Marvelously Charming

By Joseph Foster

Published on Sep 11, 2007


Marvelously Charming

Chapter 12

Does Absence REALLY make the heart Grow fonder

2 Weeks Later

"Honey, he'll come back..." Piper said unconvincingly

"No, he won't, I basically told him that it's us or them, and well I think we know he'd pick baby sis over baby Johnny any day." Chris said coldly as he dressed his son for the day

"Chris stop being so negative, he has a duty, to you, and to them, he also has a duty to protect our country, think of it as having a boyfriend in the army..." Piper said

"Look mom I get what you're trying to do, but it's not helping, it hurts me to breathe, it hurts me to smile, it hurts me so much that I wasn't important enough to him to stop him from walking out..." Chris said tearing up, and he put Baby Johnny into the crib

"Is, THAT, what you think he did? You think he walked out on you, honey, the guy has provided above and BEYOND for you and his child, and he had to go save our world, and all you can do is cry bout how he left you, you are supposed to be a family, wouldn't you orb right to the underworld if one of us was taken?" Piper asked

"That's not the same thing, and if you don't recall, how well did THAT turn out for me the last time I did it, huh?!" Chris yelled

"It is the same thing, because if Johnny was so unreceptive to you helping your family, you would need time to process things too, not to mention, he is going to OUTER SPACE, so there are a few things more pressing than making sure he's home in time for dinner." Piper retorted

"You just don't get it, he does this ALL the time, and usually it ends up during our..." Chris stopped because he heard a woman harmonizing beautifully "Johnny..." Chris said

"Yeah, he's who we're talking about, what's wrong with you?" Piper asked

"Johnny..." Chris said and orbed out, when he orbed to Johnny's location he was shocked to find Johnny on his back with some blonde haired tramp riding his hard cock

Chris immediately snapped out of his state and blew up the woman, not caring if she was mortal or not, she blew off to the side, she grabbed her dress and ran out.

"Oh hey Chris, enjoy the show?" Johnny asked

"What?" Chris asked horrified

"Did... you enjoy the show?" Johnny said standing up

"You mean that big breasted slut riding my fiancé...?" Chris asked furious

"Yeah... That's the one, you know I haven't been getting much at home, these little adventures the past couple nights are the only way I can get some action, unless you wanna finish me off, since you so rudely barged in..."

"You so--- Oh, yeah, finish you off, I'd love to..." Chris said realizing something

"Really?" Johnny asked surprised

"Yeah, I mean before I dump you I might as well get my break up sex..." Chris said taking off his shirt "You know what would be really HOT? Chris asked

Johnny looked mischievous "What?" he asked

"You blindfolded and tied to the bed..." Chris said sexily

"Oh hell yeah..." Johnny said as Chris went to the closet and found a box full of ties, underneath most of them was a dagger collection... "perfect..." Chris said sliding the largest one into his pocket, he grabbed a whole bunch of ties

Chris straddled Johnny, and tied him to the bed, he put another tie around his eyes, and one around his neck

"Now for the fun to really begin." Chris said with his hand in his pocket, he withdrew the dagger

"Oh baby, yeah I like this." Johnny said

"WHO ARE YOU?!" Chris screamed and put the cold steel blade to Johnny's neck

"OOH role playing" Johnny exclaimed

"Not quite, I know you're not Johnny so who are you?!" Chris asked screaming

"I'm Johnny, please baby don't hurt me..." Johnny said weakly

"Ok, if you're Johnny, what is my engagement ring made of?" Chris asked

"Diamonds, on a thick white gold band, with a large sapphire..." Johnny replied

"..wrong" Chris said and hesitantly plunged the dagger into the imposter's heart

Knowing Johnny must have been tricked, Chris tried every spell he could think of, even scrying, but nothing worked, then he remembered how his Aunt called for Coop, if he and Johnny were connected like that then surely it would work

Chris thought hard of Johnny and how he wanted nothing more than him there at that moment, and Johnny appeared in whitelighter orbs, he appeared bruised, bloodied, bound and gagged, Chris untied him, and healed his wounds, then slapped him

"You idiot, how could you let this happen, I had to kill you." Chris said

"MMMMMMM..." Johnny said since he was still gagged, and Chris looked at him

"You know they say the faster you do it the less the pain..." Chris said and ripped it off slowly

"OWWW! Ok I fucked up, but don't you think that was a little extreme, I think my facial hair follicles are gone..." Johnny said "and what do you mean you had to KILL me?" Johnny asked

