Marvelously Charming

By Joseph Foster

Published on Sep 10, 2010


Whoo hoo two chapters of my stories on the same day, four more left of your favorite Charmed Spin Off ;) let's count on them being some good four chapters... for the nostalgia.

Marvelously Charming

Chapter 46

Some Weird Sh*t

"Okay, well I just wanna know one thing..."

<You bore me with your persistent questioning, go on...>

"How is it our powers weren't enough to save Jean, why did we have to kill her."

<That is finally a question I will answer! See here Christopher, your powers are linked to emotions which is a state of mind, and Jean's powers are based in psionics, the mind in simple terms, with my immense power boosting hers she became unstoppable, and also she became immune to powers of any sort... as will you, you are how do you say... invincible while I inhabit you, and don't get any ideas about trying to get rid of me, the only way I leave a body is in death, none of your witchy spells will affect me, before you finish it I can just work MY magic and shut your body down from the inside, or maybe I'll even form a psionic blast so powerful your precious charmed brother and sister won't have a body to bury>

"You seem to have thought about everything haven't you..."

"Just remember this, the charmed ones always win."

<Until now. Don't worry, if you cooperate you won't have to die, but until then... you are mine, I am stronger than you so I'll reiterate... don't get any ideas.>

"Can I just have an undisturbed day, we are doing our final scenes today, I'm murdering three people on set NOT FOR REAL understood, I just need you to leave me alone, because I need to do well."

<I never interfere with work, we have to blend in.>

"THAT'S A WRAP!" Everyone was in celebration mode

<Why do humans celebrate over something so trivial...?>

"Because it means we get to go home..."

That night at the party I was way drunker than usual.. "Megan, come on we're dancing!" I said

"Let's DO IT!" she said with a smile

After a few minutes of bumping and grinding on the floor she turned around and wrapped her arms around me, and pressed her crotch towards mine, "You really are gay huh?"

"Very..." I said

"Married too, two strikes... you're a great friend, call me if you're ever in L.A alright?" She said and walked away wobbly

I need to get out of here,

"Who asked you?!" a girl gave me a puzzled look and then her eyes widened in recognition, now I really wanted to get out of here there was no security here... I bolted towards the nearest exit, it turned out to be the back way, nobody was around so I orbed home, and fell right into bed... drunk orbing... safer than driving, but still could hurt...

"Chris!" Johnny exclaimed and wrapped me in his arms, he was the same temperature as me, still a little weird, I hadn't been home in three months, I was horny, I pushed him back and pulled his dick through the hole in his boxers, "You're not wasting anytime.. missed me huh..." he chuckled as I swallowed his dick whole, over 10 years together had made me a master cocksucker since his mutation had made him physically even more amazing than he'd already been, I orbed my clothes and his boxers, and telekinetically applied the lube to my hole, the pain of being split open was such a high for me in my drunken state it felt so pleasurable, I rode Johnny cowboy, and rubbed my hands on his chest, he sat up and wrapped his arms around me pressing our chests together and breathing was ragged, we had three months of separtation and sexual anxiety pent up inside of us I knew we wouldn't last too much longer, he pushed me back and while staying in me he began to pound me in the missionary position, beads of sweat forming on his forehead, our bodies becoming slick with our sweat and desire for one another built up, "I love you so much." He said and then it hit me, I am home, right where I should be, with the love of my life, he's making love to me, we're here in our bed, for ten years, I began to cry, "I love you too baby." I said and we felt a stronger connection than ever, I knew what I was about to say might not go over too well, "Let's try for another baby..." I was shocked at the thought, it came from a place that was true, not affected by the alcohol, it had a sobering effect on me

Johnny's eyes got big, "You've got roughly a minute to tell me if your sure... if you are tell me now..."

"Yes I am... do it." Johnny ripped off the condom and thrust back in, he moaned so loud I was sure the kids heard

"UH! It's been so long since it's felt like this..." I knew what he meant, it felt so much more real, so electric... way better, but safe sex equals no babies!

"I know baby, I know, I love you, it feels so good Johnny..."

"Say it again!" He said moaning

"OH JOHNNY!" I exclaimed as he hit my prostate one last time and I erupted into the hardest most intense orgasm I've ever felt in both of my erogenous areas, I felt my walls clamp and Johnny yelped

"OH CHRIS I'm cumming!

