Marvelously Charming

By Joseph Foster

Published on Aug 1, 2007


Marvelously Charming

Chapter 6

New Life Or Death [Situations?]

"18 Year old male in labor, come on lets get him to emergency surgery"

Johnny's sweaty body twisted a writhed "Chris... come on baby.."

Sue watched her brother and spoke to her husband "What do you think he's seeing?"

"Oh honey I couldn't tell you, all I can tell you is that if it was you I would have needed a heavy sedative just to carry on too." Reed said to his worried wife

"He's hemorrhaging, we've gotta move if we even want a chance to save this baby" "Chris you can pull through I believe in you"

"Could you tell what he said?" Sue asked Reed

"He must be delirious, after what he witnessed today it's a wonder he's not setting the place on fire" Reed said

"I'm just so worried about him.. I'm just afraid he'll feel like he has nothing to lose, and I don't want to lose my brother" Sue said burying her face in Reeds shoulder

Reed extended his arm and grabbed his bride a tissue from the bathroom, while running his hand through her hair with the other.

"I'm sorry, he lost too much blood, we couldn't repair the damage" "NoOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" Johnny screamed shooting fire from his hands

"Oh no REED!"

"I got it" and Reed extinguished the fire

"The baby pulled through, but needs to remain on a vent and in the incubator for at least another couple months, before he can breathe on his own" "What about Chris?"

"I'm so sorry Mr. Storm, but there were complications, we couldn't save him." "CHRIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!" Johnny screamed sitting up right

"Oh Johnny.." Sue said hugging her brother

"Please Sue, tell me it's not true."

"I'm sorry Johnny, Chris is gone." Sue said through tears

"No.. YOU'RE LYING, it can't be true." Johnny screamed and broke down

"Johnny, you know I'd never play about something so serious, I'm so sorry, but little Johnathon Christopher Halliwell pulled through." Sue said cautiously

"I got a boy?" Johnny asked stifling his tears for a moment

"Yeah, and Chris's one wish was that it have your first name and his last name, then.." She couldn't finish

"He... Died?" Wyatt asked the doctor

"Yes, I'm so sorry." Dr. Jamison replied

"Did the baby?" Wyatt continued

"No. The baby is quite alright, Johnathon Christopher they named him I believe."

"Can I see my brother?" Wyatt asked the doctor

"Well.. we usuall---" Wyatt cut him off

"Please, I need to say good-bye"

"Very well, but we haven't had a chance to clean up the room yet so it may be a bit.. jarring." The doctor explained thoughtfully

"It's ok."

Wyatt walked into the operating room, and saw his brother, laying on the table, covered only by a thin blanket. "Oh god. Chris, buddy, how am I gonna go on without my little brother, I failed you, I was supposed to keep you safe out of harm and look where you end up."

Meanwhile up in heaven Chris was surrounded by family he was sitting with his Aunt Prue and his Grams. "Are you sure I'm dead, I mean, what if I go back?"

"You can still." Said a woman

"Who are you?" Chris asked

"I am Sandra, I am an elder, and I am here to give the past and future another chance."

"Ok.. go on"

"You do not know this but since you are dead I can tell you without consequence, you were destined to have a much longer life, a life in which at the age of 22 you would go back in time to save your family one year before your own birth, to save your brother from turning to the forces of evil, you were supposed to die at that age as well, but things worked themselves out as they tend to do, and you are going to live a full life, with your children, and husband." Sandra told Chris

"Wow. How do I go back?" Chris asked

"Give me your hands" Sandra instructed

She began to heal Chris, and as he was being healed in the outer world, his body began to become alive, he began to breathe lightly.

"I love you Chris. Goodbye my brother" Wyatt said grabbing Chris's hand

As Sandra finished healing Chris's soul he became the wind and transferred back to his body

GASP Wyatt has a vision of the future, he is in the manor, and there is a man there he taps him on the back "Hey big brother, so glad you could make it."

"But how is this.."