"Well when they captured you, I assume they used a siren to lure me to find you in bed with some blonde bimbo, and then he fucked up..." Chris said

"How?" Johnny asked curious

"First of all, he said you'd only been gone for a couple days, and then when I pretended to be going along with the sex, I tied him to the bed, and found your dagger collection, so I had already figured something was up, and when I questioned him, he got it wrong..." Chris said

"What was the question?" Johnny asked

"What is my engagement ring made of?" Chris said more like a statement

"Easy... it's a thick diamond encrusted band of platinum, with a large 10 karat princess cut diamond, and surrounding sapphires." Johnny said "Speaking of which... Where is it???" Johnny asked

"At home, I told you I was lured here, it's not like I had time to change, and put it on..." Chris said indicating the clothing on the floor as a tank top and pajama pants

"Ok, let's go home." Johnny said, and Chris grabbed his hand

When they orbed into the attic they heard something shatter, and they quickly ran down the stairs, to find, Piper, Wyatt, Piotr, C.J, and Phoebe fighting demons, and there were lots of them approaching, Chris immediately astral projected 16 of himself out into the battle, and they all started attacking the demons, and

While the demons were distracted C.J telekinetically threw two of them into another pair's horns, and then blasted the other two with electricity

Wyatt fire wave blasted 8 of them vaporizing them in the process, and Piper used her rapidly increased power from her years of practice to blow up 6 at a time, and Chris's astral selves, finished off the rest.

Chris regained consciousness, "Where were you?!" C.J yelled

"A siren, lured me to a trap, but I got out of it, I'm fine... we're fine." Chris said and kissed Johnny on the cheek.

"Soon, none of you will be fine." A demon said as he blurred in

Chris had a sudden recognition of that voice and a flashback to the day his cousin died

flash "Go Henry, you can't do anything, go get Chris and them." Corey said

"Not without you." Henry said and began fighting the demon hand to hand

"CHRIS! CHRIS!! CHRIS!!!" Corey screamed and watched as his lover fought valiantly on his behalf

"What is it Cor?" Chris asked

"Help him!!!" Corey shrieked

"Who?" Chris said and as he looked around he found himself staring at his cousin fighting a demon who had an advantage

Henry looked over quickly and saw his cousin, anger fueled him to continue to fight, to prove his cousin wrong, but he missed a block and the demon's hand went into his chest and ripped out his heart, and his lifeless body fell limply to the ground

"HENNRRRYYYY!!!!!!!" Chris yelled and stabbed the demon in the eye it was enough to make him blur out

Chris held his cousin's lifeless corpse, and looked into those wounded greenish blue eyes, wondering why was he even there, and Chris used his fingers to close his eyes, he walked up to Corey and punched him in the face "WHAT WAS HE DOING HERE, HUH?!? He's not supposed to be here!" Chris cried and fell down sobbing

That's all he could remember

"And you..." The demon pointed to Chris "I still owe you for this..." he removed his hood to reveal a missing eye

"Ooh, that looks like it stung, but not as much as having your heart ripped out huh?" Chris said to the demon

"Foolish witches always a witty remark in the face of death." The demon said

"Well, if you're the face of death, I'm sure glad I'm not the one that'll be dying today." Chris said

"Any last words?" the demon asked

"Yeah.. How about a name to go on your gravestone?"

"I am Xaberex of the Frerax clan, we are the most powerful organization of demons since the source's reign." The demon said pridefully

"Well, do you know the funny thing about the source...?" Chris asked

"No.. what's that?" Xaberex asked sarcastically

"My family fucking killed him." Chris said and sidekicked him into the grandfather clock

"You can't harm me, I am immune to a witches power..." The demon said

"Wanna bet?" Chris said cockily

The demon charged at him and Chris borrowed Wyatt's levitation power to flip over his head, causing him to crash through a wall, and Chris used telekinesis, but it had no effect, so he channeled the emotions of everyone on their street and used his power of telekinesis once more and sent the demon through the window, he blurred back in

"How did you do that... I'M IMMUNE!" Xaberex screamed and ran to attack Chris who kicked him in the nuts and then the demon grabbed his neck,

Chris didn't even flinch, he started to levitate and took the demon with him, he pulled the demon's hand of his neck and launch kicked him to the floor. Chris floated back down

"Say the spell..." He said as he astral projected himself and continued beating up the demon

His brothers took out the spell and began reciting it, then Chris jumped through the demon and his skin bubbled, and from the inside astral Chris not only said the spell, but filled the demon with the extreme emotions from the family he'd caused so much pain, and by doing that, caused Xaberex to cease his existence.

