Master and the Mate

By Deep Diver

Published on Feb 5, 2007


This story is copyrighted to the author. You are welcome to download for personal use but not for sale or profit. The series is homoerotic with detailed descriptions of sex between consenting males age eighteen and above including domination, bondage and s/m. If this is not your scene please leave this site NOW. Also if you are underage to read this type of material or it is illegal in your country please leave. This means you if you are younger than 18!

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"God this bed feels a bit damp; has one of you had an accident and wet the bed?" Mark enquired humorously, causing both Ryan and Kyle to stiffen in more ways than one and blush like traffic lights (beacons for our British readers). Bill and Mark both snickered at the apparent discomfort of their friends and snuggled up to them and they all eased off to sleep.

The Master and his Mate - by Deepdiver

CHAPTER 14 - A Storm Brewing

The day of the benefit arrived all too soon as far as Mark was concerned. School since his first day back had surprisingly been a much more positive experience. Classmates that used to avoid him or just didn't notice him were now seeking him out and he was developing some interesting friendships. There was one girl in particular who was not only as intelligent as Mark but he also found her very attractive. Then too their was Joe Green, the basketball jock of the class, who used to bully Mark but was now treating him as an equal. Mark was deeply anxious about how these two and the others would react when they discovered that he was living with a homosexual couple. His life-long friend, Peter Christopher, already knew, and although he had a hard time understanding the situation, remained a true friend.

When Mark came out of his cabin dressed in his school uniform he did a double-take on seeing Kyle dressed in a suit. Apparently he and Ryan had gone out during the day and bought him some dress clothes. Now, flashing one of his 'wfs', he now looked like he had just stepped out of the last issue of GQ. Mark couldn't resist and blew him a wolf-whistle. Kyle immediately struck a pose, fluttered his eyelashes and in a Marlene Dietrich voice said, "Don't I just make you wish you were gay?" They both broke up. Kyle had caught Mark totally off guard since there was no trace of effeminacy about him.

In the car heading to the benefit, Mark's stomach was feeling somewhat queasy and he just bit the inside of his lip to compensate for his anxiety.

"Gum?" Ryan offered; and as both his boys accepted the offer Ryan realized that Kyle was just as nervous as Mark.

"Guys, do you remember my priest friend that spoke at the funeral of Mark's parents? He once told me that when he goes into a parish he knows before ever stepping foot in the place that ten percent of the people will dislike him. Another ten percent will love him. There is absolutely nothing he can do to get the first ten percent to accept him. The more he tries to win them over, the more they will despise him. For the other ten percent there is nothing he can do wrong. They simply love him and just take his errors and foibles in their stride."

"What about the other eighty percent?" Kyle asked.

"Oh, they don't even notice or care who the priest is. They are so into their own world and problems, it really doesn't matter to them." Ryan answered Kyle and then continued, "It is an irrational belief to think that in order to be happy everyone has to accept you and like you. That just never happens. But you can be sure, that no matter what happens tonight, your friends and new friends will be there for you. The only change that will take place is that now you will know better who are your true friends. So relax you two and enjoy getting to know who loves you."

"Yeah, but what about those that want to throw stones at us?" Kyle objected.

"Kyle, we can talk about that later ... let's not get Mark more upset than he already is with negative thinking." Ryan reprimanded Kyle.

Once at the door of the benefit, Mark introduced Ryan and Kyle to the Headmaster. The Headmaster noticed immediately that Ryan and Kyle were holding hands. Ryan noticed the raised eyebrow and thought to himself, 'this man needs winning over.'

Wine and cheese was served to the adults and soft drinks and snacks were available for the students at another station. Ryan spotted a nice round heated brie cheese and prepared a cracker for Kyle.

"Here, try this." He said as he popped the cracker directly into Kyle's mouth. This gesture did not go unnoticed as many of the guests were already trying to size up this strange pairing of a middle-aged man in the company of what seemed to be a male escort.

The emcee made an announcement that the speaker had not yet arrived and that they would extend the wine tasting for another fifteen minutes. Kyle had worked himself toward the chocolate fountain and was dipping a nice fresh strawberry when he overheard the headmaster telling the host that he had just got a call from Bruce Williams whose plane had been delayed and he was going to have to cancel. The Headmaster became somewhat ruffled trying to figure how to save the event. Kyle moved back towards Ryan and told him what he had overheard.

"That's a shame. I have often heard his show on the radio and he gives very sound financial advice generally, I would have loved to hear him speak." Ryan said. Then Ryan went up to the Headmaster.

