Marvelously Charming

By Joseph Foster

Published on Oct 17, 2012


One year later...

"The court finds in favor of the plaintiff, granting Piotr Rasputin sole custody of the children, and Wyatt Halliwell is granted supervised visitation year round not to exceed 12 hours a week, and you will be allowed to keep the children for one month during the children's' summer vacation, and important holidays will be split, per the custody agreement drafted by Mr. Rasputin's attorney, if you violate the agreement in any way you will then be legally barred from any contact with your children without permission from the plaintiff, do you understand the terms of the ruling Mr. Halliwell?"

"Yes your honor."

"Good, after one year you may re-file for the possibility of joint custody, clean up your act Mr. Halliwell, I'd like to see that happen, no child should be without both their parents unfortunately at this point you are unfit for custody, and with that, this court is adjourned."

Chris and Melinda held onto Wyatt for a moment

"I'll pick them up tonight." Pete said leaving the courtroom with his new husband

In the empty courtroom Wyatt cried in his brothers arms, "I really tried... I really did..."

Marvelously Charming

Chapter 48

It's All Coming Back on Me Now

It had been a year since I broke up my marriage, Pete was re-married already and his new husband had persuaded him to take my kids away legally, we had always had an understanding that is until Derek Rush came into our lives, he swept Pete off his feet, and he wanted a family, now he had mine.

"How are you holding up?" Chris asked

"Not too well, hearing that I was unfit to raise my kids really hurt me."

"Those pictures... were they..."

"Yes they were real..."

Apparently Derek had hired a private investigator to tail me, he found out about my ongoing relationship with my boss, he made sure to capture any photos of any possible negligence, e.g leaving the children unattended, dropping them off to school late, missing soccer practice, or bad practice, anything that could be proven that I was not a stable enough father. He also took pictures of me out drinking, a lot... He even seduced me and captured it on video that I brought him into my bedroom at home while my children were present asleep in the other room, I got played by a pro here.

"I still can't believe Pete went through with it, I never thought he'd ever take them completely."

"He never would have its his perfect new husband that did it, he's the one that hired the PI and the one that started this whole thing."

"You didn't exactly make stellar decisions..." Melinda chimed in

"So I was being human, it wasn't like I ever left my kids home alone or in a car on a 90 degree day with the windows cracked, I did harmless things, people make mistakes, I'm not perfect, but I am not unfit."

"You just have to prove that to the courts, you'll be observed by the social worker and they'll see that it was all blown way out of proportion, and please no more random hookups in my house."

"I'm moving into my condo, I can't live here with you guys any more, I'm leaving now."

A few weeks passed and Wyatt was all moved into his new place

"UH oh yeah Wyatt..." Dean exclaimed as he rolled off of Wyatt

"Wow.. that was... wow..." Wyatt said as Dean handed him a lit cigarette and he took a long drag

"Well... I have an early meeting tomorrow.." Dean said and pulled on his pants

"Oh come on Dean, we go to the same place, I know you don't really have a meeting to go to, I don't think I can do this anymore." Wyatt said scooting away from the headboard

"Do what? Have sex with me, or work with me."

"I need more than sex, and I don't think you can give that to me."

"I knew this would happen, reality check... I asked you OUT and you told me no, because you were married. I had never done anything like that before, I took a risk, then you told me that you'd be willing to consider other less emotional type things, and then you were the one that started rubbing MY pants, you started this, you set the rules, and now here I am, giving you everything I thought you wanted, then getting told that I'm not the right guy for anything else, even after your marriage crumbled, its been over a year and even though I've been there for you in every possible way, now, when you are actually ready to be loved again, you are pushing me away, guess I was only a good lay right?"

"That's not true.."

"It sure seems like it.."

"Why are you reacting like this?"

"BECAUSE I love YOU..." Love was said so quietly that he was sure he had heard wrong

"I'm sorry did you just say you LOVE me?"