Astral Chris reformed in the spot where the demon had stood not two seconds ago, "rest in peace Henry." Chris said and fainted

Every one stood worried Johnny rushed over to him, "I think it's just over exertion, I'll put him on the couch."

"Well over exertion is about right, he astral projected himself 16 times and ensured the vanquish of a previously unbeatable demon, he needs to rest." Piper said and stroked her son's face

"So, what happened with the siren?" C.J asked

Johnny looked a little uncomfortable, "Well... I only know what Chris told me, and that is that the demons used the siren to lure him into a trap, and they had someone posing as me, and a woman having sex with him, and then Chris used his wit and instinct to discover the imposter and vanquish, me, or rather the demon that was masquerading as me." Johnny said pinking a little on the ears

"Ahh, ok, I get it, and you were gone for 2 weeks for this?" Wyatt asked

"Well actually yes, they tricked me with the call from Sue, that wasn't her, I called her from the air, and she said she hadn't made that call, and at that point I knew something was up, but they caught up to me and took me captive." Johnny said embarrassed

"Ok, that's enough business for tonight, how about some spaghetti guys?" Piper asked

"Sounds good, but I don't want to leave Chris, you guys go ahead" Johnny said

They went off and had their dinner, and when C.J came in to the living room, he brought Johnny some food, "Hey, I thought you could use some food, you look a little hungry." He said thoughtfully

"Thanks bud, but even if I was, I'm too worried to eat, he still hasn't even blinked." Johnny said and set the plate on the glass coffee table

"He'll be ok, you know, you're no good to him weak, eat the food, get your strength and then worry about him." C.J said and gave Johnny a small hug

"So... Are you still giving the pizza guy the cold shoulder?"

"Is that what you call it, I simply call it being careful, I won't let my heart be stomped on like it was with Wyatt." C.J said and Wyatt heard it

"How many times do I have to apologize to you?" Wyatt asked hurt

"I'm not mad, but I can feel that Jason honestly wants me for me, and not my ass or my dick, he wants to talk to me and make me feel special, but I can't let him, not only because of what you did, but because I already had trust issues before that." C.J said

"Well, I never would have done that to you if I hadn't just had my heart broken, I guess I just wanted to hurt someone like I'd been hurt, and you got caught in the cross-fire, and again I'm sorry." Wyatt said

"And like I said, I'm not mad at YOU." C.J said and hugged Wyatt

"I brought Chris some ice." Piotr said and handed the bag of ice to Johnny

"Thanks bro, he might have hit his head when he fainted." Johnny said and put the ice on Chris

"DAMN! That's COLD!" Chris yelled and shot right up.

"Jesus Christ! You scared us half to death." Johnny said gripping his fiancé in a tight hug

"Ok first, no one says half to death anymore, and second, I think we should visit my Aunt Paige tomorrow, and tell her the news.

Johnny held his love at arm's length "Do you think that could help her?"

Chris looked him in the eyes and said "I don't think anything can ever help a parent get over losing a child, even vengeance over the ones responsible" he said and stood up and walked over to his son who was playing on the floor with one of the many toys Piper spoiled him with

"I know what you mean Chris, if anything ever happened to Laura, I don't know that I would be any more receptive than Aunt Paige." Wyatt said and joined his brother by the children, they were soon joined by their men

"They are so perfect, they are gonna be great friends, they've already been with each other through so much." Piotr said

"No matter what happens they will always be there for each other." Wyatt said, and added "just like his daddies, and uncles"

"This all sounds so final, we are just getting started, come on lets head to bed, we've got a hell of a drive ahead of us tomorrow, all the way to Santa Barbra." Chris said and picked up his son, Wyatt did the same and they walked home after saying their farewells and Piper fussing over her son a little.

The next day they all awoke around six in the morning, and Johnny and Piotr were the first ones up, neither wanted to disturb their lover until they absolutely had to, as they looked so peaceful, they ran into each other in the hall, Johnny was still a little pissed about the incident with Chris.