"Possible, well, it's a little gift from the elders they decided to give you a glimpse of the future of the charmed line, a life without much evil, or hassle. A life near perfection"

"But you're.."

"Dead? No I'm not, and to answer your next question, this is not a premonition, it is simply a vision that the Elders channeled to you through my body when Sandra healed me." The adult Chris said

"So where's the glimpse."

"You're looking at him, me, my being alive and you being here, and from the looks of it, you're happy." Adult Chris said pointing to Wyatt's wedding band and inflated belly

"Daddy!" a little girl said running up to Wyatt.

"Hey.. baby girl."

"Daddy, Laura says that when the new baby comes I won't be the baby anymore and I won't get attention"

"Oh well little.." Wyatt looked at Adult Chris who mouthed Grace "...Grace, how about I give you all the attention you want when the baby is born and I make other Daddy take care of the baby."


"Hey.. No name calling!" Wyatt called after his daughter

"You're a natural, but I'm afraid this is where your vision quest must end, oh and please call the doctor, I should be gripping your hand about now." Adult Chris said

Wyatt caught his breath "DOCTOR JAMISON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Oh my GOD!" The doctor said when he came in "NURSE WE NEED TO GET THIS PATIENT TO THE ICU STAT!"

The doctors worked on reviving Chris completely, he was in a coma, but alive-------

Piper was sitting with her sisters and the kids watching "Ice Age 2" on DVD, and they were laughing and having a good time

"Oh I wish Wyatt and Chris were here with us." Piper said through her laughter

"Oh honey we all do, it's been 3 months since we've seen them." Phoebe said

"I wanna call." Piper said taking out her cell making them pause the movie

"Hey mom, what's up?" Chris asked

"Nothing much sweetie, just checking on my middle child." She responded sweetly

"Well mom, I'm getting ready for my date but none of my clothes fit."

"Too big or too small?"


"Simple just borrow some of your brother's clothes."

"Already did, I just wish I could wear my own clothes."

"Well honey, just try and enjoy yourself."

"I know mom and I will, but hey I need to go shower, tell everyone I said hi."

After the movie was over Piper was putting the DVD away and as soon as she got it in the case, she felt a sharp pain "OH!" Piper yelled

Phoebe and Paige rushed over "What's wrong sweetie?"

"Something's wrong... Someone's hurt." Piper said in agony

Everyone was awake, and worried about their aunt

C.J was the first to respond, "I'll try and call Chris and Wyatt." He tried both of their cells, no answer.

"No answer." C.J said, looking at his aunt she looked so scared.

After a couple of hours of sitting and hoping for some kind of call, good or bad

Piper sat up "OH! OW! Chris!" and passed out

"WYATT!!! WYATT!! WYAAATT!!!! Phoebe screamed

No response

"Mom call Sue, if something happened to Chris, Johnny would know about it and so would Sue." C.J said to Phoebe

"Sue Storm." She sounded sad

"Hey. Um Sue it's Phoebe Halliwell, um Chris's aunt."

"Yes, I know who you are, we've met, but it's been a while, how are you?"

"I'm ok, but we're worried about Chris, his mom felt like something was wrong, and then a couple minutes ago, she just passed out in pain."

"Oh no, how do I tell you this, were you aware of Chris's pregnancy?" Sue asked Phoebe

"What?! No, he never told us anything."

"Well he just found out today there's no wonder he hadn't even told Johnny when it happened." Sue said

"When WHAT happened?" Phoebe asked

"Johnny caught him kissing Bobby Drake, but it was all a big hormonal thing, as we women know, and well, since Johnny didn't know he was pregnant, he exploded at him, and that caused Chris to pass out, and the placenta ruptured, and they had to perform emergency surgery, and when they did that Chris bled out on the table, I'm sorry Phoebe, but Chris died at 11:25 pm."

"No.. No... No NOO He's not dead he can't be" a gasp was heard from everyone in the room

"Phoebe, 11:25 pm would make it 8:25 in San Francisco, is that about the time Piper passed out?"