We moaned a collective moan as he filled me with what felt like gallons of his baby juice

He pulled out with a moan at the sensitivity of his head, I knew I was leaking cum and probably lube too but I couldn't move, I was in sexual paralysis

He repositioned himself so his head was at the foot of the bed next to me, "Chris, you know there's no turning back now right?"

"I know Johnny, I love you, and if we are pregnant, then I will love this baby, I missed you so much." I said and kissed my husband again

"Wow... what were you drinking?"

"Cast party, LOTS of Grey Goose..."

"You made a decision about having a baby and you've been drinking?" Johnny asked me confused

"Well, I was sobering up and once I said it I came back to focus, and I knew it was really what I wanted, the love making was shaking me to my core, I was thinking about how we're here making love after ten years together, and we still love each other and feel so passionate, I knew once I said it, we should have another baby, to have five of our own."

"So this is really what you want, I'm not gonna get the crap kicked out of me for not wearing a condom or something..."

"No baby, this is what I want, and if I get bitchy, you just remind me about today."

"So you're not drunk?"

"Well, I'm probably on some level, but do I SOUND like I'm drunk...?"

"No... you sound normal."

"I am. And I know I love you... and whenever you're ready for round two..."

"You insatiable little..." Johnny tackled me and led me to the shower

The next morning, I didn't even have a headache, thank god... <Not quite, I just took away the pain, I told you, I am strong, and very happy you've decided to have a baby, contrary to popular belief I am well intentioned, and would never harm a child, especially an unborn baby, I'll play nice.>

Needless to say I was shocked that the Phoenix was changing its attitude, just because of a baby.

"MOMMY!!!!!" I heard and all the kids came running out of their rooms after hearing Jocelyn yell for me

I couldn't contain myself, it was such a sight all my children their smiling faces running towards me, I cried and hugged and kissed each of them...

<I'll make you a deal, give me a human to inhabit and I'll let you go...>

<No, not yet, you're gonna help me with some of our magical problems now that you are in a giving mood.> I responded telepathically not wanting to ruin this moment with my kids

Just then my eleven year old son walked out of his room, "What's all the..." I saw his icy blue eyes become silvery, "Mom!" he said and ran up to me, in a rather different fashion than the others did, they were mostly too young to really express emotions, "I missed you so much!" He said and cried into my shoulder

"Me too." Jocelyn said, seeing how beautiful my eight year old daughter is she looks just like my mother did at that age, I hugged my two oldest, then came the six year old Justus, and he smiled and gave me a hug, not much of a talker, then the three year old twins hugged me too, god I am such a baby making machine, I am like one of those barefoot and pregnant cultures...

I saw the flash of a camera, "Johnny!" I said exclaiming, and turned smiling, to another flash, it was Wyatt

"Go play kids...WYATT!" I jumped up and hugged my brother, Melinda was standing next to him and I exclaimed her name as well and then I grabbed her and hugged her too. "How are you guys doing?"

"Good, Wyatt, Pete, and Darryl went to pick up breakfast, there are a lot of mouths to feed nobody likes to cook..."

"Dear god, what have you people been feeding my children, without me around nobody cooks...?"

"Well Wyatt tried, but buckled under the pressure, he's used to feeding just four, not an army, then nobody dared approach Pete's Russian cuisine..."

"I'll bet... well what would everyone say to a Piper Halliwell original tonight?"

"Really? You're not too tired from all the glam to cook for your family?"

"Not at all, just like mom said food is the glue that keeps this family together, and I am her protégé so I am used to cooking in bulk."

"You have no idea how sick everyone is of Chinese..."

"God, you guys do realize that once the teaser is released I've got to start making public appearances until the movie comes out..."

"We know, but it's just so good to have you back, and your cooking skills back too..."

"You guys are helpless, there's something I need to..." <DON'T YOU DARE!>

"I wasn't going to..." I blurted out

"What?" Wyatt asked me

"...COOK tonight, but if you guys buy the stuff I'll need, I'll make mom's favorite."

"Oh... alright..."

<Cut that out, I'm not going to tell anyone.> I shot at that pesky voice

<Very well, just remember, I can do whatever I want to you from in here...>

I spent the day with peace in my head, and playing with my kids, it's the small things like this that you miss, I've been gone six months and they've changed so much, time just flies by, one day I hope they can understand why I did it, why I had to provide for them, at least this one last time.

That night I decided to do a little research, "Wyatt, what do you say to a little mission?" I asked

"What kind of mission?"