"I did, I do, I just hoped that somewhere inside, you felt the same way, I can see now I was wrong, I'm sorry."

Wyatt's mind was racing, he had special feelings for Dean he was sure, he just didn't know what they meant, he was still struggling with the divorce, Dean was fumbling with his buttons, when Wyatt wrapped his arms around him from behind and began kissing his neck.. "I love you too." Dean went rigid, and turned around, tears welling in his greyish blue eyes, "You do?" he asked, the 41 year old man seemed like a 16 year old girl in love for the first time, needing to hear it again.

"I do Dean Calderon I really do, I didn't know I was capable of loving someone else, but hearing you be so honest and put yourself out there like that, I knew."


"Wyatt Halliwell as I live and breathe, come in, take a seat." Dean said with a smile

and for the first time Wyatt really looked at his boss, 6'3 roughly 210lbs built rather nicely you could tell he liked the gym almost as much as he liked his beer, because he had the slightest barely noticeable beer belly that Wyatt found so attractive, he'd never really gone for muscular before Pete, just broad was all he cared about

"Mr. Calderon, its nice to officially meet you, Alyssa says the best things about you."

"Please call me Dean." The perfect smile, complimenting his greyish blue eyes, his hair was a perfect silver and white, something else Wyatt was finding more and more attractive as he gets older.

"Well, it's nice to meet you Dean.."

"The show is performing well, add that to the column, and your hosting an XM radio show I'd say your advice column innovations have been a success."

"Thank you."

"Not a problem, do you have any other ideas you'd like to go over."

"Well I was thinking about creating an app for smartphones, ask it a question and it can give you some pre-written answers, and if you ask a unique question we didn't think of. Then it would forward me an email, and I would personally answer it."

"I love that." Dean said with another eye lighting smile, this man was far too dangerously sexy.

"Then I was also thinking of syndicating beyond national. I was thinking international, like we can have ghostwriters in all different countries that would allow an advice column to be published."

"We could maybe branch to Canada and Mexico, but anywhere else there's going to be too much political tape, and censoring if its a topic they don't care for."

"I didn't even think of that." Wyatt said with a small frown

"Hey don't feel bad." Dean said and put his hand on Wyatt's for a second, noting that the younger man did not pull away

"Have you had dinner yet?" Dean asked

Wyatt looked up shaking his head, "I'd love for you to be my date for the evening, I have a charity function I have to attend, and it wouldn't look bad for me to have a local celebrity on my arm."

"When you say on your arm you mean..."

"As my date, not a working date, a romantic one... unless something like that bothers you."

"No it doesn't... its just that, I'm married..." Dean's face fell, "To a man." it perked up slightly

"Look I'm sorry I didn't mean t--."

Wyatt pressed his finger to Dean's lips "Shhh... its okay, there are certain things I haven't been getting at home for quite some time, I have needs you know, and maybe you're willing to meet those needs, no strings attached, no emotions, just sex.. you don't need to speak..." Wyatt began to rub the expanding bulge in Dean's expensive pants. He pulled down the zipper, and to his delight Dean was not wearing any underwear, he pulled the very thick uncut dick through the fly, and slowly began to give Dean a handjob, "If you don't like what I'm doing, I can stop." Dean shook his head

Wyatt dropped to his knees and took the rock hard member into his mouth, unbuckling Dean's belt and pulling off his pants as he continued to suck, he pulled off, saliva dripping off the tip "If you want me to stop I will." Wyatt said

Dean let out a groan, "No strings?" he asked breathless and Wyatt nodded as Dean did the same and Wyatt continued sucking

End Flashback

"Will you spend the night with me?" Wyatt asked with a smile, Dean smiled and dropped his pants raising his arms up in triumph

"Nothing would make me happier." he crawled on top of Wyatt and they shared their first real kiss Wyatt fell asleep with a smile wrapped in the arms of someone who loves him

Wyatt walked into the manor the next day with a spring in his step "I wanna know what love is... I want you to show me." He sang and when he got into the kitchen Melinda was pulling breakfast out of the oven.

