Master and the Mate

By Deep Diver

Published on Jan 9, 2007


This story is copyrighted to the author. You are welcome to download for personal use but not for sale or profit. The series is homoerotic with detailed descriptions of sex between consenting males age eighteen and above including domination, bondage and s/m. If this is not your scene please leave this site NOW. Also if you are underage to read this type of material or it is illegal in your country please leave. This means you if you are younger than 18!

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Then Ryan sucked one ball into his mouth and played tongue and ball before he sucked the second testicle into his mouth. He then created a vacuum in his mouth and Kyle's chest heaved forward. Ryan let the balls fall from his lips but continued to lick his way up Kyle's shaft he was now a full six inches fully stiff. As Ryan moved his tongue up the under side of Kyle's penis it began to spasm and he spewed forth wads of cum as his toes curled, his muscles tensed and his body convulsed and he moaned dazedly and incoherently.

Time passed slowly as Ryan wraptly watched the beautiful youth's body slowly settle as Kyle recovered from the sensory overload he'd just experienced. Finally, after several minutes, Kyle's eyes opened and he spoke: "Wow, I never imagined anything could be so great!" Kyle said gratefully, gazing at the satisfied figure of his captain

The Master and the Mate - by Deepdiver

CHAPTER 3 - Any Port in a Storm

Ryan left Kyle resting on the massage table and went behind the wet bar to wash his hands. He returned with a towel and gently cleaned up his first mate. After a few minutes Ryan spoke.

"OK, my turn now, but don't worry, you don't have to go as far as I did."

Kyle slowly came out of the state of euphoria he was enjoying from the sensual massage he'd just received and started preparing his hands with lubricant and then began working on Ryan's feet. As his hands began massaging the sole of Ryan's right foot he noticed what great shape his legs were in. He marvelled that if he only looked at the captain's legs and feet he would have no hint of the man's age. Unlike his own legs, Ryan's legs were covered with hairs which compared with Kyle's downy legs made them seem more masculine.

True to Kyle's ability to learn quickly, he massaged his boss's legs with confidence and before he even got anywhere near his genitals, Ryan was fast asleep. After washing his hands, Kyle went out on the main deck for some fresh air and deeply inhaled the cool sea breeze drifting across the marina. In his mind he recalled all the events of the day and each of them evoked a sense of well-being, until he recalled the feel of Ryan's expert hands on his private parts, when he began to feel somewhat ambigueous.

On the one hand the pleasure he gave himself through his auto-erotic explorations were always enjoyable they had never reached the same intensity as he had earlier in the evening. On the other hand, what did that imply? Sex was never a big issue in his life; yes, he enjoyed playing with himself occassionally but he had never imagined doing it with soneone of the same sex and much less an older man. It was not possible that he was homosexual; he was always uncomfortable around gay people especially the more effeminate ones. He had never imagined or dreamt of sex with a man come to think of it, he had never imagined having sex with anyone. His favorite image was of being taken by some anonymous being that would take his cum from him. Yes, this must be the key. It was not gay sex he enjoyed, but the fact that Ryan had taken his semen that satisfied his fantasy. Yes this had to be why it felt so good, he thought, and relaxed himself as he convinced himself that he felt no sexual attraction to his boss or to any other man.

His reverie was broken by the sound of the glass door opening as Ryan stepped out onto the deck; he stood by Kyle looking up into the night sky.

"So how was your first day?" he inquired.

Kyle replied "I loved every minute of it; oh sorry, I didn't finish the massage, but you were fast asleep and I didn't want to wake you." He ended apologetically.

"No matter, the goal was to relax me and you reached that goal just fine. Want to watch a movie I brought out?" Ryan said invitingly.

Ryan asked Kyle to fix him a black Russian while he went to retrieve the DVD. Kyle had no idea how to mix drinks, and said so; but Ryan explained that there was a recipe book in the wet bar as he left for his stateroom. Kyle found the book and carefully followed the recipe to make two doubles, and set them on the bar and tThen dimmed the lights in the main cabin before drawing the curtains.

Kyle had just finished with the curtains when Ryan returned with favorite movie 'The Torch Song Trilogy.' They both got into he movie; Kyle had never seen a movie like it and Ryan, although he had seen it many times, loved watching handsome Matthew Broderick and the wonderful love scene in the hayloft. He also noticed Kyle's tumescence during that scene.

"So what did you think of it," Ryan said to Kyle as he shut down the DVD player and changed the channel on the TV to watch the news on CNN.

"I found it somewhat depressing to be honest," Kyle said sombrely.

"Oh, and why was that?" Ryan said, very much the psychologist.

"Well, the reaction of the mother was hard to take. She was so self-centered and unable to appreciate her own son's feelings. It was as if he was only supposed to feel what she felt. Damn she was a bitch; and his death -- that was so unexpected. Why do people hate gays so much?" Kyle answered.

"You seem to identify with his having a cold mother. Was she in someway like your own mom?" The doctor continued to explore Kyle's mind.

"Huh?" Kyle reacted, "You trying to psyche me out?"

"Hey, just tell me to stop if you feel that I am digging too much into you." Ryan said, retreating slightly, not wanting to scare off his prey.

"No, I don't feel that you're prying. It's just that I hadn't thought about it. My mom was somewhat of a domineering woman. She controlled or tried to control everything at home. My dad liked to drink, but she kept him in line, but sometimes I felt he was cowed by her. She was a powerful woman -- I don't mean physically but when she wanted something, she knew how to get it and did some impressive things. But when she turned on you ... well, I don't think she knew how others felt." Kyle reflected out loud.

"Well, I think I am feeling the effects of that drink you made us. Goodnight Kyle, see you in the morning." Ryan said, turning to leave.

"Thanks captain, thanks for everything today." Kyle said as his skipper left the open deck.

Before turning in, Ryan turned on his PC to check his email. He saw his old friend Edwin was online from his IM Buddies list and he sent him an instant message. "All well?" was all he wrote. After a few minutes Edwin responded with. "All well, but I miss your big cock ."

Ryan had mixed feelings about the response. He always noted that his old friend never said, 'I miss you.' Thoughtfully he typed: 'I miss hugging and kissing you.' and clicked Send.

"Me too. Show me your cock so I can remember why I loved having you penetrate my ass." Was Edwin's response.

Ryan wanted so much more of Edwin than some video cyber-sex and it hurt to be asked to show himself. He wanted to be with Edwin so badly he actually felt physical pain and because of it could not get erect on camera and he knew if he showed himself, Edwin would ask him to get an erection and they both would end up frustrating each other. It was a no win situation.

"Maybe next time," Ryan wrote, now feeling the depression that the movie evoked in him as well. So they both wished each other a good night and the cyber encounter wound up being just as frustrating any way.

Kyle laid down in one of the lounge chairs on the deck and continued to reflect on the day's events. He smiled as he recalled letting the crab get away and the wonderful flavor of the spaghetti sauce that Ryan had prepared for dinner. Soon the cool summer night air lulled him to sleep and he dreamt of piloting the yacht across a sparkling coral blue sea with Ryan standing at his side resting his hand on his shoulder.

      • Thanks to Dave L for his faith proof reading

Test your reading skills:

What is Ryan's last name?

What is the name of Ryan's yacht?

Where is Ryan's yacht moored?

What is Ryan's old friend's name?

Next: Chapter 4

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