch me where they shouldn't have. Soon we were sent off for the second outfit, the fall/winter shopping outfit.

I headed back to the hotel with James, Janice and Cheryl not knowing what was in store for me.

When reaching the hotel I was quickly undressed and handed a pair of cream colored Silky Sheer pantyhose to put on. I was then handed a short black leather skirt, it was actually pleather, a white sweater and a pair of black boots with a 3 ½" heel. As soon as I was dressed it was back to the club. This same routine continued for other outfits. For my work outfit I was placed in a pair of stockings with a garter belt, 5" black patent pumps and a nice business suit with a short skirt. When it came time for the swimsuit attire things had to change though.

When we got back to the hotel to begin changing into my swimsuit it was clear there were some changes that needed to be made. I stepped into the beautiful lime green one piece bathing suit and it was obvious I was going to need to shave my pubic area. Fortunately there was a razor and shaving cream packed in the bag of accessories for Misty's never ending changes. Cheryl asked me to step out of the bathing suit, which I did. She then told me to lie down on the bed and James would shave me. I protested as I had never had a man touch me in that area, and did not want it now. She explained it would be quicker and he could get it done faster and there was not much time.

Not being one to argue, I complied. As James began to apply the shaving cream to the area a strange thing began to happen. My male member began to rise like the Phoenix, of course Cheryl, Janice and James all got a good laugh, I just got embarrassed. After the shave was completed, James took it upon himself to liberally rub some after shave on my area as well.

The three of them then went about tucking and taping my sex organ in place so as to not let any bulges show in the wrong places. When all was done and I stepped into my bathing suit, I must admit I looked pretty good. This was especially true since Cheryl had also brought along a pair of 5" white stiletto pumps for me to wear. We quickly walked back to the club, this time I was wearing a long coat. After our showing we of course had to walk through the club and I can assure you that everyone had consumed a bit more alcohol and there was a lot more feeling.

For my party dress I was placed in a very short red spandex dress and a pair of red pumps. The evening gown was a tight fitting, all the way the ankles dress with a halter top. It was sleeveless with a very low back. This dress, like all of the outfits had been altered to permit the breast enhancers to be placed in little pockets that had been sewn into the outfits.

At the end of the evening gown competition we were asked to walk around let everyone see us and dance some if invited. Needless to say plenty of folks wanted to dance and they were playing a lot of "slow get close to each other music".

At the end of the competition I didn't win, but second was pretty good considering the winner had had some plastic surgery, to include having breast implants. So I did OK.

Well I thought I had one more episode to tell you about, our summer vacation, but it appears tonight might get added to the list, I was just told by Cheryl we have an appointment at the beauty salon at 3:00 PM, and then we are getting our nails, who knows what tonight holds for me.

Next: Chapter 5

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