"Whoa... someone's in a good mood." Johnny said

"I sure am, I have entered my first relationship since Pete."

Chris, Johnny, Melinda, and Darryl all looked at him in surprise..

"Not exactly the reaction I was hoping for, but okay..." Wyatt said and sat down, slightly embarrassed

"Oh honey, I'm sorry, we are just surprised, this is such a departure from the behavior that we're used to."

"And that's supposed to make me feel better?" Wyatt asked burying his face into his arms

"This..... feels like a sibling moment..." Johnny said to Darryl and they grabbed their cinnamon rolls and bolted from the kitchen

"You guys couldn't even pretend to be happy for me." Wyatt said sadly

"We are happy for you Wyatt." Chris said

"You all looked at me like I was from outer space. As though the mere idea of me in a relationship baffles you."

"You never gave us any clues you were even dating."

"Its Dean."

"What do you mean Dean as in your boss, as in the reason your marriage ended?" Melinda asked

"Okay, A the reason my marriage ended is that my husband was distant and cold, and eventually I wanted nothing more than sexual healing because I hadn't gotten any from my husband in more than half a year, it was not from lack of trying, B, I eventually fell for Dean, and he fell for me, and those feelings were just revealed, after my marriage ended over a year ago, so please don't attempt to explain to me the reason my marriage ended."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know."

"Of course you didn't you weren't there, you only heard the skewered facts that were told in that court---" Suddenly Wyatt was sent flying through the basement door, Chris was knocked through the archway into the dining room crashing into the dining room table, grabbing Darryl and Johnny's attention who both came running right after Melinda was finished stabbing the demon with a kitchen knife.

Wyatt stumbled into the kitchen and Melinda healed him without even a blink, "Hey when did you learn that?"

"I picked it up last week when Darryl got shot on the job."

"Glad you finally did." Wyatt smiled as Chris walked in

"You need healing?" Wyatt asked

"Unfortunately its only bruising, nothing that healing will be able to cure, just gonna have to use ice." Chris said and went to the freezer..

"Any ID on the attacker?" Chris asked putting the ice pack to his head

"No tattoos or tribal markings, probably just a lower level demon trying to move up in the ranks." Melinda said

"Awesome... just when you think that you are done with this stuff."

"Tell us more about your boyfriend." Melinda said getting things back on track


"Laura, it's time for bed brush your teeth and change into Pjs."

"YOU ARE NOT MY DADDY!!" Laura yelled venomously at Derek who stood there helpless

She stormed away

"You know you could have backed me up."

"With what, she's not wrong."

"Oh I see how this is, I get to be the bad guy here."

"Look honey, she's 11 Grace is 9 they are old enough to know who their parents are, that's never going to change, no matter how much you want to be a dad to them, they know who their daddies are, and no amount of custody is going to change that." Pete said as nicely as he could

"That hurts, you know I think of you all as my family."

"I know, and you are wonderful with the kids, but you have to remember you aren't their father so there are certain lines you need to remember, for one you don't get input in punishments or decisions about their school. For another if you want them to do something, they do not have to do it, but they will if you ask nicely."

"Are you kidding me right now?" Derek was aghast at the idea of having to ask politely from a child

"Not one bit, seriously, when Laura comes back ask her in the nicest way you can if she can please brush her hair and put it in a braid so it looks nice for school tomorrow, I promise you, you won't get any attitude." Pete said with a smile

As if upon request, Laura came back announcing she was ready for bed, and saying good night, "Oh Laura honey, before you go to sleep, would you brush your hair and put it into a nice braid, that way your hair will look good for school tomorrow, please?"

"Sure Derek, and please don't call me honey." she said with a smile

"Wow... that was a bittersweet victory."