"May I have a word?" Ryan asked politely.

"Um, I am sort of tied up at the moment, can it wait?" The Headmaster said curtly.

"I was just informed that your speaker is unavailable. I am a psychologist and have given talks to couples on systemic theories which were well received. I'd be glad to offer you my services as substitute speaker."

"Well, I really don't know if that would fit his occasion, er, Mr. ...?" The headmaster said looking to free himself of this seeming misfit.

"Loud, Dr. Ryan Loud." Ryan said and humbly walked away.

"So I guess we should just tell the parents that we will reschedule then?" The host said to the headmaster.

"I suppose we have no choice. Can you imagine? That queer offered to speak, him over there, a so called Dr. Loud." The headmaster said disparagingly.

"Not THE, Dr. Ryan Loud? Really here now. I have heard him speak and I have read several of his published articles. He would be great." The emcee said excitedly as he headed in Ryan's direction.

"Dr Loud, I was just informed that you are here and willing to address the gathering. We would be so honoured." said the host. "I'm hosting this benefit; my name's Robin Gray, ."

"Oh, why yes, I'd be glad to help you out." Ryan responded enthusiastically.

Mr. Gray hurried to the podium and asked everyone to take their seats. He then apologized, saying that Bruce Williams, the scheduled speaker's flight had been delayed, and he was unable to arrive on time and he then explained how fortunate the group was to have the renowned Dr. Ryan Loud standing in at short notice. The applause was not very enthusiastic as most parents had never heard of him. Mark turned three sheets to the wind when he realized that Ryan would be speaking. Kyle too had a surprised look on his face, but was very eager to hear what Ryan would say.

Ryan began his remarks with a joke about a farmer who had a mule that wouldn't obey him. "A friend offered to help," he said. "Thinking his friend knew something about mules, he was delighted. The friend then hit the mule over the head with a baseball bat. The mule went down on all fours. 'What have you done to my mule?' 'Nothing yet,' replied the friend, 'first I had to get his attention!' "

Not many found this story humorous and some even moaned. Mark slouched down in his seat wishing he could just melt into the floor. He thought this was fast becoming a disaster.

But then Ryan got serious and began explaining how hard communication really is. He explained how we talk digitally and analogically, at the same time and how often these different levels of communication can send mixed messages. He used some examples from couples he had counselled and his audience began to identify with the situations he presented.

Then he explained how everything we say has a message or a content as well as a command. He compared it to writing an email and then hitting the 'Send' command. He reinforced all of his observations with examples which were truly humorous. Within an hour and a half he had the audience understanding where their own communications had broken down. In some cases parents began to see why they were getting such strong reactions from their adolescent kids. Some even began to see why some religious groups found communication so difficult because their interpretations of scripture were often limited to only the digital message without taking into account the analogous meaning of certain passages.

Ryan ended his talk by opening the floor to questions and answered as many questions as he could before he closed. He had kept his audience in rapt attention and the applause was enthusiastic and prolonged. Even the headmaster had to admit, that Ryan knew his stuff and was able to present complex ideas in a way that non-professionals could easily appreciate. The school psychologist was present with his wife and children and made a point to congratulate Ryan and present his family. Some of the students even approached him and asked him for his autograph.

Several students were gathered around Mark and telling him how lucky they thought he was to be able to actually know and live with Ryan. Some even hinted that he should invite them over. Several girls were ogling Kyle who was blushing, but when he returned one of his 'wfs,' they just swooned. Finally Ryan made his way back to Kyle and introduced him unabashedly as his lover to the school psychologist and to the host. The psychologist asked if they would be willing to give a talk to his Mental Hygiene class one day on the topic of homosexuality. Kyle's eyes opened wide when he realized that the psychologist was including him in the invitation. He was feeling so proud to be associated with Ryan.

On the way home all three were feeling pretty good about how the events of the evening turned out. They stopped for pizza since both Mark and Kyle's nervous energy before the benefit had left them famished. Mark missed his parents deeply, but he felt very fortunate to have this new family which he was learning to love and appreciate.

At school the next day everyone treated Mark as if he were a rapper or a teen idol. That is until he went to the washroom where he was cornered by some members of the football team.

"We don't want any fags flashing their asses here in our school!" "Are you a Homo too?" "If you were straight you would never agree to live in a den of fags." "You want to suck my cock?" They tormented him.

Mark tried to push his way out, but there were at least five guys holding him against the wall and they were all athletes. He didn't know them all, but they all wore the team jacket which had their letters pressed to the front.