"Morning." Johnny stated coldly

"Hey, sleep well?" Piotr said, very chipper

"I manage." Johnny replied curtly

"Is... Something wrong??" Piotr asked Johnny seriously

"Yes, something is wrong commy boy, I have a problem with you eyeing my man every time he walks into the room." Johnny said, and his volume increased as he added, "and when we caught you two practically making out in the NURSERY of all places, I mean I knew Chris was a slut, but I didn't know he was such a two timing whore, I thought you were better than that too." Johnny said, not realizing Wyatt and Chris had come out of their rooms to see what was going on, Johnny hadn't noticed Piotr had been looking directly at Chris. Following the path of Pete's eyes, Johnny looked into the hurt eyes of his lover

"Oh... Don't stop on my account, I'm just a whore right..." Chris stammered and shut the door

"You... BASTARD..." Wyatt yelled, and punched Johnny in the face so hard he crumbled to the ground, holding the left side of his face, he got up slowly ready to fight back

"Think of touching him..." Piotr started and covered himself in metal, and added "and deal with me." He said in a slightly deeper more confident voice, Piotr and Wyatt took Laura and walked to the manor

Johnny just walked up to bedroom door and knocked "Chris, open the door, we need to talk."

Chris sat up on the bed for a second and wiped his tears, "We h-have nothing to talk a-about!" he yelled his voice breaking slightly

"We need to talk." Johnny ignored him

"Go Away!" Chris shrieked

"It's my house, I'm not going anywhere." Johnny said and kicked open the door

"Well, that's a great way for me to wanna talk to you be a brute about it." Chris said through his tears

"Look, Chris I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." Johnny said

"Why are you trying to lie to me, I'm an empath remember... I know you meant it, every word, and don't even try to think I mean that bullshit apology, you know just as well as I do that you meant what you said about me" Chris said

"I didn't say that!" Johnny yelled defensively

"YOU DON'T HAVE TO SAY IT... I KNOW IT!!" Chris screamed in anger and the ceiling cracked

"Ok. I meant it, don't destroy the place..." Johnny said scared

"Why... Why do you think so little of me?" Chris said

"Because I know you're fucking Pete, I know it, I see the way you two are together, it sickens me, and I tried to deny it, and so does Wyatt, though he does more successfully than I do." Johnny said

"That goes to show you just how LITTLE you know about me, I would NEVER cheat, it's not who I am, and ESPECIALLY not with my BROTHERS BOYFRIEND!" Chris spoke in a hurt and stoic tone

"How can I even believe you, I saw it." Johnny said

"No you saw what you wanted to see, you are so afraid of commitment, that you were looking for a reason to break things off with me, well... You found one, I want nothing to do with you." Chris said and took off his engagement ring

"What are you doing put that back on!" Johnny yelled violently

"You aren't ready Johnny, I guess they were right, you aren't the one I was meant to be with, you're free." Chris said and placed the ring gently in Johnny's hand

"You can't leave me, I can't live without you." Johnny said

"You can, you don't even want me, someone who wanted me wouldn't jump to the worst possible conclusion when they found me in the arms of someone in a baby nursery." Chris said

"I AM NOT ASKING YOU AGAIN!" Johnny yelled and grabbed Chris's arm violently and forced the ring on his finger

"OW, Stop! That hurts!" Chris yelled and slapped Johnny across the face, right where Wyatt has punched him, and Johnny lost it, he punched Chris in the face and shoved him into the wall so hard the drywall cracked

"Don't you ever do something like that again." Johnny said dangerously

"YOU... ASSHOLE!" Chris started spitting out blood, and added "YOU HIT ME!"

"You hit me first." Johnny said

"Now I know for sure I don't wanna be with you." Chris said and threw the ring right at Johnny's face "FUCK YOU!" he said, and Johnny advanced

"I told you once..." Johnny yelled and grabbed Chris by the shoulders and started to shake him, "YOU.... ARE.... MINE!"

"I-I-I..... AM... NOBODY'S! Chris yelled, and used his telekinesis to throw Johnny back against the wall

"Big mistake..." Johnny said and charged at Chris, so he telekinetically threw Johnny again and this time he spiraled across the room and through the second story window, and Johnny fell over 50 feet, smashing into the ground.

Chris ran to the window slightly worried still pissed but worried about his soon to be ex

When he looked through the window he saw Johnny limply laying on the ground not moving, Chris bolted down the stairs and out the back door to his lover, and not knowing where the strength came from he lifted him and carried him to the kitchen counter knocking over a block of knives and a blender in the process, he administered mouth to mouth and chest compressions, and as soon as he came to he healed him.