"Don't worry, she doesn't even let me use pet names for her, the only one she lets is Wyatt." Derek cringed at the thought of that dirty hustler being in their lives

They went to bed that night and around 3am the doorbell rang repeatedly, "Who the hell is that?" Derek asked as Pete got out of bed

He opened the door and there stood his ex-husband, dressed in black skinny jeans a tight white shirt and a pair of beat up sneakers, not his outfit of choice.

"Wyatt what are you doing here?"

"Are you that dense?" Wyatt asked pointing downward to where their daughter was standing looking down

Derek walked over, "What's the problem here?"

"Laura, sweetie go to bed, daddy and daddy have to have some grown up talk with Derek, I love you but you are in deep trouble miss thing." Wyatt said kissing her cheek

"You two sit." Wyatt said in a commanding voice

"Who do---"

"I didn't ask you to speak, just listen, I found my daughter asleep in my apartment in her bedroom, she obviously was not there when I initially went to bed, which means that while under your supposed more fit parental supervision, she managed to sneak out and get to my house, don't worry I already contacted the court liaison, she's been fully briefed, and is now looking into an expedited appeal hearing calling YOUR parental rights into question, because I am apparently the more honest responsible one in her eyes you know since I never actually LOST TRACK of one of the kids in the middle of the night..."

"Are you threatening us...?" Derek asked

"I'm above threats, playing your own game better than you do maybe Derek, but, I'll make you both a deal, if you agree to joint custody I promise not to push the manner further, I'm fairly certain given the fact that you've endangered a minors welfare, you're more than willing..."

Pete was about to answer "Oh hold on just one second, a little trick my cop brother in law taught me..." Wyatt pulled out a digital voice recorder, "October 10. 2019 3:25 am I repeat my question, due to the newly discovered and quite well documented evidence supporting my claims, do you Piotr Rasputin agree to the terms of completely joint custody, equal time at both residences, split holidays, the whole nine yards?" Pete looked at Wyatt with daggers in his eyes

"Yes, I do."

"Please identify yourself for the recorder and repeat your answer."

"I Piotr Rasputin do hereby agree to complete joint custody of our children Laura and Grace Halliwell, equal time at both residences, split holidays, the whole nine yards."

"Thank you so much that concludes this meeting." Wyatt clicked off the tape recorder "Oh and for your information, if she ever pulls a stunt like this one again, or you screw up in any way shape or form in the manner you've accused me of, you will lose custody, I swear on my life." Wyatt said with a sneer

"I'll walk you out." Pete said

"Please don't do this..." Pete said quietly and pulled the door closed behind them separating them from Derek, "You and I both know how she really got there, you know she wasn't in any real danger..."

"Oh really??? What if a dark lighter had sensed her orbs and shot her in mid air..." Pete looked stunned

"How could you even say something like that?"

"Because its a fact of reality, our daughter is in danger because of her powers, and irresponsible use will attract evil."

"So bind her magic."

"No, I refuse to do that, my aunts and mom had their magic bound and it only hurt them in the end, plus, I'm sorry but I kind of like you having a disadvantage when it comes to controlling the kids.."

"You won't bind their magic because you want to take them away from me..."

"No. Because if they were still with me or both of us, that wouldn't even be an option, and I hate to break it to you, but you knew what you were signing up for from the start of the whole debacle, magic ex, magic children, your situation is one of the many reasons the elders don't approve of marrying mortals."

"So you're not going to help me."

"Not one bit, like I said, you knew what you were doing before you did it, oh and don't forget, our powers are tied to our emotions, and that little girl, and likely our other daughter too have some serious emotions going through them right now, I'd tread lightly." Wyatt said

Wyatt went to his car, he had driven because he had a feeling Derek would be watching like a hawk as soon as he got Pete alone, he drove home to his condo where Dean was still in bed asleep, he crumpled up the note he'd left him, and got back into bed, the following day they would make their debut as a couple, not in public, but worse, to Wyatt's family.