Phoebe was in tears "Yeah, that was just 10 minutes ago, god I can't believe my nephew is gone."

"I'm so sorry Phoebe, but I have to go I need to keep an eye on Johnny, when he found out the doctors had to sedate him."

"Give him our love" Phoebe said tearfully

"And give Piper and Leo ours." Sue said sadly

"Bye Sue"

"Bye Phoebe"

Patty and Penny both began crying Henry Jr. hugged his sisters and started crying as well, Christie, and Caitlyn began crying as well, C.J hugged them. Cooper walked in

"Were you guys watching "Bambi" again?"" she asked with a nervous chuckle

Phoebe shook her head wiped her eyes and hugged her oldest daughter "Your cousin, Chris, he.. died 15 minutes ago." Phoebe said crying

"No.. That's NOOO!:" Cooper said breaking down and falling to the floor

Her brother came over and hugged her, and her sisters joined in as well, "Who's gonna tell Uncle Leo?" Cooper asked

"No one needs to, I heard from Reed Richards when I called to check in on Chris."

"Piper felt it and she passed out, she looks like she's about to come to though."

"Chris!" is all Piper said as she awoke. "Where is he?"

"Oh Piper honey, he's gone." Leo said as he hugged his wife.

"No it can't be, my son can't be gone, not before me, WE'VE SEEN HIM! DAMN IT WE'VE SEEN HIM 22 AND IN OUR GODDAMNED KITCHEN!" Piper yelled tears shooting from her eyes

All Leo could do was hug her, and everyone watching it just made the tears fall harder.

Then they heard the familiar sound of orbing, and saw Wyatt.

"Oh honey, I'm so glad you're ok, as you can see we got the news" Paige said hugging her nephew

"Get ready for the best news ever."

"How can you even act so happy we just found out your brother is dead.." Piper said

"That's just it, HE'S ALIVE!" Wyatt said excitedly

"If this is some kind of joke Wyatt Matthew Halliwell." Piper said

"No joke, the elders, they healed him, they said he had too important of a purpose to serve in life or else evil would conquer good once and for all."

"Oh my god, he's alive!" Piper exclaimed

"But..." Wyatt continued

"What but.. What?!" Piper begged

"he's in a coma."

"Well it's better than dead, as long as he's breathing on his own and the baby is ok, we're all good." Phoebe said

"BABY?!" Everyone asked

"Yes. Um.. how do I say this.. me and Chris both found out we were almost 6 months pregnant today, 5 ½ to be exact." Wyatt said

"And you didn't tell your family why??!" Piper asked

"Chill mom, we were gonna, tomorrow, but we thought Petey and Johnny deserved to know first, being that half the babies are part of them, if that made any sense" Wyatt continued

"So, I'm gonna be a grams!" Piper exclaimed "Oh I can't wait to see little...."

"Johnathon Christopher Halliwell.." Phoebe and Wyatt said at the same time

"I'm an Auntie?!" Melinda squealed, "this is so exciting!"

"Dude, since we are all like at least 10 years older than the baby, I think we should all get the title of Aunt and Uncle" Henry Jr. said

"Well that's up to Chris and Johnny, chances are the baby will just call all of you except Melinda and Wyatt, by name only." Piper explained

"Well ok, that makes sense, but I have dibs on teaching my..." "2nd cousin.." Piper interjected "how to fight."

"Again a decision for Chris and Johnny." Wyatt continued

"Anyway mom, dad, did you wanna orb back with me so you can see your grandchild and hold your son's hand?"

"You bet honey." Piper said grabbing Wyatt's hand, Leo did the same, and together the three of them orbed to the private hospital.

In the NICU Piper and Leo disinfected and put on the smock like contraption the nurse handed them, Johnny was no where to be found.

"He's so beautiful." Leo said

"What did you expect, his parents are both knock outs." Piper said

"I just hope when he opens his eyes, we see the same sparkling brown eyes we see whenever Chris smiles" Leo said

"He is true perfection isn't he?" Johnny asked from the door

Piper walked up to Johnny and wrapped her arms around him. "I want you to know we don't blame you Johnny, you didn't know, and if you had, you wouldn't so much have raised your voice to him."