Johnny gasped and tried to touch Chris's face, but Chris slapped away his hand "I'm sorry" Johnny said

"Don't think this'll change anything." Chris said as a tear fell from his eye to Johnny's forehead, and he ran upstairs, he packed a bag and put Little Johnny in his carrier, he walked out down the stairs

"Stop Chris, just hear me out." Johnny pleaded

"No Johnny, you said everything I needed to hear to know I want nothing to do with you." Chris said still holding his child in one arm and making hand gestures with the other.

"I love you, please don't do this." Johnny pleaded again

"I know you love me, but I will not subject my child to a life where his father can question his other father and the love is blinded by the light of jealousy and resentment, he deserves better, and so do I." Chris said and proceeded towards the door

Johnny pulled back on Chris's arm "You are not allowed to leave, you are forbidden from walking out that door, and taking my son away from me, you are mine and if I can't have you no one can." Johnny kissed Chris and forced his tongue into his mouth, but Chris pulled back roughly.

"I don't belong to anyone, I am not your property, and the fact that you think I'm so pathetic that I can't resist you makes me feel bad for you, because you're the one who is pathetic, and possessiveness, no matter what anyone says, is NOT a turn on." Chris coldly but confidently replied and walked out the door

He cried the entire short walk to the manor and was still crying as he handed over the baby to C.J and walked up the stairs to the guest room. Where he continued to cry and cried himself to sleep.

"Do you think he's ok?" Chris heard Wyatt ask someone

"I don't know, he's been out for a good 5 hours, and he just handed me Johnathon like it was a routine, he was so zombie-like, and I'm worried about him." C.J responded

"Well guys, if he's acting like this it can only mean guy trouble, so let's go get some ice cream and cookies, and we can talk this out to him." Piotr said

"Dude, you've been solving way too many communication issues with my mom's help." Wyatt responded joking about Pete's new found method of coping

"Hey, the old comfort food approach might work, I mean we're gay, it's not like we aren't expected to act like girls every now and then." C.J said and winked as he and Pete left the scene to secure some delicious refreshing comfort food.

This left Wyatt to start in on Chris. He laid next to his brother and just held him in his arms and Chris allowed this, and allowed the tears to flow freely

"What happened after the bathroom buddy?" Wyatt asked him, tightening his grip

"We fought and I hit him, he hit me, I sent him flying through a second story window, the usual." Chris managed between bursts of tears

"Is that all?" Wyatt asked

"He tried to tell me I was his property, and I told him I'm not some pathetic parasite that can't stand without a man, that sort of thinking went out in the 50's, nobody should be so pathetic that they allow someone to control them in anyway, whether it be in sex or relationships or in any way shape or form, giving someone that amount of pull in your life is pathetic." Chris said getting over the crying

"I totally agree with you." Wyatt said, and added "did he mean it?"

"Of course he did, and I'm not saying that from bias, I'm saying that from the sense I got from him, it was almost as if he was saying out loud "yeah right.""

Piotr and C.J walked in "Time to get over our issues, we've got popcorn, cake, cookies, and ice cream, there's nothing we can't talk out." Pete exclaimed

Chris opened his mouth to say something but Wyatt interjected "Yeah we know, but we're gay, it's ok to act like girls every now and then."

"I know I'm not really your brother, so if you don't wanna talk to me you don't gotta." C.J said thoughtfully

"No Ceej, I love you and I care for you like a brother, there's nothing I could say to Wyatt that I couldn't say to you." Chris said patting a spot on the bed for C.J

"Well I think I should maybe go, I cause enough problems." Pete said cautiously

"Don't be stupid Petey I love you too, in a different way than I love Wyatt and C.J but it's love nevertheless." Chris said patting another spot on the bed, that was soon weighed down by Pete's massive body

"So what happened?" C.J asked

"Like I told Wyatt, we fought, verbally and physically, I won, he tried to tell me I belonged to him, he brought up Pete, and he treated me like I was guilty without giving me a chance, and I ended up having to heal him after throwing him out a second story window." Chris explained again

"Wow... I'm glad I'm not on your bad side." Pete said

"Me too." C.J added, and scooted over dramatically

They all shared a laugh and moved on with the conversation

"So what are you gonna do?" Wyatt asked Chris

"Well, I'm gonna raise my son, and focus on my own life and his of course, and I am gonna go to school and finish out my last year, and then I'm going to go to college and get my life on track, and I'm gonna do it alone." Chris said and sniffled slightly