"You're all nothing more than bigots! Let me go!" Mark tried to yell above their voices.

Suddenly a fist slammed into his face. And then punches came from every side. He slid down the wall as he was punched and kicked. Once he fell unconscious, the thugs left in a hurry feeling proud that they had done their part to keep America free of perverts and queers. Mark laid in a pool of blood until his best friend, Peter, came looking for him. He alerted the dean of discipline who in turn told him to get the school nurse while he called an ambulance. Mark was rushed to St. Vincent's hospital. He awoke in the emergency room surrounded by doctors and nurses all working hurriedly. He heard the voice of a priest saying some prayers over him.

"I'm not Catholic, Father." He managed to say.

"Are you a Christian? Would you prefer I call a pastor?"

"No, I'm not baptized." Mark said.

"Do you believe in Jesus Christ and life everlasting?" The priest asked him anxiously.

"I think so ... yes, I do." Mark said as he recalled Ryan's words from the funeral and coughed up some blood.

"Would you like me to baptize you now?" The priest asked sympathetically as the doctors moved to push needles into his arms and tubes down his nose.

"Yes, please if you can. I don't want to die." Mark said now feeling more pain.

The priest immediately poured water over Mark's head and baptized him with the ancient words of the sacred rite given by Jesus himself to the apostles, "Mark, I baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit."

Mark passed out and began to feel a closeness to God as he saw his parents reaching out to him with their love.

Back at school the police began an immediate investigation. Within hours they had identified one of the attackers and under pressure from the detectives interrogating him, he soon gave them the names of the others involved. They were arrested and charged under the provisions of the Hate Crimes legislation.

The dean of discipline had gone along in the ambulance and was in the waiting room when Ryan and Kyle arrived. Both were physically shaken since they had received a call from the headmaster informing them of the attack. After a while the chaplain came out of the emergency room and introduced himself to Ryan and Kyle.

"I was here when they brought him in. He was in very bad shape but he's still alive. The doctors will have to fill you in on his condition. He asked to be baptized which I did just before he passed out. I also anointed him with the sacrament of the sick. I will keep him in my prayers."

Within minutes the waiting room was filling with reporters. Finally the chaplain showed the three men to a private waiting area away from the paparazzi. Both Ryan and Kyle sat holding one another. Ryan began to pray and asked God to give Mark the strength to survive and to one day forgive his attackers. This surprised Kyle but impressed the chaplain.

"Those bastards should be given the electric chair! Goddam it." Kyle said angrily.

"Kyle, baby, its OK to be angry. I'm angry too. But most likely the boys that did this to Mark are probably gay themselves." The chaplain listened attentively to Ryan and noticed that he had called Kyle, 'baby.' He then noticed how they were holding each other's hands and comforting one another.

"What? That's so ironic. You mean to tell me gay guys beat Mark perhaps to death and he isn't gay! Damn." The chaplain was really confused by what Kyle had said, but continued to listen attentively.

"It comes from living in a prejudiced society. They learn that if they allow their true feelings out that they will be rejected like Bill. So they fight to repress their homosexuality by attacking it wherever they see it. They are really just trying to distance themselves; to say that being gay is not them." Ryan explained. The chaplain understood what Ryan was saying and wondered if he had contributed to society's rejection of homosexuals.

"If I could just get my hands on one of them, I'd choke him to death with my bare hands!" Kyle said, expressing what he was feeling.

"So you side with the society that wants to suppress gays ... you want to strike out at it, at the unknown. It would make us no better than them." Ryan confronted Kyle. "I am glad you are sharing your feelings and thank you for that, but I hope you will do some serious soul searching before acting on them."

After what seemed like hours, the doctor came out and informed Ryan that Mark had sustained some serious injuries, but was now stable. They were sending him up to the ICU. Once he was all set up there, they could see him for just a few minutes.

"We have him pretty heavily sedated, so he won't respond. Depending on how it goes tonight maybe tomorrow we will allow him to wake." The doctor said and then went out to meet with the reporters and said pretty much the same to them.

Ryan and Kyle continued their prayers for Mark. They both offered to remain celibate until Mark recovered; both thought it was a small sacrifice to make for their son. The chaplain prayed with them and asked the Lord to bless Ryan and Kyle's love and family.

The next chapter is ready to post, but we find it necessary to wait until we receive at least 10 emails confirming that our readers are continuing to follow this saga.

Next: Chapter 15

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