After some amazing morning sex and a double shower, you know conserving water and all, Wyatt and Dean were dressed and ready to go, "You know its still really early, it's not even 10. we don't need to be there until 4." Wyatt said

"Then why are we dressed?" Dean smiled, then continued, "I'm only kidding, lets go do something together, what about Golden Gate Park, we could go for a walk, and just talk, you know, really get to know the men we've been with for a year..."

"You really wanna qualify that as a year together?"

"Why shouldn't we? I personally wasn't sleeping with anyone else, or even dating, hell my mother knows about you, albeit she doesn't know the type of relationship we've had." Dean said smiling

"I only had one other guy while I've been with you, and it was a trick designed by my ex husband's PI. So I don't want to lie to you because if you choose to be with me, then you are going to see a very wrong very bad picture drawn of me when I go to court next month."

"Look Wyatt, I wasn't your boyfriend, now I am, so from this point on, only me alright?"

"I promise you Dean, I will be true to you, I know this relationship didn't start under conventional circumstances, as long as you continue to treat me the way you do, I will only have eyes for you, just please don't neglect me, because that's what brought me to you in the first place."

"If you ever feel neglected, in any way shape or form, please promise me here and now that you will tell me immediately, I never want you to feel anything except love and support from me."

"I do love you very much, I didn't really know how much until now, but now I realize, you have been the only constant in my life for the past year, other than my children." Wyatt said with a small tear falling as he kissed his man, realizing exactly what he had here before him, and just how special it was.

"There's something I have to tell you before this goes any farther." Wyatt said with a feeling of impending doom in his stomach

"You can tell me anything, nothing will change the way I feel for you."

"Please remember you said that." Wyatt smiled weakly, then took a step back, "I'm a witch."

"Like hooked nose hag witch or Glinda the good witch of the North type witch."

Wyatt giggled a little, "More Glinda but I don't have to wear any taffeta or use a wand I can just use my hands, or my words, or just my mind."

"Wyatt, I know this should be easy to process given that your brother is married to a former superhero, but come on, a space accident is one thing to believe in, witchcraft is a whole different ball game, you mean to say you are a good witch?"

"The best, my brother sister and myself are the strongest most powerful force of good in the world."

"Wyatt seriously, are we talking about witches?"

"I'll prove it to you." Wyatt said and with a wave of his hand a bouquet of flowers appeared in Dean's arms with a card that said "I'm a Witch."

"Whoa...." Was all he could say

"Its still me... remember all those long lunches, the disappearing acts I'd pull from 7th story bathrooms with no windows or fire escapes, the time I started acting really weird with you, that was because my sister accidentally switched our bodies."

"I can't believe this... I always thought something was going on with you, I just never thought it would be something like this."

"Look if you wanna go I understand its a lot to take in, just please, this is like being read in to the CIA, it is top secret, and I'm not even really stretching that because Homeland Security knows about my mother and aunts, as far a they are aware though, it is not genetic, so my siblings and I are safe."

"Wyatt, who said anything about me wanting to leave, this doesn't change how I feel about you baby, sure its a a lot to take in, but I'm okay with it, and it will take some getting used to, but you aren't getting rid of me that easily."

"Not gonna lie, when you called me baby my heart jumped." Wyatt said with a smile and they hugged,

"I accept you Wyatt, no matter" Wyatt giggled like a young girl in love and they kissed and headed out for their walk in the park


Ok everyone's invited, all the place settings are good, there's plenty of food to feed a medium sized army, kids have bathed, husband's been sexed, no more to do... time to sit.

Chris let out a sigh and sat down for the first time that day. "Hey sweetie, how's it going in here?"

"Oh taking a break from football huh?" Chris smiled as his husband wrapped his arms around him kissing his cheek with as much love as the day they first met


"Well I'll have to discuss it with my husband but I see no reason they can't go with you now."