"Thanks Piper, funny thing, before I found out he was pregnant, I was gonna propose to him at dinner without even knowing, I bought him a ring and everything, I.. I just feel so terrible, if I hadn't been so vicious, he wouldn't be dead right now." Johnny said with his face in his hands.

"Johnny, do you not get the news?" Wyatt said

"Huh?" Johnny asked

"Sweetie, Chris is alive he's just in a coma." Piper finished

"Oh my god! Thank you Jesus!" Johnny said blowing a kiss towards heaven.

"So, Johnny, you were gonna ask my son to marry you? And you didn't know he was with child... You must truly love him, I'm sorry I ever doubted your intentions, but you have to understand, the age difference really scared me at first." Piper said crying

"I know.. look it scared me too, but we found out that the difference didn't change the love, and the proof of that is about 4 lbs in that incubator." Johnny said attempting to not cry

"Oh, Johnny, I now know more than ever that you and my son are perfect for each other and nobody, man or woman could ever change my mind of that." Piper said giving Johnny a kiss on the cheek

The months passed and the family would orb to visit their family, Chris was still in a coma, and the doctors wanted to take him off the life support but needed the family's permission.

"Look, the chances of him staying alive are sketchy, but, sometimes when you remove the life support it shocks the system to wake up." Dr. Jamison explained to everyone "If he stays on life support his respiratory system may stop working all together, because his body will adapt to having machines helping him, and begin to rely on them fully."

"I think Leo, Johnny, and myself have lots to talk about, why don't you guys head home." Dr. Jamison looked at Piper questioningly "I meant the hotel, why don't you guys head to the hotel." Piper said glancing at the doctor.

"Piper, we aren't going to leave you at a time like this." Paige said

"Honestly Piper, this is something you'll need our support for" Phoebe added

"Ok. Well C.J, Cooper, you two watch your cousins and siblings, and all of you kids behave for your cousins, and you mind them no matter what." Piper said to her family, and they all hugged and left.

"I think we should do it." Johnny said.

"What? Are you crazy he could die!" Paige said

"I thought you were here for support, not opinions." Leo said

"Look we love him too, and we've been there with you guys raising him since he was a baby, whether you were there, or off going bonkers, we were there for him." Phoebe said

"Be that as it may, we are his parents, and we make the decisions."

"Then why are you including him" Paige said pointing to Johnny

"Because if I know my son AT ALL, I know he would want his would be fiancé in on the decision." Piper said

"Ok.. what?" Phoebe asked

"I was gonna propose to Chris before all this happened." Johnny Said

"Oh, and then.."

"Yeah, he collapsed in my arms." Johnny said with a sniffle.

"That's enough from the two of you, as his mother I have decided that JOHNNY, will make this decision, and we will let that stand." Piper said through her tears and hugged her husband close

"I think we should take him off the support." Johnny said

"UN-believable!" Phoebe said

"Why don't you just walk in there and stab him or something!?" Paige yelled and hugged her sister

At this point the doctor walked up, "Have you decided what to do?"

Piper and Leo nudged Johnny "Um. You said he has a decent chance of pulling through?"

"There's about a 60% chance, because the machines are only AIDING his breathing, and he is capable of breathing on his own, and there is a chance that if you disconnect him from the aids, that his body may shock itself back to consciousness." Dr. Jamison said

"I want to disconnect the machines." Johnny said

Phoebe and Paige just cried harder, and Leo and Piper hugged their son's partner.

"Are you of relation to the patient?" Dr. Jamison asked

"No! He's not, he's only his partner." Phoebe said

"Well, these decisions are usually left to the parents."