"I've been sensing an upsurge of demonic activity, which can only mean one thing, the underworld is mobilizing to coronate a new source."

"And you only tell me now!" Wyatt yelped and we went to change into our demon disguises we'd accumulated over the years

"Wow... going to a club or something, you look hot!" Johnny exclaimed shaking his hand as though it were on fire.

"Actually demon hunting, but we need to blend in..."

"Looking like that... are you trying to seduce the demons to death?" Johnny said wrapping his arms around me

"I thought you guys were getting food..."

"Um.. yeah... everyone's eating." <HE'S A DEMON!>

"Well, then, that gives us a little time..." I turned in his arms with one hand around his waist and one around his neck, I silently orbed the dagger from my sock drawer into my hand and stabbed him

He melted and revealed the true demon form before he exploded before my very eyes

<They know your coming, he was a transmitter demon...>

"You mean he's like a radio?"

"That's fine we'll glamour, and you can work your telepathic genius so they won't even know we're there."

"Remember I'm a telepath too, but a magical telepath..."

<When will you people learn magic is just another form of mutation, more advanced if you will, emotions are a state of mind, so as an empath you are amongst the strongest of telepaths, with proper training you could manipulate emotions and control people...>

"Yeah whatever, just remember your job."

<I know, I know, block their minds...>

"Ready to go little brother."

"I'm a year younger than you, and I'm 27, do we have to go through this."

"When will you learn, it's just a nickname."

We orbed out in our glamoured state with dark orbs

"No matter what changes in this world you can count on the underworld never changing." Chris said matter of factly

"Well their only decorating choices, are dreary or depressing, not too many options here."

"Okay, let's go..."

Wyatt and Chris carefully found their way through the catacombs of the underworld in search of any clues that may lead them to the possible new source's location.

"There you two are, the master is awaiting your arrival..."

"Are they now? Why is that?"

"Well let's just say he's horny as hell." The demon said obviously some attempt at an underworld type irony

"Wait, what?" Wyatt asked

"Well, judging by those clothes, you two are obviously the blonde and brunette he ordered to service his needs..."

<You are a demonic sex slave?>

<So you aren't a sex slave... but you ought to pretend to be one, I can try and immobilize his guards once you are in there, at least long enough for you two to kill him in peace before they crown him>

<That could work... since when are you good??>

<Well, it's the only way you'll let me get a body of my own, and I'm kind of liking this whole do gooder ideology>

<Get used to it, you've got a long way before I let you inhabit someone.>

"Yeah, take us to him baby, you want a little preview?" Chris said seductively to the well built guard

"As fun of a ride as you look like, the boss doesn't like to share..." Chris looked down at the slight tent the mere thought of sex was giving this demon, and he got a little turned on

"As fun as you look like, it's probably best not to make the boss wait any longer." Chris said tracing his index finger on the guard's pec


<Cram it Wyatt, we have clear access to the boss... aka the future source... go with it>

"Right this way sexy." The guard said taking Chris by the hand, obviously not standard protocol, leading the two of them into another section of combs,

"Through the door..." The man said smiling at Chris, obviously pretty infatuated

"Thank you..." Chris said batting his lashes at the guard, and kissing his finger placing in on the guards lips, who then turned pink, demons can blush what news the day brings

"About time you two got here, I sent for some cum buckets hours ago." A tall, dark, and handsome as sin demon said sitting with an open robe, and a pair of bikini briefs barely covering his huge package. "You two are exactly what I was hoping for, disrobe."

<Those guards, under control yet?>

"Would you like us to disrobe in dance, or just rip off." Wyatt asked

"Slowly, but not too slow, and I want to see those hips moving." The future source commanded

Wyatt and Chris started moving their hips from side to side, unsnapping buttons here and there, and slipping off their tops, "Nice..." was all they heard from the couch, and the demons tent was at full mast, it was so large it had begun to poke out to near his belly button

"I'm getting hot for you..." The man said pointing at Chris...

Wyatt inadvertently sent out

Chris approached the demon, and removed his clothing down to a g-string thong, and perched himself on the demon's lap, "What do you want master?"

"I want you to take my dick, dry, no lube, in your tight little butt..."