With that they orbed out, Chris holding Johnny's hand a little tighter than his brothers

"So tell me more about you." Chris said to Johnny

"Well you already know who I am, but I should tell you, this is kind of new territory for me."

"What is...?" Chris asked oblivious

"This whole thing, with me laying here beside you, just talking, usually by now I've taken a girls panties off with my teeth."

"How cliché of you." Chris said with a smile

"How old are you?" Johnny asked

"I turn 18 next month."

"Wow, that is really, wow..."

"Look if my age is going to bother you just try to think of it like when I'm 30 you'd be 37, so it hardly seems like much when you look at it that way does it?"

"How are you so much smarter than me about this stuff...?"

"Well sir, age difference or not, I've been doing the relationship thing longer than you have." Chris said with a winning smile

"I guess you've got me there, look I know we haven't even had our first date yet, and I don't want you to think of this as creepy, but nobody has ever made me feel the feelings you have made me feel just from being here like this... is that too weird?"

"Not really, I mean it's kind of borderline, but since you're too cute in my spongebob pajama pants i'll forgive you."

"Hey... Spongebob is cool..."

"What do you think this is between us?"

"I wish I knew, you though my dear boy are in a class all your own, by now most women have already been given cab fare and a granola bar."

"At least you feed them." Chris laughed, and they talked for most of the night until they fell asleep cuddled together."

End Flashback

"Johnny, when you first spent the night with me, the day we met, did you have to..."

"I jacked off three times in the bathroom as soon as you fell asleep, I wasn't going to ruin something I wasn't even sure what it was, and look at us now, incidentally, you are turning 30 in about three months and I am turning 37 next week, you know what that means...?" Johnny said kissing Chris on the lips

"It doesn't seem so weird any more." Chris said and pulled Johnny into a hug.

"Where did the time go. I mean Chris... we are raising.... a teenager."

"Oh my god no, is that this year???" Chris gasped and looked at the calendar, and counted on his fingers, "John turns 13 next month."

"You birthed that little fucker 2 months before you officially turned 18, so yeah, that would be the case."

"That makes me feel really old."

"How do you think it makes me feel, I'm turning 40 in three years and by then he'll be driving..."

"No don't say that..." Chris said with feigned fear

"Those are the things you don't even think about, such busy lives, such hectic schedules for us and the kids, I nearly forgot.."


"The eldest's 13th birthday approaches sire, they believe that we are still struggling to regroup our powers, they believe that demon activity is light due to something of their own creation, they have no idea of our plan to take place on the boy's thirteenth birthday, when all magic will once again standstill, they will never see it coming, they'll be too preoccupied with their own personal demons." Derek said to his master

"While you have failed me, you have also capitalized on the situations you have botched, can you eliminate Wyatt's ex?"

"He is mortal, he will not be able to defend himself against me."

An athame materialized in the master's hands, "Eliminate him to reunite Wyatt with his children, then, when the family celebrates as they have a tendency to do, you will kidnap the eldest of all three charmed ones, and we will raise them evil, to use them against their parents."

"But the youngest, her child is barely two, hardly of any use to us."

"So dispose of it, you will do as instructed Derexes. Or you will be the next one disposed of."

"Yes master."

To Be Continued...

Questions, comments, suggestions, , or

Author's note: It's been a rough year for me, and writing has been amongst the list of things that I haven't been doing, to those of you who have sent mail requesting I give the story the ending it deserves, I'm working on it. To those of you so completely disappointed in the ending of Wyatt and Pete, bear in mind that not everything lasts, and in my opinion if I was going to have one epic romance I wanted it to be the one that required the most work, and to be honest, the one that more closely mirrors Piper and Leo's, just because Wyatt's marriage didn't work out, doesn't mean he can't get his happily ever after. AHEM Phoebe to Cole then to Coop AHEM. So only two chapters left, I hope I can make them good ones for you.

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