"WE.. are his parents" Piper said motioning to herself and Leo "and our DECISION, was to allow the most important person to our son to make this decision, because of their connection, Johnny is the only one capable of doing what's truly best for my son." Piper said boldly

"Very well, as you are the one who made the decision, you will need to sign the papers, but one of you will need to cosign, due to the lack of family connection." Dr. Jamison said

"I will, you've been through enough Piper." Leo said and walked with Johnny and the doctor to sign the papers

"How can you let this happen, you are supposed to be his MOTHER for god's sake!" Paige said

"You leave god OUT of this, if there was truly a god, he would not have put us through such HELL! I thought I already made myself pretty damned clear when I said that I AM HIS MOTHER GODDAMN IT! I make the decisions, not you, I don't care how long you've helped me raise MY kids, OBVIOUSLY you did not catch the part where I explained why JOHNNY made the actual choice." Piper said harshly

"Piper, Just listen to yourself, you are going to let your son die!" Phoebe said

"No Phoebe, I'm giving him the CHANCE at life, did you hear that doctor, 60%, that's more than half the time this type of patient pulls through, now what's done is done, and a little support for my son's lifestyle would be good too, I cannot believe you undermined my son's partner like that, he is not ONLY his partner, he is the ONLY one period, just like Coop is you're ONLY one, and Henry is yours Paige, the fact that my son happens to be gay does NOT change that fact." Piper spoke firmly

"Look, uh, that's not what I meant at all, I fully support Chris and Wyatt, and I have my suspicions about my own son, but that doesn't change the fact he is not MARRIED to Chris, and so he isn't legally supposed to make these decisions."

"Well with our consent, he can, and did, so either you hop on this bandwagon, or you go home, and you are no longer my sisters." Piper said

"We aren't going anywhere and we aren't changing our minds." Phoebe said bravely, as she sat down in a chair

"Phoebe, don't push me, I haven't tried blowing you up but if you don't get out of my fucking face, we're finally gonna find out if I can." Piper said sharply

"You wouldn't dare.." Phoebe said

And with that Piper blew up the chair Phoebe was sitting in

"Don't bet on that.. Now.. either change you minds or LEAVE without a limb or two." Piper warned

Paige and Phoebe decided to leave

"Where'd your sisters go?" Leo asked

"What sisters? I don't have sisters" Piper said seriously

"Oh god are you under another spell?!" Leo asked

"No I refuse to associate myself with those two women that have the nerve to question my or my son's choices, so if that means I can't have charmed power anymore so be it." Piper said

"Thank you for this Piper, you have no idea how much this will mean to Chris when he finds out what you did for us." Johnny said

"So I take it this means you won't be leaving my son for that little lip lock with Bobby Drake..." Piper said

"Well now I know why, he obviously wasn't feeling too attractive, partly my fault for forgive me for saying this, being slightly turned off by him lately, and I'm sure that Bobby said something to make him feel better and Bobby has always liked him, so when they kissed they were both too impaired to stop it." Johnny suggested

"Well, that's very insightful; I see why my son only speaks of you when we talk on the phone."

Dr. Jamison walked out, "The machines are about to be unplugged, if you would like to be present, now is the time."

The three of them got up and walked into the room

"Now you are absolutely sure, there is no turning back once we remove the feeding and breathing tubes."

"I understand, just do it." Johnny said

The doctor took out all the tubes, and then removed Chris from the ventilator.

Gasp Chris's eyes shot open

"Oh my god!" Piper said loudly

"Is he gonna wake up!?" Johnny asked

"Just wait a second." Dr. Jamison said calmly "Chris, Chris can you hear me?"

He responded but only very quietly "water...?"

They gave him some water and waited, Chris grabbed his stomach and tried to sit up "OW! Oh GOD?! Where's my ba...." Chris began to violently cough

"The baby is fine Chris, he's healthy and a month old, but you need to calm down."

"A mon.. How is that possible?" Chris asked in tears

"Chris what's the last thing you remember?" Dr. Jamison asked

"Me and Johnny were arguing, and he got really mad... That's all I can remember.." Chris managed through tears and the pain of speaking

"Chris, you've been in a coma, your baby had to be removed premature, at 5 ½ months to be exact, you have been in the coma for 4 ½, so after he reached full term he is now a month old."