"I've got a better idea..." Chris said getting on his knees and pulling out the demon's hard as a rock cock, going as though to begin sucking, and held out his hand and silent orbed the athame into his hand and stabbed the demon right in the balls

"MOTHERFUCKER!" The demon screamed, and once he was distracted, Wyatt began to read the spell, "Halliwell witches stand strong around us, future source of evil, we vanquish thee on hallowed ground, disappear from heaven and earth without a sound." Chris and Wyatt finished together, and the demon silently exploded, and they orbed out

"That was way too easy, what the hell happened back there..." Wyatt exclaimed

"I don't know, how did the guards not hear us?" Chris acted surprised, <I see why you won that foolish statue, you are a damned good liar...>

<I don't call it lying, I call it acting.>

"Too bad he was evil, and on our to kill list, he was hot..." Wyatt said

"Hey now, I think we can safely say our ball and chains are hotter... at least mine is." Chris giggled and went to search for some clothes

As he rifled through his drawers Johnny walked in... "God I hope that outfit is for me..." he said and started to rub his crotch

"Nope, it was for the demon I had to vanquish, and now that he's dead, I get to wear jeans again..."

"Wait, what??"

"Oh right, that wasn't really you... I had to seduce a demon to death..."

"I hope you wore a condom..." Johnny joked and smacked Chris on the ass

"I didn't, but he did." Chris joked back

"Very funny, you are too addicted to my dick to cheat on me."

"True, and you know there's nobody out there with the control of their rectal walls like me."

"We are a match made in hell baby."

"I'm too good for you..." Chris said with a smile

"Yes you are baby, how did I get so lucky?" Johnny smiled back

"Blame the leprechauns..." Chris said and planted a kiss on his husband

Johnny lifted Chris up, without as much ease as he used to, "Let's try for that baby again..."

"That was AMAZING, and I don't have any burn marks to have Wyatt heal, that was always pretty embarrassing, having to have my brother heal my bikini area."

"You were pretty amazing yourself, where did you learn that trick with your back?"

"Megan Fox, dumb as a box of rocks, but she was full of insightful sex and dancing methods, I took mental notes..."

"Thank you Megan..." Johnny said and let out a whistle and pulled Chris into his naked torso, "So you still find me attractive even though I'm not as built and all that like when we first got together?"

"Johnny, why would you even ask that, I love you so much, you are one of the most important people in my life, I wouldn't care if you got fat as long as you never changed in here..." Chris said and placed his hand on Johnny's heart which fluttered as Chris expressed his feelings so perfectly

"I love you too, you are even more beautiful every day when I see your face in the morning, each day I thank god I was given another chance to be with you, forever."

"Johnny, you know I'm not going to live forever, and neither are the kids, and you aren't going to age anymore... you are immortal now, eventually the kids and I will not be alive, but you will be, that's why whitelighters aren't supposed to have families, because they will outlive them..."

Johnny wiped a tear from his eye, and said, "How did your dad do it?"

"He clipped his wings, he became human, he fell from grace, but if you try to do that, the elders might have you recycled then I couldn't ever be with you, if you want to grow old together, then we have to figure out a way, the elders thought they were doing us a favor, but they cursed us the moment they gave you immortality... now I know why my mom hated them so much." Chris sniffled from the mention of his parents

"I don't know, but for now let's just focus on us, and the kids, and the possible new baby."

"We will, I love you Johnny."

"I love you too Chris."

<It's time, we need to go>

<Where?! Can't you see I'm busy!>

<I received a strong wave of telepathic energy from the mansion, that can only mean one thing, Emma Frost has been summoned by the Professor, which means we are that much closer to finding the big bad wolf that is after you and your precious family>

"I've gotta go..." I told Johnny, and rounded up Melinda and Wyatt


"Christopher, Wyatt, Young Lady... How did you know of this meeting? I sent out the message so only the strongest of telepaths would respond."

"The name's Melinda Morris, and I guess that means Chris is one of the strongest telepaths, because he heard the SOS call you sent out."

"Very well, have a seat."

The professor began to explain the nature of the situation, "There is an entity unlike anything we've seen before, it is in the city, we have no way of tracking it's movements, and highly erratic behavior, from the last attack all that was left was so blood from a wound that Kitty was able to inflict on the being."

"A teleporter?" Kurt asked

"No, much to fast and deliberate to be a teleporter, we believe this could be the work of the brotherhood..."

<WRONG... demonic threat...> "Pardon me, is it possible this could be some kind of demon?""

There was a small sign of laughter from Storm and Logan, "How do you mean, demon?" Storm asked

"Well, if your so-called tracking methods have failed, let us try ours..."