"No, you're not gonna do it alone..." Wyatt started

"Yes I am, I'm not gonna go out and find someone like Johnny, it's just not gonna happen." Chris said

"Wyatt's right, you're not gonna do it alone, cause we'll be with you the whole way, helping where we can and supporting you and your son." C.J said

"Thanks guys, I think we should move out I mean where ever we go we only need two bedrooms, I can share if C.J can." Chris said

"I think you're right, I think we should get a place in the city, and I don't mind sharing, then we can be together and do what we need to do, but there's still the baby, we would need three bedrooms." C.J said

"I've got tons of money saved, and Chris does too, we've been saving since we were three, and two years old, we could afford to put a cash down payment on a nice little house." Wyatt said

"I have a trust fund my grandmother in Russia set up for me, I get access to it in a week, there's enough in there to buy a house outright, so I can help." Pete said

"Okay, we can do this, we should start looking tomorrow, and we can make the down payment, and then we can start moving out of Johnny's house."

"What are you gonna do about your car?" C.J asked

"Well my car is in Johnny's name, so I am not gonna keep it, he probably wouldn't want me to." Chris said

"Damn, I love that car." Wyatt whined

"Yeah I do too, do you think I don't wanna keep it, it's a sweet ride, if it was in my name I'd be keeping it so fast." Chris said

"Well, your happiness comes before our want for the car." C.J said

"Glad to know that hasn't changed." Chris replied

"We should go get the rest of your stuff tomorrow Chris." Wyatt said

"Yeah... tomorrow..." Chris said

Later on after everyone had gone their separate ways, Chris fell asleep

He had a dream, an almost nightmare, flashing from memory to memory of his time with Johnny

*** I love you, and YOU CAN'T LEAVE, doyou know why? Because we're supposed to grow old together, we're supposed to have children and live a long happy life together, and damn it Johnny I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!"

I didn't know he was a two timing whore

You Belong To ME


I've been with a lot of girls, but when I finally decided to stop living in the shadows, I met you, and I felt, well I felt something I've never felt before, and I have to admit, before I knew you and I was intrigued by you, I thought you would just end up another notch on my belt, but I was able to get past the old me, and see something in you I've never seen in anyone, a partner, an equal, someone to love me and someone to love, and now that I have become whole with you by my side and our son, I feel like I can finally tell you, Christopher Halliwell, I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my god given life and thereafter with you and only you, Will you marry me?

I knew Chris was a slut...

You are forbidden from walking out that door, and taking my son away from me, you are mine and if I can't have you no one can...

Chris woke up crying his eyes out.

"I can never go back to him."

1 week later in New York

"I haven't heard from my brother in a while how do you think he's doing?" Sue asked Reed

"Well I imagine he and Chris are raising there son and leading a relatively normal---."

Johnny landed on the balcony

"Johnny! We were just talking about you." Sue said and hugged her brother "How are you?"

"I'm terrible, I haven't slept, eaten, or felt good about myself in a week." Johnny said to his sister as he sat down in an armchair

"Why, what's wrong, is it Baby Johnny or Chris...?" Reed asked putting his hand on Johnny's shoulder

"Both, Chris left me and took my son with him." Johnny said

"What, why?" Sue asked

"I made a mistake, well, I made a lot of mistakes, and they finally caught up with me, and I made a few more a week ago and he decided he had his fill of my mistakes and we had a huge fight and he threw his engagement ring at my face, took Little John and left me to be alone." Johnny said in tears

"I'm inclined to say his fault and he should be ready to take you back, but I need the truth." Sue said fiercely

"I made mistakes, I deserved to be left, I was possessive, and I called him names I've never even thought of saying." Johnny explained

"What names?" Sue said her blood boiling a little

"Slut and two timing whore." As soon as Johnny let those out a force field blast was sent right at Johnny

"Johnny, how could you do that, Chris loves you, he'd never cheat on you." Sue yelled

"I know, but I found him in the nursery, in Pete's arms and they were looking each other in the eyes, and they were about to kiss I could tell." Johnny retorted

"So you get all accusatory on your fiancé because you assumed something from nothing, you don't know what they were talking about, they could have just had some kind of profound realization or were comforting each other, didn't Chris's cousin just DIE?" Sue asked

"Yeah..." Johnny said

"And didn't Chris watch him literally get his heart ripped out?!" She asked fiercely