"I wanna see him." Chris said

"You won't be able to hold him, because you will damage your wound." Dr. Jamison warned

"I just need to see him." Chris begged

"I'll send in a nurse." Dr. Jamison said

"Oh baby, I'm so sorry, this was all my fault I should have let you explain." Johnny said kissing Chris

"Well I guess that means you're not mad..." Chris said with a small smile

"How could I be mad, the man I love is alive, and he gave me the most precious gift I could ever ask for, a beautiful baby boy..." Johnny smiled and kissed him one more time, and Chris smiled back

"Oh it's so good to see you smile sweetie." Piper said stroking his hair and kissing his forehead

"You sure gave us a scare buddy." Leo said kissing his head

"I wanna see Wyatt." As if on cue Wyatt orbed in

"Oh my god CHRIS!!!" and he ran to the bed and kissed his brother on the cheek "It is so good to see you awake."

"How.. am... I awake anyway." Chris asked curious for the reason

"Well, I made the decision to take away your food and breathing tubes, and it shocked your body back to life." Johnny said to his lover

"You... risked my life, and saved me from becoming a vegetable?... Thank you, if I knew they were gonna hook me up to those things I would of orbed out, I NEVER want anything like that ever again, and you all heard me on that." Chris said as firmly as possible

"That's enough talking for today, you need to rest." The nurse said as she came in to check his vitals

"Uh, mom?" Wyatt asked

"Yeah honey?" Piper responded

"What happened with Aunt Phoebe and Aunt Paige, they came to pick up the kids and were totally pissed, I was just glad they weren't driving." Wyatt said

"They took the position of opposition to me allowing Johnny to have the one and only opinion about the situation, and they didn't like me not allowing them a say." Piper said

"When I asked Aunt Phoebe she said you attacked her... she was exaggerating... right?... you didn't really attack her did you?" Wyatt asked

"Well, when she decided to test me I may have blown up the chair she was sitting in and threatened to blow off some of their limbs, but that's all, I didn't "attack" her"" Piper said quoting herself on attack

"You did that for this?" Wyatt said gesturing to the nurse that was presenting baby Johnathon to Chris as they watched

"Yep, that right there is exactly the reason we did all this." Piper said snapping a picture "Ok Johnny grab John and get right by Chris for a picture, Piper said snapping another

She took out the Polaroid "Now take that to your Aunts" she said as she snapped more pictures

Wyatt began to laugh at the idea but his mother gave him the evil eye

"I mean I still can't believe she attacked me"

"Well in all fairness it was a warning shot." Paige said

"You know ever since you became so whitelightery it's so hard to know who's side you're on." Phoebe said

Wyatt orbed in

"Hey sweetie, how's everything at the hospital." Paige asked

"See for yourself." Wyatt said handing them the Polaroid

Phoebe and Paige both looked at the picture, and saw Chris sitting up, smiling, next to Johnny who was holding Baby Johnathon in front of the both of them with a huge grin on his face.

"Oh my god..." Phoebe said

"So.. It worked.." Paige said

"Oh god Piper is never gonna forgive us, especially now that she was proven right." Phoebe added

"Chris has that new mother glow." Paige said touching the picture

"You guys know what you need to do." Wyatt said and orbed out

"Did I hear Wyatt?" Cooper asked, followed by her sisters, brother and cousins, all curious as to why Wyatt had been there

"Yeah honey you did, and Chris woke up." Phoebe said choking back tears of happiness

"Oh my god really?! Is he okay?" Caitlyn asked

"Yeah he's fine, if you don't believe it look at this picture" Paige said handing it over

"Oh the baby, he's so precious.. oh is he gonna be one little heartbreaker when he gets older" Christie said

"They look so happy." C.J said

"So when are we gonna go see them?" Henry Jr. asked

"Well. No time better than the present." Phoebe said, dreading what was to come.

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 7

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