"CHRIS! We didn't bring it..." Wyatt said in a hushed whisper

"Um Wyatt, haven't you been practicing your cross continental summoning?"

"Um, no..."

"You are slipping bro, scrying crystal and a map please..." Chris said and a moment later the supplies appeared before him, "I need to see that blood sample." Chris said

Hank replied, "Absolutely not, we cannot trust these inferior methods."

"Professor, either hand it to me or I could just take it from you." Chris replied

"Hank, is it not worth a try?" Xavier said

"Very well." He said and carefully handed the microscope slide to Chris, who carefully lifted the tablet and dipped the crystal into the tiny sample of blood.

"What is he doing?" Storm asked

Melinda jumped in, "It's called scrying, it's a magical method of tracking, if the being this blood came from is a demon we'll find him."

Realization washed onto Hank's face, and if his blue skin could show a red hue, he'd probably be flushed with embarrassment.

Chris carefully swirled the crystal, and the magical pull led the Crystal around the map, circling New York, and then dropped onto... the mansion, "Whatever this demon is, it's here... right now..." Chris said

"Call a code X, nobody is to leave the area they are in now!" Storm engaged an alarm, and the professor sent out a telepathic message to any telepaths to be on alert for anything out of the ordinary

"There is no need for that." A man with a well maintained goatee said, he was followed by an asian man, and a hispanic woman, they were all wearing long black coats.

"Why is that?" Logan asked unsheathing his claws

"We have already vanquished the demon..."

"What, why?"

"Because, the demon has no known vanquish and the reckless charmed ones, and you genetic anomalies were going to run in there blind, we are, the Avatars, and we have come to guarantee the safety of the charmed ones from their own reckless behavior."

"What reckless behavior, we've been doing fine for years, how was this any different?" Melinda demanded

"You still have much to learn, and that demon would have killed you, all of you, he is a government experiment gone awry, when an Agent Kyle Brody killed an avatar, and was made a whitelighter, he donated her body to Homeland Security, and they performed testing on her to see what they could do, they genetically altered her state, and injected her with an experimental serum known as, the breath of life, what they didn't know is how potent the serum was, though it brought her back to life, with her magic not being taken into account, the serum had a reversing effect, as with Beta, she was inherently good by birthright, the serum made her evil, and the chemicals corroded her skin, making her resemble the evil within, even with all their studies of demons and witches alike, they still could not get it right, and we just had to kill one we used to know as a friend."

"So what does this have to do with us?" Logan asked

"They are starting a new trial, this so called cure, they are getting all these mutants to line up roughly half of them will receive the proper treatment, but the other half will be slaughtered, to be brought back with this new serum a way to test on humans without being looked down on by society.."

"Wait so you're saying that they are going to use mutants to test their serum?"

"Yes, some of the mutants will receive the actual cure which will suppress their mutant abilities and walk out alive, others however will be given a lethal injection, and then the breath of life will be injected to revive them, countless people could die as a result."

<This is the war, we will have to fight the humans.> "So if we try to stop them, this could result in a full scale war?" Chris asked

"It could very possibly, we must warn the people." The avatar said

"But how, if we do it we will become the targets..." Wyatt said

"So we'll take a page from our own book, we'll have the president do it, he's addressing the nation tonight, it will be perfect." A blonde buxom woman said

"Emma, do you really think we can pull it off again?" Charles asked

"We have three strong telepaths, it shouldn't be difficult to shut down the minds of everyone working at the whitehouse and have a simple talk with the president."

"You may be right, but we can harm no one."

<Most likely, are you ready?>

"Let's do it. " Wyatt said

"Kurt white house please..." Charles said and in an instant we were all standing in the front lobby, <Chris, Emma, begin tracking minds and shutting them down> Charles explained

Chris didn't know what to do, <You're on.>

With that he felt the Phoenix energy going strong and knew what was happening, <Don't hurt anyone>

"It's done." Emma said aloud eyeing Chris suspiciously

"Let's go... Oval office Kurt, you should remember the way." Charles said with a smile

"What the hell?" The president said as we materialized

"We mean you no harm sir." Charles said

"That would be a first."

"We know of the testing to be done on mutants, and we have come to ask, are you aware of this?" Storm said and placed the file containing all of the information that had been gathered

"I was aware of testing, but I was not aware of what the side effects were, is this serum truly causing mutants to die?"