"Yes..." Johnny replied

"So don't you think it may have been possible that Pete was just comforting him after something so terrible and they were just talking and hugging is a very comforting thing after someone dies, and not to mention a sweet guy like Pete would never use a situation like that to his advantage, which is more than I can say for a certain someone in the room at the moment." Sue said venomously

"Ok point taken, you're on his side." Johnny said sadly

"No, point not taken, I'm on no one's side, because as far as I'm concerned the only side for me to take is the one where you're both better off without each other." Sue said

"No, that's not true, I am not better off without Chris." Johnny said

"Well then maybe he's just better off without you there to bring him down, and make his feel like he's some kind of lesser person, because you're so insecure about your ability to commit that you ruin the first great thing, and people that have ever happened to you, congrats Johnny, because of your childish behavior you lost the only people besides me that could have ever loved you the way I do, you shut people out, and this is what happens when you do that, you are left cold, and with nothing." Sue said and walked out of the main room

"Is she right, do I sabotage myself?" Johnny asked Reed

"Well Johnny, we've always been here, but how often do you talk to us like this. Just think about that." Reed said and went to go check on Sue

"Whatever it is forget about it." Sue said not looking up

"Sue, what came over you in there?" Reed asked his wife, and Johnny listened in

"You know I'm only older by a couple years, but there has always been a massive difference in maturity, Johnny still has the mentality of a 17 year old teenager with raging hormones, he doesn't think, or care about anything or anyone other than himself and the next score, whether that score be in sex, or in his so called career, you know it was better when he was a man-whore, sleeping with every woman in sight, at least then there were no children that we know about for him to be fucking over when he fucked over their mother." Sue said sternly

"You know I came in here to reason with you, but I think you've reasoned enough, you're right, Johnny should have taken his son into consideration before making such a callus error in judgment." Reed said back

"He's an idiot, I don't like to say that especially about my brother, but you know, he ruined something so wonderful, he had a man who loved him and a child that made his eyes sparkle, and then he went and fucked it up, just like he did with the women, only this time, he broke a true commitment, and this time, he lost his flesh and blood in the process, if he tries to take John away from Chris, I think Chris will kill him." Sue said worriedly

"I think you're right, if Johnny tries, anything, even legal action, Chris could easily kill him and leave no trace that Johnny ever existed, there's no telling what they could do." Reed said

"Fortunately, I know for a fact that Phoebe, Paige, and Piper would never allow that to happen." Sue said

"Yes, but if they thought their, great nephew, or grandson in Piper's case, were going to be taken from them, they might." Reed interjected

"We have to make sure Johnny isn't going to do anything rash." Sue finished

"Don't worry, he's not." Johnny said as he walked into the master bedroom

"Johnny, how much did you hear?" Sue asked

"Enough to know you're right, and you know, I don't deserve to have John with me, I fucked him over, I fucked up with Chris, and that trickles down to my son, the best thing I can do is stay away." Johnny said

"That's the first thing you've said in a while I agree with, for now, you should distance yourself, and after Chris has a cooling off period you can re-enter your son's life." Sue said

"I think you're right.." Johnny said

"It is not the right thing to do C.J." Wyatt said

"Well. You know I just thought that he might want to take a break from the demon business for a while, if it can be avoided." C.J responded

"Look Chris is practically over the whole Johnny thing, the next step is to step out into the real world, and what better way to do that than to go demon hunting." Wyatt retorted

"Hey guys, you ready?" Chris said and hopped the banister

"Yeah, where'd that sudden burst of enthusiasm come from?" C.J asked

"What do you mean, I'm here, and I'm ready to kick some demon ass, who's with me!?" Chris yelled

"Both of us, are you sure you wanna do this?" C.J asked him

Chris threw a pillow in the air and with the other hand threw an energy ball at the pillow, "Most definitely."

He walked out the front door

"Well he's definitely better." C.J said

"I don't know about this, I mean, he was just all sad, and now all of a sudden he seems so repressedly happy, like a Bree VanDeKamp clone or something, I'm telling you that wasn't the Chris I grew up with, the Chris I grew up with is a Lynette Scavo fighter, he'd never have given up on everything for DEMON hunting." Wyatt said

"Ok first of all, I never should have bought you those DVDs, and second of all Mr. Detective, then how exactly did the miraculous change come about."

"Three words, Book Of Shadows." Wyatt said

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 13

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