"A fate worse than death for some, they are turned into monsters, and are then executed as though they were an animal." Storm replied

"There is nothing I can do to stop this, I am not even supposed to know about this."

"Our intel says that if you do nothing, we will have to wage full scale war to stop the harming of our kind, think of this as a way to prevent World War III..." Storm said sternly

"Is that a threat...?"

"It is what it is, if we are to be lined up for the slaughter you can be sure we will not go without a fight, the choice is yours." Thunder claps and lighting strikes as they all disappear.


Wyatt Voice Over

The day was here, we knew this day would come, we never thought it would end this way, we never knew it would all be so... final

The president rejected our pleas, and made the announcement on that day, that mutant threats would not be tolerated and that he fully supports the extinction of the race... well Mr. President... The feeling is mutual

&* Explosions*&

We joined forces with the brotherhood, it was not what we wanted, but if it came down to mutants or humans, we would protect ourselves no matter what...

"Are you sure about this?" Ororo asked Melinda

"Wyatt saw it, he saw us joining with the brotherhood, for once we are on the same side."


Chris Voice Over

After joining forces with our enemies, (not the first time for our family) it never felt quite right,

<Are you sure we can win this?>

<And after we decimate the military, you'll leave my body>

I just knew in that moment this couldn't end well

&* Explosions*&

Melinda Voice Over


"Just a second!"

"Move it along sister, other people are waiting..."Darryl joked

"Shit..." I yelped as I saw "Pregnant" appear on that evil pee stick, I wasn't ready for this, I'm supposed to battle all sorts of evil both human and supernatural and now I have to add this to my list of worries

&&Scene fades to battle sequence

The charmed ones orb in surrounded by all of their magical and mutant backup

Chris, Wyatt, and Melinda head to the front of the line

Magneto stepped up beside them

"They use plastic guns now because of me..."

"A little help from Grams should suffice" Melinda said in return, with a confused look from her brothers, "they have no rights, they have no powers, turn their weapons, into flowers." Her brothers joined hands with her and repeated the spell, and all of the weapons whether they be tanks, or handguns became bunches upon bunches of daisies

The battle began, now that the army had no melee weapons they were forced to use hand to hand combat, and use the items they could pick up off the ground, they were quite resourceful...

"Mr. President... the mutants turned all of our weapons... into flowers, we have no fire power, our men are fighting with rocks and their fists, the scales are drastically tipped in the favor of the mutants... They must have help from other entities..."

"What "other entities" do you mean Mr. Secretary."

"Back in 2003 we made a small discovery we never gave much thought to, being that these mutants exist and all, a local news crew in San Francisco captured two women using mutant like powers, and chalked it up to mutation, then one of them dies, on that same spot two years later, there was an explosion at the house where they lived, the women were presumed dead, three of them this time, but they materialize again, with a coverup from Homeland security, saying they faked their deaths..."

"What does this have to do with..."

"I pulled Homeland's files, the women are now known as Phoebe Cooper, Piper Halliwell now deceased, and Paige Matthews, the files say they are witches sir, not mutants, and if witchcraft is now being used to threaten the United States of America, then we have bigger problems than mutant rights... we cannot win against them, they have grown children now, who from the readings in the files may be very powerful, more powerful than any missile, or bomb we could fire at them... I think our best bet, is to pull back..."

"We cannot give in to these people, it would be a sign of weakness..."

"It would be a sign that we value the lives of our troops more than proving a point to no one in particular."

"What are you saying, we just give up?"

"I think we need to take a cue from our forefathers and we need to sign a peace treaty..."


<If there's one thing I've learned it's that visions are subject to change, we only foresaw the vision to make it here, so that we could stop the war from waging, not to fight it...>

<That soldier there... he's dying>

<So? He tried to kill me...>


<He's dying, I need to get into him before that happens>

Suddenly the voice was gone, and now the man spoke to me in a human voice

"Thank you, for showing me the value of human life, call on me if you ever need assistance..."

"I will, and one more thing..." I glamoured him

"You don't wanna look like a deserter..."

"Wise child."

"Don't do anything evil..."

"I couldn't now, I have experienced what its like to do good, and I want to continue doing good, I think I'll become and X-Man... ain't that a kick in the head..."

I was walking back to my family when I saw him there on the ground trying to heal someone, it wasn't working, he slumped back, and there she was... Melinda.

To Be Continued...

Next: Chapter 45

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